The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Outside of the schoolhouse of Nōgyō no Machi. Haruhi was sitting, upright, but motionless. Staring into the flames. A crowd stood around her, but she was alone.


    “Y-You!” Hirohito stormed over to her, an expression on his face somewhere between panic and rage. He looked back and forth between her, and the rising flames. He grabbed her by the scruff for a moment, as if he was going to attack her, then just… dropped her. “Someone! Help! P——! ———— ———————!”


    Haruhi couldn’t even process what he was saying. All she could do was stare.


    It was all her fault.


    It was all her fault.


    It was all her—





    Haruhi woke up with a start, panting hard, and her head whipped around. She found herself under the covers, in the cabin. Still cruising down the river. Amadeus was asleep on the other bed, sleeping soundly. Mayumi’s snores were audible from the next room over. Haruhi wasn’t exactly surprised by this, she’d overhead plenty of conversations between her and Sakura over the years, but she was a little shocked by how loud it was.


    “Man…” Haruhi yawned, and glanced outside. It was clearly still very late at night. Probably should go back to bed… She exhaled, and a small flame came out, making her panic a tiny bit. Crap, can’t start a fire here… Her breath caught in her throat. She couldn’t do it again. Not when she was trying to remake herself. She couldn’t just—


    Stop. Don’t even think about it. Just keep moving…


    Despite her best efforts, she found herself unable to go back to sleep. Something within her was burning. A lingering frustration was festering. A frustration like—


    No. Stop. Don’t even think about it…


    Her breathing was slow, but she still found herself feeling the tiniest beginnings of a flame attempting to creep out. It was suffocating, but controlling them was something she had spent practically all of her teenage years trying to do. She had to.


    Damn it…


    She hopped down from the bed and walked over to the table on the living room, where the keys to the cabin had been somewhat haphazardly thrown. She gingerly snatched them up, trying not to make too much noise, and exited the cabin. Fortunately, carrying small things in her bushy tail was easy. She hadn’t really memorized the layout of the ship, seeing as she’d spent most of her first not-even-a-full-day aboard in the cabin, but she had a rough idea of where she wanted to go was. Eventually, she found herself on the main deck. The ship apparently ran on fire somehow, but Amadeus had failed spectacularly to explain how it worked, and Mayumi didn’t really seem to know how it worked either, so she was struggling to believe that. There was a light breeze, as the ship powered its way downstream. The ship itself seemed at once massive yet still tiny compared to the sheer size of the river. In fact, it seemed like the river was slightly wider here than in Kawa no Machi. Was it going to get even wider? Haruhi didn’t dwell on it for much longer. She walked over to the railing, looked around for a split second to try and make sure nobody was watching, and just… exhaled.


    The flames burst out from her mouth over the side of the ship, dancing over the water. Haruhi exhaled for a good while before they finally petered out. She felt a deep sense of relief overcome her.




    Mayumi had, in the past, encouraged her to release her fire in a safe place if it felt like she was losing her grip over it. It seemed counterintuitive to Haruhi at first, but she understood when she first tried it. It felt good to just let it out, and controlling them was always much easier afterwards. Everyone always judged her for it because it looked like the opposite, so that meant she had to—


    “Rough day?”


    Haruhi jumped, almost to the point of jumping straight overboard. Standing right next to her was the Floatzel who was punching tickets earlier.


    “I-I-I didn’t mean—”


    “Relax, kid, you’re not in trouble,” The Floatzel laughed.


    “…I’m not a kid.”


    “How old are you, then?”




    “Eighteen? And still not a Braixen? Isn’t the median age for evolution like… 13.7 for Fennekin?” The Floatzel scratched his chin. “Hm… well, not the craziest thing I’ve heard.”


    “…Okay.” How does this guy know the age Fennekin evolve that precisely? Do you spend you days memorizing random factoids, dude?


    The Floatzel rubbed the back of his neck. “…You really shouldn’t stand so close to the railing, though. Wouldn’t want you falling overboard, now.”


    “Oh, uh, right.”


    “…You seem embarrassed about something.”


    “…You didn’t see me do that, did you?”


    “Oh, I did. Was pretty hard to miss, given how huge those flames of yo—”


    “I-I’m sorry…”


    “Hm? No need to apologize. Everyone needs to blow off a little steam now and then, right?”


    “…Really?” Haruhi could hardly believe she wasn’t being chewed out right now.


