The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Arc 2 now begins!


    Katsumi closed the distance in the blink of an eye, claws glowing with violet energy. Water circled around Drake’s hands and formed into twin blades. The Quaquaval raised the blades to block her strike.

    That’s enough.  

    The Sneasler was enveloped in pink light, frozen in her lunging pose. A growl escaped her lips as she dropped to the ground. Standing back up, she crossed her arms and yelled into the sky..

    “Tsk! Cutting my fun short! You’re a real pain, featherbrain!”


    A brief gust of wind blew through as a familiar white feathered Braviary landed between the two combatants. The massive eagle shot a glare towards Katsumi, causing her to sigh.

    “Fine! I’ll call it quits for now.” She waggled a claw. “But my itch to fight ain’t going away anytime soon! Best remember that, Drake!”

    Speaking of the captain, he let out a sigh and slumped his shoulders. “Thank you, Signal. I’ll handle it from here.” He raised a hand towards the rowdy Sneasler. “Alright Katsumi, can we talk this over? You’re giving everyone quite the scare.”

    “Oh c’mon! You all are getting soft on me!” She teased, sticking her tongue out at a wary Ambipom. That was the only que the monkey needed to back away. “Don’t tell me the so called best crew this side of the western line is this easily spooked!”

    That’s easy for you to say! This is too much for me! Maxim inwardly panicked, while slowly inching away from the scene. Surely it would do them a big enough favor, if he could take a breather in the captain’s quarters! Unfortunately, this caught the Sneasler’s attention enough for her to peek in his direction. The sharp look in her eyes was like a predator who’d spotted their prey. A single footstep in his direction sent his heartbeat soaring.

    Oh shit!

    Her focus then shifted over to Rene, still frozen on the ground. Moving as fast as the wind, Katsumi blitzed over and scooped up the Mienfoo in her arms. His partner attempted to wiggle out of the hug, but her captor had an iron grip.  “ Oi Oi Oi! W-what the hell?!”.

    RENE! My adorable, precious little sister! It’s been too long! Katsumi purred, squeezing the poor Mienfoo even tighter. The fur around Rene’s cheeks started to turn bright red. “C-can you cut it out already?! This is so damn embarrassing!” She groaned. A few seconds later, The Sneasler compiled. 

    There was a twitching sensation building in Maxim’s head. Seriously, what was this lady’s problem? “Uh..Rene?” He whispered as he hopped close. “What’s up with her?” 

    Asking that question turned out to be a big mistake, for she turned around the fury in her eyes was hot enough to melt steel. “An old friend of Drake’s, and my bloody battle tutor, if you can believe that.” She raised a finger in her tormentor’s direction. “It’s good to see you again, sis. But bloody hell, did being on that ship drive you mad?!” Rene groaned. 

    “Oh, Rene, one day you’ll understand!” She tilted her head over to Drake. “At least your ship’s finally here, so where’s my payment?”

    The Quaquaval shrugged his shoulders. “About that.. I won’t be able to pay you until we make it to Aquarius Island, sorry!”

    As the Sneasler brandished her claws with a twisted scowl on her face, Drake quickly took out a letter from his coat pocket. “Easy now! Easy! The governor is going to make good on his promise, and plus he has another mission for us that will pay out quite nicely! Just read this letter!” He unfurled the envelope and  placed a beige document into her claws. Her eyes widened while looking it over. “Well I’ll be damned! He really wants us to do a guild’s job for this much?!” 

    She rolled the paper up with her claw tips, then slipped it back in. “Gimme one good reason I shouldn’t leave you behind as soon as I get my reward!”

    A smirk crossed Drake’s face. “There’s going to be another crew there helping out, the opportunity you’ve been waiting for. If you show your crew’s skill to be within the Governor’s approval, you’re sure to get your offer approved!”

    Katsumi flashed a wide grin as she put a claw on her hip. “Driving a hard bargain, huh? If your word is good enough, I’ll think it over! Let me talk with the few crew members I got and I’ll get back with yah on that.” She pointed over the harbor, where the vessel now gave a full view of its splendor.

    Three navy blue masts with thick and mighty sails carried the ship to its docking point. The sky blue deck featured a long, white wavy pattern resembling the crew’s scarves along the side. The figurehead of the ship was all gold, molded into the shape of a seal-like pokemon. Similarly golden highlights were attached to the ship’s stern, all combining to form a majestic package. Painted on the front sail and a huge black flag above center mast was the familiar white symbol of Drake’s crest.


