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    The Climax of Arc 1 reaches a fever pitch!

    “Show yourself!”


    Jig’s up, it’s now or never!


    Maxim turned over to Rene, who only stared back at him with a noticeable scowl. With a small sigh she walked out of the underbrush.

    “No point in fooling about any longer. Good for me, cause those bushes were getting pretty stuffy!” 


    Hurik curled up his trembling claws into a fist, while Celene crouched towards the ground baring her fangs. The Marill only raised his spear, shaking in place.

    “That scent! I knew it smelled familiar! It’s the same one from the cave!” Celene said, face twisting into a scowl. “So I was right after all!”


    Rene flashed a smirk. “Damn straight, I saw that demonstration of yours! You two are a lot more vicious than you let off. Can’t keep your nose away from me? If you wanted to date me, all you had to do was ask!”

    The Umbreon glared back daggers. “Let’s see you keep that tongue of yours once I rake the fur from your hide!” Violet energy began to condense into an orb in front of her, only for the attempt to stop once Hurik waved a claw. The Combusken shot both his partners a look before focusing on both newcomers. 


    “This is quite the scene. And here I was hoping nobody would be willing to come all the way out here. What a fool I was.” He crossed his arms before nodding towards Maxim. “Well, fancy meeting you again, Rowlet. Though the circumstances are less than ideal.” 

    A part of Maxim felt the same, regardless of the two being on opposite sides. “Hurik. It’s true we were there during the cave meeting, but even then, what I heard was hard to swallow. I need to know the truth. Are you really an adventurer, or not?”

    To his surprise, the Combusken looked hurt for a moment, even turning away from him. But he quickly rebounded and flashed him a dull glance. 


    “I was. But that was a long time ago. Things are different now. Real different.” He raised a claw directly at Maxim. “Answer me this. Are you really a privateer? Or just playing pretend yourself?”

    The Rowlet’s eyes widened at the question. How did he know he was a privateer when he never mentioned it once? Had he known this whole time? Did his scarf give him away? He raked through his mind for possible answers, but couldn’t come up with a clear solution. 

    Rene decided to answer for him. “Of course he is, you moppet! What kind of stupid question is that to ask?” 

    “Y-yeah! That’s right, I’m a member of the crew, through and through!” He bolstered, pushing away any doubt for now. 

    The Combusken sighed, placing a hand on his hip before gesturing for the Marill to come forward. Celene remained standing, the blue rings on her body fully illuminated. 

    “Then there’s nothing left to say. If you heard everything, you know who we really are.”

    “Nah we don’t, not until I really shake the info outta yah! Mind giving us the name of your crew?”

    The trio looked at each other with raised brows, before turning their attention back. “Does the name Black Joker ring a bell? Figure that’s a household name by now.” Hurik smirked. 

    For the first time since meeting the weasel, Maxim saw a look of absolute shock on her face. She straightened up, and raised a paw to her temple. 


    “No fucking way, in this neck of the skies? What do you even want with a backwater island like this?!”

    The campfire flame went out, yet the field remained illuminated thanks to both of Hurik’s arms igniting with fire. The Combusken’s stare turned downright predatory, as if he’d been waiting for the perfect reaction. With a twisted grin on his beak, he spoke with a cocky tone.

    “No need. It’s not like you’ll have to worry about our business ever again. Celeste, Morris, it’s time to work out another kink. Let’s get rid of them.”

    Maxim’s heart sank as the pit in his stomach grew wide. To think that one of the most amiable mons he had met since coming here could show his true colors on a dime. While he felt the familiar coldness of fear creeping up, it was being suppressed by another emotion, bubbling anger. 

    “Hurik, you-!”


    “Not another word, Maxim.” The Combusken spoke calmly. “The line’s drawn in the sand and we have our own sides to represent. I’ll at least make this quick.”

    “Not a chance in hell! I’ve had to deal with a lot already since coming here, and my journey’s only begun!” The former human screeched. “ If you want to play everyone for fools, then you better be the one to deal with the consequences!”

    A chuckle escaped Rene’s lips. “That’s the spirit, Maxim.” Balling up a fist, she charged energy into her palm, easing herself into a striking position. “No need to waste any more breath on them. Let’s take em down, nice and easy! Handle the pipsqueak on the right, and the other two are all mine!” 