    “Come on, every fire type does that. You’re not even the tenth ‘mon this month to do that in this exact spot. Something about this part of the deck, I’m telling you.” The Floatzel shrugged. “Although, if I’m being quite honest, that was a big one, and real hot too. I could feel it all the way over here. You should consider joining the guild, you’ve got a real talent fo—”




    “I mean it. That was impressive.”


    “T-thanks…” Haruhi said, sniffing a little. You have no idea how much that means to me.





    The morning breeze was cool on Amadeus’ face. The air wasn’t as salty as he was expecting for such a large river. Or maybe the salty air was only supposed to happen close to the ocean. He wasn’t sure. In the very least, it was humid. It had been two days since they’d boarded the Yamashiro VII, and since their big discussion the night they boarded, Amadeus was feeling… contemplative. He’d made the deal with Haruhi, and he intended to honor it, but it was feeling more and more like it wasn’t going to work out. Amadeus looked to his side. Haruhi had joined him up here, but there was an uneasy silence between them, save for the occasional attempt at conversation.


    “…Did you sleep well?” Haruhi asked him.






    And back to silence. Amadeus wasn’t one for conversation, and Haruhi wasn’t nearly as enthusiastic to talk to him as she was previously. Forcing Amadeus to admit the truth to Haruhi, seemingly, had driven a wedge between them. Both of them understood, on some level, what Mayumi meant when she said that they had to trust each other, but neither had truly internalized that meaning. Amadeus heard Haruhi sigh after a few minutes.


    “…You ever feel like you’ve finally got something you’ve always wanted, and then you find out that it’s not at all how you wanted it?”


    “…I’m sorry.”


    Haruhi sighed, with extra frustration this time. “Damnit, I don’t know if I should accept that apology or not!”


    “Haruhi, I was the one who took advantage of you. I should be the one to apologize.”


    “And I’m the one who projected a fantasy onto you and imagined an entire fake story for you.”


    Another long silence. Amadeus looked around, desperately hoping to find something to steer the conversation in another direction. Or even continue it at all. He found nothing, so he started to walk around for a bit.


    “Where are you going?”


    “I have no idea.”


    “Don’t just wander around aimlessly…”


    “We’re gonna be on this thing until tomorrow morning when we have to disembark. We might as well see what else there is to do.”


    “Haven’t we seen most of the ship already?”


    “Well, we haven’t seen that much…”


    “I guess not…”


    Amadeus and Haruhi wandered for a while, and, at some point, wandered below deck. The big hall they’d had a safety presentation the other day was mostly empty, save for an Electabuzz and a Shuckle sitting around some small metal blocks on a table. It was a slightly underwhelming sight, and they seemed to be stacking the blocks for some reason. The Electabuzz spotted them, and motioned to come over for some reason.


    “Hey, you two! You guys wanna play Stackablocks?”


    “…What’s that?” Haruhi asked.


    “Come on, it’s a fun game. We’ll show ya…” The Shuckle motioned.


    Amadeus and Haruhi walked closer to the table. The blocks were roughly three times as long as they were wide, and they were stacked with three to a layer, with alternating orientations, such that one layer was always perpendicular to the last layer. They formed a perfectly straight tower, with no blocks jutting out at some awkward angle. It was small, by all accounts, and it didn’t look very impressive.


    “All you have to do,” The Electabuzz started, “Is to take out a block from one of the lower layers and stack it on top without tipping the tower over. Three blocks to a layer, and whoever manages to tip over the tower on their turn loses. Simple, right?”


    “Seems simple enough…” Amadeus had a vague memory of playing a game like this at some point in the past, but the occasion was escaping him at the moment.


    “Alright, how about we make this a team game then?” The Shuckle asked. “Me and him, then you two? Sound fair?”


    “Alright, let’s play, then!” Haruhi agreed.


    Haruhi went first, approaching the tower of blocks cautiously. She reached out with a paw, but hesitated, realizing this might be a little trickier to do without hands.


    “Here’s a little tip, since you’re a first timer,” The Electabuzz said condescendingly. “You can use your mouth.”


    Haruhi, seemingly, swallowed her pride just this once and accepted the advice, instead trying to remove a block with her mouth. It seemingly worked, as she removed a block from one of the upper layers and gingerly placed it on top. The game had begun.


    The Eletabuzz followed, taking a block from a different layer and placing it on top. Then Amadeus completed the first new layer with another block taken from another untouched layer, then the Shuckle started another layer.


