The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Until late in the evening, Sparx, Yeaf and Ardin helped all the other inhabitants to get Treasure Town back on its feet, at least to a minimum. It was an exhausting day, both for limbs and psyches, marked by much fatigue and deep sadness for all that was lost. If nothing else, there were no further shocks.

    Chansey and anyone who could did their utmost for the wounded. Not everything could be taken care of instantly, such as Chatot’s broken wing, but at least it was possible to provide medical care to those who mostly needed it. The bodies of the fallen, instead, were quickly carried away by those who felt strong enough to do so.

    The hours passed long and full of anguish, while Treasure Town, very slowly, regained at least a semblance of order. The weight of that morning’s events, however, rested on everyone’s shoulders.

    When the evening arrived, and a simple dinner was eaten with the supplies that had been saved, the Pokémon, although hesitant, tried to go to sleep. Some found shelter in the rebuilt tents, others did not feel up to it and settled down in the cold.

    Team Spark also found a place for itself on the grass. However, the three young explorers only pretended to rest, as they were solely waiting for the right opportunity to sneak away.

    Yeaf yawned. Given how much she had forced herself that day, much more than in a Dungeon, she was already tired even before leaving.

    «Sparx…» she whispered to the Shinx. «Tell me that at least for tonight you have a plan…»

    He nodded in response. «Of course; we’ll camp in the forest nearby, after the Crossroads. No one will come to disturb us there.»

    «Good idea.» Ardin added, still whispering. «It should also be on the way to the World Abyss.»

    «More or less.» replied the leader. «Tomorrow morning, with a fresh mind, I’ll show you the itinerary I planned.» he said, before exhaling a deep breath. «Still can’t believe you really decided to come with me…»

    At those words, the Mudkip was lost in thought for a moment, then sighed in turn.

    «Just to let you know, I will miss my weekly Dungeons and Dragonite session just to follow you in this madness.» he reminded him. «If this is not friendship, then I really don’t know what it is!»

    The Evolution Pokémon chuckled to herself, knowing what that statement truly implied. If there was one thing Ardin really hated, it was skipping role-playing sessions, especially if, as in this case, it would have broken his personal record of 100% attendance.

    «Oh, holy Arceus. Be careful, Sparx: this is truly friendship.» she commented playfully. «Almost love, I would say.» she then joked.

    For a second, Ardin’s expression suddenly changed. His little black eyes widened and a small hint of red appeared on the blue of his large cheeks. The night was an accomplice in covering everything up, also because, fortunately, Sparx was giggling with his eyes closed.

    Ah, how much he loved that sound…

    «A-ehm» the Mudkip cleared his throat, immediately regaining his composure. «Anyway.» he said, with his speaking speed a little faster than usual. «Someone’s gotta have your back, Sparx. The World Abyss is a very dangerous dungeon: you would never make it through it alone.»

    «Besides» Yeaf added. «we had never gone that far south. At least we’ll see some new places too.»

    Although the tone of the conversation was friendly and seemingly light, it actually carried with it a strong tension that none of the three dared to show. Then again, their journey wouldn’t exactly be one of pleasure; in fact, they were well aware that it would be extremely treacherous.

    Not for nothing, no one in Treasure Town even thought of proposing. As understandable as it was, it still left a bitter taste in Sparx and his friends’ mouths. There were teams far more experienced and stronger than them, yet they had decided to remain on the sidelines and let Groudon do what he pleased.

    Groudon… why?

    Xatu, of whom there was still no trace, had cited a “mysterious force” that had angered him. What could have happened? They were questions without any answers and, at present, with only one way to get them: go there in person.

    About an hour later, the air in Treasure Town cleared. The Pokémon fell asleep, or at least they weren’t paying attention to the three young explorers.

    Sparx looked at his two companions and nodded, then slung his Bag of Treasures over his shoulder. With the favor of darkness and silence, the three of them slowly walked away from the city and toward the Crossroads, or at least what was left of it.

    They had an appointment with Chatot and Wigglytuff under the small staircase that led to the beach. They wanted to meet just to say goodbye to each other.

    Maybe for the last time.

    No. Sparx pushed those dark thoughts out of his head, silently leading his friends towards the meeting place.

    The Crossroads was practically gone, replaced instead by a chasm of rubble that until that morning was Spinda’s Café. A cold shiver ran down their spines, thinking that just that morning they had planned to have breakfast there. If the earthquake had occurred even just ten minutes later, they could easily have been under those debrises too.

    They carefully walked around the chasm, then went down the stairs towards the beach.

