The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    A slip of pinkish-red jolted through the streets, squeezing its way under an idly standing Mightyena and tumbling down the road without hesitation.

    Oh, when I evolve and get done with these silly little legs! Yes, that’ll be it!

    Letting out a frustrated gasp, the ball-shaped figure stumbled on its heels, bouncing against the hard concrete ground and sending the bag strapped around itself flying forward into an unsuspecting Slowpoke.

    The Slowpoke let out a little burp before turning around. A dazed and sprained Cherubi lay headfirst in the middle of the street, muttering and rasping apologies.

    “Euugh.. owwwow..”

    The Slowpoke crawled forward and examined the small mon.

    “You alright kid?”

    “Nonono.. I’m.. I’m fine….” The small pokémon turned over its side, dangling the small little ball behind it. “Sorry about that sir. These stubs aren’t great for running-“

    The water type nodded as the Cherubi struggled onto her feet, grunting as she went.

    “But I promise you this won’t be a common occurrence!”

    The Slowpoke gripped the fallen satchel and tossed it over the Cherubi’s side. “You got a name, kid?”

    The Cherubi looked up at the grey clouds above and then back at the Slowpoke. “My name’s Ruby.”

    The Slowpoke grinned. “I’m Rotri. I got a cousin named Louis who teases me all the time for it. Thinks it’s silly.”

    “Oh, that’s nice. Anyways uhm.. have a good day. See you around the neighborhood.”

    She checked to make sure her nutrients ball and satchel were secured before shuffling past.

    “See you around kid!”

    A Rookidee flew up ahead as Ruby darted through the streets, passing multiple different pokémon of various sizes and species, eyes fixed to the road and determined in pace. She tripped over herself once or twice before halting at a house that looked familiar, a small one-floor cottage nestled between two thin fences. A row of petunias graced the front yard, spreading its warmth like an outstretched hand. The house was not very unique itself, like many other things in Ruby’s life, but the softness of the garden made it stand out.

    After touching uncomfortable gravely roads all day, it’s nice to be back home and get back into something relaxing.

    Ruby blushed as she danced around in the grass, singing a short tune she had heard her aunt play whenever they were at home alone. I wonder if Aunt Jemma is inside playing it now too. Huh, maybe I should go inside and check.

    Ruby cast a concerned glance at the storm approaching before turning around towards the front door of the house, marveling at the wooden archway over the door. She sighed in realization as she tried to push the door open, announcing a frustrated grunt as the knob was too high up for her.

    Right. Can’t use doors on my own until I evolve. Maybe she’s out back?

    She waddled back down the steps and through the grass to the backyard gate. A single tackle caused the door to creak open, and she shuffled through to see a familiar figure in the back spreading a teal powder over a few blooming roses.

    “Aunt Jemma!”

    The confused Lilligant turned around quizzically but lit up at the sight of her niece.

    “Hello dear! I’m surprised to see you so late. Did the new students treat you well?”

    Ruby grinned. “Everyone’s new but… uhm. They did! There’s something I want to talk to you about if you don’t mind-“

    Jemma glanced back and forth before eventually laying her pearly eyes back at the small little Cherubi, who stood impatiently as if waiting to spill it all out.

    “Of course, dear.”

    Ruby nodded. “Well uhm.. I met a new friend. She was really nice!”

    The Lilligant leaned forward to rest a gentle hand over her small head, caressing with a mother’s love. “And what was her name, dear? Do you remember the type of pokémon?”

    “Hmm…” Ruby stared at the ground for a few seconds before looking back at Jemma with a smile. “Tori… and she was a Cottonee! She seemed really sad, she was even leaving cotton everywhere by accident…”

    Jemma blushed. “So you’ve been making friends, haven’t you!?”

    “I have!”

    “That’s my girl. C’mon, I made dinner.”

    She opened the patio door, yawning as Ruby tumbled inside.


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