The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Congratulations, dear viewer! You are gifted, you have found the last memory. The puzzle pieces are slowly coming into place, after all, you have probably figured out who the owner of those memories is. However, one question still lingers… how did they get to where they are in the first place? Maybe it will be revealed, perhaps not, however, it is crucial that you understand one simple concept. Choices. The holder of these memories chose their path, and they cannot go back on their choice. No one can.

    Everything was going according to plan.

    After the many hardships she had overcome in this world, after the many trials she had been put through, and after many happy and sad moments in this new world, Alisson’s mission was coming close to an end.

    It took a while but Giratina, Necrozma, and she finally had enough clues on how to get Necrozma’s light back. And so, they embarked on a journey to recover the prism being’s light. Apparently, Necrozma could get their light back with the help of two beings: Solgaleo and Lunala. 

    They were beings representative of the sun and the moon, not native to this world. To get to them, they had to go to a certain temple called the Eclipse Temple, which seemed to be connected to them. 

    Getting to the temple was easy. Alisson’s fighting skills and Necrozma’s overall raw power were all that it took to breeze through the Mystery Dungeons with no issue. Alisson had improved a lot since she had evolved again. Although the mask was a tad bit unnecessary, it kinda made her a bit more stylish.

    In the final room of the temple, two portals opened up, the sun and moon Pokémon coming out of them. At first, Alisson was a bit confused about why Solgaleo and Lunala just appeared out of nowhere when they entered the room, however, they explained that it was Necrozma’s lightless aura that alerted them of their presence. 

    The masked human-turned-Pokémon learned that it was Solgaleo and Lunala’s duty to restore Necrozma’s light if it ever disappeared. And so, that’s what they did. With a lot of power, they blasted giant rays of sun and moonlight at the prism being, fully restoring their light.

    Everything was going according to plan.

    After their light had been restored, their form changed and made them look like a god of light from the way they looked. However… it seemed like something snapped in Necrozma’s mind, making them go completely mad.

    It roared before disappearing from the temple by teleporting away. Shortly after, Alisson received news that many more distortions were appearing around the whole world, one after another. It was then that Alisson realized that Necrozma was the portal-maker that she and Giratina had been looking for this whole time, the cause of all of the distortions. And because of the prism being’s slight amnesia, he didn’t remember opening any portals.

    It was then that the masked Pokémon decided that she had to end this once and for all before Necrozma became unstoppable and broke the world because of the many portals. 

    With the help of Solgaleo and Lunala, they managed to track down Necrozma, who was in the middle of the continent, in a town called Xander Cage Town. Some Pokémon who helped Alisson in her journey were also there to help her in the final battle, even Giratina came out of the Distortion World to push it as far away from the town.

    And there Alisson was now. Battling a dragon god of light with the whole fabric of reality at stake.

    Everything was going according to plan.

    “Ngh!” Alisson was launched to a rocky wall with a massive light burn on her torso. She slumped to the rocky floor, putting a paw over her terrible wound. She was bleeding from a lot of places, cuts were displayed on her arms and legs, burn wounds appeared on her paws, and her fur was burnt in some places, revealing her dark burnt skin. “I’ve decided, I hate light now…” 

    She looked up and saw a massive tear in the fabric of space in the sky while Necrozma in their new dragon form fought Solgaleo and Lunala in front of it. The rift behind them released small thunderbolts that zapped the ground around it as it grew bigger and bigger. On the other side of the rift, she could see stars and cosmic matter swirling around in the background. That place… the dimension that Solgaleo, Lunala, and Necrozma originated from.

    Ultra Space.

    As Alisson slowly got up, hissing from the pain of her bruises and wounds, someone called her out. “Alisson!” The green-furred Pokémon looked to the source of the voice and saw Giratina in their Origin form. Normally, they wouldn’t be able to be in that form once they enter the normal world, however, if they have an item called the Griseous Orb, they can retain that form in the normal world. 

    However, Giratina wasn’t alone. With them, there were other Pokémon similar to them: Palkia and Dialga. Palkia was the ruler of space while Dialga was the ruler of time. It was kinda intimidating seeing the two god dragons and centaur all together, after all, they were the best next thing after the literal God of this world as she learned. 

    The trio landed on the ground in front of Alisson, causing some dust to be kicked in the air and the earth to rumble a little. The three of them looked down at her and Giratina asked. “Are you alright, Alisson? That was a nasty hit you took from that light beam.”

    As Giratina tried to check up on her with their tendrils, the masked Pokémon weakly swatted them away as she reassured the serpent. “I’m fine, thanks to antimatter, I resisted a lot of the attacks.”

    If only she could heal herself with it…

    Palkia looked at the ugly rift in the sky and saw Necrozma clearly having no difficulties in fighting the sun and moon Pokémon. “We need to come up with a plan. All of our attacks might be staggering them but they’re not enough to knock them down.”

    The deities all paused to think for a moment along with Alisson. She looked at the rift again and was a bit mesmerized by how beautiful it looked despite it being the reason that this world was about to end…

    Wait… the rift!

    “I got a plan.” The masked feline announced, making the trio of deities turn their attention to her. “Although, we might have one shot at it. It’s gonna be risky though, but we need to do anything before the situation worsens.”

    “So, little kitten, what’s your plan?” Dialga asked, the gem on their neck pulsating vibrantly.

    Alisson felt a bit pressured about having three deities that could reshape the fabric of space and time to their will stare at her expectantly. If she could sweat, she would be drowning because of her mask. With a bit of stuttering, she started her explanation. “W-well… s-since we can’t knock them out for good…” She pointed at the rift. “We need to take them out of this world through their own portal.” She then turned to the armless centaur. “Palkia, not only you can open rifts but you can also close them, right?”

    Palkia nodded. “Yes, I can. But why ask me that?”

    “Even if we manage to get Necrozma through the portal, the portal won’t close and they’ll just come back. We need to close it for good since they probably won’t know how to open a portal back to this world because they are only acting out of rage and instinct.” The masked Pokémon explained, looking back to the fight above. She frowned once she saw Solgaleo and Lunala get hit by that damn shower of lasers attack, their levitation faltering a little. She then looked back at the trio. “Am I clear?”

    The trio nodded before Giratina asked. “But how are we gonna get close to them before they notice our plan?”

    Alisson scratched her chin before a plan formulated on her head. “I have a strategy…” 

    After telling them her plan, the reality trio was a bit dumbfounded. Giratina was the first one to ask. “But… what would happen to you?”

    “Don’t worry, I’ll manage to get out of there in time.” She assured before looking up in determination. “Come on, we need to save this world!”

    Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina nodded with resolve in their eyes.

    It would all go according to plan.

    Meanwhile, Solgaleo and Lunala were in what felt like a never-ending struggle. The sun lion looked at Lunala and saw her get hit by one of those balls of photon light. “Lunala!” He shouted in a gruff voice before the light dragon appeared in front of him and slashed the lion across the side with their light-coated claws. “Gah!”

    As Solgaleo fell to the ground along with Lunala, Necrozma roared to the sky, the rift above them expanding just a bit further and releasing more purple thunderbolts. However, Necrozma’s roar was interrupted when a crescent wave of spatial energy impacted the light god. After shaking their head from the explosion, seemingly unphased by it, The dragon looked at the source of the crescent wave and saw Palkia galloping through the air towards the dragon, readying another wave of crescent energy on their mouth.

    As Necrozma was about to attack, they were interrupted when a blue laser beam, coated with temporal energy, struck their torso, pushing it a bit backwards. Before they could even recover, they were hit by another wave of spatial energy on their torso, pushing them back even further.

    The light god’s entire body was coated in smoke after the explosion, leaving them motionless for a moment before they dispersed all the smoke with a flap of their four luminous wings. Necrozma let out a rumbling roar again before a ball containing small orbs of light appeared in front of them, getting brighter with each passing second.

    Dialga and Palkia looked at each other and nodded before looking back to the light deity. On their mouths, they charged an Aura Sphere, bigger than the ones they’d normally make. With a battle cry, they released their orbs of aura, the energy balls flying directly to the sphere of mini-light orbs.

    The Aura Spheres exploded once in contact with the laser, making Necrozma lose their focus as a cloud of smoke coated their vision.

    The time and space deities looked back to the approaching Giratina, both of them shouting at the same time. “NOW!!!”

    As the antimatter deity soared through the air in a serpentine-like manner, Alisson rode them on their head, getting on a battle stance. Her paw started being coated in a dark aura, the aura condensing and materializing into a physical scythe of darkness. She twirled the scythe on her paws before readying it.

    As they got into a certain distance from the light being, Alisson jumped into the air while Giratina quickly did a 180, coiling themselves a bit. As the masked Pokémon began to fall, she quickly landed on the antimatter dragon’s tail. Giratina then flung their tail, sending Alisson flying directly to Necrozma with her scythe raised.

    “HOOOOAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!” Alisson screamed as her scythe impacted the prism armor of Necrozma’s chest, leaving a visible crack on it that oozed some kind of misty light as the dragon yowled in pain. She did not stop there, however. She dropped hold of her scythe and extended her arms, and with all her strength, she started pushing the light god with all of her remaining strength, being powered by the power of antimatter and something else

    Her efforts proved successful as Necrozma was finally pushed back and entered the rift after giving in to Alisson’s strength. However, the masked feline also went through the rift, still pushing Necrozma as gravity seemed to leave her body. Even when she pushed the dragon enough, she still didn’t stop pushing as Necrozma continued to thrash and struggle like a wild animal caught in a trap. 

    Everything was going according to plan.

    It was then that the rift closed behind her and Alisson was left floating in Ultra Space with the light dragon in her grip. She released them as Necrozma’s struggle came to a halt, the light deity slowly becoming limp as they lost consciousness. Alisson could see something coming out of the light dragon’s bright body, like a dark mist that condensed itself into a black tar-like substance before it floated away.

