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    The stunning cold of the less pleasing mornings used to bother Tori in unpredictable times, this one being clearer and more intense in his memory. The horror of the past, like that disturbed host, the bright purple eye in that cave. Had in his ethereal hands an artifact, unable to be forgotten. A bottle, with a ring shape and colors too faded to be distinguished from the total darkness surrounding them.

    No voices were there to help him know if that was a memory, dream or a future sight; although the muffled sounds were too uncanny. He wanted to break out of that resting state and touch that bottle, carry it and bring it to him. The item’s cork and its unusual geometry showed eyes -at least somewhat resembling a pair of eyes- that stared at Tori, deeper and deeper into his soul. It was closer, much closer…

    —Tori! -Fir’s shout wasn’t enough to avoid falling over his friend, bothering during that dream’s climax.

    —Fir…for real? -he asks, turning to the side.

    —I tried to warn you! You know I always have to stretch.

    As he mentioned it, Tori soon realized where he was. In the early morning, with the orange sunlight bathing the room with branches growing through the walls and mixing with the fire drawings at the ceiling. Knew that Fir had those in his room since he was a Scorbunny.

    He sat down, crossed his legs and rubbed his eyes. Not the best mornings he had in the season, mostly because of that weird dream.

    —Can you stretch without falling on me, at least?

    —My balance was just…what the instructor said!

    The rabbit once again tries to hold his right foot and lift the leg up until it touches his ears, eventually weakening and falling on his hay bed, this time. Fir always tried to bring his partner for those trainments with a training master he met these days, but he would rather practice his aim instead. That Greninja had literally no bones, and that quite ruined his mood to try himself.

    —What time is it? -Tori asks.

    —It’s not that late, but the breakfast is over. I could get this Sitrus without Maggie complaining.

    Maggie, the methodical Alcremie that loved gossips and peeking her nose where she wasn’t called; more nosy than Zam in his bad days. Stealing ingredients was a deadly flaw.

    —Thanks. -he said, pecking that fruit- Anything special yet? Like someone calling for me or us?

    Fir nods his head negatively. After all, had to concentrate his mind while he kept his legs in a lotus.

    —I will walk around, so I won’t bother you. -the owl gets up, takes a few arrows inside his cloak and leaves by the door.

    The soft and almost nighty breeze was kept inside the hallways of the castle, mixing with the warm sunlight. Pierced through his feathers, suppressing the shivers caused by the sweet fruit’s acidity and taking him off of the confusing mist that was his dream. Being bothered like that was indeed something bad, but it was an accident in the end. Questions like where did that bottle come from or who had it in reality distracted himself from anything around him. Almost bumped into someone that was walking by.

    —Hey! -it was the pink Lopunny from before, making his heart beat suddenly.

    —I’m sorry… -he says, with his head down.

    —Wait. -she calls for the owl by poking his shoulder- You are the Decidueye from last night, right?

    —Yes, I am.

    —Mr. Zam is calling you- and soon she turns away, getting through a plain white door- And come with your friend too. Thank me later!

    Tori certainly was good at guessing when something didn’t feel right. Unable to believe in his well taught eyes, making the feathers all his spine shiver and raising the feathers on the way. And that was an example of this. Better shaking this off before it distracts him from the current new responsibility.

    As both Fir and Tori got in that closed but well lit room, they took a seat in the only two chairs remaining, out of five. Zam was in front of the other four, where the Lopunny from before lied and, at her side, a Toxapex. She barely expressed anything but a default tedious face.

    —Tori, Fir. I called you both to clear a few topics. For you too, Billie and Mao.

    Zam was calm and severe in his tone, explaining a terrible loss: one of the most known Pokémon of the region, closer to the ruler of Autumme, had lost his son mysteriously. A few hints could say it was kidnapped. He showed the wanted poster, with the rescue announcement. A regular childish Charmander, always holding the tail against his body. Better take note of that.

    —And with that in mind, I thought it would be perfect to present the duos. -Zam says- They are newcomers, but with an interesting history in the eastern villages, where they came from.

    —I’m Fir. -he gives his hand to the rabbit’s crossed arms- Nice to meet you!

    —Zam told us. How you are quite troublesome.

    Cinderace’s ears bow down, ashamed by that. Probably the first time Tori saw him that suddenly sad.

    Soon, the hovering map came with Zam’s voice again.

    —Here is where the footsteps were before disappearing, so the investigation department concluded it went here.

    The floating piece of coal marks down a circle at west, a bit further from the town, on the other side of the Quiet River. Fir was thankful for that, since he wouldn’t have to be carried by the flow or get wet in any means.

    After the river, the map gets a slightly grey tone, a break from the green and beige of the paper and nature. The map’s readings pointed out a village that, as rumors said, disappeared and ruined without any reason. Shivers went down Tori’s spine; it was a folk tale to scare children, but still something he carried from his life here.

    —You should leave as soon as you can, taking a Corviknight to the other side of the river, since it’s the furthest they can go.

    —So we are leaving. We’ll wait for you two outside. -Billie stands up, holding Mao from behind like a crate and carrying outside. Fir, tripping in his own words, hops after her.

    —Tori. -Zam says as he gets up- I need to talk to you.

