The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Big BIG thanks to Kitsu_19 for the art of Rene featured in this chapter!

    Privateers, huh?


    Maxim pondered over the term.  To be rescued from pirates by pirates. Fate was truly laughing at his expense again. 


    “So you are all privateers? What does that mean?” Maxim asked.


    Drake raised a wing to his chin. “Well, we do a lot of things. Exploration, capturing targets, fighting pirates, you name it!”


    The Quaquaval leaned down at Maxim. “I’m surprised you’ve never heard of that term. It should be well known out here in the Southwestern Skies. Are you from another country, perhaps?”


    “Well I, uhh, I have a bit of memory loss,” he stammered. I better just play into it for now. Not like he’ll believe me falling out of the sky…


    “Memory loss?” Drake asked. 


    The Rowlet nodded. “Yes sir. I remember falling through the sky, then something caught me and I blacked out. When I woke up, I was aboard the ship. I don’t remember anything before that.” Maxim glanced down, unable to look Drake in the eye.


    “Oh man, sounds like a hassle!” Drake groaned. “And going by what Signal told me, you didn’t have a poke to your name either! Do you at least have an idea of what you want to do now?”


    What I want to do? Well…


    There wasn’t any sort of thread or established base he had in this world, only some vague idea of his purpose to be here. 


    Save the world, but from what?


    “I don’t really know. I do want to get my memories back, but I don’t even have a way of figuring that out. No leads, or anyone I can ask. Nothing.”


    “How tragic to have to deal with that on your own, with no one to help you out.But~!” The Quaquaval flashed a grin. “If you need a good starting point, have I got an offer for you! How about you joi-”


    “HEY BOSS!”


    A voice yelled from across the deck. Maxim did a double take at Rene effortlessly carrying a burlap sack twice her size. His shock wore off as she tossed the sack at Drake’s feet, causing tied-up orange scarves to fall out. 


    The Mienfoo spoke with a smirk. “Deck crew worked extra fast this time! We’ve got most of the raiders chained up already!”  


    Drake returned the grin. “Well done! Bisha might make us a larger quilt this time!” 


    “Well if she does, she better let us actually fly it like a flag this time!”


    “No promises!”


    Watching them going back and forth was quite the surprise. Coupled with how she acted around Conner, the Mienfoo wasn’t much of a grouch after all!


    The conversation was finally broken by Drake raising a hand to his beak. “I’m glad to see you in such high spirits Rene, but you look rather scratched up.”


    Rene rubbed the back of her head. “That dragon bastard roughed me up a bit, yeah, then his crewmates had to keep poppin’ up like weeds! But no worries, I pulled them out all just the same!” 


    “That’s good and all, but I still want you to get looked at before you try doing anything else.” Drake sighed. “It’s no good if my crew members aren’t in top shape.”


    “Yeah, Yeah. ‘Don’t overdo it.’ You don’t have to tell me twice. “ The Mienfoo sighed while crossing her arms. “I’ll head to the Med Bay, no worries.”


    She walked off, only sparing Maxim a side glance.


    Should I go talk to her? Would she even want to speak with me after being such a burden?


    “Oh I’m sorry we got interrupted. She’s pretty eccentric!” Drake said.


    “Yeah, I can tell.” 


    Maxim looked back at Ocher’s pirate ship. The sails are curled up and blue-scarved mons roamed on board , taking apart pieces of the ship. A group of orange-scarved mons were tied around the center mast with the pirate captain himself slumped over in the center.


    “Hey, Captain. What’s going to happen to those pirates?” He asked.


    Drake flashed him a grin. “They were our bounty this time, so we’re taking them to Calvin Island, less than a day from here. By tomorrow, we should be there with the bounty in tow!” 


    “I saw they’re tied up, but what if they try to break free and cause trouble again?” Maxim said. He shuddered at the thought of being held at knifepoint by a crazed dragon again.


    “No need to worry! Our talented crew is busy dismantling their ship, as you can see! If they get bold enough to break free and try to sail away…”


    He took a nearby rock, raised it to the air, and let it drop back down. “Hahahaha!” 


    Maxim let out a small gulp. “Okay that’s good enough for me!”


    Mercifully the Quaquaval moved on. “Now then, back to what I said earlier. I think you should join my cre-”


    Again, he was interrupted, this time by Signal’s flashing headcrest. Both of them had forgotten the Braviary had been sitting in place this whole time. 


    “Argh! I forgot all about your report!” Drake shouted. “Sorry for getting too carried away!” 


