The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Shrill ringing buzzed around in Maxim’s ears as he slowly opened his eyes. As the sound wore off, his blurred vision focused until he could make out a dull gray ceiling.


    Where… Where am I?



    As he looked down he realized he was resting in a bed, covered in a light blue blanket. He grabbed and pulled it off with a tan, very much human hand.



    What the hell?


    It wasn’t just his hand, he was in a human body wearing striped blue pajamas. As strange as it felt to be human again, Maxim had no trouble rising out of bed. The bedroom he was in was wide enough to hold several pieces of furniture, including a massive wardrobe and two matching wooden desks on opposite sides. Speaking of sides, one was colored with sky blue walls and hanging movie posters, while the other was a light pink with elegant decor over nearly every surface. The latter side’s occupant, an unrecognizable small figure, slept away in a frilly pink bed.


    Despite the strange dichotomy of the room, the sight felt familiar and comforting to him. Light pierced through a crack in the door, baiting Maxim’s curiosity. He softly tiptoed over, careful to not wake his unknown roommate. The door creaked open, allowing him to slip through. White walls and a shiny polished wooden floor were the first sights to greet him. A cat-shaped clock hung from one wall, while a bird shaped carving was nailed to another. A scent like freshly roasted coffee put his mind at ease.


    It feels comforting being here. If only I could just remember where I am! Maybe if I look around, that’ll tell me?


    He tiptoed around, careful not to alert any unseen residents.


    The closer he got to the light source, the louder the voices grew. The hallway opened to a large open space with a massive glass chandelier hanging from the ceiling. Fancy patterned fabrics decorated each side, and as he looked down from a marble railing, he could make out two standing figures with blurred out features locked in conversation.


    “Now are you sure you have to go out this late? Is it really that important to the point of calling in the middle of the night?”


    The second figure sighed before speaking in a deep, masculine tone. “As much as I would tell them to wait till morning, this was one of the breakthroughs we were hoping for. I can’t let my colleagues handle this without my input. I’m sorry.”


    The first said nothing, but crossed their arms. Even without visuals, Maxim could tell they were staring the other down.


    “I know what you’re going to say. And I get it. This is all very poorly timed and I hate that it has to be this way. But please, this could potentially change life as we know it! Make things better for society! Our son already looks up to me, and I want to make sure our children continue to have that source of inspiration!”



    Tension masked the room as seconds passed with silence. The first figure sighed before letting down her arms. “Okay, I’ll let you go. But, promise me you’ll be back here in the morning. I’d hate for our kids to miss out on celebrating our anniversary with their own father.”


    “I will, I promise.”


    The two embraced, lasting a few moments before the second figure broke away first. Both froze as they heard a creak come from upstairs. Maxim jolted back as realized he had unknowingly stepped on a flimsy board.


    “Who’s moving around up there? Maxim, is that you?” The second called out.


    Before he could move again, the world around him began to fade into flickering white lights. The human looked around, then gasped in horror as his own body slowly disintegrated as well.


    Not yet! I still need more answers!


    He opened his mouth to speak, but nothing happened. He fell forward on vanishing knees, white light overtaking his vision.





    Maxim awakened again, this time in the familiar sight of the ship’s medical bay. A wax candle hung over his side, bathing the bed in orange light. Disappointment washed over him as he raised his feathery arm to check his body.


    So much for remaining human a little longer.


    “Oh thank goodness, you’re awake!”


    Sitting beside the bed was Cecil the Kirlia, busy scribbling away in his brown notebook. He flashed a smile. “I’m glad to see you again, though not under these circumstances. On the bright side, Rene will be delighted to know you’re alright!”


    “How long was I out for?” He groaned. Trying to move his other wing was out of the question given it was encased in bandages. Even lifting it a bit made him wince from dull pain.


    “Ever since last night. Despite being covered in a lot of wounds herself, she summoned enough strength to get you all the way back. I had never seen that much worry from her in years! I also shared that same feeling!” Cecil raised his hand. Pink energy flowed into Maxim’s body, filling him with a relaxing sensation. “For now, please rest. Seeing as how the crew is in an uproar after last night’s events, it would do you good to stay here.”


    Maxim raised a brow. “What about Rene? Is she recovering too?”


