The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    While the chamber they found had a much more tolerable climate than any part of the dungeon, it couldn’t compare to how refreshing the sea breeze felt once Team Apex and their client made it to the dungeon entrance.

    “Wow, so this is what the outside looks like?” The shiny Treecko looked around in seemed to be fixated on the bundle of trees dotting the eastern horizon rather than what was, in Blizz’s opinion, the much more interesting volcano that directly bordered the ocean.

    Before she could get any other questions out, the Prince cut her off. “Ahem. Before we begin the trek to return to Nova Town, I will be asking you a series of questions.”

    “Oh! Sure!”

    “First of all, how did you get to that location? For us, to enter the chamber meant defeating a series of extraordinarily tough opponents.”

    “Well, I just woke up there.”

    “And what were you doing before?”

    “What was I doing… Umm… Right, yea, I have amnesia.”

    “You… just recalled that you have amnesia?”

    “Yep!” Her optimistic expression didn’t falter.

    Blizz put a reassuring hand on the Prince as the monarch rammed his face into the ground.

    “…I cannot tolerate this any further. Were you, at one point, human?”

    “Exactly! How’d you guys know?”

    Now that the interrogation segment was done, Blizz switched in to give her the question. “We’re the same, actually.”

    “NO WAY! SERIOUSLY! I haven’t met any other humans here!”

    Rune looked a bit confused. “…Didn’t you say you’ve spent the entire time alone in that cave?”


    “So you wouldn’t have seen anyone else?”

    “Exactly, haven’t seen any other humans.” The Treecko nodded, content with her explanation.

    “Do not bother,” the Prince advised. “I feel that negotiating with her is a fool’s errand.”

    Rune nodded, stepping back to let Blizz keep doing his thing.

    “So anyways, our big thing is that we’re all humans, so we formed an exploration team together to figure out why we’re here,” Blizz explained. “And uh, since you’re another ex-human, we were wondering if you wanted to join-”

    Zar jumped up, towards Blizz. “ABSOLUTELY!”

    The outburst caused the four explorers to pause.

    “I uh… didn’t really explain anything yet. Do you… know what an exploration team is?”

    The Treecko paused for a minute, trying to think it over. “…No.” She didn’t sound very sure of her answer.

    “We can give you the run-down on the walk back then. Do you remember a name? None of us know our actual names, but we think we have nicknames from when we were human.”

    “Hmm… what’re your guys’ names?”

    “I’m Blizz.”


    “My name is Rune…”

    “Refer to me as the Prince.”

    “Huh… Well I’m… Zar! That’s it! Just remembered.”

    The Prince looked between Blizz and Zar. “So, we have identified two Treeckos, one with a standard coloration and one with an abnormal, named Blizz and Zar.” He glanced back at his teammate’s blank faces. “…My opinion of your collective intellects will somehow manage to fall further if no one else makes this connection.”

    “Oh I get it!” Kibo shouted out. “Because Blizz-Zar-d. Maybe you two were related when you were humans?”

    Under this new light, Blizz took another good look at Zar, pulling down his goggles.

    “Fuck…” He gave up after a minute. “I just don’t remember anything. Do you know when you’re from?”


    Blizz blinked a few times. “…Well like, what we’ve been doing is piecing together things from what we remember about history.”

    Zar just gave him a blank stare.

    “Do you remember anything about history?”

    “Hmm…” It looked like Zar’s brain was overheating. “OH! I know a few! Uh, there was that big war with the guns and big ships and cars that looked like trapezoids.”

    Rune gave her a stare. “…Are you talking about World War One?”

    “There is not a chance in heck you’re from before World War Two,” Kibo argued, shaking his head.

    The Prince interrupted their discussion. “Sorry, there was a second conflict?”

    “We’ll tell ya later,” Kibo promised, before directing his attention back to Zar. “Anything else?”

    “Hmm… This is hard…”

    “It really shouldn’t be,” Rune muttered under her breath.

    “Uh, right! There was this big avalanche thingy! It was in… I think it’s America?”

    While the other members of Apex looked at each other, confused as to what she meant, Blizz’s gaze hardened.

    “…Do you remember anything about it?”

    For the first time since they met her, Zar looked slightly uncomfortable. “Uh, well, there was this storm in the mountains and a bunch of people died and got buried under snow. But a lot made it out too!”

    Blizz’s mind replayed the flashback he had at Breach Mountain when he first put on the goggles, where he’s certain it was him who led a bunch of tourists down a mountain during a blizzard.

