The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    I gasped as I hastily sat up in my bed, panting heavily as sweat drops rolled down my face. I put a hand over my chest, feeling my heart pound like an auto assault rifle against the inside of my chest. “That nightmare again…”

    That fucking nightmare just wouldn’t leave me alone. Just when I thought I was gonna have a normal night’s sleep with any random dream of me attending a Smash Ultimate finals, I get assaulted by that stupid shift of dreams where suddenly, I’m in a dark void with two red eyes watching me from the darkness, says a bunch of random mumbo jumbo then lunges at me. Like, what the hell is that even supposed to mean? I thought I got rid of my .EXE bad game fears from six years ago!

    I sighed and looked at my phone that was in the cabinet beside my bed, connected with a charger. I grabbed it and turned it on, seeing that it was fully charged. Checking the time on the lock screen, I noticed that it was still four in the fucking morning. “Ugh, at least I can get prepared for school sooner…” I muttered to myself with an annoyed grunt and got out of bed.

    I walked to the bathroom with my pajamas still on, rubbing my eyelids a little with my finger to get rid of some of the crust that accumulated on the edges of them. After turning on the lights, I immediately went to the sink but looked at the mirror for a couple of seconds, taking in my tired face. Yep, it was still me as usual. Pink long hair, cerulean blue eyes, dark skin, and a small nose; the usual. 

    I washed my face by splashing some water on it, blinking rapidly as the sleepiness went away slowly. I looked at the meds besides the sink faucet before thinking to myself. ‘I don’t need those anymore, right? Nah, I don’t.” I then pointed at the box of medication. “Hah! Not depressed anymore, bitch!” I said to literally no one before grabbing the box and then aiming at the open trash can full of dirty hygienic papers. “Kobi!” 

    I tossed the box lightly and saw it fall beside the can. My grin morphed into an annoyed frown as I sighed, going to pick up the box and put it in the trash can like the normal and definitely not insane human being that I am. Did I tell you that I am not insane already? Who would even think that!?

    I cleaned my face with a towel, brushed my teeth then left the bathroom. I walked to the kitchen, taking a peek at one of the windows to see that the sun was still not out, but it was getting a tad bit brighter outside. I opened the fridge to grab one of the remaining milk gallons, closing the fridge afterwards. I grabbed a cup, poured milk into a glass, and just sipped it. I sighed in satisfaction. “Last day of class today. After that, summer break, here I come.” I said in a low voice, smiling to myself as I fantasized in my mind about what sort of activities I could do on break.

    I could sleep, play video games, talk to friends online, sleep again, play video games, talk to friends online, sleep again-… introverted mind, stop that!

    I scratched my cheek and said to myself. “Nah, I can do more stuff than that. Hopefully, Dad can take us to a water park or something like that. Hopefully, Mary behaves this time.”

    Suddenly, the sounds of footsteps rounded up in my ears, prompting me to look behind. I saw my brother, Arthur, walking up to the kitchen with a tired look on his face. Once he saw me, he recoiled back a little from a scare. “Geez Lucas, don’t just stand there staring at me!”

    “Bro, do I look like a skinwalker for you to get all jumpy like that? What’s left? You scream like a girl?” I giggled as I grinned a little at him smugly, leaning in on the kitchen counter.

    He put a hand on his side and rolled his eyes. “Says the femboy of the house.”

    “Oi, you don’t have the right to say that, you ass. Dad told you already many times that I have a birth defect, right?”

    Arthur pulled out of the cupboard coffee maker. “What’s left? Magical girl powers just to complete the look? After all, you already heal faster than normal.” He said before chuckling.

    I laughed a bit and punched him on the arm playfully. “Shut the hell up…” I then finished downing the cup of milk before brushing a fringe off my eye. “What are you even doing awake now?” 

    “I should ask you the same thing. Wait, actually, I don’t need to. The nightmare again?” He asked as he crossed his arms after putting the coffee maker on the counter, next to the electrical outlet. 

    I sighed as I put the glass on the counter. “Yep. It’s starting to get annoying more than anything. Like, the nightmare is forcing me to be scared when I don’t even know what’s behind the shadows if you know what I mean.” I yawn a little bit before asking. “But anyway, why are YOU awake?”

    “Insomnia.” My brother quickly responded.

    “Real recognize real.” I then grabbed two slices of toast and walked to the living room. “Imma watch Netflix until the sun dawns. Hope you can at least go back to bed.”

    “Not gonna try to fall asleep again until it’s school time?”

    “Nah, bro. Today is just the last day ‘n all. We’re just gonna get the results to see who passed, and of course, I’m getting my W.” I said smugly before taking a bite out of the toast. “Cya later.” 

