The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Anabel found herself with a very interesting dilemma.


    That kid… you don’t negotiate like that if you’re confident something will work. He absolutely wasn’t buying it, and yet, he still wanted in…


    He knows something I don’t. Or at least, he’s got an intuition that Steven will—


    Anabel’s mind was drawn to her prior conversation with Steven. Back then, he was only referring to the recent incident in Root City… I had assumed he was framing as a strange form of retaliation for my actions, but if it really was a warning to back off, as he said, then maybe he was also laying a trap. In that case, the kid is right. I shouldn’t make a move until he leaves the city.


    You’re a sharp one, Maxie. If you even gleaned a fraction of that, anyway.


    Anabel’s tail flicked in annoyance. There’s the matter of Blaise to consider. Using Maxie on a whim is one thing, but now I’ll have to outmaneuver him as well. He’ll act the second he suspects shenanigans on my part. Hopefully, the merry band of paw-draggers will stick around for at least a week. I require a way of getting into contact with Maxie in the meantime…


    Anabel walked into the apartment building, and strolled right up to the Lilligant at the desk. “The phone book, if you please.”


    “Yes, Miss Anabel.” The Lilligant very tiredly took out a huge, bulky book which Anabel promptly opened and scanned. She rifled through the pages, trying to find the number she was looking for.


    “That Alain, always changing his number…” Anabel joked. “He does realize that makes him look more suspicious, doesn’t he?”


    “I believe he does not, Miss Anabel,” The Lilligant deadpanned.


    Anabel gave the Lilligant a wry smile. “You know, if you want to put in your two weeks, you can. I’m not forcing you to stay here. This job isn’t for the faint of heart, after all.”


    The Lilligant sighed. “I was going to do that this evening…”


    “Do you have the letter already written? I can file it away now if you like.”


    The Lilligant wordlessly handed over a letter, just as Anabel finally found the number she was looking for. “Ah, I do love it when the timing is just right…” She quickly handed back the phone book, and went on her way.


    Back in what had become a semi-permanent home in recent years, she put the letter and satchel on her desk, and headed over to the bathroom, and turned on the spa. It was time for a ‘relaxing’ phone call. Once the water was to her liking, she took the nearby phone off the receiver, hopped into the water, and called someone very familiar to her.


    “Oh hello~,” she greeted in her most sing-songy voice.


    “Anabel,” the voice on the other side started, “You know you shouldn’t be so loud.”


    “Come now, Alain,” Anabel responded. “Do you really think I would contact you if I believed I was being listened to?”


    “Just double checking. You never know who’s sneaking about. Or wiretapping, for that matter.”


    “We’re a phone company, we should be ahead on that front. In any case, I was hoping you could send over a few of those portable receivers you were working on? There’s someone in Blaise’s camp I need to get into contact with secretly.”


    “R&D is still working out the kinks with that technology. There’s no guarantee it’ll work well yet.” The voice paused. “How did you manage to woo someone from his circle anyway? His people are loyal to a fault.”


    “It’s his nephew, Maxie. I think he has potential and he’s demonstrated a willingness to work with me, but he’s hesitant to take any risks.”


    “…His nephew?” Alain asked, his voice laced with curiosity. “That’d be the son of his recently deceased sister, correct? Courtney, I believe?”


    “That’s the one,” Anabel cheerfully added. “He’s got exactly that combination of levelheadedness and determination I always love looking for. ~”


    “That’s charitable and you know it. But I digress. How is getting more intel on the church going?”


    “That’s what led me to Maxie in the first place, actually. I was hoping to use him as a distraction, but then he… won me over, so to speak.”


    “So you adjusted your plans for him?”


    “That I did, admittedly. But it may have actually backfired on me if I went for my original plan. I realized Steven was setting a trap, you see. I assume the kid must’ve caught on to it somehow.”


    “I just hope he doesn’t meet the same fate as all of the other children that wind up in your service. For his sake. I have no further objections, though.”


    Anabel chuckled. “I wasn’t asking for your opinion on the matter, dear. Besides, anything to destroy the church, right?”


    “Anything to destroy the church,” Alain agreed. “Even if someone else may be at risk.”