    He knelt down and patted Maxim on the head. “I’ve got urgent business to handle! Once that’s taken care of, I’d like to have a meeting with you later today on additional topics.”


    A meeting? What else could he want from me? Maxim furrowed his brow. “Sure thing, Captain Drake. I’ll see you then.”


    “Thanks! I’ll be waiting for you in my quarters!” He pointed to the end of the ship. A blue door was right below the steering wheel. The Quaquaval took his leave, giving Maxim a bit of space to breathe. 

    “YO, ROWLET!”


    Or so he thought. As he turned around he was greeted with Connor rushing towards him, flanked by a Hakamo-o and a Weavile. Before Maxim could respond, the Floatzle kicked a tiny broom his way.


    Maxim stared at it with a raised brow. “A broom?”


    “Yep, that’s right! If you’re gonna just stare around, then you’re gonna make yourself useful and help me brush the blood n’ guts off the deck!” 


    His eyes widened as his stomach lurched. 


    Conner’s Hakamo-o companion smacked him on the shoulder and gave him a fiery glare. “Oi oi oi, you’re scaring the lad half to death talking like that! Sorry, he’s got a messed up sense o’ humor!” 


    The Weavile shook her head. “He’s got a point. If you’re able-bodied, you can work. Crewmember or not, we’ll take everything we can get!” 


    “Well uhh, I don’t remember how to use a broom,” Maxim said. It wasn’t like he was exactly lying!


    A snort came from the Weavile as she crossed her arms. “Yeah right, next you’re going to tell me you forgot how to fly.”


    “Well,” Maxim said. “Would you believe me if I said yes?”


    That got the trio to stare back at him. Conner’s jaw dropped. The trio put their heads together, trying and failing to whisper out of his earshot.


    “Is he serious?”


    “What the hell happened to him?”


    “Did he get hit on the head one too many times during the fighting?”


    “Maybe he’s always been crazy?”


    Maxim rubbed his temple. “I can hear you three! And hey, I’m not crazy! I just have amnesia!”


    “Amnewha- OH! So that’s what Rene was talking about while we were busting heads! Well, you certainly haven’t lost whatever fire you’ve got burin’ inside, grass type!” Conner laughed. The other two joined in. 

    Maxim took the broom in his talons, quickly feeling disoriented with the extra weight on his foot. 


    “Ugh! How am I supposed to use this thing?!” 


    “Tsk! Just try to flap right above ground, then swing your foot from side to side.” The Weavile chimed in, rocking her arms back and forth. “C’mon! Heave! Ho! Heave! Ho!”


    Maxim flapped his wings as fast as he could and within a few seconds he was slowly lifting off the ground. Flapping his wings in a rhythm, the Rowlet wobbled in air. 


    “Uhh, what was that you just said? Rock back and forth right?” Maxim said.


    The Weavile flashed her fangs in a wide grin. “That’s right! Heave! Ho! Heave! Ho!”


    “Uhh okay, Heave! Ho! Heave…! Ho!” Slowly, he rocked the broom back and forth, causing it to brush the ground. The motion kicked up dust, forcing him to angle his wings in a way that blew it away from him. 


    “Heave! Ho! Heave! Ho!”  She shouted. 


    His movement slowly became more focused as he relaxed his body just a little t. The broom swung in a steady motion.


    The Hakamo-o sighed. “Wow, I’ll be darned. You taught a flying type how to sweep, Silva. That’s an accomplishment.” 


    “Damn right, Herc! I’m just that good!” She boasted, placing a claw on her hip. “What do you think, Conner?”


    The floatzel swept his tails from side to side and side. “Well uhh, he needs to work on his technique some more.” He sighed. 


    “You heard him, Rowlet! Let’s see you move around!” Silva shouted. 


    Maxim was reluctant to follow her directions, but he had to show he could do at least this one task. Stumbling forward, he flew in a straight line, wobbling the broom along the path. Small clouds of dust moved ahead of him. 


    “That’s it! More, more, more!” Silva cheered.


    Maxim swept in a calm and steady pace, dust flying everwhere as he pushed forward.. Curiosity started to take over as he wondered how long he could keep this going. 


    Well, only one way to find out!


    Minutes ticked by as Maxim continued to fly and sweep, attracting the attention of several other deckworkers who viewed the scene with silent curiosity and amusement. He was trailed by the trio, Silva still coaching him on. Right as he rounded the base of the center mast, a voice cut across the deck. 


