The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Thanks to Tikki for betareading!

    Adam peered down the guild hallway. It was a long, curving corridor, and judging by the fact that every door was on the right, he assumed that it was a circle that ensnared all the rooms. As they passed by the cafeteria, they could hear hungry Pokemon gathered to eat enjoying uproarious laughter. When they passed by the storage room, they could see figures of Pokemon meticulously recording everything the guild owned. 

    …And then in the offices where they were headed, there was bureaucracy. The room he was in was small and cramped, having just barely enough room to fit him, Chary, and Azumarill across the desk.

    “You just have to sign here,” The receptionist slid a paper and pencil to Adam.

    Adam stared at it, trying to remember when the last time he signed something was. Snapping back to reality, he took the pencil and allowed his paw to move across the sheet as guided by instinct.

    “Um, okay. Here you go.” Adam picked up the paper and handed it back to the Azumarill, who let it sit on her desk.

    Chary leaned over his shoulder, trying to decipher what he put down. “Really? Is that your signature?” It resembled a field of grass more than it did a name. Adam tried to come up with an explanation, but before he could say anything, the Guild receptionist tucked the paper behind her desk.

    “It’s good enough. You said someone else was filling out the other details in another room, right?” The receptionist asked for confirmation.

    “Yes. Thank you for your help!” Chary smiled a wide grin.
    “No problem. Newcomers are always welcome. If my office is ever closed, you can visit the library just a few doors down to ask questions.” She focused on Adam as she spoke.

    “What’s in the library?” Adam scratched his chin.

    “It’s filled with books on eeeeevery imaaaginable subjeeect~,” the Azumarill tried to accompany her drawn-out words with an arcing gesture, but her short arms made it very unconvincing. 

    As they left, Adam thought about the questions he had yet to answer. 

    ‘Why is he here? What is this place? Who was that person in my dream?’ He imagined himself reading and finding the answers to all of these questions, then he remembered he still couldn’t do that exact thing.

    Adam dismissed his worries and decided that going to the library and trying anyway was worth the risk.

    “While Concord is handling paperwork, how about we check out the library?” Adam asked, seizing what little opportunity he had. Chary looked around to ensure no one was within earshot before he replied.

    “I think we should stick together. The library can wait,” he said.

    Unfazed, Adam persisted. “It’s just a few meters away!” He pointed to the large ornate wooden doorway. “I mean, I can literally see the bookshelves from here!”

    “We don’t know what might come up. Perhaps she’ll need our help with something?” He furrowed his brow, expecting Adam to stop talking. 

    “You’re stretching,” he replied. To him, it looked like he was going to be supervised by the two all day every day after this point, so giving up so easily was not an option.

    “Fine, alright. I guess we can go,” Chary sighed.

    Wandering inside, it was a place to behold. Enormous shelves spanned the entire left side, each tall enough to almost touch the ceiling. Small wooden tables and chairs were scattered about, filling in the missing space left behind by the shelves. A Lurantis stood at a desk in the front, overseeing it all.

    Adam shuffled quickly to the nearest shelf with Chary closely behind him. Adam didn’t have a plan, and he would need to think of one quickly.

    “Chary, let me know if you see any books on amnesia.” Adam pretended to scan the shelves along with him, carefully observing each title. In reality, however, he was just hoping that Chary would find one for him.

    After a full two minutes of looking without as much as a peep from Chary, Adam began to get worried. How long could he pretend to peruse the shelves before he got suspicious? A timer began to tick down in his head as he swayed back and forth.

    ‘Come on Chary, say something!’ Adam internally screamed. ‘Maybe he already knows I can’t read? Is he doing this just to make fun of me?’ The thought came across his mind, but he didn’t know what to think of it. All he knew was that he needed to find a way out. 

    Meanwhile, Chary was just happily helping to look for his friend. 

    “Oh, here’s one!” Chary pulled out a book just as Adam was about to turn around and check if he was even still there. He didn’t show it, but the amount of relief coming off that Eevee was off the charts.

    “Thank you! Thank you so much!”

    Chary was taken aback by his gratitude and didn’t know how to respond. “Hey, no worries! Why don’t you go sit down and read that? I’ll be back soon,” he walked away as he spoke, leaving Adam all alone.

    Posited over the book, Adam didn’t know how to continue. He couldn’t read, and pretending to do so wasn’t going to cut it this time. Without Chary, it got very quiet.

