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    Cover of PMD: All I Want
    StoryAdventureAlternate UniverseIsekaiMysteryRomanceScience FictionFennekinShinxZangoose

    PMD: All I Want

    by owryintheblindforest

    A young-ish Shinx living in a futuristic civilization is sucked into the past after an experiment gone wrong. Thrust into a past he has no knowledge of, he’s tasked with blending in, lest they start asking questions. …Wait, what did that Fennekin just call him? Updates whenever. (hopefully)

    A Long, Multi-arc story spanning an entire continent and several different POVs, each with their own story to add to the larger narrative. Each arc is written to be semi-self contained and a half-decent starting point, so if you want to start at arc 2, for example, feel free to do so.

    1. Arc 1, Chapter 1: Falling Down
      5,722 Words
    2. Arc 1, Chapter 2: First Steps
      5,885 Words
    3. Arc 1, Chapter 3: Gentle Breeze
      7,605 Words
    4. Arc 1, Chapter 4: Anomalous
      6,045 Words
    5. Arc 1, Chapter 5: Hotline of Fate
      5,903 Words
    6. Arc 1, Chapter 6: A Certain Someone’s Memories
      8,788 Words
    7. Arc 1, Chapter 7: See You Tomorrow
      5,512 Words
    8. Arc 1, Chapter 8: You Know Her?
      5,432 Words
    9. Arc 1, Chapter 9: WELCOME TO THE CITY
      5,613 Words
    10. Arc 1, Chapter 10: Meeting
      4,673 Words
    11. Arc 1, Chapter 11: Shell Scream
      9,264 Words
    12. Arc 1, Chapter 12: Fire Within Fight
      5,692 Words
    13. Arc 1, Chapter 13: Force your Way
      6,655 Words
    14. Arc 1, Chapter 14: Starts Right Here
      4,530 Words
    15. Arc 1, Chapter 15: Ballad of the Cats
      5,281 Words
    16. Arc 1, Chapter 16: By Your Side
      5,722 Words
    17. Arc 1, Chapter 17: Have a Short Rest
      4,553 Words
    18. Arc 1, Chapter 18: Catastrophes Before the Calamity
      11,106 Words
    19. Arc 1, Chapter 19: Uroboros
      4,983 Words
    20. Arc 1, Chapter 20: On Thin Ice
      7,428 Words
    21. Arc 1, Chapter 21: Menacing Presence
      6,676 Words
    22. Arc 1, Chapter 22: I’ll Face Myself
      10,961 Words
    23. Arc 1, Chapter 23: Confronting Myself
      9,303 Words
    24. Arc 1, Chapter 24: Soft Light
      7,520 Words
    25. Arc 1, Chapter 25: Space Elevator
      6,840 Words
    26. Arc 1, Chapter 26: The Sucker with No Self Esteem
      8,182 Words
    27. Arc 1, Chapter 27: Fate Updated
      8,430 Words
    28. Arc 1, Chapter 28: Bring it in, Guys!
      7,353 Words
    1. Arc 2, Chapter 1: Played Around it
      5,602 Words
    2. Arc 2, chapter 2: Look, I get it
      4,992 Words
    3. Arc 2, chapter 3: Predatory Algorithm
      4,736 Words
    4. Arc 2, chapter 4: Punished
      4,416 Words
    5. Arc 2, chapter 5: First Route
      4,966 Words
    6. Arc 2, chapter 6: Planning the route
      5,308 Words
    7. Arc 2, chapter 7: Read the Documentation
      5,396 Words
    8. Arc 2, Chapter 8: Motivation to Continue
      5,004 Words
    9. Arc 2, Chapter 9: Sponsorship offer
      5,144 Words
    10. Arc 2, Chapter 10: We all Start Again
      4,145 Words
    11. Arc 2, Chapter 11: Strats
      4,779 Words
    12. Arc 2, Chapter 12: Collab /w (insert name here)
      4,344 Words