    Maxim locked eyes with the Marill, his foe’s fearful gaze hardening into a fierce stare. The former human took a deep breath before raising a wing.

    “Sure thing. I can handle this.”


    The Maril made the first move, spraying a steady stream of water towards him. With a dodge to his side, Maxim retaliated with a feather shot that nicked his shoulder. He hissed and curled his tail around his body, causing a red aura to cover himself. Seconds later, the Maril curled into a ball and leaped at the flying Maxim. The Rowlet immediately dove to the ground. 


    He’s more focused than his appearance suggests. I better not underestimate him!



    His partner was being kept on her toes as well. Hurik unleashed a flurry of flame-covered punches while Celene backed him up with a blast of dark energy. A twirl into the air kept her safe, but Hurik followed up with an uppercut, striking her in the side. Rene rolled onto the ground with a yelp before forcing herself back on her feet. 


    Celene lept towards her, mouth coated in violet energy, only to be greeted with a roundhouse kick to the head. The opening gave Rene a chance to score a mighty punch into the Umbreon’s side, causing her to gasp for air as she tumbled away. Rene lept backwards as Hurik slammed into the ground with a glowing kick,  dirt spewing into the air. A twisted scowl on his face was mirrored with a deep grin on Rene’s.


    “You guys are good! I knew you couldn’t be amateurs from the moment I saw you!”


    The scowl on Hurik’s face only deepened. “I suppose I share the same feeling. You’re not some two-bit cabin girl.” He put up his fists before raising a leg, the limb bursting into flame. “A shame I’ll have to put an end to this. I quite enjoyed this bout!”

    Rene crouched forward, coating an open palm in energy. Light condensed into a sphere, which the Mienfoo cradled in her other hand.

    “You’re getting ahead of yourself. Don’t cry when I knock you flat on your arse, alright?!”

    “Grrrrh! Hold still you flying-!”


    The Marill didn’t get to finish the remark as Maxim rammed head first into him. He rolled back before spraying another torrent of water. The Rowlet was undeterred, weaving around in a circle while shooting out another pair of feathers. His target was able to knock one away but suffered a small gash in his side from the other. Despite the advantage Maxim had, he still had yet to deal a decisive blow. 


    I can’t keep this up forever! I have to find a way to take him down for good!


    He looked down at his pack. There were still several unused items at his disposal. Just the trump card he needed! Reaching into it using his beak, he pulled out another stun seed.

    Better make this one count, Maxim!


    Putting his wings to the test, he swooped down towards the Maril, right as the pokemon curled his tail around his body again to bolster his defenses. A perfect moment for him to strike. With a speedy head fling, the seed rocketed straight at the Maril, shattering in his face. Within a second, the Marill shook in place before freezing up with a twitch. The wide-eyed and gaping mouth look on his face was just the reaction Maxim was hoping for.

    He flung energy-coated feather after feather, slicing the Maril all over his body. One more feather hit and exploded right in his belly, sending the pokemon flying. Covered in wounds, the Maril trembled as he attempted to rise, only to collapse back into the dirt. Maxim waited a few seconds, finally breathing a sigh of relief realizing his foe was unconscious. 


    I-I did it! I took him down all by myself! Granted, I got the drop on him, but still!


    He couldn’t afford a rest when the battle was still going strong. His head swiveled around as he caught sight of Rene locked into combat with Hurik.

    Hurik vs Rene

    Hurik slammed a knee into Rene’s side, eliciting a curse from her. The Mienfoo responded in turn with a backhand, causing him to skid back. As he rubbed his beak, a trickle of blood ran down one of his nostrils.

    “Nasty one, you are! You weren’t even putting your all into that!” He admonished.

    Rene scoffed before swinging out a series of kicks, forcing Hurik on the defensive. “If you’re impressed by that, you wouldn’t last a day in my crew!” Charging energy into her palm, she slammed it into Hurik’s chest, unleashing a blast which knocked him back. Choking out groans, the Combusken leaped back on his feet and ignited his fists again. Again, both mons closed in on one another, trading flurries of punches and kicks. The cascade of dull blows nearly disoriented both and forced them back.