    If the avalanche Zar was talking about was really connected to him, and if he was related to Zar somehow, it would make sense that it was important enough for her to remember. But for it to be such a big deal that it could work past the amnesia…

    “I don’t remember anything about an avalanche,” Kibo admitted. “Sounds a bit specific though…”

    “That’s… I think it’s true,” Blizz confirmed. “Back at Breach Mountain, during the Guilded Games I had a kinda flashback thing.” He ignored his team’s shocked stares as he continued. “Saw myself as a human on like a ski resort or something, middle of a blizzard. If the avalanche happened there, I would’ve been involved in it, and if Zar actually knew me…”

    “It would logically follow that the event holds a level of importance to her,” The Prince finished.

    “So we might be siblings? Awesome!” She held out a balled fist, which Blizz proceeded to bump despite his half-dazed state.

    “How do y’all know it’s siblings though?” Kibo asked. “All we’re going off here is the name and some memories, maybe they were good friends.”

    Zar deflated a little bit. “Oh that’s a good point…”

    “…For what it’s worth, I don’t think you guys could’ve been dating or anything,” Rune suggested. “I can definitely see a sibling relationship between you.”

    Blizz looked over Zar once again. “…Yea, gonna agree with Rune here.” Despite his acceptance, the idea still made him feel a bit uncomfortable. He not only had a sibling as a human, said sibling also managed to get warped into this world and only just appeared now, months after he first turned up.

    On one hand, it kinda rubbed him the wrong way, but on the other he felt like he really should be supporting Zar. Regardless of if they’re related or not, she’s still another ex-human who woke up in this world with no clue about anything. Plus, she’s another Treecko like Blizz. He definitely could show her some tricks and coach her through fighting like this.

    “Really?” Zar’s eyes were practically shining.

    No wait, they actually were. Was that like, a shiny thing?

    “Guess so,” Blizz confirmed. “So uh, welcome to the team… sis.” He paused for a moment. “Okay sorry that feels really fucking wrong, you cool if I just stick with calling you Zar?”

    “Yea that’s fine!”

    The Prince looked at Zar. “That marks 10 former humans. I cannot imagine that number is a coincidence.”

    “Wait, there’s 10 of you guys?”

    “This is a long conversation, and coincidentally we have a long journey back to town. It would be most productive to discuss this information during the walk back.”

    “Okay! Let’s go then!” Zar took off down the road, heading the wrong direction.

    The Prince’s eye twitched just slightly.

    “May whatever lord who oversees this world have mercy upon me.”

    As Nova Town came into sight, Apex finished explaining to their newest recruit everything she’d need to know about this world, namely mystery dungeons and how the guild works. Zar didn’t seem particularly interested, which didn’t surprise anyone but still made them a bit concerned about how she’d fare when she started coming on missions.

    “Oh my gosh so this is that town you mentioned!” Zar rushed over the hilltop, overseeing the majority of Nova Town. “It looks awesome!”

    “Yea, that’s it,” Blizz confirmed. “Come on, we gotta get you registered with the guild first.”


    She followed behind Blizz as they rushed down the hill, honing in on the Lucario-shaped tent.

    The two were a good distance ahead of the rest of the team by the time they reached the entrance hatch. Physically incapable of restraining Zar’s excitement, Blizz made no effort to slow her down as she practically threw herself down the ladder.

    Maybe they really were siblings after all.

    Blizz jumped down after her. Zar was already looking around the main hall, taking in everything at a speed that probably meant she would remember none of it.

    “Zar, head over here, need to get you signed up.” Blizz waved her over in front of Scizor’s office.

    “Ooh is this where the Scizor guy is?”

    “That’s the dude.” A small part of Blizz was concerned about this meeting; Scizor had made it pretty clear that while he’s still willing to help them out, dealing with Team Apex was utterly exhausting for him. Zar was essentially taking the worst parts of Blizz and amplifying them.

    He cast the doubts aside in favor of a different notion: whatever happened would be fucking hilarious. With a nod, he opened the door.

    “Ah, Treecko. I see you have the client of your mission with you, I assume it was- oh no.” Scizor quickly realized why Blizz brought the client with him. Still, just to entertain the one in a million chance that it wasn’t the case, he asked the question anyway. “Do you have any purpose coming to see me aside from collecting your reward?”

    “Yea, actually, Zar wanted to join my team.”

    “…So she does…”

    “Yep! All the adventuring and stuff sounds super cool!”

