The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    A floating origami being was looking around the room, their body expression rather dormant like they had woken up from a long slumber. Wait a minute. Didn’t Shitsuji say… “she”?

    Karikiri’s head locked onto the Indeedee, staring at him for a moment before she started floating around him. “Sujiiiiii!!!” She exclaimed hyperactively in a female voice, circling him at fast speeds before hugging his neck. “ImissedyousomuchthatchestwassuchaboreIcoulddonothinginthereitwasliteraltorturebeingwithoutyouorTera!!!” 

    The Guildmaster adjusted his glasses before patting the kartana’s back with a smile. “I missed you too Kiri.” 

    Banny finally spoke up, her head spinning from a lot of confusion. “Wait, wait, wait! What the heck is going on here!?” Shitsuji and Karikiri looked at the confused scorbunny. “What even IS a kartana? And why was she even IN that chest to begin with!?”

    Karikiri stopped hugging Shitsuji as she put her hands on her face. “Awwww! Look at ‘em cuties!!!” She said excitedly before flying to them, circling them, and hugging Kirby. The paper-made being looked back at the Indeedee with a pleading look (somehow). “Can I keep them!? They look so squishy and comfy to hug!”

    Kirby was cringing a bit from Karikiri’s sharp edges that made her body poke him. “I-it kinda hurts to hug you…”

    Shitsuji chuckled as he shook his head. “I am afraid not, Kiri. These two are explorers of the Starlight Guild, and they are quite formidable as well.” He then looked at Banny, who he could tell was silently hoping for some answers. “Ah yes, I think you deserve to know some answers to Kiri’s situation.” He folded his arms behind his back. “Banny, are you familiar with the type of Pokémon known as ultra beasts?”

    The scorbunny crossed her arms. “Well, from what little I heard about them… they are savage creatures from other universes, right-?”

    “Savages? SAVAGES!?” The kartana exploded in an angry tone. She then started to float around the room. “Who in their right minds decided to call my species SAVAGES!?” She then picked up a pen and started drawing on some really specific parts of her body. “Tell me, bunny girl!” She dropped the pen and floated to Banny, stopping in front of her. “How could they call something like this a savage!?”

    Karikiri started unfolding her body before folding it again in a different manner. Instead of her usual form, she took the appearance of an origami bipedal being resembling a human if Kirby matched up the features with Adeleine’s. The purple part of her body was now part of the torso resembling a dress and the yellow part of her resembled hair. Her face was a simple, but poorly drawn, dot eyes with a smile. Her antennas, however, had stayed from her usual form, making her look like a paper girl with antennas or horns. 

    Kirby released a “Woah!” in amazement, his eyes starting to sparkle a little bit.

    Banny was a bit in disbelief at what she just saw. “U-um…” She looked aside nervously before shrugging and smiling sheepishly at the kartana. “I-I guess that’s cute…!”

    The ultra beast unfolded and folded her body back to her usual form, huffing in pride. “Of course, I AM cute!” She then looked at Shitsuji, who looked silently at her with a smile. “Oh, right, you were giving them the backstory. My bad, you can continue.”

    Shitsuji chuckled as he adjusted his glasses. “I am glad you did not change, Kiri.” He then looked back at Team Star Warriors and continued his explanation. “So, as I was trying to say… yes, Banny, ultra beasts are creatures that came from other universes. However, they are not as savage as you think.” Hi lifted a paw finger. “You see, historians might not know, but when the ultra beasts first came to this world, they were being controlled by an outside force. I do not know what this force was nor can I theorize what it could be, but it had malicious intentions, that is for certain.”

    Kirby tilted his body. “Wait, she came from another world just like me?”

    Karikiri released an audible gasp as she looked at the puffball. “Are we… Ultra Besties!? ” With incredible strength, she lifted Kirby into the air and spun around with him as she hugged the astrali. “YEEEESSSS!!! We’re Ultra Besties! I knew you looked a bit different from all the Pokémon I’ve seen so far!”

