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    I was on my way home, when I died.

    Smoke signals covered the surrounding air. The atmosphere was very warm, almost as if it was in an oven. The metal bodies that collided in shambles, oil and gas leaking as if the machines were in tears from the pain.

    It was quick, it didn’t hurt at all.

    It was a car crash, that took it all away. The last thing any passerby citizens saw was a burnt name tag, for a company they have never heard of before. The face, charred along with the name it was placed above. The last thing any sort of conscious being can remember before the smoke flashed their eyes, were sirens and screams.

    Over there… someone is standing above me. They look so far, yet feel so close…


    “I never found any purpose in my life. I was grateful to have a family, a home, even something as simple as a roof to sleep under. There were so many others that shared little fortune than I. So, why me?” He asked. His voice was tired, panic induced, and sad. “I’m not special in any way, shape or form. Are you only saying this to punish me? Like I was unhappy, despite having a good life so far?”

    “You tell me, young one.” The bigger voice echoed. “Did you at least grow to enjoy the company of those who supported you? Your family? Friends? Your ‘mon?”

    “I… loved my family. They can be rough to me sometimes, but it was only because I was so dumb in so many ways. I gave them such a hard time while they only tried their best. My friends were good to me too while some would grow to despise me anyways because of who I am. My ‘mon… I loved like my children. My grovyle was my best friend, and I, left him now. I’m dead and he’s going to…” He trailed off, wiping his tears and shaking his head.

    “So I don’t know. Why should I tell you everything if you saw it all? Why can’t you decide where I go?” The younger asked. His voice was monotone yet shaky. He was scared of who or whatever that other figure is.

    “I will, and I shall. You must not be told where, but I can tell you this… a place that needs you as much as you need it.” The bigger replied. The large silhouette of light, shaped like a quadrupedal ghost would stand now. Their eyes only hollow red circle outlines staring at the young human. Said human being a male, mid twenties at the latest, a tragic age to perish.

    “What is it that makes you say that I need that world…? I guess I don’t deserve heaven or hell?” Asked the human. “I’ll just be reborn again? There goes years wasted going to church…”

    “Nothing you do is wasted, human.” The ghost would lean his rounded edged head down to the male. “Being reborn is being reintegrated into the gift of life once again. It’s a gift, something someone is willing to give you. That sound familiar?”

    “Yes, I am assuming you told me that because I didn’t do it enough? I thought I did a lot…” He resented, not actually sure if he did so.

    “You were on your way, when you died.” The ghost replied. “Fate had other plans for you. So you were taken here instead. I can only assist it in running its course. I can say that the life you shall soon be born in is going to be difficult to keep that plan for you.” Their front left “hoof” would softly tap, sounding like a fancy shoe hitting against a polished stone tile floor. “You will be reborn after all. No memories of your last life, or shape, ever. You will start anew. From infant, to fossil, hopefully.” He’d chime, he almost sounded enthusiastic as well.

    “… and you’re saying nothing was wasted here? It’s starting to sound hard to believe if you can just rebirth me like this. I’ll probably just live a short life again, if my stupidity carries over.” Younger commented. His voice deeper and more low on energy.

    “You will be raised differently. You will grow differently. Most importantly…” He’d trail off, leaning his… face (?) in closer. “You will live, differently.”

    The male tilted his head before suddenly shrinking, the non-existent atmosphere of a void glowing into a small dot, only a couple centimeters in diameter, took his place. The glow was faint, and only dimming more and more before it vanished into the cold void.

    The ghost tapped it’s “hoof” once again. The black floor echoing once again as it’s head glanced up. It release a soft sigh, a bell sound echoing as it stared with it’s red, hollow eyes.

    “We will meet again… of all those that I spectated in my life, you will provide the most growth to them… and maybe, even me.” The figure would lose it’s shape, vanishing into many spheres of light as it’s voice echoes. “Me, worrying for a mortal like him. Dearest father… why did you raise me so? Shall he be raised the same?”


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