The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    In a certain cell of the Agyneastra prison, a hooded Pokémon lay on the floor, staring at the ceiling. They looked dead, however, they were subtly breathing, reminiscing about something as sunrays poured from the window.

    Suddenly, the windows were obscured by some kind of shadow that looked foggy and blurry. The hooded Pokémon took notice of its presence and got up, looking at the figure and kneeling to it. “Lord Sinder.”

    The shadow revealed a yellow eye as it looked through the window. It spoke with a soft yet ethereal voice. “ Has the pink vessel appeared in the prison yet?”

    The hooded Pokémon nodded. “Yes, it has. Its power was a sight to behold. It defeated every guard of this place without trouble, and if it wanted… it could destroy the entire prison just to escape it. After all, the aura that it has shows its true potential.”

    “Excellent… so the prophesied being has finally come to this world. That means it won’t be too long for the summoning to take place.” The foggy figure blinked. “ Well done, your job there is done. Someone will be sent there to get you. We need every member for the summoning, and I do mean everyone. You know what to do to get out of there, I shall be waiting.”

    The hooded figure stopped kneeling and got up. “Yes, Lord Sinder.” With that, the foggy shadow disappeared and the Pokémon turned back to the hallway. It looked at its black paw with blue nails that started oozing some dark mist. “Just a little more before the summoning starts happening…” The Pokémon grinned behind the hood as their whole body was turning into some kind of dark liquid along with the hood, looking like they were melting. “I can hardly wait…” They said before fully turning into a black liquid and leaving the cell through the window.

    It was high noon, the Pokémon of the town were enjoying their delicious meals in their homes or on the streets of Agyneastra, while others walked on it to do their business, ranging from delivery, walking or just chilling, talking to other Pokémon while also avoiding a wagon being pulled by an equine Pokémon.

    A puffball and the mayor were sitting in the front of a yellow and red wagon, being carried by a flaming horse with a big horn (that Kirby learned was a rapidash). They were riding on the streets of Agyneastra town, from a request from Kirby that Shitsuji happily accepted. Kirby looked at the mayor and asked. “So you know Banny and Treth?”

    The indeedee nodded. “Indeed. Treth and his wife were once famous explorers in the guild of the town, so I also know of their daughter. They were basically the strongest exploration team Agyneastra Town could offer. However, one day… they went on a mission and tragedy struck, and Vanny, the mother of Banny, died as a result…”

    Kirby tilted his head. “But how did she die…?”

    Shitsuji sighed as he looked a bit more somber. “Treth said that once they were at the Sky Temple dungeon… they were ambushed by filthy criminals. Vanny and Treth fought their hardest, until one of the criminals got a lucky shot at Vanny, pushing her to the ledge where she, unfortunately, fell to her demise.” Shitsuji looked back at Kirby. “You see, the Sky Temple is on a floating island, and they were ambushed at the edge of the building.”

    Kirby looked down in sadness. “Oh… I see.” Now he felt more pity for the young scorbunny, her mother taken away from her so early. Now Kirby wanted to get right back at those malicious Pokémon if he found them. 

    “Anyways… it seems you have caused quite the commotion back in the prison…” The mayor turned to Kirby with a playful smirk on his face. “Can you even pay for all the damage you did there?”

    Kirby sheepishly rubbed the top of his head. “Uh… nope!” Suddenly, something clicked in Kirby’s mind. “Wait, I have a question.” 

    The indeedee tilted his head. “And what would that be?”

    “Why didn’t any of the prisoners try to escape there? I thought Pokémon were super strong.”

    Shitsuji smiled. “That is an easy question to answer. Inside those cells, there are power inhibitors that prevent the use of any Pokémon ability in there and also weaken the Pokémon in general. However, as you may have seen, the guards of the prison have special badges that bypass the inhibitors completely, allowing them to use abilities in those cells.”