    “Cya.” He said while getting his phone from his pocket. “I’ll take you to school this time, alright?”

    “‘K, thanks.” I thanked him before finally going to the living room. 

    My brother, Arthur was older than me, already 19 years old. He was still single and still hasn’t moved out, even though he’s already set for life, with a driver’s license and all. He was planning to go to a university that I didn’t bother learning the name of, but hey, if he said that it was good, I wouldn’t pry much on it.

    After taking another bite of the toast, my mind went back to what I said to Arthur… my birth defect. I wasn’t really sure if it was a birth defect or not. My dad said it was along with some doctors I went to, but… it just didn’t feel right. Thanks to some of my classmates at school, they pointed out to me that they had never heard of a birth defect like that. So I just googled it and there was nothing that’d point out my weird pink hair, but nothing. To think that I lived with this most of my life just thinking it was a birth defect but when in actuality may be something else…

    Oooh! Did that mean I’m some kind of lab experiment? That’d be really cool and awesome! No, that ain’t the childish part of my brain trying to think of a fictional scenario to keep me occupied in this boring af reality, it’s never that!

    Well… it was time to wait until the sun finally decided to appear…

    It was noon now, the sun shining high at its peak in all its blazing glory. It was a bit hot today so I just went to school wearing a white shirt with a red alpha symbol on it, blue shorts, and my usual red and black sneakers. 

    I was just sitting idly at the school gates, waiting for my bro to show up since he would be taking me home. I was playing a simple runner game on my phone to pass the time while I waited for him since it had been a few seconds since I called him. I was a bit excited to deliver the good, and obvious, news to him that I passed everything. Sure, I might’ve not gotten the top grades in class, but hey, I’m not aiming for the top so I don’t care about that.

    Hm… weird, last day and those dumbasses didn’t even show up-

    “Ayo Lucccccyy~”

    I thought too soon…

    I looked up from my phone, pausing my progress, and saw the duo of buffoons that kept tormenting me my entire first year of high school. Droz and Andrew. It all started at the beginning of the year. Since I came from another school, they didn’t know me and one of them, Droz, tried to hit on me, mistaking me for a girl because of my pink hair. After that mess up he decided to basically make my school year at this place the worst just because I tricked him unintentionally.

    At first, the bullying was a bit unbearable for me, causing quite a bit of mental stress for me. But when some time passed… I just grew numb to it that I just didn’t care anymore, in fact, I even found some of their horrible attempts of bullying funny at some point.

    I put my phone away and grinned at them smugly. “Oh, if it isn’t my secret admirers. Want to take another shot at me before the semester ends?” I asked sarcastically, snickering a little.

    “Shut the fuck up, pinkie! Or do you wanna resort to the usual!?” Andrew asked while raising a fist.

    “Oh my, didn’t think you were THOSE kinds of admirers. Are you guys that desperate?” I saw them getting physically more pissed off. At this point, I thought I was just an annoyance to them as well… welp, it’s gonna be like that then. Sorry bro, but if you get to school in the time I was gone, I had to juke these bozos until I had a clear path. “Now, if you excuse me…” I then sprinted out of the school gate. “NINGERUNDAYO!!!!”

    I couldn’t hear them shouting at me nor see them running after me, but I could feel that they were indeed behind me ready to beat the shit out of me.

    Oh no! Anyway.

    I continued running for a bit, trying to spare as much stamina as possible for my sedentary-ass body to keep moving. I tried juking them, turning corners and narrow passageways of the city to lose sight of them, but unfortunately, they kept finding me after each twist and turn while trying to give them the slip.

    I then had the brightest idea and entered a parking lot building close to the school. I wanted to lose them in the maze of parked cars in the building, making my escape from them easier. I hid behind a black SUV, ensuring my red backpack was strapped tightly against my back so it didn’t peek out. As I caught my breath after all that running, wiping a sweat off my face, I could hear two sets of footsteps nearby. They really did follow me all the way here… didn’t they?

    That’s what I call dedication right there.

    “You see him, Droz?” Andrew asked from afar.

    “Nah, but knowing that sly bitch, he must be hidden. He didn’t go far!” I heard Droz say before the area fell into complete silence. The only sounds filtering the silence were my breath and the sound of cars outside of the building.

    I took a peek around the car to find the two idiots looking around each car, passing a glance at each vehicle that was around. It was a good thing that it was summer and the parking lot of the supermarket was crowded with vehicles, it made me have more hiding spots.