    They immediately saw Wigglytuff and Chatot waiting for them. The Music Note Pokémon looked up at them as they descended the staircase and waved his healthy wing in greeting. The other one, instead, had been carefully wrapped and was supported by bandages and gauze.

    He already looked much better than that morning. In addition, he was carrying a handbag over his shoulder, whose contents Team Spark did not know.

    On the contrary, Wigglytuff, despite the treatments, still seemed to be in bad shape. It was more than understandable, being that the entire guild had literally collapsed on him. Apprentices had told how the Guildmaster had shielded many, getting most of them out virtually unharmed.

    Team Spark arrived at the bottom of the short staircase and in front of their superiors, where Wigglytuff immediately spoke up to them.

    «There you are Sparx, Yeaf, Ardin.» he greeted, with a friendly smile. He then looked at Sparx. «I told you they wouldn’t have left you behind.» he told him, pointing to the Mudkip and the Eevee.

    The Shinx chuckled shyly. «Well, you were right, father.»

    Ardin took a small step forward. «Did Sparx really think we would have allowed him to go alone? So naive.» He joked about it. «Anyway, did you have something to tell us?»

    «Bid you goodbye.» Chatot replied, then rummaging in the bag he was carrying over his shoulder. «And we wanted to give you… this.»

    With his wing he handed them a Reviver Seed. The three looked at him in dismay, as if they had seen the greatest of treasures. Sparx even let out a small gasp of surprise.

    «Are you sure about it, Chatot? They are very rare these days and some of the wounded might need them…» he said kindly.

    «Sparx, we are about to face a Legendary, if not a God!» Yeaf exclaimed. «Who needs it more than us?»

    At that simple statement, even Chatot managed a slight amused smile.

    «Yeaf is right. Anyway this is the last Reviver Seed left in the city. It’s more than fair that you have it.» he explained, approaching Sparx. Without any ceremony, he opened his Treasure Bag for him and placed the Reviver Seed inside. «Here it is. Make good use of it, guys…»

    The Shinx felt compelled to accept the offer, both out of need and courtesy. He nodded his head in assent and placed a paw on his shoulder for a moment.

    «Thank you, Chatot.»

    Meanwhile, Ardin’s eye fell on the bandaged wing of the Music Note. He knew how painful such an injury was for a bird Pokémon like him.

    «How’s the wing?» he asked him.

    The parrot smiled weakly. «Oh, that? Thanks to Chansey’s care, if I keep it at rest like this it should be fine in a few days.» he replied, gently stroking the bandaged wing with the other.

    «Glad to hear so.» Ardin replied, with a friendly smAile.

    Wigglytuff made a maybe too joyful expression and spun around, then triumphantly raised his short arms to the sky.

    «Marvelous, guys!» he exclaimed. «I’m absolutely sure that you three will manage to get this whole job done!» he encouraged them warmly.

    «Guildmaster!» Chatot intervened with a whisper. «Lower, please. If somebody hears us… we’re done for…» he murmured, breaking into a cold sweat.

    «Ah. Right.» he said in response, lowering both his arms and his volume. «Anyway, we’re sorry we cannot be more helpful than this. Treasure Town needs all the resources it can get, and besides, with our injuries we would not be able to sustain such a journey.»

    «Don’t worry.» said Sparx, raising a paw as if to stop him gently. «You’ve already done enough, father.»

    The Balloon Pokémon softened his gaze a little, and a brief moment of comfortable silence arose among the five present. The Guildmaster then placed a hand on Sparx’s head and spoke.

    «So, shall we say goodbye for now?»

    Under the influence of the affectionate gesture, Sparx closed his eyes and relaxed into his touch. He nodded slowly, taking advantage of the gesture to steal a few caresses from his adoptive father.

    «Yes. The sooner we leave, the sooner we rest.» he replied.

    Confirming this, Yeaf badly covered a yawn of hers with a paw.

    «And the sooner we can look for food in the dungeons, since we have almost finished it.»she then added, in a tired voice. «Unfortunately, we should have bought it today, but hey…»

    «You three.» Chatot said, in a serious tone.

    Sparx reluctantly broke away from Wigglytuff’s hand so that he could watch and listen to the Music Note. The latter sighed audibly. It was obvious that he was still extremely worried and doubtful about the ongoing development of this matter.

    «Be careful, will you? And… come back soon, please.» he murmured, looking at the Shinx with a look translatable into: “Especially you, Sparx.”.

    At his superior’s words, Ardin lowered his head in a sort of formal bow.

    «It will be done, Chatot.» he replied, with his usual composed and respectful attitude.

    With a little less grace, Yeaf also gave her word.

