The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    “Y’all best be getting up right around now.”

    Rune and Kibo groggily opened their eyes, coming to the realization that they were not in Lucario’s Guild. The canvas walls of the tent not stopping any of the sun’s light from getting in served as a pretty clear reminder they were still at Golisopod’s Guild.

    It also helped that the aforementioned Golisopod was the one who woke them up and was currently looming over them.

    Rune and Kibo steadily got up as Golisopod just stood in the entrance to their room. He didn’t move or say anything until the two Pokémon were on their feet and looking at him.

    “Come with me now.” Not bothering to waste time with silly things like pleasantries or a confirmation that his guests were actually awake, he walked directly out of the guild, beckoning the two to follow.

    At first, Golisopod led them through the outskirts of the town. Though as they walked along the dirt road, buildings became less and less frequent, giving way to large farm fields as they trekked further inland.

    Their destination was obvious. The dense patch of jungle in the middle of the island steadily grew closer and closer, until the dirt path came to a stop right where the plant life seemed to multiply in size.

    Golisopod trudged on anyway, marching straight into the darkness of the jungle.

    “Uhh, sir? Can I ask where we’re headed?” Kibo asked, trying to get Golisopod to explain literally anything about where he was taking them while also not tripping over the various roots and vines covering the floor.

    “Got a theory about you two. Might help that amnesia.”

    Rune and Kibo looked between each other nervously, a mutual sense of foreboding gnawing at them.

    “Well… don’t you have to lead your guild?” Kibo asked, trying to find a way to convince Golisopod to turn back without admitting that their amnesia problem is mostly under control.

    That caused Golisopod to stop and look at Kibo. “We ain’t like those mainland guilds. ‘Round here, you get to things when you get to them.”


    “Y’all be quiet until we get there.”

    “Yes sir.”

    Rune gave Kibo a look, slightly annoyed with how quickly he folded. Still, she was in no position to complain about it herself.

    She really hoped Zar would show up right now.

    “What do you mean you can’t tell me where they are?” A Steenee was standing across from a Toucannon, neither party looking particularly enthusiastic about this conversation.

    “East Island’s for natives only,” Toucannon reminded, her beak beginning to glow a soft red. “And if you ain’t from here, you don’t get to see where they’re goin’.”

    “But they’re my friends!” Zar said, her petals rising as she got ready to deal with whatever Toucannon was gonna throw at her. “I need to go find them.”

    Sometime while she was still asleep, Rune and Kibo fell off her radar, and now she couldn’t sense them anywhere. As a result, she was forced to take a different approach to figuring out where they were.

    She was not particularly good at this approach.

    Toucannon seemed to laugh at Zar’s pleas. “You can look, but y’ain’t gonna find them. Island’s secret is a secret. Not even Mew’s been able to figure it out.” She added just a little too much emphasis on the last line for it to be a coincidence.

    That caused Zar to flinch, which only gave Toucannon more ammunition. “But using two natives who lost their memory is a low, even for you.”

    “Hey! Rune and Kibo are my friends!” Zar shouted. “I’m not using them!”

    “Mmm-hmm, just like you haven’t used anyone else to try and figure out the secret for the last 50 years. Now why don’t you get on out of here before I go call Tapu Bulu over.”

    Zar has had to deal with Toucannon enough to know it wasn’t a bluff. And if Bulu ratted her out to the others…

    She stopped bothering to keep up the pretense of a disguise, turning back into her true form to fly away from Toucannon. She’d need some help if she was gonna figure out where Rune and Kibo ended up.

    After completely failing to figure out who it was that owned the striped boat on his first day, Blizz was ready to make another attempt.

    As he crawled out of his bed, he noticed a sheet of paper resting on his nightstand. The text was written in normal English, which pretty much meant it could only be written by one of like, five people.

    Once Blizz finished adjusting his goggles to a more comfortable fit for his day to day activities, he read over the note.


    It has come to my attention that there are two individuals of importance on these islands alongside ourselves, and I felt it necessary to keep you informed as to these developments.

