The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Cover art

    Hey Maxim.. What would you do if the stars above in the sky disappeared? Would you be curious? Upset they disappeared? Wish for them to come back?


    Hey Maxim… If you were scared to hurt someone, why did you do it?


    Hey Maxim… did they make you angry? Did they do nothing to you? Or did you…?


    Hey Maxim… don’t forget… 


    Hey Maxim…





    All encompassing void, all enveloping darkness. 


    He awoke to find himself floating in a sea of nothingness. Was he going mad? Why was he here?


    There wasn’t a concept of time. An eternity could pass, and he’d feel nothing. In fact, he couldn’t feel anything at all. Where was his body? 


    Panic crept in. At least he still had his emotions. Maybe he could will his body into existence next.. 


    “No need. You will soon be set free.”


    Wha- Who said that?


    “I did. You may call me an ‘observer’, if you will.”


    And now he was going crazy. At least he won’t be lonely if there’s an imaginary voice to talk to.


    “You still doubt me? Here, witness this!”


    The darkness was illuminated by a single pulsating orb of light. A burning feeling of energy enveloped him, surging through his existence like wildfire. His very being felt drawn to the levitating light. And then…




    The glow faded and the cold darkness returned. He was paralyzed, weak. Alone.


    “Do not fear, for you have been chosen for a grand purpose. A divine experiment in a world of endless sky and unyielding conflict, where unforeseen calamity threatens to tear it apart. To safeguard it, I have searched for a qualified candidate. You have met my needs, knowledge seeker!”


    This was too much for him to deal with. Could he just be free already? Even an eternity of silence would be more appealing.


    “Very well, I suppose you have been in the dark long enough. I shall send you on your way, but not without the proper knowledge.”’


    A low hum started in the darkness, followed by a flash of light. Soon, the void itself started to distort as a ball of light similar to the one before it formed again. The difference was that this one began to absorb the darkness like an inverse black hole. 


    “One more thing. Regardless of which path you take in this world, remember that you and only you can decide how your story plays out. Your memories shall remain scattered, but meet me at the origin point at the end of the skies, and know the truth.”


    Again, he felt himself being drawn into the light, but this time he felt an overwhelming wave of pressure dragging him in. There was nothing he could do but watch as the light grew closer.


    And closer.


    And closer.


    “Farewell for now, Maxim.”


    The light enveloped him in a warm embrace, the void vanishing from sight.





    The wind was blowing strongly against his skin. Darkness enveloped behind his closed eyes, but unlike before, he had control over his body.


    Wait, body? His body was back?


    Eyes slowly opened to overwhelming light that slowly faded. Ears that could hear the howl of rushing wind were the first sense to fully return. As his eyes adjusted, the only thing he could make out was nothing but blue and white blurs. 


    Then realization hit him harder than the wind. He was falling!




    His voice was back, at least. A small solace for one falling to their doom.


    He moved his left arm forward, only to find a bundle of toasty brown feathers instead. Using the right arm netted the same result, raising more alarm bells. Was reality playing a cruel joke on him?


    Before he could gather his thoughts, a mighty force struck his back, causing the blur of rushing sky to stop, before resuming once again in reverse. He became disoriented and nausea set in. Feeling his consciousness slip away, he hoped whatever fate befell him would be swift and painless.



    All encompassing void.


    Had he really come back here, new life cut short already? He shuddered at the thought of dealing with that strange voice again.


    …okay? …Not… damaged…”


    Oh, another voice. This time, the tone was that of a male’s; gentle and soft, without an omnipotent boom present. Whoever he was, the voice was busy chatting away.


    “. .. fall… on… patrol… can’t believe this happened…”


    A second masculine voice, this time deep and confident, became locked in a discussion with the first. Both grew louder as they went back and forth. 


    “I wonder when the little guy is gonna wake up..”


    “Hard to say when. Best to not bother him for now and let him rest. Your patrol duties are calling.”


    “Hmph, noted.”


    Wait a moment, that sounded like it came from right beside him. He struggled to move his body as feeling returned once more, and he began to open his eyes. 


    A fuzzy haze came into view, while a floral scent hung in the air.. Shapes formed and he was soon left staring at a candle hanging off a dark wooden wall. Staring down revealed a soft mattress covered in green wooly sheets. 


    He was now indoors, safe from a plummeting demise. Was it all just a bad dream?


    “Ah, you’re awake already? Interesting.”


    He wasn’t alone either. It was the gentle and soft voice from earlier, this time much clearer.