    Ah, just like Metal Gear…

    I sneaked to another stationary car, crouching down so I was not seen through the car’s transparent windows. I took another peek around the car and noticed that the duo, just like a team-based FPS, was camping around the entrance/exit. I needed to wait for them until-

    Bark, Bark, Bark!!!

    I yelped in surprise, flinching back a little. I looked at the source of the noise and saw a medium-sized dog that was tied to a small post with its collar. I stammered a little in a low voice. “Sh-shut up…!”

    “Wait, I heard something over there!” I heard Droz’s voice in the distance.

    “Shit!” I muttered to myself before sprinting out of the dog’s sight, ignoring its barks. Dammit, why the hell did every animal I encountered either afraid of me or hostile towards me!? 

    “Come back here, you fucking trap!” Andrew screamed at me as I heard his voice getting closer to me.

    My brain started to work like a burning cog machine, trying to come up with a good plan to get rid of those two. But as I went up to the last floor of the building, the one with no ceiling, no good plan came of it. 

    I realized that the last floor was devoid of any cars. With that… a bad realization came to me…

    I was trapped.

    As I ran to the edge of the floor, surrounded by a concrete fence, I slowed my run and stopped at the end of the road. I looked down at the building and realized that I was a few feet off the ground floor. “Fuck…” I muttered to myself before I looked back, seeing the two fellow secret admirers getting closer to me.

    Maybe if I jump… my knees could be fixed later…?

    “End of the damn road, femboy!” Droz shouted as he angrily looked at me, cracking his knuckles.

    “As a reminder, you wanted this, so we’ll give it to you!” Andrew said before the two boys started getting closer to me. 

    I grimaced as I pressed my back against the fence, a bit of fear starting to build up in me. I had a feeling that this beating I was about to receive, wouldn’t be like the others…


    A voice I had never heard suddenly rang all around me, even though I couldn’t see them. Intrusive thoughts, if that were you, it was not the time! “What…? Who are…”

    Just do what I say and jump!

    I started looking around mildly confused while ignoring the two approaching threats in front of me. “How the hell can I trust you…?”

    “Gone crazy now? Maybe a few punches will get your head out of the gutter!” Droz said before he started rushing towards me.


    In a stroke of panic and desperation, I turned around, hopped over the fence, and began falling. I didn’t scream as I started falling, the ground rapidly inching closer to me. I braced and closed my eyes, waiting for the worst pain imaginable, however…

    The pain never came. 

    I realized that I was still falling, feeling the wind rush through my whole body. I slowly opened my eyes and realized that I was still falling, however, I was WAY higher up in the air. Instead of seeing the grey from buildings, I only saw green from the trees, the sand of the beach, and the ocean… which I was currently falling on.  

    “Oh shit, oh SHIT, FUCKFUCKFUCK, FUUUU-!”

    With that, I fell on the water head-on with a huge splash. Even if I fell from a great height, I still retained a bit of control of my body. I was completely underwater, my clothes and the entirety of my backpack getting wet with water infiltrating everything. I opened my eyes, seeing the sun through the water as my eyes started burning because of the salt water of what seemed like the sea. I tried swimming to the surface, however, I felt my body slowly growing weaker, probably due to the fatigue of all that running.

    And with that, I slowly started sinking… my conscience slowly fading away…

    Wake up…

    Darkness. Darkness was everything I saw. Darkness was everything I touched. Darkness was everything I felt.

    I couldn’t feel my body. It felt like I was in some kind of out-of-body experience in the void. It was a bit frightening, being in the dark with nothing but yourself to keep you company.

    Wake up…

    I asked myself internally if I died or not, and this void was the passageway for the afterlife. If so… after the things I’ve seen on the internet… I would probably appear in a massive fiery pit of agony and torture… but who knows, maybe God could forgive me or something. But if that was the case, my only wish…

    Wake up…

    Was to see her once again.

    WAKE UP!!!

    I gasped awake, getting up before coughing some water out of my mouth. I felt completely awful. My lungs ached, my heart beat like an SMG, my clothes felt clingy to my skin and I was soaking wet. Not only that but apparently, I had some kinds of grains clinging to my entire body, even inside my mouth. 

    I spat some of it out and then opened my eyes a bit lightheaded. I brushed my long hair to the side and looked around for a moment before glancing down. Apparently, I was on a deserted beach that connected with a forest. In the distance around me, I could see some forgotten sand shovels hanging around the ground. “Where the hell am I…?”

    I slowly got up, realizing that my backpack was still with me. I took it off my back and opened it a bit panicked, suddenly remembering that I was on the water for a couple of seconds before going unconscious. “Shit…” Thankfully, I didn’t have any notebooks or books in my backpack because the last day of class would only be the results before being free from hell- I mean, school for two months. However, I did fear that some of the electronics I had inside it were damaged.

