The account update is here, check out the patch notes!



    “What!?” The Umbreon hissed.


    “We don’t have time for you to waste on your little hunt. Don’t go getting riled up over nothing!” Hurik growled. 

    Celene Shadow Ball

    Celine let out a short, low-pitched chuckle. “No time to waste? Then let me flush ‘em out already!!” Without warning, a large, pulsating black orb soared over Maxim’s and Rene’s heads and into a nearby wall. The resulting explosion caused dirt and rubble to rain down on top of them. Rene’s iron grip prevented Maxim from even letting out a whimper. 


    Another one flew overhead, striking the ceiling. Stalactites rained down, kicking up more dust. Minutes passed before Hurik’s voice rang out in rage.


    “Celine! What in the bloody hell are you doing?” He seethed. “Do you want to bring down this cave on our heads?” 


    “Hmph! I knew where I was aiming! This place sure as shit wouldn’t go under after a few shadow balls!” She fired back. “Unless you got another idea?”


    “We leave now. Morris may need us, and I have no intention of anything getting in the way of tomorrow’s evaluation! You can mess around all you want later, got it?”


    The Umbreon snorted. “Dammit, fine! Maybe I was mistaken. Let’s just hope nothing comes to bite us in the ass later, Hurik!”


    Their voices and footsteps shrunk lower and lower into the distance, returning the cave to silence. Minutes passed before Rene finally loosened her grip. Wiggling free, Maxim looked at his partner in the eyes as uneasiness washed over. 


    “Well, I,” Maxim stammered. “I just can’t believe it. To think I talked with that guy.”


    Rene cusped her chin in thought as she examined the damage. The wall had a gigantic crater complete with cracks running up and down the center. A jagged stalagmite fell down from the ceiling in front of Rene, prompting her to let out a whistle.


    “A bit out of her mind, but I’ll admit, good aim and power. Don’t think a fight with them was worth risking at the moment.” Rene admonished.


    “Rene, I’m trying to process all that. I just couldn’t believe what I was hearing! All that talk about plans and a captain sending them here!” Maxim trembled.


    “It’s pretty obvious those mudders aren’t really who they say they are, but there’s still things not addin’ up for me. If it wasn’t for the fact they mentioned a captain, I’d say they’re clearly bandits. But the thing is, no average bandit’s gonna have the talent to put on a convincin’ act like ‘em! I’ve got a hunch, and it’s not paintin’ a good picture!”


    Maxim gulped. “What’s the hunch?”


    “No way some bandits are gonna go through all this trouble and effort just to scout out an island. Only one kind of troublemaker can: a pirate!”


    Maxim’s pulse quickened. Pirates? Hurik and his partner were pirates this whole time? Considering how bloodthirsty Ocher’s crew had been, what would they be up against this time?


    “Rene, if this hunch is right, then that means that everyone here has been fooled completely! But what would pirates even want with an island like this? It’s not like there’s buried treasure or anything in this cave!”


    The Mienfoo cusped her chin in a paw. “I ain’t got an answer for that one. If they were just regular pirates, they’d be like that dragon oaf and hunt close by around the island’s routes. But these guys are scoutin’ out. That ain’t like most crews I’ve seen. No, these mudders have got to mean business!”


    “S-so what? If Ocher was just a rookie, then this crew’s potentially a real deal?” Maxim stuttered. “How big of a deal are we talking here?”


    “Can’t say. But it’s got to be a real crafty crew. This island’s not much else but a trading post. Whatever crew’s here has plans. Big plans.” Rene clapped her paws together. “But if it’s only their scouts, it’s easy pickins’! We’ll wipe em out before they even get a foothold!”


    “Well that doesn’t sound too ba- Wait, we ?!” Maxim gave her a wide-eyed look. “Shouldn’t we report it to the authorities here?”


    “That’s right! Who else is gonna take em down? Those quivering guards?” Rene doubled over with laughter. “I doubt they could ever get the drop on that pair!”


    “We don’t know how dangerous they are. Shouldn’t we get backup from the crew? Like, maybe your buddy Conner could help us!” Maxim fired back.


    “Pffff, hahaha! Conner? He’d let the Meowth out of the bag so fast just from blabbering about it. The moment those two get wind of any suspicion on their tail, they might turn and run straight off the island! Plus the more involved, the less of a cut you and me would get!”