    She looked down at her body. Several spots of her fur were either singed or frayed up. She hissed as she moved her right arm, a dull ache running from her wrist to elbow. The bastard certainly was a skilled opponent! As she raised her fists for another round, a familiar brown blur sped past her before attempting to ram into Hurik. The Combusken saw the maneuver coming and leaned to his side to avoid it, clocking Maxim over the head with a chop. The Rowlet gasped as he hit the ground, bouncing up before Hurik grabbed a tuft of feathers behind his head.

    “Let go of me!” He yelled, wiggling around in Hurik’s grip. 


    Rene rushed forward, causing Hurik to drop him before kicking the Rowlet away.

    “Bastard!” She yelled. Right as she was about to hit him with another palm attack, a black figure slammed into her side. Rene thrashed around as the Umbreon she’d mistakenly ignored bit and clawed her over and over, sharp pain erupting from new wounds. Finally having enough, she kicked Celene away before leaping into the air and slamming a leg into the dark-type’s chest. A howl let out from her as she rolled away. Rene barely had time to block a kick from Hurik, which knocked her back and gave him an opening.


    A flaming fist impacted her torso, jolting her enough to let down her guard before a powerful overhead swing slammed her face first into the ground. The Combusken added in another kick for good measure, knocking her into the underbrush. This time, her whole body felt as if it was on fire. Even twitching a finger felt like it’d been struck through with a nail.

    For what felt like the millionth time, she cursed under her breath. That damn Combusken really was a load of trouble! And she really should have smacked that Umbreon’s skull in a little harder. Complaining wasn’t going to turn things back in her favor, but neither was trying to underestimate her opponents. She groaned as she hopped back up, doing her best to hold back the rising bile in her throat from the radiating agony she was feeling. The Combuskin was fast approaching, and the twisted smirk on his face combined with the roaring flames in both hands told her that he was ready for the kill.


    Maxim teetered as he got on his talons once again. His anger rose again at how casually he’d been knocked away.

    Cmon, cmon! I got to get back in there! Rene needs help!


    He yelped as something slammed into him, feeling weight press him towards the ground.

    “Little lost Rowlet, not much good without your partner.” Celene chuckled with pure venom in her voice. “Too bad she won’t get to hear you scream as I pluck out those feathers!”



    The Umbreon bit down into his wing, Maxim screaming as the excruciating pain racked his body. Celene slammed him into the ground, a chuckle escaping her as she threw her head from side to side before throwing him. The former human rolled away, using the nearby underbrush to cushion the blow. He winced as he looked down at his wing, which was left a bloody mess with several dislodged feathers. Even a small tap with his other wing flooded him with pins and needles.

    His vision began to get hazy as the Umbreon slowly approached, a wicked grin etched into her face as she flashed her fangs. Violet energy coursed into her paws as her claws elongated into blades.

    “I wonder how hard you’re going to cry once I skewer you! Maybe I’ll even take some of your feathers as a farewell gift!” 

    The Umbreon’s cackling made him sick to his stomach. The way she was relishing in his pain made the image of that Noivern appear in his mind. How could some pokemon take so much joy in other’s suffering? He looked down, realizing his pack had survived his thrashing. He quickly flicked through his items, taking into account his few options. He could heal back up using an oran berry, but might end back up in the same situation again. No more stun seeds, so he couldn’t pause her assault. There wasn’t even an orb left, as Rene had taken the remaining ones for herself. His pulse quickened as the tap of the Umbreon’s claws grew closer.

    “You done bleeding out over there? I’m ready to finish this up so I can help Hurik get rid of that bitch too!” 


    He looked past another oran berry to see one remaining blast seed left. As he looked back to Celene again, a plan began to form in his mind. A very dangerous, reckless, foolhardy plan, but his one shot at turning the tide.


    As Celine approached him, she let out another cackle and drew energy into her front paws. 


    “Poor little Rowlet. You can’t fly away with your wing like that!” She sneered, slashing away at the underbrush. There Maxim was facing away from her, shivering. “What’s the matter, don’t want to look me in the eye? I’m not that cruel! I promise I’ll make this quick so I can help Hurik already!”