    “Err, yes and no.” Cecil sighed. “We let her rest and heal up after making sure you were stable, but she decided to take off for the Captain’s quarters despite our protests. To my knowledge, she’s remained there for the last few hours.”


    “I see.. You said the crew was in an uproar. Is the Captain dealing with them?”


    The Kirlia rubbed his brow. “I wish I could tell you. Me and Dr. Gerald have been stuck here looking after you and stopping anyone else from breaking in. You’re already the talk of the town, for better or worse.”


    The noise of tapping wood turned their attention to Dr. Gerald approaching the bed. A scowl was etched onto the Audino’s wrinkled face as he tightly gripped a thick book under his arm.


    “You two just had to go and pull your little stunt last night. Now everyone’s trying to poke their heads in where they don’t belong!” He slammed his staff downward, causing both of them to flinch. “Well, kid? I hope you’re real proud of yourself!”


    The rising embarrassment made Maxim unable to look the Doctor in the eye. “Well it wasn’t my initial idea to go hunting down phony adventurers! I got roped in, I swear!”


    “Intentional or not, you better be ready for the consequences.” The doctor snorted. “Many mons are goin’ to come lookin’ for answers.”


    There was knocking on the door before another pokemon came in. It was Clyde, who waved before hopping over. The Politoed’s arms were crossed with a frown on his face, but he still greeted them with a friendly tone.


    “Aye! How’s the wee lad?”


    Cecil opened his notebook. “Stable. Able to hold full conversations. Wing is still damaged but should at least be able to move around some. With enough care and rest, he should be back to normal fairly quickly.” Closing the book, he nodded over to Gerald, who rolled his eyes.


    “Good to hear! Cuz’ the Captain’s wantin’ to speak with ‘im!”


    His beak flew open. He figured the Captain would shoot for another meeting with him, but this soon? The Rowlet only just woke up!


    Cecil was quick to chime. “With all respect, Clyde. My patient still needs rest before leaving the room. Surely even Captain Drake understands that.”


    “Oh I wish we could let ‘im rest. But, the Captain’s dyin’ to hear his side of the story. He’s already got as much as he could from Rene.” The Politoed sighed.


    “Then why not come down here to speak with the Rowlet? Surely our captain could spare the time!”


    “Nuh uh, you know how the captain is!”


    “Then tell him to make an exception! His health matters more!”


    Maxim could only sit and watch as the two went back and forth. The thought of others fighting over his well being felt hard to swallow. Both were interrupted by the dull thud of a cane hitting the ground.


    “If you two want to argue, do it outside! As for making a decision..” The elderly Audino placed a hand over the Rowlet’s head. Pink energy flowed into his body, filling him with a warm, soothing sensation. After the doctor lifted his hand, Maxim felt stiffness leaving his bandaged wing.


    “This feels lovely!” He cheered. “Thank you doctor!”


    “Hmph, don’t get too excited, boy! That’s only a good enough boost to help you move around! Bring your feathery tail back here so you can fully recover, got it?!”




    Cecil raised a hand in protest, but retracted it and looked away. Maxim knew he’d be lying if he said he didn’t feel somewhat guilty. “Hey Cecil, thanks for looking after me again. I swear I’ll be back as soon as I can.”


    “I know. Please be careful.” The Kirlia sulked. Clyde nodded in agreement, then motioned for the Rowlet to follow. The two hopped out onto the deck.


    “Oh lad, one more thing, keep close to me and keep movin’!” Clyde grunted. “ I don’t want a gossip crowd houndin’ us!”


    As the two crossed between a row of crates, Maxim took notice of other crewmembers eyeing him. Some turned to nearby mons to whisper away.


    “That’s…Rowlet…weird guy!”


    “How’d…pull off? …carried…Rene?”



    “…had it in him! …really that good..?”


    The pair reached the Captain’s door, stepping to the side as Rene hopped out. The weasel jumped back once she saw the Rowlet up and about.


    “And here I thought you’d still be dreamin’ away!” She chuckled. “Hard to keep yah down, ain’t it?”


    “Must be. Here I was thinking I’d be a roasted Rowlet after last night’s stunt!”


    Both laughed in sync with each other. Clyde also cracked a grin, but pointed at the door. “Glad to see you two startin’ to bond, but the lad’s got business with you-know-who!”


    Rene crossed her arms. “Sure thing. Just try to keep awake during his lecture, got it?”