    For the first couple of rounds, everything seemed peaceful enough. Until, finally, the Electabuzz took a block from the final untouched layer. This, apparently, marked a turning point.


    “Hehehe…” The Electabuzz laughed. “Now, this is where things get interesting…”


    It was Amadeus’ turn, and it was immediately apparent why the Electabuzz had said this. At this point, the tower was more top-heavy, with quite a large number of blocks in the upper layers, and the stability of the lower layers was in question. A few had a block taken from the middle, which meant that that layer was off limits, or the tower would fall immediately. The only real safe moves were close to the top, and the stability of the top was in question as well. Amadeus chose to take a second block from one of the lower layers, and the second he did, he realized that it was much harder to remove. He could feel the weight of the tower pushing down on this block. It had to be removed with extreme care. After much effort, he managed to remove the block safely, and the tower wobbled a little bit after he placed it down on the top.


    This process repeated itself a couple of times until it came around to Haruhi’s turn a few rounds later. The tower wobbled a little the second she tried to grab a new block. She tried a few more blocks, but the tower kept wobbling.




    The Electabuzz and Shuckle leaned in, eyes brimming with anticipation. “Wanna quit, you two?”


    “Hell no,” Haruhi fired back. She kept poking around the lower layers, but none of the blocks seemed safe. Eventually, she tried taking a block from one of the top layers, which came out easily enough, but it didn’t look like she’d be able to reach the upper layers easily. She was straining herself to reach them with her mouth, and she was leaning close enough that she might have ended up knocking the whole tower over with a small mistake. Even placing the block was looking like a dicey proposition. Meanwhile, their opponents could just reach up with their arms. The Electabuzz reached up that high no problem, and was able to take a block from the top layer easily. Amadeus felt pressured to do the same. He tried to stretch up, but Haruhi stopped him.


    “Hang on, I have an idea!” She whispered into his ear. “Get on my back.”


    “…You sure?”


    “Yeah, yeah, just do it.”


    Amadeus gingerly climbed on top of Haruhi’s back, and it did let him reach the top more easily. But now he was relying on Haruhi to not be shaky. He reached for a block, and slowly, gently, pulled. The tower wobbled the whole way, but it stood tall.


    This didn’t work out when it came time for Haruhi’s next turn. Despite his recent uptick in physical activity, he didn’t have the strength to avoid shaking under Haruhi’s weight.


    “T-this isn’t working…” Haruhi got off of Amadeus’ back as he said this. “Team meeting time, we need to brainstorm…”


    “What do we do?” Haruhi whispered. “Try our luck with the lower rows?”


    “No, we don’t have the dexterity to keep up…” Amadeus paused. “Wait. Haruhi, there is one thing we can try…” He whispered his plan into Haruhi’s ear.


    “…You think that’s allowed?” Haruhi whispered back.


    Amadeus turned to their opponents. “Hey, can she use psychic moves in this?”


    “So long as the tower stands,” The Shuckle replied.


    Haruhi gave Amadeus a subtle look before turning back to the tower. “Here goes nothing… One, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand…” Haruhi still didn’t have great control over her psychic side, and she’d barely been able to levitate a single object just barely off the ground the day prior after some light coaching from Mayumi. Regardless, she was going to try it for real this time. After seeming to concentrate on the tower for a long time, one of the blocks on a lower layer slowly moved out, jostling the tower a tiny bit in the process. It was a miracle the tower stayed up, and Haruhi seemed to be using every fiber of her being as the block slowly rose to the top and was put into place.


    “Not bad, not bad…” The Electabuzz said. He slowly removed another piece from the upper part of the tower, and placed it down… right as Haruhi released her grip on the base of the tower. They never said that she couldn’t be hanging on to the rest of the tower, after all.




    It was a bit impressive how loud the noise of the tower falling down was. The sound managed to hurt Amadeus’ ears a little. Haruhi finally relaxed.


    For a moment, there was a brief confusion. Then, jubilation.


    “Hah!” Haruhi declared. “We win!”


    “…You used Psychic to cheat there, didn’t you?” The Shuckle asked.


    “It counts so long as the tower stands, right?” Amadeus replied with a sleazy smile.


    “You cheated not only the game, but yourselves,” The Electabuzz started. “You didn’t grow, You didn’t improve. You took a shortcut and gained nothing. You experienced a hollow victory. Nothing was risked. Nothing was gained. It’s sad that yo—”


    “Sucks to suck!” Haruhi declared. She and Amadeus ran out of the room, cackling.