    Blizz jumped forward a few paragraphs, skipping over the Prince’s usual flourish to get to the actual content.

    I detected these individuals on the beach at a late hour, implying that they wished to have a degree of privacy in their conversation.

    The first was Absol of Nova Town. He was talking with a Pokémon I do not yet recognize, though it bears a remarkable resemblance to Zar’s true form. I was able to confirm that he is a legendary and a Psychic type, however I was not able to derive a name.

    In their discussion, the topic was focused on Absol’s detection of an impending disaster, which he claims is correlated to you. He did not appear to know that we are on the islands. More concerning, Absol talked freely with this Pokémon about our nature as humans, and the Pokémon knew your name.

    Needless to say, this is a cause for concern. However, given that I am on vacation, I have elected to pass this information onto you. Make of it what you will, and do not bother me further.

    -The Prince

    Blizz blinked a few times, trying to decipher the Prince’s way-too-formal English into something he could understand.

    “…So that’s who it was,” Blizz concluded. “Had to be Absol.”

    He folded the letter up and placed it in his bag. That was a kinda anti-climactic ending to his search, but at least now he knew to go say hi to his friend.

    Figuring out who that other legendary Pokémon was would be pretty cool too, but one thing at a time.

    After getting his stuff together and checking out of the inn, he started down the streets of West Island once again, this time with a target in mind.

    Given that he was currently looking for an Absol, he didn’t quite expect a familiar shiny Treecko to crash into him first.

    “Blizz! I need your help!” Zar announced, having not even flinched at the impact.

    “Uhh, with what?” Blizz asked as he pulled himself back up to his feet.

    “Rune and Kibo went missing! Sorta.”

    “…Sorry, what?”

    “They spent last night at the guild on East Island, so I thought it would be safe for me to go to sleep. But when I woke up, I couldn’t sense-”

    “Hold that thought one one sec.” Blizz held up a hand, looking past Zar. Moving through the crowd was the Pokémon he’s been looking for the last two days.

    Absol was walking through the streets, alongside a Pokémon cloaked in a gray coat that concealed all of their features. But given the Prince’s note, he had a pretty good idea who it could be.

    “Yo! Absol! Hey!” Blizz shouted, jumping up to get the dark type’s attention.

    Absol looked up to see who was calling his name, locking eyes with Blizz. His face rapidly oscillated through the five stages of grief, before settling on acceptance as he forced himself to trudge over.

    Meanwhile, Zar’s gaze seemed to be locked in on the cloaked Pokémon. For their part, the Pokémon seemed to take some interest in Zar as well.

    “Treecko, it is… good to see you again,” Absol said, though he appeared to be wincing.

    Blizz didn’t pay much mind to that. “Yeah, same! We haven’t talked since I got arrested.”

    “That is… indeed a shame- My apologies, could we move this discussion somewhere more private? I believe we’ve talked about the… unique ways your existence interacts with my disaster sense, and dealing with you in a crowd such as this is… very taxing.”

    “Oh shit right, forgot about that. Uhh… let’s head this way.”

    Blizz walked towards a nearby alleyway with Absol, Zar, and the cloaked Pokémon following behind.

    “Thank you,” Absol said, some of the pain seemingly clearing off his face. “This is moderately better.”

    “So what are you doing out here in Cascia?” Blizz asked.

    Absol gave a nervous glance to the cloaked Pokémon, before turning back to Blizz. “…You see… I…”

    “He was assisting me,” the Pokémon answered, finally breaking his staring competition with Zar to look at Blizz. “I am looking for someone, and he offered to help.”

    Despite the staring contest being broken, hearing the Pokémon speak caused Zar to look even more nervous.

    “Oh legit? Who is it? I could help you guys out too,” Blizz offered, ignorant of his teammate’s fear.

    The Pokémon turned to Absol, the two exchanging a series of wordless expressions. Blizz wasn’t able to make out all of them, but he definitely noticed the taller Pokémon shake his head a few times.

    “…Could we ask your friend to leave us alone for a moment?” Absol requested, gesturing to the still-petrified Zar. “Not to say I doubt your judgment in who to travel alongside, but this is a somewhat delicate matter.”