    “Good, good…” Anabel replied. “Now, about those receivers?”


    “You’re still interested, knowing that they’re incomplete?”


    “Yes, yes I am. Getting feedback on their use is good for R&D, yes?”


    “If you insist. Anything else you wanted to speak about tonight, or will that be everything?”


    “I think it will, dear.”


    “Very well. Have a good evening.”


    “Good evening to you too,” Anabel replied, ending the call there. She reclined back into her bathtub, letting the warm water immerse her.


    I’d like to get one of those receivers into Maxie’s hands as soon as possible. To do that, I need to meet with him sometime soon…


    Meeting with him to avoid having to meet with him. Hah.


    She gave a side-eye to the clock on the wall. I could do that as early as tomorrow, but there wouldn’t be a point. It’ll take a few days for Alain to send the goods over, after all. I should probably just avoid Maxie until then, I suppose. Silence tends to bring questions with it, though… What should I do?


    Additionally, to what extent could I reliably control Maxie’s actions? It’s probably not much, given how hard he was willing to bargain with me. That could be a strength, but that could also be a huge liability in a more complicated version of the plan… Probably best to just work around him in that case.


    …I should just keep that to the moment of truth, though. Working around both him and Blaise at once will be a total pain in the ass. Keep him involved in the planning process.


    Conflicting loyalties are so very complicated.





    As he walked down the road to the park, Maxie felt anything but optimistic. How could he? So many variables to consider, so many things that could go wrong. If you screw up even a little, it’s your fault. Never forget that.


    By then, it had been a few days since his meeting with Anabel, and he hadn’t heard anything from her. Quietly, he wondered if she had gone ahead with her plan anyway and died because of it.


    He’d been coming to the park every day in hope she’d reach out, since it was the last place they’d met, and generally a pretty quiet place that was nice to hang out in. That didn’t stop the inevitable twiddling of thumbs that followed be any less stressful, though—simply more quiet.


    He made his way to his usual spot, and sat down, running his paws though the grass. They were just a little damp in the cool late-summer air, and the dew on them started to mist in the sunlight.


    Back when Jacob was a human, the moisture probably would’ve felt nice on his skin, but on fur, it just felt a bit gross. No wonder my husky hated baths…


    Then again, the golden retriever loved them.


    …Can I not even recall their names? Is my human life already a distant memory? I’m on a crusade for revenge for a mother that isn’t mine, Jacob thought.


    …Is that even true?


    For once, the clouds in the sky weren’t as dense, letting some sunlight filter though. Maxie felt a false sense of hope.


    He banished it immediately, for it was foolish.


    “God, coming here alone was a mistake,” Maxie complained out loud. What if Anabel doesn’t show up again? Am I supposed to just revel in my own thoughts about how much of a screwup I am?


    In a display of impeccable timing, a voice spoke right behind him. “Good thing you’re not alone then~.”


    Maxie nearly jumped at the sudden intrusion, turning around to discover that finally, Anabel had shown herself. “Took you long enough to get back in contact.”


    Anabel smirked. “And let Blaise know about our little agreement? I think not.” She paused. “Unless, of course, you want him to know that you’re sneaking around behind his back, dear.”


    “W-what? Of course not!” Maxie said, flustered. This isn’t good, she’s getting to me… “So what’s the scoop?”


    “Oh, nothing much. It’s just that I have a little present for you and Wally. Where is he, by the by? It’s very important that you both receive it.”


    “…He’s not with me today. Pretty sure he’s sleeping in.”


    “Ah. A pity. You’ll have to deliver this to him yourself, then…” She reached into a bag, and pulled out two small metal boxes. “Portable receivers. They don’t make this type of tech for civilians very often…”


    Walkie-talkies? “Then how did you get them?”


    “Sweetheart, I’m on the board of directors for a phone company. I can pull whatever strings I want.”


    …How did I not know that? “So you’re going to call us when we’re needed?”


    “Perhaps. But for the most part, you’re the ones who will be calling me. You spend time around Blaise, don’t you? It’d be hard to explain. Just contact me late at night when you’re sure he’s not listening. We’ll discuss more details then.” She turned around. “Bye-bye now~!”