    “Man, did you see that Electabuzz get all dramatic and moody over a game about stacking blocks?” Amadeus asked. “He got so serious!”


    “Haha, yeah! You know he was gonna demand a rematch right after, too!” Haruhi took a moment to catch her breath. “Oh, man, I can’t believe I actually managed to do something with my psychic, too…”

    “Ahh, that was fun…”


    The two made it to the railings on the side of the deck again. It was… quiet.


    “Hey, Amadeus?”




    “We can do this, right?”






    It seemed like there was a little hope for the two of them working together after all.





    Early next morning, Mayumi, Haruhi, and Amadeus were standing at the edge of the boat, their bags all packed. It was time to disembark at Bōeki no Machi. And, by extension, it was time for Amadeus and Haruhi both to get a good look at a real city for the first time. Technically, it wasn’t Amadeus’ first time, but he had good reason to suspect that this would be nothing like home.


    “There it is,” Mayumi pointed out, as it slowly appeared over the horizon. The city itself didn’t have many particularly large buildings at first blush, but the way they spilled all over the landscape was truly impressive. The river was by far at it’s widest here, and massive bridges that connected both sides of the river, with rows upon rows of buildings dotting the landscape. There were many, many ships coming in, and out, and all of it felt… strangely at home to Amadeus. It reminded him just a little bit of home. Only a little.


    “We’re spending the night in the city,” Mayumi elaborated. “There’s a cheap hotel in the city run by someone I just so happen to know…”


    Once they got off the ship, they quickly ran into the massive crowd. They repeatedly ended up running into a few passersby, and Amadeus found himself apologizing a lot.


    “Sorry, sorry…”


    “W-Whoops! Sorry!”


    “Gah! My bad, my bad…”


    Eventually, they made their way over to a less crowded area, and had a little more space to breathe. Amadeus looked around, and noticed something… peculiar. There were a ton of shiny Pokémon roaming the streets. It was maybe as high as one in twenty, way, way higher than he would’ve otherwise expected.


    “Why are there so many shiny Pokémon around? Is there some kind of group gathering happening today, or…?”


    “The Daylight continent has the highest population of Shinies, or Northerners as we like to call them, in the world. The reason we call them that is that they actually outnumber regular Pokémon in the northern part of the continent. It’s a long story as to how it got that way, but it’s something absurd like being thousands of times higher than their numbers outside the continent,” Mayumi explained as they walked. “In fact…” She led them to a small building with a sign above the door that read ‘Kitaro’s Family Hotel’ on it. Right next to the building was a much larger one with rows of doors. Mayumi guided the group inside of the smaller building.


    A lone Espeon sat at the desk, flipping through what looked like the newspaper. An Espeon with emerald-green fur, that is. The Espeon suddenly noticed them at the door. “Damn, Mayumi. You’re a whole day earlier than normal! How’d you get here so fast?”


    “We got really lucky with the barrier dungeon. Simple as that.” Mayumi sighed. “You got the letter, right?”


    “Of course I did, it came in three nights ago. That’s why I asked how you were here so fast.”


    “…Who’s this?” Amadeus asked.


    Mayumi turned to her two escorts. “Amadeus, Haruhi, meet Kitaro. My cousin.” Mayumi turned back to Kitaro. “Kitaro, Amadeus and Haruhi.”


    “Pleasure to meet you guys,” Kitaro said, addressing Amadeus and Haruhi. “I got the details from a letter Mayumi sent me. You two got offered a chance to be guild members from the Seer himself? That’s the opportunity of a lifetime! Some people would kill for a chance like that, you know?”


    Haruhi looked a little sheepish. “Yeah, I still can’t believe it myself…” Kitaro, apparently, wasn’t privy to some of the more inconvenient details of the situation. “I’m brimming with excitement!”


    “You’d better be, hah!” Kitaro levitated a pair of keys from the top of the shelf over to Mayumi’s paws. “Same room as always, Mayumi. On the house, just for you. Have a nice night.”


    Mayumi handed the keys to Haruhi. “You two head over to the room, I have a few things to discuss with Kitaro.”


    Amadeus nodded, and ran off with Haruhi. The room, hopefully, wouldn’t be too difficult to find. The doors had numbers on them, after all.





    “…Is it true?” Kitaro asked. “Is that the same damn Shinx?”


