The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    The rain poured furiously around Winona as she stirred, thunder shaking the sky and blue lightning dancing through the air. She was half-covered in mud, resting in a mysterious small crater.

    As she blinked and tried to get her bearings, she realized that her memory was gone and her body felt wrong. She struggled to process why that was the case, and came up blank.

    She wriggled out of the crater, realizing that she seemed to be some sort of large blue snake thing. She felt rather perplexed, and perplexed about why she was perplexed.

    She finally gave up and focused more on her surroundings.

    She was at the top of a hill, surrounded by dozens more. The grass was a golden yellow, shrouded in darkness by the clouds above. Looking towards the horizon, Winona could see tall, pitch black mountains, and amongst them was a towering fortress, shaped like a fearsome dragon and surrounded by storms of lightning. Looking towards it, Winona felt a shiver of dread.

    She looked the other direction, and then screamed.

    For several tall, yellow humanoids with really loose skin around their legs and red mohawks loomed over her, faces leering greedily.

    “What an excellent find, boys.”, commented the tallest one, who appeared to be their leader, “A little lost dragon. She’ll fetch a fine sum in the Ruby Empire.”

    Winona yelped and tried to scurry backwards, but one of the yellow men grabbed her by the neck and held her up, as she squirmed desperately to escape.

    “Shame we couldn’t find that star or whatever, but this should serve as a good substitute.”, the leader continued.

    Suddenly lightning crashed through the sky, and a cloaked figure suddenly appeared before them. They appeared to be a large silver fox, with nine writhing tails glowing with blue fire. A pair of glowing red eyes stared into the hearts of all before it, filling everyone with terror.

    The leader gulped, and narrowed his eyes. “Who are you?”, he demanded.

    The fox growled menacingly, “Release the girl.” Their voice was quiet, deadly, and feminine – like that of an evil sorceress.

    “Now why would I go and do that?”, demanded the leader, “We ain’t leaving without a prize!”

    “Release her now, or else you won’t leave at all.”, the fox replied coldly.

    One of the others said, “You know, maybe we should. She looks terrifying.”

    The leader scoffed. “Coward! We’re not backing down from this thing! No way!” He said it confidently, but his body was shaking.

    The fox’s lips curled in disgust. “Fine then.”

    She looked towards Winona. “You’ll want to close your eyes for this.”

    Fearfully Winona did so.

    What followed would haunt her nightmares.

    There were lots of agonized screams, demonic snarling, and terrifying wet and snapping sounds. Something warm and wet splattered over Winona, and she held back a scream. She was thrown into the ground, and she stayed there until all she could hear was the rain. Soft pawpads walked over, and something fluffy and warm draped over Winona. “You may open your eyes now.”, said the fox, her voice soft and comforting, as if she hadn’t just brutally murdered a whole gang of people.

    Winona blinked, looking up. The fox had pulled back her hood, and her eyes had lost some of their malevolent glow, replaced with wisdom and weariness. She carefully wrapped a blanket around Winona, somehow warm and dry despite the pouring rain.

    “Who are you?”, whispered Winona nervously, “Why did you save me?”

    The fox replied calmly, “My name is Mortria. And I have been waiting for you for a very long time.”

    “Waiting for me?”, asked Winona, “Why?”

    Mortria looked around warily. “This is not the best place to discuss that. I have a cave nearby. I can explain there.”

    Winona was hesitant to go with the scary murder fox, but she had nowhere else to go. So begrudgingly she allowed the fox to scoop her up with her tails and carry her off into the hills. As they ran, Mortria drew her cloak over the two of them, filling Winona with odd shivers. She couldn’t at all explain what caused them though.

    It felt like forever until they reached the cave – the only entrance a secluded crevice in the hillside. Mortria carefully slipped into it, and it opened up into a spacious circular chamber. An unfamiliar map was pinned to the wall, marked with red paint, and there was a strange circular pattern in the floor. There was nothing else in the room.

    “It is not much.”, Mortria commented, “This is only a temporary refuge. My true home is far away from here. We will head there later.”