    —About what?

    That Alakazam holds his hands on Tori’s temples, closing his eyes in a bizarre trance. An uneasy face and undistinguishable murmurs couldn’t tell something good coming from it.

    —This artifact, from your dream. It’s such a singular shape…

    —What? How you knew that?

    —Ayita told you about it, right? A long time ago. -he interrupts.

    —I think so, I can’t remember. Why does this matter?

    Zam sighs before replying:

    —This bottle can give whoever opens it every sort of result. The tales point out a chaotic entity, offering deals for your soul, your values! -he exclaims, grabbing Tori’s arm- Promise me, Tori, that you will never, ever, go after it. Even if it offers a way to return to your world.

    —It’s all fine, Mr. Zam. -he was calmer than expected, to Zam’s surprise- I don’t care that much about returning. I’m doing fine here. I have a good and fun life, with friends. I would never give up from that.

    And he truly wasn’t lying. Couldn’t remember how his life was prior to this world, and now had people he could trust on, life Fir. They were through so many falls together that could call him a brother he never had. Was a human Pokémon, like expected from the good people of this world. Had no reasons to change this.

    —Well. -Zam cleans his throat- So you better go. Forget what I mostly said and go join your team.

    —Yes, sir.

    Would never exchange anything for the adventures he had. Even if this trust in such adventures would be put to test.

    The Corvikninght, so sheepish in carrying four adventurers on his nest, lands at the limit of his area. With the rising midday sun shining over the dusty rocks and the ruins scattered over hills with shacks remainings, it really felt like a scary place. An eerie aura engulfing them.

    —It’s much prettier than at night. I’d come here more often. -Fir said, most to get the Lopunny’s attention. With no success.

    —It’s why we must be careful. -Tori says.

    A morbid silence was broken by the gusts and steps in the dirty grass of what were roads and floors of a bright and happy village. Neither of them had anything to say. Billie was not used to chat and the Toxapex haven’t said a word.

    —Billie. -Tori calls for her- Found anything?


    Lopunny asks her friend, with a confident smirk. Something in that smile was hiding something, as if she already knew before and was waiting to be asked. One of Mao’s arms points at a path filled with curves around wrecked monoliths and pillars, marked down with a pair of footsteps with three tips. Tori takes a mental note before leading the way.

    He tried to guess the reason behind such a confusing path. A way to distract future trackers? Or even the victim itself. As reckless as he was, Fir sprints in front of the trio, almost erasing the only hint they had.

    —Fir! -the trio warns him in unison, and then Tori takes the lead- Stay with us, or else will be worse for all of it.

    He bows his ears down again, as he was left behind by the group, in the last spot.

    —And I thought I could choose who I could go with. -Billie’s cocky tone closest that discussion with a bitter taste.

    —Hey, Tori. -Fir whispers- I think we should go back. 

    —Uh? Why? Mr. Zam asked and it’s our duty.

    —I know, but… -he clenches his fists.- Billie annoys me, and she’s right, which is even worse!

    Tori couldn’t disagree with that, but also hated to see his friend down like that. Maybe an advice would help him?

    —You could be a bit less reckless. Thinking more than once before running.

    —I can’t, it’s stronger than me! I get curious, agitated and anxious, I can’t resist.

    —Well, look… -Tori lifts his head to the trail, a bit harder to read around the lost boulders downhill- Try at least for now, so Billie won’t complain.

    Really didn’t knew how to lift his spirit, since he never was that depressed as this day. He didn’t cared that much for being a known troublemaker, since now Tori could always be on his side. But not this time, it looks like.

    —It ends here. -Billie said, staring at the foliage cover at the end of the high hill.

    —We could go down.

    —Or it may be taken elsewhere. -she interrupts the owl.

    Now even him felt like being a rebel, at least once. A slight break of rules, for once. He sits at the border and let himself slide downhill. Barely had any balance, but he wasn’t rolling, so it was great already.

    —Hey, come back here! -Lopunny says, to no avail.

    —I trust in Tori. Come with us! -Fir jumps in that slide, with a joyful smile.

    She had no options at all. Billie held Mao on her lap before sliding right behind them, quietly, until she was swallowed by that enormous forest in the end, with wide logs and scarce sunlight. Tori pointed to the ground near his talons, and Fir nodded right away. He has found footsteps down there.

    —Who would’ve guessed, you found more.

    —Never underestimate his eyes! -Fir wrapped an arm around Tori’s neck, being proud of his friend. Don’t know how to give it back but appreciated such a gentle heart.

    —Whatever. Me and Mao are going together.

    —Hey, Billie…where is she?

    —Where’s who?

    And so she realized. Didn’t held her anymore and she wasn’t around either. Billie was sure she held her partner through all the way, and now losing her felt like losing a limb. She felt vulnerable.

    —Okay, we will spread. Me and Fir will go forwards and left, respectively. Right, Fir?

    But no answer either. The Cinderace was gone, with no trails nor voice. Someone was behind these, but could be?

    Tori turns and calls for BIllie, finding himself now alone. Lonely and soon, sleepy. Dizzy. Weak. He felt his body falling down on his knees and then, laying on the ground. In the dark. Unconscious about his surroundings.


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