    “Now what are you three doin’! Stop mankeyin’ around and get back to work!” 


    Maxim was startled and dropped the broom. All of them straightened up as Clyde bounced down from a rope above. The trio of Conner, Silva, and Herc gave him a small salute. “We’re sorry about it sir! We just wanted to have a lil fun with that Rowlet!” They shouted in unison.


    “Well if yah want to mess around, I guess I can cut your rum rations as a lil payment. How about that?!” He barked. 


    “N-NO SIR, WE’LL GET BACK TO WORK RIGHT AWAY!” They shouted before dashing away. Clyde set his sights on Maxim.


    “Sorry about that, lad! Those three are good workers, aye, but take your eyes off them and they’ll be up to Arceus-knows-what!” He sighed and crossed his arms. 


    “It’s alright, sir. At least I learned I’m good at something here.” Maxim said, staring at the ground. “It was a nice way to kill time before I met the captain.”


    Clyde put his arms behind his head. “Drake wants to meet with yah?! I’m surprised. He rushed past me so quickly I couldn’t even tell him hello!”


    “Yeah, said he needed to talk with Signal quickly, but he wanted me to come by. Not sure what about though.”


    “Hmmmmm, I can’t either.” Clyde said, shaking his head. “ But anyway, before you do meet him, how about you swing by the medical bay? Best to make sure you’re all good to go before that!” 


    That reminded Maxim. Cecil! I almost forgot! I should go back and see if everything’s alright with him!


    “I don’t feel like there’s anything wrong. But I guess it doesn’t hurt to check.” Maxim nodded and walked on, searching for the hatch below. “Thanks, Clyde! You’re a really cool guy!”


    The Politoed chuckled at his praise before giving him a wave. “No problem, lad! Give the doctor my regards will yah!”



    Past the hatch, the interior of the ship was undamaged. The only sign of the pirates’ attack was an unconscious pair of Seviper tied up to a wall. Their orange scarves were torn to shreds. As Maxim rounded the corner, Rene was walking out of the Medical Bay. The Mienfoo’s cuts and bruises had mostly disappeared; instead there were a few bandages around her body and below her right eye. He straightened up as she walked over. 


    “Well, you’re just the mon I wanted to see. You look fine, besides a few ruffled feathers,” She said, crossing her arms. “That’s good.”


    Maxim raised a brow. Praise? Did some imposter replace her? He decided to roll with it for now. “Yeah, I’m doing good. Can’t say I enjoyed having two heart attacks in one day. But this seemed usual for you and the others. Do you always try and catch pirates like this?”


    The weasel placed a paw on her hip and sighed. “Not all the time. Would have been harder to nail the guy with a good ole fashioned hunt. Certainly not with a ship like this.” She pointed at him. “But if you really wanna know more about us, just ask the Captain! He’s waiting for you anyway, right? Try not to take too long getting there!”


    Maxim nodded. “Sure thing.” 


    Rene walked on past him for a bit before turning back. “Oh, one more thing. I guess I got you all wrong back there, yeah? Thought you were a spy n’ all. Wanted to say, my bad.” 


    Maxim froze. The last thing he expected her to say was an actual apology. “Hey! Wait a moment!” Maxim called out. By the time he did, the weasel had already turned around the corner, long gone. 


    Well, at least she’s still got plenty of energy in her. He thought, turning back to his destination and heading in.


    The overpowering scent of alcohol and other chemicals filled the room. Replacing the dim atmosphere was candlelight from sconces around the room. Several beds were occupied by different mons sporting minor scrapes or bruises.  Towards the back, a Sandslash had a black tarp wrapped around their body while a Krokorok had their mouth wrapped shut with white gauze.


    Two pokemon were moving through the rows: an elderly Audino wearing small rimmed glasses poking patients with a wooden cane, and the other had mint green.




    The Kirlia was busy dispensing pink energy to an unconscious Cacturne wrapped up in protective sheets. On hearing Maxim’s voice, he tilted his head toward him.

    “Maxim? Oh thank the Emerald Dragon , you’re safe!”


    He quickly hugged the Rowlet, still managing the flow of energy. Maxim couldn’t help but return it. After the day’s events, the gesture was a welcome gift. “Yeah! I’m glad to be in one piece! When their captain grabbed me, I thought I was going to get skinned alive! But then, I got rescued by that huge eagle. Signal, I think!”


    Cecil raised a hand to his mouth. “My goodness! At least he was able to save you!” 