    “Uhh, sure. Zar, you cool with that?”

    “Y-Yeah! I’ll see you later!” Zar practically sprinted away, leaving the three Pokémon behind with a vague sense of confusion.

    Blizz noticed her odd behavior. Probably something he should ask about later. “…Huh… But yeah, who was it you were looking for?”

    The cloak surrounding the mystery Pokémon lit up with a purple hue, as it slowly lowered to reveal the Pokémon’s face.

    As Blizz studied the legendary Pokémon’s features, he really didn’t understand what the purpose of the cloak was in the first place. It wasn’t like anyone would’ve known who this guy was. If anything, covering himself up would just draw more attention. He wouldn’t even know the dude was a legendary if it wasn’t for the Prince’s heads-up.

    “I am Mewtwo,” he introduced, extending an arm to Blizz. “I am… an old friend of Absol and your guildmaster.”

    Blizz shook his hand, though Absol spoke up before he could introduce himself.

    “Indeed. He is our point of contact to the other legendary Pokémon of Varin. Naturally, this needs to be kept a secret. Can I trust you to not tell anyone else?”

    Blizz blinked a few times, trying to process everything. Definitely was a legendary who seemed to be on really good terms with Absol, but the name kinda stuck out to him.

    “I mean, sure. But like… you’re Mewtwo?”

    “Yes,” Mewtwo confirmed. “My creation was not an-”

    “So like, the second Mew?”

    Mewtwo gave Blizz a look, but nodded anyway. “In a way, yes. Though it’s a bit more complicated than that.”

    “And that is why we are here,” Absol stepped in, saving his friend from having to relive his past. “Mew has been missing for several days now, and Mewtwo was dispatched to find and retrieve her.”

    That immediately set off all sorts of alarm bells in his head. He remembered Zar explaining that legendaries weren’t supposed to interact with normal Pokémon, so it would make sense that they send someone after her.

    So naturally, he had to help out his friend.

    “Who’s Mew?”

    Mewtwo blinked a few times. “…Did you not just ask me if I was a second Mew?”

    Today, Blizz discovered he was not very good at lying on the spot. “Err, I just meant that like-”

    “You have already met her,” Absol said quietly, his voice trembling. “…Dear Arceus.”

    Mewtwo brought a hand up to his forehead in a way that looked suspiciously similar to the way Scizor always would whenever he was dealing with Team Apex. “That would… Please, I ask that you tell me where you encountered her. She has been harassing the residents of these islands for well over 50 years. I wholly understand not caring for the traditions of the legendary Pokémon, but at a minimum, please respect the island’s natives.”

    Blizz found it hard to believe that Zar would harass anyone here. At least maliciously. Time for another lie, except this time it wasn’t a complete lie because he now knew he sucked at those.

    “…I saw her on North Island, right when we were first getting off,” he slowly admitted. “She was a Lapras, then she transformed into a Lugia, then a Mew.” Aside from the order, none of that was technically incorrect.

    “I knew it,” Absol whispered. “I knew that was a Lugia.”

    “…Yes, you were right,” Mewtwo admitted. “We should have trusted your instincts.”

    “Wait, so you guys saw a Lugia on your way over?” Blizz asked, despite knowing full well that they did.

    “Correct,” Absol answered. “Though it must have been Mew in disguise.”

    “And you saw her on North Island, correct?” Mewtwo asked, not wanting to let the conversation get too far derailed.

    “Yep, not really sure where she went.” Beneath his goggles, Blizz looked in the direction Zar ran off in.

    “I see…” Mewtwo had a contemplative look on his face. “The secret of the Cascian Archipelago is hidden on East Island, but many of the locals can recognize her. It would make sense that she hides in the north until she can devise a new scheme to mislead them.”

    “…What’s the deal with the secret anyways? Is it like, a treasure or something?” Blizz figured it would help to know what Zar has apparently been trying to find.

    “The exact nature is a closely guarded secret among select legendary Pokémon and the island natives,” Mewtwo stated. “I do not know the details, however I was informed as to it’s location to ensure I can aid in guarding it.”

