The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    I’m in Ren’s room, lying in his bed, lost in thoughts. It’s a well illuminated room with a single bed, a desk and a shelf with many books right next to a big window. The white walls with the sea pattern on the bottom makes for a perfect ambience for relaxing after a stressful day. Ren is reading a book in his desk, very focused, so I just stay silent for a longer while.

    He finally shuts down the book and looks at me. “Hey, are you still thinking about her?”

    It’s kinda concerning, the way he always knows what I’m thinking or how I’m feeling. Always so observant. “I… Well… Kinda.”

    He stands up and places the book back in the shelf, looking at me with an annoyed look. “Forget about her, she’s stupid. She doesn’t even deserve your attention.” He’s being so blunt, but I guess I can’t blame him.

    It’s just… I don’t know, there must be a reason for her to act like that. And… I wanted to be her friend, I just don’t like being like this,” I say, looking away in a bit of shame.

    Ren approaches me, visibly concerned, and sits by my side. “Why does it matter so much? You don’t even know her that much, yet you seem really sad just because she doesn’t like you. Do you… Uhh… Have a crush on her?”

    That’s not it. I don’t know why, it’s just… I just don’t get it! I’m trying to be nice, I’m offering to help, and still, she treats me like garbage,” I let out a deep sigh, for some reason I’m feeling anxious. “I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.”

    Ren rests his arm on my shoulder, and I look at him. “Listen, this is not going to get anywhere. Just focus on the pokémon that treat you well, your actual friends, like me, and ignore her,” he says. Then, he looks away, his frown deepening, and speaks with an angrier tone. “Also, I hate the way she treats you. I’m not going to let that pass, no matter how much you want to be on good terms with her. I hate her, and you should too. Pokémon like that are the reason why this world is rotting each passing day…”

    That sounds… Different now. I didn’t notice that tone before. Is this really how it happened…? Yeah, I think so, I remember. He’s so dramatic at times, so I guessed I shouldn’t worry, but now…


    I’m in my room, lying in my bed, alone. Something’s not right.

    I wanna go back to the guild to make sure, so I leave my room and make my way to the main door, now that no one’s home. I quickly go outside, deciding to take the shortcut through the old playground. I’m being cautious, as I don’t want anyone to see me. The rusty swing is moving slightly because of the heavy wind, but it’s still resisting. The same cannot be said about the slide, which collapsed a while back.

    As I’m reaching the other side of the park, I suddenly freeze. I can hear their voices approaching from the other side of the corner. I want to turn back and hide, but I trip on a tree root and fall down with a loud thud. I messed up so bad. They hear me, and quickly come to find me lying on the ground, covered in dirt. They found me. And I can already see their looks, telling me that I’m going to have a bad time.

    I can’t move, I’m too afraid of making things worse. No, I don’t want to go back to this…

    Please… PLEASE, NO!



    Ari woke up with a loud gasp. Another nightmare. It was becoming more frequent lately, now that he had new reasons to be stressed. Still, he was supposed to be better than back in those days… Why wasn’t he? Well, it was useless to think about that now. Ari noticed it was still nighttime, but he was feeling restless after that nightmare, so he couldn’t get more sleep that night.

    As the morning came, Ari, Nimb, Cora and Romi strolled through town, ready for another day of school. It was still pretty early, as they were used to spending some quality time before classes started, but Cora always took that to the extreme, and now they had too much free time.

    “You know, even if Asher has that weird obsession with sandwiches and doesn’t like sharing them often, he’s still pretty nice,” Cora said. “I don’t even know how he manages to be always happy, it’s like nothing ever angers him!”

    “Y-yes, but he’s kinda scary sometimes…” Nimb mentioned.

    “You’re literally in the same team as Mylo and Sanah,” Cora smirked, arching an eyebrow.

    “… Fair.”

    Cora noticed Ari more quiet than usual, as if he was lost in thoughts. She pat his back, drawing a look from him. “Is something bothering you, Ari? You seem… Not so epic today.”

    “Is this about the nightmares?” Nimb said, connecting the dots.

    “I… Well, yes. Nothing to worry about, though,” Ari responded.

    Cora pondered that for a moment, while trying to grab his little brother as he tried to run away and cause some havoc. “Hmmm… Hey, I’ve heard there is some kind of incense that helps with that, like, it makes you sleep better, maybe it even prevents nightmares!”

    Ari looked at her, interested. “And… How do I get that?”

    “I’ve seen it once in the shopping area, but I’m not sure where,” Cora said.

    “I see…” Ari then thought about the potential consequences of his next move, but he decided it wasn’t something to worry about that much. “Hey, you three go on without me, I’m going to take a look out there and see if I find that incense.”

    “W-wait, I can go with you,” Nimb said, a bit of urgency in his voice. Ari looked at him with concern, but he already expected that reaction.

    “I just need some time for myself for once, sorry Nimb, could you stay with them just this time? I’m sure you’ll be fine, right?”

    Nimb wanted to retort, but decided to respect his choice. “I… I guess…”

    Cora wrapped Nimb around his neck and smirked. “It’s okay, I promise I won’t let anything happen to you!”

    Nimb narrowed his eyes, pretty sure she was, in fact, going to let something happen to him, even if there was no danger. Ari left them to their own things as he went to the shopping area, with no actual idea of where to look. Every shop was the same as always, with food, clothing, accessories, seeds and other stuff. He eventually stumbled upon a fancy store with unique carpet designs and weird containers colored with striped patterns. He went inside for a quick glance, and found a lot of herbs lying in different plates, probably for making tea.

    As he was staring at the weird scenery, a voice brought him back to reality. “Is there something I can offer you?” Ari looked to the source of the voice, a Xatu, who was the shopkeeper.

    “Oh, uh… Hello, I heard there was some kind of incense that helps you sleep better. Do you have something like that?” Ari asked.

    Xatu stood there in silence, drawing a confused look from the Riolu, but eventually turned around and entered the door at the back. Ari waited for a bit, until Xatu came back with a blue wooden case. “This incense will calm your mind. The sweet scent it gives is perfect for stressful moments and will help you relax in just a short while.”

    “Oh, great! So… Does it also prevent nightmares?”

    The shopkeeper stopped, and then took a step back. “I see… So that’s why you need it,” they said. Xatu closed their eyes and hummed. “This incense is useful for falling asleep earlier, as it reduces the stress in that moment. However, nightmares are a different thing. Your subconscious keeps some thoughts deep inside even if you stop thinking about them for a while. And I can sense your mind is also drowning in thoughts at this very moment, even if I can’t read them exactly.”

    Ari flinched, not expecting a psychoanalysis out of the blue. He tried to recompose himself, after all, it was to be expected, coming from a psychic pokémon. “Uh… Yeah, you’re right… Well, I don’t think I’ll be taking the incense then, but still, thank you…” He said, sadly. He went to leave, but in that moment, someone else entered the shop. As the snake visitor glanced at the weird products displayed, her eyes stopped on the Riolu.

    “Oh hey, you’re Cora’s friend! Ari, was it?” Lyla the Seviper said.

    Ari found himself hanging with Lyla while stolling through town. Apparently, she went there usually to buy herbs for tea, something Ari found amusing. Lyla was spending her day off doing some shopping, and surprisingly enough, she was able to carry stuff on a bag that was attached to her tail… back… whatever it was. “So, nightmares, huh? I’m sorry to hear that. I suffer them every now and then, too. So much stress…”

    “Stress? Is something bothering you?” Ari asked, wanting to change the subject. It wasn’t that he didn’t like talking about his problems, but thinking about them so much was only making him feel worse.

    “Well… Kinda. My job takes so much time out of me, but it’s okay, I’m used to it. Besides, it’s not like I have any other option.”

    “Oh, that’s… Not so good. I’m sorry.”

    “Nah, don’t worry about that, we were talking about you,” Lyla said, stopping to look at him. Ah, yes, it was hard to avoid that topic. “So, what are those nightmares about?”

    “I… Er… Nothing too important, just random stuff that gets mixed without making much sense,” Ari said, fidgeting with his aura feelers. Was he going to tell everything to someone that he just met a day ago? Even if she was nice and easy to talk to, that would be too much for a first impression.

    “I see… Still, nightmares don’t happen just because. There must be something bothering you too, so… What is it?”

    “Oh, uh… I don’t know, maybe the stress of starting anew in the academy, being far from home, maybe uhhh my classmates, who knows.”

    “Classmates? Is there someone messing with you?” Lyla asked. She was already used to stories about school groups and bullies, so she had an idea or two of what could be happening to Ari.

    “No, that’s not it! Or… Well, maybe a little,” Ari said. That was the second psychoanalysis he got in 15 minutes, but he didn’t mind anymore. “There was Mylo, one of the Toxtricity brothers, but he ended up being nice, so I’m not worried about that anymore. Even if… I still don’t know why he was threatening that guy the other day.” Lyla had heard about him before, so she was surprised to know this, but she didn’t interrupt. “And then there is Sanah…”

    “Wait a minute,” Lyla did interrupt. “You mean Sanah… The Zangoose?”