    “It does sound pretty reckless..” Maxim sighed. “But you do have a point. Our crew are the only ones who can really deal with them. Plus I bet even if we told the guards, I bet those two have the guards convinced enough to dismiss our claims without hard evidence.” Maxim glanced at the cracked wall again. “But I’m still a novice. How am I supposed to keep up with you at this point?” 


    A grin flashed on Rene’s face. “Hey hey hey, skill and power ain’t the only way to win! Sometimes, what matters is getting the best of your foe! Who says you have to play fair?”


    Maxim’s eyes lit up. “What do you mean?”


    Rene picked up a small stone, charged energy into her palms, and then shot it forward like a bullet. The stone impacted a large boulder and shattered it into rubble. The smirk on her face deepened.


    “Fair and square? Won’t let you get far in this life! If you want to win by any means, take it! We’re privateers after all! C’mon Maxim, let’s get out of this dusty cave already so I can show you how we really do business!”


    Substituting skill and power with cunning. That fits the privateer mold, alright . Maxim thought. And if there’s an additional way for me to get stronger, then I should take it.


    “Alright, Rene. I still have some doubt, but I’ll trust you on this.” Maxim affirmed. “Show me the way.”

    The pair snuck back out of the cave, careful to avoid unwanted attention returning to town. Maxim leaned into Rene as he scanned across the streets. The long shadows casted by the setting sun paired well with the diminishing traffic as shops closed down one by one.


    “So what’s the plan? Is this going to be a specialized form of training or what?” Maxim asked. 


    “We’re getting to that eventually. But since it’s late enough I say we shake down a couple places for info.” 


    Maxim tilted his head. “A couple of places? Where are we starting?” 

    “You’ll see!” She giggled. “Follow me!”


     Rene pulled out a small bag full of coins. “One thing we can do to try and get some info out of ‘em is a lil persuasion. “


    The Rowlet raised a brow. “A little?”


    “Hehe, no need to worry. I won’t blow through my money!”


    The pair visited store after store, the bribery working on a few locations. After bouncing around up and down the street, the pair still found themselves without a solid lead. They took a break on a wooden bench. 


    “Nothing, really? Maybe these two are better at covering their trail faster than I thought.” Maxim sighed. 


    “Crafty lil’ bastards, I’ll give em that.” Rene growled.  “There’s gotta be somethin’ they slipped up on. We just gotta keep looking, and fast!” She pointed towards the setting sun. “Only got till tomorrow night to figure it out.”


    “Quite the tight deadline! Perhaps it would do you good to have another hand?”


    Both pokemon did a double take at a violet pulsating orb floating between them. Wisps of ghastly flames seeped from the object. 


    Maxim’s heart pounded so fast he feared it would fly out of his chest! “A g-g-ghost?! I must be hallucinating from being in that cave for too long!” 


    “Don’t give me that look! You can’t be this startled over a lil’ ghost magic! If you want answers, follow me!” 


    The floating orb darted over to a violet tarped tent covered in dazzling purple jewels. Behind a wooden desk stood a badger-like creature known as a Typhlosion. A purple headdress was wrapped around their head, while a ruby necklace hung around their neck. The orb landed and danced in their open palm and an amused grin creeping on their face. Painted on a wooden sign right below the desk in elegant letters was the name of their store: Lavender’s Box Appraisal. 


    Looks past between Maxim and Rene as the two silently thought about how to proceed. Maxim was suspicious of the Typhlosion eavesdropping on them, but they also didn’t have much to go off. 


    “Rene,” Maxim whispered, “you think we should visit?” 


    The weasel slowly nodded. “I guess a lead’s a lead. Time to bite the ol’ hook.”


    As they approached the Typhlosion’s stall, the mon had taken out a small yet long pipe and took a puff. A sweet and smoky scent hit Maxim’s nose, relaxing him. 


    “It’s not nice to snoop on someone ya know!” Rene snorted. “At least come in person if you wanna chat!” 


    The Typhlosion put a hand to their paw to stifle a giggle. Putting away their pipe, they leaned over the counter, propping their head up with their hands. 


    “Oh come on, dearie! Lighten up a bit and chat with ol’ Lavender here!” She spoke in a deep and husky voice. The dancing orb in her hand flickered out before floating above her head. Maxim could swear it pulsated every time she talked. 


    “You’re looking for information on a certain pair? I can make it worth your while. And put that bag away, girl, I won’t need your poke!” 


    Rene’s ears twitched. “Tsk! How much of our stuff have you been listenin’ to?!”