    For the first time since he woke up here, there were no grasshoppers, no chatter or wind. The only noises in the entire room were the dull muffled leftovers coming from the far wall where the cafeteria was, and the silent movements of the librarian by her desk.

    Adam looked the Lurantis over as she sorted through piles of books. They were a librarian– a scholar. She could probably tell Adam something about amnesia. He just needed to find the right approach without blowing his cover.

    ‘Find a way to lift the curse.’ his dream voice echoed in his head.

    “… Hey, uh, excuse me?”


    “I was… I was reading this part here, and I wanted to hear your opinion on it.”

    She tilted her head at Adam. Setting the rest of the pile aside, the Lurantis walked over to his chair and peered over his shoulder. Waiting for her to finish reading felt like ages, and the whole time Adam couldn’t see her face change.

    “… All of this seems accurate. I personally think that Uxie intentionally put their dungeon deep in Foggy Grove because they hate visitors. If I was a god of memory, maybe I would be able to remember that guests are annoying. but as the book says; nobody knows.” She tapped her claw thoughtfully against her cheek. “But this part is outdated. We’re not due for a new dungeon for a while if I’m not mistaken.”

    Adam had to shut his eyes to keep them from popping out of his head.

    ‘Uxie’s dungeon is in Foggy Grove? Isn’t that where I woke up? That’s too much of a coincidence! I could meet them– ask them what’s going on and why the hell I’m here!’

    “… A new dungeon?” Adam could hardly hold back his excitement.

    “Oh yes, many.” The Lurantis smiled, looking wistfully over the shelves. “Though I didn’t know too well about them either. I would just hear news about a dead human and cheers of excitement for a new dungeon.”

    Adam went wide-eyed at the prospect of people cheering about dead humans, but the Lurantis didn’t see it. ‘Maybe that’s what Concord and Chary were warning me about.’

    “Why are humans brought here?”

    “Well, as the book said–” the Lurantis tapped one of the paragraphs. “Nobody really knows, but there are a few theories, such as them being a test, a reward, or a carrier of vengeance. The book is too old to say it, but recently a new theory has cropped up after the last human; that they’re supposed to be ultimatums; kill them right then and there for the dungeon, or wait for something bigger.”

    Adam tried to keep his cool. He was aware of just how suspicious he looked staring in shock at the page, so he tried to look like he was just very interested. His eyes were locked on the illustrations of giant monsters and flaming buildings. They were simple, but they painted a grave picture.

    In an attempt to throw her off the scent, Adam threw his finger down on the illustrations at the top of the page. “What do you think happened?”

    Glancing at the book for only a moment before looking back at Adam again, she answered, “I personally am starting to buy into that newest theory myself. It was difficult to believe at first, but the evidence really is all around us.”

    Not asking more was absolutely killing him. What does that even mean? Where exactly was Uxie? How could he reach them? What did they bring him here for? All things that the Lurantis may have known the answers to, but none of which he could ask without revealing his identity.

    “… Have you ever met a human, Eevee?”

    The Lurantis’ voice cleared his head like a bang of a gong. His heart beat hard in his chest.

    “No–… No, I’m just curious, is all. I’ve never-” 

    “Adam! Concord finished with our paperwork, let’s go!” Chary shouted. Desperate for an out, the voice of Chary had never sounded sweeter. Adam silently apologized to the Lurantis as he got up from his chair. 

    “If you need any more help reading any passages, just ask. There’s no shame in not yet knowing how to read, even at your age.” The Lurantis whispered in Adam’s ear, and his face turned red.

    He rushed out of the room in embarrassment, and immediately got roped back into another conversation once he was out of earshot.

    “So, what did you discover in the library?” Chary tried to start a conversation.

    “I read about humans and Uxie!” The eevee lied. Despite what the Lurantis said, his inability to read was a secret he was too ashamed to share.

    “Uxie’s dungeon, huh?” Concord asked before glancing at Chary. “You know, that Pokemon can reverse amnesia!”

    “Wait, really?” Adam uttered in surprise, his curiosity surged once again. “What else can they do?” Chary and Concord stared at each other in apparent confusion, silently exchanging a series of strange looks.

    “They are the god of Knowledge, so just about anything related to that,” Chary said eventually. “Maybe they can reveal the path to fame for me?”

    “You have to get inside first, but yeah-” Concord’s eyes went wide with regret as she realized her mistake.

    “That settles it! We’re going to Uxie’s Dungeon!” Chary swiftly dashed off the instant he heard. 