    “Uuuhhhhh yeah, why do you ask?”

    Lyla narrowed her eyes. “Of course… Let me guess: she’s being a jerk to you?”

    Ari blinked twice. “Yes… But she’s mostly doing that to me. With the rest of the class she’s just rude, but for me it’s like a constant mind battle… I’m trying to be nice, but she doesn’t care.”

    Lyla sighed, and then took a moment to choose the best words to use in that kind of situation. It wasn’t easy to be nice when someone didn’t deserve it. “Listen, I’m not the kind of mon to tell someone what they have to do, but believe me, you’ll be better if you just avoid her.”

    Ari gave her a look. “Is that because of some experience you had with her, or because of your species eternal rivalry with Zangooses?”

    “… Well that too, but I did know her. It didn’t go well, believe me,” she said, as if lost in memories. That was concerning, Ari thought, but before he could press further, she continued. “Either way, you’re free to decide what to do, but be careful with her. Otherwise you could end up being hurt. And I don’t mean physical pain.”

    At that, the Riolu frowned. Was Sanah that bad of a pokémon? Even if she was, Ari couldn’t stop feeling like he needed to make things right. “I see… Thanks for the advice, but she’s my teammate and I can’t avoid that. The least I can do is trying to make that experience less horrible.”

    “Oh, talk about luck… I’m sorry for you. But hey, I’m sure you’ll manage one way or another,” Lyla said, while gently patting Ari’s back with her tail.

    “Thank you… ” Ari smiled. They had a nice time talking for another while, exchanging some stories and tips on how to survive a stressful lifestyle, until they eventually reached the academy. Ari’s classmates weren’t there, so he said goodbye to the Seviper and went inside. As he did, he found that the bulletin boards were being updated. That was where they also put warnings about missing pokémon or outlaws, right? Even if that wasn’t a guild, being well informed was esential to stay safe from any danger. Ari found himself instinctivelly approaching the bulletin boards to check what was new. His eyes stopped on a certain sign and he stared at it for a moment longer that he wanted to admit.

    Meanwhile, Nimb was recovering from the usual panic of going through the academy’s corridors passing by countless pokémon that he didn’t know. He and Cora reached their classroom and stood there while other classmates arrived.

    “See? There was nothing to worry about,” Cora said, smiling proudly. He wasn’t hyperventilating that much, so that was something. Still, he wasn’t enjoying the experience. He was making progress, but it was going to take some time.

    “I know, I know, but…” Nimb stopped, as he noticed Sanah staring at him, with her usual mean face. He tried to say somethig, but the only thing that came out of his mouth were choked bird noises.

    Sanah rolled her eyes and groaned. “Are you going to be like that every day? It’s getting annoying.”

    Nimb cringed, as he wasn’t expected to be addressed directly by her while Ari wasn’t anywhere near. “I… I u-uhm… I’m s-sorry…”

    “He’s getting there, you know…” Cora said, supporting Nimb.

    “Yeah, yeah, whatever,” Sanah dismissed, already turning away to ignore any kind of conversation that could start from that point.

    As other students arrived, still standing in the middle of the classroom, Asher the Cyclizar waved energetically to both Cora and Nimb, the latter being slightly uncomfortable but waving back nonetheless, with a sheepish smile. Mylo the Toxtricity tilted his head at Nimb as his own way of saying hi, and the Archen tensed for a moment, but then waved him back while also trembling slightly. It wasn’t that bad, he thought. He wasn’t that afraid anymore, it looked like no one there was going to hurt him, or say mean things to him… Well, not too mean at least.

    Yeah, he was okay… He was okay! And without Ari! He felt good, maybe a bit nervous, but he was managing. After all that he had been through, it was a matter of time. Everything was fine! Until… It wasn’t.

    He slowly felt a pressure in his chest, like something was compressing the air inside his lungs. He started breathing faster, there wasn’t enough air. He panted, like he had just run a marathon, and his eyes wandered all around the room. Why was he there? He shouldn’t be, it wasn’t safe! All of that was a terrible decision. There was danger everywhere, danger, danger, DANGER-

    “Good morning, everyone!” Ari said as he entered the classroom, only to be quickly assaulted by an anxious bird that grabbed his arm and trembled by his side. “Huh? Nimb, what’s wrong?” Ari gently rubbed Nimb’s back, but he just kept panting, trying to remember how to talk. He didn’t know what was happening to him, but at least it seemed like it was slowly fading. Really slowly.

    “I… I just… I d-don’t know…” His breathing was slowing down, but he didn’t look okay at all. They got concerned looks from everyone else, except from Sanah who just looked confused.

    “Damn, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have left, I thought you were going to be okay…” Ari frowned.

    “A-and I was… Until j-just a moment ago… I don’t know what’s wrong with me…” Nimb sniffled, but somehow managed to hold back the tears.

    “It’s okay, take it one step at a time, you can’t expect to make that much progress in a couple of days!” Ari reassured, and guided him to his desk. Everyone was still looking at them, but nobody said anything to avoid making things worse.

    Nimb had eventually calmed down, and both him and Ari went to their seats. Ari took his chance to try and interact with his teammates, even if it was kinda stressful. Mylo seemed as creepy as ever, but he was actually willing to talk, and Sanah… She was there.

    “What did you call me?” Sanah glared.

    “I just… Asked how was your day going…” Ari said, drops of sweat running down his head.

    “Well,” Mylo joined, “my day is as normal as ever. What else can I say? Heh…”

    “So what. You expect me to say something interesting?” Sanah said. “I’m not here to entertain you, go use someone else as your personal showmon.” It wasn’t going too well already, and Nimb noticed it, deciding to not take part on the conversation. Ari, on the other hand, was beginning to feel desperate, and he gripped his chair tightly.

    “I… That’s not my intention! I just want to get along well with you…”

    “Hey, Ari,” Mylo interrupted. “You shouldn’t try to get everyone to like you. You should accept that’s not always a possibility.” Ari blushed as the Toxtricity said that out loud, in front of Sanah. Also, he wasn’t expecting another psychoanalysis, and on top of that, coming from Mylo of all pokémon.

    “That’s pathetic,” Sanah shook her head, and turned to ignore everyone. It seemed like that conversation wasn’t going to get anywhere, so Ari gave up for now.

    Class started as soon as Maia arrived. After some quick speech to start the day, she gave away the corrected exams to each student. There were some murmurs here and there, Asher asking Velia how it went for her, Cora telling Kyle her own grade proudly even if he didn’t ask, Nimb gasping in surprise at his B+ with a smile, and Ari…

    “Oh,” he said, and then looked up as he noticed he said that out loud. Maia, from her own desk, noticed that and interrupted the chatter speaking in an audible tone for everyone.

    “I must say I’m quite impressed with you, Ari, you got a perfect grade! You were the only one who got the hardest questions right!” Ari blushed, and everyone else turned to him.

    “Wow, you got an A+?” Cora said. “I don’t know why I’m surprised at this point, but congrats!”

    “It was to be expected, you’re really experienced,” Velia the Meowstic added. Ari didn’t know what to say, so he just smiled while rubbing his head uncomfortably.

    As everyone kept talking about that, most failed to notice Maia approaching Sanah to adress her more privately. She was speaking in a lower tone, but Ari was close enough to hear what she was saying.

    “Sanah, I must say I’m a bit concerned about your grade. I know the school year has only just started, but this course requires at least some basic level of knowledge, otherwise things can get very hard for you…”

    Sanah the Zangoose flinched slightly at that. It was obvious what that meant: she got the lowest grade in the class. She wasn’t letting anyone know that, of course. “Hmmm… Okay.” Her expression didn’t change, even if it did twitch slighly while saying that.

    Maia rested her wing in Sanah’s shoulder and spoke with a calming tone. “Don’t worry, we can still work this out, but you’ll have to give it all from now on, okay?” Sanah just avoided looking at her directly and nodded without saying a word.

    As Maia returned to her desk, Ari turned to look at the Zangoose, a bit concerned. Her expression was the same as always, but he did feel like there was something more to it. Ari made sure no one was looking at him, and then he proceeded to do his other main thing aside from the pearl power. He closed his eyes and tapped into his aura powers, his tassels slowly rising as the aura enveloped his body.

    With his eyes closed, he could focus better on what he could feel around him. There was joy, probably coming from Asher, slight stress, coming from Nimb, pride, from Velia… And then, coming from Sanah… He could feel anger, distrust, annoyance. But, above all, he could feel… Hopelessness. It was overwhelming, a downside of Ari’s power was that every feeling he sensed with his aura was contagious to him, and now he felt horrible too. Ari opened his eyes and looked at Sanah with a sad expression, but he found that she was also looking at him with a mixture of confusion and anger.

    “What the fuck were you doing?” She demanded.