    “…Wonderful.” Scizor slowly put together an explorer’s badge for the guild’s newest recruit, having to fight every instinct in his body to destroy it in his grip. “Team Apex now has five members…”

    “Alright!” Blizz gave Zar a high-five.

    “Your proper name is Zar, and you are a Treecko, correct?”

    “That’s right! I think.”

    Blizz didn’t think it was possible, but somehow Scizor’s face looked even more concerned. “…You think?”

    “Well, can never be too sure, but yea!”

    “…Please just… don’t cause too many problems.” Scizor placed Zar’s new badge on his desk. It shot out the holographic display showing her current condition.

    Treecko (Zar) – Team Apex

    Silver Rank – Lucario’s Guild

    Health – 100%

    Level – 71

    “Hey uh, wait a minute, am I reading this right?” Blizz leaned in towards the display, focusing on Zar’s level.

    “I do not understand Unown Script, you will have to clarify.”

    Blizz turned to face Zar. “Says you’re level 71.”

    “Huh… is that a lot?”

    Blizz nodded, taking out his own badge. “Yea, I’m like low-30’s I think…” He briefly checked his own status page. “Yea, 31.”

    “Wow… What does that mean?”

    Now Scizor was just horrified. “…It means you should theoretically be able to fight with the same capacity as myself or the guildmaster.”

    “That sounds awesome!”

    Scizor squeezed his eyes shut as the classic dealing-with-Apex migraine came surging back.

    “I do not believe the badges are liable to make an error like that, though the possibility of you being able to hold your own against the guildmaster is quite low… Blizz, I would like you to take a few missions with her as a part of your active team and report back to me. I… truly hope this is just an error.”

    “Got it.”

    “If that is it, then you’re dismissed.”

    As the two Treeckos left the office, the rest of Team Apex finally reached the guild.

    “Guess who’s officially a member of Team Apex!” Zar held up her shiny new badge to the other explorers.

    Kibo smiled. “Congrats, welcome to the team!”

    The Prince nodded. “And so our numbers grow.”

    “Oh, other thing,” Blizz added. “According to the badge, she’s like, level 75.”

    There was a stunned silence as the Prince stared blankly at Blizz. “…Sorry, I may have misheard you, did you say 17 or 75?”

    “75, Zar can you show them?”

    “Yea, definitely!” She took out her new badge, then proceeded to just stare at it.

    “You uh, gotta press the crystal in the center,” Blizz explained.

    “Oh right, that makes sense.” She did so, opening up the status screen. She held it out to her new teammates. “Says 71 right there!”

    “…That’s more than any of us,” Rune pointed out. “A lot more…”

    “Yea so Scizor said we should just keep an eye on her to make sure the badge isn’t busted or anything.” Blizz pressed the sleep button on Zar’s badge for her.

    “If that’s right, then you’re really strong!” Kibo cheered. “No wonder you ended up behind those statues, you probably could’ve taken them on by yourself.”

    “Statues?” Zar cocked her head at the Jangmo-o.

    “The chamber you were resting in was guarded by a number of sentient golems,” the Prince explained. “To gain access to it we had to best the golems in combat. I… regret to say there was more luck involved in our victory than would be preferred.”

    There was a flash of recognition in Zar’s eyes that went unnoticed by everyone but the Prince. “Huh…that’s crazy! Hope I get to do something like that with you guys.” She smiled at her team.

    “You definitely will!” Kibo shouted. “If we really did come here to deal with an apocalypse, we gotta have way more adventures ahead of us.”

    The Prince glared at Kibo. “Keep your voice down, I would prefer our status not be common knowledge. If we are to continue this discussion, we should do so within our room.”

    “Oh right, sorry.” Kibo grinned sheepishly.

    The group entered their room, shutting the door behind them. While the rest of them were settling into their positions around the room, the Prince sat in his corner, studying the treasure box they found in the dungeon.

    Not having a pre-designated position, Zar sat down against the wall next to Blizz. “So why don’t you guys let everyone know you’re humans? It sounds like that would be a lot easier, plus imagine how cool it would make you guys seem.”

    The team’s original Treecko looked up. “So the main thing is that we really don’t want attention like that. Remember how we were talking about the last human we found, Fanita?”

    Zar just stared blankly at Blizz.

    “She did not understand any part of the discussion we held during the return walk,” the Prince stated, not even needing to look over at the two to know what’s going on.

    Blizz didn’t seem phased by the revelation. “Awesome, well we think that someone has a vendetta against us and we’re like 80% sure it’s Hydreigon but we don’t really know for sure. Anyways, going out and telling everyone ‘hey we’re actually these mythological creatures that only appear before you in times of crisis’ when someone already wants us dead seems like a bad idea.”

