The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    The farther they traveled, the rougher the terrain leaned, slowly curving out of its flat expanse. Up ahead, Mallku could see a few trees dotting the edges of the horizon, jutting out like sticks in the sand. They had been traveling through hilly terrain for quite a while now, maybe even a few hours, but the trees ahead really made Mallku smile.

    His old guild town was only a haul away. Not that he’d be visiting it ever again, but the idea of it made him feel a little nostalgic, and he was appreciative of that.

    New Barcelona shouldn’t be too far from here.

    Mallku looked down, reconnecting with the sight of Jirachi in his arms. The small mon looked a little agitated, somewhat tired, toying with the yellow streamers attached to their back. Like always, their eyes were baggy, and their smile was concealed under a frown.

    So much had changed in the past few years.

    “How’re you doing, kiddo?”

    Jirachi flinched, looking up at Mallku with their brows furrowed. “Just tired.”

    Not sure what else I was expecting. “We’ll be near the coast pretty soon. Once we get to the ferry, I’ll let you take as much of a nap you want.”

    The steel type sighed. “Not what I meant.”

    “Something bothering you?”

    Jirachi turned their head away, letting go of their streamers. “I’m just… wishing I still had my psychic power shit. Having you forced to carry me everywhere is embarrassing. Makes me feel pathetic. I pity myself every day at this point for fuck’s sake!”

    Mallku frowned. “Still got you down?”

    “Of course it is. It’s been more than a year since. Do you know many years I’ve lived? You wanna know how much I still have left? That’s right! An eternity! As long as I don’t fucking kill myself first.”

    “Please try not to.”

    Jirachi snorted. “Can only do half the things now that I could before. It’s not fair! I didn’t deserve any of this!”

    “Well… I’ll make it up for you, okay?” Mallku squeezed Jirachi a little tighter, wrapping the mon in a hug. “You can trust me. I’ll always be here.”

    Jirachi felt a little doubtful but didn’t say anything. As Mallku loosened his grip, the two of them turned back to their walk.

    They didn’t know how much longer they’d have this, but they weren’t going to give it up anytime soon.

    The convoy continued their journey forward in silence, traveling down the slope of the hill towards the assortment of trees in the distance. The valley was just as bare as the land before it, but small signs of life were increasingly apparent the farther ahead, Mallku spotting the first as they reached the trees, which were situated just a few steps away from a small cliff.

    At first glance, the trees seemed a little odd, sprouting here in empty fields with a lack of forestation or civilization around them. But then he saw it, then they saw it.

    Without a moment of hesitation, Mallku carefully dropped Jirachi onto the ground, making sure that they didn’t fall too hard, then zipped forward, stopping at the edge of the cliffside.

    Just over the valley was New Barcelona. A sprawling coastside situated along the edges of the Barschuft Sea, a town that Mallku had only been to once before, during a guild mission a few years back. But now, he could see the area had much more activity than before, with several flea markets and open-air vendors. There were a few hotels and taverns here and there, from the looks of his viewpoint, with colorful, wooden signs hanging over the buildings. Pokémon roamed the streets like tiny specks, pouring in and out of vendors in small crowds.

    The port town was impressive. He almost wished he could stay here for the night.

    Mallku spun around, waving to Heatran and Jirachi. “We’re almost there!”

    Heatran snorted in response, Jirachi groaned. The mons behind them, Lucy, Mai and Victini, squeezed between the two, racing forward to see the view over the valley.

    All this walking was nearly over.

    Mai was the first to reach Mallku, gazing over the town with kindled awe. She loosened her bag off her shoulder, taking out a strange, goggle-looking item that seemed oddly familiar, though Mallku wasn’t sure where he’d seen it from. The lens and temples were purple, and the rims orange. Mai positioned the item to the sun, hooking its glare on the lens and pointing it towards the ground.

    Mallku squinted in confusion, pointing a claw at it. “What… is that?”

    As Lucy and Victini shuffled to the side, Mai smiled. Her eyes were fixated on the goggles in her paws, shying away from looking at him. “It’s called a Scope Lens. Inheritance from my Pa. It’s a good luck charm, but that’s about it. I just like carrying it around with me nowadays.”