    He turned around to face her, face puffed out. The Umbreon’s ears twitched as she noticed a bright orange glow to his cheeks.

    “What the hel-”



    Hurik slugged Rene in the chest, causing her to slump forward. “What happened to that smart mouth of yours? Was it all bark no bite in the end?” Another flaming fist shot forward, impacting her snout. “Those government chains only weaken you, privateer! That’s why I couldn’t stand serving as an adventurer! All that hard work, and for what?!”

    Rene attempted to dodge his right hook, but he used the opportunity to slam a kick into her gut. She let out a scream as she rolled across the grass. The Combusken let out a sigh as he rolled her over and slammed his leg down on a bruised arm, causing her to cry out.

    “This job was going perfectly, until you and your crew had to come to mess it all up. No matter, I’m removing you here and now!” He growled. Raising both claws clasped together over his head, he ignited them into a roaring inferno. His target remained unmoving as he tensed up to swing down.



    Hurik’s eyes widened as a small explosion went off nearby. Turning towards the source, his jaw draped as Celene flew through the air, covered in ash and dirt, before slamming into the ground with a dull thud.

    An echoing yell erupted from his throat. “ CELENE!

    In his hubris he had shifted focus from the downed Rene, just the moment she was waiting for. In quick succession, she hopped back up and headbutted Hurik, knocking his balance off. Ignoring her aching body, the Mienfoo charged every bit of energy she could into her palm before grabbing him by the face. The resulting blast slammed him face-first into the ground and sent her flying back, the force so strong that dirt rained down. When the dust settled, the Combusken attempted to jump back up, but soon twitched in place.

    Shivers racked his body as he struggled to even lift a claw. “I-I’m paralyzed? N-not here!”

    His mood only worsened as he found himself face to face with a grinning Rene, slanted over while covered in burns and bruises, still very much alive.

    “I told you my partner was the real deal! Your fault for underestimatin’ us!”

    She slammed an energy-coated punch into his face, sapping some of his strength to close up a few wounds. Straightening up her posture, she prepared to leap into the sky.


    Both looked back over to Celene, who had gotten up but had a noticeable limp in her back legs. The Umbreon’s yellow eyes were twitchy and bloodshot, her fur was showered in dirt, and her face was slightly burned from the blast seed’s effects. She continued to rant, frothing at the mouth while inching over to an unmoving Maxim.

    “Played me for a full you little shit?! This is an easy mission, all ruined because of you, you, you! I’mgonnaripyouapartpiecebypiecedamnitDAMNITDAMNIT!”

    Rene could hardly contain her shock. “She’s lost her damn mind!” As the Umbreon got closer, she charged remaining energy into a shadow ball. The orb grew larger and larger till it was at least the Rowlet’s size. Maxim remained unmoving.

    Rene growled before raising a fist her way. A tug at her tail stopped the Mienfoo in her tracks. Right behind her, Hurik had a tight grip on the appendage with a near mangled arm, fire brimming in his eyes. Using his other good arm, he impacted her hard enough to knock the wind out of her lungs. His breathing hitched as he grabbed Rene in a tight hug.

    “Do it Celene, finish him off!” The Combusken screamed. “Don’t worry about me!”

    The Umbreon’s frothy grin turned feral. “He’s all mine!”

    “Maxim, get up already! If you don’t move, you die!” Rene screamed with her remaining strength. Her body refused to move any further. 


    The Umbreon leered over the still Rowlet. He was face down, completely obvious to the gallow of death hanging overhead. She tilted her head up.

    “You’re through!


    A ball of light rocketed across the field, slamming directly into the Umbreon and causing her attack to fly into the distance. Celene shuddered from the blast, turned over to Hurik with an empty gaze, and fell over.

    “Celene!” His grip slackened, allowing Rene to wiggle free and kick his legs from under him. Vines shot from underneath the ground and entangled Hurik, sapping any remaining strength.

    “W-what is the meaning of this?! How?” He choked out.


    “Ohohoho~! You three have been very, very naughty! I come to punish you!”


    Rene found it hard to believe, but for once she was grateful to hear the familiar accent of Boniface. The Shiinotic made himself known as his cap illuminated the dusk-shrouded field. He wasn’t alone: just behind him was a group of pokemon, all wearing blue scarves and armored gloves. Several raised wooden spears into the sky, signaling their intentions.

