The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Chary imagined what Concord and Adam were thinking of him right now. He said he would only be gone for “a little bit,” but he found himself following the Hypno for more than an hour, waiting for him to choose a spot for his lunch.

    Finally, despite some part of Chary wishing he wouldn’t, The Hypno did eventually decide to take a break. The place was standard. They sat on a bench by a brick building, with an alleyway within earshot. An alleyway where some would sleep to get away from the late-night hecklers and noise. Ever since Chary had that fateful run-in on the beach, he noticed it hadn’t been used as much. However, in a stroke of luck for Chary, there was still a lone Formantis. Whether it was because they ran away from home, just got lost, or something else entirely, it didn’t matter. No matter what, it was perfect for what he was going to do.

    ‘Is this really what I want?’ His plan was sketchy at best, and impossible at worst. ‘If they just kept him in prison and gave me the credit, I wouldn’t have to go this far.’ 

    A million similar thoughts raced through Chary’s head as he paced in the alleyway.

    ‘Even if it doesn’t work, at least I’ll be remembered. They’re cold and shivering anyways, signs of being on their deathbed, so why not make it for a noble cause?’ 

    Chary began to quiver with worry before pulling the blast seed out of his bag. ‘Every plan of mine has failed. It’s not my fault.’ 

    He stared at the seed as he tried to overcome his fear. ‘Of course, this is what I want. It’s been my life goal, above everything else. It’s all-important, above my parents, above my brother, above others, and now-’ 

    He sighed as he counted down the seconds. ‘Three… two… one…’

    Above life.’

    The result was just what he expected. A loud explosion erupted, sending rubble and blood spraying everywhere. The Fomantis that had just been shivering in their sleep a moment ago now laid motionless, a broken, blood-soaked heap of dead, charred flesh.

    “What was that noise?” Hypno shouted in a panic. As anticipated, the horrible act drew attention. Chary rounded the corner, running over to confront him just as the wall collapsed on where the Umbreon once was

    “Freeze! Hypno, you’re under arrest!”

    “Drat! Another miss!” Adam groaned, smacking the crossbow in frustration. There wasn’t much sunlight left in the day for him to keep messing up. Adjusting the arrow’s chamber to the left, shifting a limb upwards, and balancing the stock — getting every component just right was crucial for achieving consistent shots. Yet, even if he had the best crossbow ever made, consistency meant nothing if he couldn’t compensate for the shakiness in his hands. He just had to get better.

    Practice, practice, practice! And I’ll get better.’ The Eevee repeated to himself, leaving his words to echo throughout.

    “Maybe you should move the target closer?” Concord suggested.

    Chary had gone out to do something, but left him and Concord in the dark about what it was. Adam by no means would blow up the house if he was left alone, but the Buizel still insisted on watching him anyway.

    “Yeah, right,” he scoffed. “What am I supposed to do in an actual fight? Yell ‘Hey, come over here so I can shoot you!?”

    “Maybe the target isn’t supposed to move, but you are,” she corrected herself.

    Adam thought about it — she made a good point, after all. But Adam couldn’t move that fast with a stiff leg brace holding him upright. At least, not at the moment, and taking it off and putting it back on again for every fight would be too slow. 

    ‘How much effort am I going through to make this work, how many times have I tried to convince myself to keep going this day alone?’ Adam thought. What would it be like tomorrow? Next week? Next month? He tried to push those thoughts away, instead trying to solve the problems in front of him. ‘The legbrace stops me from running, but I need the legbrace to use the crossbow.’ He effectively rammed his head into a brick wall over and over again trying to think of a solution.

    Adam put down the crossbow, having lost all hope in getting it all working.

    The Hypno entered, struggling against Chary’s grip. It was a small space, just a room with a desk, a chair, and a back wall replaced by two cells, one bed, and one toilet inside each. It was bare, lacking even the most basic of details. The harsh and hard gray bricks gave no sign of life having been here, but that was a good thing. It meant the cells had never been used frequently enough to warrant any overhaul.  (Even if said overhaul was much needed for security) 

    “Oh let me guess, you two are a few prankster teenagers here to pester me?” A Vaporeon leaned forward in his chair. Chary had to admit that they both looked young enough to pass as teenagers, but he had other things on his mind at the moment. “Well, beat it! I’m not going to ‘Move the prison to outside so it would be more secure.’, I am not going to partake in your fantastical roleplaying, and no, nobody named “Fart Eater” has been here recently!” There was a pause. Chary spoke first.