    Maxim avoided eye contact with Cecil for the next part. “Also, I talked with the captain. He told me you knew about everything. Is that true?”


    The pink glow faded from the nearby bed as Cecil lowered his head. “Y-yes, that is true. You see, I am also a member of this crew, like everyone else. The operation was supposed to be an hour at least from when you went up to the deck. I figured Rene would have hopefully brought you back in time before things began. But when I saw her again, I knew that wasn’t the case!” He hugged Maxim again much tighter than before. “It’s my fault you were put into harm’s way! What kind of medical practitioner lets his patient walk into harm’s way?”


    Aww crap, I didn’t mean to have him break down on me! Maxim thought.


    “Uhhh hey, don’t cry! I’m still here, unharmed!” Maxim wiggled a wing. “See? You can scan me like before just to check right?”


    “Yes, but that still doesn’t excuse my poor judgment. What if you had been hurt, or worse?” Cecil said, shaking his head.


    “Well, it’s good we don’t live in a world where that happened.” Maxim said.


    “Good for you, but can you two have your little moment outside my operating room?” A deep and gravelly voice said.


    Maxim and Cecil turned around to find that the old Audino was glaring at them both. His face was as red as a tomato, and his cane was constantly being tapped into the ground.. 


    “Of all the things to see when I’m having to deal with this many patients.” He grumbled, raising his cane at Cecil. “Boy, I thought I told you to keep your emotions in check while caring for others! You let the heal pulse wear off right in the middle of patient care!”


    The angry Audino then set his sites on Maxim. “And you! What do you think you’re doing barging in here to distract my assistant? Unless your need for aid is desperate, wait your turn!”


    “Well sir, I was sent down here by Clyde, the deckmaster. He said that I needed to get a checkup before my meeting with the captain.” Maxim spoke.


    The Audino sighed and placed both hands on his cane, relenting his anger.


    “Of course he’d send someone down here at the worst possible moment.” He adjusted his glasses. “He picked a terrible time for you to come, let me look at you real quick, boy!”


    Before Maxim could speak, the Audino began to move his hands around the Rowlet’s spherical form. Once done, he stepped back and tapped his cane once again. 


    “Bah! You’re fine! It doesn’t take me examining you to tell that!” He grumbled. “Now go ahead and see the captain already!”


    At least he wouldn’t have to worry about following the old guy around. “Thank you, Doctor..?”


    “Gerald. And now that I’m done with you, it’ll be back to working on the rest of them.” He tapped his cane three times before raising it at Cecil. “Come along, now! If you’re still feeling guilty, then at least make it up by completing your tasks.” The cane pointed over to Cecil’s previous patient, still tied up under the covers. 


    “Yes sir, you’re right.” Cecil nodded, rising to his feet. “I apologize for letting my emotions get the best of me. I’ll keep them in check next time.” The Kirlia gave Maxim a small wave. “I promise I’ll find a way to make this up to you, Maxim. And one more thing before I go.”


    “What is it?”


    “I meant every word I said about regaining your memories. I hope you’re able to find yourself again!”


    A warm feeling spread through Maxim’s chest. For the first time since coming to this world, he felt a smile tugging at the side of his beak. Now there was only one thing left to do.



    The sun was beginning to set and bathing the deck in orange when he came back up. Maxim made his way to the stern, the area devoid of anyone nearby. Right below the elevated deck was a blue door with wavy gold and white patterns etched along the edges. No mistaking it, this had to be the captain’s door. Maxim held in his uneasiness as he inched closer.


    I better not keep him waiting any longer. Let’s see, what if I hopped up here?


    He gently turned the nob using his talons. It was a modestly sized room with almond-colored wood lining the floor and thick wooden shelves covering the walls. On the shelves were various books and souvenirs ranging from the severed tusk of some unknown beast to a sky blue teardrop-shaped gem embedded in a chunk of rock. Towards the back of the room and tucked in one of the corners was a small bed, thin and gray sheets neatly folded on top of the mattress. 


    Underneath the oval windows was the heart of the room itself: the captain’s desk. Wide, glossy, and square, it held stacks of papers and leather-backed books neatly arranged on its surface. A small, yellow globe and a long, thin candle were set apart at opposite ends at the desk. In the center rested a tied blue scarf bearing Drake’s symbol, next to Ocher’s detached tailblade. 


    The captain was slouched into a leather chair behind the desk, turned away from the approaching Maxim while swirling an empty wine glass in his feathery fingers. 

    Maxim craned his head up in an attempt to speak. “I’m here captain, right on time. There’s something you wanted to talk about with me?”