    Maxim’s beak dropped open. It’s gorgeous! The Serene Grace might as well be a wooden raft!


    Cheers erupted as the crew waved hands, tentacles, or other parts into the air. Drake flashed Maxim a triumphant grin, while even Signal and Rene had a smile. From the docked ship, a small party of pokemon departed from the ramp, taking with them a cart full of cargo. 


    Maxim watched in amazement as the ship’s tinkaton, Hestia, barreled through the group while dragging a massive wooden hammer on one shoulder. Stopping in front of the ship’s ramp, she raised both of her hands to her mouth.


    After a few moments of silence, a hatch onboard flew open as the massive form of an aggron leaped out. In their claws was a small black box with a silver lock. The Tinkaton leaped onboard and took it, hugging the box close to her chest.

    “Goodness gracious! Your voice could wake the dead.” A female voice spoke in a deadpan tone from above the ramp. An Espathra wearing a violet scarf and beige bag tiptoed past the scene, shaking her head. Once she was clear of a group of crewmates, she sprinted towards the other vessel. In a single bound, the ostrich leaped onboard the ship, only feet away from Katsumi. 

    “My apologies. By the time I had realized what she was planning, she had already taken her plunge.” She glared at the Sneasel for a few seconds, who returned the gesture with a wave and a yawn. “Serving as both a deckmaster and navigator has been quite the exhausting experience, not that my captain’s impulses helped.”

    Katsumi rubbed the back of her head. “Oh c’mon, Hypatia! You should live a little! There’s more to life than being stuck inside all day reading dusty old books! Every pirate should feel the howling wind against their skin and the rush from hopping into action!”

    “And of course, not the point I was trying to make.” The Espathra sighed. 

     The Rowlet raised his brow at Drake, who rubbed his temple. “Okay, we can save that discussion for later. Now then, there’s a more important matter at hand!” Shaking his head, the captain stepped up to the deck’s center.

    “Listen up everyone!” He yelled, pointing a finger to the docked ship. “Our flagship finally made it here with the help of Katsumi’s crew! You know what that means, correct?”


    The crowd exploded into cheers. “Alright! Good stuff! I got some news to share, however! The Governor’s recently called for our aid again, this time on Aquarius Island! We’re going to be teaming up with another crew to explore a set of newly discovered underwater ruins.”

    Hushed discussion broke out among the crew. Several shook their heads in thought. 

    “I know it’s an out of the blue joint request, but I promise you the Governor is offering a six figure sum and additional rewards upon our completion! “

    That got the crowd back into a frenzy, lobbing bottles to empty boxes into the air! Maxim jumped back as a bottle shattered into glass only inches away.


    “As for the other crew that’s participating… I don’t know, eheh! Regardless, let’s do our best to show our one of a kind talent! ..Just try not to butt heads with them too badly!”


    A wave of approval echoed from the crowd. As Drake began to wrap up, Maxim saw a window to leave. He snuck past a few crewmembers before making it to the ladder. A sigh of relief came out. Now all he had to do was kick back and relax for a moment before whatever else dragged him out.


    A familiar pale blue furred limb blocked his way. Glancing up, he stared into the crimson eyes of Katsumi, a grin etched on her face.

    “Now where are ya off to, little Rowlet?”


    Warm sunlight, the relaxing scent of roasted coffee, and a comfortable padded seat would be enough to soothe anyone’s weary soul. And yet, for the Scrafty gripping his hands together with a lump in his throat, peace was the last thing on his mind. Across the table, a Smeargle sat idly by as he scribbled over an unfolded map. Time and time again, he wondered just how his partner could go about his day without a care in the world.

    “‘Ey, Bran, it’s about that time you know…”

    The Smeargle didn’t bother to lift his head, still writing on his map. 

    “Oi, Bran, you can hear me right? ?!”

    Still nothing, as expected from the gold-rank mapmaker lost in his own little world.

    “Son of a-”

    “I can hear you just fine, Joakim.“ The Smeargle yawned. “Try to hold it together before he calls.”

    “I’m trying, but just the fact that this whole operation is riding on us and some rowdy pirates is driving me a little nutty here!” He huffed, tapping a digit on the table. 

    An Illumise hovered over to their table with twin porcelain cups in a tray. The bug-type placed each in front of the pair. “Your refreshment, gentlemen!”

