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    Cover of Just West of Paradise
    StorySlice of LifeCinccinoCofagrigusFoongusKecleonRampardosSwanna

    Just West of Paradise

    by Fobbie | Spiteful Murkrow

    Tipper is just your average Kecleon working your average job at Kecleon Market who never imagined that working in the Mist Continent would take him to a glorified rest stop, absent from most on maps. Stuck away from home for the foreseeable future in ‘Post Town’, Tipper must navigate life in a town where nothing interesting ever seems to happen.

    1. Swanna House
      1,718 Words
    2. Glorious Sparklies
      1,922 Words
    3. Quagsire
      1,604 Words
    4. Traveling Sales-Mon
      1,622 Words
    5. Box Buster
      2,843 Words
    6. Gift Shop
      2,956 Words
    7. Strange Company
      2,874 Words
    8. Young Entrepreneurs
      1,820 Words
    9. Hero and Partner
      1,602 Words