    “Wait, that’s it?”


    “Well, yes. Were you expecting something else?”




    Anabel laughed. “Oh, Maxie. There’s still so much more to arrange, you see. I’ll try to give you details when they’re applicable, alright? Don’t fret. Ta-ta, now!”


    Anabel walked off without saying another word. Maxie wanted to say something, get her attention, make plans, even throw around some leverage, but there was nothing to say.


    He was not the one in control here. At least, that’s what she thinks. Most likely, she’ll give me orders and won’t expect input. I just have to play my part, then…


    How frustrating.


    Maxie looked down at the walkie-talkies in his paws. I suppose I should give one of these to Wally… It was an obvious conclusion to come to, given the circumstances, but something about doing it felt wrong. Like he was admitting defeat.


    …Yes, that was it. Defeat. He resented not being the one in control. I’ll need to be ready to take charge when we next talk.


    With a newfound sense of purpose, Maxie headed over to Wally’s hotel, taking the most direct route he could. Thank god this city is easy to navigate…


    The hotel lobby was as clean as ever. Alright, where is Wally? He settled on bothering the receptionist.


    “Hey, can you call Wally down? Tell him Maxie is here.”


    The Breloom receptionist looked annoyed. “Very well then…”


    Not twelve minutes later, Wally was down. “Hey, Maxie. What’s up?”


    Maxie ushered him over to what looked like a quiet corner and sat down, before shoving one of the walkie-talkies into his hands. “Anabel gave me two of these.”


    Immediately, Wally’s face lit up in surprise. “Oh, uh… wow.” Slowly, it changed into something more closely resembling hesitation, which almost immediately shook Maxie’s resolve.


    I’ve just thrown him into this with no warning, huh? I bet he’s thinking I’m crazy. Or dangerous. Or both. God, what a shitty friend I am—


    Maxie took a deep breath. Focus. “They’re for communication. She said to only call her when we’re sure we’re not being listened to.”


    “We’re calling her, not the other way around?”


    “That’s what she said,” Maxie confirmed. “But, more importantly, I think we need to talk about leverage over her. You said you were worried about taking on risk, right? The best way to control that is to be involved in the planning.”


    Maxie wasn’t sure to what extent Anabel saw him as disposable, but he knew that it was at least a little bit. He needed to take control of the situation for Wally’s safety.


    “What are you proposing we suggest?”


    “She probably understands our concerns on some level, and is probably trying to negotiate us into a more risky proposition.” I’ve already eliminated Steven as a risk factor at this point, but I still have to consider Roxanne. I don’t think she’s particularly dangerous compared to Steven, but we should still be outnumbered. With that premise in mind… “We need to convince her to provide us with some form of safety net should things go south.”


    “Well, what do you have in mind?” Wally asked. “You’re not saying we should go along with just sacrificing people, are you?”


    Maxie frowned grimly. “Well, hopefully not. But I was thinking more… strategically, you know? I did some looking around the place in question and there’s a meeting room right next to the entrance. We could corral the people with eyes on us to there, right?”


    “So we could just hang out there and be kinda safe?” Wally asked. “You aren’t suggesting I try teleporting us through the wall, are you? You know I’ve got no idea how to do that.”


    Maxie felt a pang of guilt. He knew damn well that that room was anything but safe, but it was probably safer than most places in the church. “Worst comes to worst, we’ll have to fight our way out. That’s where we need a safety net.”


    Wally looked around nervously, as if digesting all of this. “…Well, you didn’t really answer my question. What did you have in mind?”


    Just to refresh exactly what he was dealing with in his mind, Maxie called upon his blessing.


    !dt Roxanne Probopass


    Roxanne Probopass

    Age: 28

    Does not Qualify for Typing Magic

    Ability: Magnet Pull

    • Allows the user to slow down steel types and influence their movements.