    “My thanks, milady.” answered, finally raising his head up to take a sip. Let out a small sigh and reached for his own. Maybe a little tea is what I need..

    The Illumise waitress flashed a smile. “Anything else you need?”

    “Nothing else, just that we’re expecting a big call soon, if you catch my drift.” Joakim nodded over to a golden, leaf shaped pager sitting at the table’s center. She nodded back and quickly fluttered off. 


    Sure enough, the device began to glow with a green, pulsating light. The Scrafty gulped before tapping the button. He twiddled around with the golden badge attached to his orange scarf.

    “Ah ha! Greetings, Team Pathfinder 1! I assume you made it to Aquarius Island without issue, yes?”


    A calm, refined and deep masculine voice slipped out from the device like butter. He swallowed another gulp. This was no time for him to be acting like a rookie!

    “Of course, fair Governor! We had a bit of a rainstorm, but nothing we couldn’t handle!” 


    Their benefactor let out a satisfied grunt. “Perfect! Have you started your preparations for the incoming crews? I know it will be a touch and go affair, but I promise it will not require much input on your part.”

    Like hell , he thought.  Having two strong pirate crews in the same location? Might as well go ahead and hand over a match for the powder keg! A quick but deep inhale was given before he spoke again.

    “In all honesty, Governor, I do respect the opportunity you gave us, but seriously, how can we keep everything in line with only a handful of us? Why not send in another guild to help out instead of these ruffian pirates?”

    Amused chuckling crackled over the line. “A joint operation between two guilds would be a delight! Alas, the guilds in West Soluna have been spread thin enough as is. Thus, it is necessary to rely on the aid of our privateers. Do not fear, I know their captains personally. I promise no harm will come to you nor the fair residents of this island. You have my word under the Queen’s Oath.

    Joakim slumped his shoulders. No changing his mind at this point. “Un.. Understood. Is there at least a little bit more aid you can send our way?” 

    “Hmm, there should be a ship that arrives in a few days with a special package. Use that item to assist with your exploration. For now, gentlemen, that will be all from me. I look forward to hearing about what lurks in Aquarius’s depths. The thought of finding a lost secret of the Six Heroes fills me with glee!”

    “Understood, sir! We will take care of final preparations in the meantime!”

    “Good. As always, From Dusk till Dawn, May Her Majesty’s Will Be Done!

    The pager’s light faded as the device went silent. Joakim slumped back into his seat, raising his hands to his face. His partner only shrugged as the Scrafty slot him a glance, pen placed to paper. He reached for his untouched teacup, a soft groan escaping his lips as he realized the tea had gotten cold. Regardless, it would be a small comfort considering the restless day and nights that awaited them all. Their job was only just beginning.

    Bran crossed his arms behind his head. “May want to order that waitress back here. Looks like you could go for another spot, eh?”

    The Scrafty wished he could crawl back into bed, as little good sleep would do him.

    Just my luck…


    Clack Clack Clack

    A cloudless sky bathed in the warm orange glow of the setting sun, oblivious to the sight of a wrecked deck resulting from ship-to-ship combat. Quite the lovely sight after a long day of work!



    Clack Clack Clack

    As he combed over the merchant ship’s deck, he saw the scars of battle: claw and hoof marks carved into wood, dust and ash scattered about, and shredded debris cluttering space. Towards his side, numerous pokemon were knocked unconscious and tied up. Most were placed closely together, but larger ones were wrapped with rope around the mast. A part of him almost felt pity for them. Almost.

    Like Magikarp in a stream, straight into our net! Lucky for us, unfortunate for you!

    He stepped over a fallen Vigoroth, raising his shimmering red cloak over their body. He’d hate to get it torn by accident again. All around him, his fellow crewmates worked on moving goods, cleaning up both ships, or cooling down after the engagement. On everyone’s body, whether from a feathery tail, rocky arm, or glimmering horn, there was the familiar sight of a maroon scarf marked by the pattern of a four pointed star. 

    The mark of the Lucky Star Pirates.

    “Alan! Don’t wander off already! At least help us clean up a bit!” 

    A young female’s voice shouted from across the deck. A Grovyle covered in a gold and green cape sprinted over to his side, leaves twirling in her wake. The way her face was twisted in a frown convinced him to pause then and there.

    “Sorry Katerina, hard to keep myself still. My blood’s still pumping after that heated fight!” He couldn’t control the grin that popped up on his face. Not after the rush he got from blowing away pokemon after pokemon!. 