    A humanoid figure came into view, one covered in a white dress with green leggings, and with piercing red eyes paired with green, twintailed hair. On their right arm was some kind of blue band covered in a small symbol. In their left arm was a small notebook and a pen attached to the back on a string. The figure raised their free hand and a wave of pink energy floated over his bed. Rejuvenation washed over him. He had never seen something like this before, and yet a name came immediately to mind as he gazed at them.


    “That’s a Kirlia.” He thought. “ Wait, how did I know that?”


    “I was worried that Signal had been too rough with you when he recovered you from your failed flight. But my worries were unfounded. Guess I should apologize to him later,” The Kirlia said as he raised a hand to his chin.


    Maxim glanced to the side. On a nearby table was a small, circular mirror. He took the chance to glance at his body. Feathers, both white and brown, covered his small form. Instead of arms and legs, he had bird wings and orange talons. A small green bowtie-shaped growth was planted above his neck. He rubbed a wing over his face – even that transformed to a smooth, hard beak.

    I'm a rowlet

    “I’ve been turned into a r-r-Rowlet?! That damn voice must have done this to me !” He speculated. “ I bet that guy is laughing his ass off, wherever he is.”


    “Excuse me, are you alright?”


    He was snapped out of thought by the waiting Kirlia. Now he had to figure out what to do about his current position.


    “I-I’m fine”, he stammered. “Please just tell me where I am. I’m not even sure how I got here.”


    Kirlia beamed. “Ah, you’re in the infirmary hold of our ship.” 


    “Ship?” He questioned. “So we’re at sea?” 


    “Sea…?” Kirlia gazed at him, raising their hand back to their chin. “Unless that’s what you call the vast sky.”


    That was enough to make him raise a nonexistent eyebrow. Maxim pressed for more information. “What kind of vessel is this, and just how did I end up here?”


    “The name of this ship is Serene Grace , a merchant ship! We were on our way to Cape Tirtouga to deliver goods, when one of our lookouts saw a hole form in the sky. One of our men went to investigate it, saw you fall out of there, and dragged you to safety.”


    Maxim put a wing to his beak in thought. So that’s how I entered this world. Would it have killed the voice to spawn me on the ground? “So, another question: how long have I been out for?” 


    His question was answered by three fingers held up. “Three hours! You’ve been unconscious since you got here. Since then, I was doing some health checkups on you and nothing’s wrong with you. In the meantime, please try and relax .”


    “I see.” Maxim sighed. Easiest thing for him to do would be to get a grip on what’s going on now, and focus on what to do next later.


    “Sorry to interrupt your thoughts”, Kirlia chimed in, “but I’ve forgotten to ask your name! What do you go by, stranger?”


    “Maxim. Just call me Maxim,” he stated. 


    Krilia smiled. “Quite the name, Maxim! My name is Cecil, nurse assistant! Just take a nice breather and rest yourself. We should be at our destination in one more day! Once we dock, then you can figure out what to do next.”


    Maxim stood up on his talons on the bed. “I guess that’s fine, but I still don’t get where exactly in the world this i-”


    “Oh, our mystery friend is finally awake?”


    A girl’s voice, slightly gruff and full of energy, spoke from the door. Both the transformed human and Cecil turned to the door.


    A bipedal creature resembling a weasel, with red limbs attached to a yellow body, stood gripping a brown handbag. A blue scarf with white patterns was wrapped around her right arm while a light blue band attached to her left leg. Again, a name appeared in Maxim’s mind at the sight of the creature: Mienfoo.

    Rene design 2.0

    Did the voice turn me into a damn encyclopedia? I’ve never seen these creatures before!” 


    “Overheard you two chatting up a storm, figured I’d swing around!” The weasel clapped her hands. “Look at this crazy daredevil! How’d you get all the way into one of the straights without getting blown to pieces? Are yah a professional or somethin’?!”


    Maxim brushed at nonexistent hair. “Daredevil? I got dropped into the middle of the sky with no warning! I’m not crazy enough to skydive from who-knows-where!” 


    A sly grin appeared on Mienfoo’s face. She placed a paw on her hips and pointed a finger at Maxim. “Eh? You trying to say Signal wasn’t fibbin’ with the ‘fallin’ from the sky’ story? I’d sooner believe you rowed yourself on the wind with two pieces of wood taped together!” She cackled.


    Only three hours into this world and he was being called a liar. Great! Any plan he had of resting was dashed away an instant and uneasiness settled in. Perhaps a change of scenery would help to clear his head.


