The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    The season’s winters were harsh, wilder than the ones registered in the last times. Sun and moon were covered by a thin yet ambiguous mist, powdered with snow beyond the horizon. Even the cold weather’s lovers had some mild discomfort when leaving their shacks, which also brought the fire Pokémon of the whole region more trouble than ever.

    As most of Geniamau inhabitants locked themselves in their warm homes and hoping to share a mug of a hot beverage or stories that tightened their bonds, some loud and troublesome Rattata dared to bother and ruin crops in a destructive and hostile way, making their home from big watermelons during this season. This was something for the town’s Guild to solve, since the farmers were unable to do it by themselves.

    —You were so kind in helping me. I had so many problems with the crop these days… -the aged Sunflora said, worried and tired by the time and cold- Would you like a hot drink before starting?

    —No, thank you, lady. We came for work.

    —I would like. -his guild partner says.

    —Fir, for Arceus’ sake. -the Decidueye sighs- Posture.

    —Please Tori. -Fir tries to explain- We can do it much better if we take some time before!

    The owl disliked anything outside his plans, but his friend knew how to convince him, even by a bit. Couldn’t argue against that..

    —So, get me one, please.

    —Make it two!

    Tori and Fir. One, a troublemaker, and the other a ‘human’ from another world. Both shared throughout seasons a friendship bond as they evolved, fought, explored and shared their emotions. There was nothing they could ask for in cold times like those; sitting at the snowy grass enjoying a drink that refused to cool down against the unbiased snow.

    —So, Fir, shall we begin? -Tori asks.

    —But I didn’t even finished!

    —I did. -he gets up and leaves the pottery at the table, outside the wooden fence of the field.

    —It’s not fair, I like to enjoy, you know? Sitting down, tasting it, calmly…

    —Watch out!

    With a swift movement of his hands, Tori takes from his feathery coat a sharp arrow and shoots precisely through the cold air, flying over Fir’s nose and hitting over a dark Rattata. It was slim and had fat cheeks, probably carrying more on their mouth than they could.

    —You scared me! -Fir let his empty cup fall on the ground.

    —They are already leaving. We have more to hunt. -Tori smiled, quite excited for what was to come.

    The break was over, so they had to work now. The watermelon field was surprisingly wide, taking all the inside width of that smaller ravine; an entrance of the rocky mountains beyond. At their feet, there were a few frozen water streaks between the earth, where each fruit had its own room to grow and didn’t had much for walking through, as Fir pointed out. A dry, naked and tall tree was Tori’s watching point, sitting there fully silent and using his unequaled eyesight to spot the rodents.

    The hare, who didn’t had the same patience, thumped his foot on the ground, leaving that area darker and with a greener tone.

    —Nothing, Tori? -he asked, distracting himself with a pebble and a few of his tricks with a ball. He bounced on his feet, even over his leg.

    —Nothing. -replies, pulling the strings for his hood- I think that shot made them watchful…

    —Perhaps. We should scare them.

    —Maybe. I don’t want to lose any arrows on the snow.

    —Then leave it to me! -Fir opens a wide smile and starts to bounce that pebble higher and higher, until it was engulfed by vivid flames- Forty either, forty nine and fifty!

    Fir jumps and kicks the ball in the air, showing off with a backflip and aiming that shot in a watermelon. Although it looked like any other, it was darker, almost too rotten for a regular Pokémon to eat. Its green outsides, now decorated with orange flames, was spread all over the ground with that burnt fur stench. A Raticate, holding the remaining loose pieces of the watermelon, screeched and tried to fight back with his menacing sharp teeth.

    —Wow. I had some doubts on this one…

    After startling the rat away, Tori glided to the burnt remains of the fruit. Stinky, squishy and sticky to touch, but now he had a reference of what to look for.

    —Fir. Eighteenth watermelon at your left, second line. -Tori gives Fir another of those pebbles as he pulled out his arrow.- Burn them.

    —That’s what I’m talking about!

    Fir jumps and holds that pebble on his chest. With a few more kicks, it ignites just like before and gets kicked to where Tori said. Swiftly, his arrow pierces that projectile and hits the target with a show of flames and eerie leaves, slowly falling from the sky as the snow around them. That blast scared the rats away from that point, looking for a new place to hide.

    Tori urgently says:

    —Get the left ones, I’ll go for the right. Go, go!

    There was nothing boring when both Cinderace and Decidueye were together, laughing and doing their job they were known for; effective despite being a bit chaotic. Sharp arrows and blazing spheres flew back and forth through that ravine. Each Rattata and Raticate they found were caught by Tori’s sharp claws and then sent to a bag, where the guild would take care from that point forward. Unfortunately, the spring and summer next season would have a lack of watermelons, and a slight increase on their price.

    As the wind stirred up in the orange-y sky and had a small open for the sparkly stars in the cold endless sky, two big bags were thrown at the ground, secured and sure that no rips were made during this time.

    —Lady! Our job is done! -Fir screamed with a heroic pride. A trait since before he met Tori.

    But nobody answered. The humble shack had the round windows covered with large leaves and, at the door’s entrance, a folded letter. Tori grabs and open it, reading out loud:

    —”Dear adventurers, I had to leave to buy more seeds and couldn’t warn you”…

    —Wait. -Fir interrupts- Why would she buy more seeds if she’s a grass type? You know about this better than I.