    Alisson watched the black substance float away as she levitated through the endless space of Ultra Space with an unconscious Necrozma…

    Everything went according to plan.


    -ce was at her temporary office in Xander Cage City, checking Twitter to gather a few reactions from humans, as usual. When she always had free time, she loved seeing what humans were thinking of Pokémon appearing all over the internet, it was both funny and informative at the same time. 

    The Meowscarada needed to see them to know if the reception towards Pokémon being real was rather negative or not. However, from what she had seen so far, it’s been surprisingly positive, not only on Twitter but all over the internet. Reddit had been thanking God, quite literally; Instagram was a bit skeptical, but had taken the news pretty well, some users even going as far as to beg Pokémon to appear there soon; while infiltrated in Discord, that was the discussion talked about in a lot of different kind of public servers, and the users there were all pretty happy.

    It just showed how bad the human world was right now for people to be begging for some kind of intervention, be it divine or not.

    If humans really wanted Pokémon to appear in their world, it would be easy to cross to the other world without any civilians being so scared that the nations have to take action. And it’s just what Alice needed~

    However, there was a single misplaced cog in her plan that she had to fix first… the rogue human who figured out a way to go back by themselves. 

    She was so close to figuring out who the human was. She had managed to track down the exact school they study, since from the vision of Zetamon, she found out that he teaches those same kids from the video she saw. A Vulpix, a Shaymin, a Togedemaru, a Tandemaus, and the green blur she couldn’t quite figure out in the video, a Joltik. Since she could rule out one of them, the Joltik obviously not being human, she could narrow it down to the other four. However, she wondered how would a human be transformed into a Tandemaus…

    She could just search through Zetamon’s memories to see if she could figure out who it was, but it would take too much time. The human was smart, and while spying on the class, she found no evidence that pointed any of her candidates to be human, so they were really good at hiding their true identity. If she searched through Zetamon’s memories, she definitely would take a long time to at least find even a single small clue as to who they were.

    Alice slumped back in her chair as she looked up to the ceiling, her mind racing as she tried to come up with a plan to identify the human without doing anything that’d lead to Asuri being on the headlines of investigations. The human would come to Xander Cage City as part of their school trip, so she needed to find a way to identify them quickly so that she wouldn’t kidnap a bunch of random Pokémon children who were acquainted with the human. 

    The masked feline’s eyes widened before she grinned a bit mischievously. “Oh wow… that might just work, hehe…” She relaxed on her chair a bit more. “Maybe a test is required to find out who the human is.”

    A knock on the door stopped her thoughts, making Alice look at it as she put her arms on the armrest to make her seem more professional. However, once the Pokémon on the other side revealed who they were, Alice’s professional stance dropped. “Yo, boss lady. Can I come in?”

    The Meowscarada recognized that voice, it was the voice of one of her most valuable Corrupted Pokémon: Cass. Even though he was valuable in terms of intelligence and power, his attitude and overall personality just made his potential a bit limited. Sometimes, she wished that annoying attitude of his go away. 

    Alice sighed. “Come in, Cass…”

    The robot Weavile entered the office and lowered his hood, revealing his metallic face and frozen red grin. Even with all of his robotic features, Alice could still see a hint of an expression on his face and it was… uncertainty? “So how it’d go with all that negotiations with that human leader and all?” He put his claws on his waist. “Ya managed to get ‘em to our side?”

    The masked Pokémon crossed her arms. “Yes, I did. It was easier than expected, in my honest opinion. On a more important note…” She tilted her head. “What are you doing here? Thought you were busy on your so-called “hangouts” you do around the south region of the continent.”

    Cass rubbed the back of his head as he rolled his eyes. “So uh… I WAS doing it until uh… something came up.” Alice narrowed her eyes and the Weavile waved his claws defensively. “Don’t worry, nothing bad happened that puts a pin on your plans! It’s just uh… I just came here to ask you a question…”

    “Spit it out already, I have things to prepare for Friday. So don’t waste my time.” Alice said bitterly.

    With a raspy metallic sigh, Cass asked. “Are… are Corrupted Pokémon ex-humans?”

    The Meowscarada’s eyes widened a little, her fur standing up. Why did Cass come up with that conclusion? When did he come up with that conclusion? Shit, that was what she feared the most: the smartest Corrupted Pokémon she created figuring out the secret behind his creation. Since Cass retained more of his old self than the others, he was the one most likely to rebel against her if he ever learned the truth.

    In case he ever got that close to the truth, Alice needed to do one thing to alter his mind, all she needed to do was choose the right words and do the right actions. 

    “Oh, Cass, that’s so silly! Who gave you that idea?” Alice asked, her demeanor changing entirely as her expression softened.

    The Corrupted Pokémon looked aside as he crossed his arms. “A group of kids in Burgroth town…”

    ‘It was definitely the human from that group who might’ve given the idea, meaning they figured out the origins of Corrupted Pokémon… better focus on that later once I’m done with Cass.’ The Meowscarada thought before she got up and smiled. “Why are you even listening to a group of children anyway? They’re probably making stuff up just to mess with you. You know how kids these days are liars, right?”

    “I dunno about that one boss… they said some very interesting points with evidence. And I’m just… thinking about it ‘till now…”

    Alice sighed as she took some steps towards the Weavile. “Oh Cass, you don’t gotta listen to some false evidence. After all, did they show anything concrete?” The Corrupted Pokémon stayed silent and shook their head. Alice then surprised Cass when she crouched down to hug him. “Although, I’ll give those kids credit for one thing…”

    Cass’ heating systems activated a bit from the hug. “F-for what?”

    The Meowscarada grinned as her sclera turned fully black. “They were completely right.”

    “What-!?” From Alice’s paw, a sizeable portion of Dark Matter was transferred from her to the Corrupted Pokémon, making his body go limp while he grunted and yelled from pain. “Gah! Graaaagh!!!”

    Alice released Cass as her sclera returned to normal. She watched as the dark substance swirled around Cass’ limbs and head before slowly disappearing inside his body. He stayed motionless for a little bit before Alice asked. “Here’s a question, Cass. Are you gonna do everything I say from now on and never question anything?”

    He rose slowly before doing a backflip and posing with his claw fingers pointed at the Meowscarada, his expression being more insane than before. “But of course, boss lady! Hehahahaha!”

    Alice grinned mischievously. “Good.”

    Today was the day. It would all come down to this.

    It was finally Friday and it was on that day that Team Net would go to Xander Cage City to investigate the Asuri museum. It was the most anticipated day ever since Team Net was formed and, ooh boy, were they ready.

    Throughout the entire week, they had been preparing for the upcoming investigation while also planning on what to do when they arrived there. The plan was as follows: Once they entered the building, they would follow the tour along normally. However, once they go deeper into the building littered with old Asuri tech, they separate from the tour guide secretly and split into duos to gather more evidence. After all, a lot of students from Obelisk High would be joining the trip, so they wouldn’t notice if some students went missing for some minutes.

    They knew there would be security spread around the place, that’s why Amy suggested buying a couple of items to help them sneak around the place. Invisify Orbs is an item that John never heard about, but from what he heard of those items, they seemed essential for that secret investigation to work. 

    When the day finally came, it was a morning with a partially cloudy sky and they went to school as usual; Elsa being a constant nuisance for John and Claire, some talks on the bus about the plan, and a bumpy bus ride in general. However, they were carrying the important items for the mission in their bags. 

    Once they got to school, Mr. Xeno talked about the rules for the school trip in the courtyard. Unfortunately for the ladybug, Team Net was about to break some of those rules, although for a good cause, of course. 

    Unexpectedly enough, Mr. Zeta would also be joining them on this trip. It did confuse the group a bit, but they didn’t mind it much, not like he’d ruin the plan. John, however, didn’t think the same, instead, he became warier. He didn’t know why but something about the Porygon-Z just looked… off to him. Even if he remained the same strange glitchy duck since the Joltik met him, something about him was just kinda off this week, although John didn’t know what it was.

    Chalking it up to just imagination, John and the other students left the courtyard. On the way to the outside of the building, John glanced at a certain door beside Claire’s locker. He didn’t know if he was tripping or not, but he vaguely remembered the sign on that door being unreadable when he first arrived at this school. Now it was written in English, spelling out “SUPPLY CLOSET” in capital letters. 

    However, the Joltik just decided to ignore it and continue thinking about the mission.

    It didn’t take that long for the students of Obelisk High to reach the train station after another bumpy bus ride, the students riding a bigger bus this time for way more students and teachers. It was impressive that Asher just had that much strength to carry an even bigger vessel. Although, it was expected since John knew that Pokémon were just dummy OP overall.

    The students and teachers hopped out of the bus while the Koraidon removed the straps from his body before entering the bus and hopping on one of the seats to take a nap. After seeing that, John had to suppress his heart from forcing him to make an aww from cuteness. He then looked back at the building they were in front of, the train station.

    The train station was a medium-sized building painted with green and red ink. On the edges of it, some vines were covering some parts of it because of two trees growing on the side of it. Overall, it was a nice aesthetic for a building that was on the outskirts of Burgroth, having quite a cozy feeling as well.

    As the students gathered up in front of the building to the side of the entrance, Mr. Xeno turned to the students while crossing his arms, Zetamon floating beside him. “Listen up students! As you know, the train will depart at eight. Also, this train is a private one, meaning that Asuri rented this train for our use.” The students all cheered excitedly before the Orbeetle shut everyone up with a buzz of his wings. “However, that doesn’t mean that this train will be your playground. So cause a mess and I’ll teleport you right back to school, understood?” A chorus of disappointed “Awww” s came out of the students. “With that out of the way, let’s go inside to grab our seats.”

    With that, the group entered the train station, going through a big hallway that led to the other side of the building where the tracks could be seen. On the railroad tracks, there was a big black steam locomotive with four orange passenger wagons with stairs on the front of each as far as John could see without the walls blocking the outside of the station. The only differences from the human version of the train were that instead of steam it was electricity if the cables around it were any indication, and that the wheels were cogs with faces for some reason.