    Kirby tried not to struggle so much on her hold. However, he was starting to feel a bit dizzy from all the spinning, not even managing to mutter a single word. “C-cou-cou-…!”

    Shitsuji cleared his throat. “Kiri, I think that you are being a little excessive.”

    The kartana flicked an antenna to the indeedee who regarded her with a smile. She sighed and put the puffball down who almost lost his footing after being put down. She looked at Kirby while looking down. “I’m sorry…”

    Kirby put a nub on his head as he tried to adjust his vision. “I-it’s f-…fine…!”

    “So.. as I was saying before…” Shitsuji made everyone’s attention snap back to him. “The ultra beasts themselves are not to blame for the savageness, well, aside from some but I am not blaming them either.” He then motioned a paw to Karikiri. “Kiri over here came to this world the same way, however, she was lucky enough to come across me on her path of destruction.”

    Kiri crossed her arms, turning her head away. “Don’t remind me of that… I hated every second of it.”

    A frown crept on Shitsuji’s face. “My apologies Kiri, however, they deserve to know the truth. Unfortunately, not many Pokémon know the true nature of Ultra Beasts, so they will misjudge them because of their previous actions.”

    The scorbunny tilted her head. “Wait, how did you manage to free her from… whatever controls them once they enter this world?”

    The indeedee looked at Banny. “With my psychic typing and my natural empath powers, I was able to remove the entity’s influence from her mind, giving her control again… after I knocked her out, that is.”

    The kartana made a motion as if trying to roll her eyes before turning to Team Star Warriors and adding. “Not only did he manage to do that to me, but with other ultra beasts as well!”

    Kirby asked curiously. “You can stop brainwashing?” Shitsuji nodded and raised a nub. “That’s awesome!” He then put his nub below his mouth as he muttered. “Maybe one of my friends needs to learn a few tips from you…” His mind instantly wandered to a certain king penguin, the punchline of brainwashing jokes.

    Banny looked at the ultra beast. “But wait, that still doesn’t explain why you were in the chest in the first place. If what Shitsuji told us is true… then why did ask him to lock yourself in the chest?”

    Kiri put a hand on her chin. “Well… it’s kinda complicated…”

    Shitsuji lifted a finger. “Basically, it was at a time when the world was in grave danger. So if the world potentially ended, she locked herself in a chest so she would not feel a thing.”

    Even if it sounded impossible, the kartana blushed in embarrassment and flew back to Shitsuji and started trying to slap him with the blunt part of her hands, however, it did nothing to him. “I told you to tell NO ONE that! You were supposed to tell anyone who asks that I was willing to sacrifice myself for the greater good of the world!”

    Shitsuji giggled, patting the ultra beast. “I am sorry, I cannot help myself but indulge in a slight bit of teasing. Especially in times such as these where I need to find something to distract myself a little.”

    Banny put a paw on her chin in thought. “Wait, but didn’t the last calamity happen many years ago? Why didn’t you take her out of the chest after that threat has been dealt with?”

    “She said to only unlock the chest in case of an emergency. And that is what I did.” The indeedee said while folding his arms behind his back. “I respected her wishes.”

    “Huh!?” Kiri blurted out in a confused and surprised tone. “It’s been literal YEARS since I was put in that chest and you’ve only taken me out of it NOW!? I didn’t mean it like that! I meant an emergency AFTER the calamity! Has there been seriously no emergencies for years!?”

    “There was not, until now, that is.” Shitsuji while adjusting his glasses. Before the kartana could complain any further, the indeedee turned to look at Kirby. “Now that I have explained everything, I have a favor to ask you, Kirby.”

    The puffball tilted his body. “What is it?”

    “Me and the town elder wish to speak with you. I would like to request that you come with me to take you to him. Of course, Banny can come as well if she desires.” The mayor offered with a smile.