    I don’t have to worry about the AirPods since they are waterproof, along with my phone. Speaking of my phone…

    With my ADHD brain acting up, I closed my backpack before going to check on my phone, immediately forgetting to check up on the other items in my backpack. I saw that the phone was a bit wet with some sand smudges on the edges. I knew that if I cleaned it up it’d make it worse. I sighed in disappointment before turning the screen on to check on two things. Firstly, the most important thing, I saw there was no service . So wherever I was, was somewhere far from civilization.

    The second thing I checked was the time. On my phone, the time that it displayed was 1:42 PM, but when I looked at the sun, I noticed that it wasn’t at its peak nor a really high position. This made me question a few things… “Genuinely though… where am I?”

    I then started to remember what happened before I fell into the water. The two jerks following me, me jumping off a building, and suddenly… “What the hell happened that time? Like, did I no-clip into the backrooms or something?” I looked around again, uncertain if I was hallucinating once I saw one of those shovels shift a little to the side. I shook my head and gave a single flicker with my finger to snap me out of it. “Must be seeing things…”

    I put my phone away and sighed. “Welp, if I’m in some kind of isekai world or something because what I’ve been through is definitely not normal… hope this is a good one!” I then thought silently to myself. ‘Ugh, if this is one of those horny harem worlds, one of my online friends would be jealous and I’d be uncomfortable as fuck.’

    I then took a couple of steps forward before I felt my wet shoes step on something hard. I looked down to see that it was… bones… dry bones of an unrecognizable creature. “Wow, this took a dark tone rather quickly. I wonder-”

    “Hey, you!”

    I flinched at the sudden voice before looking at the source of it. My eyes widened once I saw the creature in front of me. Brown fur with a cream-colored fluffy neck scruff, quadrupedal, and with a tail… that just looked like an eevee, but like, those realistic ones all over the internet. This one even had a black eyepatch. I blinked, blinked twice, blinked thrice , and even slapped myself just to confirm what I was seeing wasn’t a hallucination. “Wha-”

    The creature then spoke in fucking English again. “What are you doing there!? Get out of the sand before it’s too late!”

    Before it’s too late? What did it mean by that? 

    I looked around me and saw that the sand shovels I saw a bit far away from me were actually getting closer to me . As I took a step back from the approaching sand shovels, a giant mound of sand started forming below one of the shovels, the mound instantly becoming a big sand castle with small holes making a face and with some sea shells around its body that were a bit taller than me. 

    That… that thing, it was a palossand… 

    To make matters even worse, small sand mounds with faces below the rest of the shovels started forming, revealing themselves to be sandygasts. All around me, there were Pokémon… real Pokémon. Although…

    I was about to get fucking mauled, wasn’t I?

    I immediately started sprinting in the eevee’s direction, however, I tripped and fell on the sand as I felt something tug my leg. As I tried to get up, I looked behind and saw that one of the sandygast holding my leg with one of its sand limbs, trapping my leg in place. I tried pulling it, but its hold was strong. “Shit!”

    I saw the other sandygast and the palossand approaching me slowly by shifting their grainy bodies through the sand. However, before they got any step closer, an orb of pure darkness flew right by me and hit the giant sand castle in the face, causing smoke to erupt and obscure my vision and the other sandygasts’. Before I could question it, the eyepatch-wearing eevee came out of nowhere and bit the sandygast holding my leg with ethereal jaws that appeared in front of it… him? Her? Questions for later, my leg was at least free.

    The eevee turned to me and spoke with their boyish voice, a serious look on their face. “Can you still walk?”

    “Uh…” I looked at my leg, seeing that it had a bit of leftover sand grains. “Well… nothing’s bleeding or broken-”

    “Good, then let’s book it!” They said before sprinting out of the sand. I quickly got up and followed the eevee, trying to not think too much about the roar that I heard coming from behind me. Horror games taught me well, never look behind or else you’re pretty much dead.

    We kept running for a while before we stopped in a place with no sand whatsoever beneath our feet, the forest literally next to the beach. It was a forest that had a tropical feel to it, with palm trees along with oak trees. Just being in this forest made me feel sweaty, and it wasn’t even because of the sun. I’d say it’d be a perfect place for someone to enjoy the summer but uh… the palossand and the sandygast have something to say about that-

    “N-no way…” I muttered to myself as the situation started dawning on my mind.