    Were those Pokémon?

    For John, it looked ancient, but for the Pokémon, it was probably a recent technology. But he had to admit, he did have a fascination for steam locomotives, having more of a cool and round design rather than the blocky diesel locomotives. “Damn…” 

    “Trains were made with the help of humans, John.” Claire explained in a low voice with a grin. “The trains in your world must be really advanced if this is only their initial state here.”

    John looked aside. “Guess you could say that…” 

    “C’mon, guys! Let’s get a good seat before all of them are stolen!” Taro suggested before he went inside one of the wagons.

    “Wait for us!” Amy said as she followed the Togedemaru inside the wagon, Claire following along with John as well.

    Popo and Nana looked at each other for a moment, their heads shaking a little before they went inside like nothing had happened. 

    As Team Net entered the train, they were amazed by the inside of the passenger wagon. It had a fancy interior with beige walls and gold lines running through the edges of the kart. Unlike human trains, instead of normal comfy seats, there were small leather-made mattresses facing the middle of the wagon with an armrest on each side of it. There were fifteen on each wagon, and between some of them, there were even tables. 

    It made sense why there wouldn’t be seats just like the human version of trains, after all, not like most Pokémon sit like humans, heck some don’t even have legs. 

    Team Net, thankfully, managed to get seats. Although, not like getting seats was something to worry about, there were enough for every student, hell, even for the teachers. They grabbed the seats that had a table around them so maybe they did grab the good seats at least. 

    Claire stretched her back on the mattress as John jumped off of her head. Since he was small, he shared a seat with the Vulpix. “Ah! These seats are so comfy!” She exclaimed before lying on her back with her paws curled. “And we’re gonna stay on these for almost four hours straight? Wish I had this kind of luxury with my own bed!”

    “This seems like a train only for rich Pokémon…” John commented as he felt the squishy and fluffy texture of the mattress. He just let his limbs go limp as he lay on his belly. He felt like he was in heaven. “Hate admitting it but guess we gotta thank Asuri for something…” 

    Popo and Nana, already sitting on their mattress, looked at John. “Do not thank the false prophets.” “Or else you are submitting to them, making you worship them.” “We shall not allow that.”

    Taro stretched as he fell on his back. “C’mon guys, let’s just at least appreciate what they gave us for free!”

    Amy rolled her eyes. “Well, technically not for free. Our parents did pay for us to go on this trip in the first place.” She then smiled satisfied as she let her limbs loose. “But yes, let’s appreciate the luxury while we’re at it.”

    Claire rolled onto her belly before asking the group. “So… is everyone ready?”

    “Ready for what?” 

    A voice that everyone immediately recognized could be heard on the opposite side of the wagon. Team Net looked at the source of the voice and saw Elsa, Cindy, and Olivia sitting on their mattresses, the ice Vulpix lying on her side, supporting her head with forepaws. “Ready to break the rules and be teleported back home? Because it seems like something that’d happen to you guys.” She giggled.

    John groaned in annoyance. “Of all the wagons you could be, why the same one as us!?”

    Elsa mocked with a flirty tone. “What, Johnny Buggy? You don’t wanna see me here? That makes me soooooo sad~!”

    Claire got up on her paws and snorted some flames from her snout. “If you just came here to annoy us then fuck off! Go annoy another group!”

    The Purrloin, sitting cross-legged on her seat, responded in a lax tone. “There aren’t any other seats so we’re stuck with you guys.”

    The Glameow added with her paws curled beneath her body, making a loaf position. “Besides, you’re not Elsa’s favorite bully toy for nothing, John.”

    John let out an instinctual hiss as the fur on his back rose. “Kiss my ass!”

    “Watch who you are speaking to, bug!” Elsa shot back with an icy mist coming from her muzzle.

    “And watch who you’re threatening, brat!” The Joltik hissed back, barely containing the urge to just shoot a web at her. 

    Both Pokémon glared at each other with death stares, one growling while the other let out a high-pitched hiss. As the other members of both groups looked at the threat displays, Amy groaned and shouted to both Pokémon. “Can’t you guys quiet down for a second!?”

    “Don’t talk to me like that, Greenie! After all, the bug started it!” Elsa exclaimed while pointing a paw at John. 

    “Bitch, you’re the one who- argh!” John turned away and crawled to the open window, watching a bit of the scenery outside. “I’m not even gonna humor you. Every time I talk to you it looks like my maturity decreases to zero…”

    Claire rolled her eyes and looked at Elsa with her eyes narrowed. “Just don’t bother us, okay?”

    Elsa looked away with a huff. “Yeah, it’s best for a princess not to waste her breath with peasants.”

    Taro sighed as he rolled to the side while muttering. “Just when we thought we were gonna have the luxury of our lives…”

    And with that, the train started moving, the cog Pokémon slowly starting to spin as electricity ran through their bodies. It was slow at first but it then began to build a bit of speed after a short while.

    The wind brushed against John’s fuzz as he saw the scenery moving as the train rolled past them. The Joltik felt a sense of wonder as he saw more of the forest in the comfort of a train wagon. He realized that it was his second time leaving Burgroth after he arrived, the first time being when he went to the human world with Team Net. However, he just went back to his world, something he was familiar with. So it felt good to see more of what this world had to offer outside of the safety of Burgroth, even if just for a day. 

    Despite the greenery occupying most of his vision, the greenish spider could also see some Pokémon on tree branches or soaring through the air. He felt like he was in those scenes from movies where the main character was traveling in a car or a train as the scenery passed by them. It was like going on an adventure, but in reality, he was just going on a school trip while exposing a really suspicious company. The last time he was in an actual adventure was when he traversed through the Distortion World and went through that nightmarish Mystery Dungeon.

    The Joltik debated with himself if he should climb up to get to the roof to get a better view, however, he decided that this view was enough for now. Looking back from where the train came from, he could see some of the urbanization that is Burgroth town slowly disappearing from his field of vision. 

    Well, the trip finally began.

    After getting enough clean air (he sometimes forgets that this air is so much cleaner than in his world), John went back inside and jumped on Claire’s mattress, sighing in relaxation. Even with the furry Twitch streamer in the same wagon as him, he’d at least try to relax and take a small nap, even if a little. 

    Mark was on the outskirts of Xander Cage City, waiting for Reino to arrive with Raiden.

    They had planned to patrol and ask for clues in the city while John and Claire searched for evidence in Asuri’s museum. He knew that if they helped directly with their investigation, they would stick out too much. After all, Mark was still an active officer around the city, so Asuri would immediately start to hide their suspicious evidence if they were really up to no good.

    The human-turned-Pikachu didn’t know if a teenager and an adult in a baby’s body would be able to handle their small investigation, especially if said adult was in the body of a Joltik. However, that may put him in an advantageous state, since he could use the said small body to sneak around the place while undetected. “But still… how is he gonna gather evidence if he can’t even hold a phone…” Mark muttered to himself as he looked at the sky, seeing the blue slowly getting covered by gray. “It’s gonna rain soon.”

    The sound of screeching quickly snapped his attention to the source of it, seeing a chrome Miraidon with a Scizor mounted on him braking and stopping a certain distance from Mark. Reino looked at the Pikachu and smiled. “There you are. We wondered if you were even waiting for us or just slacking off.’

    Mark giggled as he crossed his arms. “Oh come on, I may sleep a bit more than you but that doesn’t mean I’m a Slakoth.”

    Reino hopped off Raiden’s back and both Pokémon walked towards Mark. Reino put his pincer on his side and asked. “So… where do you think we should investigate first?”

    “Well, I was thinking of going to Asuri’s most known contractors. Thankfully, they are in Xander Cage City, so we’ll be able to ask if they know something.” Mark explained.

    Reino nodded. “Noted. Let’s go.”

    Mark nodded and began to follow the Scizor along with Raiden. 

    While floating, Mark couldn’t help but stare at Reino for a while, taking in his sharp edges, his lustrous wings, his shiny carapace, and a face that showed no hesitation with any of his actions. Fuck, those feelings were at it again! 

    Mark didn’t know exactly when he began to feel that way towards the Scizor, but he knew for sure that it was after Reino evolved and after defeating that mafia boss. He didn’t know what triggered them, but when he looked at the steel mantis, something about him just made his heart rate accelerate a little. He tried to ignore these feelings, thinking they would go away soon, but they stayed in the back of his mind for all these cycles.

    They’ve been slowly eating him away. He just wanted to confess these feelings so much but he was so scared of what Reino would think of him. Mark knew that homophobia didn’t exist as much here as in the human world, but still, he felt scared of confessing that to him.

    But… if the Pikachu continued to deny his feelings, that weight he had on his heart would never go away. Who knew if he would have the chance in the future to confess? Better to confess now rather than never. And hey, the worst thing that could happen is that he starts hating Mark.

    Mark stopped, floating in place with his head tilted down. Reino and Raiden looked at him. “Hm? Something wrong?” The Scizor asked as he tilted his head. Mark admitted to himself one thing, Reino’s voice was hot, there was no denying that.

    The Pikachu sighed, clenching his paws as he felt his heart rate accelerate a little. “Reino… I-I… I wanted to tell you something that I’ve been kinda… holding on for… way longer than I wanted to.”

    The steel mantis stared at Mark for a moment as his antennas perked up a little. “I’m listening…?”

    Mark looked aside and just started confessing, feeling a bit warmer than usual. “Ever since you evolved… I’ve been getting a-a… a feeling…” His ears dropped. “From your new voice and your new appearance, not to be a bit racist, but it just made you look more… I dunno, human, for me. And after everything you’ve done to help me, helping me fit in with the department, recovering my memories, figuring out what to do in the future…” He looked back at Reino, putting a paw on his chest. “I am so grateful for everything that you’ve done for me, but… at the same time… I kinda…” The Pikachu gulped. “Want more from you…”

    The Scizor did nothing but stare at Mark. Because of the steel plate, Mark couldn’t read his expression, making Reino’s expression a mystery.