    Constitution -> 6/10

    Physical power -> 6/10

    Physical resistance -> 9/10

    Special power -> 4/10

    Special resistance -> 8/10

    Agility ->3/10

    Stamina -> 5/10

    Intelligence -> 4/10

    Charisma -> 2/10


    Known moves:

    • Magnet rise
    • Block
    • Harden
    • Rock throw
    • Iron defense
    • Tri attack
    • Smack down
    • Thunder wave
    • Rest
    • Explosion
    • Rock slide
    • Stone edge
    • Body press
    • Sandstorm
    • Earthquake
    • Bulldoze


    The Probopass who is largely responsible for the Holy League of Heavenly Kings’ activities in and around Rusty Boroughs. Often feuds with Norman, who she views as operating within her domain. Is also one of the larger actors in the church as a whole.


    “…We need a strong fighting type that could take Roxanne Probopass in a fight. The best Anabel’s got, if possible. Roxanne is no pushover, and I’m pretty sure the people under her are just as strong. We need a strong fighter to help us through. You and I aren’t enough on our own.”


    Wally blinked. “Oh, I see…”


    “That’s the idea, anyway. I don’t want to talk to her just yet—not until we’ve got a clearer idea of what we’re doing.”


    Wally stretched, and tapped his foot nervously. “…Did you think about what happens after?”


    “After a fight breaks out, you mean?”


    “Well, it’s just…” Wally trailed off.


    A few moments passed.


    “Well?” Maxie asked. “We’re in this together, Wally. Best to speak your mind now.”


    “…How are we gonna explain all of this to Blaise and my parents? No way they don’t put two and two together if we come back with scrapes.”


    “…Let’s not worry about that. We only need to worry about ourselves for now.”


    Wally frowned. “You’re sure about that?”


    “Absolutely.” Liar. “In any case, we do need to think about avoiding that by any means necessary.”


    “I mean, that part is simple. We just have to suck up to them and hope they buy it right?” Wally asked. “That comes down to how easily we can sell the act. Kinda iffy, if you ask me.”


    “They want devout followers, we just need to play that part as well as we can. Like you said, it’s very simple. On paper, anyway. In practice, though… well, you get the idea.”


    “Maybe we should take acting classes,” Wally half-joked.


    “In the few days we have?” Maxie asked with an incredulous smile. “We’re gonna have to wing it.”


    There was a pause in the conversation.


    “…Do we tell Anabel this now?” Wally asked.


    “Nah, now is too soon to discuss this. We have to wait until the evening, at least. That’s when she suggested we tell her, anyway.”


    “…I see. I suppose by ‘we’ you mean ‘you’, then?”




    “It’s not like we’re going to be in the same place that late, right?” Wally pointed out.


    “…The receivers, Wally. We can communicate across any distance.”


    “Yeah, but we’d want to discuss with her after talking it out first, right? In person, I mean.”


    “…Fair enough,” Maxie admitted, seeing what Wally meant. “I was under the impression that this was that discussion.”


    “It doesn’t quite feel like that to me,” Wally responded.


    Another blow to Maxie’s willpower. This time, his doubt came roaring back. Oh god, I’m losing him again. He doesn’t trust me, I’m just acting on my own again. That’s all there is to it. That’s all there ever is to me, isn’t there? I’m just a shitty friend who puts himself before others. That’s all—


    Aggressively, desperately, Maxie tried to push away those thoughts by continuing the conversation.


    “Hey, I’m not gonna act without you signing off on it. Your opinion matters to me, you know? I’m well aware of the risk I’m making you take.”


    “Hm? Oh, I didn’t mean it like that,” Wally clarified. “I just figured you were planning on talking to Anabel by yourself. You’re a lot better with words than I am, man.”


    Maxie idly tapped his digits on the wall. “Listen, Wally. I don’t want to get you hurt. If there’s something wrong with the plan, tell me. Again, your opinion matters to me.”


    Wally sighed. “You’re repeating yourself, Maxie.”


    “I am aware.”


    Wally stood up. “You seem like you’ve got a good deal of the plan figured out already. I don’t really know what else I can contribute other than that you’re clearly taking on a lot.”


    “Of course I am. You’d be the one taking on all of that otherwise.”


    Wally chuckled. “I appreciate that. Just try not to do too much of the heavy lifting. If you really think that the plan will work, then I have nothing to add.”