    “Have you… tried wearing it? Surely, it’s useful for something else.”

    Mai scoffed, clutching the Scope Lens pensively. “Nah, it doesn’t fit me. Didn’t fit my Pa either, but that didn’t stop him. It was pretty expensive, and I’m not just throwing it away either.”

    “If it’s from your dad, I could see why you’d keep it” Mallku replied. “Like a… way of remembering him?”

    Mai sighed and nodded, keeping quiet for the remainder of the vista.

    Lucy meanwhile stretched out her arms, doing a short twirl. “Ah this will be fun, will it not! Traveling! On boat!”

    Victini frowned. “Yeah… in the middle of the ocean…”

    Jirachi squirmed under Mallku’s legs, causing him to shriek and stumble back. “As long as Heatran doesn’t outweigh the boat with their fat ass” the steel type quipped. “We really don’t have any alternatives?”

    “Nope” Mallku answered, reaffirming his prior stance.


    The group kept quiet for a few more seconds, watching the town below and the boats that circled in and out of the port. Small, dot-sized pokémon tugged them, nearly a third to the size of the boat being pulled. Mallku found it a little impressive, and he wondered what kind of boat they’d get to travel on. Of course, he wasn’t about to push his luck, but a lingering doubt ached for him to think about it.

    There can’t possibly not be a boat for twenty… could there? Unless these ferries are meant for smaller, less compact groups…


    “Crap!” Mallku spun around, racing towards Heatran. Two brown traveling bags were fastened to the fire type’s side, straps reaching over their body and holding tight in a clamp. Mallku reached into one of the bags, pulling out a large, white tablecloth and two black cloaks, having hoods that were too small for his size.

    Victini inched forward, inspecting the garments. “What are these for?”

    Mallku awkwardly smiled, holding up the cloak in front of them. “For you and Jirachi.”

    “Wh… why would we need these?”

    “So we don’t get spotted as easily” Jirachi snapped. The steel type took the cloak out of his hands, donning it with an exasperated grumble. The cloth fit them nicely, but they weren’t in the mood to say anything. “Just put the damn thing on and get it over with.”

    Victini scowled, before taking the other. The cloak was slightly larger than Jirachi’s, having a larger hood to fit their ears, albeit fitting much poorly. It looked a little strange, Mallku had to admit, but it wasn’t like he had much else of an option. He was working with loose ends and beginnings from the start, so the cloaks would have to work. And if they didn’t, they’d improvise.

    Heatran looked at the white tablecloth, just about ready to burn it up. “What about this stupid blanket?”

    Mallku flinched, turning around. “That’s uh… for you, heh. I didn’t really have a choice, sorry.”

    “For what!?” Heatran roared. An ember let loose of his breath, singeing the grass below their feet. “What do you mean for me!? Do I look like a fucking table to you!?”

    Victini stepped forward in front of Mallku as the Weavile backed up. “Chill out. We were the ones who let you join us in the first place. Don’t take your anger out on him.” With a scoff, they whispered, “You whiny bitch.”

    Heatran stared Victini down for a few seconds, before groaning. “Fine. Put the fucking tablecloth on me. Let’s get this done with.”

    Mallku carefully reached for the blanket, draping it over Heatran awkwardly, reaching down to their legs, barely missing their feet. As Mallku backed up, he slowly realized how bad of a disguise it was.

    Jirachi smirked. “So how do you suppose we move them?”

    “I was thinking we could lie that they were cargo. M-maybe we could get mons on all sides to make it more believable?”

    Victini stepped forward, inspecting the cloth. “We… could. But how are we going to get Heatran in the boat? Captain might want to move it alone.”

    “Why not just push it ourselves?” Lucy offered, joining the conversation. They performed a delightful spin, flames dancing in colorful flickers. “After all, won’t taking care of the big things be the polite move?”

    “The captain is going to insist to do it themselves, though.”

    Lucy performed another spin, this one a little more joyful. “We’ll come up with something!”

    Mallku held up a grasped claw, nodding with a smile. “We will, I’m sure of it.” He spun around, reaching forward and scooping an unsuspecting Jirachi into his arms. “Anyways, we… need to get going. We don’t have time for shopping or anything like that today, the port closes at dusk.”