    Mark grimaced and looked away in disappointment. “I… I know you don’t feel the same, but like… I just wanted to get this out-” Suddenly, Mark was interrupted when two red pincers grabbed his body and his lips pressed against something cold and soft at the same time. It was Reino’s lips… his lips were pressing against his… they were kissing, oh god, they were KISSING!

    Mark’s face flushed red and his ears and tail perked up as the steel mantis kissed him on the mouth. After the initial startle, Mark closed his eyes and leaned in on the kiss, making sure to avoid Reino’s mandibles. They stayed like that for a moment before they finally pulled away from each other, the Scizor being the first one to speak. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner, you little rodent?” He asked light-heartedly.

    Mark looked back at Reino’s face, feeling his thoughts go haywire. God, he was a mess. “I-I-I… b-but-… but I t-thought…”

    Reino’s wings fluttered. “Listen… wanna know the reason I’m so obsessed with solving this specific case that I’m losing more sleep than usual, more than you should be?” Mark tilted his head. “The reason I’m doing all of this… it’s because I want you to be safe.” His arms started shaking a bit as he sighed. “I’m scared of losing you. I’m scared of losing you forever… and when I realized the truth of the Corrupted Pokémon, it made me realize you could become like them… I just couldn’t bear to see you like that…!”

    Mark frowned as he put a paw on Reino’s cheeks. “Oh Reino…”

    “Well, thank goodness it finally happened!” Mark and Reino looked to the side, seeing Raiden wagging his tail as he smiled joyfully. “You have no idea how much I waited for this moment! Like, seriously, when Mark came to your home for the first time in Xander Cage City and he was about to take a shower with you, it was obvious from his face and his body temperature rising that those feelings existed within him for way longer than he expected.” 

    “H-how did you even remember… from that far back?” Mark asked a little flustered.

    Even with Raiden’s robotic face, the Pikachu could tell that the Miraidon was smirking. “I have a motherboard, not a brain.” 


    Raiden waved a claw with a grin. “Go on, I want to see where this love story goes.”

    Mark blushed even more before he looked back at Reino. “So uh… you wanna… um…”

    The Scizor smiled as he released the Pikachu, the electric rodent starting to float again. “Sure, let’s give it a try. After all, you’ve proven to be a way better Pokémon than my ex-girlfriend.”

    The Pikachu smiled and both Pokémon kissed each other on the mouth again. They stayed like that for a bit longer before both broke away from the kiss. “I… I love you, Reino.”

    The steel mantis brushed a pincer on the Pikachu’s head, ruffling his fur a bit. “Me too, Mark. Me too.” After sighing in relief, Reino looked at the tall buildings of the city. “We’ve stalled for long enough, let’s go get some work done before the kids’ school arrives.”

    Mark and Raiden nodded and the trio started heading to Xander Cage City. The Pikachu didn’t know what to think. He was so happy that Reino accepted him and his thoughts couldn’t comprehend that.

    Never would he have imagined that he’d start dating a sentient mantis with a steel carapace.

    However, it didn’t matter which species he was. Reino was Reino, and Mark just loved Reino. He just hoped that this would last long, hell, ‘till their deaths. 

    John sighed in satisfaction when he licked his bowl of honey one last time. ‘Damn, who knew that normal honey in this world tasted this good? Well, it’s probably because of my new tastebuds, but not complaining.’ He thought as he jumped back on Claire’s seat.

    It had been at least almost two hours since the train ride had started. At that point, Team Net had the time of their lives with the luxury that the train offered. Apparently, in the back of the train, in the last 5th wagon, there was a kitchen, and chefs were cooking to serve everyone on the train. The food was varied, ranging from a carnivorous set to an herbivorous set, hell, there was even an omnivorous one as well. 

    The Joltik wondered if this train was a mobile mansion or not.

    Taro sighed in relief and slumped on his mattress, patting his belly before burping a little. “This must be paradise because this is even better than the food that Little Z makes!”

    “I may not know what this Little Z guy makes, but it probably doesn’t compare to this, for sure…!” Amy agreed while lying on her back, rubbing her belly.

    The Tandemaus just stared at nowhere while sitting on their seats before saying usually. “This.” “Was.” “Adequate.”

    Claire smiled satisfied with her paws tucked beneath her body. “I’m never eating food like this ever again unless Arceus blesses us somehow.”

    From everyone’s reaction, it was very clear that they loved the food. John would be a bit happier if all of this food was accompanied by pork chops and he wasn’t stuck on eating vegetarian food because of… moral reasons. Nonetheless, he was satisfied with the feast he just had. What was even better was that, when Elsa finished her plate, she immediately fell asleep! Another W in John’s book! Speaking of sleeping… “Well, food was great and all… but I’m gonna rest for a bit, prepare myself for when we arrive.” The Joltik stated.

    Claire smiled as she looked at the greenish spider. “Okay, John! Have a good nap!”

    John nodded before he plopped his belly onto the mattress and closed his eyes. However, as he tried to sleep, he could still hear Taro’s voice. “You know, I guess I’ll also catch some Zs-”


    John’s eyes snapped open as he and the rest of Team Net looked at the ceiling, the voices of other students being heard in the background. “What was that sound!?” Amy asked a bit startled.

    “That sounded like…” Claire started before getting interrupted by Popo and Nana.

    “We can see the presence of two souls above the train.” “One ghastly soul and the other with the same type of soul as friend.” “However, the latter soul seems to be tainted with madness and insanity.”

    Taro gasped. “Does that mean-”

    Elsa and her cat friends started waking up, the ice Vulpix groaning in annoyance. “Ugh! Who the FUCK interrupted my beauty nap-!”

    Suddenly, time seemed to slow down as the ceiling was torn open and a figure fell through it. The wagon trembled a little from the impact and some students almost lost their posture. When they opened their eyes, the students’ eyes widened at who they saw. A Typhlosion with cream fur on their front and light-blue fur on their back. Around their neck, instead of the usual flame quills on the back of their neck, there was a collar of flowing water running down to the back of their hands. The water Typhlosion opened their red eyes with a black tinge of madness in them and grinned savagely. 

    Claire managed to get out with a stutter. “Th-that’s a Co-Corrupted Pokémon…!” A shadow started covering the Corrupted Pokémon and Claire looked up to find something that made her ears and tails drop in fear. “N-no way…”

    John glanced at Claire in confusion before looking up as well, seeing a violet armored Pokémon with swords for hands, a flaming helmet, and red fiery eyes. He stood on the roof of the train, overlooking the inside of the wagon through the hole. “Who is…”

    “It’s him…” Team Net looked at the orange Vulpix in confusion. “He’s the Ceruledge that almost killed me…”

    “WHAT!?” The group let out in unison.

    “He’s the what!?” Elsa let out a bit confused and scared as she looked up as well.

    The Ceruledge huffed and spoke. “Remember the mission, don’t mess it up.”

    “Understood…!” The Typhlosion looked around as he shook with insanity, his shark-like grin intimidating some students in the wagon.

    The front door opened, revealing Zetamon and Xenophanes floating into the wagon. “What in the [EVER-LOVING SHIT] is going on here!?” The Porygon-Z asked while flinching.

    Xenophane’s wings opened. “Is that one of those Pokémon-”

    Before they could do anything, the Typhlosion used the water flowing on his body and sent two spheres of water at the two teachers, trapping them both in two water bubbles. The students shouted in panic. “Mr. Zeta! Mr. Xeno!” 

    Some of them prepared to attack the Corrupted Pokémon but the Porygon-Z raised a nub. “W-wait kids! Don’t attack it! You’ll all be [paying a debt with no money!] Please, don’t do this!”

    However, the students didn’t listen as some brave students like a Tyrogue, a Zorua, and a Pawmo, tried to strike the water Typhlosion. Unfortunately, he just created more water bubbles and trapped the attacking students in them. John panicked a little once he saw them gasping for air, however, they immediately got the oxygen inside the bubble. The students tried to pop the bubble, however to no avail. The Corrupted wasn’t drowning them, he was trapping them.

    “What is the meaning of this!?” Elsa asked with an annoyed and scared tone. “What’s one of these scum doing here!?”

    Popo and Nana sprung from their seat and prepared a Shadow Claw on each hand. “Do not stand there and ask meaningless questions.” “A heathen is threatening the train and we shall not let that pass.” “Prepare to meet the enlightenment of the Great One, follower of a false prophet!” 

    Ignoring the cries from their teachers, the Tandemaus sprung into action as the Corrupted Typhlosion turned to them. He launched a bubble towards the twin mice, however, they popped it easily with their Shadow Claw, getting an easy opening. However, the Typhlosion jumped back to dodge the slash and snarled at them.

    “Hmph, seems like you got it under control.” The Ceruledge said before turning away. “Now to my part of the mission…”

    Claire managed to tear her eyes away from the Typhlosion to look at the slowly disappearing violet flame of the Ceruledge. She growled as she pointed at the hole in the ceiling. “He’s getting away!”

    John looked up and frowned a little. Should he try to go after that Pokémon or not? He wanted so badly to just hide and wait for the storm to pass. However, a certain part of him, that stupid, reckless, and selfish part of him wanted to give that armored asshole what he deserved after what he did to Claire. Before he could think of doing anything, certain words from Harry echoed through his head.

    “Your sense of justice got you killed once, what if it happens again and you get killed twice?” 

    He knew it was dumb to recklessly charge into danger. It happened once and it could happen again. Even still, that side that wants justice to be served just kept nagging at him, telling him that he could do it, he had the power to do it unlike before. He was different now. He trained, and he went through literally worse shit than an attack on the train. Besides, none of the adults in the train could do anything right now, they were trapped and they were the only ones able to stop this madness.