    Ari flinched and noticed the others looking at him too. It seems that the blue energy that enveloped Ari while using his aura wasn’t that hard to notice. “I… Uhhhh I was j-just…”

    “Ari, it is impolite to use your abilities to peek on others’ feelings in the middle of class,” Maia reprimanded.

    “You’re right, sorry…” Ari said, as he lowered his head in shame. For the rest of the rest of the class, he couldn’t get rid of that horrible feeling from before, and he couldn’t bring himself to turn around and look at Sanah directly, even if he did want to.

    The class finished and everyone went to the frontyard to hang out during the recess. They could go anywhere, as it wasn’t a closed yard, but it wouldn’t be wise to go too far, as they could be late to the next class. The whole group stayed together in a corner, talking and enjoying some time together.

    “Well, as I was saying,” Asher said, before having a bite of his sandwich. “Mhmhmm nom nom. I bet we’ll be going to the abandoned mansion to investigate eventually. I’ve heard all kind of rumours about that place.”

    “Or even the graveyard. Those are creepy places, for sure…” Kyle the Scrafty added.

    Nimb was starting to tremble at the thought of that. Being in shady places wasn’t exactly what he was after… And Asher noticed that. “Hey, don’t worry, we’ll be okay!” He said.

    “I… I guess… ” Nimb answered, but his face showed that he wasn’t feeling any better. And to make things worse, he was salivating at the sight of Asher’s sandwich. His stomach rumbled loudly, and everyone turned to him. “Uhhh… S-sorry.”

    Asher felt bad, after scaring the Archen with the whole abandoned mansion thing, so he looked to his sandwich, then Nimb, then his sandwich again. He sighed, and split his sandwich in two and offered one half to his classmate, with a lot of hesitation. “Hey… Do you want ssssome?” He said, squeezing his eyes shut.

    Nimb brigthened immediately and accepted it with a quick nod. Asher watched in surprise as he devoured the food in a matter of seconds, Nimb suddenly looking happier than ever. The Cyclizar felt better over the loss of his precious sandwich as he saw his classmate’s face.

    “Hey, how come you never share your sandwich with me but you immediately did with him?” Cora complained.

    “Uh? Oh, uhmmmm he looked so sad, and I just… Uh.” Asher feared for his life as the Brionne demanded answers.

    Meanwhile, Ari was lost in thoughts again, not paying much attention to the discussion. Why was he so obsessed with Sanah liking him? Why does he need to be liked by someone that’s such a jerk? It didn’t make any sense, and still, it happened. While he was thinking about all that, he noticed Sanah wasn’t anywhere near.

    “Hey, where did Sanah go?” Ari asked.

    Mylo, from the bench he was sitting on, turned to him. “I saw her going inside just a couple of minutes ago. Hm, a bit weird, to be honest.”

    “Oh… I think I’m going to go check on her,” Ari said, as he started moving. “I’ll be back really soon, so don’t worry, Nimb. I promise.” Nimb decided to trust his word, after all, he couldn’t get lost for too long inside a building.

    “Be careful, she could kill you… Heh,” Mylo said.

    Ari smiled sheepishly at him, but didn’t stop. He went inside and looked for the Zangoose, a bit hesitant because of the potential painful words he was going to receive from her. Still, he needed to do this. The corridors were mostly empty, every other pokémon was hanging out in the frontyard, so it shouldn’t be hard to find her. Still, she wasn’t there. He searched trough all the main corridors with no result. That was weird…

    Eventually, Ari reached a secluded part of the building and heard a metallic noise, like an object falling on the ground. He heard it coming from a closed room, which happened to be the janitor’s room. After a moment of hesitation, Ari opened the door slowly, not making any noise, and entered the room. It was quite big for a janitor’s room, having many metal shelves and a lot of cleaning products.

    He closed the door behind him and went further inside. There was a small window at the end, but it wasn’t enough to lit the whole room. Ari then heard a sniffle coming from the other side of the room, but there wasn’t enough light to see what was there, so he leaned closer. There, he found… Sanah. And she was crying.

    “S-Sanah?” Ari called. That startled the Zangoose, who quickly turned to him in a mixture of anger and horror.

    “What? What are you doing here?” She said, as she quickly tried to wipe her tears away.

    Ari approached slowly. “I was… I was worried, so I came to check on you and… I’m so sorry!”

    “I don’t care, leave me alone!” She turned around and kept sobbing, but the Riolu didn’t leave. He wasn’t expecting this of all things, much less coming from the fiery Zangoose.

    “But… Really, I’m sorry about earlier, I shouldn’t have read your feelings, but I was worried because I overheard your conversation with Maia and uhhh… I’m sure you’ll get through this! I can help you, just…”

    “Shut up! What do you know? You have no idea about anything!” Sanah yelled. “No matter how hard I try, no matter what kind of stupid education I get, it’s just completely useless! I AM useless.”

    That was his chance! He could reassure her and make her feel better so she would like him! This was what he needed, he was sure. But… Why was he thinking about that now?

    “Hey, you’re not thinking straight. I get that you feel lost, but the year just started, give it a chance!”

    “Why would I? Because YOU are telling me? Don’t make me laugh. You just want to feel better with youself for helping me, that’s what you all do. You all wanna feel like you’re on top of the others, and for what?” She said between sobs. “And you, precisely? You’re the smartest in class, and that makes me hate you even more. I don’t want anyone to remind me I’m the worst student, I already know that. I got the worst grade.”

    Yes, that was his chance. He could reassure her… He could do it. He could tell her whatever she needed to make her like him. He wanted that. And he could fix it easily and be liked by everyone. However…

    “I cheated.”

    Those were simple words, said without much thinking, but he could feel their weight in his mind. He wasn’t sure why he said that.

    “… What?” Sanah said, slowly raising her head to look at him, eyes widened.

    “I… I cheated. I didn’t know most of the answers, so I copied them from Cora and Nimb. If I didn’t, I would have had the worst grade in class. So, I cheated.” As he said that, he could feel Sanah growing angrier and angrier, but he continued. “I thought… I n-needed everyone to think I’m better than them! That’s why… I did it.

    Sanah stared at him, unblinking, processing what she just heard. She wasn’t the worst, after all. And yet, that Riolu… She slowly got up while his face went through all kinds of emotions at the same time, but in the end, she looked angrier than ever.

    “You… You CHEATED?” Sanah yelled. “And you made me think I’m the worst?”

    Ari started taking some steps back, fearing the storm that was coming. “Yeah, I’m… I kinda did. Sorry.”

    “You… You piece of…!” She started, but decided to express what she wanted to say but just throwing stuff from the shelves at him. The Riolu took a blow on the head by some paint can, but managed to avoid the rest of the objects thrown at him.

    “Hey, hey, stop! It hurts!” He begged.


    As she continued her attack, Ari panicked and ran for the door, leaving the janitor’s room to save his life. He got away, but with a bump on the forehead as a memento of that wonderful conversation. Sanah stood there, panting, but slowly calming down, as she organised her thoughts now that she was alone again. She felt slightly better. But that Riolu… He was going to pay for everything.



    The recess had ended and everyone returned to their respective classrooms. Ari didn’t want to talk about what happened with Sanah, so everyone decided not to press on that matter. The investigators entered a different classroom this time, as they were about to start a new subject: technology.

    The classroom was very different than the usual learning place, as it looked more like a workshop, with large workbenches in the middle and a large variety of tools scattered around the place, some on the tables, some on the ground. Between all that mess, an Ampharos with safety glasses was working on some kind of device with a greyish color and golden buttons, including a screen in the middle. She looked really focused in the task, so much that she didn’t even notice the students coming in. As soon as Velia coughed loudly, the Ampharos flinched in surprise and turned to them.

    “Oh! Uhm, wait a second, I’m almost finishing this!” And then she returned to her work, the students staring in disbelief. The Ampharos kept muttering to herself while she did some tweaks to the device, until she suddenly stoop up with an excited expression while shouting “eureka!”. Nimb jumped and hid behind Ari, startled. The Ampharos raised her glasses and turned to the others. “Oh, sorry, I was working on a new function for the Gholdevice, and now it’s done! We can start our class now.”

    “Are you our teacher?” Cora asked, while she scanned the room, impressed by all the tools and machinery.

    “Yup! The name’s Saga, and I’m the technology teacher,” she said, bouncing a little in excitement, her safety glasses falling back to her face. “I’ll be the one who helps you with some investigations, also. And that takes us to the first topic of this subject: the Gholdevice™!”

    “The… Golwhat?” Asher said.

    “Gholdevice,” Velia explained, turning to him.

    “No no, Gholdevice™, you have to add the trademark,” Saga the Ampharos corrected, and everyone deadpanned. “Well, as I was going to say, this device (invented by me) will be key to you investigations, as it contains multiple functions that take advantage of powerful abilities from different pokémon, especially psychic types. Each one of you will have access to one of these! And that means I’ll have to make many more… Damn, I’m not going to sleep anytime soon, heh…” Everyone looked at their teacher in concern.