    “As far as I can tell?” Mayumi started. “Yes and no. He remembers the same upbringing, same personality, same habits, same skills, but none of his memories from his time with me. Same age as he was back then, too.”


    “…What the hell?”


    “He claims,” Mayumi started. “That he’s from the future. How the hell he came back twice, I don’t know. Samantha did, somehow, because she knew to give me the gifts.”


    “…That’s wild. He’s not lying, is he?”


    “…I don’t think so. He seemed to be telling the truth to me.”


    “…And the Seer?”


    “If he was Amadeus, he’s got an obvious motive for his actions, but it’s impossible to say.” Mayumi sighed. “So, about that address I asked you to look into?”


    Kitaro scratched his chin for a second. “I checked, and sure enough, it looks like a Delphox with a family lives there.”


    Mayumi grumbled. “I’m a little annoyed Haya didn’t give me more to work with… Maybe she’s not on great terms with them?” She wondered out loud.


    “Who knows?”


    There was a bit of a pause.


    “So, how are things with Sakura?” Kitaro asked.


    “It’s been going great, actually.” Mayumi smiled. “Other than current events, so to speak, we’ve been pretty good.”


    “Isn’t your anniversary with her in a few weeks?” Kitaro asked. “Any plans?”


    “Nothing set in stone, but we might be planning a little escapade for that…”


    “I certainly hope you enjoy that.”


    “Certainly. Things have been so much nicer with her around…” Mayumi stretched. “So, hear anything interesting from the grapevine?”


    Kitaro paused. “…Rumor has it that the Seer’s been especially active as of late. He might be planning something big.”


    Mayumi froze. “You don’t think…”


    “Nah, that rumor’s been going around for a while. If anything, Amadeus’ sudden appearance might’ve thrown a wrench in his plans…”


    “…Damnit, I have to leave them there, and now you’re making me worry about them.”


    “…Ah, sorry about that.”


    “I just hope Haya thought to send a letter to her folks. I’d hate to have to explain everything…”





    The room they’d been given was certainly a step down from the cabin on the ship. It was clearly pretty old, with the lights flickering a little, and the beds looking a little saggy. It wasn’t exactly of poor quality, but it wasn’t luxury either. Evidently, it was the kind of thing reserved for travelers staying overnight. It looked like it had been recently cleaned, too. There wasn’t even a kitchenette in this one, just a table, a couch, a bathroom, and two beds.


    “Well, we’re only staying one night, right?” Haruhi asked.


    “…There’s like five different people’s smells mixed into this room, and I’m not entirely certain they all work here.”


    “Eh. It is a cheap hotel after all. Can’t expect top quality. And we’re staying here for free, too.”


    The two of them spent a short while getting settled before Mayumi showed up at the door, with a small bag. “Kitaro didn’t have time to stock the bathroom before we arrived, apparently…” She explained, gesturing to the bag. Inside was an unused bar of soap and a tiny tube of shampoo.


    “Does he have an in-house restaurant, or…?” Amadeus asked.


    “There’s a restaurant next door, but he doesn’t own that one. We’re gonna have to pay up for that.”


    “Well, at least the room’s free.” Haruhi pointed out. “So there’s that.”


    “This is true,” Amadeus agreed. “Do you always stay with him when you’re going to and from the city, Mayumi?”


    “Indeed I do. I have to travel more than you’d think to keep my certification with the guild.”




    The conversation meandered for a while without really going anywhere, and the day concluded without further incident.





    Akihiro stared at the letter he’d received in the mail just that morning. As a respected, but not particularly notable member of the Guild of Honor, being a part of a fairly successful team, he didn’t get letters not related to bills and paperwork terribly often. When he’d noticed that it was apparently from someone who just happened to share a name with the younger sister he hadn’t seen or heard from in well over a decade, he tore it open and sat down at his desk to read it. Unfortunately, the contents of the letter didn’t give him hope he might actually see her again, and was even written painfully formally. More importantly, it informed him of something… interesting, to put it nicely.


    Dear Akihiro Delphox, my brother,


    Recently, my daughter Haruhi, who you are aware is the reason I left you to live with Ken out in the countryside, has expressed an interest in joining the Guild of Honor. I initially refused to allow her to make the journey, but recent events have forced my paw, and it has finally come time for her to leave. I ask that you please give her shelter while she is there, at least until she finally comes to a decision to either stay or return home. She should be making the journey with Mayumi Umbreon, a friend of mine who agreed to be her chaperone for the trip, and Amadeus Shinx, her friend who wanted to join with her.