    “Oh! So that’s how that machamp was able to leave the cell!” Kirby concluded as the indeedee tilted his head confused. “Oh, it’s just that once I inhaled him, he appeared in a cell. Thank goodness he had that badge with him!”

    “Yes, thank goodness indeed.”

    After a certain amount of time, Kirby and Shitsuji arrived at Banny and Treth’s home. The rapidash stopped in front of the house and Kirby hopped off the wagon along with the mayor, already rushing to the door.

    However, before any of them could knock, a lucario opened the door and looked down at Kirby. “Kirby! Where have you gone!? My daughter was so worried about you and-” He then looked at the indeedee beside the puffball. “Mayor Shitsuji!?”

    He folded his arms behind his back with a smile. “I hope we are not interrupting a meal.”

    “Uh…” Treth waved his paws in front of him. “N-not all, mayor!”

    The indeedee chuckled. “Please, just call me Shitsuji.”

    Suddenly, from the door came Banny, who had a worried look on her face before her eyes locked on Kirby. “Kirby… is that you?”

    The puffball grinned. “Yup! It’s me!”

    The scorbunny ran to the astrali and started shouting a bit in annoyance. “Where WERE you!? I was so worried! Dad almost convinced me that you ran away!”

    “Well um…” Kirby rubbed the back of his body while smiling sheepishly. “I was… in jail…”


    “Hey! At least I wasn’t in jail ON my first day, so that’s something!”

    Banny was completely dumbfounded before Shitsuji butted in. “It appears that I have to explain a few things. Would you mind if I enter your home for the time being, Treth?”

    The lucario stuttered a little before saying. “N-none at all ma-… Shitsuji.”

    With that, everyone entered the house, everyone taking a seat on a couch, while Kirby sat on a stool. The indeedee then told everyone what happened at the Agyneastra prison, from Kirby’s capture and onslaught to their showdown. He added next. “I shall admit, it was my fault. I ordered his imprisonment and treated him as an enemy to Pokémon kind, all because of a prophecy I heard long ago…”

    Kirby waved him off. “And like I said, I forgive you!”

    Shitsuji adjusted his glasses as he smiled at Kirby. “You are too kind.”

    “Wait a minute…” Banny said, calling everyone’s attention. “How did you know Kirby was in town and exactly knew where he was going?”

    The indeedee simply responded. “It was thanks to my secretary. She had seen you two walking on the streets, and since she is a Pokémon that can also read auras, she got a hold of Kirby’s monstrous aura.”

    “Is my aura really that scary…?” Kirby asked, putting a nub on his chin. Treth just simply nodded. “Uh… alright then.” Suddenly, the puffball remembered something. “Wait! Is there still time for me to enter the guild?” He looked at the lucario. “Can we still do that today?” 

    Treth nodded. “Well of course we can. The guild doesn’t close until the evening.”

    “Yay!” Kirby exclaimed excitedly as he hopped off the stool.

    “I can take you to the guild if you so desire.” The mayor offered as he got up from the couch. “I do not think that just bringing you here would justify all of my actions.”

    Kirby turned to indeedee with a smile. “Thanks, Shitsuji!”

    The lucario smiled. “Well then, I guess it’s time to say our goodbyes, right Banny?” Treth looked at the scorbunny who was looking away with a nervous look on her face. “Banny…?”

    “So Dad…” She turned to the canine with a sheepish smile. “Well… I’d like to join Kirby and form an exploration team with him!”

    Treth flinched. “WHAT!?”

    “I… I’ve been thinking about it, and I’d like to continue on my mother’s path!” She looked aside. “When I first went to that mystery dungeon, I felt the thrill of exploration that you guys felt whenever entering an unknown place… and I felt… that feeling… it was calling to me.”

    “But… but Banny-”

    Treth tried to protest but was interrupted by the scorbunny. “Dad, I know… it’s scary, and I might get hurt, and I might not have the best experience, but if I stick with Kirby, we can overcome any obstacle!” She turned to the puffball in question. “Isn’t that right, Kirby?”