    “Officer, I’m being serious! I have apprehended a murderer!” Chary declared.

    “I didn’t murder shit!” The Hypno retorted, continuing to struggle against Chary’s grip.

    “Who’d he kill? The Vaporeon asked.

    “Officer Aza? Is that you?” Chary stopped for a moment, thinking about the paper. “This Hypno here… he committed murder, alone in a dark alley with no witnesses. It seemed like the perfect crime until I showed up. When he noticed me, he attempted to arrest me for the murder!” Chary lied.

    “Oh, did he? It hasn’t been long since his release!” Aza leaned forward in their seat.

    “Released? That implies he was a criminal before this! He must be guilty! I say guilty!” Chary gasped. “Aren’t you glad I caught him again? We can’t have someone like that on the streets!”

    “Actually, we released him due to lack of proof. Do you have any?” Chary’s face tensed with frustration.

    “Well, uh, you see, I was in such a rush that I didn’t grab any!”

    “I didn’t do it; you did!” The Hypno shouted angrily.

    “Little Hypno, do you have any proof this Umbreon did it?”

    “Uh, I saw him do it, and-”

    “Well, you’re both free to go then. Let me know if you find anything to prove their guilt,” Aza said to both of them. They slowly walked out, moving in opposite directions before sprinting away from each other and out of sight.

    Aza sat back down, awaiting the next case. “Hah. I bet those teenagers were just having a spat. I doubt they’ll be returning soon.” A Lurantis sprinted into the room, slamming the door wide open.

    “Officer, help! Someone killed my son!”

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    1. Feb 16, '24 at 4:53 am

      The Team Aide

      Well, that was an interesting five chapters. I’m struggling to put into words just what I felt after reading these. And no, that’s not a bad thing. I actually enjoyed it quite a bit. I just don’t know where to start.

      I guess I’ll start at the beginning.

      Good on you for making things as brief as possible. I’ve seen the standard pmd opening several times before and even written it myself and it’s always nice when it doesn’t drag. In this case, it speeds by so fast I’m struggling to keep up. Very to-the-point.

      Our main character with about the most human name you can think of is accosted by two college dropouts to join the fraternity and make their function legit, all while making it abundantly obvious that he is not welcome to the party on the weekend. They then slip him some magic mushrooms through the punch bowl and force him to accept a verbal contract. End chapter.

      Adam joins the guild next and honestly I genuinely enjoyed the scene at the library. At first I was under the impression Chary was trying to control Adam in a way, but maybe it’s better to say that Chary has no idea what he’s fucking doing lmao.

      As for the “lore dump,” I found it very natural. Just right into it, giving a bit of context. I also really liked how Lurantis caught him at the end, very well done.

      As for the next chapter I’ll admit I wasn’t entirely sure what to make of it. At first I thought this fic would fall into a sort of slice of life structure, but boy was I wrong. That first scene was essentially just a set up for Adam getting the leg brace. Then breaking into a brothel…apparently? Is that what happened, it’s not really clear. Which is probably the point.

      In between Adam makes himself a crossbow because I guess he assumes he needs it. I feel like there should have been a scene showing him coming to that conclusion instead of him just deciding that this was what he would be doing. Maybe that’s just the kind of guy he is, I dunno.

      There’s something so uniquely ominous about “all of the birds are gone” and not elaborating. It was built up well too. That along with the Hypno, the other Adam, and just the general vibe, after a while I was really starting to wonder where the hell things were going.

      I was not expecting Chary to blow up a child, that’s for sure. The scene was so viscerally violent too that I literally said “Jeeesus” out loud as I read it. What a kick in the head. And then Chary attempts to turn the Hypno in, they get labeled as a couple of teenagers, then get turned away by someone who shouldn’t have the job they do. Did the Hypno actually do anything or not, I don’t know.

      The whole thing felt like a nightmare. Nobody acted rationally and it was over before I understood what was happening. It was so absurd.

      If there’s one thing I can say about that, I wasn’t expecting it and I won’t be forgetting it. Sure got my attention.

      In general, I liked it! A very strange 5 chapters to read at 3 am, but I’m glad I checked it out. Keep up the good work.