    She placed Winona down in the far corner of the room. “You are no doubt perplexed.”, Mortria commented, “Nothing makes sense to you right now, does it? You’re not the first human I’ve encountered, you know.”

    “I, uh, what?”, Winona replied, confused. “Sorry.”

    Mortria looked skeptical. “They were really thorough with you, huh? Hmph, that makes this harder.”

    She sat down in front of Winona, and took a deep breath. “So, every once in a while, when the world is in great danger, the gods will summon a human or two – strange things from a different world that are not subject to the same forces regular Pokemon struggle to withstand, and capable of great things. Most of the time, the threat is relatively simple and only requires one or two humans to defeat. This time, though, things appear to be different.”

    She tossed her head towards the map. “Several nights ago, I sensed a great upset in the balance of the world. An ancient evil, greater and more powerful than any other, was unleashed. I immediately started tracking down the most likely places to find the humans that would inevitably come, narrowing it down to just a couple. Two hours ago, seven stars fell from the sky – each of which a human. My calculations proved accurate – and I found you.”

    Winona blinked. “Are you sure? I don’t remember falling, or being a human, or anything like that. I don’t know anything about this!”

    Mortria replied, “Every human that comes here loses their memories. I’m not entirely sure why. So it is only natural that you don’t remember anything.”

    Winona shivered. “Is there any way I can get them back?”

    Mortria answered, “I am not certain. My powers cannot seem to reverse it, and I have not met any human who has recovered their memories.” She tilted her head. “Perhaps it is better that way. I certainly wouldn’t mind forgetting every once in a while.”

    Winona frowned, angered by this fact. “Well, I don’t want to forget! I never asked for this!”

    Mortria nodded sympathetically. “Indeed. However, there is no changing what has already happened. The only way you could get your memories back is by facing the threat you were called here for…and defeating it.”

    Winona shivered with nervousness and frustration. “What is this threat? And how can I beat it so I can get back to whatever my old life was?”

    Mortria answered, “They are an entity known as the Darkness – an avatar of pure malice and suffering. It was locked away a long time ago, but it appears it has finally broken free.”

    She sighed. “As for how to defeat it…I suppose you could seal it away again. But such a task will be long and difficult, as it was the first time.”

    Winona frowned. “I suppose I should’ve known it wouldn’t be nice and easy. But I also suppose I have no choice…”

    Mortria nodded. “Unfortunate. However, you will not have to face it alone. There are six other humans out there, all of whom were dragged here for the same purpose – to fight the Darkness. We will have to find them all first. Which will be a long journey on its own.”

    Fight. Winona did not like that word. She couldn’t remember the reason why, but hearing it filled her with fear.

    Additionally, she also did not know how to fight, especially in this new form.

    “You said we had to fight this thing.”, Winona murmured, “But I don’t know how to fight…”

    Mortria nodded. “And that is why I am here. Because you will need a mentor. All of you will.”

    She gestured towards the circle. “This is an amplification rune. It strengthens the aura of all Pokemon in its vicinity. Excellent for helping a young mon train their powers.”

    “Powers?”, asked Winona.

    Mortria nodded. “All Pokemon can manipulate their aura, shaping it into various attacks. Some are stronger at it than others. Additionally, some Pokemon are capable of harnessing energy outside of the normal limits of their aura. These Pokemon are wizards, warlocks, mages…or witches.”

    Winona shivered. “Witches?”

    Mortria sighed. “The name carries a negative connotation. But it is an accurate term. I am a master of manipulating shadow magic, of brewing potions and crafting items. Such skills will be invaluable to your quest. I can teach you them. Then you will never be powerless.”

    Winona frowned. “Is there a cost?”

    Mortria tilted her head. “Other than using the powers wisely and helping defeat the Darkness, no. What makes you think otherwise?”

    “I, uh…don’t remember…”, Winona murmured.

    “Of course you don’t.”, sighed Mortria.

    She seemed to recall something. “Of course! There’s a certain talisman I found that I should give to you…”

    She focused, and appearing in front of her was a large, blood-red ruby, set into a golden chain.