    “Whatever”, he mumbled. “Believe whatever you want to believe.” Maxim turned back towards Cecil, waving his wing at the nurse. “Hey, if you don’t mind, I’d like to take a look outside. Get some fresh air, you know. Can I rest later?”


    “Hmmm, I suppose letting you get some sunlight would be a good thing given your grass-type nature,” Cecil said. “I think it should be fine, provided someone watches you so nothing happens.”


    Maxim wasn’t sure what the nurse meant by grass or “types”, but he buried the thought for now.


    “Uh, sure, I could definitely use some more sunshine! I’m ready to go now, if you’re willing!” He said, putting mock-enthusiasm into his voice.


    “Hold your ponytas! Just what do you think you’re sayin’, Cecil?!” Mienfoo raised a paw with a scowl on her face. “Letting some stranger go out of here without talkin’ to at least a high officer about it! How do we know this mudder’s not a spy or a criminal?”


    Cecil frowned. He moved his notebook back under his arm. “Now Rene, why are you jumping to conclusions so soon? There wasn’t even a single item in his possession when he was brought in, nor did we find anything suspicious on his body after moving him to the ward. I get being cautious, but I can tell he’s not a legitimate threat.”


    The weasel crossed her arms and looked away. “Bah, fine. But don’t come crying to me if he turns out to be some kinda wacko. I’ll do you a favor and find some bored crewmate to guide him up.”


    That seemed to be exactly what the nurse wanted to hear, as a smile crept up on his face. “No need, as you’re going to be the best fit for the job!”


    Rene took a step back and looked between Cecile, Maxim, and back to Cecil with widened eyes.  “Wha? Since when am I a tour guide? I just came to have a look at him, not babysit him!”


    Cecil pressed on. “Well think of it this way: what better means are there to keep an eye on a suspicious mon than with your own two eyes?“


    Rene put her paws on her hip. “Well, you got a point there. And if he tries anything funny, then…”  A loud clap echoed after the weasel slammed her paws together. “I still got some time to kill off shift. You said you’re ready to go, yeah?”


    As much as Maxim agreed with her on picking someone else, he didn’t want to waste time. “As ready as I’ll ever be.” He sighed. 


    He stood up on the covers and looked down the side of the bed. Slowly moving his feet- no, talons- to the edge, the small owl hopped on to the ground. 


    “Okay, how do I walk on these things?” he thought.


    Maxim took some steps. Despite how stubby his new legs were, walking for the first time didn’t feel strange. It was as if he had always been like this. He briskly moved to the door where Rene was scoffing. “Good! Now stay close to me so you don’t get lost. And don’t even think of tryin’ to jet away behind my back!” 


    While Rene stepped out into the hallway, Maxim took one last look back. Cecil waved back with a small smile . The former human returned the gesture with a wing before following the weasel’s lead. 

    Dim, candle-lit corridors and vacant hallways made up the path to the ship’s deck. The interior felt antique with the walls and floors made of polished wood, while the smell of burning candlewax filled the air. A few minutes of walking had led them to a set of steel stairs with sunlight beaming down from the top. They started to climb, with Rene leading the charge.


    The sunlight grew brighter as they approached the top. Maxim tried not to grimace, hopping up as fast as he could. Eventually, he reached the last rung of the stairs.


    The deck of the ship was beige wood with metal patches arranged around compartment entrances and lids. Twin masts reached triumphantly into the sky, beige sails expanded out in full force. The bridge superstructure was painted black and featured several glass windows, complete with unusual figures moving back and forth. Strange creatures roamed around the deck: a multicolored giraffe directed by a standing gray cat dragged around boxes, a blue beetle played a card game with a fat squirrel, and the strangest sight was an oversized floating bell with red eyes that levitated containers from one side of the ship to another. All the figures shared one thing in common: a blue band tied around a part of their body.


    One creature stood out the most to him: a bipedal frog observed everything from a stack of boxes in the center. Matching a spiral pattern on their belly was a long, curved strand of hair on the top of their head. The blue band was on their left arm. In their hands was a small book they occasionally jotted down in. 


    A tap on the shoulder took him out of further viewing. Rene placed her paws on her hips and was staring him down. 


    “Don’t spend an eternity starin’ around while gawkin’ at the crew, you might get in their way. Head over to one of the corners if you wanna do that.”


    Maxim rolled his eyes. “ Oh I’m sorry, not everyone has a normal reaction to weird talking animals running around some ship.”

    Moving over to the railing along the edge of the deck, he glanced down to take a look at the water bel-


    Wait, where was the water? No sea, no land, nothing but clouds reflecting the light of the clear sky above. The thick layer of cloud expanded for miles across the horizon.


