The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Angel’s Window was back into vision. He couldn’t move, as much as he wanted. He could see Simon unconscious, on the other side of the room. He could smell the blood he somehow knew belonged to Rose. And worst of all, he could see Zigg in front of him.

    “Don’t worry. You’re next. I need to make this quickly so your friend over there doesn’t wake up just yet.” He saw the Abomasnow spawning an ice shard.

    He was reliving that fateful day, but something was different. When the shard launched, he didn’t get to protect himself. He felt the pain dig through his stomach and come out the other side. He didn’t understand how he ended up here, but his vision was getting blurry, and his senses were fading.

    The Abomasnow grinned, going back to where Simon was. “You’re not gonna play with me anymore, you bastard…” Zigg didn’t hesitate. He covered his fists in ice again, and barraged Simon like he was an inanimate object. Mark could only watch, as the shard pinned him against the wall, just like Rose’s dead body next to him.

    After he was done, the ice monster was panting. Simon’s shell was broken beyond repair as his body stood there in a pool of blood.

    His face was wet with tears even though he couldn’t cry. His energy was gone, his breathing slowing down more and more. He was completely losing consciousness, succumbing to the loss of blood he was experiencing. But before closing his eyes for good, he heard Zigg mutter something to himself.

    “I told you that killing him was the better option, Rachel…”

    And that’s when he woke up.

    He sat up with a jolt, panting heavily as he recovered from the dream. It was a nightmare, even though he could still feel the pain in his stomach and the faint smell of blood everywhere. Either it was very lucid, or it was more than just a dream.

    But he was safe now, he was back in the medical area of the guild. Simon was asleep on the bed next to him, same as Charlie, who seemed like his tiredness got the best of him and made him pass out on his desk. And of course, no sight of Rachel anywhere.

    He laid back down again, staring at the ceiling. He felt like he was going insane every passing minute. So many questions without answers, so many things that felt slightly wrong or out of place… He was tired of it all.

    He was also wondering what the hell Zigg said at the last moment during his dream. Did Zigg actually know Rachel from something? Or was it just his mind playing tricks on him?

    After letting out a breath that he didn’t notice he was keeping in, he forced himself to not think about it anymore and go back to sleep, hoping that no more nightmares would visit him.

    The next morning arrived. Mark didn’t manage to get any more shut-eye after all. His mind kept going through all the ways this whole situation could make sense until eventually ditching the whole mental map he had at all the inconsistencies it presented. In his head, nothing about this had any logic.

    He heard some groaning as the Drowzee nearby moved. “I’m gonna have to ask for a raise because this job is killing me.” He said to himself, unaware that Mark was awake.

    “I’m surprised you haven’t done that sooner, honestly.” Charlie jumped at the sound, quickly relaxing after seeing who it was from.

    “Arceus, Mark. Don’t do that to me.” He stood up from the bed, getting closer to the doctor. “Did you sleep well?”

    Mark didn’t respond, his expression said all Charlie needed.

    “For how long have you been awake?”

    “For a while. Had a very bad nightmare and couldn’t sleep again. No sign of Rachel, either.”

    It didn’t take long for Charlie to wake up Simon. The Squirtle wasn’t happy about it, but he obliged when he was told he needed to do a quick check.

    So, Simon stood up, wandering around with Mark’s support while Charlie made sure that nothing was wrong. He wasn’t feeling any pain when walking, or even running, so the Drowzee took it as a success.

    “Thanks again for this, Charlie.”

    “No need, it’s my job after all. I’m just glad to see you doing better, and I’m not talking only physically.”

    “Right… I’m still a bit… you know.” Simon put a paw behind his head, looking away. “But she would have wanted me to keep going. So that’s what I’ll do.”

    Mark smiled at hearing that. He was happy to have his friend back.

    But of course, all good things had to come to an end, since the next thing he heard reminded him of everything going wrong.

    “Yo! Morning! Are we ready to do something?” Rachel announced as she came closer.

    “You!” Mark shouted, giving her a glare that screamed anger. “You and I need to talk.”

    “Oh, wow, okay. Talk about a warm welcome.” She said with a smirk, standing in front of the Cubone. “What’s up?”

    “I need you to answer me something, and you better be honest about this.” He cleared his throat. “Are you the one that has spread the news about me being human?”

    For the first time ever, Rachel’s face turned into a frown. It wasn’t anger, sadness, regret, or any other feeling. Rather, it was an unreadable expression, as if she was trying not to show any emotion at all.

    The hesitation made Simon jump in. “So?”

    “So what if I did?”

    Mark balled his paws into fists, breathing deeply in an attempt to calm himself down. “So what if you did?! Now I’m a target too! What the fuck is your problem?!”

    “That’s the point!”

    “Simon, hold me still ‘cause I swear I’m going to kill her.”

    “The more Pokémon that attack you, the more we can see what their problems are. You wanted to know how this happened, right? It’s more clues! And besides, it’s not like a bunch of townsfolk can just get through us.”

    “Rachel…” Simon said, now thinking about the ambush into the guild that ultimately got his sister killed. “I’d shut up if I were you.”

    “I’m doing this for you, why are you two so angry now?”

    “Because ever since you got here, you’ve been denying every team we have, but oh wow! A couple of humans happen to appear, so sure! Let’s join them!” At this point, Mark was seething. “YOU are hiding something, and I’m not sure if we want you on the team if you’re going to keep that from us.”

    He was expecting some sort of retort from the Excadrill, but instead, she kept quiet. The more she said nothing, the more Mark’s patience was running out.

    “Well, it was only a matter of time until you found out, doesn’t make a difference to me if it’s I who tells you.” She said, stunning Mark with his words. She did know something. “Fine. You want answers, answers is what you’ll have. It’s time to show you the truth.”

    Rachel turned around and started walking away.

    “Where are you going?”

    “Whatever I say here, you won’t believe me. So might as well show you some proof. If you’re really interested in this, grab something to eat on the way and follow me. I’ll be waiting at the entrance.”

    And so she left.

    “Mark, we don’t have to-”

    “No, we do.” He knew that he wouldn’t be satisfied until all the answers. “If anything, you’re the one that doesn’t have to follow me. She seems more interested in me, anyways.”

    “I’m not leaving you.” Both of them looked at each other. Simon’s eyes were determined. Tired, but not willing to leave Mark alone. He really appreciated that.

    After a quick trip to Lily, both went out of the building meeting with Rachel. The three of them didn’t waste a second and started walking. To where? Only she knew.

    “Oh and by the way.” Simon said. “If this is a trap, you’re dead.”

    “If this was a trap, I would’ve already killed you on my own. Being in a guild is not a problem for me.”

    “Where are we going, anyways?”

    “To a place I doubt neither of you even know exists.”

    “Try me.” Simon said, as if he just got his pride attacked. “I know this town and its surroundings like the palm of my paw.”

    “Sure, have you ever heard of Apollo’s Sanctum?” And just like that, Simon’s confidence was shattered. “Thought so. It’s a place underground, only I know the tunnel that leads there since it has been my hideout for a long time. Oh, and it’s protected by a short dungeon, so I hope you’re ready to fight.”

    “Why didn’t you say that before? We have our items at home.”

    “Are you telling me you can’t go through just two floors of mostly bugs? C’mon, you want the truth, you’re gonna work for it.”

    It felt weird, her words were teasing, but her tone only showed tiredness and seriousness. Mark was still not trusting her, but at this point, he was willing to do anything for things to make just a tiny bit more sense.

    And so, he was going to.

    One must imagine Mark happy.


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