    Technology was advancing a lot in the recent years, and combining it with the pokémon’s powers, it could create unimaginable wonders. There were few pokémon who actually knew how this technology worked, even less than knew how to create it, so it wasn’t a common thing to see inventions like that being used in daily life, it was mostly used by advanced institutions. Still, it was amusing to see.

    Once everyone was seated, the explanation began. “The Gholdevice™ will be your main tool to investigate any kind of crime or mystery, as it has various functions that could make things easier. To begin with, there’s this.” She demonstrated by pressing a button which instantly summoned a purple light out of the small sphere at the end. “I call this the Ultraviolet light, or ‘UV’. It lets you see footprints or traces of fur, scales or feathers left by anyone in any object or floor.” Saga then pointed the light towards one of the workbenches. There were some brilliant spots on the table that suggested that someone had touched that before, presumably the Ampharos.

    “Oooohhhh!” Some of the students said in unison. It was the first time they saw that kind of technology.

    “Also,” Saga continued, “you can use this as a flashlight too.” She then pressed another button and the light turned white. She handed the device to the students, who were passing it hand to hand just to take a closer look at the gadget.

    “Hey, what’s this button for?” Asher said, and pressed it before his teacher could answer. An holographic light appeared in front of it, pointing at Kyle the Scrafty, moving vertically. Kyle didn’t move an inch, if he was surprised he didn’t show it. After a short moment, the light vanished, and an image was shown on the screen. It was… “Ah, Kyle, you’re in here too! Don’t worry, I’ll get you out of there!”

    Saga quickly took the device before the Cyclizar could smash it. “That won’t be necessary! it’s just an image… You used the scan function, which allows you to generate an image of whatever you scan with it, so you can save it for later! That’s really useful for keeping evidence, you see?”

    Nimb had sparkles in his eyes, forgetting about his anxiety for a moment. He was positively impressed by the magic of the Gholdevice, even if it was supposed to be pure science. As the teacher saw everyone’s faces, she decided it was time to show the newest function she just added. She moved aside and searched for an object, while the students just stared in confusion.

    “Okay, here’s another thing you can do, check this out,” Saga the Ampharos said. As she pressed a button aiming towards a screwdriver, an energy trail could be seen moving around it. It looked like a weird smoke that moved erratically, always staying close to the workbench.

    “What the hell? Is this some kind of ghost?” Sanah asked, flinching slightly.

    “It’s like… An energy coming from the screwdriver!” Ari said.

    Sanah grimaced at him. “Did I ask you, moron?” That made Ari stiffen, suddenly remembering that the tension between them had gotten worse.

    “Hey, hey, no insults in my class!” Saga intervened. “Calm down, I’ll explain it. This is the kinetic ray, it allows you to see the kinetic energy left by an object, or even a pokémon, that’s been moved in the past few hours. So, yeah, you can see the trayectory it has followed up until the present.”

    “So… It’s like seeing the past, but only from an object or pokémon?” Mylo said.


    “Woaaaah, that’s so cool!” Asher said.

    “This will definitely lead us to unravel the biggest mysteries in our world, and pave or way to fame and greatness,” Velia added, posing with her hands in her waist, dramatically. Kyle took two steps back from her, his face not quite showing the embarrasment he felt.

    “Well, and that’s the main catch of the Gholdevice™! Interesting,huh? But there are also more things you can do with it. I programmed it so it can be used to communicate with others, no matter how far they are!”

    Saga explained the obligatory telephone function to an amused class, answering all kinds of stupid questions about magic and demonic summonings while she demonstrated using two different devices at the same time, showing how both were connected and could be used for sending messages. Really useful for investigations! It would be a shame if they were used for other things not related to that, right?

    Adding to that, the gadget could also be used to record sounds. It was a lot and the students were at a loss for words. How could something so small do so many things? And, on top of it, things that only a few special pokémon could do! Technology is incredible!

    When all the explanations were done and there weren’t any more questions, someone else entered the classroom. “Oh, here you are!” Saga said. “Everyone, this is Louis, the science teacher!”

    It was a Reuniclus. He waved at the students and then cleared his throat and spoke with a raspy but high pitched voice. “Nice to meet you! So, aside from being a teacher, I’m also a scientist that helps investigators with research, analyzing samples and studying the results. Saga and I work together in this kind of stuff, so you’ll be seeing both of us a lot in your investigations!”

    “Yup! You’ll be able to send us anything you got with the scanner so we can analyze it. So, keep that in mind!” The electric sheep was bouncing in excitement again, to everyone’s amusement.

    “Right, because you’ll be having your first investigation tomorrow,” Louis the Reuniclus said.

    “… What?” Everyone spoke in unison.



    Technology class ended, and everyone went to their last challenge of the day while they thought of the recent knowledge of the first investigation coming up. This time, they were in some kind of dojo-like room, it was pretty big and had a few punching bags and training dummies, and the floor was covered with soft mats.

    “Oh no. D-does this mean…?” Nimb said, already fearing what was to come.

    “Oh, did I forget to tell you about this? Whoops, sorry,” Ari smiled sheepishly, resting his paw in Nimb’s shoulder. “Yeah, battle class. You know, for self defense, haha. You never know.”

    Nimb turned to the Riolu, in a mixture of anger and fear. “B-but you told me we wouldn’t need to fight if we became investigators!”

    “I know, sorry… But this isn’t the norm. Battling won’t be happening a lot, it’s just in case that something goes wrong and… you know… there’s a criminal trying to kill us.”

    That didn’t make him feel any better. Hopefully it wouldn’t be too bad, as they didn’t have battle class every day. He was snapped out of his thoughts as a blue cephalopod pokémon entered from a side door, waving at the students.

    “Welcome, everyone. I’m Reko and I will be your battle teacher,” the Grapploct said. He had multiple scars around the body, a reminder of who knows how many tough battles he had been in. The pupils were impressed by his imposing presence, thinking they’d have a bad time if they ever had to fight him. “As you know, investigations doesn’t necessarily involve battling, but you must be at least strong enough to defend yourself yadda yadda you know the rest. Let’s begin,” and he then pointed to Velia and Mylo. “You two, come here.”

    And with that, the class had begun. Reko the Grapploct instructed them to do a little demonstration of their moves in a friendly one-on-one battle, while everyone else watched. Reko asked them to try to evade the rival’s attacks, but it was quite difficult when Mylo knew the move ‘overdrive’. As soon as he slid his fingers over the organs on his chest, en extremely loud sound wave came from it, creating sparks in a wide range. Luckily for Velia, she was fast enough to move away and cover her ears. She didn’t waste any time to attack with a psybeam that was launched directly to the Toxtricity, but he wasn’t too impressed, as he just duck to avoid the ray, which impacted on the wall. The whole room was made to resist strong attacks, so the wall wasn’t damage at all.

    They kept attacking and dodging for a few more minutes, until the teacher was satisfied with the demonstration, as neither of the students were hit. “See, that could very well be your main strategy when facing a strong opponent. It’s important to be able to endure the enemy’s attacks, but it’s also important to be quick enough to avoid them. If you’re not hit, you won’t lose. Keep that in mind and don’t take on foes you have no possibilities with.”

    Nimb liked that. When he saw the battle teacher, he expected a tough guy who just cared about brute force, but this was much more sensible. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad, but he still had to fight… He just hoped he wasn’t next.

    He then called for the next volunteers, who, in fact, did not volunteer for that. “Next! You two, do the same.”

    He was pointing to Ari and Sanah. Ari cringed in shock, he couldn’t believe his bad luck. He looked at the Zangoose and got a nasty glare from her, before she approached the battlefield without hesitation. Ari sighed, he was going to die. Nimb felt that tension too, even if he wasn’t the one about to fight, and he wanted to hold Ari’s arm to prevent him from going there, but it was inevitable.

    Ari moved to the battlefield and stood there, facing Sanah. It should be easy, he just had to avoid getting hit. The problem was… She looked like she was going to enjoy this, and she wasn’t just doing a friendly practice. After a few seconds of awkward silence, the Zangoose charged forward and tried to swipe with his claws, which Ari quickly evaded by jumping to the side. She groaned and slashed a few more times, but Ari kept jumping and rolling to avoid the damage. He suddenly tripped and fell, watching in horror as Sanah took her chance to swipe at him again, her claws now shining with a greenish energy, a fury cutter aimed at Ari. He quickly formed a protect and blocked the hit, quickly standing up and putting some distance from her.

    Sanah frowned. “Why aren’t you attacking?” She said, while she honed her claws.

    “I… I don’t know…” Ari couldn’t even try to fight her, he was too anxious and feared that hurting her would make things worse between them. She, on the other hand, didn’t care at all. While Ari was distracted with his own thoughts, he was suddenly hit by Sanah, who was enveloped by the dark energy of a pursuit. Ari hit the wall with a groan, unexpectedly hurt. Dark type moves shouldn’t do that kind of damage to him, so why did he…?