    “You have a reservation, right?” Jirachi queried.

    “Nope. Just hoping we get lucky.”




    By sundown, the seaport was in sight. Traveling through obscured streets off the trail of the main, they found secrecy much easier, moving with hushed tones and wary eye movements. Lucy and Mai guarded Heatran from the front, as Todd and Andesine shuffled from behind. Liz walked alongside them, surveying the surroundings on the alert. If anything jumped out, she would be ready.

    Ari felt a little annoyed as Andesine moved so slowly up front, but never said anything. The water type was making travel more frustrating than it already was, having to constantly stop so he could catch up with Todd.

    Mallku led them all through an underbrush, weaving his way down thick grass with Jirachi tight in his arms. The small forest situated next to the town was a little more difficult to travel through than expected, but he knew it would be short. Sunlight pierced its way through the leaves of the trees ahead, giving a source of relief through the denseness of the thicket.

    As he moved, he felt a tap on his arm, and quickly turned around to see Ari shortly behind.

    “Hey, Mallku?”

    “Yeah?” The Weavile stopped walking, turning around, as with Jirachi, who scowled at Ari.

    He ignored their expression. “How come I didn’t get any of the fancy shit you gave the others?”

    Mallku frowned, perplexed. “W-what?”

    “The cloaks?” Ari facepalmed and pointed to the one Jirachi was wearing. “These? Why didn’t I get something? I thought I was supposed to be in hiding too?”

    “Uh, well…” Mallku anxiously smiled, backing up two steps. “I figured I c-could just lie that you were a Salamence? Your species is a bit strange compared to the kind around here, so maybe most wouldn’t think too hard about it?”

    Ari sighed. “Y’know what I- nevermind.” He floated away, back to his previous spot in the line. “Let’s just keep moving” he snarled.


    Mallku winced, spinning back to the road ahead. Jirachi yawned in his arms, and for a moment he almost felt sleepy himself.




    Mai picked up Jirachi despite their bickering, holding them softly. “Shush” she hissed. “Not the time to be making noise. If any other pokémon see you we’re all in trouble.”

    Despite some hesitance, the steel type eventually complied. Liz watched them, giggling.

    “Is this what having kids is like?”

    Mai flashed a smile at her. “Let’s hope not.”

    Liz blushed, before turning her attention back towards Mallku, just across the space of the port. The Weavile argued with a Swampert as ships departed and returned around them, with several pokémon unloading crates and boxes. As the rest waited for him in the center, making sure to conceal Victini and Heatran as much as possible, Liz eventually decided she’d check on progress.

    “I’ll be back” the Roserade chirped, setting down her bag. “Watch my stuff.”

    “You got it!” Mai replied, saluting with an empty paw.

    Liz strolled towards the two with as much elegance as she could muster, though neither of them noticed. Nor did they notice anything else, as it seemed quite evident that they were indulged way too deep into their conversation.

    The Swampert, most likely the harbor pilot, rose a hand to his face with so much of a sneer that both Liz and Mallku were on the verge of feeling offended. “You want a ferry… for nineteen? What kind of crew are you taking with you!?”

    Mallku sighed, pointing towards the badge attached to his scarf. “Listen, okay? I’m from a guild, I know what I’m doing. I’ve been an ace-level explorer for years. I have all the confirmation right here.”

    The harbor pilot snorted curtly, before crossing his arms. “Hah, guildy shmildy. You got business or something? Merchants? We don’t just hand out ferries to filthy vagabonds or pilgrims, just because they have a dungeon-diver or two in the mix. Get a good reason or get a good going.”

    Before Mallku could reply, the two mons quickly caught sight of an incoming Roserade, interrupting the conversation with so much of a gentle presence.

    Liz cleared her throat, walking forward and resting a rose on Mallku’s shoulder. She stared the Swampert down with contempt, her scarlet eyes piercing through the pokémon’s amphibious skin and leaving a burn on his ego.

    “Excuse me, sir” she gestured, hiding her mouth behind her other rose. “But I have heard of a commotion, and I have come to see what the issue was. Hopefully there is no issue, yes?”