    “Dearie, I’ve seen and lived through enough to read a mon when I see them. Now what reason could you be after those adventurers, especially given those scarves of yours?” Lavender beamed.


    Rene sighed and whispered in the Typhlosion’s ear. The shopkeep’s grin didn’t vanish, but there was a strain on her face. She nodded and pulled out her pipe, taking a long puff before releasing it. 


    “Yeah those two are… unusual. You see, I’m a traveling businessmon. Been here, there, and everywhere over Soluna. I’ve seen many adventurers but those two are from the normal, sniffing out every road and alley, getting into other people’s business. They asked me to open some foreign boxes, but I declined.””


    “Hold on a minute! What’s this about boxes?” Rene interrupted.


    Lavender reached down and rattled through her shop for a few minutes. She pulled out a shimmering blue box and placed it on the counter. Made of wood, the box had gold vines gildedits corners and a golden symbol a doglike pokemon placed on the lid.


    “Looks pretty doesn’t it? This is the kind of box you’d fine half the world away in Validus of all places before anywhere close to here! Having foreign boxes isn’t unheard of from adventurers, but for them to have several from all around the world is questionable.” She looked at Maxim and gave a wink. “I’m sure you privateers know more about worldwide treasure collecting than I do~!”


    “Oh, uh, yes indeed, ma’am!” Maxim chuckled nervously. “But is this enough evidence for us to work with? Your testimony is gladly appreciated, but I still feel we need more.


    The Typhlosion pulled out her pipe again. “Good point, dearie. If I may have a suggestion, there’s one other who’s also monitored those two.”


    “And who’s that?” Rene asked. 


    “Boniface, of course! That fellow’s always got his eye on the street. It’s pretty creepy if you ask me. But there’s no one else I would say has a better view for the situation!”


    Rene let out a low groan. “Really? Nobody else?” 


    “Nope! He’s in a league of his own. Trust me, he’d be over the moon to stamp out a threat to his business, no matter how small.” Lavender chuckled while Rene’s ears flattened. 


    “Yeah, yeah, I think I get it..” Rene groaned. “I guess we better head over there before it gets too dark. Thanks for the help.” 


    “Yes ma’am! Thank you for the assistance!” Maxim chimed in. 


    Lavender let out a hearty chuckle. “No problem! I figure you privateers being here would be a perfect time to resolve a problem! Good luck!” She began to hum in a singsong voice. 


    Right as they left her booth, the Typhlosion stopped them in their tracks with another floating orb. 


    “Oh and you, Rowlet! You got a real curious spirit about you! I hope we can meet again!”


    Maxim forced a grin on himself and waved back. “Sure thing!” On the inside, he was doing his best not to panic.


    Shit! I hope Rene didn’t hear that! 



    “If I didn’t have to see this place again, I’d be good.” Rene groaned as she stared at the familiar sight of Boniface’s store. If the ghost merchant’s info was truly correct, this would be their best shot. Maxim steadily approached the tent’s main entrance, brushing it aside to the sight of the eponymous Shiinotic sorting through a crate of goods.


    “Oh, visitors? Boniface is busy, please wait just a b-” The mushroom froze at the duo’s presence. 


    “Hey, how’s it goin’?” Rene chuckled while rubbing her neck. “I know last time was a bit rough ‘n all, but we wanted to stop by again!”


    The Shiinotic raised a hand to his nonexistent chin. “Yes, I suppose Boniface has some time for you. You are planning to buy goods, no?” 


    “Well uhh you could say that.” Rene shrugged. “Best if my partner here explains it.” She nodded to Maxim.


    “Hello sir, my name is Maxim, and we need your help with an important matter. A shopkeep by the name of Lavender told us you know a little bit about a certain pair of adventurers.” 


    Boniface’s eyes narrowed. “Adventurers, hmm? What about them?”


    “Well you see, we have reason to believe these adventurers are not who they say they are. If you have any information that could help, we’d appreciate it.”


    Leaning in with a darkened look on his face, the Shiinotic spoke. “Hmm, for a good cause yes? How does friend plan on making use of information?”


    Maxim felt a bit of hesitation to spill the beans on their plan, but if this shopkeep was their best bet, he had to come clean. 


    “You see sir, there was a bit of an incident earlier. We were training in the cave north of town, when these two appeared and started talking as if they were planning something bad. Before we knew it, the Umbreon tried to blast the cavern to draw us out, but thankfully she gave up and left.”