    “Yeah!” The lucario turned to the astrali with a look of disbelief. “Don’t worry Treth! I’m gonna do my best to stay by Banny’s side! No matter what!”

    Treth tried to form some words, but nothing was coming out of his mouth. The lucario sighed and looked at Banny. “There’s no way to talk you out of this, right?” Banny and Kirby shook their heads. “Alright… fine.” Banny muttered an excited yes to herself. 

    The indeedee was curious where all of that led up. However, something curious caught his attention, looking directly towards Treth. Even though he expressed nervousness and distress, there was a hidden emotion behind all of that act… relief. But why?

    Treth got up from the couch and walked up to Kirby. He looked down at him with a serious face. “Do you promise that you’ll stick close to my daughter, no matter what?”

    Kirby nodded with a determined look on his face, before doing a childish salute. “Yes, I will!”

    The lucario nodded and looked towards the indeedee. “Mr. Shitsuji, could you take my daughter to the guild with you, if it isn’t an issue?”

    The mayor nodded. “There is no issue. But if that is the case, we must depart quickly, I still have other business to attend to.”

    “We’re going now?” Banny asked and the indeedee nodded. She fist-bumped the air in excitement. “Yes!” She then ran up the stairs and after a short while she came back with a red scarf with white stripes on it.

    Treth’s eyes widened. “That’s…”

    “Don’t worry, Dad, I’ll take care of it!” Banny said before jumping and hugging the lucario, the canine smiling proudly. “Bye, Dad. I’m gonna visit sometime, alright?”

    “Be sure to visit my daughter.” Treth enveloped his arms around the scorbunny, looking aside. “I’ll be waiting…”

    Meanwhile, Kirby was watching from the side, smiling warmly at that father and daughter moment, however, Shitsuji was looking at the scene with a bit of suspicion. Once they were done, Kirby and Banny waved Treth goodbye before Shitsuji led them to the wagon. Once on it, Shitsuji motioned to the rapidash that they could go now.

    With that, the lucario watched them go, as the wagon slowly but surely moved farther and farther away from the house. He entered back in his house and a mischievous grin crept its way into Treth’s face as he started chuckling. “Finally.” 

    The mayor was a bit thoughtful on the way to the guild, still wondering what the emotions he read from the lucario were all about. Relief… why was he relieved that his daughter was leaving home? And what was that grin building up on his face when they were leaving? Something wasn’t right about that, but he couldn’t ponder on that now, he had to take the puffball and scorbunny to the guild.

    After a certain amount of time, the galloping sounds had stopped along with the shaking of the wagon, making Kirby and Banny wake up from their small nap. Shitsuji turned to them with a smile. “And here we are!”

    Kirby flinched and shuddered at that, Banny, unfortunately, noticed. “Something wrong Kirby?”

    Kirby turned to her sheepishly. “Oh, it’s nothing. I was just reminded of something, hehe…” The astrali now wondered if this world would constantly remind him of the forgotten world… hopefully not. He had dealt with enough Fecto Elfilis, there couldn’t be another version of them here… right?

    “Well, anyways…” Shitsuji called their attention, motioning for the building in front of him. “Welcome to Starlight Guild!” 

    The building in front of them was a massive one. It was basically the same size as a mansion, if not bigger. In front of the building, there were red double doors with glass windows surrounding it like an archway, blue and violet painting, with gold patterns embedded on the walls close to the windows. Above the double doors, there was a balcony that had the view of a large portion of the town, since the guild itself was on an elevated level of the ground. “Woah…!” 

    Shitsuji jumped off the wagon and put a paw on the rapidash’s neck while Kirby and Banny hopped off the wagon as well. “Thanks for the ride, Umany.” 

    “No problem, mayor!” The rapidash said before dashing off with the wagon behind her back. 

    The indeedee turned to the puffball and the bunny. “Are you two ready to enter?”