    Before he could react, the Zangoose was upon him, and he was slashed on the face with all her fury. And then she did it again. And again. Ari couldn’t even do anything, just like that time in Reverb Grove, when he was attacked by a Corvisquire. Even so, this time was different… He started trembling, he was so scared that he couldn’t do anything. He just curled into a ball and shielded himself with his arms, not thinking straight. He was feeling weaker with each slash, his eyes closing as he gave up, but before he fainted, Reko caught Sanah and lifted her in the air, keeping her away from the pained Riolu.

    “That’s enough! I told you this was a friendly demonstration, you just had to hit your rival once! Are you insane?” Reko reprimanded.

    “I forgot, I guess,” Sanah said, looking away in annoyance.

    Everyone else stared in horror as it happened, Ari didn’t notice Nimb yelling in distress as he was getting beaten up. Cora just held Nimb’s arm as she felt he was about to faint as well, but she was as terrified as him. While the Grapploct helped Ari, Sanah just returned to where everyone else was staring, not saying a word. Kyle, who was closer to Sanah, kept looking at her directly with an unmoved expression, and didn’t change it even when she noticed it and glared back, until she decided to ignore him. Mylo, however, went unnoticed as he glanced at her too with an undecipherable look in his eyes.

    “You okay there?” Reko said.

    Ari just tried to stand while he pressed his paw against the biggest scratch on his face, trying to remember how to talk. He just nodded. At least he wasn’t dead, but this was certainly not going well. He had tried being nice to her, he wanted to help her so bad, but he messed up bad and now she wanted him dead. He wanted to leave, to return to the woods and just be caught by the Armarouge, maybe that wouldn’t hurt as much. He didn’t want to endure this anymore, but he had to do it for Nimb.

    The academy nurse, an Audino, was quick to tend on Ari’s injuries while the class continued, Reko going over a few tips on basic strategies when facing an opponent they wouldn’t have chances against. Evading wouldn’t work always, so they had to rely on items and teamwork. Eventually, class had ended, and the Grapploct went to give Sanah another scolding for her behavior earlier, while the others went to check on Ari, who was sitting in a bench while attending the class.

    “Are you feeling better?” Nimb asked.

    “Uh? Oh, yeah, don’t worry. She just caught me off guard, but it was nothing serious,” Ari answered.

    “Even if that’s the case,” Velia the Meowstic added, “you weren’t fighting back. Just what were you thinking?”

    “I… It’s not that easy, you know? I panicked…”

    “You look like you don’t want to hurt others,” Kyle guessed. There was a moment of silence, everyone looking to the Scrafty, and then to the Riolu again. Ari opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out of it. Nimb frowned, he knew what that felt like.

    “Ari, you were shaking so bad, I thought by this time you would have battled a lot before, so why…?” Cora started.

    “Let’s not press him further, shall we?” Mylo helped. Ari smiled, glad that he was dispersing the attention.

    In the middle of the fuss, the Audino entered the dojo again, looking really nervous, and quickly approached the battle teacher. “Reko, there’s an emergency!”

    “Hm? What is it?” He said.

    “A feral pokémon has been spotted near the facilities!”

    There was a collective gasp. A feral pokémon here? They have never been spotted outside a mystery dungeon… How could this happen?

    “That cannot be… Are you sure?”

    He got a nod from the Audino. “We need your help, it’s pretty tough and you’re the strongest teacher here, also, the feral is a normal type. The others are already trying to control the situation, but they don’t want to call anyone else, otherwise the students might find out and the panic would spread.” As soon as the nurse said that, he turned and saw the whole class looking at them, flinching in realisation as it was too late for secrets.

    “Okay, let’s go now,” Reko said, and he turned to the stunned students. “Class is over for today, we’ll see next week. Good luck with your investigation tomorrow.” And with that, he left with the Audino, leaving everyone standing there, unmoving.

    Nimb shivered. He thought he could be safe from the Armarouge in Bismuth Town. Nothing bad happened ever here, or so he had heard. But now there were also feral pokémon where they didn’t belong. He wasn’t safe anymore.

    Well, that didn’t go so well. I originally planned for this chapter to be longer and tackle some more issues, but I stuffed this with so much stuff for the sake of worldbuilding and showing more about the classes and the Gholdevice™, so I decided to save some stuff for the next chapter, which in advance, I’m going to say that it’s my favorite chapter so far.

    Next time: the whole class visit a haunted mansion to solve their first mystery!


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    1. Feb 25, '24 at 9:00 pm

      Chapter 6

      Oh boy, another nightmare. It seems like a mix of a memory and a nightmare, with Ari remembering something from his guild days. The contents of it are… strange, I don’t know the full context, but he seems to be resentful about a girl. He wanted to be her friend. Then the nightmare gets even weirder and say stuff about him messing something up. Alright, now I’m starting to understand why he left the guild. It might be out of guilt. Maybe he’s scared of doing it again in the academy, and that could explain him being so jumpy last chapter. It’s a theory at least, and I liked the segment.

      At least this time Ari actually shared something with them, even if it was just that he had a nightmare. And Cora, being more knowledgeable about the city and its inner workings… knows about an incense that might help him. Could be a bit of a stretch, but considering that Ari’s nightmares are getting more consistent, I can see he’s getting desperate to get rid of them. I think therapy might help him too, but who knows how much that costs in this world? Unfortunately he’s leaving Nimb behind, much to the bird’s sadness. Some time apart might do them some good, to be honest.

      Well, it was a stretch. Kinda. It can help him sleep better, but to get rid of those pesky nightmares he’s gonna have to put in more effort than that. And by that it means he’s gonna have to actually make an effort to deal with his problems instead of whatever Ari’s been doing. The fact it’s noticeable for a psychic is very telling of what’s going on with him. So, that was a bust, what can he do except walk back? Talk to Lyla, apparently. And like everyone she’s trying to find out what’s in the nightmares exactly, or what he’s feeling bad about.

      Alright, so Sanah is just being a jerk to him specifically. I wonder if it’s because everyone talks about how weird and special he is, and she seems to be having a poor upbringing, her house isn’t very good… theory: she put in a lot of effort to reach the academy despite how bad her living conditions seem to be, and now this Riolu shows up and is immediately considered special and everything. In a way, it hurts her pride. I could be very wrong, but… I figured throwing an idea out there wouldn’t hurt, right?

      Anyway, their conversation seems to have happened mostly off-screen, but at least it looks fruitful. Now the setting is back in the academy, and Nimb is once again acting… the way he does. This time, though, it’s not met with calm and patience, because the Zangoose from before is being, surprise, a jerk for seemingly no reason. He eventually starts to get another panic attack because Ari isn’t there, and… it’s well-written, it feels just like that, like things will get worse out of nowhere, and you feel like you’re going to die, no matter how safe and sound you are.

      Sanah is edgy. She’s there to be a good investigator, not to make friends. But wow, that doesn’t make her a very likable character. I can appreciate that she seems sure of herself, and doesn’t want to change, but there’s going to be a moment where this kind of attitude is going to make things miserable for her. Am I a bad person for wanting that to happen very soon? I don’t know, she can also just stay like this, because unfortunately some people simply don’t change, no matter what happens. Either way, I like to hate her.

      Alright, it was a little rude of Ari to start peeking into what everyone else was feeling. I’m surprised at how naturally he seemed to be doing it, like there was no problem at all. But as to what he actually saw there, I’m more interested in Sanah’s emotions. She felt hopeless? And her grades aren’t going so well. Hm… another theory, she had to give her all just to sign up, but that doesn’t mean she’s necessarily prepared for it. Her upbringing doesn’t seem like the best, so I can see her struggling to keep going the way she is. Interesting stuff with her.

      Lmao, of course Asher loves sandwiches! Good for him, good for him. I wish he was in the main team, I wanna learn more about him! Not gonna lie, I found it funny that Asher was having a hard time letting Nimb get half of it. Something so simple, but I cracked a smile at it. Nimb… I’m sorry, but he must look really sad to everyone else in the room. Meanwhile, Ari is there, thinking about his life. Actually, him being so desperate about needing Sanah to link him can be a parallel to his experiences at the guild. He clearly wanted to befriend someone there, and I don’t know how that turned out.

      So he goes to talk to her and maybe try to reassure her. As expected, Sanah isn’t really interested in it, and her first reaction is to lash out. In fact, she’s so fed up with it she ends up saying all that she’s feeling to him, which does make his plan a little easier. And now there’s another twist, that he cheated to get the best grades in the class. I’m sorry, but what? That kinda feels like a lie. He said it to make Sanah feel better about herself, but uh, that doesn’t seem to be the case. Actually she looks like she’s hating him more now.