    His words seemed to fall on deaf ears, as the captain continued his action uninterrupted. Silence lingered in the room for an uncomfortable few seconds, as Maxim felt a chill creeping up his back. Finally, the captain broke the silence with a smooth and deep voice.

    “Have a seat.”

    Maxim turned to one of chair on his left then hopped into it. Swiveling his chair around, the captain placed down the wine glass on the desk. Compared to the bombastic display he put on during his grand entrance and intervention, this was a complete 180.

    “Now then, let’s talk about you . ” 

    The Rowlet gulped as the captain’s gaze dug into him. Both of his feathery hands were folded below his face as he continued.

    “So me and Signal had a long chat about things, including how he found you. I’ll admit, I found it a bit hard to believe that you fell from a hole in the sky, but Signal’s someone I’ve known and trusted for years. He wouldn’t fib, not even once.”

    He reached under his desk and took out a small glass bottle. Inside was something that resembled rainbow-colored glass shards that shimmed brightly despite the lack of light. Maxim felt a strange pull towards the material, leaning forward, only for Drake to return the item back to its hiding place.

    The Rowlet blinked several times, as if snapped out of a trance. A shiver ran up his back. “That thing in the bottle, just what was that?” 

    “Oh, it was some kind of material that covered your body when Signal picked it up.” Drake said, combing through his feathery crest. “He brushed it away and kept it hidden in a small bottle he had on him. Pretty convenient!”

    Maxim groaned. “He found that on me? Then can you at least tell me what it is?”

    “That’s the thing, I don’t know myself.” He shrugged. “Another mystery to add to the growing pile.”

    The Quaquaval folded his hands again, and this time Maxim could feel his gaze boring into his soul. 

    “I know giving your amnesia you probably won’t know what I’m going to mention, but would you like to hear a little…history lesson?”

    Is now really the time for a lecture? Maxim thought. Oh well, I hope this is useful.

    “Sure thing, captain.”

    Drake cracked a smile before clearing his throat. “Ahem. Quite some centuries ago, there was a skies spanning war, one that saw countless lives impacted and destroyed. It seemed like the world would tear itself apart, until six individual pokemon stepped forth and brought an end to the chaos. These six mons are still somewhat celebrated to this very day. Though there was one that has an air of mystery to them, even now.”

    Drake loomed over the desk, almost casting the room into the shadow. 

    “This little lecture isn’t me going off a tangent. You see, the reason why is that this pokemon was said to have been brought from another world, originally a being known as a human.”

    Time crawled to a standstill, as Maxim’s heart nearly pounded out of his chest. A human..? Just like me? 

    Drake noticed his reaction as his grin deepened within the shadows. “It’s said that when they came to this world, the field they appeared in was bathed in a shining rainbow glow, as if a gift received from the gods themselves. I can’t help but see a teeny-tiny bit of similarities, although they don’t mention a hole in the sky.”

    He leaned back into his chair, much to Maxim’s relief. “It’s all just a legend, after all. I don’t exactly think you’re a human. But yours is a strange case. Never heard or seen this happen over the years I’ve flown through the skies.”

    Maxim racked his brain around the new information. This has happened before? And somehow he’s right on noticing what I might really be. Just who is this guy?

    “Sir, if I may ask? If I was a human, how important would that be for you, or even the world?” He said.

    Silence settled in for a few seconds, then was broken by Drake’s laughter. “Oh my my my! It would be quite the discovery of the last few centuries! There’s plenty in this world that would view you as a powerful asset, or a dangerous tool to their own ambitions. To me, you would be a once in a lifetime opportunity to view!”

    “Lifetime… opportunity?” Maxim faltered. 

    “Regardless of who or what you are, I didn’t want to just pick you apart with my ramblings, I wanted to offer you a spot on my crew!”

    “Me? Joining a crew of pi-privateers?” 

    “Mmhph! That’s right!”

    “But what would you get out of having me?! You must have heard it from Rene and the others right? I can’t fight at all! I couldn’t even sweep right with a broom! I’m just… useless.”

    Maxim slouched in his chair, not even wanting to look Drake in the eyes. I bet even the last human was more talented than me. How does that voice have any faith in me?

    “Oh? But remember, you’re a pokemon! So what if you’re weak? We have the potential to strengthen ourselves through all sorts of challenges!” Drake boasted, puffing out his chest.