    “Chary!” Concord yelled, trying to stop him.

    Adam looked up at Concord, expecting her to go running to catch him, but she didn’t. The Buizel just stood there with a disappointed look on her face.

    Moments later, Chary returned with a sheepish smile.

    “Um, where is Uxie’s dungeon?”

    “So, Adam, here’s another fun fact, Uxie can not only reverse amnesia, but they can also induce it! Just something to keep in mind as a possibility. Amnesia erases most things- but some things can be preserved, like language and subconscious memories!”

    Chary groaned, “Concoooord…”

    “Oops, sorry, got on a bit of a tangent there.”

    “How do you know all this stuff?” Adam asked.

    “Oh, I read books too, silly!” Concord stuck out her tongue and made a funny face, before looking at her map again. “…And would you look at that, we’re here!”

    Adam surveyed his surroundings. The ground was cloaked in a plush carpet of moss, and the trees seemed to reach endlessly toward the sky, their leaves shrouded in a thick-

    “Wait a minute, this is where I woke up!” He exclaimed. “See, that’s the exact root I woke up on!” 

    “Really? Well, this is where the dungeon is! Do you think Uxie had anything to do with your missing memories?” Concord speculated.

    “Heck yeah! Why else would I wake up here?”

    “But why? Who would bring you here and do this to you?” Chary put his paw up to his face in anger.

    “I don’t know-” Suddenly, an idea flickered in Adam’s mind. “Maybe I came here on my own, and-“

    “Let’s not entertain that thought,” Chary interjected, forcing a chuckle to lighten the mood.

    “Well, for now, all we can do is wait here,” Concord was quick to change the topic, settling against a nearby tree.

    “I think you’re right. Let’s hope luck is on our side and we get to witness it open,” Chary raised an imaginary toast to Adam, who reciprocated.

    “I doubt it,” Concord teased with a grin.

    “I don’t think I ever asked, but why did you both make a guild team?” Adam asked, attempting to pass the time.

    “Because one day, I want to be remembered as someone great, someone who will have their name taught in school. I want to be famous!” Chary’s ambitions seemed childish to Adam, but they carried a certain charm.

    “I could guess. And you, Concord?”

    “Hey, I’m just here to support him. That’s what friends do, right? Even if that’s not my goal, I’m still here for the journey.” Chary nodded in agreement as the trio settled in for the wait.

    “Hey, little guy! Want to make a bet?” Chary suddenly spoke up after the bout of silence. Adam perked up.

    “Oh! Uh, what’s it about?” He asked.

    “I bet I can wait faster than you!” Chary declared. 

    Adam chuckled before accepting the challenge. “You’re on!”

    The two of them stood- …sat facing each other, arms folded, as they intensified their patience.

    Waiting, waiting waiting. A true battle of waits. Adam focused his waiting energy, and Chary did the same. Locked on to their goal, they kept upping the waiting, until someone had to reach their limit of patience. Who will win?

    “This isn’t working,” Adam stated after a few seconds.

    “So that means I win!” Chary celebrated his supposed victory until Adam posed a simple question.

    “Did you wait faster?”

    Chary frowned, and his arms fell back to his sides. “Concord was right. Nothing’s happening. Are you hungry? I’ve got some food.” Chary pulled out his bag, but noticed Adam staring with a mischievous smile.

    “Wait, Chary, you’re a genius! Maybe we can lure it out with food!” 

    “That’s the most ridiculous idea I’ve ever heard… but let’s give it a shot.” Chary retrieved a single large orange and set it down carefully. They both backed away, waiting in anticipation. The two stared at each other as Concord struggled to hold back her laughter.

    “Look, Uxie’s eating it! …No, wait, that’s just dirt on its side.” Adam winced at his own stupidity.

    “This isn’t working. Let’s just go.” Chary was quick to give up, and he started to walk away, followed by Adam and Concord. Before they had even left the area, Adam swore he heard a faint chuckle behind him. Expecting a hollering Buizel, Adam turned around and instead saw that the berry was gone.

    “Chary, look!” He exclaimed.

    “The berry! It’s gone!”

    “It seems Uxie really does hate guests after all,” Adam sighed, but Chary was noticeably irritated.

    “You know what? I don’t even want your help, you cheapskate!” Chary huffed. “Come on, let’s go.”

    After they left, the forest went silent once more, with no sound breaking the tranquility except for a Hypno, who loudly devoured an orange without a care in the world.


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