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    Cover of PMD: Soaring Over Heaven

    PMD: Soaring Over Heaven

    by zero10.2

    Beckoned by the worlds of a mysterious entity, A naive human-turned-Rowlet is dropped into the endless blue skies of flying ships and sky pirates. With a lack of memories and guidance on where to go next, he puts his stake into a partnership with free-spirited privateers. His journey to save the skies will put him on a collision course with warring nations, untamed dungeons, and self-reflection – as all roads lead to the end of the horizon.

    Featuring art by yours truly and more!

    For all things related to the main and supporting cast of my fic. Profiles will be updated as the story goes along, as well as later editions for character art, themes, and more.


    Age: 23(?)
    Species: Rowlet
    Association: Aqua Step Pirates
    Likes: Peace of Mind, Knowledge
    Dislikes: Ambiguity, Lack of Security

    The main protagonist of Soaring Over Heaven, Maxim is a former human transformed Rowlet who finds himself falling into an entirely new world altogether. Motivated by his lack of memories and desire to return to being human, he joins forces with the Aqua Step Pirates, a privateer group led by the enigmatic Quaquaval, Captain Drake.

    Maxim is a relatively straightforward guy. He’s quick to be unnerved about the drastic nature of the SOH world, but intrigued by many things at the same time. Although he has his doubts about the crew of Aqua Step, as he lives and fights alongside them, his trust begins to shine. At first Maxim is full of fear, thrown into hair raising situation after situation, held back by the limits of coping with a new form and his own insecurities. However, thanks to the rough and tough crew around him, the little grass type may yet to fully bloom, with or without all of his memories.

    Moves: Leafage, Peck, Growl, ???


    Age: 23
    Species: Mienfoo
    Association: Aqua Step Pirates
    Likes: The crew, Putting idiots in their place
    Dislikes: Braggarts, Clingy Folk, Tight Spaces

    Maxim’s makeshift partner, and a member of the Aqua Step Pirates. Rene is a hotheaded Mienfoo with a sometimes hair trigger temper and fists of steel. Having spent much of her young life alongside the crew, she has a great deal of trust in her fellow pirates, even if she’s hesitant to show it. Don’t let her abrasive attitude fool you, if she’s fond enough of you she’s more than willing to help.

    Rene prefers working alone and even when paired with others, will most likely do her own thing unless with very specific pokemon. Her aggressive and reckless fighting style was hand-taught with help from Captain Drake himself. For some reason, particularly due to a checkered past, she has a deep loathing of physical contact (unless you’re a mon on her very, very short list) and tight spaces.

    While her partnership with Maxim is a rocky one, with a little luck, trust, and time, perhaps the two can elevate themselves to new heights.

    Moves: Drain Punch, Jump Kick, Bounce, ????

    Captain Drake

    Age: 34
    Species: Quaquaval
    Association: Aqua Step Pirates (Captain)
    Likes: His crew, Wine, Feeding his Curiosity
    Dislike: Unjust Treatment, Broken Promises, Hard Whiskey

    Leader of the Aqua Step Pirates, a pirate-turned privateer group who works for a Solunian Governor. A well known pirate captain who’s main claim to fame is how vibrant and flashy he is in battle, because of course, the dancing duck’s gotta show his moves. He’s very boisterous, always shouting either insults or taunts to his opponents in as tasteful of a manner possible. He mainly uses kicks and quick strikes to wear down his enemies, but when pushed far enough, or when he wants to end things quickly, he’ll form solid blades out of water to use for close quarters combat.

    Personality wise, just like how he is in battle, he’s very loud and bombastic. Always seen with a trademark grin on his beak, and a wineglass in hand when handling celebrations after a successful raid. In private however, he’s very quiet and thoughtful, always planning out his next step. He’s surprisingly good at hiding his true intentions, and is great at making small talk with others. He’s also the first one pick up on Maxim being more than meets the eye. Always fair to his “supervisors” as well as his crew, so long as they give him their word. And as long as each crew member puts in effort, they get their fair share. Flexible when needed, but unbending when pushed. That’s Drake’s way of living.

    Moves: Acrobatics, Liquidation, Ice Spinner, ????


    Age: 21
    Species: Kirlia
    Association: Aqua-Step Pirates (Nurse/Medical)
    Likes: Caring for Others, His Personal Notebook, Seeing New Places
    Dislikes: Careless people, cruelty, failure

    Technically the first pokemon and first member of the crew Maxim meets face to face, Cecil can be called one of the core members of the crew that makes up its moral compass. Compared to nearly everyone else, he doesn’t seem to have a mean bone in his body. Driven by a desire to help as many pokemon as he can, good, bad and in-between, he currently is training under the crew’s main doctor, Dr. Gerald.

    He seems to have taken a special interest in Maxim, cheering him on in his journey as a crew member. What role does fate have in store for the young Kirlia?

    Moves: Heal Pulse, Psychic, ????, ????

    1. Chapter 1 – Falling DownChapter 1 - Falling Down
      4,444 Words
    2. Chapter 2 – Predators or Prey?
      3,451 Words
    3. Chapter 3 – Finding Your Way
      5,569 Words
    4. Chapter 4 – Down On The StreetChapter 4 - Down On The Street
      5,441 Words
    5. Chapter 5 – The First BlowChapter 5 - The First Blow
      4,724 Words
    6. Chapter 6 – Playing PretendChapter 6 - Playing Pretend
      6,039 Words
    7. Chapter 7 – Easier Said Than DoneChapter 7 - Easier Said Than Done
      3,643 Words
    8. Chapter 8 – Born Under Punches, Part 1
      4,423 Words
    9. Chapter 9 – Born Under Punches, Part 2
      4,368 Words
    10. Chapter 10 – When Tomorrow Comes
      5,567 Words
    1. Bonus Story – Winter’s Union
      3,284 Words
    1. Chapter 11 – Invitations
      4,717 Words