    The angry look on her face vanished in a moment as she pointed down. “Hey Alan, y-your tail!”

    He snapped out of trance. Sure enough, his scarlet red tail had fully ignited and was dangerously close to the wooden deck. One relaxed breath later reduced it down to a reasonable ember. 


    “Ah shit, I’m sorry!” The Charmeleon said, rubbing the back of his head with a grin. The last thing the crew needed was a repeat of the Brinn Incident. The crew wouldn’t forgive him if that happened!  He scanned around. “Where’s Juste? He should be following you.”


    A column of water came rushing down before parting to reveal a Frogadier wearing a hooded blue and gold cape. 


    “Juste, what are you doing?” Katerina pouted. “I thought Adele told you to help with lookout duty!”


    Their friend bowed his head. “ Je suis désolé. I got a bit bored and saw you too had met up again. We all haven’t been together since the mission started.” 


    “I understand, but orders are orders!.” Katerina sighed. “I don’t want to get punished again, so can we take a vow to keep out of trouble for now?” The Grovyle summoned a leaf into her hand and raised it in Alan’s direction.  “Especially you! For next time, promise me next time you won’t go crazy and leave me behind again!” 


    He flashed a toothy grin. Oh that Katerina, always worrying too much! She just needed to live a little more, after all, that’s the reason they formed a team with Juste! 

    “I promise I’ll let you have a few enemies to yourself, next time!”


    Juste could only crossed his arms and look away. The Frokadier wasn’t choosing a side this time, it seemed.  

    “Enough fooling around, you three! If you care to loiter then you’re available to work!” A woman’s voice echoed across the deck as the clack of walking heels grew close.

    All three of them froze, for only one woman outside the captain herself had the authority to shut them down. Approaching from the ship’s stern were two pokemon. The first was a Tsareena wearing a fancy blue vest covered in golden trim with a tricolor hat to match. Her hair was exceptionally long, tied with two maroon hair bands and ending below her knees. Crossing her arms, she glared fierce enough to quiet any protest. 

    But the real star of the show was the mon next to her. 

    A Lopunny clad in a red vest and boots with gold lineworks walked in front. A red captain’s hat large enough to cover the base of her ears stood out on her head, while a four pointed star icon was below both of her eyes. Her maroon scarf was tied around one ear, complete with a special symbol shaped like her face on both her hat and scarf. As she held a  She raised two fingers in a V symbol to her face before flashing a beaming grin.

    “It’s fine~! Seeing how well they did, I’ll let it slide this time!” The Lopunny teased in a cheerful, high-pitched voice. “Their hearts tend to be in the right place… err sometimes!”

    His flame retracted to a small ember as he rubbed the back of his head. “Greetings, Capitaine! I was just surveying our target’s battle damage. So far everything’s good as gold.”

    “Great! But uh, would it kill you to keep yourself in check a little bit? I thought we talked about this before.” She puffed out her cheeks and put her hands on her hip. “Pirate or not, teamwork is what keeps us afloat! Keep an eye out for others, or your flame could get snuffed out in the heat of battle!”

    Her first mate chimed in. “Indeed. I had my eye on you in battle today. You did well, but you’re still too reckless!” 

    “But, Madame ! It all worked out in the end, no? A few mistakes maybe, but we were victorious!”

    The Tsareena flipped through her hair. “Nearly hitting your crewmates multiple times due to your carelessness is far from a minor issue. Need I say what happened the last time we turned you loose ?”

    “A-ah but that was an accident! I just got a bit carried away!”



    “Besides, it’s hard enough trying to keep track of everything when so many are rushing at you!


    “And if we look-

    The Tsareena slammed her leg into the wood below, causing it to warp and crack. The glare she gave towards him shook the Charmeleon to his core.

    “Enough. I’ll have a meeting with you later. For now, help the rest of the crewmembers clean up. Understood?”

    He bowed his head, not daring to test his superior’s patience. “Yes, Madame Adele!”


    Everyone’s attention focused on the nearby scene of a thrashing Pidgeot bound by ropes. The grey vest on his body had been tattered and seared, while the remains of a shredded hat lay at his talons. Alan felt a tiny sliver of pity at the sight. 

    The Lopunny whistled as she approached the bound mon. The two locked eyes for a few moments, before she dropped the box at his feet. The Pidgeot gasped in horror as they flicked the box open with their beak.