    “ No worries. I’ll save napping for the medical bed.”




    Drake’s quarters were dark outside a single candle at his desk. The Quaquaval sat straight in his chair, hands gripped together. Seeing the approaching Rowlet, he perked up.


    “There you are! It’s good to see you up and about!”


    Maxim raised a brow. “You aren’t mad at us, Captain?”


    “Mad? No, no! I am a tad bit annoyed you two did all this while keeping it secret, but I’ll let it slide for now. “ He rose out of his seat and slammed his arms on the desk. “I’m quite proud of you! In only a few days of joining you worked well enough with your partner to foil a nefarious scheme!”




    “Indeed! You showed that potential I’d seen. Given time, you could become a star member of the crew!”


    His cheeks tinged at the captain’s words. It’s true, he did manage to pull his weight out there! He should feel proud of himself! Yet, there was a nagging feeling in his chest. Hurik’s words still echoed in his head.


    “Captain… thanks for the praise. It means a lot given my situation. But, I know you didn’t call me here just to boost my confidence, right?”


    Drake gave a slight nod, then joined his hands under his chin. “Correct. I have several thoughts about these recent events, but I think it’s best if I run some things by you first. I heard from Rene you managed to talk several times with one of the current fugitives. Is that correct? If so, then did anything he say catch your eye by chance?”


    Maxim felt himself wince a bit as the Captain’s stare became focused. Whatever answer he gave would need to have significant meaning.


    “There were…some things I thought over. A lot of it was just casual talk. When we faced each other after the truth was revealed, he mentioned something about the Black Joker Pirates . His crew I guess. Rene freaked out about it, so I guess it must be something serious?”


    The captain let out a deep sigh, slumping back into his chair. From under his desk he pulled out a bottle of wine and poured it into a glass. “Slithering Servipers, the lot of them.” He muttered. “Let me tell you this now, Maxim. Things may have been steady for now, but the future’s uncertain. I fear things will only get harder for us from here on out.”


    “Sir, just who are those pirates?” The Rowlet questioned.


    The former human locked eyes with Drake, the captain’s gaze softening before turning away. “Pirates typically are an independent crew, each operating on their own rules or terms. Some are more bold than others, some wait in the shadows, and some prefer to mix being bold and lying in wait. The third group are threats beyond measure, their web of vice and deceit weaving from one side of the skies to another. That kind of organization is what the Black Joker pirates are. A thorn in our side all the way to the Solunian Queen herself. The fact that they even deemed a small island to be worth their time only proves how dire it is.”


    Questions quickly bubbled in his mind. “Wait, so they’re an organized group of many pirates or something? How big are we talking here? Also, Solunian Queen? Just what are you talking about?”


    “Okay one at a time, haha! I’m glad you’re curious!” Drake laughed. “To answer your first question: yes and no. It’s a singular crew through which their captain has managed to forge several key alliances throughout the world in order to bring together an underground net of pirates. What makes them dangerous is how through other crews, they’re able to further their own agenda of a flourishing pirate ring. As long as they stay hands off in the shadows, they don’t need to fear the light.”



    “That’s insane.” Maxim gasped. “How is it possible to keep such an operation running?”


    “Well, many things. Careful planning and cunning, for one. Allocate certain resources here, some bribery and blackmailing there, you know. Anything that can be of use is applied on their end. Combined with pirate crews willing to rouse up chaos at the drop of a hat, and it’s a recipe for disaster. I mean it when I say things are going to get a lot harder from here on out.”


    A chill struck Maxim down to the bone. There had to be plenty of mons that fit right in line with Hurik and Celene’s ruthless way of thinking. If those two were just small fry in the long run, there was no telling how worse the top brass were.


    “Captain, about the Solunian Queen? I can’t remember a thing about any sort of kingdom.”


    That seemed to brighten the Captain’s mood given how fast he straightened up. “Oh goodness! I never even considered you wouldn’t even remember the basics of this country!” Reaching under his desk again, he unfurled a scroll on his desk. A huge map was decorated with islands large and small, all arranged around the largest landmass in the center part of the map. At the top left of the map, the word SOLUNA was emblazoned in a shiny gold font. Maxim took in the details, glancing over several names before settling on the largest landmass’s name: Albion . In the bottom corner of a map, a blue ship icon hovered above a tiny dot of an island. The realization of their present location hit him like a sack of bricks.