    Mortria explained, “I found this a long time ago, left to me by an old friend. I knew it was not for me – I was to safekeep it until the true owner appeared.”

    She looked closely at it. “It seems to be resonating in your presence. Intriguing.”

    Winona felt as if she could sense it too. Looking at the necklace, it seemed to tug at her, begging her to put it on and gain its power. But she was cautious. She was afraid what taking it might mean.

    Mortria nodded, seemingly recognizing her thoughts. “If you take it, there is no going back. I will not pass this on to someone who will not use its power. Once you take the necklace, your role is set. You will need to fight the Darkness.”

    She tilted her head. “This is your only opportunity to back out. You can take the necklace, or you could slither out of this cave and try to forge a new life elsewhere. I will not force you to choose either way.”

    Winona stared at the necklace, her mind torn. On one hand, she was scared, weak, and bewildered. She knew nothing about this new world or her old life, and already she was being pulled into adventure. On the other hand, it wouldn’t be right to back out if the world needed her. Plus, this might be the only way she could retrieve her memories and return to her old life…whatever that was.

    She bit her lip, then slowly slithered up to Mortria. Then she cautiously slipped her neck through the chain, the jewel resting against her scales.

    Then flames roared up around her, and her eyes widened. She gave a startled gasp, and immediately proceeded to pass out. (-o-)

    “So, it appears you have found my pendant.”

    Winona blinked and stirred. She seemed to be floating in space, fire and water whirling around her yet somehow not harming her at all.

    “Hu-huh?”, she murmured, “Where am I?”

    The voice, which seemed to be female, answered, “We are in the pendant, Winona. You are safe at the moment.”

    Winona frowned. “Who are you?”

    The voice was quiet.

    “It has been a long time. I am no longer quite sure.”, she answered, “I suppose you could say I am the pendant. Or at least, one half of it.”

    “One half?”, asked Winona.

    “There is another soul here. Or at least there was. I do not know anymore.”, the voice answered, “I suppose you and I both need to find our memories again. This quest is the only way to do so.”

    Winona sighed. “I knew that was going to be the case…”

    She looked around at the swirling elements. “What even is this pendant? What do you do?”

    The pendant answered, “I believe I am a repository of elemental power. The natural forces that shape this world can be focused here, allowing my wearer to control them. Additionally, I can offer wisdom, and even glimpses of the future. I can see the stars moving now. You shine bright as the rest.”

    Winona smiled slightly. “That’s nice to know…can you see what we need to do?”

    The pendant was quiet for a moment.

    “Every star has a companion.”, she finally said, “Every star and their companion must gather together, in a land of diamonds. The path beyond that will be revealed there…”

    “Huh. A land of diamonds.”, Winona muttered, “That shouldn’t be too hard to find.”

    The pendant replied, “Indeed. As for your companion…that would be Mortria. She remembers far more than I do.”

    Winona shivered. “I see…there’s just something about her. She doesn’t seem quite right.”

    The pendant was quiet again.

    “I do not know.”, she finally answered, “But one day, all will be revealed. That I can sense.”

    Winona nodded. “Yeah…I just wish that day would come soon. I hate not knowing anything.”

    “Agreed.”, the pendant replied.

    Winona closed her eyes. “What of the Darkness? Do you know anything about it?”

    The room trembled.

    “Yes…”, the pendant whispered, “It is powerful, ancient, and relentless. Those who dive into its shadows seldom return sane. Such malice, rage, misery, and suffering…it would overwhelm any Pokemon.”

    The pendant was quiet for a long time.

    “The coming battles will not be easy.”, she said, “I know not of the others, but I can sense within you great resentment, fear, and sorrow, sealed away with your memories. As you uncover them, those emotions are going to come free…and with it the Darkness will have greater power over you.”

    Winona shuddered. She could catch tinges of it – even though the memories were gone, those feelings weren’t. However, she doubted it was that bad. She could overcome them, certainly.

    “I will stay strong.”, she said, “If I ever want to remember my past and return to my home, I will have to be.”

    The pendant replied, “I have the utmost faith in you. But that does not relieve me of my concern.”