    Banny gasped. “The town elder!? Isn’t he the creator of the Tera Crystals!? Why would he want to speak to Kirby?”

    Shitsuji crossed his arms. “Do not fret, Banny. It is nothing serious…” He then looked aside a bit uncertain. “Well… mostly.” He then looked back at them with a reassuring smile. “But still, the elder is a nice Pokémon. So there is no need to feel afraid.”

    Kiri shrieked in happiness as she floated around excitedly. “Finally! I can finally feel that fluffy mane of his and nap on it!”

    Kirby asked the kartana. “Wait, you know who this elder too?”

    “Yep!” The ultra beast answered cheerfully. “Shitsuji, Tera, and I were and still are the bestest of best friends!” She then looked back at the indeedee and asked. “We still are, right?” The empath nodded before she raised her arm. “We still are!”

    Banny was a bit speechless after hearing that being said so casually. However, since the puffball didn’t know the true importance of the town elder, he said it with glee. “Wow, you guys are pretty close friends!”

    “That we are.” Shitsuji nodded before starting to walk off his office. He then looked back and asked the puffball. “Will you come with me, Kirby?”

    Kirby raised a nub. “Of course!” He then looked at his partner and said cheerfully as he started walking behind the Guildmaster. “C’mon Banny!” 

    Banny, getting her act together, started following the puffball with an unsure look. “Sure…”

    Banny couldn’t believe it. She just couldn’t.  

    She was about to meet with the Pokémon that created one of the most valuable materials in the entire world. Not only that, but apparently he was friends with an ultra beast and the mayor as well?

    It was at this point that Banny realized something that she had not considered until now. She didn’t really know a lot about the mayor in the first place, did she? 

    The scorbunny only knew that, like most indeedees in the world, he was old, really old. Not only that, but he also was really powerful. Powerful enough to go face-to-face with someone like Kirby! What was the extent of his power? Was he that powerful enough to gain the friendship of an ultra beast and a Legendary Pokémon?

    Just what was the mayor hiding?

    They had been walking through Agyneastra Town towards the elder’s home. Terapagos, the town elder, lived in that white crystallized construct in the middle of the town, his home being the center of attention. It felt fitting for the creator of the Tera Crystals to be living in a home made of them. Even if his home was really valuable, no one dared to mine even a little bit of the crystals because it was against the law.

    And also because Pokémon feared the elder’s power.

    She had never met the Legendary Pokémon before. She had only heard some rumors like Pokémon saying that Terapagos had the power to create life out of the crystals’ mysterious power. Of course, rumors like that were outlandish and not true. However, Banny couldn’t help but humor that idea a little since the elder was rarely seen outside his home, and records on him were scarce. Since Terapagos was a one-of-a-kind Pokémon, the townsfolk could only speculate what the elder’s true power was…

    To make it even worse, Banny was about to meet such Pokémon in the flesh and, ooh boy, was she terrified.  

    Even if Karikiri and Shitsuji’s claims of Terapagos being a nice Pokémon were true, the scorbunny couldn’t help but feel a tad bit unnerved if that wasn’t the case. Sure, she tends to think a bit negatively about some stuff, excessively so, but as a prey species, she couldn’t deny being extremely cautious, even in the safest situations possible.

    Snapping out of her thoughts, she looked at her surroundings and noticed they were at Agyneastra Town’s center. Many townsfolk walked around her and the rest of the quartet, however, they noticed some of them stare at the kartana with suspicion before going on their merry way. 

    Banny frowned at this. She couldn’t imagine what Karikiri must’ve been thinking, being the odd one out, an outsider whose appearance was judged by the actions of others of her species. Heck, they weren’t even in control.

    The scorbunny approached the paper-made ultra beast and called her attention in a low voice. “Hey…” The kartana’s antenna twitched as she looked at the fire rabbit. “I know those looks must make you feel like you don’t belong, but don’t worry, I’m here to support you if you really need it!”