    Soluna Map

    “Quite a bit to take in, isn’t it? And to think, that’s not even covering the extended territories beyond! You see, us privateers serve under the flag of the Solunian Empire, one of the world’s leading powers! Under the rulership of the lineage blessed by the Sun and the Moon, the nation has surmounted countless trials and tribulations. The current ruler is Queen Estelle IV, an iron willed woman with radiant character! Thanks to her efforts, several structural reforms have swept through the empire.”


    Maxim rubbed his chin. “Fascinating. Since you mentioned structure, how does that work in terms of our current position in the empire?”


    “Well.. it’s all a bit complicated! In general, the expanded territories, the ones beyond the capital island of Albion, are divided between the traffic of three major groups: the Solunian Navy, Adventurer Guilds, and then us privateers.”


    “Oh? A..triad of powers?”



    “Mmhm! To specify, the first two groups remain within the scope of the crown’s control, with the navy being the might and adventures serving the common people. Us privateers? We’re the wild cards! Independent and willing to do whatever it takes to succeed. Want to send us into ruins to find treasure, prowl around for any unwanted vessels, or raise a little hell on troublemakers? We’ll do it all!” Drake ran a hand through his head crest. “Of course, due to this, there’s more than a few individuals up top that have it out for us. If they got their way, we’d either be kept under a tighter lease, or worse.”


    The Rowlet shuddered as the captain chuckled after that last statement.


    “But don’t worry! We’re much too useful for the government to restrict us, so long as we play by their rules. After all, there’s only so much one navy can do by themselves!”


    He looked away to the side, trying to process all this information. A massive empire, multiple factions, and even the side they’re on wasn’t completely on board. All potential hurdles to his goal. There was no telling how long it would take him to make meaningful progress.


    “Hey, hey, hey! Maxim, look at me!” Drake spoke up with a bright smile. “It’s a lot to take in, but don’t let it overwhelm you! Just remember to believe in yourself and the crew.” He rose out of his char, raising his finger into the air. “Our motto is: One Step At A Time!” The captain struck a wide-legged pose, tilting his head down. Maxim swore he could see sparkles radiating from his form.



    “Uh, thanks captain.” He said, rubbing his bandaged wing. Your confidence is something else, Captain…


    “Now then, I do believe we have a bit more business to discuss!” Drake said, resting back in his chair. “I think I’d like to have you and Ren-”


    He was interrupted as the door swung open with a heavy thud, followed by Rene rushing up to his desk. The Mienfoo’s eyes were wide open as she panted.


    “Captain! It’s the Azure ! She’s here!”


    Drake rose up and walked over, clasping her shoulders. “Just now?”


    The Mienfoo nodded. “It’s circlin’ around! I dunno what crazy stunt they’re tryin’ to pull?”


    “Of all the damned ways to come in!” The Quaquval swore before rushing out the door. Rene followed suit, leaving Maxim to trail behind.


    Just what the hell’s going on outside?


    On the deck, several pokemon were standing mystified at the sight above: A slender, three masted ship soaring in an arc above the harbor. The ship descended lower and slower after each pass, getting close enough for Maxim to make out a navy blue keel and gold figurehead. An unexpected chill brushed over his feathers. Was the wind starting to pick up?


    Drake, who had raised a hand to his chin, suddenly twisted back and pushed both him and Rene back.


    “Stay back you two! Get as far away as you can!” He shouted. Straightening up, he summoned a pair of water swords.


    A pit formed in Maxim’s stomach. I don’t understand! What’s got him spooked?!


    “Hmm~! You’re way too slow!”


    Another chill washed over. A sudden gust blew him further back. As he pulled himself up, that’s when all hell broke loose.


    Drake was slammed into his side by a speeding blur, a grimace forming on his face as his talons gripped into the deck’s wood. He swung his leg in an arc, deflecting the blur’s next impact. It tried another attack, this time coming straight down from above. Drake was barely able to clash with the attack in time, the force knocking Maxim down once again. To his side, his partner was frozen to the ground, eyes widened as she could only watch the spectacle.


    “T-This is real fuckin’ bad. She’s really pent up this time!”