    «Yeah, whatever. Just let me catch some z’s first…» she groaned, feeling all the tiredness accumulated during that hellish day suddenly rising inside her.

    The young leader emitted a somewhat amused snort and nodded. It was really time to go.

    «So… it’s time to leave.» he said, casting one last glance at Chatot and Wigglytuff. He smiled softly, wanting to give that as the last image before his departure. «See you soon, family.»

    And so, after one more greeting between the five Pokémon, Team Spark finally set out on their adventure. It was all so uncertain and mysterious, yet they were together. Nothing would make them waver.

    The Music Note Pokémon watched them go up the stairs and walk away at a brisk pace. He sighed to himself, feeling a pang of worry in his chest.

    «Chatot, trust them.» Wigglytuff said, noticing his friend’s distressed state. «Especially, trust Sparx. Trust Norvin and Diane too.»

    The second in command exhaled deeply and shook his head slightly. He lowered his gaze, staring at the ground as if it could answer his doubts.

    «I really hope you’re right, Guildmaster…»

    ( ~~~ )

    At the same time, perched on the top of a distant tree, another bird was secretly observing Team Spark’s departure.


    Back from who-knows-where, assuming he had ever left, his piercing eyes carefully followed the three young Pokémon who were moving away from the city and into the nearby forest.

    After all, he knew it would happen. He had seen it.

    He closed his eyes, inhaling the cool night air and voicing his thoughts.

    «Everything is proceeding as Fate has told me…» he murmured, opening his eyelids and fixing his gaze on the distant and unsuspecting young Shinx. «Sparx… what you’ll do from now on… is beyond my reach…» his left and right eyes briefly lit up in sequence. «Your dark past… your complicated future…. How will you blend them together… to reshape your destiny?»

    The Mystic Pokémon stopped to inhale once more. He continued to stare at the trio from a distance, until their silhouettes disappeared among the thick woods.

    «… Fate… Has really put quite a troubled kismet in front of you…. Sparx…» mumbled further to himself. «… Only time will tell… which path you’ll choose…»

    { ~~~ }

    Meanwhile, completely unaware of the other bird that was watching them, the three young explorers had finally begun their journey towards the World Abyss.

    However, at least for the time being, it was only a short walk in search of a place to camp for the night in the forest, although by “camping” they meant “sleeping completely in the cold.”

    If it were up to Yeaf, she would have slept on the first stone in sight as well. Then her mind reminded her that if they stayed too close to Treasure Town, and if someone saw them, explaining themselves wouldn’t be much fun.

    She continued walking with her companions, every now and then yawning more or less loudly, until, after a few minutes, a sentence from Sparx rekindled her hope.

    «Do you think it would be fine there?» asked the young leader, pointing to a small patch of mossy mantle.

    Of all three he was the only one who had managed to see it, again thanks to his peculiar sight. Ardin and Yeaf had to get a little closer to the point the Shinx had indicated to understand what the latter had found in it.

    The Mudkip felt the moss with a paw, which sank slightly less than a inch or so before hitting the ground below.

    «It may not be exactly a bed, but we can make it work.» he commented, shrugging as much as his four-legged form allowed him.

    It seemed unreal to the Eevee that they had found a seemingly comfortable place to rest. She walked unhesitatingly over the mossy mantle and immediately settled down, comfortably curling up with a contented sigh.

    «Oh yes… it will be more than fine…» she murmured, her voice cracking with tiredness.

    Sparx smiled to himself, then both he and Ardin followed their friend’s example and positioned themselves in two different spots on the moss. The Shinx set down without even taking off his Treasure Bag, keeping it with him wrapped around his neck as if in fear that someone might steal it.

    His thoughts returned to the razed Treasure Town they had left behind, wondering how the inhabitants would react when they noticed the absence of Team Spark. Chatot had told them they would find a way to justify that, but what could they possibly come up with, especially after Sparx’s tirade against Zangoose?

    He could do nothing but let out a slight snort of apprehension and hope that everything would go well in the city as well. He then turned to his companions, after letting out a big yawn in turn.

    «We can talk in the morning, right?» he asked, also quite exhausted from the day’s events.

    A soft grunt came from Yeaf. «We must talk tomorrow morning…» she specified, making it clear that at that moment her only concern was sleeping.

    The same thread was also followed by Ardin, who, among them, was the one who had done the most that day to help the wounded and move the rubble.

    «Of course, Sparx. Tomorrow morning we’ll see the route you had in mind.» he replied, more calmly than the Eevee.

    Sparx nodded, feeling the fatigue mounting in him more and more. He gave another slight yawn and rested his head on his front paws, with the rest of his body curled on itself in a cute blue-and-black mass.