    Karikiri looked at Banny for a moment before she let out a laugh. “What’chu talking about, girl? Those stares mean nothing to me! Let them look, makes me feel like I’m their beauty model!”

    Banny stared for a moment as the kartana did various poses before looking aside feeling a bit embarrassed. “Ah…” She rubbed the back of her head with a grimace. Maybe she thought a bit too much… again.

    “And here we are.” Shitsuji said while Kirby subtly flinched, the scorbunny noticing that flinch. Again, those exact words caused Kirby to flinch again. Is he also hiding something? Strange… maybe she needed to know him better so she doesn’t cause a certain trauma to trigger.

    Karikiri floated in front of the group and looked at the crystal building in front of her. “Oh wow, this place didn’t change one bit!” She looked at the indeedee and asked. “Is Tera still the introverted turtle that he is?”

    Shitsuji shrugged. “I cannot say for certain, however, he does leave his home more frequently now.”

    “That’s great! Wonder what’s gonna be his reaction when he sees me again, shihihihi!” She giggled, putting a hand in front of her.

    “That is what we shall see.” The mayor said before walking to the building and putting a paw on it. Suddenly, a small wave of light pulsated from Shitsuji’s paw to the entire building before an entrance magically appeared beside Shitsuji.

    Kirby blurted out in amazement. “Woah! That’s so cool!”

    The kartana floated in front of Kirby and gloated. “That is only one of many tricks the Tera Crystals can do my outworldly friend! You have yet to see their true potential!” She said with a dramatic tone, trying to make the crystals even more special than they seem to be.

    Banny crossed her arms and asked. “Yeah, what ELSE can they do?”

    “Shihihihi!” Karikiri made a shushing noise while putting a hand blade on her mouth while whispering. “Secret!”

    Great, just what Banny needed to hear to add to her overly cautious nature…

    “Let us stall no further.” Shitsuji called their attention, making the three look at the Guildmaster. “The elder awaits for our presence.”

    As the kartana floated inside without any further prompt, Team Star Warriors nodded and followed Shitsuji inside the crystal building. 

    When they entered the elder’s home and the door closed behind them, they saw nothing but darkness for a small moment before the entire place lit up from hidden lights somewhere in the room. Since their eyes weren’t ready, Team Star Warriors were blinded by the reflected light of the crystals. After their eyes adjusted, they were mesmerized by the sight of the crystal-made room.

    The rocks were shaped like hexagons, jutting out from every angle of the room, even the floor titles were hexagon-shaped, even if they were equally-leveled. “By Moltres’ flames… this place is so beautiful…” Banny admitted while Kirby stared at the crystals, silently awestruck by the shininess of the place.

    “That is something any Pokémon can agree on.” Shitsuji agreed, smiling at the duo as he motioned a paw around. “The elder’s crystals are something that can enchant any Pokémon by their light properties, even the Pokémon that call the darkness their home.”

    “Heh! I knew you’d be amazed by Tera’s amazing crystals! Speaking of that old ‘mon…” She started flying deeper into the building while shouting. “Oh Teeeeerraaaaaaa~!!!”

    The indeedee folded his arms behind his back. “That should wake him up from his nap.” He then looked back at the duo of explorers. “Come along now, he shall be delighted in meeting you two.”

    Kirby nodded and started following the mayor along with a hesitating Banny.

    The scorbunny took a deep breath. It was fine, she could do this. If the others were calm about it, then she could definitely be at ease. After all, it was the town elder! One of the Pokémon that was there when Agyneastra Town was first founded! So if the town stayed as prosperous for ages as it was at the current day, then that meant that there was no need to fear Terapagos, even with his status as a Legendary.

    The trio ventured further into the building, entering a kaleidoscope-ish room that was swirling with colors. And at the back of the room, there he was. Terapagos stood there, groggily waking up because of the floating paper alarm around him that was repeating his name over and over again. 