    Before he could ponder her words, Drake’s shouting diverted his attention. The captain managed to block several more strikes, but splits and tears appeared on his jacket. His proud  feathery crest became disheveled. As the blur sped in for another attack, Drake combined his blades into a massive watery greatsword and slammed it into the deck with a mighty crunch. The blur leaped into the air at the last second.


    “ENOUGH! Don’t you think this is a little much?!” He screamed at the top of his lungs. To everyone’s surprise, the blur came to a complete standstill, allowing a view of his tormentor.


    Silvery fur covered their tall and lanky form. Their head had a golden gem above scarlet eyes and a long, trailing feather curling on the opposite side of their ear. A purple scarf was wrapped around their neck, a symbol similar to their face stitched into the center. Curling their mouth into a wide smirk, they brandished their most noticeable trait, long and curved claws that could easily cut a target to pieces. The pokemon, a Sneasler, relaxed their posture and placed their arms behind their head, flashing a cocky grin.


    “Just the warm up I needed. Gotta admit, you’re getting slower by the day, broher~! Maybe I should take over being captain of this crew!”


    Maxim did a double take. The Sneasler, speaking with a deep and teasing woman’s voice, waved a claw. Drake dismissed his swords and slammed his foot into the chipped deck.


    WHAT WERE YOU THINKING, KATSUMI?! At least look around before pulling your little trick!”


    “I can’t help it! You know how long I had to spend driving your little ship around?! One week! I was half-bored to death!” She crouched to the ground, coating her claws in a violet, pulsating energy.


    “And man, I’m STILL bored!” She hissed, fangs bared into a twisted grin. “You better make it worth, brother!”


    Maxim could only watch in horror as the pokemon leaped at his captain in a split second, time slowing down as Drake raised his arm to respond.


    Can I please catch a damn break?!





    “U-urgh.. My head..”


    On an unremarkable sail boat bound for a distant harbor, one shiny Umbreon stirs from her slumber. To her side is a Maril, still unconscious. At the helm is Hurik the Combusken, slouched over the wheel with still-unhealed bruises. Celene limped over to his side, wincing from aching joints.


    “Glad you’re awake. We managed to escape just in time.” He cheered. “M will likely be out for the remainder of the way back. He’ll be fine with some rest.”



    “Oh good for him, but what about us?” The Umbreon snorted. “Not even a single oran berry to spare?”



    Hurik sighed and remained focused on the skies ahead. “I wish, but I was barely able to get us on board in time before the guards found our hidden path. Good news is that I burned our documents, save for what I could carry, so they won’t be able to track us.” He reached into a nearby satchel and pulled out a stapled set of documents. “This should be enough to keep the mission from being a complete failure.”


    Her fur stood straight on end at the last word. Failure meant whatever hopes they had of being promoted were dashed, let alone what their captain would do once he got word. She had spent months of hard work to gain his acknowledgement, all for nothing.


    The Combusken took note of her reaction, this time taking out a black colored badge in the shape of a four-pointed mask. Her eyes nearly bulged out of her skull as he gripped it tightly.


    “You want to call him now?! Not even a moment to rest?”


    “Better for us to admit our failure now then wait until we return. I can’t imagine how thrilled he would be for us to dump this on his doorstep.” 



    Black claws raked into the wood below. She hated how he had a point. The last time someone had withheld information from the captain, they were lucky to even walk again. A whimper escaped her mouth as she averted looking at Hurik. No matter what happened now, she was sure to pay the price.


    “Don’t worry. I won’t let you two take all the responsibility.” He stated. “ It was my idea to volunteer, after all. Therefore, I’ll take the fall.”


    “You idiot! How can you even say something like that! I don’t want you to do that for me, it’ll make me look weak!” She hissed as her claws sunk deeper into the wood. “If he punishes just you, how am I supposed to look anyone else in the eye? Don’t forget what you promised me.” Her ears drooped to the ground with a whimper.


    “You promised…”



    “I know. Let me handle the talking.” He winked. “I can smooth things over. It’s a promise!”



    That did little to ease her fears, but she chose to let him handle it. He pressed a button in the center, causing a high-pitched beep. The button flashed several times as the pair waited for an answer.


    * Beep*









    “Hmph. Who’s calling this line? State your name and reason for calling, and perhaps I’ll answer you.” A woman’s voice, deep, gruff and authoritative, came from the device. Hurik swallowed and took a deep breath. After locking eyes with Celene, he spoke calmly.