    Winona nodded. “Yeah…I’m scared too. But we’ve got this. We have to.”

    The two ruminated quietly for a moment.

    “I grow weaker.”, the pendant said, “These communications strain my energy. I must return you to the mortal world now.”

    Winona felt worried. “Will we be able to talk again!?”

    The pendant hummed, “Yes. Every time you sleep, your mind is open enough that we can safely discuss things in your dreams. But there will be few opportunities of conversation outside of it.”

    Winona sighed in relief. “That should be fine then.”

    The pendant agreed, “Yes. Now, farewell. Until we dream again.”

    The flames surged again, and Winona vanished from the dream. (-o-)

    When she awoke, she saw Mortria above her, frowning.

    “Are you alright?”, the fox asked.

    Winona nodded, pulling herself up. “Conversing with the pendant.”, she answered, “We do need to meet up with the other stars, in the land of diamonds. Supposedly our path from there will be revealed when we arrive.”

    Mortria nodded. “That is what I predicted as well. The destination is new, though. Thankfully it won’t be too hard to find.”

    She walked over to the map, gesturing towards the eastern part of it. “We are up here, at the outskirts of the Black Kingdom.” She rested a paw against the black mountains marked in the northern part of it, that forbidding dragon castle carefully inked out.

    “The Diamond Kingdom is down here.”, Mortria continued, tracing a paw down towards a large plateau marked on the south of the map. “We will have to travel through the savanna of the Gold Kingdom and cross two major rivers, but gods permitting it shouldn’t be that hard of a journey. A week at most.”

    Mortria turned back towards Winona. “Along the way, I can help you train. Every Pokemon should learn how to battle as soon as possible. This is a vicious world, where the strong survive and the weak all die. I will make sure you are one of the strong. As much as I wish we could train here with my equipment and this rune, time is of the essence if the others are already moving.”

    Winona nodded. “Thank you.”

    Mortria scoffed. “Believe me, you won’t want to thank me for long. I am not a kind teacher. Our sessions will be long and harsh. But hopefully at the end of it, you will be a true force to be reckoned with.”

    She walked over to a corner, pacing around three times before lying down and curling up. “You should rest now. We have a long trip ahead.” (-o-)

    1 Comment

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    1. Feb 8, '24 at 2:22 pm

      I am very much liking this fic so far

      As she blinked and tried to get her bearings, she realized that her memory was gone and her body felt wrong. She struggled to process why that was the case, and came up blank.

      Suddenly lightning crashed through the sky, and a cloaked figure suddenly appeared before them. They appeared to be a large silver fox, with nine writhing tails glowing with blue fire. A pair of glowing red eyes stared into the hearts of all before it, filling everyone with terror.

      /summon lighting_bolt ~ ~2 ~
      /tp 848779 666967797769 797869
      /effect give @s strength 60 2 true

      There were lots of agonized screams, demonic snarling, and terrifying wet and snapping sounds. Something warm and wet splattered over Winona, and she held back a scream. She was thrown into the ground, and she stayed there until all she could hear was the rain. Soft pawpads walked over, and something fluffy and warm draped over Winona. “You may open your eyes now.”, said the fox, her voice soft and comforting, as if she hadn’t just brutally murdered a whole gang of people.


      Mortria looked skeptical. “They were really thorough with you, huh? Hmph, that makes this harder.”

      god fr was like “rm -rf /*”

      Mortria nodded. “All Pokemon can manipulate their aura, shaping it into various attacks. Some are stronger at it than others. Additionally, some Pokemon are capable of harnessing energy outside of the normal limits of their aura. These Pokemon are wizards, warlocks, mages…or witches.”

      oooooh this is gonna be interesting

      She focused, and appearing in front of her was a large, blood-red ruby, set into a golden chain.

      I thought this was gonna be the red chain at first

      “The coming battles will not be easy.”, she said, “I know not of the others, but I can sense within you great resentment, fear, and sorrow, sealed away with your memories. As you uncover them, those emotions are going to come free…and with it the Darkness will have greater power over you.”

      sounding like dark matter ther-