    The eevee turned to me and asked a bit annoyed. “What on Arceus’ name were you even doing near Ghasty Shores!? That place is a nest full of-” 

    “NO WAY!!!” I shouted loudly, startling the eevee whose fur went up a bit. I quickly grabbed my phone, unlocked it, and went straight up to the camera app. Sure, trying to use the phone with a bit of sand in my fingers sucked, but I didn’t care, I needed to confirm it!

    I quickly snapped a couple of photos of the eevee, who was a bit shocked by all of the things I was doing. He then tried to protest as I looked at the gallery. “Wh- what is-”

    “Hahaha! No fucking way!!!” I said as I looked at the photos I had just taken. There it was, in clear quality, the same eevee with an eyepatch just in my photo gallery. I was beaming in excitement, tapping both of my feet like a child excited to go to an amusement park. “They’re real! Holy fuck, they’re FUCKING REAL!!! Fuck the palossand trying to eat me, this the best day EVER!!!”

    “Hey, chill for a moment, will ya!?” The eevee called out, forcing me to look at them. “Why are you so excited out of nowhere!? You would be dead if it wasn’t for me!”

    I looked at the eevee for a moment before shrieking in excitement. I put my phone away before grabbing the Pokémon and lifting them in my hands. I could touch them, feel their fluffy fur poking against my bare skin, their soft skin caressing my hands as I touched them. They were real… they were real all along. “My gosh! You’re so freaking cute, even in real life!” I rubbed my face against their head, feeling their fluffiness throughout my face and smelling their dog-like scent. I didn’t care if I’d got some fur in my mouth, this was my first time doing something that was just so cute!

    I could feel some struggles coming from the eevee who clearly wasn’t pleased with my actions. “Ugh, stop that! What’s wrong with you!?”

    I stopped with the cuddles and looked at him with a gleeful grin. “I’m sorry, it’s just that you’re so cute that I couldn’t help myself.” My eyes then darted to some parts of the eevee’s body, analyzing the Pokémon at a close glance. I could see some pawpads at the end of their feet, some small white spots on their brown fur and I could even see his… “Oh, you’re male.”

    The eevee froze a little bit before biting me on the nose out of nowhere. I grunted in pain and let go of the rabbit… dog… whatever Pokémon. He looked at me angrily, baring his teeth while growling. “What in Giratina’s name is wrong with you!? Are you perhaps insane or something? First, you go to a dangerous location alone and then you look at my genitals?! And the way you act, it’s like you’ve never seen a Pokémon up close before!” 

    I rubbed my nose, trying to ease the pain a little before responding. “Uh… you’d be correct about that.” I shook my head before grinning again, quickly forgetting about the pain in my nose. Hopefully, it wasn’t bleeding- oh wait, it was, but I didn’t care it’d heal soon. “Oh yeah… you’re probably confused about me, aren’t you?” 

    “More than confused. Not only do you act weird but you look weird in general. What kind of Pokémon are you?”

    With that line alone, I could tell what kind of world I was and the situation I was in. And with the pain that came from the bite (of 87), this was surely not a dream. My grin stretched even further once I put two on two together. ‘PMD world as well!? So that’s why they can talk! Holy shit, I want to faint so bad but I’m scared that if I do, I’m gonna wake up in my bed again.’ I maintained my excitement and responded to the little Pokémon before I freaked him out once again with my child-like attitude. “Well, you see… what if I tell you that I’m not even a Pokémon in the first place?” The eevee tilted his head as I folded my arms behind my back. “Tell me, have you ever heard of the name human before?”

    The eevee’s eyes widened, mouth agape from what he had heard. “That…” He then deadpanned, unamused. “I’ve never heard of it.”

    My grin fell as my arms limped. Well… this wasn’t like the games, was it? Well of course it wouldn’t be! I wasn’t made of low-quality 3D polygons or sprites, this is real life, I felt pain and I can smell, and I can taste (probably, if sand counts). So of course this wouldn’t be a world connected by the games and be its own thing… but did that really matter? Correct answer: No, who cared? I didn’t! Pokémon were confirmed real and that’s all that mattered to me! 

    I put a hand on my chest as I crouched down to be more on level with the eevee. “Well, as you are seeing right now, I am a human. That’s my species’ name.”

    The eevee tilted his head. “Really? You look like a weird crossbreed between a… jynx and a gallade… are all humans like that?” 

    I pouted, looking away and muttering to myself. “Even in a different world, I get compared to a girl…” I looked back at the Pokémon who had a confused expression. “Nah, we do have different appearances depending on the person. I was born like this.”

    “Alright then… but you still act weird.”

    “I came from another world, of course I’m gonna act weird in your eyes, lil’ guy.”