    “This is Hurik here, reporting on the Calvin Island mission. I would like to give an update to the captain, Mercury.”


    A few moments of silence went by before the other line responded. “Proceed.”



    “The status of the mission… was a failure. We managed to integrate ourselves well within the island’s meager defenses, but it all went south when a privateer crew interrupted our plans. We were forced to flee.”


    Mercury’s voice erupted into anger. “A failure? All due to one crew? How in the hell did you mess that up? You told me you could handle it!”


    “I did. Unfortunately that one knick in our plan costed us everything. I apologize.”


    “You’re sorry? You really think that’s going to be enough for us to give you a pat on the back like everything’s alright?!” She growled. “You’ll be lucky to have lookout duty when I’m done with y-”



    “That’s enough. I’d like to give my own thoughts, Ms. Mercury.”


    Celene’s blood turned to ice in her veins as a deep and refined male’s voice came from the line. The polite tone able to quell Mercury’s temper was all too familiar to them both.

    Hurik turned to the Umbreon, the device slightly trembling in his claws. “Of course, Captain, I hope you got all that.”


    “I did! How disappointing things turned out like this, Hurik. You know I’ve had high hopes for you since you first arrived. A shame this will be a black mark on your record for quite some time, hmm?”



    The Combusken’s grip grew tighter as he silently swore. “I understand this won’t bode favorably for us. I’m ready to accept any punishment you have waiting for us back onboard.”


    The captain cleared his throat and spoke again. “Of course. I’ll have you give me a full rundown on the situation. I’d like to at least know the crew that outed you.”


    “Well, they had blue scarves covered in white teardrop markings. From what I’ve gathered it was a crew by the name of Aqua Step.”


    The captain let out a small gasp, followed by the line going silent. The two shot each other a raised eyebrow.



    “Captain, is something wrong?”


    A steady stream of cackling echoed from the other end, followed by the sound of something slamming onto a desk.


    “This is quite the development! Just when I thought things couldn’t get interesting! It’s your lucky day Hurik, that just put me in a good mood! I suppose I’ll give you a lighter punishment when you arrive. Do not delay if you want to keep it that way!”


    “Wait, Captain!” He shouted.


    * CLICK*



    The device fell to the ground. The pair locked eyes, fear brimming between the two of them. Only the sound of rushing wind passed through as Hurik plotted their next course.






    “Hmmm, quite the interesting turn of events.”


    A figure reclined into their lavish leather chair as they traced a claw across a detailed map of Soluna. His second in command, wrapped in a beige cloak, clicked her tongue as she leaned against the wall. “Just their shitty luck, huh? What an embarrassment. I give them everything to make this mission a breeze and they somehow mess that up! They’ll be lucky to work with intact hides when I’m done with them! I knew we should have gone with Rollo’s ide- Are you even listening to me, Joker?!”


    The figure tilted their head against an open palm, moving a coin across the map like a piece on a game board. Red eyes lazily looked at her, before darting back down.


    “I am, I am! I find it more hilarious than anything. Who would have thought Drake would be active at such a small, meaningless island? I hit quite the jackpot, it seems!” He took the coin into his paw, twisting it around each claw before launching it like a bullet at his number two. Her reflexes proved sharp enough to catch the object in time. She let loose a growl before placing the coin back on the desk.


    “Well, how do you want to handle it? I don’t have the time to waste on your petty grudge if you’re even thinking of pursuing him!” She clamped down on the desk’s edge, forming a small crack.


    The figure chuckled, tossing the coin into the air. “Oh Mercury, our little affair can wait. After all, I know I’ll see him again. Only this time, he’ll be the one groveling at my feet for forgiveness. And then…”


    Catching the falling coin, he slammed it onto the map. The coin was placed dead center in a marker labeled Grit Island .


    “I’ll make him beg, beg for all those days and nights I felt humiliated and weak. And even then, I won’t grant him reprieve. I can wait, Mercury, for as long as I need.”


    He reached under his desk, and took out a shimmering blue feather. Even years later, its luster remained. Oh if only he knew how much he had changed, how much stronger he’d gotten. If he had chosen to remain, that fool’s dream would have come true by now.


    “The longer I wait, the sweeter his fall will be.”



    ARC 1 – FIN

    Until next time. See yah!


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