    “Are you alright, friends? Boniface took his time, but I grabbed more allies!” 


    Despite the dull aching from her chest, she let out a weak chuckle. “You’re a hell of a shopkeep.”

    “All right then, all right!” An Aipom guard said as he approached Hurik. “Let’s get you and those other two hauled out!”

    The Combusken remained quiet and kept his head down, refusing to look the guard in the eye. Turning back to the group, the Aipom shook his head. “This one’s not much of a talker, eh? We can question you later!”


    The guard took another step forward only to recoil back when flames encircled Hurik’s body. As several guards attempted to stop him, the Combusken flew out of his now charred vine restraints and into his campsite. Overturning a log, he pulled out an orb and lobbed it into the air. The object shattered and covered the clearing in smoke.


    Rene coughed as she struggled to see through the smoke orb’s effect. A shadow quickly passed between her and Boniface. “Shit, it’s no good!” She yelled. “Keep ya eyes open!”

    A high pitched whine echoed through the field, then a flash of light. The smoke soon dissipated, leaving everyone to look around. She let out a gasp as she saw no trace of the trio minus their now ruined campsite. They had given everyone the slip.

    “Contact the base! We can’t let them escape!” The Aipom screeched. A long, drawn out sigh came from Boniface as he tipped his cap down.

    With another scan across, Rene turned her attention to another pressing matter: the still-downed Maxim. She hobbled over to his location, gripping a dangling arm. Using her mostly good hand, she shook the Rowlet’s form over and over again.

    “Hey, c’mon! Get up now! We won but they got away!”

    Silence lingered for a few seconds before Maxim gave a weak groan. Looking up at her, he was puzzled by her soft look. “I heard. G-glad that my idea worked good enough. Man, I feel tired.”

    She gripped him as hard as she could without straining his injured body. “We can rest when we get back to the ship. I think I can shove a reviver seed down your beak if you gimme a few.”

    His vision became blurry as a lightheaded feeling took over. His eyes slowly drifted shut as Rene’s words slurred into the background.

    “That’s nice, give me a moment to rest..”

    Darkness engulfed his world as he lost consciousness.

    “This ain’t funny at all, you stay awake with me, got it! Hey!”



    You’re quite the headache, you know.”

    Nothing but darkness surrounded him. His form was unrecognizable, but that familiar voice had returned. Had he somehow died, and found his way back here again?

    Good news, you still draw breath. Ease your worries. My siblings would never let me hear the end of it if your story ended here already.”

    Siblings? This damn voice had siblings? Maxim pondered. Please tell me I didn’t get called back just to hear about family scrabbling!

    “I decided to let nature run its course for now, while still observing your every movement. I am rather impressed. Only a few days for you to embrace bravery. How inspiring!”

    “Glad I could impress.” He snidely remarked.

    “Of course, the road is long and winding, but I believe you have the potential. Glad I was right. Now then, I suppose this causes for a bit of a reward!”

    “What the hell? Is this some kind of game for you? I didn’t get almost maimed to death just for you to go ‘hip hip hooray’ at my situation! I want my memories and humanity back, so at least give me a bit more help!” 


    The voice sighed, echoing through the void. “Oh Maxim. I promise you I take this all very seriously. This was the task provided to me, and I must have as many variables as I can account for. There are concepts beyond your reach and understanding that I am managing for you and everyone else’s sake. If only I could tell you…”

    Maxim let out his own sigh, feeling defeated. “So that’s it huh? Just gonna keep me in the dark? You know trust is a two-way street, right?”

    The voice kept silent, leaving Maxim uncomfortable. He couldn’t tell how long it was before his host responded again.

    “I apologize. It seems I’ve held you long enough. I promise next time, I will deliver something of interest to you. For now, I can give you this reward.”

    Once more like the first time, a ball of light appeared and began to draw in the endless darkness. Maxim yelped as he felt the orb sucking him in.

    “A memory of yours, once closely guarded. The more and more you go along, the closer you get to your own truth. I only pray you come to terms with it. Until next time..”

    The light embraced him, and he knew no more.


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