    The eevee’s eyes widened in shock. “Another world!?” His ears dropped along with his tail, looking away. “That’s…”

    I started asking, trying to sound cool. “Surprising? Shocking? Amazing-”

    “Unbelievable.” The eevee interrupted me, his ears perking up again with an unamused face appearing on his face. “For all I know, your species could just be an undiscovered species of Pokémon. Sure, I’ve heard of stories of beings that came from other worlds, but I don’t believe in any of them.”

    My arms limped a little. “Uh…” I then pulled out my phone. “I have the proof right here…”

    The eevee analyzed my phone as I put it closer to him, even sniffing it a little. He looked at me with a suspicious face. “Hm… it might hold some value to your claims, but right now, I’m gonna go. I was gonna investigate a huge splash noise that I’ve heard on the beach, but thanks to you, you made the area inaccessible for now…”

    As the eevee started to walk away, I started following him. “I mean, you could smell me right now and you’d smell the sand and salt water. If you were looking for the source of that splash, I’m the guy because, believe it or not, I fell from the sky right into the ocean!” I said proudly like I achieved a great feat. Of course, I didn’t.

    As he walked, the fox… rabbit… whatever, fox Pokémon inched closer to me and took a couple of sniffs from me before huffing in thought. “Well, you’re not lying at least…” He sighed. “But I still have so many questions about you and now I’m wondering if it was the right thing to help you or not.”

    “Welp, let’s start with the basics. First off, introductions!” I said with enthusiasm, pointing a thumb at myself. “The name’s Lucas, and as you know, I’m a human!” ‘And with slight autism, but there’s no need to say that. Would the Pokémon of this world even know what autism is?’ I thought to myself after saying. “And how about you little eevee?” 

    The eevee stared at me with a look of suspicion and confusion before saying. “Before I answer that…” He stopped in place, making me stop as well. “If you’re from a completely different world, how do you know about my species’ name?”

    I subtly flinched a little, trying not to look nervous in front of the fox Pokémon. I started rubbing the back of my head, trying to think of a way to explain human knowledge to him. ‘Damn, didn’t expect to get this question early. Well duh, Pokémon aren’t that dumb in this world than the mainline games.’ I thought to myself before answering. “So… how can I say this in a way you’re not freaked out…?” I asked myself before putting a hand on my side. “Alright, basically put… there is this window of information about our world and other worlds as well. No info about everything, but the basics… like yours for example. I only have info about the species of this planet.”

    “How’s that even possible?” The eevee asked with a really confused look.

    I shrugged in response. “I dunno. Most humans are kept in the dark with that kind of info.” ‘I sure hope this doesn’t backfire in my face later…’ I sighed once the lie was over. “So… would you tell me your name?”

    The eevee huffed before saying. “Well, the name is-”

    “Look at who we got here!”

    A new voice sounded out of nowhere, forcing our attention to the newcomer sitting in the darkness of some foliage, obscuring their form except for their red eyes. The male voice then emerged out of the bushes and leaves, revealing his whole body. Gray and black fur, four legs, ears and tail, red irises, and yellow sclera… he was a mightyena. He was even wearing a brown scarf as well. He grinned at us with visible malicious intent from the way he was looking at us… “Oh, what a fortunate encounter the gods had set up for us! Ain’t that right, Evon?”

    The eevee, supposedly named Evon, quivered and backed away a little bit. I looked at him and the mightyena back and forth before asking the brown furball, pointing at the mightyena with a thumb. “Got beef with this edge lord wannabe?”

    Evon grimaced a little and looked away from me. “None of your business…”

    I deadpanned and brushed away my fringe to the side. “Okay then…” I turned to the menacing dark-type Pokémon. “Yo doggy, care to explain-” I saw the mightyena growl at me, showing sharp fangs that could easily tear my flesh apart. I threw my hands in front of me defensively. “Message received, say no more!”

    The canine dropped the intimidation act and looked back at the eevee. “What’s this? Pathetic ol’ Evon has made a new friend? Wow, you really wanted to find any worthless replacement quickly.”

    The eevee snarled back at the mightyena, a nerve definitely being struck. “Shut up, Valtrus! I already told you that it wasn’t my fault! She jumped in front of me to save me and I couldn’t-”

    “Shut the fuck up!” Valtrus responded with a snarl. “You keep telling the same excuse the same time over and over again! You could’ve protected yourself, after all, every eevee on this gods’ damn planet know that move!”

    Evon stomped on the ground, getting his fur a bit messy from the stress. “How many times I gotta tell you!? I don’t know that move!”

