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    Although Uncle Zam’s reply had been immediate, Rowlet’s answers to what he got took a few long hours, enough for him to get lost in such doldrums. There were a few journals at the waiting room for anyone that had to wait until the guild could pick them, but it was too close to his old world for him to even get interested in. Besides being a shock having things swapped by Pokémon.

    Creatures came and went, offering packed food for the workers inside and even asking Zam for common locations and directions. Even that cave duo arrived, both panting, bushed and sore; wishing for some rest. Barely laid their eyes at the owl.

    —Excuse me. -a deep voice echoed heavily over the bird- Is Mr. Zam here?

    A tall figure was at the entrance. Really tall, occupying the whole height of it. Its shadow casted through the whole corridor, covering a good bit of the evening orange light of the world outside. Yellow bright eyes, like gold, pierced through the ambient and even the owl with no mouth or expressions whatsoever. Rowlet expected it to attack or do anything, but nothing happened. Ever. It was even worse than the eerie stone from before.

    —Hello, Kurozu. I’m thankful for taking our request. -Zam said, as if that terrifying figure was his friend.

    —Is that the Rowlet? -the rocky giant lowers his body to get inside without bumping his head in the ceiling.

    —Yes. I asked to take care of him while I solve some guild’s business. Keep him safe.


    And he turns his face to the Rowlet, after answering Zam in such a dead and macabre way. A really intimidating golem to be trusted, even being a trustworthy face, judging by how things were handled. His big hand approached the bird; big enough to smash him by closing it. Kurozu could do that, but he didn’t.

    —Come here. Will spare you some energy.

    —What? -he asked shyly, barely able to look him in the eyes.

    —I will carry you to Slak-Inn-g, so that you don’t get hurt.

    Still reluctant, Rowlet asked:

    —Are you…from the guild? Really going to help us?

    —Of course. -his ethereal voice chuckles with that- It’s my duty, after all. I guarantee.

    With no other way to do it if not accepting, the bird lays on foot on that giant hand, and then another one. Solid as the floor, so he felt he wouldn’t fall that easily. Kurozu raises him and leaves the guild base, carrying the weightless Rowlet with him. The increasing moonlight showed a new perspective of the town, with lamps lighting over the brick streets, an increasing coziness of the orange inside every house, welcoming their family back at the end of the day, for a warm meal, good stories, good laughs. The world was not a bad place as long as he could admire that sight.

    —It’s so…

    —Warm? -Kurozu chuckles- Yes. Autumme citadel is one of the few that stays awake at night, mostly. Outsiders visit us looking for a stay.

    —And what happens to them…?

    —We help for the right price. You know, we are not the best place for business, but we have the head office of the guild, so they know who they should trust.

    Rowlet nods quietly as he moves his focus back to the hypnotizing bright. This new world picked him out of blue, throwed him for no reason and yet felt just like home now. Shacks, business, night lights and surprisingly advanced society for a place inhabited only by Pokémon. 

    As they got closer to the Inn entrance, a sweet scent brought him peace. A feeling of warmth and hugs came with a lavender smell of the tidy and clean wooden floor. The owl was too sleepy to look around further or explore the stairs that lead to a superior level. Maybe for more rooms.

    —Good evening, Kurozu. -a beige beret greets him, with a childish tone.

    —Hello, Vann. Still haven’t found a bench?

    —No, I haven’t. -and with effort, the Smeargle held himself at the corner of the desk, using his poor striped arms- Mr. Zam told me about someone, is that him?

    Rowlet got a bit embarrassed and turned his head to the other way to distract and let the stone giant solve that. After all, was afraid to make any mistakes, just like he was before. New people and a new world would mean a new way to do things. A way to don’t screw things up as he used to.

    —Yes, it‘s him. -Kurozu says.

    —Here; room six! Mr. Zam would take care of the payment later…

    —Right. Send my thanks to him. And stay bright!

    —Stay bright! -Vann said with a short smile.

    Rowlet was intrigued with that. So, he said:

    —What was that? -he holds the key with his beak.

    —The room? Is right there, turning right and…

    —Not this. -he says- The last thing you said, about staying bright…

    For the first time, the vertical lines of the stone giant’s head showed some understanding to Rowlet. Kurozu, in the end, truly had a heart inside, as big as himself, and it really let the owl quite guilty for judging him so early. A figure as human as him, perhaps even more.

    —It’s a common farewell in Geniamau. You wish the best for someone, that it stays bright and never in darkness, unhopeful or lost. Does that make sense for you?

    Rowlet nodded again and hopped off Kurozu’s hand, as he leaned down for him to get inside his room. Inside was small, but still comfy to be in. A hay bed with some drawers at the side, a nest and a perch at the other. This really reminded him that he was a bird.

    The walls were decorated with a mush green from the rug to the ceiling, feeling just like his old room, abandoned in the human world. Being around green, nature; life itself really made him feel better after that shock.

    —Zam did a great job choosing this one. -Kurozu spied inside, having to crouch due to his size.

    —It’s beautiful… -didn’t even knew where to start.

    —Well, then I’m leaving. I heard that Fir and his team will pick you up tomorrow. -explains- Until some day, Rowlet. And stay bright!

    —Stay bright -he interrupts himself- Kurozu, wait!

    The Golurk opened a tiny bit of that fragile wooden door for him.

    —What happened?

    —Can you tell them that… -it was harder to say than he thought. Had in the end accepted that all of that was not a dream and had no way back. A bitter acceptance but with a calm outcome- I chose a name. Can you tell this to Zam and Fir?

    —Oh, right. Sure. -he nodded- What would this be?

    After some seconds in silence, watching the new world around him, eerily similar to his older one but yet with so much help and good hearted guests…

    Rowlet then decides his path from now on, with a word that would change his identity from now on:

    —Tori. You can call me Tori


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