    Maxim reclined back. Rene tilted her head as he ran over as fast as his stubby talons could. An uncomfortable silence lingered as he stared at her leaning against the railing.


    “What’s bothering yah?” She asked. “Thought you’d be enjoying the clear day since its easy sunlight.”


    “Rene, where is the sea?”


    The weasel stared back at him with widened eyes. “Sea? What the hell do you mean by that?”


    Maxim raised a wing to his temple. Oh brother, first Cecil and now her. “ Surely I’m not the crazy one around here.”  


    “You know, a big body of water similar to how oceans cover the planet, or this one I’m assuming. What ships normally sail on instead of the actual sky itself?” 


    Another moment of silence, followed by Rene bursting into laughter. “Ahahaha! You must have bumped your head pretty hard before you got rescued! Of course a ship’s gonna sail the skies! Dunno what you mean by ‘sea’, but the only thing I see here is some Rowlet that took in a bit too much air for their own good!”


    “Ugh, nevermind.” He sighed, shaking off the insult. ” I should have known better than to use reason in a world with talking animals in it.”


    A deep and jovial voice spoke from a few feet away. “Hate to interrupt, but are you two having fun sunbathing over there?” 


    The fro- the Politoed had hopped over. A leather bag with a golden seal in the shape of three bird feathers was on him. The blue band on his arm also featured a golden trim along both edges, unlike the others. 


    “Ain’t you that Rowlet that got brought aboard?” The frog asked. “I’m surprised you were this quick to spring up after what happened!” He reached a hand out to Maxim with a growing grin on his face. 


    “Name’s Clyde! I’m runnin’ things on the deck! Thing’s seem a bit lively for now, but just wait until later, haha!”


    Maxim hesitantly shook it with one of his wings. The frog was cold and slimy to touch, but he didn’t mind it. At least someone else besides Cecil was willing to play nice. 


    “What brings you up on the deck? You ain’t plannin’ on trying to fly again are yah?” Clyde teased. 


    “No sir, I just wanted to ‘get some sunlight’, as the nurse said. I’m not used to waking up in the middle of a ship.” Maxim said, rubbing his head with a wing. 


    “Hehe, well enjoy yourself for a lil’ while! But don’t forget to get back to the medical bay for some good rest, Especially considering how busy the crew’s gonna be later.” Clyde then winked at Rene, causing her to roll her eyes.


    “You need anything, I’ll be over at my little post. See yah!” The frog said before turning over to a blue octopus moving a box. “OI, GRUE, I see you slacking over there! Hurry up and move that box or no drinks for ya tonight!”  Clyde then hopped back to his position. 


    Maxim looked back to the distant horizon. “ Well, at least most of the creatures here seem friendly enough. Guess I was lucky I got dragged here over God-knows-where-else.”  


    The vast blue sky wouldn’t stay empty for much longer. Running level with the ship from far away was a black dot that grew bigger and bigger. Within a few moments, it was close enough to make out a ship-like appearance.


    He turned back to Rene, who was still leaning on the guardrail. “Uh Rene, is there supposed to be another ship anywhere near us?”


    “It’s probably some other merchant ship.” She grumbled. “Don’t pay ‘em any mind, because the rest of the crew won’t.”


    Maxim couldn’t shake off his uneasiness. “Then why is it getting closer to us?” He raised a wing at the now rapidly approaching ship that was now extending sails and masts.


    Rene noticed the object and leaned over the railing hard enough to nearly fall off. “That’s… huh?! They aren’t supposed to be here this early!” 


    The weasel recoiled before grabbing him by the back of the head. “Shit! We gotta go! I’m taking you back to the med bay, got it?!”


    “W-what’s wrong? I thought you said not to worry about it?!” Maxim trembled. An ill feeling of dread took root inside and he shook.  His claws dug into the wooden deck as Rene’s grip tightened. She began to drag him away. 


    “No more time!” She yelled. “We’re leaving right n-!


    “PIRATES ON THE PORT SIDE! THE FLAG IS OCHER’S! EMERGENCY, EMERGENCY!” A voice bellowed out from atop one of the masts. The pirate ship’s bottom half was colored blood red, while the top half was a deep orange. Three tall masts with raised sails were present in the front, middle and rear. Coming near parallel to the Serene Grace, the pair froze as two massive hooks fired from the pirate ship and impaled the side. The ship rocked back and forth, knocking Maxim and Rene down. Before they could get up, a massive shadow flew over the railing.