    Zar pouted, but understood the logic behind it. “…That makes sense…”

    “So what that means is that we gotta make ourselves sound cool without adding in the human stuff,” Kibo summarized. “We can definitely do it.”

    “Right… yea, we’re awesome!” Zar’s spirit already seemed to be lifted.

    “She’s… really sporadic,” Rune whispered to the Prince.

    “That is one of many characteristics I attribute to her.”

    He redirected his attention to the box in front of him. The lock remained rigidly in place, but given the age and location of it he figured it had to be something good.

    The Prince reluctantly turned to face the others. “I do not suppose any of you happen to hold some idea as to how we may open this crate?”

    “Oh! Let me try!” Zar stepped up to the box, the back of her right arm glowing green. A leaf emerged from it, which she proceeded to slice against the roof of the box.

    The Leaf Blade cut the treasure box cleanly in half, revealing the contents to the outside world for the first time in what could have been centuries.

    Inside rested a silver necklace, featuring a gem in the center that had the same faint glow as the Prince’s rings.

    Blizz looked over the item in curiosity. “Yo, what’s that?”

    “I am not quite sure, though I will be taking it provided no one else has any objections.” No one spoke, both because they didn’t feel like arguing with the Prince and they really couldn’t deny that it looked like the type of thing that would work perfectly for him.

    “We should see if the badge has anything on it though,” Rune suggested. “Just to make sure.”

    The Prince nodded, scanning the item with his badge.

    Midnight Gem

    Unknown effect. Only works for certain Pokémon.

    He tapped on the list of certain Pokémon that could use the gem.

    Aurorus, Chimecho, Southern Marowak, Gliscor, Obstagoon, Southern Raticate, Lycanroc (Midnight Form), Umbreon, Weavile, Frosmoth

    “It appears I am the only one of us who will derive some use from it regardless.” With just a little bit of fanfare, the Prince clipped the Midnight Gem around his neck.

    Everyone in the room held their breaths, waiting to see what it would do.

    “You feel anything?” Blizz asked, breaking the silence.

    The Prince waited a moment to respond. “I do not.”

    Zar pouted. “Aww, I wanted to see you use it…”

    “We’ll figure it out eventually,” Kibo assured. “Plus, we can also ask Scizor if he knows anything, he’s really smart about this stuff.”

    “I’ll go ask Leavanny too next time I see her,” Blizz offered. “She knows fucking everything about stuff like this.”

    By this point, Team Apex managed to completely commandeer the left edge of the table in the guild’s mess hall. Given that they had nearly double the amount of members as the next largest team, this arrangement went without too much hassle.

    “Oh, so you guys think you’re so cool just because you recruit a bunch of bums?”

    As always, Combusken was the exception.

    “Calm yourself Combusken,” Hawlucha advised. “They are a capable team.”

    Tyrogue signed something to Hawlucha that Blizz couldn’t understand.

    Hawlucha nodded, turning back to Combusken. “Of course, you were also a ‘recruited bum’, remember?”

    “Hmph… Still, what’s the deal with you guys? You have way more members than anyone else. Do you just go into dungeons and keep beating up ferals till they wake up and get them to join?”

    “Yea, actually, I’ve been wondering that.” Sneasel leaned in towards Blizz. “You always recruit the most random Pokémon. Two rescues, Umbreon was in police custody when you guys first met, and Jangmo-o worked for the police for weeks before joining you guys. How does your team choose new members?”

    Blizz shrugged. “I think I told you guys about like, our backstory, right?”

    While the rest of Apex didn’t seem to care as Blizz spoke, Zar looked a bit shocked. Did he already tell the entire guild they were humans?

    “All from the same place,” Blizz continued casually, not waiting to see if he got any responses to his question. “Far off continent called Earth. All woke up here not really knowing how, and with a bit of amnesia. Started Team Apex as kinda like a support group for guys like us. Had no clue there would be this many though.”

    “Right, you told us about that when we first found you in that dungeon,” Chimchar confirmed.

    Shinx nervously looked at all the other Apex members. “It… really is an issue for you guys.”

    Blizz waved her concerns off. “Just how it is. Like yea, really unexpected, but honestly, this place has been fucking awesome. Way cooler than where we come from.”

    “Oh, I have a question!” Gible shot her hand up. “If Palkia came up to you guys and said they could send you back home but only if you said yes right then, what would you say?”