    Blizz looked up at Mewtwo. “From Mew?”

    “From Mew.”

    Absol noticed the awkward pause, and decided to use it as an excuse to get away from the source of his current headache. “We appreciate the assistance, though we should resume our search. Plus, you should reconvene with your friend as well, right?”

    “But I still wished to ask about-” Mewtwo wasn’t able to finish his sentence as Absol shoved him away, leaving Blizz alone.

    Said isolation only lasted for a minute, as Zar fell from the sky a few feet away from him in her Treecko disguise. “They’re gone?”

    Blizz nodded, leaning back against the wall of the alley.

    “Okay…” It seemed like Zar was gasping for air. She sat down against the same wall Blizz was leaning on. “I’m… sorry about that.”

    “Nah you’re good,” Blizz assured. “Mewtwo kinda seemed… Eh.”

    “Don’t let him get to you. He’s a softie, he just really likes to play by the rules.”

    “…So what was that thing about you trying to figure out the island’s secret for the last 50 years?”

    Zar opened her mouth to start explaining, but quickly remembered that there was something moderately more urgent, somewhat related, and a lot easier to talk about. “I can explain that later, we still need to go find Rune and Kibo!”

    “Oh shit right. Can you uh… do the thing? Probably not a Lugia this time though.”

    The deeper into the jungle they went, the more Rune was convinced there was magic at play here. It seemed like they made four right turns in a row, yet the jungle around them only continued to get thicker. If Rune didn’t have her badge on her, she would have believed they stumbled into a mystery dungeon.

    Equally concerning, Golisopod progressively became more closed off as they got closer to wherever their destination was. His responses to Kibo’s questioning were reduced to grunts and “hmm”s, before he started ignoring the Jangmo-o altogether.

    And while yes, Golisopod was a guildmaster and they’re supposed to be kinda trustworthy, so was Hydreigon. And if Hydreigon turned out to be the biggest borderline-genocidal maniac that ever lived, it wasn’t too far out of the question to suspect that Golisopod could be a bit of an asshole.

    Rune gently nudged Kibo, trying to silently cue him in on what she was thinking.

    Kibo stopped walking, looking from Rune and back to Golisopod. “…Sir, this is very kind of you, but I’m thinking we’ve taken up enough of your time, we can head back and figure this out on our-”

    “If I see either of you turn tail, I’ll be hitting’ y’all so hard Hydro Pump’ll look like a Splash.” Golisopod’s tone took on a much more sinister inflection, prompting the two explorers to take battle stances. He didn’t seem to care much about their caution, approaching what seemed to be a small grassy clearing in the jungle.

    “Wh… what do you want with us?” Kibo shouted, his tail glowing with Dragon energy.

    Golisopod looked back to the two, rage emanating from his body. “Two of you are godless cowards, and I’m gon’ make sure you repent.”

    That seemed to click with something in Kibo. “Hey! Don’t you dare say I don’t believe in God!” It took him a few moments after his outburst to realize that Golisopod was probably referring to some random Pokémon they worship and not the Abrahamic deity.

    “You gave up on your trial.” Every word that came out of Golisopod’s mouth was laced with venom. “Tapu Bulu put me here to make sure the two of you’s get set straight.”

    Before either Rune or Kibo could react, Golisopod surged forward with First Impression, stunning both explorers and positioning himself between the two and the jungle they walked in on.

    Getting ready for a battle, Rune and Kibo backed into the clearing, where they could fight without having to deal with the terrain of the jungle.

    “Don’t know what you’re talking about, but we ain’t gonna go down!” Kibo shouted, getting ready to slam a Dragon Tail into Golisopod as soon as he got into range.

    However, Golisopod made no attempt to draw closer to the two, as he instead stamped his foot down. From there, the ground itself seemed to split, rapidly expanding as it surged towards Rune and Kibo.

    The two jumped out of the way as the crack expanded into an open chasm. Rune tried firing an Aurora Beam in Golisopod’s direction, but before it made even half of its journey the guildmaster already dipped back into the tree line.

