The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    We held each other for a long time. Losing Earth stung, but I was already used to a life not seeing my friends or family with how far away I always am. That wasn’t the same for Kommo-o. I listened to him talk about his regrets, unresolved business, and how much he misses the people he knows. Him saying “If I had just one more chance to see them,” really stuck out to me. I assured him the best I can and in turn he said many times how grateful he has me at the least. It was nice.

    I felt terrible I have been using him for comfort.

    That pity party yesterday was eventually cut short by our responsibilities. The station needed maintenance and its life supports checked out, our bodies need exercise, and so much more regardless of how far our hearts sunk. The work ended up being an appreciated distraction. The world felt normal again in these moments.

    It’s now been a whole day since that phone call. I float in front of the window facing the moon with my legs crossed and my body turning around as I sip my breakfast. All of the moon’s ghostly pearlescent glow is gone. Now it is black with pink and purple oceans churning like galaxies far away. Shimmer pours into them from the debris like ornate garden fountains. 

    Below where the debris broke away from the moon, the rainbow sheet of the Mystery Dungeon wavers.

    “We must know.”

    “We will know.”

    I dreamed about Hilbert’s proclamation again yesterday night. Do I want to find answers? I place my hand on the glass’s frame and bring my nose close. The alluring colours are taunting me.

    What was that entity? What is the pink liquid? Why is everything turning black?

    Why is this happening to us? 

    Soft smacks of someone crawling along the walls approach me. “Heeey beautiful,” Kommo-o says with playfully stretched-out words. He’s upside-down. “You’re looking great, you know?”

    I smile. He knows how to keep spirits up despite how he’s likely feeling inside. “Hey, Kommo-o, come in,” I say.

    He crawls in, adjusting his orientation and putting his muzzle against the thick pane. “What do you see?”

    I point towards the crevice. “The crevice, where the moon shattered. You see that? The Mystery Dungeon?”

    He nods. “Mmm. Yeah, I’ve noticed it before. That has to be the largest entrance that ever existed.”

    I lean my head in, looking out with him. “Do you think there are answers inside?”

    Kommo-o rubs his chin. “It’s often that legendary Pokemon make their home at the end of a Mystery Dungeon, but that may not be the case here. That thing that chased us certainly wasn’t a Pokemon. Beyond that, I can’t see why there’d be answers.”

    I rub the back of my neck. “Mmm.”

    “But all this started happening once those pieces burst out. Whatever’s causing this could be inside. Why?” His eyes lid and his smile stretches into a coy smirk. “You thinking about going in?”

    I turn my head away. “Well, um…” I don’t know what to say next.

    “Hey, just tell me what you’re thinking. I’m here for you.” He strokes my arm.

    I take a deep breath. “I can’t shake this feeling that I won’t be happy living on Mars without at least trying to learn more. Why this all happened to us, y’know. It’s on my mind.”

    “There could be more screaming things in there. We could just die going in.”

    “Yeah…” I shuffle into him.

    His arms sling across my shoulders and his hand rubs my far arm. “But if we make it to the end, the dungeon will put us back on this station. That’s what other space explorers have told me. And if that happens, then anything we may have learned may help stop something like this from happening on Mars. I think we should give it some time to think about it. If we go tomorrow morning, we’ll still have time to leave for Mars when we come back. So let’s not make any decisions until then. We’ll know more if we want to do this then.”

    I put my paw over his claw. “You don’t have to come with me.”

    His head leans in to nuzzle my cheek. “You know I’m going with you wherever you go.”

    My head shakes. “No, you shouldn’t be dragged into this.”

    He grabs my shoulders and turns me around so he can show me his comforting smile. His nose is pressed against mine. “I’ll be with you till the end, Lucario. I love you.”

    “Really? I-” My mouth trembles trying to find follow-up words. It’s harder to look at that smile melt away than I thought. The concern in his eyes pierces my soul. I have to look away. 

    “Lucario?” he asks. The frown is deep.

    It’ll only get more painful unless I do this now. “I mean, I haven’t disliked the time we had. I really liked it. But we’ve only really known each other for a few days. I know nothing about you. W-we’re strangers, really.”

    “Lucario,” he says.

    I close my eyes, afraid of seeing more pain in him. “I’ve been thinking and I’m just worried if I’m using your love as a way to escape. After all, the facts don’t make sense to say we’re in love.”


    “But, I don’t want this to make you die for me. That’s not right. I really don’t know if I’m actually in love with you or not.”

    “Lucario.” His voice is calm, but I’m afraid it’s masking anger.

    My hands clench. “I’m so sorry. I also don’t want to hurt you either. But in the end, reason says we shouldn’t be in love. How can it happen this fast after all? Did we really just go from being strangers to willing to die for each other?”

    He cups my muzzle with both his palms and makes me look up at him. He has a serene smile on his relaxed face, nothing like what I expected. He looks into my eyes. “What does your heart say?”

    My heart beats harder as I look into his eyes. There is so much compassion behind those red irises. It’s hard to pick apart my thoughts from my feelings but there’s something deep down I can’t explain yet can’t deny. I put my hands on his arms. “I love you.”

    He draws me in closer for a hug. He rubs the back of my head as he speaks. “And I love you. I always wanted to get to know you, in fact. You’re calm and collected demeanor was always something I admired, even if we haven’t talked much before.”

    My arms wrap around him and I rest my head against his front. It’s comforting but I feel bad about everything I said. I can’t smile.

    He continues. “And all I really wanted to do in life was find someone to love and live for. Make them happy. I have lost everything but in the end, I have you. These last few days have been worth being alive for. Even if things went quickly, you complete my life. Besides,” he guides my chin up to look at him one more time. “I don’t think it’s that bad if we’re indulging a bit to cope. Don’t you think?” His eyes are half-lidded.

    I sigh and a faint smile returns to me. “Alright. I’m sorry I said all that.”

    He rubs the base of my ears. “It’s okay. Your honesty means you trust me. I appreciate that.”

    I pull myself up so I can peck his lips and caress his cheek. He kisses me in turn. “let’s be together till the end, no matter what happens. Okay?”

    My head nods and I impatiently plant my mouth on his. We get carried away making out. My heart beats hard throughout it.

    I’m invincible inside his arms. I can go into the moon as long as I have him.

    (Art by Wendi)


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