    Everyone in Apex with the exception of Blizz stopped eating. The questions were starting to get at things they had been very delicately trying to not talk about.

    “Nah, like I said, this place is too cool. Plus, we got here somehow. Pretty sure there’d be a way to get back where I could at least say goodbye and stuff. If I was going back, I’d wanna do it on my own terms.”

    Sneasel picked up the meaning of the last sentence. “If?”

    Blizz looked up, a blank stare on his face. “Hmm?” It’s hard to tell if he didn’t get it or was just playing dumb.

    “That actually is an interesting question,” Hawlucha agreed. “If the five of you were offered the option to either go back and never return, or remain here permanently, what would you choose?”

    There was the landmine. Everyone in Apex completely locked up at the question.

    “Doubtless,” the Prince spoke up, the first to recover. “Within my homeland, I am of a special status, one that does not fully carry over nor can be replicated here.”

    No one was surprised by that answer.

    “…I think I’d stay here,” Kibo admitted, earning a baffled stare from the Prince. “This place is really feeling like home now, and sure, Texas is great and all, but I feel like I’m really fitting in here.”

    “Even if the rest of them left?” Chimchar asked, curiously.

    “Well we weren’t exactly from the same part of Earth,” Kibo explained. “If we went back there’s a good chance we’d never see each other again anyways.”

    “Oooh.” Gible and Chimchar seemed to be more interested in the discussion than before. Sneasel, on the other hand, simply raised an eyebrow.

    “I’d… If someone else is staying, then I am too,” Rune decided. “So… I guess since Jangmo-o said yes, I’ll go with that too.”

    Kibo gave the Vulpix a smile.

    “Seems like a good enough reason to me,” Blizz nodded. “I’m staying for sure, like I said, this place is way cooler than Earth.”

    “I’m same as Ru-err, Vulpix!” Zar loudly declared. “I wanna stay with these guys!”

    Hawlucha nodded, content with the team’s answers. “Then would you say that your arrival here was a blessing?”

    “Ehh, don’t think we remember enough about our old lives to know.” Blizz waved off the question. “Sure as hell feels like it though. How many outlaws has the guild brought in this week?”

    “26 outlaws,” Rockruff reported.

    “See, that shit’s awesome. Still gotta pull our weight if we wanna get ahead of Team Arctic or Blitz, after all.” Blizz added the last line with a smirk.

    “You think your misfit team can beat-” Combusken was silenced by an assertive karate chop to the back of the neck from Tyrogue.

    Still, Blizz’s attempt at changing the conversation topic worked, as they broke into debates about which team in the guild was the best at what.

    Team Apex finished eating quicker than the rest, and retreated to their room before any other questions could be asked.

    The moment the doors creaked shut, the Prince locked eyes with each of them, a mild fury radiating off of him. “What precisely is the reasoning behind the answers the four of you provided.”

    Blizz stepped up to him in an attempt to calm the Umbreon down. “Look dude, you’re like part of a monarchy or whatever, you probably had it made, like, back when you were a human. Don’t think the rest of us were like that.”

    “Perhaps not, but I am aware of the scope of modern inventions you have had the opportunity to live with, ones that would render your lives as humans far easier than this guild work.”

    Blizz shrugged. “Easy lives are for fucking cowards. We’re doing something here, helping out others and all. Honestly? It’s fun as hell.”

    “Was it fun when Fanita abducted you? Or when you broke your arms and legs? Rune, when you were bleeding to death on a mountaintop? Zar, when you were locked up for days inside a chamber with no escape?”

    Rune considered the Prince’s words. “…No, that definitely sucked, but… that’s how I got to meet all of you. So I… I mean, I don’t want to go through it again, but it was worth it.”

    “I didn’t mind that cave!” Zar confirmed. “Did you see it? It was so cool!”

    Blizz smiled just slightly. “Gotta have the shit days where things go wrong, that’s how we know when things are going well.”

    The Prince huffed. “…I do not understand what about this is fun. Where is the enjoyment?”

    “I think that’s a bit different between all of us,” Kibo explained. “I love bringing in outlaws, kinda makes me feel like a cowboy.” He grinned sheepishly as he admitted the last part. “No way in heck you could do stuff like this back home.”

    “I’m into the thrill,” Blizz offered. “Don’t really know how else to explain it if it’s not something you already get.”

    “And what of you?” The Prince directed his gaze to Rune. “It is no secret that you are equally inclined to dislike dungeons as myself.”