    His resolve was made.

    John zipped to the hole in the ceiling, landing on the roof of the train. He managed to keep his composure as the wind rushed past him since the train was moving, quite fast for his liking. The Joltik looked back down and shouted to Claire. “Claire! Use one of the stairs to get up here, let’s stop that guy before he does something that I think he’s gonna do!”

    The Vulpix nodded with a determined expression. However, before she was about to leave her seat, she saw the Typhlosion look towards John while snarling. She was about to prepare an attack before she interrupted herself when razor-sharp leaves with a glowing aura passed through the Corrupted Pokémon. The water bender looked at the source of the leaves and saw Amy standing with a determined look on her face. 

    She looked at Claire and said while Taro jumped to her side. “Don’t worry Claire! We’ll handle this guy! You can go help John!”

    “Yeah! I’ll shock this guy to ashes!” Taro said as his cheeks sparked with a few bolts of lightning.

    The water Typhlosion shot more bubbles towards the Shaymin and Togedemaru, however, they were swiftly slashed by Popo and Nana. “Assist friend.” “You must help him be guided to the right path.” “Do not hesitate in striking down your old foe.”  

    The fire fox nodded and looked up at the hole in the ceiling. “Hold on, John! I’m coming to you!”

    The Joltik nodded and started skittling away, seeing the Ceruledge in the distance a wagon ahead of him. “Just you wait…”

    Amy saw Claire walk out of the wagon’s door after reassuring the teachers that they’d take care of it along with some other students. 

    The Shaymin didn’t know what to think. They were having a normal school trip to a literal city and out of nowhere they got attacked by a Corrupted Pokémon and the same Ceruledge that gravely injured Claire that day. 

    Just what was going on!?

    “Elsa? Where are you!?” Amy diverted her attention to Olivia and Cindy who looked panicked. However, there was no sign of Elsa anywhere. “Where did she go!?”

    Popo and Nana looked at the two felines. “It would be appreciated if you helped us defeat the heathen.” “Be useful and assist us.” “Unless you wish to perish along with the rest of the passengers.”

    The two Pokémon shook their heads and spoke in unison. “No please, we’ll help you!”

    As Olivia and Cindy quickly scurried behind them, Taro quipped. “Alright water boy, now you’ll have no chance against six-on-one! Prepare to get dusted-”

    Suddenly, the Typhlosion extended his arms to the sides and asked. “Are you sure?” He asked with a manic grin. From his water collar, water started flowing out of it, growing limbs that were two times the size of his normal arms. At the end of each limb, watery hands shaped exactly like his started forming, dripping small droplets on the floor.

    Amy grimaced as she said. “Did you really have to tempt fate?”

    “Oh, I’m sorry, didn’t know he could just bend water to his will!” The Togedemaru responded a bit annoyedly.

    The twin mice looked back at the two and said. “Enough useless bickering.” “Do not lose focus, or else, we shall lose this battle.” “Let us go!”

    The other four Pokémon nodded as they got into a battle stance. The Typhlosion roared and started running towards them on all fours, their other watery arms thrashing wildly in the air. Muscles tensing, Amy shot an Energy Ball at the opposing Pokémon after Popo and Nana disappeared into the darkness, letting the grass hedgehog get a clear shot at the Corrupted Pokémon. 

    As John stood at the edge of the wagon, he saw Claire slowly climbing the stairs to the roof of the wagon, somehow managing on her four paws. After managing to get up, she looked at John with a determined look as the wind brushed against her fur, the fur covering one of her eyes. She looked a bit cool in John’s opinion. “Are you ready for this, John?”

    The Joltik nodded with resolve. Was he going to regret this later? Definitely. “I’m ready.”

    The duo looked at where the Ceruledge was standing. For some reason, he had stopped completely, like he was waiting for something or someone… 

    Claire and John nodded to each other before they started walking to the Ceruledge, jumping from train wagon to train wagon. The spiderling thought that the wind would blow him away every time he jumped, but surprisingly, his body was quite resistant to that combined with the inertia. 

    It didn’t take that long before reaching the Ceruledge, standing on the last wagon facing away from them. However, before getting closer, he spoke. “I have been waiting for you…” He turned to face them, feeling his eyes stare at their very souls. “I wished to see if there were any brave souls on this train, and it seems that I found two candidates for that…” His eyes darted to Claire. “So we meet again, child. Have you not learned your lesson from last time?”

    Claire grimaced in fear a little before steeling herself, growling at the Ceruledge. “I’ve learned from last time. I’m not gonna let you hijack this train! And this time, I’m not alone, I have help!”

    John hissed as he took a step forward. “Yeah, you’re gonna pay for what you did to Claire!”

    The armored Pokémon chuckled as he crossed his blade arms. “Such naive confidence. You clearly have no idea who you are up against. But that doesn’t matter. I guess I will have to teach you two a lesson, and finally put you in your place.” A shadowy aura started emanating from him as dark tendrils started to come out of his feet. “This is your last warning…”

    John and Claire steeled their stance and got into a battle position. “I’m not gonna back down on a chance of payback…” Claire growled as John hopped on her head, preparing himself for the conflict.

    He was gonna get tossed around like a toy, wouldn’t he?

    “Too bad…” The Ceruledge flung himself to Claire and John, his swords burning as they extended.

    Amy narrowingly avoided a slam from a watery hand, jumping on one of the tables while trying to maintain her breathing. Some of her needles started turning into leaves and started homing towards the Corrupted Pokémon. However, the Typhlosion simply put one of his water hands in front of him to stop the leaves in place. 

    Suddenly, Taro rolled behind the water-typed Corrupted with a grin before jumping in the air. He then released a thunder shock right on the back of him, leaving a burn mark on him. “Hah, easy- ACK!” Taro then got smacked on the side by one of the water hands, launching him towards the wall of the wagon. “Ngh!”

    The Typhlosion didn’t even need to focus on the steel rodent since he let his water hands do it for him. So he wasn’t even distracted when Olivia and Cindy ran towards the Corrupted Pokémon with their claws extended and raised, ready to Scratch him hard. However, the Typhlosion just shot a single water jet from his mouth that launched the two cat Pokémon backwards.

    Suddenly, he received a slash on his side. The water bender looked to the side and saw no one there, only his bleeding wound on the side. He then received another slash on his back, making him growl in annoyance as he turned around. Still seeing no one, he decided to look around to spot the little critters, however, he only saw traces of darkness being left behind.

    Once he looked in front of him, he saw Popo slashing him in the belly. Before he could crush the mouse, he jumped back into a portal of darkness, disappearing from his sight. The Corrupted Pokémon roared as he started thrashing around with his watery arms, trying to shield himself from any close-range attack. 

    Popo and Nana emerged beside Amy from the darkness, startling the Shaymin a little. They looked at her and spoke. “Assist us!”

    After recovering, Amy nodded and stared at the Typhlosion with a frown. She then began to charge an Energy Ball while Popo and Nana sent two clones in front of them. The grass hedgehog then released the ball of grass energy as one of the clones jumped in the air. The grounded mouse kicked the ball of energy to the airborne one and it slapped the ball in the air with a spike, launching it directly to the Corrupted Pokémon.

    The ball struck true as it hit the water Typhlosion, none of the water hands managing to catch the projectile. After recovering from the stagger, he looked at the mouse duo and Shaymin with a snarl before starting to run towards them. However, he was hit on the side by a spiky ball of electricity that launched him to the ground while sliding. 

    Taro uncurled himself and clenched his paw with a grin. “That’s what you get, bubble freak!” 

    As the Corrupted Pokémon slowly started to get up while growling, the door to the wagon opened, revealing Cerbera who looked excited. “Heard a fight was happening here! Let me join too!” He excitedly requested while wagging his small tail.

    Mr. Xeno looked at the Houndoor and shouted. “What the heck are you doing, Cerbera!? Get out of here!”

    Before the Typhlosion could fully get up, Popo and Nana appeared above him and pinned him down with a kick from each mouse to the back of the head. “Fiery soul!” “It is time to be useful and release the trapped ones from their prison!” As Cerbera was about to ask what was going on and why was there a Corrupted Pokémon on the train, the mice twins interrupted him. “Do not ask questions. Hurry, now!” Before one of the hands swatted them away, they jumped into the darkness and disappeared.

    “A-alright!” The Houndour then started hurrying to the teachers, preparing a jet of flames in his mouth.

    Mr. Zeta, however, stopped him. “Don’t worry about us, go help the other students first!”

    Cerbera mentally saluted a bit panicked. “Roger that, Mr. Zeta!” He then went to the other bubbles while a fight was happening in the background. 

    Claire and John dodged the flaming slash, the Vulpix doing a backflip while John managed to hold on to her head. After landing, John jumped from Claire’s head and launched an Electroweb at the Ceruledge, trying to constrict him a little. However, he simply slashed the web with no issues whatsoever.

    The armored Pokémon then sent a shadow tendril at the Joltik. Before it hit John, it was incinerated by one of Claire’s fireballs. As John landed, the fire fox sent another fireball from her mouth, this time directed at the Ceruledge. However, as the fireball impacted the violet armor, it vanished without even leaving a scorch mark on him. “Shit, he has the same ability as me…”

    “Seems you know a few things, kid.” The Ceruledge commented before raising one of his swords that burned brighter than before. “But what are you planning now since you know that half of your arsenal is useless against me?”

    Suddenly, an electric string wrapped around the Ceruledge’s torso, constricting one of his arms. He looked at the source of the string and saw John holding the physical electricity with his mouth. “Wess tawking and mwore fwighting! Cwaire!”

    The Vulpix nodded and coated herself in a white aura. As she ran, her speed increased to a point where she became nothing but a blur. The Ceruledge chuckled before asking. “Do you honestly think that Quick Attack is gonna hit me?”