    The owl’s frozen stare quieted the hare down, as he kept reading the message.

    —”So I left this message with the payment. Keep being young as you always are and stay bright.”

    —What a sweet grandma. -Fir says, carrying a bag over his shoulders.

    —Kai could take that as an example. -Tori adds, doing the same.

    —Only in our dreams! He would rather swim in the ice with a thong than be like that for a day, I bet!

    And more laughs. Couldn’t have a bad afternoon with his friend by the side. Tori barely even remembered about his human past, for long he has been within this world. So familiar and yet so distinct. For some reason, had no remorse whatsoever when someone mentioned the family he had left behind. Tori found a new name, new people, a new life. Why would the past have to worry him?

    The floating lights of the Volbeat and Illumise dancing couple of the town shone from far away over the central fountain, frozen and decorated with beautiful snowflakes. The lamps were brighter and welcoming as they slowly walked towards the evening in Autumme. A peculiar festival, with cafeterias and restaurants stretching their business to the brick roads and Pokémon could rest and forget their tiring jobs with some music and warmth.

    —Uncle Zam!

    Fir is the first to approach the Alakazam, frozen in place with the inflexible face. When the rabbit jumps for a tackle-hug, he’s held in the air and thrown to the ground, with crossed legs.

    —Good evening, Mr. Zam. -Tori greets politely- I didn’t knew the winter festival would be so early.

    —Snow arrived earlier this year. -he explained- It’s pretty, but it came out of sudden, and this worries me…

    Through that uncomfortable silence Zam brought, he cleaned his throat and points with his head an empty table they could sit.

    —You can go. I will be here, enjoying in my own pace.

    —I’ll leave the bags in the guild. -Tori offers himself for this heavy job, holding the tip of each bag on each hand, walking with quick and painful steps towards the big gate- Fir, ask for some spicy Pechas for me!

    And Tori makes his way through the cheerful Pokémon, festive and united against that punishing cold weather. Once inside the main corridor, he noticed the lack of lighting, almost with room for the deep darkness. But not for him, used to that labyrinth of hallways and turns after many years. As he felt a sharp scent of mold and old wood, he knew he was at the right place.

    The warehouse door was often used to store relics, hunts and any sort of artifact that was worth its place, or even materials. The management of those items were others’ responsibility, not on Tori’s or Fir’s reckless hands. That’s why he only came to leave the sacks at the doorstep, a bit over the steps down to the darkness. Decidueye felt quite uneasy in the deep dark, despite being a ghost type.

    —Stand back.

    That gentle and yet sudden hoarse voice comes with a bump that pushes Tori away from the wooden door. A tall, fluffy and pink-ish Lopunny carried smaller sacks under her arms, but noiseless. Her straightened eyes turned to the owl with a slight annoyance, probably menacing to do something.

    —What? Came here looking for something?

    —No, no, I didn’t. -Tori replies, shaking himself out of that trance.

    There was something odd in that rabbit. Has never seen her before, in any moment in his life at the guild, ever. If she was someone new, why did nobody presented her, like always? A question big enough to be ignored, even with the bittersweet scent of Fir’s table, fighting to keep a seat free for Tori.

    —Finally! You have no idea how many people I had to keep away and… -he straightened his back- What is that face?

    —Ah, nothing. I just stored the sacks.

    Tori had the mind away from things around him, thinking of other worries, other possibilities too complex to speak out loud. Tangled lines of thought and ideas that, on the outside, made him in an automatic mode, grabbing a snack after every few minutes. Maybe it was the shock of finding someone that far down the weird insides of the guild’s building; couldn’t tell exactly.

    —Okay, what happened there?

    —What? -Tori asks after a short fright.

    —It’s been a good while you haven’t said anything; what happened? Saw anything or anyone weird?

    Fir laid his elbows at the table, approaching his face too close from Tori, but unable to answer that. He was his loyal friend, could trust him despite being noisy and sometimes, reckless; he knew that! And those needy eyes were hard to resist…

    —Look, I don’t know, it was too sudden… but I saw a Lopunny on my way there. She saw me, actually. And I’ve never seen her before…

    —For real? And how was she? -gives a wider smile.

    —A bit grumpy, impatient. It was quite dark, but I remember the fur on her ears; a pink tone. Almost dyed.

    —How?! -Fir asks- Lopunnies use to have a cream fur, so fluffy, so soft…

    For some reason, he had something for those kicking rabbits. That made Tori snap his fingers, so they could focus again.

    —Again, it could be dyed. A Smeargle could do it.

    —So she’s an outsider, because the only Smeargle I know is from the Ska-Inn-g. -Tori says.

    —So, any other bet? -Fir had given up at this point. Only tried to enjoy the spicy treats.

    —The only choice we have left is to say she’s someone new. But this doesn’t make sense, we were supposed to know, like how it happened to me!

    —You are different. -Fir responds- She doesn’t have that mystical mystery from the other world around her arrival like you do. She will probably be presented tomorrow.

    Tori sighs and then Fir right after, which ends this discussion. A weird encounter, by accident, surrounded in mystery and able to fish the poor and naive heart of his partner. That stuck in their minds for so long that they couldn’t even enjoy the festival and what it had to offer. Just wished for the next day, where they would get their answers.


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