The account update is here, check out the patch notes!


    This is the portal that leads to the world of Pokemon!

    But before I can let you through, I have several questions for you.

    I want you to answer them sincerely.

    Are you ready?


    Ok… Let the interview begin!

    Do you like to imagine things for your own amusement?


    A friend brought over something you’d forgotten. How do you thank your friend?

    By saying thank you?

    A human hand extends out of a toilet! What would you do?

    …I would determine I do not have the skills necessary to deal with the situation.  I would close the lid of the toilet and find someone else to help.

    A test is coming up. How do you study for it?

    …At the last second.

    Are there many things you would like to do?

    Not really.

    A delinquent is harassing a girl on a busy street! What will you do?

    Call the police, or hope someone else does, or steps up to help.

    Do you dream of lounging around idly without much excitement?


    It’s a pleasant day at the beach. How do you feel?

    Probably pretty good.  The beach is great!

    There is a bucket. If you put water in it, how high will you fill it?

    Um… full?

    There is a scream from behind a door! How will you react?

    Yank the door open and see what happened!

    Your country’s leader is in front of you. How do you speak to them?

    Assuming they’re a good leader, probably a little nervously.

    What do you identify as?


    You appear to be… the docile type.  You’re very kind-hearted.

    Sounds right.

    Very helpful.


    You can make friends with anyone.  You’re a very wonderful person…

    …Is that going overboard?  


    I don’t think so.  You yourself should be the judge of that.

    Ok!  We’re all set! Let’s get you into the world of Pokemon!

    W-Wait!  Right now?  What were all those questions for?!

    Go for it!

    That didn’t answer my question–!

    Next thing I knew, I was overlooking a small forest.  Bird Pokemon flew high in the sky, I could hear Bug types buzzing. …I also noticed I didn’t have wings of my own.

    I shrieked as I felt myself plummet to the ground like a stone.  Luckily, I landed on a branch, which comically catapulted me away into another part of the forest.  And that’s how it went for a few minutes: getting flung around and battered by trees.  

    Finally, I landed on solid ground in a little clearing.  Unfortunately, I was too tired and injured to try and stand up, so I just lay there, feeling the soft grass on my belly.

    Howdy! Welcome to the adventures of Team Soup! This is mainly a test to see how putting up chapters work.
    I adore the quiz sections at the start of the Mystery Dungeon games, and you get a little peek into our one of our protagonist’s head with this! Win-win.
    I’ll be putting up the actual Chapter 1 soon, and I’ll have my more substantial thoughts there. See you soon!


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