      The Gholdevice, TM. Funny, I knew there was gonna be an eccentric scientist in this story. She seems nice, if not a little unhinged. It does seem to be a useful gizmo for their investigations, and with so many cool functions, too. I kinda wanna have one. After all that lenghty explanations, they’re having an investigation the next day. Ah, that should be exciting to see.

      The next class is about fighting. Of course they’d need to learn that, investigating is one thing, but at one point they might need to fight for their lives. Which isn’t Nimb’s forte, or… anything he seems capable of doing at all. But with baby steps he might be able to. And wow, Ari and Sanah get pinned against each other, so of course, Sanah overdoes it and Ari ends up having to get patched up by the nurse. To make matters worse, a feral was spotted in the vicinity. Is it the Armarouge? The end of the chapter seems to imply it is. Ah… this should be interesting.

    2. Feb 25, '24 at 8:58 pm

      Chapter 1

      Alright, let’s get this show on the road! And from the very beginning there’s already a fight brewing. The Riolu, our main character, running away from this bug for reasons yet unknown. I appreciate choosing to start your story with a scene like this, and while there’s no explanation as to who this Riolu is, why he’s being chased and anything like that, the entertainment begins and instantly makes me want to learn more about this guy. For the scene itself, I only read a bit; specifically that this Riolu used Metal Claw but not from any TMs. On another note, the description for the moves works well enough, I don’t need to see them screaming the attack names to understand what they’re doing, and the reminder in the prose about what it actually is helps too.

      However, this Scyther has a few tricks up his sleeve too, meaning he can clone himself. Don’t know if they’re actual clones or some kind of afterimage, the latter being what I most commonly think of when it comes to Double Team. This fight is fun because it looks like they’re both trying to outdo each other, with this punchdog going for Aura Sphere, which is painted as odd by the evil buga (though if I remember correctly later gens made Aura Sphere a natural part of Riolu’s learnset, but I could be wrong about this).

      Anyway, this solved the battle issue, and there’s an explanation on what the puppy did. Or didn’t do, which was stealing food from this Scyther. He didn’t do it, apparently, and the Scyther just went ahead and jumped to conclusions for no real reason. I don’t know much about him, but this guy doesn’t seem very bright. Now that the fight is over, this Riolu is painted on a cool light for me, based on how efficiently he handled the situation. Neat. And he’s kind enough to share some food with this poor Scyther. What a cool guy. There’s also some exposition about him having a team, but not seeing them in a while. Interesting… it’ll surely come in play later.

      He barely has any time to plan his next move before a wild bird appears. Okay, that’s the other main character of this story, based on talks and on the cover of this fic. My first impression of him is… I think he needs a hug. His first action is to ask for help from this guy he literally just met, which, fair. The bird is clearly in distress about something, but he doesn’t know what that “something” is. Kinda makes his situation a little hard to help with, but wow, the punchdog is there for it, despite not knowing this guy. Tells a lot about his personality if he’s saying comforting words to a stranger. Plus the deal with the Scyther from before. Bruh, what’s wrong with pinap? I imagine it tastes like pineapple, and pineapple’s great. That’s it, this fic is now rated zero out of ten! I’m joking of course, /j.

      I know this bird lost his memory and all, but the feeling he’s having kinda sounds like anxiety? It’s probably more than that, but anxiety is what first came to my mind. And this Riolu has a similar idea about it. It’s a bit of an awkward situation, but not a bad one. To help, the Riolu finally introduces himself, and there’s a name for him: Ari. It’s a cool name, of course. The bird is Nimb, which sounds kinda funny to me, and I don’t really know why. They both seem to be wanderers, neat.

      Unlike most stories this Nimb guy doesn’t seem to be a human, he just seems to have some kind of amnesia, but he knows about Riolu enough that Ari looks weird to him, so clearly he isn’t a layman. Or laymon. Yeah, he has knowledge about dungeons and where the world he’s in. Nimb just doesn’t know why he was scared, so there’s a gap in his memories? I kinda like analyzing these kinds of things so don’t mind my ramblings.

      Oh my god, this fic also has the whole “dungeons turn people feral” thing. This is like the third or fourth time I see it(apart from my own stories). Not a complaint at all, it’s just that thing with the two nickels from Phineas and Ferb. Fun to see, just unexpected to happen so often. Anyway, Nimb and Ari are partnering up for the moment, at least until they leave the dungeon. This should be fun to see.

      Turns out Nimb really sucks at battling. Ari isn’t exactly the strongest guy in the world, so he’s… trying, at least. But this kind of fight can only be solved if they work together, which they do, so hooray. Well, Ari had to yell orders but that doesn’t mean they’re doing it alone. Again, Ari proves that he’s not your average Riolu. His ability to boost other stats kinda makes him a mage? I’m sure there’s a move for that, I just can’t seem to remember it right now. Guess it and Ari are a mystery on their own, which will hopefully be solved in this story. And during their time on the story, Nimb eventually asks to be with Ari because he’s like a scared cat. Hooray, the team has been formed right on the first chapter. That’s fun.

      Ari is strong. Contrasting that is Nimb’s weak and frail self. Together they can help each other out. It’s a nice duo, and Nimb… he’s so adorable, he apologizes way too much, but that’s not a problem. He needs hugs, that I can tell. They have a surprising heart to heart, but it’s more about Ari. Or specifically about Ari’s friends. There’s a reason why he left them…

      And uh oh, the last paragraph of the chapter is about a mysterious figure, doing mysterious stuff. Interesting, I wonder who they are and what they’ll do in the story. In any case, this was a surprisingly big first chapter, but I have to admit, it was really fun to read. I’ll be continuing this.

      1. @NavarFeb 25, '24 at 8:58 pm

        Chapter 2

        So, things are a little calm this chapter. Ari isn’t immediately throwing hands with someone, and has just woken up. That calm is then destroyed because he is in, fact, stuck in baby jail. Not only him, but Nimb and a bunch of other Pokémon are trapped there. How curious, the fic barely began its story and the protagonists are already in an awful situation. Of course Ari doesn’t want to be there, and after getting his bearings his first course of action is to figure out a way of getting out of there. That being said, he’s gonna have a hard time doing that. No bag, no items, nothing that can help him escape.

        Worse, his captor(or maybe one of them?) is in front of him. Oh shit among us reference… you can kill me now. Ahem, this isn’t an improvement at all, because now Ari has to entertain the guys that captured him. So this is some kind of circus? I imagine worse than your average circus, considering that they’ve all been kidnapped. And all to entertain someone, that’s a sick joke. They’re not even being allowed to eat, which only seems to make Ari worse. Once again it seems like the story is moving very fast. I’m not sure if this is a problem or not, I’ll have to get used to the pacing here. But so far, it’s been good in my opinion.

        So Ari is gonna be forced to fight someone. If you’re a sadistic writer like me you’re gonna have him fight against Nimb instead of anyone else. Which would be pretty interesting for something happening this early on the story (on literally the second chapter!). And it isnt like Ari is just standing there waiting, no. He’s using the time to look for any clues that can help him and the others in getting out of there.

        Seems it didn’t take long before this Rhyperior came back with Ari’s opponent. See, I was expecting Nimb to be it. But nah, my expectations were played with and instead of funny bird, it’s… Sneasel. Whatever animal Sneasel is supposed to be. Clearly neither of them want to fight, but obviously that’s not really a choice they have. In fact, they don’t have any choice at all, it’s just fighting for the sake of fighting at this point. Sick and twisted, and I like it. You have the guts to put something like this in your story.

        Ari doesn’t fight. Instead of doing anything he tries to convince his opponent that maybe they can escape. Now, for him it makes sense, he has no desire of staying there and he’s strong enough to have a shot at leaving. At the same time, the others in the cave are probably so broken by this point that any thoughts of resisting kinda get squashed down before they can be much trouble. Either way, the Rhyperior didn’t like this a whole lot, of course. Props to Ari for sticking with his morals and not doing something he didn’t want. In the end he got paralyzed again. You win some, you lose some, I guess.

        Back in his cell… okay, I have to wonder about the security in this place. If anyone can dig a hole like this, then I imagine the only reason nobody tried is because their spirits are broken already. Granted, Ari did but he took a lot of effort just to dig down enough to reach Nimb’s room. Other people probably aren’t that tenacious. Anyway, he and Nimb reunite, but boy oh boy, Nimb is not doing so well. Seeing him this way is torture, the guy looks like he’s gonna have a heart attack at any moment. I know that because I know how panic attacks feel like. All things considered, Ari did the right thing by talking and showing he was there for Nimb, which helped the bird calm down. Or at least calm down enough to talk to Ari.

        The reunion feels bittersweet because they’re still trapped in those caves. Also, about the security… alright, digging is fine, but the bars aren’t. Makes sense. And they’re talking loud enough that everyone can hear them, so the other kidnapped Pokémon are actually able to give their input about the situation. As expected, they don’t feel like they can escape, so they’re not even trying. Still, Ari was going to try digging more cells.