    Kibo began running back towards Rune, jumping over the chasm to take a position at her side. However, while he was midair, a second fissure rapidly opened up in the ground, replacing the earth where Rune was standing and Kibo was set to land with a long black rocky tunnel.

    None of them had much of a chance to react before they fell into the darkness.

    Blizz was not particularly fond of stealth. Nine times out of ten, being fast was a good enough substitute, and he was more than comfortable with that. But this was one of those moments where he had to stick to the foliage and avoid being seen, all while trying to figure out what the hell happened to his friends.

    Zar’s assistance wasn’t making things much better either.

    “There’s an alleyway up ahead! Try running there.”

    Blizz looked down at the shrill voice coming from his bag. In response, Zar poked her head out, in the form of a Joltik.

    He considered Zar’s advice, before deciding to ignore it, climbing onto the roof of the house he was hiding behind.

    The main streets of East Island still seemed to be somewhat busy, which ruled out conventional means of navigating the settlement.

    Of course, it wasn’t like non-natives coming to East Island was illegal or anything, but a few dirty stares and attacks that just happened to fly a few inches from his head convinced him that keeping himself out of sight would be for the best.

    So here he was, jumping from rooftop to rooftop, looking for any Jangmo-o’s or Southern Vulpixes with blue scarves.

    Unfortunately, his search has not yielded any results.

    Blizz continued on, not paying a large amount of attention to where he was going. He was too focused on making sure no one on the streets saw him and scanning for his friends, that he failed to realize the next rooftop was not, in fact, a roof.

    He jumped onto the canvas of a large tent, causing it to tear. As a result, Blizz fell through, face-planting on the ground below.

    When he recovered from the impact and pulled his head off from the floor, he saw two Pokémon standing around him: a Toucannon and a Cramorant.

    “Fuck… Uh, hey.”

    “You wanna explain what you’re doin’ here?” the Toucannon asked, her beak glowing red.

    “Well… I was uh, looking for my friends,” Blizz offered.

    “…So you punched a hole in the roof?” Cramorant asked, cocking his head.

    “Yeah, my bad about that. I uh… could help repair it if you guys want.”

    Toucannon shook her head. “Forget it. Who’s you lookin’ for.”

    “They’re a Jangmo-o and a Southern Vulpix. Vulpix has a Chill Scarf.”

    That seemed to set Toucannon on edge. “…How do you know them?”

    Blizz stood up, dusting himself off. “We’re all on the same exploration team, out at Lucario’s Guild.” He pulled out his Explorer’s Badge to offer Toucannon proof. He pressed the crystal in the center, pulling up his information.

    “And where are y’all from? Cause they said they ain’t from Nova Town.”

    “Well, uh, thing is we don’t really know-”

    Toucannon abruptly turned around, as her beak exploded in a short but violent flash of orange. “Bulu dammit I shoulda known they were humans.” She spread out her wings and began flying, turning back to Blizz. “Your friends lied to us and now only the grace of Lele can save ’em. Cramorant, take him out towards the trial. Take him right outside of the trial, don’t show him where it is.”

    “Yes ma’am!” Cramorant saluted as Toucannon flew out through the hole in the tent wall Blizz made moments ago.

    As the Toucannon vanished from sight, Blizz turned to face Cramorant. “So uh, can you explain what the hell just happened?”

    “I ain’t too sure, but she told me to show you the way, so that’s what I’m gonna do.” Despite having wings that looked much more effective than Toucannon’s, the Cramorant elected to walk, leading Blizz out of the guild and down the road.

    Now that he was with a native, the other local Pokémon seemed to be far less aggressive towards him. It also helped that they seemed to be leaving the town altogether, walking towards the imposing jungle at the island’s center.

    A decent distance behind the group, another Pokémon seemed to be tailing them from the shadows.

    Of course, Absol was a fair bit better at stealth than Blizz, so none of the explorers were any the wiser.