    Banny was a bit taken aback by the size of the giant turtle Pokémon with a crystallized shell, fluffy mane, and tail. However, as she took a closer look at his face, she noticed that he looked… kinda cute. He had the face of a Pokémon that accepted any kind of affection without any hesitation.

    Alas, she had overthought unnecessary stuff, again…

    Terapagos yawned a little bit and looked around as he slowly gained awareness of his surroundings. “Huh…? Who-”

    Suddenly, Karikiri floated in front of Terapagos and happily announced. “Missed me, Tera!?”

    The crystal-shelled Pokémon’s tired voice was instantly replaced with a cheery one. “Oh, Kiri!” The kartana instantly embraced Terapagos’ head with a hug, even if she was so much smaller than him. “It’s been so long! How have you been you cheeky paper girl!”

    “Ugh! You have no IDEA of how bored I was inside that stupid chest! I could do nothing for literal years!” She then tightened her tiny embrace. “Oh, I missed you, Suji, and you again because of that fluffy mane of yours!”

    “Heh, at least you’re out of the chest now!”

    “Yep! Now if you excuse me…” The kartana released the turtle’s head and lazily fell on Terapagos’ shell like an actual piece of paper. “Your mane calls for me…”

    “Hm? Kiri?” Shitsuji tilted his head as he called, getting no response from the kartana. He then could hear the sounds of snoring coming from the ultra beast as her mouth opened and closed.

    “Hohoho, I can tell that she wanted to see me just for this.” The elder said joyfully before turning to the others. It was then that he finally took notice of Team Star Warriors. “Oh? And who might these little ones be?”

    Shitsuji motioned a paw to the explorer duo. “This is Team Star Warriors, elder Terapagos.” He pointed at the scorbunny who stiffened a little bit. “This is Banny, daughter of Vanny and Treth. And this…” He pointed at the puffball who happily waved. “Is Banny’s partner, the being from another world that I told you about, Kirby.”

    “Hi!” Kirby cheerfully greeted.

    “H-hey…” Banny nervously greeted.

    Terapagos shot an analyzing look, staring a bit longer at Kirby. For a second, Banny thought that the elder turtle grimaced a little bit before smiling. “Oh my! So this is the infamous Kirby who almost bested Shitsuji in a brawl, eh? It’s a pleasure meeting you! You too Banny!”

    Banny tilted her head. “Y-you know about what happened between-…?”

    “Of course, little scorbunny! After all, Shitsuji himself came to me yesterday to tell me that since he couldn’t get it out of his mind!” The indeedee blushed and looked away from everyone as the elder chuckled. “Anyway, how are you enjoying our world so far, Kirby?”

    Kirby joyfully answered. “I’m enjoying it a lot! Although, I’m not sure when I’ll return since I’m waiting for my friends to get me… but I’ll enjoy as much as I can!”

    “Wait, your friends can travel through universes?” Banny asked while tilting her head.

    The puffball nodded. “Yep! Not all of them can, only two of them, but they’re probably looking for me right now!” He then put a nub on his chin. “Although, I’m not sure when they’d arrive.”

    Ah yes, he had to leave at some point… it honestly saddened Banny that she couldn’t be in an exploration team with Kirby for a long time, however, she had to face the facts sooner or later. Kirby was not from this world, so he’d probably feel homesick. Heck, he was probably feeling it right at the moment and hiding it from Banny! She just had to hope that she doesn’t become too attached to him once he goes…

    “Banny.” The scorbunny looked at Terapagos and stiffened a little bit. “Are you alright? I couldn’t help but notice your conflicting expression.”

    “Ah…” Banny sheepishly smiled and folded her arms behind her back, tilting her foot a little. “It’s nothing, I’m just rather nervous about uh… meeting you.”

    “Dear, there’s no need to worry! I’m a cool ‘mon! Or should I say… a cool “dude” as the younglins say nowadays?” He chuckled a little. “You know, Banny, I’ve met your parents before.”

    The scorbunny perked a little as she tilted her head aside. “You… you have?”

