The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Welp. They were right. As pretty as the dungeon was with all the marble structures and halls, Mark wasn’t having a good time. The members of the team he’d eventually learn was called Team Acolyte were breezing through the maze like it was nothing. And of course, Mark didn’t like that he wasn’t helping.

    Even with all the reassurement from Verm and the others, it didn’t sit right with him to just stand around and watch. It didn’t help that the one time he tried to use his move, he didn’t know how, and ended up having to be rescued by the others.

    Back at the guild, he was having once again that same feeling of self-doubt that he had on his first attempt at Poison Garden. So there he was, slouched on one of the cushions of the lobby, staring at the floor again while the other three guided the Psyduck they rescued to their home.

    He had a look around, there were quite a lot of teams this time. All of their members had their purpose, something they were better at than the rest. He, however, was just fodder. Filling the empty spot that could be used by someone better suited for this. Even without a team, everyone else just knew how to fend for themselves. 

    A light punch on his shoulder made him look up.

    “What? Overthinking things again?” The ghost said, sitting beside him.

    “Yeah… I guess so…” He was glad to have Verm nearby. With Simon being treated, he needed someone else to vent and talk to. “I don’t know if this is going to work, honestly. I don’t like sitting around doing nothing. With Simon and Rose, at least I got to manage the items, but you guys got it covered too.”

    “Well, I hope you understand we’re not going to change our team dynamics. It took us a long time to figure out what each of us was better at. That was one of the main reasons our performance at the beginning was so terrible, we all got in the middle of each other.”

    “I know, and I don’t expect you to change things because I’m there for only a few days. But after I’m back with Simon, then what? I still can’t fight, I can’t let him face everything alone!”

    That was something that had been eating him ever since the incident. Now he was alone with Simon, it wasn’t fair that he would be the only one doing everything.

    “Well, you have used the move, so it’s clear you can do it. It’s only a matter of figuring out how you got it out.”

    “How does it work for you?”

    At that, the ghost stopped, thinking. “I uh… I don’t really know how to explain it. It’s second nature, I guess.”

    “Well, that is not what I wanted to hear…”

    “What did you want to hear?”

    “I-I don’t know! A process? A list? A step-by-step solution that makes me go ‘Ah! So I just do this and it works!’.” He sighed. “I don’t know how Simon got used to this. Being a Pokémon has only been a nuisance for me since day one. No offense.”

    “None taken.” The ghost thought for a second. “I don’t think he’s ever encountered this situation, but maybe we can ask Lance?”


    “Did I never tell you his name? The Samurott in charge of the training area. He has a lot of experience, maybe he knows something we can do.”

    “Sure, I guess I’m not losing anything by trying. But can we check on Simon first?”

    “Yeah, of course! I actually was gonna ask you the same thing.”

    “Speaking of which…” Mark said as he got up. “How did you… you know, react, when he told you he was a human?”

    “Well, it was a shock, for sure. I got to the guild like maybe a week before them, so I didn’t have that much reference on what a ‘normal’ team looked like. But there always was something weird about him. Well, he was like you were when you first got here, wondering how any of this was possible. I guess that’s why I was the least surprised when he told us about it. I didn’t expect it, but it made a lot of sense.”

    “So you knew about me being one too?”

    “Not really, the amnesia excuse was good.”

    “I mean, is it really an excuse if it’s somewhat true? I don’t remember anything about my life except my name.”

    “Heh. I guess not.”

    Right, that was another thing he needed to ask Simon.

    Apparently it was obvious when the teams had finished their missions, as the medical area was bursting with Pokémon. None were as bruised and full of bandages as Simon, but it was enough for Charlie to be running around everywhere, trying to help everyone at once.

    Simon was awake, and he seemed a bit calmer than this morning. The two of them approached him and did some conversing. There were no changes from Simon, aside from all the nearby Pokémon asking him how he was doing.

    It felt weird to have a casual conversation like this, like nothing wrong even happened. But on the other hand, it felt refreshing. It was nice to simply talk. No secrets, no reveals, no twists… Just a normal dialogue between friends. Mark missed that.

    Simon was looking at him weird, however. Probably because of that last comment Mark said to him. It was pretty clear that he wanted to talk about it, but didn’t want to do it with Verm present. So Mark used that chance to completely change the topic, making a bit of a quick excuse to go to the training area. So, leaving Simon with a sour expression, they left.

    Either the ghost was oblivious to the whole thing, or he didn’t want to interfere. Whatever the case, Mark was thankful that he didn’t question it.

    “Yo! Lance!” Verm shouted, making the Samurott look up. Luckily, there was nobody else training at the moment, probably because everyone just finished the missions and were tired.

    “Oh, it’s you. Hey Verm. And hi Mark, I don’t think we ever properly introduced each other.” He stretched his claws to the Cubone. A bit weird to give a handshake with that, but sure. “What can I help you with?”

    “So uh… You know how I have amnesia and I can’t fight, right?” Mark side-eyed Verm. He didn’t want to explain the human thing yet again, he had enough of that for today. Luckily, the Gengar nodded, taking the hint.

    “Yeah? If I remember from Gren, you did use a move, though, didn’t you?”

    “By his description, I think it was Retaliate.”

    “Right, yeah, but that’s the thing, I… I can’t use it anymore, and I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.”

    Lance was deep in thought for a second, but immediately got off his spot. “Come with me.” They were guided to one of the dummies that they used for training. “I know you won’t use the move, but try to attack it. I wanna see what it looks like.”

    And so he did, using his bone to try to channel that same energy he had back then. Obviously, it didn’t work, and ended up as another of the attempts he made during the dungeons.

    “Okay. I know this is going to be rough, but… What exactly did you feel when you snapped?”

    Mark looked to the side, it wasn’t easy to remember that, but if it helped Simon, he’d try. “At first, I thought I was dead, I was already lamenting everything. But then something in me ticked, and all I could feel was anger. I just… I desperately needed revenge…”

    Verm spoke. “Could it be a human thing? Like, maybe they use moves differently?”

    “Wait, human?”

    God damn it, Verm…

    And that’s how the next twenty minutes were spent, explaining again that yes, he was a human. No, he didn’t have a conversation with a legendary. No, he was not joking. Yes, he knew about Simon.

    After answering all the questions the Samurott had, he spoke again. “Well, I’m not too knowledgeable about humans or their history, but maybe Gren can help you there. They probably have some books or papers about the past humans that have appeared here. If not, you can ask Simon. Although I don’t remember him having any problems with moves before.”

    “Yeah, sure, I’ll go ask them.”

    “Sorry to not be more helpful, but this is out of my league.”

    “It’s… It’s fine. Thanks.”

    Mark turned around and left, Verm following close. “So, thoughts?”

    “Absolutely none. I have zero idea of what I’m supposed to do here, and trying to be like any other Pokémon isn’t working either. What the hell is my purpose? What can I even do to help?”

    “You’re already helping Simon by just being there, but I get what you mean.” The ghost crossed his arms. “I really wish I could help you here, Mark. But explaining how to use moves is like explaining how to breathe. It just happens.”

    “I just hope Gren has some answers. Otherwise…”

    ‘Otherwise I’m back to square one…’

    Kind of a very slow chapter with not that much going on, but things are getting there. :)


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