    Kirby and Banny nodded and spoke in unison. “Yes, we are!”

    The mayor smiled and nodded as well, opening the doors and entering the guild with the two of them. “Hope you find it nice here.” The inside was following the same color scheme as the outside, using the blue and violet painting. In the main hall, there was a ramp leading up to an elevated floor, benches on either side of the ramp, and a chandelier with glowing crystals above the stairs. On the edges of the massive room, some doors led to other rooms as well. In the middle of the elevated floor, there was a double door with yellow coloration and some yellow bits of paint around it, making it look like the sun. 

    Some Pokémon that Kirby had seen and never seen before roamed around the halls of the place. Some looked like animals and others inanimate objects given life and one particular pink and furry puffball that looked a bit like him if it wasn’t for the eyes, the curly hair, and the pointed ears.

    Kirby looked around in amazement at the mansion-like place. “Woah, I love it!” Kirby exclaimed.

    The indeedee chuckled before motioning a paw to the walls. “You see, the aesthetic came from the idea that instead of exploring mystery dungeons one day, we will one day start exploring space by itself, and see what mysteries it hides.”

    Banny’s eyes glistened in awe. “Woah! That’s awesome! Hopefully, you guys can achieve that goal in some way!”

    “Yes, I hope that too.” The mayor then started walking towards the ramp before looking back at them. “Now let me guide you to the guildmaster’s quarters.” 

    The astrali and the scorbunny followed Shitsuji right into the yellow ramp. Some Pokémon members shot questioning and confused glances at Kirby before going back to their own business once the indeedee shot a quick glance at the Pokémon.

    Once reaching the elevated level, the butler Pokémon immediately opened the door to the guildmaster’s room. Inside it, there was a desk with some stacks of papers on it, a nameplate, and some other objects along with it. On the sides of the room, there were cabinets with some kind of artifacts and some miniature statues of strong-looking Pokémon on them. Behind the desk, there was a big glass door that led to a balcony, and beside the door, there was a painting of a stylized sun and moon on both sides. 

    There was a Pokémon in the room, it was someone that Kirby was certain he’d seen before… the ostrich-like body, the cerulean blue eyes, and that white short hair… that figure was on the back of the puffball’s mind, but he couldn’t remember for now. The ostrich-like Pokémon turned to them with a smile. “Oh mayor, you’re-” She then looked at Kirby and suddenly flinched with a scared look on her face. “HUH!? It’s-It’s-”

    While Kirby tilted his body a bit confused, Shitsuji stepped in while adjusting his glasses. “Do not be alarmed Krystal, he is not our enemy.”

    Krystal pointed one of her talons at Kirby. “B-b-but that aura…! T-th-the prophecy-!”

    The indeedee folded his arms behind his back. “It appears we have made a great error.” He turned to Kirby with a smile. “This little one appears to almost fit the description of the being in the prophecy, however, he was not the one.”

    “T-then who…”

    Kirby walked forward with a smile. “Hi! I’m Kirby! Nice to meet you!”

    The ostrich looked aside to the mayor with a nervous frown, the indeedee nodding in return. She sighed and looked back at Kirby. “… hi… Kirby…”

    Shitsuji went to the ostrich side and motioned a paw towards her. “Banny and Kirby, this is Krystal, an espathra and my secretary.”

    “Nice to meet you, Krystal!” Banny said while waving her paw.

    The espathra said sheepishly. “Same goes for you…” She then looked at the smiling puffball with a grimacing look. “You too…”

    “Anyways, onto official matters.” The indeedee went behind the desk before sitting on the chair. He then turned the nameplate, revealing his name embedded in it.

    Kirby tilted his body. “Wait, you’re the guildmaster as well?”

    Shitsuji nodded and adjusted his glasses. “Indeed, I am. What? Can I not be mayor and guildmaster at the same time?”

    Banny crossed her arms. “But wouldn’t that be too difficult for you? Not only do you have to manage an entire town, but you also have to manage a guild as big as this one!”