    The crystal turtle nodded. “Indeed. Shitsuji introduced them to me, speaking highly of them as the best explorers in the Starlight Guild. Oh, and he wasn’t kidding. I’ve even seen them in action in one of the rare times I leave this place. And that scarf you wear brings me fond memories of those days.”

    Banny gripped her scarf on her paw with a melancholy look on her face. “My mom…” She looked back at the turtle. “How was my mom back then?”

    “Oh, Vanny? Yes, I remember her, even if it’s been a bit… she was a really kind Pokémon and wasn’t afraid to put her own opinions on matters and take said matters into her own paws.” Terapagos smiled a little before realizing something. “Oh, shoot! I forgot to say, I’m sorry for your loss…”

    Banny gave a little smile. “Nah, it’s alright, don’t worry. It’s been a few years.” Suddenly, Banny was hugged from the side by her puffball partner. “Huh?”

    “I’m here with you if you need me, alright, Banny?” Kirby reassured the fire bunny.

    The scorbunny knew that reassurance wouldn’t last for long, but she appreciated it anyway. “Thanks.”

    Meanwhile, Shitsuji got beside Terapagos and whispered something to him, the turtle perking up a little. “Oh right! Kirby, there’s something I’d like to ask of you if you wouldn’t mind.”  

    Kirby stopped hugging his partner and looked at Terapagos with an inquisitive look. “What is it?”

    “As you have probably heard from your time here… there have been a lot of cult sightings, not only in Agyneastra Town but in various other towns and kingdoms.” The elder frowned a little. “They’ve been causing insecurity and spreading chaos around the continent and it’s getting really out of hand… not even Shitsuji here can keep up with everything this cult does.”

    Shitsuji looked away and sighed, adjusting his glasses. “Even though I hate admitting it, I cannot bring safety to all of the town if these activities keep growing at the rate they are.”

    “That’s why we’d like to ask if you could assist us in investigating this dangerous group in hopes of finding more answers to put an end to this. I may not have told you, but, I can see that you hold infinite power inside of you.” 

    Shitsuji and Banny made a shocked expression as Kirby looked aside a bit nervous. The indeedee was the first to speak. “I-infinite power?” He looked at Terapagos. “Elder, you cannot be serious, right? A being, god or not, cannot hold infinite power, no matter how strong they are!”

    “Y-yeah. Sure, he might have the aura of a god inside him, but that doesn’t mean he’s THAT powerful, right?” Banny asked a bit nervously. “After all, he can get hurt!”

    “You two are getting it wrong. Just having infinite power doesn’t mean that he is immortal and invincible. Sure, he might not die to old age, but he certainly can die by other means.” Terapagos’ shell shone a little. “Having infinite power means that your power can increase to an undefined level, to a point where you could transcend universes and become not only a god but something even beyond that. Right now, Kirby is on the same level as any mortal, however, if certain conditions are met, he could reach a point where no one in the entirety of the multiverse would be able to beat him.”

    Banny’s mouth went agape, making her look at Kirby with a terrified look. She was almost too afraid to ask, but she decided to confirm it anyway. “B-but you said that you obtained an object that made you like this… is there an object like that in your world…?”

    Kirby sheepishly grinned as he rubbed the back of his head. “So uh… I might’ve lied to not uh… scare you guys. I was born this way.”

    “Tell me little puff, how were you born?” Terapagos asked while tilting his head.

    There could be seen some hesitation on the puffball’s face, however, he spoke anyway. “So… I was born from a god in my world called Astral Birth Void. They are a being that reincarnates into certain beings once they come across strong emotions. I’m one of their reincarnations, being born of positive emotions.” He looked aside. “That’s what I learned recently when I encountered a certain group in my world who worshipped them. So… yep! That’s the actual truth.”