    However, despite what the armored Pokémon believed, Claire actually managed to tackle him in the torso, releasing him from the electric strings and launching him a bit backwards. The Ceruledge landed on his back and the fire fox smirked. “Yes, I think I do!”

    As he sat up with a grunt, he looked back at Claire. “But h-how…” He then saw Claire’s paw which was oozing a bit of darkness from it. “Is that…”

    “Yep! Feint Attack!” Claire said with a grin as she jumped back. “Mom taught it just in case I got a disadvantage!”

    “I have no idea what that does but yeah!” John backed up, lifting a nub.

    The Ceruledge just stared before huffing and getting up. “I suppose you did learn a thing or two after our last encounter, kid. You’re not recklessly charging into danger…” The shadow tendrils started to come out from beneath his feet again. “However, that means I will not have to hold back any longer…”

    The armored Pokémon flared up in flames before charging at Claire. However, before she had the opportunity to dodge, the Ceruledge entered a purple and ghostly portal. Claire’s and John’s eyes widened as they started looking around desperately. “Where the fuck did he go!?” John asked, mostly to himself.

    “Just be careful, John… I’ll protect you!” Claire said as flames started leaking from her mouth. She then prepared another Feint Attack on her paw, just in case it ever came to it.

    As he looked around, the Joltik caught a trace of a dark portal forming above Claire. “Above you, Claire!!!” He shouted in his squeaky little voice.

    As the dark portal formed, the Ceruledge came out of it with his sword glowing white, ready to strike the Vulpix that was looking away. However, once the sword touched the fire fox’s orange fur, Claire simply vanished. Both the Ceruledge and John were a little confused at what just happened before the armored Pokémon was struck from behind by a darkness-coated paw. 

    As the sentient charcoal staggered forward, Claire said with a smirk. “So… what was that about not holding back any longer-?”

    “Hey, Peasants!”

    John and Claire froze, making them look back to the source of the familiar voice. Jumping from one wagon to another, a white Vulpix approached the duo. “Elsa!?” Both of them blurted out.

    “What in Tartarus are you doing here? You thought I wouldn’t follow you to snitch on you in case you guys got in trouble?” She asked as she put a paw over her chest.

    John shouted at her in a panicked state. “Get out of here! This is too dangerous for a snowcone like you!”

    “What was that, bug-!?”

    A slow chuckle came out of the Ceruledge who had his arms limped. The twins and the Joltik looked at the armored Pokémon. “Look at what we got over here… another one to join the party? How fun…” He said with a flare in his eyes before he sank into the floor with another dark portal.

    Elsa asked a bit afraid as she took a step back. “W-who was that…?”

    Claire turned to her sister with a desperate look on her face. “Elsa, just fucking do what we say and get away from here! This is not your fight!”

    “What do you mean this is not my fight? Just tell me already what in the actual fuck you two are doing-!”

    “Claire, BEHIND YOU!” John screamed as a dark portal started manifesting behind the Vulpix.

    Time seemed to slow down as Claire turned around just in time to see the Ceruledge appear with a sword glowing white. He then slashed upwards, hitting Claire in the torso and launching her in the air as blood started to come out of her. 

    “CLAIRE!!!” John and Elsa screamed as the Vulpix fell to the ground.

    The Vulpix wound looked ugly, but it wasn’t as bad as last time. She grunted as she tried to get up, but she didn’t have enough energy to stand up, only to sit and watch. “D-dammit… not again…!”

    Elsa tried to rush to her, however, the armored Pokémon ran in front of her, stopping the ice Vulpix in her tracks. “Out of my way, worthless peasant!” She prepared to launch an Icy Wind from her mouth, however, she got hit on the side by a burning blade. “Argh!” She got launched away to the edge of the roof of the train, bleeding from her mouth and a wound on her cheek.

    John looked in shock at Elsa and Claire before his eyes stopped at the approaching armored menace. John felt his heart drop from fear as the towering figure got close to him, making him back away a little. “Now that they’re dealt with… it only leaves you…”

    In the back, Claire growled as she tried getting up. “R-run away… John!!!” 

    John backed away even more from the Ceruledge as he got even closer. What was she even talking about? There was nowhere to run! 

    Before John could do anything, he felt something heavy press on him as he tried his hardest to resist its weight. The armored Pokémon was stomping on him. “So pathetic… you can’t even do anything when all your friends are not there for you.” John felt the air escape his lungs as the Ceruledge put more pressure on him. “You are useless, worthless. Even if you are civilized, society wouldn’t even care if one less bug like yourself died or disappeared from the face of this planet.”

    John tried to put all of his strength out of him as some sparks came out of his body. “N-no… y-you’re wrong…!”

    “Deny it all you want, but deep down, you know that I’m right no matter what thoughts come through that flimsy little mind of yours. Bug types like you are a plague that causes constant annoyance to the daily life of Pokémon, wild or not.” The Ceruledge’s foot pressed harder. “So how about I ease your pain and make you cease all your struggles… forever.”

    “JOHN!!!” Claire shouted as a purple aura started enveloping her a little bit.

    John couldn’t handle it any longer. His strength was getting zapped away from him each second that foot was crushing him. His insides were getting twisted and contorted as he slowly started to lose consciousness. Was this it? Was this truly the end for h̥͍ȉ̯m̧͐-̵̍h̺̾i̞ͩm̰͗H͍̃I̷̼Ḿ͟&ͪ͝&̟̉#̸ͣ&͇̹@̺̝!̶̓@̰̱?̛̫(̀̌$͙ͪ@̩͇(͍̐-

    The Ceruledge felt his foot become a little fuzzy, even inside his armor. He tilted his head with a hum before he removed his foot from the Joltik. He then flinched as he saw John spazzing in and out of existence as some kind of static started covering his body. “What in the-!?”

    The Joltik’s back split open as three monochrome and long arms came out of his body. Suddenly, beady black and red eyes appeared all over his body, and they all looked at the Ceruledge. 

    Elsa cringed and froze in horror as she screamed. “What the fuck is that thing!?”

    Claire could only watch in horror at what John had become, her purple aura vanishing and her rage getting replaced with fear. “MissingNo…”

    The armored Pokémon jumped back a little before his sword hands started glowing purple. He then released a Psycho Cut directly at the glitchy Joltik. However, the three hands stood in front of John, acting as a shield and protecting him against the slash waves. “What in Arceus’ name is-”

    Suddenly, John disappeared from existence with a static effect covering the area he was in. The Ceruledge looked around in panic before he got struck in the back by a white hand that came out of nowhere, pinning him down on the floor. The glitchy body of John appeared after the hand, his unstable body making parts of his body appear in completely random places in the air for a split second before returning to him. The air around him cackled and distorted as the big hand grabbed the Ceruledge and started slamming him on the roof of the wagon over and over and over again, even making a dent in it. “͓̯̣̑̂ͥ̽̀̏͟F̷̛̝̳͙̊͊̀͜͡ơ̼̰ͦ̓ͫͥ̇̾͠r̡̟̗̤̖͔͑ͪ̓͡f̫̪̹̰̒͌ͬ̓̅͜ë̤̬̘̰̞̊ͭ̊̍i͏͉͕͍̼̏̋́ͧ̚t̬̘͚̺̬͆͊ͦ͟ͅ”̸͈̼̺̗̮̱͙̬͊

    As the Ceruledge struggled to get out of the glitchy Pokémon’s arm, shadow tendrils suddenly started coming out of the floor from below the armored Pokémon. One of the tendrils shot to the black arm and managed to cut it, leaving a cut wound that bled an unstable substance. With that, the armored Pokémon managed to loosen up the grip the hand had on him and struggle himself out of the hold, immediately into a dark portal. He then appeared away at the edge of the wagon, slowly but surely standing up with ragged breaths. He put a sword hand over some visible cracks in his armor. “Mission accomplished… I got what I wanted…” 

    The Ceruledge slowly sank into the ground with one of his dark and ghostly portals as Claire screamed after him. “Where do you think you’re going!? Come back here!”

    As the Ceruledge disappeared, Elsa weakly got up and shouted at the fire Vulpix. “Let him go already! We got another problem with monster bug over there!” 

    Both Vulpix looked at the glitchy John who just stared at nowhere, his body spazzing out of existence as the air distorted around him. Suddenly, the eyes covering spread throughout his body and looked at the ice and fire twins with a single flick, making both Elsa and Claire tense a little bit. 

    “Alright you lowly monster scum, prepare to turn into a popsicle!” 

    As Elsa charged an ice attack, her twin stopped her. “Wait! I can assure you, he won’t hurt you!”

    The ice fox looked at Claire as she canceled her attack. “And what makes you so sure of that!?”

    Both of their attention was brought back to John once they heard him grunt and groan, the eyes around his body disappearing along with the static aura. The three monochrome arms retracted inside John’s body as the hole on his back mended itself like it was never there. After fully returning to normal, he collapsed on the ground while coughing a little bit. However, instead of saliva coming out of his mouth, a bit of liquid static came out of it. 

    The Joltik slowly opened his eyes while groaning. “Ugh… what the hell happened…?”

    Claire and Elsa both stared at John before the ice fox gave a snicker that turned into a chuckle. “”What the hell happened”…?” Her chuckle got a little louder. “”What the hell happened”…?” She erupted into laughter, the volume being dampened a little by the wind of being above a moving train. “That’s what I’m fucking asking!!!” She shouted before she looked at Claire with an angry look. “You better fucking explain what in the actual fuck is going on before I not only snitch on you to Mom and Dad but to literally everyone!!! So come on, start explaining!”

    Claire growled back. “Calm down alright!? I’ll explain everything once we’re back from the trip, alright?”

    “You fucking better-”


    The trio looked at the back of the wagon, seeing Mr. Xeno walking with his wings folded behind his back like a bipedal anthro ladybug. After seeing the wounds on Claire and Elsa, he immediately lifted them up with telekinesis. “What happened to you two!? You need to get someone checked on you fast!”