    I looked away while scratching my cheeks a bit uncomfortable. ‘Goddamn, am I in the middle of some heavy drama…’ I sighed before butting in. “Uh… sorry for interrupting here but um… wouldn’t you mind giving Evon here the benefit of the doubt? You’re not really in his body to verify if he’s telling the truth or not.” I felt a sharp glare being directed right at me coming from the mightyena. I shrugged nervously while looking aside. “Just sayin’…”

    Valtrus took a step forward while growling at me. “And who do you think YOU are for speaking on personal matters!? You might be Evon’s new best bud, but get the fuck out of here! This is between me and him! We don’t need some weird-ass Pokémon getting between our situation!”

    “Wow, okay, asshole.” I said while crossing my arms.

    Evon turned to me and put his forepaws on my legs, looking at me pleadingly. “Would you please stop!? I don’t know how powerful humans are, but please, just drop it!”

    “And let him just barrage you with his bullying of a drama you definitely don’t want to be reminded of? Nah, guys like that are the worst. Trust me, I’ve dealt with them practically daily.” On the outside, I tried to look nonchalant about the situation, trying not to be intimidated by the mightyena’s threats of mauling me to death. But on the inside… ‘Lucas, what the HELL are you doing!? That’s a fucking carnivore predator that can and WILL tear you to shreds if you anger him! Oh wait, of course, you’re gonna anger him even more! I put a hand on my side and wag my finger from side to side. “That’s pussy behavior and you’re a pussy for doing that!”

    Valtrus snarled as he took a step forward. “That’s fucking IT!!! I followed that brat just to give him a lesson, but how about I savor myself with a meal after I’m done giving a killer what he deserves!” 

    The mightyena howled into the sky before lunging at us, his fangs lighting up in flames. Evon and I screamed before I jumped away from the bite, falling face-first onto the ground and tasting grass. I quickly rolled to my back and saw that Evon was also lucky and dodged the lunge bite that the canine was going for. 

    Instead of focusing on me, Valtrus was running around after the eevee, chasing him like a cat chasing a mouse with his fangs ablaze. I watched Evon lead the mightyena around in circles. Since the area we were in was quite spacious, the two had a bit of free space to run around. But it wasn’t long until Valtrus was catching up to him since he was faster and bigger than the small fox-like Pokémon.

    An idea suddenly popped into my mind. Without even thinking further about it, I immediately got up and rushed to the two Pokémon running around. I opened my arms and I got closer- actually, they got closer to me- I jumped and wrapped the dark type’s head around my arms, trying to restrict the movement with his muzzle. He stopped and started shaking his head around, trying to free his head from my hold. “Ngh! Let me go, you sac of meat!” 

    “Only if you promise me that you’ll stop being a bitch, which doesn’t seem like something you’re gonna do!” I shouted, trying my hardest to maintain hold of Valtrus’ head. Being a bit moist with sweat and his fur a bit oily… made it a bit hard to maintain hold of him. ‘ I didn’t sign up to be the next Steve Irwin!’  

    After a second, the mightyena freed himself from my arms and launched me back with a tackle from his body. I groaned in pain as I hit the floor, rubbing my butt afterward. “Shit…” I heard the sound of footsteps approaching me, prompting me to look up. I saw Valtrus approaching me, hungry eyes directly locked with me. I froze a little bit in fear. However, before he could pounce at me and ferociously maul me, a whitish-brown blur struck the hyena Pokémon in the side, revealing it to be Evon. 

    The mightyena slid across the ground from the hit as the eevee fell on the ground. Evon snarled at Valtrus, but it looked more cute than intimidating in my opinion. “Enough, Valtrus! Just let it go, man! I’m telling the truth! It’s not my fault!”

    “Shut up! The others may have bought your stunt, but I’ve seen through it! You’re not gonna get away from this until I deliver justice!” Valtrus roared before he started being surrounded by a dark aura. He opened his mouth and a ball of dark energy with purple rings surrounding appeared at the tip end of it. I had no time to think about what attack that was before the mightyena just released a barrage of those purple rings right at Evon. The eevee, who didn’t react fast enough, got hit by the attack and dragged by it a distance away. 

    I saw the small Pokémon get blasted away by the attack, making me a little shocked by the full-on power that energy blast carried. If I was a baby man, I’d probably shit my pants when I saw that attack.

    Valtrus’ onslaught didn’t stop there. The mightyena rushed in where the eevee fell, surprising him once he attempted to get up, battered and bruised. He bit down on Evon’s side with an icicle fang, making him scream in pain and agony from the frostbite. That scream was enough to snap me out of my dear-in-headlights trance as I rushed in to help Evon. “Hey! Bad dog!”