    The room became silent for a moment, both Shitsuji and Banny trying to process what they had just heard. Terapagos however, spoke up first. “So you are demigod then… born of positiveness…” The turtle then smiled. “My, I’m not sure why Shitsuji didn’t notice that before, or else he wouldn’t have attacked you.”

    The indeedee continued staring at the puffball before he looked away. “Elder Terapagos, you know that I can only feel emotions, not auras, right? Besides, Krystal could not get a clear reading because Kirby’s aura is so overwhelming.”

    Terapagos rolled his head, being sarcastic. “Excuses, excuses.” He giggled before looking back at Kirby. “Anyway, back to what I was requesting before. Kirby, will you help us uncover more of the cultists’ secrets and possibly take them down for good?”

    Kirby immediately nodded in determination. “Yep! You can count on me and Banny! Right, Banny?” The puffball looked at the scorbunny, making her flinch a little.

    Banny was still trying to wrap her thoughts around the fact that she met a demigod and possibly befriended them. She couldn’t believe it, she was right to fear Kirby even if he said that he wouldn’t hurt anyone as long as no one messed with him. But that’s exactly what she was even more afraid of happening now!

    What would happen if Kirby got so angry because of a slight inconvenience caused by a jerk? Sure, he might be a being of positive emotions and he might not get too mad but… what if he reached a breaking point? Like, something inside him snapped as he couldn’t take it anymore and unleashed his true power?

    Just what has Banny gotten into!?

    “Banny? Are you alright?”

    The scorbunny was snapped out of her thoughts and looked at the astrali or whatever he actually was, because, who knows? He could even be pretending that being… a round and pink puffball was his true species. 

    “U-um… y-yeah… I’m… I’m alright…” Banny said nervously.

    “Oh dear, don’t be afraid of him.” Terapagos said, floating closer to the duo as Banny felt a bit intimidated by the size difference. “He might have all that hidden potential in him, but that doesn’t mean he’ll be a danger to you or anyone else.”

    “Yeah!” Kirby confirmed, looking at Banny with a smile. “Don’t worry, I’m not gonna go mad with power or something like that! I just want to make all my friends happy, and that includes you!”

    Banny looked at Kirby to spot any sign of dishonesty or any facial expression indicating that he was lying. However, there were no signs of lies anywhere, he was genuinely being truthful. “Kirby…” The scorbunny had no reason to not believe him. The puffball had only been nice to her the entire time since they met, heck, he even saved her life. She couldn’t be that distrustful of him after everything he had done in her life in the last three days. 

    Sure, Kirby might be a really powerful demigod that could have the power to destroy an entire kingdom. But still, he was just as kind and loving as any normal Pokémon. 

    Banny smiled and folded her arms behind her back, twisting her foot a little. “I’m sorry Kirby. I’m sorry for being a bit distrustful of you.”

    “Don’t worry Banny!” Kirby said before hugging the scorbunny again. “I’m sorry for keeping my origins hidden from you. I didn’t want to scare you…”

    Banny looked down and smiled, patting the puffball. “I would’ve done the same… so no worries there.”

    Terapagos beamed, his shell flashing a little rainbow of colors for a second. “My, that’s wonderful! I’m glad you were able to forgive yourselves.” He smiled proudly before patting them both with a single claw, revealing an indigo arm coming from his mane. “Anyways, that’s all I wanted to talk about for today. I really hope you’re able to succeed in your investigation, Team Star Warriors.”

    Kirby and Banny saluted and said. “We will Elder Terapagos!”

    The turtle chuckled before saying. “Please, no need for formalities, call me Tera. You don’t want to become like Suji over here, right?”

    Shitsuji looked aside in embarrassment as Banny and Kirby laughed sheepishly, rubbing the back of their heads.

    Kirby origin reveal!? :0

    Honestly, I felt fitting for him to reveal his origins now since I don’t feel like that is gonna affect the main plot. And hey, it serves as great foreshadowing for the future of this story.

    Hope you enjoyed, don’t forget to comment since I’m all here for your reactions!


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