    “What are you doing here? Weren’t you trapped in a bubble from that freak?” The ice Vulpix asked a little confused.

    “Oh, we got freed from our prison while some brave students took care of that ferocious Pokémon for us.” The Orbeetle explained as he began walking back. “However, before we could do anything, some Ceruledge appeared out of nowhere and took the Typhlosion-looking Pokémon with them.” 

    Elsa scowled at Claire as she shook her head. After a “Hmph!” from Elsa, both Vulpix stayed silent.

    Xenophanes then looked behind, seeing John clumsily getting up. “Do you need help there John?” John was about to refuse but didn’t get a say as the Orbeetle lifted him as well with his telekinesis. “Actually, it’s better if I helped you. You look tired.”

    With that, the Orbeetle took the three of them back to the train and their seats. After receiving a healing pulse from an Audino student aboard the train and getting bandaged, John, Claire, and Elsa were given a private space to recover from their injuries. However, their private space quickly got infiltrated once the rest of Team Net went to check on them along with Cindy and Olivia.

    The two cat Pokémon immediately started to rub their heads over Elsa’s body as Cindy spoke. “Oh Elsa, we’re so glad you’re okay! We thought something bad happened to you!”

    “Are your claws dirty? Did your fur get dusty or-” Olivia asked before getting interrupted by Elsa.

    “Ugh, I’m fine, just don’t touch me, it still fucking hurts.” Elsa said a bit annoyedly while shifting her position in her seat.

    Meanwhile, Popo and Nana embraced John from both sides. “Friend is safe! Do not worry, we shall support you when in need, friend!”

    John felt like he was getting crushed, again , as the mice twins hugged him. “Th-thanks but please… s-stop hugging m-me like that or else m-my organs a-are gonna burst!” They stopped hugging the Joltik as he panted for breath. “Ugh… I feel like complete shit…”

    Claire asked as she raised her head. “Guys, what happened with the Corrupted Pokémon? I heard from Mr. Xeno you guys managed to beat him.”

    Amy nodded with a smile. “Yep, we did manage to beat him.” She then frowned while looking aside. “Although… that Ceruledge snooped him and escaped with the Typhlosion…”

    “Ugh! I’ve only seen that guy for almost ten seconds and he’s already pissing me off!” Taro said while some sparks came out of his cheeks. He then sighed and asked. “From what happened, you guys didn’t manage to defeat him?”

    “As a brief summary; Claire got slashed again, Elsa did nothing useful and got hit to the side-” John ignored the chilly atmosphere and the “Hey!” that escaped Elsa’s mouth. “And I almost got crushed to death, so overall a bad experience.” John looked aside. “I’m not even sure how the hell I survived that…”

    Claire and Elsa looked at each other, the fire twin grimacing and the ice one scowling. Claire shook her head and Elsa just silently groaned in annoyance. “Well… you lost consciousness and he just decided to let you live…” Claire lied. “After all, he did say something that his mission was accomplished… for some reason.”

    Popo and Nana looked at the orange Vulpix. “Have you managed to assert what was the heathen’s mission?” “We need to know in case an event like this happens again.”

    Claire thought back on the scene for a moment. She remembered certain lines that the Ceruledge said that sounded unusual for someone trying to cause a hostage situation or trying to hijack a train…

    “I have been waiting for you.” “I wished to see if there were any brave souls on this train, and it seems that I have found two candidates for that…”

    And the fact that he just stood there like he was waiting for someone to appear… was he wanting someone to fight him? If so… then why? “I… I don’t know. He was too cryptic for me to get what was his plan.”

    Popo and Nana tilted their head. “Unfortunate.” “That means we shall be even more careful if another heathen tries to attack us.” “Remain on guard and do not give in.”

    Team Net nodded before Mr. Xeno entered the wagon, all of the students looking at the ladybug teacher. “Alright, as said in the other wagons, the trip to the Asuri museum is not canceled. Fortunately, we dealt with a pretty low-risk Pokémon, and as a result, not a lot of students were majorly hurt aside from… a few stubborn ones.” He shot a glare at Team Net and Elsa’s gang, all of them looking away in nervousness. “So, we decided that we would continue our trip to Xander Cage City, however, at a much slower pace since some of the students here fought valiantly to protect their friends. That’s all, hope you can enjoy the rest of the trip.”

    However, instead of floating away, he floated towards the group of stubborn Pokémon as he crossed his arms. “So… how are you all feeling?”

    Elsa started. “I feel disrespected and like utter garbage-”

    “Could be better but we’re all fine!” Claire interrupted with a sheepish grin.

    The Orbeetle looked at them and sighed. “Alright then…” He sighed before floating away. However, he still projected his voice in John and Claire’s head with his telepathy. ‘I hope you explain what you were doing at the top of the train after the trip is over, understood?’

    Claire and John cringed after feeling the front of their minds getting invaded like that. John sighed before saying telepathically. ‘Alright…’

    The Vulpix knew that after this trip there would be a lot of explanation that needed to be given. However, she had to reassure herself that she was keeping all of these secrets away to protect them and for the greater good. She just needed to keep them away for a little longer… they were so close to accomplishing the mission after all.

    After reaching the Xander Cage City train station, the students left the train and started walking through the streets of the city. Only a single word could describe this city for John and that was: wow

    From the size of the city, it seemed like a metropolis that stayed in the middle of the continent. Like most metropolis in his world, it was a huge city with a lot of buildings that extended to the skies. Instead of concrete streets, there were gravel streets with a lot of Varrom and Revavroom-powered cars. Pokémon of all sizes and species walked around, some looking intimidating while some others not, however, they still walked in harmony with no form of discrimination being seen. What made the scene a bit funnier, was that some of them (mostly the bipedal ones) had cell phones on their hands (or paws).

    Hell, he even saw a bipedal and yellow-furred feline taking selfies with their phone. However, at that sight, an interesting thought occurred to him. ‘Furries are gonna have a field day once they start interacting with those kinds of Pokémon online, won’t they?’ It probably is already happening, or it will probably happen, but it was an inevitability at this point. 

    Even with the pretty sights, the weather didn’t combine at all. The clouds in the skies were getting darker and John could even hear the sound of thunder roaring in the distance. It would rain soon…

    After a bit more walking, the students finally reached it, in the north-center of the city: the Asuri Museum. It was a mostly glass-made building, shaped in a unique manner that looked like a paw. The building was bigger than John had imagined it to be. A nice comparison would be that it had almost the same height as the White House, even though not have the same length. One thing for sure though, it was pretty.

    Their school wasn’t the only one there, however. There were students from other schools of the Fire Continent, even though there weren’t as many students on the trip as Obelisk High had. It made sense since Obelisk was one of the few schools that even had a technology class.

    As they waited for their guide to show up, the first droplets of rain started falling. Fortunately, some of the fire types that were affected by rain brought their umbrellas. Amy looked up and frowned. “Seems like a storm is coming in…”

    “I just hope it won’t be raining that hard when we return.” Claire huffed a bit annoyedly.

    Before they had the opportunity to get drenched even further, the automatic door of the building opened up, revealing a humanoid bipedal Pokémon with a white dress, skinny body, green hands and hair, and a white face. The Gardevoir took an analyzing glance at the whole crowd of students and some teachers before she smiled. “Hi there, kids!” She bowed like a Japanese person. “Thank you for accepting our invitation and coming to this wonderful museum.” She straightened her posture before motioning inside. “The CEO is waiting for you all inside, don’t keep her waiting!”

    A chorus of “YEAH!!!” rang from the children as they stormed inside the building, pushing and shoving some other students aside as the teachers tried their best to calm the horde. Team Net tensed once they heard the mention of the CEO but still kept their determined looks as they entered the building. 

    Once the group entered the building, they were immediately greeted by the cool air of the AC as they looked around. The main area was enormous, way bigger than they had anticipated. The floor was made out of black marble that reflected the light, and the walls were white with some decorated illustrated pieces of technology with a cybernetic look to all of them. Above them, the students could see three more floors with some Pokémon walking on some catwalks. 

    Just like the outside, the building was nothing else rather than beautiful because of how modern and futuristic it looked. 

    Around the floor, some technological items on pedestals were encased in a small glass dome, ranging from small unused devices to a straight-up gaming PC with the Asuri logo plastered on it.

    Yep, definitely stolen. 

    “Anything that looks suspicious to you yet, John?” Claire whispered to the Joltik on her head.

    John nodded and whispered back. “Yep, I can already see items 1-to-1 with the ones in my world. I’ll tell you later which items to use as evidence.”

    The Vulpix nodded and continued to walk along with the other students.

    After walking for some seconds, all of the students aglomerated in a group in the middle of the main area, talking and gossiping with all the students making the main noise of the place. However, everyone shut up once a certain Pokémon walked towards them. Green fur, a bit tall and slender build, and a mask with a heart-shaped symbol in the middle of it made up the Pokémon and it was none other than the CEO of Asuri herself: Alice Mishima. She stopped in front of the students and folded her arms behind her back. “Good morning students of the Fire Continent.”

    The students erupted into cheers as they all said “Good morning Alice!” excitedly, except for Elsa’s gang and Team Net. 

    John took a moment to analyze Alice for a moment. Not to sound like a furry but he had to admit, she was pretty for Pokémon standards, aside from the goofy mask that obscured her face. He didn’t expect her to be this tall, but she was almost the size of an adult human, might as well consider her a furry costume because she definitely looked like one.

    Alice seemed to take an analyzing glance at the crowd of students. However, time seemed to slow down for the Joltik once Alice’s eyes passed through Team Net, feeling like she looked at them a bit longer than he would’ve liked it to be. He even let out a small glare at her which he wasn’t sure the CEO noticed. ‘You’re going down!’ Was the thought John wanted to pass with the glare.