    Vines rose from behind Liz’s back like thin, green tentacles, stopping any interjection from the Swampert. “N-no, of course not miss. Never there would.”

    “Excuse me?”

    “Sorry, not what I meant to say” he blurted. “I-I’ll get a ship for your group right away.”

    The Swampert frantically paced in the other direction towards the docks, and Liz’s vines withdrawed back. Mallku sighed with both relief and assurance, returning a smiling to Liz.

    “You’re welcome” the Roserade murmured, lowering her roses to her chest.

    Mallku watched as the Swampert moved from mon to mon, asking if any had a ship that was large enough to fit twenty Pokémon, and nearing departure. He felt both secondhand embarrassment and irritation, being met with such hate and ignorance until someone else stepped in.

    “What a jerk…”

    “You know, I honor you with deep respect. Would’ve been impolite to leave you dealing with him alone.”

    Mallku flinched, eyes widening, before scratching his head. “Really?”

    “Yes” Liz answered, bowing. A small smile bloomed on her face, and her muscles relaxed. “We could have lost our chance there if I hadn’t stepped in. Alas, hopefully the pokémon leading our ship has a little more curtesy than him.”

    “If we even get a boat…” Mallku grumbled.

    After a few minutes of anxious waiting, the Swampert returned with a Grapploct to his left, carrying a white cap in his tentacles. The mon was quiet and relaxed, though Mallku became unnerved as the fighting type locked eyes with him. Disciplined and tough-looking, he could only assume that this was the pokémon who would be piloting the ship to Goji.

    The Swampert spoke up, clearing their throat. “This is Bor. He will be your ship captain for the entirety of this fli- I mean cruise. Cruise.”

    Bor, the Grapploct, reached forward and shook tentacle to rose with Liz. Mallku stretched open his claw next, only to be promptly ignored. The fighting type’s expression was unchanged as he did so, moving back to his spot next to the harbor pilot.

    “Where are you lookin’ to go, and how far?”

    “Lycan’s Dock” Mallku answered. “Goji continent.”

    Bor rose a tentacle to his face, thinking. “Two days travel… ride along the edges of the coast… shouldn’t be too difficult. Hmph, quite dangerous if we get into problems with weather, with such a dense ship.”

    “Will we be required of anything?” Liz queried.

    “No, not unless it is an emergency.” Bor shook his head, crossing his tentacles. “But don’t mess with the gum-scrapers when the ship is moving. No feeding, no harassing, no nothin’. Don’t want more of a mess than needed.”

    Mallku squinted. “Gum… scrapers?”

    “It’s what I call the indentured servants that pull the ship” Bor barked. “Kombu, Giant, and Bull; Dondozo, Basculegion, and Sharpedo. Name ‘em after kelp ‘cuz they all real bitey. They workin’ off their debt by pulling my ship.”

    Both Liz and Mallku were confused but didn’t say anything.

    Bor looked behind him, watching the sun as it neared its descent. “We’ll sort out payment when we get aboard. Right now, we need to move.”

    The Grapploct put his cap on, crawling back toward one of the ships near the eastern corners of the dock. Liz and Mallku look at each other, puzzled, before they eventually glanced back to the rest of the crew, who were waiting.

    “We got the ship!” Mallku shouted to them. “Let’s get going!”

    They went back and grabbed their things, then followed Bor with Jirachi in Mai’s grasp, and Ari carrying Mallku’s bag. The group travelled across the dock until they were caught up with the Grapploct, standing coldly in front of his boat.

    It… wasn’t that big, but it seemed enough to fit everyone. The tail of the ship was much larger than the front, sitting the largest of the three sails. The boat was made of a dark brown wood across the entirety of its sides, wrapping around it like some sort of shell. It seemed mostly empty right now, except for three figures at the head, having a shaded perception of being tethered to the ship.

    Mallku winced as Bor climbed up the walls of the ship with his tentacles. A strange, spongey sound could be heard as he moved, stopping once he jumped inside. A few clicks went off up above, and a large plank was set down against the surface of the dock, providing a small platform for everyone to walk up into the ship.

    Mallku quickly went up first, avoiding Bor and heading straight for the other side. His claws gripped the railing tight, gripping tighter as he looked over the edge. The waters were clear, not as salty as they would be if they were farther out in the ocean.