    «So… good night, guys.» he murmured.

    «’night.» replied the other two, almost in chorus.

    It took a few minutes before the three explorers ended up in dreamland. All in all, the moss was quite comfortable and cool, giving them a moment of coziness before their perilous journey.

    They slept more or less peacefully, with their dreams invaded by images of the collapsed Treasure Town, of the wounded, of the dead… but tiredness always took over, chasing those thoughts away.

    They remained thus, completely undisturbed on their mossy patch all night, washing away, at least in part, their worries.

    The next morning, the Sun peeped through the forest foliage. It took little time to cast its rays on the three sleeping young Pokémon. Sparx, having sensitive vision though even behind closed eyelids, was the first to react.

    He slowly stretched his body, then yawned, opened his eyelids and stood up. The moss beneath him gently caressed his skin in response to his every movement.

    Soon after, Yeaf and Ardin, struck by the warm rays of the sun, were awakened in their turn. Despite all the various circumstances, it had been a quiet and peaceful night. After a few seconds of settling down, they said good morning to each other and grabbed a bite of their Berries to start off with some energy.

    Finally, Sparx could pull out the map and begin to explain what his plan was. He moved from the mossy spot with the rolled-up map in his mouth, then unfolded it on a fairly large rock. His two teammates flanked him.

    «Alright, guys. Here’s what I thought:» he began, placing a paw on the location of the foggy area. «It took us two days to reach the Foggy Forest, and obviously we made return to the Guild with the Explorer’s Badge.» he shifted his paw, running it over a location in the far south. «The World Abyss is here. I think, going expeditiously, it will take us three whole days.» He explained to them.

    Yeaf nodded with her gaze glued to the map. She had an idea of where it was located, but having never gone that far she had never bothered to investigate further. It was really going to be a long journey.

    She got to thinking about her parents. They lived in a small house in the middle of the forest where they were currently staying, but it was quite a ways from their precise location. She bit her lip, wondering how they were doing after the earthquake of the day before.

    «So,» Sparx, meanwhile, continued. «We will travel following the west coast. We will immediately face the Drenched Bluff, then we’ll only graze the Craggy Coast. In the end we should be able to continue without encountering any more Dungeons, until… mmm… we reach the Aegis Cave.»

    Those last, single two words were more than enough to bring the emerald-eyed Eevee back to reality and make her jolt.

    «T-The… Aegis Cave…?» she almost whimpered.

    They had never been there, but it was a pretty well-known Dungeon. Not so much for the strength of the Pokémon present there, but for… the fact that several hours in there were spent only to randomly obtain some extremely specific items needed to proceed.

    Ardin shuddered internally at the thought of having to face such a challenge, which many defined only as a matter of luck rather than skill. Fortunately, that didn’t seem to be the case, judging by what Sparx said immediately afterwards.

    «No. We’d probably save more time if we just go around it, if the voices about it are true.»

    The explanation was enough to make the Eevee breathe a sigh of relief. «Phew… I’d rather face 100 Groudon than spend 1 hour in that Dungeon.»

    Sparx smiled, finally placing his paw on the World Abyss for a second time. Barring unforeseen circumstances, the journey would not have been too complicated; the real problems would only begin at the end.

    Or at least, that’s what he hoped.

    «What do you think?» he asked his two friends.

    Both Yeaf and Ardin nodded with conviction, with the latter fixing his yellow scarf with a paw.

    «Yes. I’d say it’s the safest route.» he then replied.

    «All we need to do is stock up on supplies at the Drenched Bluff.» Yeaf added.

    So Sparx rolled up the map again and put it in his Bag. He jumped on the stone where he had placed it and heroically pointed a paw in the direction of the coast.

    «Then let’s go, Team Spark!”» he theatrically exclaimed.

    The Eevee raised her emerald eyes to the sky and emitted a little laugh. She was glad that despite the situation, Sparx was still trying to keep their spirits up, even in the most seemingly bizarre ways.

    She stretched her still slightly numb muscles one last time, mentally preparing herself for the three days of walking that would await them.

    Ardin smiled too, feeling invigorated by the determination of their leader and friend. He raised a paw towards the Shinx, inviting him to get off the rock.

    «Lead the way, Sparx.»

    He jumped to the ground in front of his two companions. He turned his head toward them and, with a slight breeze moving his dark green scarf, smiled at them and gave a simple order.

    «Let’s go.»

    He began to walk and they followed him. As always.

    Soon they would reach the Drenched Bluff, the first real obstacle in their way to their ultimate goal.

    Finally, the adventure had truly begun.


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