    That assumes there isn’t still a huge number of unknowns… “Thank you.” Maxie stood up as well. “In any case, I’m gonna try talking to Anabel later tonight. I’ll let you know what she thinks the plan should be.”


    “Got it,” Wally said, turning around. “See you another day, then.”


    “Yeah, see you then,” Maxie confirmed.


    The walk back home was just a little bit somber. Of course, Jacob knew that there was a risk to all of this, and that Wally had agreed to it, but he was clearly pulling his punches instead of voicing his concerns. He doesn’t trust you.


    All he could really do was try to call Anabel.





    Anabel stared at the receiver in her paws. Tonight will surely be the night he calls. He’ll want to contact me to receive clarifications on the plan, as well as just to see if the receiver does what it says it does. It was annoying to wait so long, but Anabel knew she had to. She hadn’t given a time, after all, so he could theoretically call at any point throughout the night.


    “Perhaps I should’ve given a specific time…” she wondered out loud. Wait, no. You can’t. You don’t know Blaise’s schedule. That’s why you’re bothering with this in the first place, remember?


    Anabel yawned. Most likely, he’ll want to discuss the specific methods we’ll be using to distract the church members. Ideally, he’ll just want the intel on what distracts Roxanne the most, since he’ll likely be talking with her directly. That’s fine—I have plenty of her interests and grievances noted. I have to wonder what his tolerance for risk is, though….


    I’ll probably be finding that out tonight. Whether his major concern is the details of the plan or how mitigating risk will work will speak volumes of what type of risk he’s willing to take on.


    Finally, the receiver rang. It was loud, and harsh. Well, there’s one more reason not to be the one calling. “Oh hello~?” she asked, a little bit quieter than usual.


    “It’s me, Maxie,” the voice on the other side of the receiver answered. “I just wanted to discuss the possibility of safety nets.”


    Anabel raised an eyebrow. He’s still very concerned about his own safety… “Hm? What’d you have in mind? I suppose you’re saying we should assume they’re still on high alert, too.”


    “In the event of something going wrong, a direct confrontation with Roxanne is likely. Do you have any strong fighters you could send if that happened? Fighting type fighters specifically.”


    He’s not wrong for thinking that, but… “How do you know it’d be Roxanne specifically?”


    “…I have a hunch that she’s the one I’ll have to distract the most.” Notably, Anabel was able to detect a hint of embarrassment in his voice.


    I see. He overlooked the possibility of other subordinates. “Hunch or not, I do have to be discreet. I can send in backup, but only if you can guarantee that they’ll be able to reach you. Sending in someone they’ll know is affiliated with me up front is a no-go.”


    “There’s a room near the front of the building that I can try and corral them into. From there, it should be easy enough for you to send someone in to intervene. I don’t want people heading towards the back anyway, right? I believe that’s the part you’re trying to infiltrate.”


    “That room doesn’t have any windows, you know. That will be a very difficult call for me to make in the heat of the moment, no?”


    “It’s better than the alternatives. In my estimation, anyway.”


    He’s conceded that he doesn’t expect to be saved if things go too far off course. In other words, he’s keeping realistic expectations about the matter.


    If I can keep him around, he’ll be quite the asset. It’ll be a shame if things do go south. Should I take on extra risk to secure his safety, then?


    No. That’s a massive overextension when Steven already has his eyes on me. I can’t lose sight of my immediate goals. “Very well then. I’ll attempt to intervene if it looks possible, but do keep in mind that there are limits. Anything else you wanted to discuss?”


    “Just curious if you had any more details on the when of the operation.”


    “No more than a day or two, that’s all~” Anabel responded. “Anything else?”


    “No, that will be all. We’ll talk again later.”


    A hash static cut was heard, and the voice on the other side of the receiver was no more.


    Anabel smiled. He sounds like he understands what to expect from me and anyone else. Preferably, though, no type of safety net would be necessary. They’d simply go in, it’d all go smoothly, and that would be that. Then their safety net would be wasted. Ah well. The important thing is that he’s thought things through.


    After all, I have my own safety net to worry about.

    This chapter was Beta-read by the lovely Arukona! Go check out Dual Wills!


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