    It landed and Maxim’s blood ran cold. Only a few feet away was a cross between a bat and a dragon colored black and purple, a Noivern. On its neck was a dark orange bandanna with a bat-wing styled emblem and gleaming from the tip of its pointed tail was an attached metal blade. Long, speaker-like bat ears twitched as its head swiveled around. Eventually, its gaze lingered on Clyde. He stood as the bat-dragon approached him.


    Creatures poured over the side of the ship and spreaded out. From a bipedal brown croc holding a black dagger to a walking cactus with even more spikes taped to its arms, the group was prepared to conquer. The crew had scrambled over the deck, with some hiding behind containers, while others formed a group behind Clyde. A deep and raspy voice boomed from the Noivern, causing pirate and crew alike to pause. 


    “Well then, I figure it’s about time to get down to business.” The bat-dragon leaned into Clyde’s face, the Politoed unblinking as he continued. “You, Politoed. Where’s the captain?”


    Clyde stood straight as a statue, even as the pirate’s dagger tail moved close to his neck. “Aye, I’m sorry if you’re hoping for an appointment, he’s a bit busy right now!” Clyde laughed.


    An uncomfortable silence returned to the deck. Maxim’s eyes widened into dinner plates as Rene gripped him closer to her body, a visible scowl on her face. Clyde’s smile didn’t diminish, a nonchalant stare on his face as if he was waiting for a proper response. The bat-dragon straightened up, glanced back to his pirate crew, then back down to the frog. He slowly started to laugh. 


    “Hehehehehe… HAHAHAHAHA! You’ve got some guts, Politoed. That’s fine, I’d rather drag your pathetic captain out of his hold kicking and screaming after we take your goods.” He sneered, slapping his tail on the wooden floor. He waved a claw at a pair of two black-and-gold-colored serpents with curved blades at the ends of their tails. “Trav, Igor, lead some of the men down below to the cargo hold. The rest of ya, tie up the crew on the deck. Make sure they have a front row seat while we plunder the vessel!” 


    Rene’s grip tightened as a pair of pirates moved to grab them. The weasel’s eyes brimmed with fury as she attempted to kick them away.


    “Blow off, you filthy mudders! This ship ain’t yours for the takin’!” She growled. 


    Clyde shook his head and motioned both his hands down. Too focused on Ocher, Rene ignored the warning. In a split second, the bat-dragon closed the gap with a leap. His yellow eyes bored into them as he towered above.. His blade tail swished back and forth as if eager to see action. Maxim stayed silent, focusing his willpower into staying calm. 


    “Well isn’t this crew brimming with steel-coated bravery? I got to admit girlie, the average mon would have ran with their tail between their legs at the site of Blade Tail Ocher starin’ em down.”


    Said tail-blade hovered  a few inches from Rene’s forehead, causing her to shiver. Maxim gulped as the bat-dragon leaned in.


    “Now then..” He sneered. “Let’s see how long those guts of yours last when I rip em outta yah!”


    As a heads up, I do read each and every comment made per chapter! If you have anything you want to say below, as long as its civil, go right ahead and say it right away!


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    1. Jun 30, '24 at 3:18 pm

      So I’ve read the first chapter of this fic and now I’m here to leave a review on it as part of Diner’s P-wheel! Without any further ado, let’s see what we have here.

      Before we even begin, I just want to commend you on just how much of a great start this fic had to me. Like don’t get me wrong, the fic has a pretty standard fare opening for a pmd fic and the protagonist even has the amnesia one comes to expect with these, but something about the way you presented things made things feel just fresh enough that I kept reading.

      It didn’t bother me that I’ve seen this song and dance before. What I haven’t seen in a pmd fic before though is a fic with a setting like this where the world is literally built on the skies. Not only that, we have giant airships, air pirates and oceans of clouds. This is like reading Skypiea in Onepiece but if the whole story took place on that island.

      Another thing I liked about this chapter is how it didn’t take long for things to happen. Having a pirate attack occur right from the first chapter was a smart choice. It provides a glimpse into the kinds of dangers that lurk in a world like this one. Also, all the chapter artworks included here were all pretty great stuff.

      Overall, this fic is pretty good. I don’t have a lot of criticism to provide here aside from a few typos here and there, but overall I’d say you blew it out of the water. So much in fact that it’s Soaring over Heaven.

    2. Mar 31, '24 at 7:15 pm

      This was a super fun, exciting chapter!! We follow Maxim’s bewildering introduction into an impossible world of sky ships and talking animals, and it’s a wonder he can stay as calm as he does!! I’m looking forward to catching up and finding out what kind of adventure he can get himself into 🙂