    “It is not that difficult. Because, while I am in the town hall most of the time, Krystal stays here managing the guild, while also having a small amount of time to be my secretary.”

    The ostrich Pokémon sighed. “Too much paperwork…”

    The indeedee shot a smirk at her. “Even if you can do it faster than others due to your telekinesis?”

    “Shut up…”

    Shitsuji chuckled before looking back at Kirby and Banny. “Anyways… let us start with the basics. First of all, I need to ask you some questions.” He clasped his paws together and leaned forward on the desk. “Why do you want to form an exploration team? Answer honestly.”

    Kirby started. “I wanna form one because I don’t have anywhere else to go, and I chose to work here because I love helping others in need!”

    The guildmaster nodded then looked at Banny, waiting for her to say something. “I…” She was looking down at the scarf that was on her paws before clenching them and looking at the indeedee. “I wanna continue where my mom stopped! I want to help give courage to the Pokémon that need it while also helping them with their daily struggles! Not only that, I want to feel the thrill that my mom and dad once had when they were on their adventures together.”

    Shitsuji nodded again with a smile. “Impressive. Really impressive. Your mother would be proud of you, Banny.” He shifted his position, pulling out a paper from a drawer from the desk. “Now, I need you to fill out this paper with your names, age, gender, and team name.”

    He placed the paper on the desk and Kirby and Banny took a look at it. It was a form for an application for a new team. Kirby tried to read the paper but already got tired just by looking at the initial sentences. “Ugh, too many words…” He then looked at Banny. “Could you fill it out for me?”

    Banny looked at Kirby with an unamused face. “Seriously?” The scorbunny sighed and grabbed an inky crystal-made pen. She started signing the form before she was hit with a roadblock, that being Kirby’s age. “Hey… how old are you again?”

    Kirby tapped a nub on his chin before responding. “An adult!”

    “Um… I meant… for how many cycles have you lived?”

    Kirby looked aside before shrugging. “I dunno, I didn’t keep track of it.” He then threw a nub in the air. “But I’m pretty sure that I’m an adult!”

    The others in the room looked a little unsure if that was the case until the scorbunny responded. “Sure…” She then wrote “ adult ” in the correct box to fill. After that, there were no other problems in filling out the form before getting hit with another roadblock at the end of the paper. “ Team name …” Banny looked at Kirby. “Do you have any ideas on what our team name should be called?”

    Kirby thought about it for a second. He couldn’t just name the team Star Allies, because that’d be way unoriginal and it’s already used. Since the guild has a theme about space, the puffball thought it would be a good theme for the naming convention. He definitely should put star in the name, no doubt about it, but what would combine well with it? Star Knights? No, sounds too much like the Meta Knights. Explorers of Stars? No, it sounds more like a title more than a name… then what should be a good name…?

    Suddenly, an invisible light bulb appeared on Kirby’s head. “I got it!” Suddenly, Kirby snatched the pen from Banny’s paws and searched the box for the team name. He wanted to write it down so badly after thinking of a really good idea. After finding the box for the team name, he started writing it down in a bit of sloppy writing (give him a break, he hasn’t written anything in months!) After finishing it, he showed it to the scorbunny. “Look!”

    Banny squinted her eyes as she read it out loud. “S-star… war-wardens…?”

    “No, it’s Star Warriors!”

    “Ooh, I see.” After thinking about it for a second, Banny nodded. “That’s a good name, Kirby!” She then put the paper back on the desk and passed it over to the indeedee. “Alright, we’re done!”

    The guildmaster read the paper silently before putting it down on his desk. “Alright then, it is now official.” He smiled. “Welcome to Starlight Guild, Team Star Warriors.”

    Oh wow, cult reveal. Oh wow, plotwist reveal, what’s more? Kirby’s evil all along? (Well not really, but by the amount of possible antagonists in this chapter is enourmous.) Hope it wasn’t too much for you guys.


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