    The bipedal cat then clasped her paws and said in a cheery tone. “Welcome all to the amazing museum of Asuri Technologies Industries! As you all know, my name is Alice Mishima, and I’m the CEO of the company, the one who is in charge of the company.” She bowed stylishly. “And before we begin the tour of the place, let me begin by thanking all of you who have been using Asuri’s devices in your daily lives.”

    John grimaced and looked away. “Geez, I sometimes forget that everything tech-related you guys use is from Asuri…”

    Taro waved a paw in reassurance. “Eh, don’t worry, definitely gonna change once we expose them.” He then looked aside a bit sheepishly. “Although… if computers and the internet get banned, I’m gonna miss them.”

    Popo and Nana looked at the electric rodent and said. “Do not be sad about accursed items disappearing from your daily mortal life.” “You shall be glad that they are gone.” “After all, they were straying Pokémon away from the path of the Great One since they were made by false prophets.” “We shall not tolerate such slander to the lord of greatness!”

    A few students looked at the Tandemaus a bit weirded out but focused back on Alice as she continued her speech. “Now, let’s not delay our tour any further. Follow me and take notes because I’m about to show you Asuri’s greatest feats towards Pokémon kind!”

    The students all cheered in excitement while Team Net looked at each other and nodded. Let the first part of the investigation begin.

    The tour has been going as expected so far; Alice showed the students the various devices that Asuri definitely created and definitely didn’t steal around the museum. It was very easy for John to spot the stolen items, so he made a mental note to come back during the break period to take pictures of these items as evidence.

    During the tour, however. The Joltik couldn’t help but feel a sense of dread in his heart. He just felt insecure for some reason, like someone was watching his every movement from the shadows, waiting for the right moment to pounce. Sure, it was raining hard outside with thunder echoing and vibrating glass, but that wasn’t enough to make John think he was in a horror scenario. Maybe he was just a bit nervous about the investigation going wrong, but he wasn’t sure if that was just it…

    He had to admit one thing, he had lost a bit of focus on what Alice was saying after thirty minutes of just walking around and seeing unused tech. It wasn’t because he got bored or anything, but because he was so focused on something else, that being items that Alice wasn’t showing. After all, there had to be some items she wasn’t making the students focus on for holding some sort of secret, right?

    Eventually, lunch break came up and the tour was paused for the students to eat their meals. They ate in an open area of the museum that had a food stand for the kids to buy food. The students separated themselves into small groups while eating, mostly staying with their own friend groups from their schools. It was the same case with Team Net, however, they were on the edge of the area. 

    John took a peek at the other students who, fortunately, were occupied with their gossip or meal. He then turned to the rest of the group. “Alright, is everyone ready to get this mission started?”

    “We’ve been preparing for a week and a half for this, ‘course I’m ready!” Taro said with a determined smile on his face.

    “We don’t know what kind of plans Asuri has, but I’m sure they’re not good if they did this much already. I won’t back down, we need to expose them before it’s too late!” Amy said with confidence, the needles poking through her uniform a little.

    The Tandemaus gave a creepy smile, showing all of their sharp teeth. “We shall make these false prophets fall into perdition for the sinful crimes they have committed.”

    A slight chill was sent through their bodies as they looked at the mice twins. Claire, however, managed to recover first as she cleared her throat. “No matter what happens, we’ll do it. For the greater good of both Pokémon and humans, we’re gonna stop Asuri before they do… uh… whatever they are doing behind the scenes that will only make things worse.”

    John nodded. “Alright then. Let’s do a quick recap.” He pointed at Popo and Nana. “Popo and Nana will remain on the first floor to take photos of the evidence. You guys remember the items I pointed out to investigate later after the tour was done, right?”

    The mice twins nodded. “Of course, friend.” “We have remembered everything you have told us to investigate.” “We shall not fail our mission.”

    The Joltik gave an uncertain nod before looking at Amy and Taro and pointing at them. “Taro and Amy will investigate the second floor. While we were there, I saw some stuff that looked suspicious. You guys can take pictures and then show them to me, alright?”

    Amy nodded with a smile. “Understood, count on us.”

    “Okay then.” He then pointed at the furry ground he was standing on. “Claire and I are gonna investigate the third floor to see if there’s something interesting in there.” The Vulpix nodded before John continued. “We’ll likely have twenty minutes to do it before lunch break ends. Y’all brought your Invisify Orbs in case the area is crowded, right?”

    “Yep, they’re all in our bags! Brought ours as well!” Claire said with a grin while the rest of the team nodded.

    “Alright, we’re all set then.” John declared before looking at the massive area that the building had, it kinda reminded him a little bit of a shopping mall. “Let’s begin the operation.”

    With a nod, Team Net secretly left the dining area of the museum to start their investigation. However, they didn’t notice a white Vulpix watching them leave with suspicion.

    After taking a lift to the third floor, John and Claire looked around the surrounding area. There weren’t many Pokémon walking around, only one or two fancy-looking ones and a humanoid and muscular grey-skinned Pokémon employee who swept the floor. The spiderling asked himself if the floor really needed to be cleaner than it already was.

    They both looked around, seeing some glass covering some old-looking devices and some broken ones as well. It made them wonder why were they broken up in the first place…

    “See anything we could use?” Claire whispered to John as she walked aimlessly around the floor.

    John hummed in thought as he looked at the various items. “Hm… nothing- hold up, go to that thing near that wall real quick.” The Vulpix tilted her head slightly before doing what the Joltik asked. It was just as the Joltik remembered. It was a Nokia flip phone although it was plastered with the Asuri logo. He remembered how exactly one of those phones looked because he was given one as a child by his grandpa. Not like he could use it much, but he played that snake game for hours a day when he had nothing better to do. “Yes, that’s a perfect piece of evidence!”

    The greenish spider climbed inside Claire’s bag and grabbed her phone, putting it on the Vulpix’s back. He started tapping on the phone and opened up the camera app. He tried to line up the shot so that it’d capture the evidence. “You need any help?”

    “Don’t worry, I just need to line the camera so that I’m able to take the photo with these nubs.” John said as he made the phone be supported by Claire’s curly fur. After managing to get the camera at the right angle, he said. “Alright, got it-”

    Suddenly, the two of them got snatched by a sac, leaving the two of them constrained and in the dark. “Huh!? What’s going on!?” Claire asked in a panicked tone. 

    “The fuck!? What is this!?” John squeaked as he looked around desperately. 

    The Machoke janitor from before chuckled as he flicked a finger on the sac he was holding. “Well, you made my job much easier for me by coming here earlier. Thanks for that, kids.”

    John shuddered along with Claire as the sac shook with them inside. The Vulpix tried to act quickly by shooting a fireball at it, however, it did nothing but leave a scorch mark. “Shit, it’s fireproof!”

    “Where the hell is he taking us!?” John asked as he tried to tear the sac with his pointy nubs, proving to be a futile effort.

    “I… I don’t know…” Claire said with a frown. 

    John growled in annoyance as a few sparks came out of him. They were on the right track, everything was going so well until now! But of course, something HAD to go wrong, didn’t it!? “Dammit!”

    And with that, the spider and fox duo were taken away…

    Alice took a sip of water from a cup, sighing in satisfaction afterward. She was sitting on a table with her legs crossed as she ate and drank.

    The identity of the human has finally been revealed to her. If it wasn’t for the test she put them through, she would never have figured it out. 

    Who would’ve known the human was a tiny and pathetic Joltik all the time? And now they were here, basically in her grasp at this point.

    She looked through all the records of human appearances in this world so far and never once there had been a human who turned into a bug type. It seemed that this was the first one to be turned into one, and a Joltik nonetheless. Still… it made her wonder, why that deity suddenly changed its ways out of nowhere. Unless…

    “Alice.” The Meowscarada turned to the source of the voice, seeing some Pokémon teachers sitting at the same table as her. The one who spoke was a female Mienshao. “I’m so glad that you organized this trip. It means a lot for teachers like us for the kids to learn more about the technology that changed the world.”

    Alice smiled as she placed her cup on the table. “Oh, it was nothing. I just did this because I care for the future of Pokémon kind. After all, kids are the lead-up to the next generation, so they have to learn everything about the world, especially something so revolutionary like computers and cellphones.”

    “I’ll admit, I’m a bit curious.” Said a yellow-furred male Floatzel who crossed his arms. “How did your company manage to find a way to remake a bit of human tech into this world? Sounds like a lot of work.”

    “Oh yes, it was a daunting task.” The masked feline said with a smirk. “However, our partnership with humans made the process way more efficient thanks to a few blueprints that they gave us. And after a long time, we did it, we managed to recreate it to its full potential.” She placed her paws on the table. “Now it’s only a matter of time until we surpass it once we put Pokémon magic into it.”

    “Marvelous, there are no other words I could say but simply marvelous!” A male Orbeetle said ecstatically. 

    Alice gave a single nod. “Thank you.” 

    Suddenly, the earbud she had on her ear, hidden from view of other Pokémon, started producing the voice of the Machoke she put undercover around the museum. “Yo, boss. They got here earlier, but I managed to catch them. I’ll take them where you want.”

    Oh? That soon? Even better.  

    “Oh dear! I’ve just received word that something really urgent came up!” Alice exclaimed before she got up from her seat and bowed. “I am deeply sorry, but I’m afraid I must go. I’ll let Marin handle the tour for now if that isn’t a problem.”

    The Pokémon teachers all waved forgivingly before the Mienshao said. “Don’t worry dear, we know how busy a CEO can get. Go on, work’s calling you.”

    “Thank you for understanding.” Alice said before she started walking away. After she got away from the various groups of children, she let herself grin a little. ‘Caught you, John.’

    While I don’t receive much, it would really mean much to me if you guys gave me your opinions of the story so far on the comments below. I’d like to hear what are your general thoughts on it because I wonder what goes on in people’s head when they read this story lol.


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