        Trying, since the Rhyperior got back before he could even begin doing this. I have to congratulate Ari for trying to lie his way out of this, but uh, that was never gonna fly. Him trying is at least commendable. Anyway… like I thought at the beginning of the chapter, Rhyperior is going to force them to fight each other, getting a lot of protests in the process. What can they do except fight?

        Ah, they did have an option. Pretending to fight is a smart call, and gave them enough time for Ari to think and figure out a plan. Interestingly, I didn’t comment on this Rhyperior’s mindset that all he can do is fight. He does seem to be getting entertained by all the fighting. Ari is different, and a lot of people probably are. For Ari, he can be an artist, anyone of them can be an artist, or whatever they want, if they really try. Obviously this is being said to distract or confuse Rhyperior, but that doesn’t mean it’s not true.

        Wow, just wow. Ari caught all of that just from a few scribbles on a wall and Rhyperior’s claws? He must be one hell of a genius for figuring that out while in the middle of a (play) fight. And he’s even capable of changing his plans on the fly. This is a really cool protagonist, I have to say. And this plan worked perfectly, they have enough time to let everyone else go. I can picture Ari doing that smug Riolu emote, and it’s so satisfying to see. Orbs are used in this setting too, so I’ll be keeping an eye on that to check if they’re overpowered. There’s an actual fight that Ari wants to be a part of, against Rhyperior. I’m not gonna comment on it other than thinking it flows well.

        In any case, the bad guys have been defeated, and now everyone is free, hooray! Just in time for me to read about the orbs. I got an explanation right away, which I found cool. It makes sense and fits with the story. Chapter ends after that, and I liked this one a lot. Good job.

        1. @NavarFeb 25, '24 at 8:59 pm

          Chapter 3

          I see Ari has some weird sense of humor. Or at the very least when it comes to this one friend of his. He doesn’t like them, or… just likes making fun of them. And to be fair, Nimb needs to eat, the guy was stuck in a cell for a long time, he’s probably starving by this point. Oh, and I almost forgot that Archen actually can’t fly. Cool to know that Nimb can just jump really high instead. It’s a neat detail, and I like that things are calmer now, they’re just enjoying themselves and eating, no worries on the horizon for either of them. I wonder how long that’s gonna last.

          They continue grabbing stuff from the trees, which includes Ari having the worst possible idea on how to make Nimb go up. I should consider them close friends if they’re messing around with each other. Also, another fear from Nimb is revealed… at this point he might as well be scared of his own shadow! Jokes aside, fear of heights is natural, and it’d be weird on a flying Pokémon, but again, he can’t fly at all so that makes sense to me. And another part of this bit I read… vibing. How old is Ari? He seems pretty young and the language used only makes him sound like a teenager or something. A strong teenager, but still.

          I don’t get what Ari wants to do. Help others without fighting? Does he want to be a politician? But actually, there’s nothing wrong with not knowing what he wants. He’s on a journey precisely to find out what that is, and now Nimb is kinda tagging along for the ride. Nimb, on the other hand, just wants to talk to people without dying from anxiety. Honestly, Nimb? Same here. Like a good friend, Ari immediately tries to help him out with the problem. You can’t say he’s not at least determined to help other people.

          So the talk with the Seedot was… not very good. First, Ari is too weird for a Riolu, so the guy didn’t even want to talk to him. Secondly, Nimb is pathetic. Okay, ouch, that was a little rude of this guy, to say the least! So this wasn’t exactly a good first impression for them, and certainly didn’t help Nimb move past his fear and social anxiety. On the bright side, at least he tried. Obviously this isn’t enough to get Ari to quit trying.

          Ari actually sounds excited about trying this. Cool. Next up is a Brionne they happen to run into, next to a cool lake. Ari is the one that starts talking to her instead of Nimb, which kinda defeats the purpose, but… it doesn’t matter because Nimb was scared again, and that turned into another panic attack from him. Something as simple as explaining what happened to them in the previous chapter can set him off. I feel sorry for this guy, Ari is trying to help but Nimb’s anxiety is too much for this kind of stuff. Worse, I don’t know if there’s any other way he can face his fears.

          Somehow it gets worse as Nimb falls in the water… and turns out he can’t swim. Honestyl, it’s like he can’t do many things by himself. I can’t believe I’m saying this(because of me) but wow he’s relatable as hell. Thankfully Ari managed to rescue him, which is fun, but then he also realized that this is his fault, more or less. Ari was so excited about helping Nimb he didn’t even notice when things got out of hand. Nimb seems able to talk to Ari more than with strangers. That’s probably the gist of it.

          But he continues to blame himself for this, and for getting them stuck inside the dungeon, as well as the kidnapping. Hm, Nimb already feels better about himself through his time with Ari, but uh, they’ve only met for what? A couple of days, max? I didn’t think Nimb would be this clingy with someone he barely met, but it’s not like he has anyone else. At least, it doesn’t look like he does. He isn’t faking all the anxiety either… I think. On the other hand, Ari likes this kind of attention. That sly dog!

          That did the trick and they’re both calm. But since nothing stays calm forever, once they get back in the lake they receive the news the Brionne from before has her brother missing. Oooooh boy, this is gonna be their first job together, isn’t it? Not sure if the thing with Rhyperior counts. Still, they’re working together with the Brionne to find her brother. I’m not sure how good at fighting she is, so if she isn’t, then the others will likely be protecting her. And by others I really mean Ari, considering how Nimb tends to be.

          Once again, Ari shows his detective skills. So the thing with Rhyperior wasn’t a fluke, and he actually can pick up details very fast. And to help with Nimb’s confidence, he added his own input to the theory, which Ari agreed to. Heh, it’s a fun gimmick, I’m loving it! Moving on with them, it isn’t long until a ghost shows up. Surprisingly, Ari was prepared for this. Hmmm… his aura prowess is pretty good, it’s helping solve most of the conflicts in the story so far. I just hope that Ari doesn’t let this go over his head.

          Shenanigans continue, and they find the Popplio they were looking for. Hooray, he’s next to an Arbok. I appreciate breaking the fourth wall with how this snake speaks, because it’d sound forced if anyone were to listen to it. Which, ta-dah, he was forcing, all to look cool. I like the vibe of the villains this fic has so far. Kinda reminds me of a Saturday morning cartoon. In any case, another fight starts. And unlike what I thought, Brionne can actually fight reasonably well… so it’s just Nimb that has trouble with it. Things ended well for everyone, even if the Arbok was upset in the end. Honestly, he kinda deserves it.

          Now things are calm again, and Nimb finally manages to introduce himself to someone. Clearly Ari’s deduction skills are rare and great, so this Brionne even gives him a suggestion. I wonder if he’ll take it… ahem, him and Nimb talked a little longer, and turns out Nimb did improve, even if it was a little bit. It’s that way, honestly. Doing it little by little. And oh, this fic is actually gonna be involving investigations more than fighting? That’s a neat deviation from the usual pmd stories. I like it a lot.

          Hmmm, a dream with Ari. It was very weird, and also distressing for Ari. But that’s not the end of it because the mon from the previous chapter appeared again… an Armarouge. Why is it attacking them? Dunno, the chapter ended there. I’ll learn more in the next one.

          1. @NavarFeb 25, '24 at 8:59 pm

            Chapter 4

            What a cool start to the chapter, having the main characters get immediately jumped by flaming armor. I quite like that you dedicated two paragraphs to show what each of them think (and how they react) when it comes to this Armarouge just showing up to throw hands with them. The tension here is very much real, especially because Ari doesn’t recognize one of the moves this Armarouge does(I don’t either, but distorting the air is SO COOL). In any case the battle barely starts and they’re both on the defensive already. It’s clearly on an entirely different level than both Ari and Nimb, but why is it attacking them? It doesn’t even speak, so does that mean it’s a feral? So many questions…

            This is less of a fight and more of a beatdown; Ari is getting his ass handed to him so badly that he’s actually bleeding. I think the general flow of this fight is also better than the ones from previous chapters. You dedicate bigger paragraphs and write more reactions to it, so it makes that easy to read. I can’t believe I’m typing this when Ari is getting so damn bodied by this knight. Oh, and the other important detail is that… uh, Nimb, are you okay??? Thinking he deserves to get beaten like that is a massive red flag??? Holy fuck he needs therapy.

            In the end, this Armarouge proved to be too strong for Ari to handle, and he almost died fighting it. However, something really weird happened. The knight spent most of this beatdown not saying anything, not having any kind of expression, but right as it was about to kill Ari, it kinda… stopped? It didn’t let him go, but also didn’t choke him harder either. That was weird. And it was just what Nimb needed to finally do something and yeet this knight far away. A momentary distraction that helped him make his escape with Ari.