    “You-! What do you think you’re doing to our ship!” The flying type accused in a masculine tone. “We have precious cargo with an officially stamped letter from the country of Diamante! What you’re doing violates the cross-sky treaty!”

    Jeannette placed her hands on her hip. “Cross-sky treaty eh? That don’t count when you got a fake letter pal!” She unfurled the letter, before ripping away the stamped portion. “This stamp’s coloring is way too light to be the real deal! It would have fooled anyone without an untrained eye, but my partner over there is more than qualified to catch your tricks~!”


    Adele nodded. “Indeed. As someone who’s handled paperwork for years, your laughable attempt to imitate a royal seal leaves me sorely disappointed! As punishment, I find it fair enough to confiscate those goods of yours!”

    “Wait wait wait! Don’t do that! You’ll regret it, you hear? I have good friends in good places that’ll make your head roll, Lopunny!” He squawked, futility wiggling around in his bindings.

    “Hmmm, is that so?” Jeanette sneered, kneeling down. Cusping his chin, she waved the box in his face. “Let’s see how that attitude of yours holds up locked in a cell!”

    With a clap of her hands, a pair of Machoke surrounded him. The bound captain continued to thrash about as his captors lifted him up.  

    Heh, so much for him! Alan thought. Should know better than to try running through our turf!  

    His words would be put to the test only a moment later, for before the Machoke pair could drag him away, the Pidgeot ripped through the ropes with a stray talon. As quick as the wind, the flying-type barreled towards Jeannette and snatched the box out of her hand.


    Alain grit his teeth as he propelled forward. No need to think about what happens next, only what he had to do.

    “Alan, wait!”

    “Don’t rush in, my comrade!”

    His partners’ words rushed through his ears, but that wouldn’t stop him now! The Charmeleon climbed rope after rope before clawing his way up the wooden mast. Splinters flew as his claws gashed through the wood. Every muscle in his body ached after every rope climb towards the top.

    Almost there!

    The Pidgeot was almost past the crow’s nest. If he didn’t catch up now, it would be too late. Flames danced around his legs as he considered his best option, one that had the potential to backfire badly. But what was risk without reward?

    An ignition below his feet shot him forward like a cannonball past the Pidgeot. The flying type froze as he locked eyes with the determined pirate. That split second hesitation was all Alan needed.

    Curling his fist as hard as he could, heat swirled around and coated his limb in flames. A guttural roar bellowed from his lungs as the condensed fire punch slammed full force into the Pidgeot’s cheek.


    “Back down you go!”

    The Pidgeot let out a high pitched screech as the impact sent him careening back down to the deck. Wood gave way and cracked into splinters as the force of the impact jolted the deck. When the dust settled, the Pideot was lying a twitching, singed heap right before Jeanette. Adel locked eyes with his captain with a jagged grin on his face. I hope you feel proud of me, Captain!

    His joy soon gave way to horror as gravity took hold. The hotblood warrior was one evolution too short to try landing on his own. Right before he slammed face first into the deck, a shroud of vines caught him. Alan gasped and looked over to find Katerina with her hands pressed towards the ground. With a flick of her claws, the vines dropped him down gently, causing him to give a sigh of relief.

    “Thanks Kat-”

    Her fist slammed into his arm, making him wince.

    “You’re so unbelievable! What were you thinking!?”

    Yeah I deserve that, at least. Rubbing his arm, he moved over to Jeanette. The Lopunny picked up the box and sighed.

    “I should have made that idiot swallow a sleep seed down his gullet! Stupid, stupid me!”

    “Well at least I knocked him down for good! ”

    She didn’t turn around, but waggled a finger. “Yes you did, you crazy ashtray! I’ll give you thanks for that! But next time…” She tilted her head far back enough to give a wink. “You might not be that lucky! So that’s why we’re gonna have to di sci pline you later, got it?”

    The Charmeleon inwardly groaned. If I have to do another round of Adele’s “sessions”, it’s gonna be a miserable week.

    Forcing a grin, he raised a thumb to his chest. “Sure thing la capitaine , I can handle anything that comes my way!”


    “That’s what you said last time.” Katerina sighed.

    “He’s in over his head again. Ohhh no.” Juste groaned.

    Alan remained unflinching. Regardless of feelings, he would blow through any obstacle in his path. If he had to grit his teeth and bare it, then so be it!