    The air felt both fresh and calming. For the next three days, he mused, he’d be able to relax. For a short while longer, they’d have their break from walking sunrise to sunset.


    Mallku looked back, watching as the rest of the group spilled onto the ship. Bor and Liz were held over discussion in front of Heatran and the cloth blanketing them. He turned forward, joining the conversation to see what they were talking about.

    Bor reached a tentacle towards the blanket, only to have it smacked away by Liz. The Roserade looked at him frustratingly, before faking a smile. “We’d uh… rather not have you touch it. It’s really valuable, and uh… kinda private.”

    The Grapploct raised an eyebrow in suspicion. “What? I’m not going to break it. I just want to make sure ye weirdos didn’t bring anything that could harm the ship.”

    As if on instinct, Lucy floated forward and blocked Bor from moving further. “Oh, but please, sir! Are you not the captain? Why don’t we take care of this for you?”

    Mai shuffled in between Lucy and Liz, nodding in agreement. “Yes! Might we offer a back massage while we do the hard work?”

    “Surely you are tired after working so effortlessly!”

    Bor paused, before groaning. “Fine, damnit. Just… pay me for the trip and I’ll get the ship started up.”

    Mai immediately glanced to Mallku, snapping him out of his trance with an ushered nod. He scampered towards his bag, which was still being held by Ari, and dumped out a pile of yellow coins from the front pocket. He clumsily picked them up, handing them to Bor. The Grapploct snatched his cap off from his head and poured the coins inside it before leaving for the front deck.

    Mallku let out a sigh, turning back to the rest of the crew.

    “You can all get yourself situated now.”

    In the snap of a claw, everyone else scattered towards the stairs, which led down to the cabins below the surface of the deck.




    Ruby trailed the crowd from behind, Alice to her left. Unlike the others, she was in no rush to assure her own nest on the ship. She wasn’t dissuaded with sharing one with Alice, since they got along just fine. What really unnerved Ruby was who she would be bunking with.

    As she moved down the hall, she considered her options. Tori would be a deathwish, especially after this morning. Liz and Mai would be good. Proteus would probably be okay, but the Galvantula has a habit of being talkative. Gabi or anyone else wouldn’t be awful.

    She saw Mallku skid ahead, and she immediately stopped. The Weavile stood in front of the crowd with his claws up, gesturing to them for them to wait.

    “I’ve already kinda assigned rooms” Mallku sighed. Everyone else groaned in response, until he pointed to the door farthest right. “This is Mai and Liz’s room only. I don’t want anyone else going in there.”

    Mai and Liz pushed to the front of the crowd, nigh on cue, waving thanks before taking their stuff inside and shutting the door. The rest looked at Mallku with pleading eyes, stiff with anticipation.

    The Weavile cleared his throat, before pointing to the three doors on the left side of the wall. “These rooms are for you all. Filter in as you like, just don’t bicker. Remember, first come first serve.”

    As the remnants of the crowd shuffled into the three rooms, Ruby saw Tori still standing in front of Mallku, arms crossed. The Whimsicott squinted, before demanding “What’s the other room on the right for?”

    “That’s for Jirachi, Victini and me.”

    Tori fumed. “And how come Mai and Liz get their own rooms but we don’t!? That’s unfair!”

    “They contributed the most to this expedition” Mallku barked. “Plus, they’re a couple. Let them have their peace.”

    “So the rest of us are just pawns to you, huh? Is that how it is? Picking favorites just because you happen to like someone more than another?”

    Mallku backed up. “What!? No, that’s not how it is. Stop making assumptions just because you don’t like how things are. I treat you with just as much respect as anyone else here.”

    Tori continued the death glare until Proteus’ voice rang from behind, averting her attention.

    “Hey Tori! I saved you and Rhubarb a nest” the bug announced, crawling out of the second door on the left. “They’re right next to each other, kek! That way you can get close, both physically and literally! Thought you might like it.”

    Tori’s mouth lay agape, before swerving a ninety and locking eyes right with Ruby. The Cherrim flinched, and right then, she knew.

    This situation is about to get much worse.


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