            Even so, Ari is still hurt. And it isn’t long before the Armarouge finally catches up with them. I like that this fight is clearly lost to them, they have no way of beating that thing on their own. It gives a sense of power to their enemy despite it not saying anything(except for a small sentence that it seemingly isn’t capable of doing anymore). Then someone shows up to rescue them. Hello, cool bird. She’s already shown to be immensely strong for restraining that Armarouge with a simple arrow shot. Cool. She seems like a nice gal, and with her help the duo can finally make their escape.

            A day later? Holy fuck Ari must’ve been really close to dying from that fight. Another question arises in why did this Armarouge only attack Ari? Is it rioluphobic? Not that Ari seems to know why he was the one getting the worst of it, not to mention that it suddenly stopped for no real reason. It even apologized, which is even stranger. That thing is still out there, but it’s hidden… somewhere. I imagine this won’t be the end of it. And they’re now in that town that was mentioned earlier, cool.

            The main characters have some time together to talk about what happened. Naturally Nimb is just apologizing for not being strong enough. It fits with him, and I can see his logic. But realistically speaking, there was little to nothing he could do back there. The Armarouge was beating up Ari, who is already a strong fighter on his own, so someone like Nimb who can’t do it would probably just have been dead weight. It’s… rough, but it’s the truth. On the bright side, Ari doesn’t hold that against him, and he’s actually understanding of it.

            More talk, and here’s the first twist of the story! That Nimb actually saw this Armarouge before. Not only saw but he was running away from it. That answers one question and creates a few more. Mostly that… why did it go from Nimb to Ari? It does explain why it followed them, but during the fight it seemingly switched targets. Well, now I know why Nimb forgot all about it. The guy got traumatized by this. It probably means that the Armarouge will show up again later to ruin their lives again.

            Now they decided to actually join the academy! I see it’s gonna be the setting for the fic, so I’m excited to see what it’s all about. Anyway, since they’re pretty much in house arrest it’s the lovely Decidueye lady that’s gonna register for them. Isn’t she nice? She didn’t even take long to do that. I’m not sure what I think about spending two big paragraphs explaining what they talked about instead of showing it, but I suppose it’s not bad. It can be a change of pace now that I think about it. At least there was an actual conversation later, and the fears of what Nimb is going to do there seem well warranted, he won’t be able to depend on Ari forever. We’ll see.

            Someone roll the drums, because it’s time for them to join the academy! Or instead, just stroll around the town so they can get used to it. It feels nice to have some downtime after the fight from before, doesn’t it? And they’re already met with a mystery(kinda) in a house that is seemingly abandoned. But it wasn’t and the Zangoose that lives in it sounds very rude.

            Next up, they finally go to the academy’s building. I’m gonna praise taking the time to describe it in detail, since there’s three paragraphs just to show it off before the characters can say anything about it. Helps paint the place as being this grandiose building where they’re gonna spend most of the fic in. And it starts with a speech by the principal, a Gholdengo… like in the name of the academy. It isn’t as grandiose as the entrance seems to be, so it’s not long before this Gholdengo gets drowned out by the fact he was explaining the rules and the students found it boring, so the focus shifted to something else.

            Like someone being bullied. Unlike in real life this was solved very fast, which I’m thankful for. With that out of the way, they go to the classroom. There’s two Pokémon they know, the rude Zangoose from before, and the Brionne they helped two days ago. There’s also a Toxtricity here, which means this is the second fic I read with an academy setting and a Toxtricity in said academy. And ahem, CYCLIZAR CYCLIZAR CYCLIZAR MY BELOVED.

            Anyway, they’re already starting their classes. I think I’m getting used to the pacing here, it does seem to be pretty fast. This scene is basically introducing the students, so I don’t have much to talk about here, it’s pretty self-explanatory. Each student does seem to have their own distinct personality, which is gonna help them stand apart from each other. Teams have been picked, but they’re not in the same one as the Cyclizar, what a shame… at least the Toxtricity is there, so it’s a cool point for their team. The Decidueye lady is really nice to offer her house for them. I think this about wraps up the chapter. Good stuff.

            1. @NavarFeb 25, '24 at 8:59 pm

              Chapter 5

              Cora sure seems excited to have them as her neighbors. I get it, she knows them, and she likes them, so of course she’s excited to live next to them. Unfortunately Maia forgot to give them a key to the house, so they can’t even get inside. But just as that problem arose, something else did too. An opportunity to visit their friend’s house. The description of it works well, and I could see myself living in it. Cora doesn’t live there alone, which was something I was wondering. I’m still wondering how old everyone is in this story, but since there’s an academy setting I’m still thinking they’re all teenagers.

              Just like Cora, her parents are nice, but wow they’re already asking the big questions about Ari and his weird power. Before I thought it was a move, but here it seems more clear that it’s, in fact, something weird that nobody seems to know anything about. Only that it allows Ari to do. Then things get comedic very fast. It’s alright, I guess. This Floatzel is kinda funny because of how much he over reacts to a simple joke, I’ll give you that. At least the others seem to be going along with it. Everyone except Nimb, who’s still acting like, y’know, a person with extreme anxiety.

              Even if he’s being anxious and/or shy everyone still treats Nimb with respect, which is nice and it might even help him open up, even if it’s likely going to be a slow process. And Ari got soaked in the process, so here’s another comedic moment. After all that was settled, things seemed to get calmer and on Cora’s end, she gets to be encouraged to be an investigator. It’s a cool plot point, not explorers, but investigators. I always found it funny that, in all games, things were more or less the same in terms of jobs. But with investigator… I dunno, I get different vibes from it. Like they’re gonna specifically go after crimes and not fetch an item for someone.

              Meanwhile, Ari gets asked about his parents. Something about the way he phrased it seems off, like he doesn’t have a good relation with his folks, or maybe he’s an orphan (I wouldn’t be surprised if it was that case instead of anything else). Both Nimb and Cora realize this, so the subject of Ari’s parents is clearly a rough spot for him. Visiting the town might be a good way of keeping his mind off of it. Still, I’m curious to learn more about it.

              And they go shopping, but wow, out of nowhere Ari seems a little more introspective. Guess remembering his parents kinda did a number on his mood. I think that, normally, he’d accept a gift from a friend, but now he seems so rude to Cora. She was only trying to cheer him up and he brushed her off like that…. it doesn’t sound like him at all. I say this when I’m only five chapters into the story, but his personality is clearly defined already.

              Okay, so Ari is feeling down. The scarves he has belong to explorers, but he isn’t one anymore. There’s many reasons why he can feel weak, and I’m sure that his defeat against that Armarouge doesn’t make it any better. Cora is actually there for him, because he’s her friend and he needs to hear some comforting words. It’s very likely that if Ari and Nimb weren’t there, her brother would still be missing. And I know that getting praised when you’re down can be harder than it looks, but really, I think it’s what he needed.

              Things at least looked better when another of Cora’s friends showed up. Though Ari’s self-esteem was still down, Cora wanted to lift him up anyway, because she’s just like that. She’s a fun character! Now I’m wondering what Nimb has been doing this whole time, was he just watching this without saying anything? I wouldn’t even be surprised if that was the case, because it feels like something he’d do. Though it was actually this Seviper that helped get Ari out of his funk. I’m inclined to believe it was a collective effort from everyone that did the trick.

              Right, Nimb was just watching this. He didn’t say anything for a different reason, that Cora just kinda ignored him and focused on Ari. To be fair, Ari being sad was shown to be rare when compared to how Nimb is presented. With that in mind, it was still a dick move for Cora to not say anything at all. It’s like she only had eyes for Ari. But even so, Nimb isn’t that upset with her, and they can just let this go and hope to improve in the future. That’s what friends do, isn’t it? They forgive each other.

              Finally, Maia shows up again and actually gives them a key to her house. Ari and Nimb then have a heart to heart about their worries. Most of it is Mylo, but wow, Nimb wants to change. Not only change, but change for the better. Grow and become a better person than he was before, y’know? That’s the first step in the journey to improve himself, but he’s already started it. He has Ari there to help him out, and I’m sure it won’t be just Ari. Others will be there to help him grow and change into who he wants to be.

              They’re back in the class, with Maia saying she’s gonna give them an exam. Right, it’s probably important to get a feel for what everyone can do. Might give her an idea of what could be improved and all that. This talk about dungeons is perfect for Ari considering what he used to do. I really can’t praise this enough, the premise of the fic is so out there that I’m having a blast when moments like this happen. Anyway, he got asked more difficult questions, yikes. I wouldn’t call this bullying, the other students are just curious about him.

              So the group are tasked with identifying seeds, and wow, I knew the Zangoose was rude but lady, this isn’t exactly productive, talking to your teammates the way she did. Things aren’t going so well with either her or Mylo, and he does seem upset after getting a seed thrown at him. Ari and Nimb both sound uneasy because of this. All of this.

              To add salt to injury, Ari almost got robbed. He would be if it wasn’t for Mylo, so maybe this lizard isn’t such a bad guy after all. I can’t get a read on him, though. Not much else in the chapter, but the ending makes me wanna root for Sanah. You go, rude girl. You go be cool.