    Further into the jungle, Golisopod stood confidently. Two cowards who wimped out on their trials were finally gonna be set straight, and he could sit back and relax. They didn’t look all that strong, so the dungeon would probably chew them up and spit them back out within the hour. He could make it back to the guild for dinner.

    Though seeing his assistant guildmaster on the horizon looked like it might jeopardize those plans.

    “Gary, did you send them explorers in?” Toucannon asked, as she drew closer to the Golisopod.

    “Yep. In the dungeon right now.”

    Toucannon came to a landing in front of the guildmaster, looking fairly annoyed. “They were humans, not islanders. They didn’ quit any trial.”

    Golisopod looked at the crack in the ground that he just forced the two Pokémon into. A lot of thoughts were rapidly going through his head, with one that stood out among all of them.


    Toucannon shared the guildmaster’s sentiments, peering into the hole as well. “So, what’re we doin’?”

    Golisopod thought long and hard about the current situation. “…Nothin’. You know how the trial is, ain’t like we can go in after ’em.”

    “…We ain’t just lettin’ a tourist do the trial, we’re lettin’ someone from another world take it on. Bulu ain’t gonna be too pleased.”

    “Bulu shoulda told us they’d be sendin’ a human with a West Island accent.” Golisopod sat himself down against a nearby tree. “Only thing we can do now is make sure this don’t happen again.”

    “We ain’t gonna,” Toucannon agreed, completely unaware of how difficult enforcing that was about to become. “I’ll go fill in their teammate.”

    Golisopod gave a nod of acknowledgement as Toucannon took to the skies once again. Thankfully she didn’t have to fly far— Cramorant already led Treecko to the entrance of the jungle. As she drew closer, she could hear their conversation.

    “So like, a Pikachu is the biggest you could manage?” Blizz asked, keeping a suspiciously placed hand over his bag.

    Cramorant nodded, eager to share his insight on what size Pokémon can fit inside his mouth. “That’s right! Tried a Raichu once, didn’t work out.”

    “Is there like, a weight requirement-”

    “Two of you, shut up and listen.” Toucannon announced her presence as she flew down, facing Blizz. “Got a bit of a problem with your friends.”

    That instantly grabbed Blizz’s attention. “What’s going on with them?”

    Toucannon looked around, scouting for any potential eavesdroppers. She failed to notice the Joltik in Blizz’s bag, who’s excitement was rapidly climbing.

    “We got a tradition around here,” she explained, when she was comfortable that it was just herself, Treecko, and Cramorant around. “Trial. Everyone takes it when they turn 15, and no one’s ever finished it, but that ain’t the point. When someone turns up around here with amnesia, nine times outta ten that means they a coward who ran away.”

    Blizz blinked, not quite getting what Toucannon was talking about. “…What?”

    “Your friends sound like West Islanders,” Toucannon continued, not caring about Blizz’s lack of understanding. “So when they turned up and told us they got amnesia, we thought they ran away from the trial.”

    “…Uh-huh.” Blizz could practically feel Zar vibrating.

    “Then you came in, said you were teammates, and you talk like that.” Toucannon pointed an accusatory wing at Blizz.

    “No clue what you’re talking about here.”

    “After you came in and said the same thing, realized you ain’t islanders at all. All of you are human.”

    “…Don’t know what you’re talking about-”

    “Don’t play stupid, ain’t gonna help you out. Now your friends are stuck in a dungeon, and we gotta wait till the dungeon kicks them out.”

    Blizz looked to Cramorant to see if the other flying type could help him understand what was going on. Said Cramorant was currently in the process of trying to fit a feral Metapod in his beak.

    Blizz did not think Cramorant would be particularly helpful.

    “…Okay, so my friends are in a dungeon that’s supposed to be this crazy secret island thing because you guys thought they were also islanders and chickened out of it.”

    “That’s about right.”

    “…Can you take me there?”


    Blizz stepped closer to the Toucannon. “You basically kidnapped my friends and forced them into a dungeon, and you’re not gonna let me try to help them out?”

    “Trial’s a secret. And all you goin’ down would do is drag it out longer. No one’s made it to the end before, just gotta wait ’em out.”