    “…I mean, yea the dungeons are kinda annoying, but… well… for me, it’s getting through them as a team. You guys… normally have my back and when we work together it’s… it feels like I’m a part of something, and that’s when I know I’m not going to be kicked off or anything…”

    Kibo’s eyes widened. “We would never do that!”

    “I know, it’s a stupid fear, but… just… I don’t feel alone here.”

    The Prince just shut his eyes, not saying anything.

    “Since we’re doing this, why do you stick around?” Blizz asked. “You could, like, leave the team and go get an easier job or something. You haven’t done that yet.”

    “…I believe I have a set of skills that are better put to use within this team rather than some inane job in the city.”

    “Oh, so you feel like you got a purpose with us,” Kibo translated. “That makes sense, knowing you.”

    “A purpose… Hmph.” Refusing to elaborate, the Prince curled up onto his bed and shut his eyes.


    With yet another aggressive wake-up call, Team Apex rose to their feet. As they got their senses together, it occurred to them that something was a bit off. Where there was supposed to be a shiny Treecko was instead a sheet of paper.

    Rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, Blizz held it up to read it over. “‘Wanted to go see something, I’ll catch up in a bit. -Zar’… Huh.”

    The Prince sighed. “I had a feeling she would prove to be unreliable, but abandoning us after a single night was beyond my expectations.”

    Rune was mostly just confused. “Where could she have gone? It’s not like she knows anything about this place…”

    A realization crossed Kibo’s mind. “What if the guy after us goes for her too?”

    “Ehh, honestly I’d be more worried for whoever’s trying to take her down,” Blizz argued. “You guys saw that Leaf Blade she pulled last night. Don’t think the level thing is a mistake.”

    “…Fine, we shall leave her to her devices. However we should make it clear to her that this behavior should come with a prior warning, at a minimum.”

    The four of them emerged from their room and lined up, listening to the announcements for the day. Nothing out of the normal though: couple new rescue missions on the board, some new protocol for figuring out if a dungeon will turn you into a husk. Typical stuff.

    After the morning chant, Blizz took off an A-rank outlaw mission, back to Amber Canyon. Kibo left a note in their room to Zar that they were heading for Amber Canyon, then they set out.

    “You know, I don’t think we’ve been here since Lucario shadowed us on that one mission.” Blizz knocked out a Cradily with Energy Ball, clearing the way into the next room.

    Kibo’s head perked up from the back of their line. “What mission?”

    Rune looked up at the dungeon’s roof, reminiscing. “…It’s weird to remember that Kibo wasn’t even with us back then.”

    “Damn you’re right… that really was like, forever ago.” Blizz rounded the bend, seeing a room with a couple stacks of Poké and some gummies lying around. “Hey this room has some loot in it.”

    “Which means it is-” Prince couldn’t finish his sentence before Blizz entered the room, as dozens of fossil Pokémon warped in out of nowhere. “…A monster house. Wonderful.”

    Being the only one stupid enough to rush ahead, Blizz was cut off from the rest of his teammates by a wall of feral rock types.

    “We’ll get you out!” Kibo stepped ahead of Rune and the Prince, leading the charge to get their leader out of the dungeon.

    He managed to Dragon Tail a single Tirtouga, before the floor began rumbling.

    From underneath a Kabutops in the process of trying to decapitate Blizz, a familiar Treecko popped up.

    “Hey guys, I was looking for you!” Zar knocked out Kabutops as she finished the Dig, standing next to Blizz in the center of the monster house. It took her a moment to realize that they happened to be surrounded by ferals.

    “Oh this is one of those monster houses, right?”

    Blizz nodded, before diving out of the way of a Hydro Pump. “Yea, think so.” He responded with an Energy Ball, knocking out the offending Omanyte.

    “So cool!” Her eyes were doing the weird literal-sparkling thing again. “Oh, I should probably help knock them out, right?”

    “That would be preferable.” The Prince was fighting his way through as well, but a lack of area of effect moves limited his options.

    “Okay!” Zar unleashed a Leaf Storm, blanketing the entire room in a barrage of sharp leaves. Miraculously, they seemed to completely avoid her teammates.

    The ferals were not quite as lucky, all being knocked out in a single hit by the attack.

    When the flurry of leaves settled down, Zar turned back to face Blizz. “So how did I do?”

    “…Yea that’s pretty fucking good.” Blizz stepped over the unconscious ferals, picking up the items he saw in the room.

    “You did this… in one hit.” The Prince was struggling to understand what just happened.

    “Am I not supposed to?” Zar looked at the Prince, confused.

    “…Go finish the mission, I do not have the mental stamina to deal with this today.”



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