    Drake took Ocher’s tail blade in his hand and raised it towards Maxim. “You want to get your memories back right? Then you’ll need to start somewhere. It’s time to make that choice, Maxim!”

    Thoughts of Rene flash into his mind. From being nearly killed by Ocher, to bouncing back and wreaking havoc on his crew. She had gone through it all without batting an eye. Could he really pull off something like that in the future? 

    I hope you’re able to find yourself again!” 

    Cecil’s words still lingered, driving him to grip his talons into the chair’s wood. He has to do something, anything, to get his memories back! A stranger Drake may be, but he’s giving him a choice. Pushing reluctant thoughts into the back of his mind, Maxim sighs and makes his choice.

    “You’re right. Sitting around scared won’t help me. I’m here, and I’ll have to make the best of it.” He stares into Drake’s blue eyes. “I’ll join your crew, and find a way to return my memories one way or another.”

    It’s silent again as Drake rears back. The Quaquaval reached up a hand to his crest, before bursting into laughter.

    “That’s it! I knew you had it in you!” He says in between laughs. “Everyone has that fire within them, even if it’s a tiny ember!” Carefully slipping the tailblade into a drawer, Drake reached behind him and placed a tied blue scarf on the desk. He reached out a hand.

    “Welcome aboard, Maxim!”

    Maxim took his hand and lightly shook it with his own wing. The blue scarf was placed into his talons. 

    “Good, good, good! I think that’s about it for now!” Drake nodded. “Only thing left for you to do is to sign one document for me!”

    He put a slip of parchment paper on the desk. Maxim’s eyes traced it all the way to the bottom, where a signature was laid out.

    “What’s this?”

    Drake moved a cup of ink next to the paper. “It’s the legally binding document that ensures that not only will you be a member of the crew, but you’ll be loyal enough to be willing to abide by our ways of living. Once you sign this, there’s no going back unless you choose to leave the crew, or I force you to. Understood?”

    “Understood.” Maxim said. “Now how do I sign it?”

    “Place your claw into the ink and then press down on the signature line. That’ll be good enough for me!”

    Maxim nodded and stuck his talons in, then pressed down on the paper. It only took a few seconds for the ink to harden and leave a three pronged footmark on the line.

    Drake rolled up the paper, then tied it with a red string. 

    “PERFECT! You’re good to go, Maxim!”

    As much as Maxim felt he should celebrate a step forward, there was still lingering worry in his mind.  “Okay, so what do I do now, Captain?”

    “Mmmmm I suppose its rather late. The ‘orientation’ can start tomorrow. In the meantime how about you head to the mess hall and grab you something to eat? It should be right around the time they open up.” He did a shoo away motion with his hand.

    The Rowlet hopped down, careful not to track any leftover ink onto the floor. He began to walk off, turning around one more time to see Drake waving him goodbye. Without another word, Maxim went through the door and closed it shut. 

    “Well, I hope this mess hall doesn’t take me long to find.” He muttered, walking over to the hatch. 

    “Well, that was quite the meeting…”

    Drake sighed as he pulled out a bottle of wine, pouring it into his empty glass. With how well things went for this mission, it should be smooth sailing till the next. And yet…

    He pulled out the rainbow shard’s bottle again, gently sitting it front and center. A chill went up his spine as he closely examined the object. By that Rowlet’s appearance, the winds of change would soon blow in across the world, and he might be front and center. Alas, he would have to wait to see what was next. 

    On the corner of the desk sat a smooth gem, resembling an oversized pink pearl. Pressing down on it three times, he waited.

    And waited.

    And waited.


    “Greetings, I see you have something to report to me. I assume that the operation has taken place?”

    “Indeed. It’s been done. Ocher’s crew has been neutralized without issue.”

    Magnificent! That would be the third one within the last two months! Stellar as always, Captain Drake!”

    “Hmph, no problem. Fletchling crews tend to get rather cocky at some point. It took a bit of research, but it was an easy setup. I’ve dealt with worse, you know. Much worse…”

    Of course. I will make sure to still reward you accordingly! You will be on standby for a little while. I have another mission for you, but it is not a bounty. Of course, I have to keep you on your toes.”


    I suppose the finer details can be handled at the meeting. But before I go, there seems to be something on your mind. What is it?”

    Drake hesitated for a few seconds, mulling over his next few words carefully.

    “En route to the rendezvous point, my first mate came across a peculiar pokemon. One that I think will be of interest to us both…”

    Rene The Mienfoo full art by Kitsu_19

    It's Rene! (Drawn by Kitsu_19)


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