    Before I could reach the two, the mightyena let go of the eevee and looked at me with a bloodied grin on his muzzle. I stopped and flinched a little before steeling myself, trying to not look that intimidated. The mightyena then started approaching me, however, instead of getting ready for a brawl, I was… trembling. My legs were shaking, I was frozen and I couldn’t move, and Valtrus knew it from the way he approached me in a relaxed way. “What’s wrong, skinbag? Scared? Weren’t you acting without fear just a second ago?”

    “I-… GAH!”

    I didn’t have a chance to answer as I was tackled in the stomach and launched a bit far back. Once I landed on the ground, I coughed a bit before focusing on the mightyena again. I didn’t have time to register but I saw that he was literally on top of me, making my heart drop while hearing Evon shouting in the distance. “Valtrus… don’t…!”

    Valtrus didn’t hesitate as he opened his mouth, highlighting all of his sharp teeth before biting down on me. I was fast, however, putting my arms in front of me to protect myself. But the pain… it fucking hurt! “ARGH!!!” 

    I could see my arms being pressured by the mightyena’s maw, feeling some of my muscles and bones crack under pressure. Blood was oozing out from my arms, tainting my clothes in red. I couldn’t do anything, I was stuck there, trying my best to resist my inevitable fate. My arms were growing numb, I couldn’t resist for very long. I gritted my teeth and closed my eyes, trying to steel myself to prolong my death until a random stroke of luck happened.  ‘P-please… not like this!’


    ‘That… that voice…’ I opened my eyes, immediately seeing the angry canine biting down on my arm. His saliva was mixing with my blood and I could feel his breath right in my face. If I dropped my arms, he’d go straight to my chest or guts and I would instantly become his meal, and this time, Evon wouldn’t be able to help me. 

    I then tilted my head around, searching for the voice. ‘Where is it!?’

    It’s still not time for you to perish. There’s still hope for you!

    I could feel something deep within my chest flourish, like a sudden burst of energy. It felt warm and cold at the same time, making it a bit overwhelming for me. ‘What is…’

    Come on! You can still go through this! You have the power to do it!

    My vision started to get hazy, but instead of feeling lightheaded or weak… I felt stronger than ever before.

    You’re not gonna let this bully decide your fate, are you?

    NO!!! ” I screamed as I felt a surge of strength escape my body, shoving the mightyena away from me. I could faintly notice the grass and leaves rushing all around me. I started breathing heavily, standing up a little bit before dropping down on my hands. I screamed again as I stopped having control of my body completely. 

    My vision was blocked by a pink glow as I felt my body shift and reshape itself. I felt my knees bent backwards along with my arms which now elongated to the same size as my legs. My hands and feet gained the same shape, my fingers curling and my nails elongating. I felt two protrusions elongating and becoming two ribbon-like limbs coming from above my rear. As I stopped feeling my clothes and backpack, I felt my hair elongate and extend right behind me as my face changed shape. My mouth extended a little bit while I felt something grow right out of my forehead.

    The pink glow disappeared and I opened my eyes, seeing the two Pokémon look at me with a frightened look. I still couldn’t feel my body, I was in an out-of-body state where I could only see but not feel or control it. ‘Why are they staring at me like that…?’

    “S-… a suicune!?” Valtrus stammered while taking a step back.

    ‘Suicune- woah!?’ Suddenly, my body roared into the air before charging at the tip of its mouth an orb of water that grew in size with each passing second. ‘The hell is going on!?’ I thought to myself. And from one moment to another, it released its water attack in the form of a laser of water that hit the mightyena on the chest, taking him off the ground. The blast made him go through trunks of trees from how powerful the water blast was. Once it was done with the blast of water, it closed its muzzle and looked at Evon. I tried speaking to him, but I couldn’t say anything.

    It walked to him, taking slow steps with some kind of overwhelming aura surrounding it. I saw the eevee shake in fear once it stopped in front of it and looked at its eyes. Suddenly, I started to feel my body again, but once I felt control again, my vision went pink again. I felt my body reshape itself back to the way it was before, back to human. It was a much quicker process than before and, therefore, less painful than it initially felt. 

    There I was, lying on the grass floor, feeling my clothes and backpack again while staring at the eevee. Evon stared back at me with a face that showed a lot of emotions, especially shock and confusion. “Hey…” I managed to say before I felt all the strength I had sapped out of my body. With that, my consciousness started fading again as I managed to hear Evon shout my name…

    So like… this is Lucas btw Lucas

    Made by my friend Seth!


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