    Blizz opened his mouth to say something else, but a jolt coming from his bag convinced him to give it a second thought.

    “…Alright, fine. Where can I wait for them to get back?”

    “Head back to the guild. I’ll make sure the townsfolk don’t harass you too much.”

    Toucannon spread out her wings and flew away. Seeing that the assistant guildmaster was leaving, Cramorant followed suit, seemingly leaving Blizz on his own.

    This did not last for long. As soon as the two birds were out of sight, Zar crawled out of Blizz’s bag and transformed back into a shiny Treecko.

    Though neither Pokémon noticed, a nearby Absol let out a silent gasp.

    “Oh my gosh that’s so much I never knew before! And the entrance has to be near here too!”

    “I mean, we gotta find it if Rune and Kibo are down there,” Blizz agreed. “…You wanna be the first team to make it to the end?”

    Zar nodded, holding out her hand for a high five. “Yeah! Let’s get looking!”

    Blizz finished the high-five, before the two ran into the jungle.

    As the two Treeckos dashed away, Absol ran off in the opposite direction, looking for Mewtwo.

    His disaster sense was pounding right now, and there was no way he could stop it without help.

    Golisopod was in the middle of a nap when he heard the sound of leaves crunching nearby. Somewhat annoyed, he popped a sleepy eye open to see who was approaching him.

    Two Pokémon, it looked like. An Absol and Mewtwo.

    “Y’all lookin’ for Mew again?” He asked, shutting his eyes once again.

    Absol nodded, not that Golisopod could see it. “Your assistant guildmaster inadvertently revealed the approximate location of the trial to an acquaintance of mine, who happens to be in contact with Mew.”

    “I apologize for being forced to show Absol to this location,” Mewtwo said. “However, we fear that it is only a matter of time before Mew discovers it herself. Our only option is to wait and intercept her here.”

    Golisopod didn’t seem particularly disturbed by the revelation. “…Absol trustworthy?”

    Mewtwo nodded.

    “Then do what you gotta-”

    Golisopod’s sentence was cut off by a Smokescreen suddenly filling up the clearing.

    Mewtwo immediately flared to life, wasting no time in dissipating the smoke with a Psychic. In response, Zar just summoned more smoke from wherever she was hiding.

    While the two legendaries were engaged in a tug-of-war over whether or not the smoke would fill out the clearing, Absol tried calling out to Mew’s partner in crime. “Blizz, if you are there, don’t listen to Mew!” He walked around, trying to use his disaster sense to pinpoint the Treecko’s position. “She cannot be allowed into the trial!”

    “Pretty sure they said that about Rune and Kibo too!” Blizz shouted back. “Didn’t stop them from throwing them in!”

    Absol lunged towards the source of the noise with a Night Slash, but found himself only destroying a Double Team copy.

    Not particularly caring about the chaos unfolding around him, Golisopod still didn’t move from his seat. “…Do y’all know what happens when you go in there?”

    “Oh! Tell me!” Zar’s voice sounded way too close to the cavern entrance, despite Mewtwo’s best efforts.

    As a last ditch effort, he launched a Psystrike that direction, in the hopes that the blast might knock Blizz or Mew away.

    Golisopod continued on, not lifting a claw to help out Absol or Mewtwo. “Thing is with Zero Isle South, you lose all your memories when you go in. So might not be a good idea to be rushing in there now.”

    “Wait what-” Blizz’s voice was cut off by the sound of the Psystrike finally exploding.

    Unfortunately for Mewtwo, he appeared to have made a miscalculation. Blizz and Zar moved far faster than he anticipated, and were already climbing into the dungeon when the Psystrike went off. So rather than a concussive force knocking them away, it instead blasted them downwards, spiking them into chasm.

    “…Well, I warned ’em.” Golisopod shrugged. “Looks like Mew finally got what she was lookin’ for.”

    The smoke in the clearing finally faded away, revealing no sign of a Mew or a Treecko. Absol tensed up as his disaster sense spiked, looking at the cave.

    Mewtwo just pressed a hand into his forehead. “What are we to do now…”


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