    ‘Mixed’ didn’t quite manage to describe his feelings on this matter. ‘Utterly confused’ was a bit more apt.


    “Ryo, your thoughts?” Akihiro said, turning to the Serperior standing by his side at his desk.


    “…I think it’s a little weird that she’s not escorting her own daughter, for one thing.”


    Akihiro gave a weak chuckle. “And here I was thinking I might get something from her after all of these years… Well, I am getting someone, I suppose.”


    “Two someones, by the sound of it.”


    “Think we can convince Dumas or any of the other electric types around the Guild to take this random Shinx in?” Akihiro said, half-jokingly.


    “Knowing him, he’s responsible. Another country bumpkin he decided ‘had potential’.”


    “To his credit, he’s not wrong about that very often.” Akihiro had known Dumas for a little under ten years, and his rapid ascension to the position of Seer was a testament to his wit and competence, if nothing else. Tokugawa wouldn’t have given such a powerful position to a fool, especially one where the person in question had to stay hidden. Even if it was maybe the worst-kept secret in the world.


    “Amadeus, huh…” Ryo scratched his chin with those short, stubby hands Serperior were known for. “That name sounds western. Very far western. He can’t be all the way from the Eyelash Isles, can he?”


    “Maybe his parents are hippies,” Akihiro suggested. “Wanted to give him a foreign-sounding name. That’s the kind of name I’d give my kid if I wanted them to sound ‘important’.”


    “Maybe this Mayumi person is the mother, then?” Ryo suggested in turn. “That would explain why she’s the one traveling with them and not your sister.”


    “True… well, there’s only one way to know for certain. We ask them directly.” Akihiro stretched. “You know, it’s funny. I’ve never actually met my niece, since Haya ran off with Ken before the egg even had time to hatch.”


    “Guess the kids are getting to meet some new family, too…”


    “Uh…” A nervous voice floated out from behind them. A small Snivy was standing in the doorway behind them.


    “Oh, Kohana? It’s quite late. You should get to bed sweetie, you need rest. You’re going to be evolving soon, you know.” Akihiro smiled at his daughter.


    “…Are we going to be seeing our cousins soon?” She asked.


    “That we are. Run along to bed now,” Ryo said calmly.


    “Your side of the family actually exists, Dad number one?” A youthful Braixen poked his head out from behind the door.


    “Yes, it does,” Akihiro nodded. “Don’t go invading their minds, okay? There are better ways to show off your talents, Fudo.”


    “Don’t tell me what to do…” Fudo grumbled. “At least one of you two isn’t my real dad.”


    “I love you too, my son. Good night.”


    Akihiro and Ryo waited until their children were well out of the room before they continued.


    “Honestly, I’m not sure Fudo even realizes how gifted he is with his psychic side,” Ryo sighed. “Evolving as young as twelve, already having skills rivalling the best psychics in the world at age sixteen… He’s putting a lot of pressure on his younger sister to perform.”


    “I’m a bit worried about Kohana, too…” Akihiro admitted. “She’s going to evolve soon, and she’s making friends well enough, but I’m worried she’s going to compare herself to her brother.”


    They heard a familiar voice in their heads. I’m glad you think I’m great, Dads.


    Go to bed, Akihiro simply replied. “Hopefully Haruhi and…” He checked the letter one more time. “…Amadeus aren’t too crazy talented.”


    “It’ll be interesting to see another Braixen in this house, to be sure,” Ryo added.


    “Speaking of…” Akihiro spared another glance at the letter. “Amadeus is a Shinx, huh? Is Haruhi really friends with some little kid?”


    “What age do Shinx evolve again?”


    “I don’t know exactly, but I think it’s right around when puberty hits…”


    Ryo paused. “…Hey, didn’t Haya stay as a Fennekin until she was around seventeen because she was terrible with her psychic side and failed to evolve as a result?”


    “…You’re not saying that Haruhi’s still a Fennekin, are you? We saw the egg, she should be around eighteen, right?”




    Akihiro rubbed his head with no small amount of frustration. “Arceus above, it’s completely possible, isn’t it? Haya would make a terrible teacher, and they’re stuck out in the countryside without many good psychics that could teach her…”


    “Only one way to know for certain, right?” Ryo asked.


    “Only one way,” Akihiro agreed.


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