    Just you two wait, one day we will be the greatest pirates the world has ever seen!


    A shadow flashed overhead, taking him out of his thoughts. Whatever pokemon it was, they blitzed past so fast he never got to see them before the blur dived back into the clouds. Something light tapped him on the forehead.

    “What the hell?”

    Sitting at his feet was a beige letter sealed with a golden, three leaf symbol. Brown fingers snatched up the letter before he could move.


     “I’ll be taking that~! I’ve been waiting for this!” Jeanette grinned. She read its contents closely with Adele by her side. The two locked eyes right before the Lopunny jumped for joy.

    Alright ! We finally got a big mission on our hands, everyone!” She raised her finger into the air, producing a coin that shimmered in the orange skyline. “Let’s wrap up here, drop off our bounty and get ready to set sail for Aquarius Island!”

    The blue clothed Tsareena returned her beaming smile with a slight nod. Twirling around, Jeanette tossed the letter into the air.

    “Now let’s get ready to show everyone why we’re the stars of the show!”

    Katsumi artwork from the talented artist, amptheNOiSE on discord!

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    1. May 5, '24 at 11:57 am

      Chapter 12 Invitations.

      Howdy there Zee, I’m here for Diners new fangled P-Wheel, I’m offering up 10 GBs of RAM this time.

      I read this chapter when you posted it awhile back. Unfortunately my memory is laggy, either way, I really enjoyed this chapter. Maxim and Rene feel more actualized here, with their emotions, thoughts, and actions.

      Alongside all the colorful characters, improved descriptions really highlighting the new vessel. All the new environments we passed, be it the clouds, the various ships. The quick incentivizing action we got near the end Pidgeot with the fake letter was fun.

      We get introduced to quite a bit of new characters. So much so, I don’t know if I’ll be able to talk about all of them in detail.

      Let’s start with Katsumi. Love the Hisuian mon agenda spreading with this bloodthirsty Sneaseler. She has a strained relationship with both Captain Drake and Rene, both which were fun to see. Katsumi brings some interesting implications between the two, but more importantly leads to a whole new bunch of characters.

      There’s the navigator, Hypathia, who’s quick to lament her energetic captain, (how did I not see/remember Katsumi was the captain).

      We got introduced to quite a few, changing our point of view to a Scafty and Smeargle of Team Pathfinder 1, and the lore and mystery surrounding them is pretty cool.

      We swing over to another after a bit and get introduced to The Lucky Star Pirates. With Alan as our POV. We’ve got some potential rivals to Maxim and Rene with the Charmeleon, Frogadier, and Grovyle [hey wait a minute, are you almost copying me/j], While the Lopunny and Tsareena are fun and interesting co-captains, not afraid to show off their strength. And these guys are heading to Aquarius Island just like Maxim and the crew.

      From the last chapters you’ve improved your prose. Now unfortunately, there are some areas where you slip back into old habits. It’s okay, you did work on this before and while I sent my last review covering the issue of epithets instead of name or species name so it makes sense you wouldn’t have known to tone it down.

      Here’s some things prose wise I haven’t mentioned before.

      One sore stop was introducing the Espartha, I know it’s to hide species but I think it’d be better if you didn’t lead with “A female voice spoke in a deadpan tone” it’s very clunky. Instead, perhaps try something like “The Espartha said, rolling her eyes/ with a grimace/ eyes narrowing. The action to just imply the tone of voice, using the she to save words.

      Another awkward area is paired with otherwise good dialogue and conversation. Having two characters with two separate actions in the same sentence and then having one of them speak in one paragraph adds an action from that same character and more dialogue in another paragraph. I think it would be better if you split the actions of both characters into two different sentences and kept the dialogue from the one character in the same paragraph.

      For example when Maxim raises a brow at Drake and he decides to start explaining himself. That sentence got a little clunky and there are some others that have similar problems.

      Aquarius Island is bound to be a place with treasure and tribulations alike, from the offer Katsumi hands Drake from the governor. After Calvin Island’s excitement, I am excited to see what we have in store here. This world of Soluna, filled with these pirates, privateers, and explorers is pretty big. It can get a bit overwhelming, especially when there’s so many new characters and factions going in. Hopefully we can get each their own chapter to shine, and get an easier look at.

      Overall, a nice chapter, whatever you do with your story it’s okay. Be it a new chapter, or just focusing on art it’ll be okay.