    The Shiinotic’s eyes widened as Maxim continued.


    “We have a theory they’re really pirates putting on a front, but we need hard evidence to prove our hunch is correct. If it is correct, we want to drive them not just out of town, but off the island. If you’ve heard of the local legend, it’s similar to that, sure.”


    That got the Shiinotic to look up in thought. Turning his back to the pair, he spoke only a single phase.


    “Friends, follow me.”


    Maxim turned to his partner. A small shrug was her answer. The pair followed Boniface past a red tarp into a small enclosed room. Stacks of boxes filled with goods decorated the area while a sole brown bookshelf leaned against a wall. Boniface’s fingers traced the shelves of the bookcase before he pulled out a violet book covered in gold trimmings. He flipped through until he found his page.


    “What Boniface show you now is top secret! No one else must see!” He spoke, raising a finger to his lips.


    Maxim raised a brow as he looked over what appeared to be a list of names and a highlighted sets of numbers resembling dates. 

    Appointments XX/XX/ZXZX

    Calvin Guards – 09:XM

    Mayor Drosel – 12:ZM

    Lacroma Guild Adventurers – 3:ZM  XXXXX

    The last one caught his eye, as it was clearly marked through without a second thought. “Lacroma Guild Adventurers? What happened with this one?”


    “Worked out deal with guild. They send reps to purchase supplies, but deal fell through.” Boniface sighed. “Adventurers called away to other business, and forced deal on hold. They were the only ones to come to island, or so Boniface thought.”

    He tipped his mushroom cap downward, concealing his face. “Those two came in one day, said they needed certain items. Boniface has seen many, many adventurers across his travels, but these were strange, no. They were no adventurers. Not from the fake shine of those badges, to the claims of coming from the same guild that canceled. They even demand the log book! Hmph! Fake, frauds, and charlatans!”


    Maxim’s eyes went wide. To think those two had put on a front in public to this extent, and the guards had yet to wisen up. Perhaps those kids were right about the security being inept here. 

    “You didn’t go to the guards about all this?” Rene scoffed. “Don’t tell me they’re that inept!” 


    The Shiinotic tipped his cap again. “Guards are no help! They scoff at the log book and pass it off as mistake! Those two put on good enough act!”

    The former human felt anger start to rise within. Those two had twisted the truth to denying actual evidence. “That settles it then, sir. It’s up to us to stop them before their actions lead to untold harm.” Maxim said. 


    “Hell yeah! We’re gonna take the fight to them, and send em’ off in chains! I can feel that reward money in my hands now!” Rene cheered with a big flashing grin. 


    Boniface was silent, choosing to face away from the pair. He placed the logbook back onto its shelf and paced back and forth in thought. “Friends sound determined. Are you sure that’s a promise to keep? Enemy could be strong, strong! If friend wants to win, does friend have a strategy?”


    Maxim grimaced as uneasiness crept back up. “W-well, we were going to work on one tonight! I have faith in my talented partner here!” He nodded over to Rene, who put on a strained smile. 


    Boniface snapped his fingers. “Non, non! Boniface says your attitude is good, but the preparations are inadéquate! Okay friends, let’s do this! Come back tomorrow morning, and Boniface will get some things ready for you!” 


    Rene’s ears perked up. “Wha- really?! You’re going to help us?” 


    “Of course! Pirates are bad for business! You help Boniface to take out trash, Boniface helps you!” 


    Relief washed over Maxim.! “Thank you so much for this, sir! I promise you won’t regret it!” He rubbed his wings together in delight. 


    “Boniface hopes he won’t! Now then, leave! Shop is closed for today!” He swept his arms forward, motioning for them to leave. With a nod, the two left the shopkeep to his devices. 


    Outside, violet dusk replaced the orange sky. Realizing that they needed to make a beeline for the ship, Maxim turned toward Rene. “It’s probably too late for you to teach me that technique, isn’t it? I doubt I could learn it in less than a single day…” 


    Rene put her arms behind her head. “No worries! It won’t take but an hour if you’re quick on thinkin’! You’ll see!”


    He wanted to have faith in her words, but his worry over the gathering storm of tomorrow’s fight was hard to dispel. He looked down at his right wing to see he had been shivering. Maxim shook his head. There was no point in letting fear get the best of him now!


    Still, as he glanced over the darkening horizon, he took a deep breath and steeled himself for the coming storm.  


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