The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    The wind roared and particles danced as a blizzard elegantly battered the earth, coating it in a sleek, white layer of snow. Icicles hung from barren trees and wooden fences. Frost smothered dirt pathways, shimmering despite the dark clouds looming above.

    The citizens of De Pala’s western lowlands were used to a sight like this, especially those closest to the region’s towering mountains. But it was always a welcome one. 

    In the middle of the expanse was a large red barn, standing proud against the barrages of incoming snow. Warm light escaped foggy windows, breaking up the world’s cold gray. Neatly trimmed hedges surrounded a narrow porch, the top of which sheltering wooden chairs and flower pots from the storm. Next to the barn were crop fields, though long since fertile.

    Aside from the blizzard, everything was quiet and still, frozen in time. 

    Or, that was until a blur dashed through the squall and up the nearly indiscernible path. It approached the barn at an impossible speed.

    Through the storm’s shroud appeared a lean figure covered with mint fur and a thick black jacket. The form dashed toward the barn door with a basket in his paw. He leaped onto the porch and grabbed a large, ring-like handle on the barn’s heavy wooden door. 

    The figure grunted as he pulled it to the left with all his might. It slid open, reluctantly allowing him entry. He stepped inside before pulling the door shut, sealing out the cold. 

    “Ah… ha… phew,” the man huffed in a soft voice as he shivered. He peeled off his coat and hung it on a coat rack next to the door, revealing himself as a Meowscarada. The Pokémon wore a beige-and-white checkered shirt with a gray vest on top. A layer of red poked out from the collar. 

    His fuchsia eyes swept over the barn’s living room, a rustic space with couches, a coffee table, and a warmly lit fireplace. Garland hung from a staircase to the left and over the mantle of the fireplace, and gold and silver ornaments hung from the ceiling. In the corner was a recently cut tree decorated with baubles of every color. 

    “I’m back!” the Meowscarada called before walking across the creaky wood floor and to an old blue sofa. From the seat rose a brown Oinkologne with a pink top, blue eyeshadow, and gold earrings. 

    “Hey, Dian! Sorry you had to be the one to go out there,” she replied in a mild, relaxed voice before giving him a lazy, sheepish smile.

    He wrung his paw as he returned her smile. “Not a problem, Celeste. Just bad timing, with the worst of it happening today. Luckily Viborea was out giving people rides.”

    “Bless that Revavroom,” the Oinkologne said with a chuckle. 

    A young Charcadet hopped up from the couch, stretching himself to look over it. Flames of many blues and purples danced excitedly atop his head as his glowing blue eyes met the Meowscarada’s. “Uncle Dian! You’re not a popsicle!” His voice was high and immature but with a slight raspiness.

    Dian patted the boy on his forehead, careful not to touch his flames. He laughed. “Thankfully not. Felt like I was becoming one, though.”

    “Glad you aren’t, ’cause I didn’t buy the most amazing presents to give them to ice sculptures,” Celeste joked. 

    “Well, luckily I’m still fur and blood to receive mine,” he said with a chortle.

    “Kitchen to living room, we need our groceries~!” yelled someone from across the room jovially, her voice deep and vigorous. 

    The Meowscarada turned to a kitchen branching off from the living area. “On my way, Angie!” 

    Tucking his basket under his arm, he passed a table in the corner and into the next room. It was a long, rectangular kitchen with wooden cabinets, a gray stone countertop, a top-of-the-line wood stove, and a large metal icebox. Pans and wooden cutting boards were strewn about. 

    Upon entering, the Meowscarada was overwhelmed by the mouthwatering aroma of sauteed vegetables, fried potatoes, Shellder and Clauncher paella, soy meat roast, and best of all freshly baked chocolate flan. Running around amongst the delicious chaos was a Bombirdier with a pink heart apron wrapped around her abdomen. She craned her long neck toward Dian, her deep green eyes glowing upon seeing him. 

    “Did you get everything on the list?” she asked.

    Dian grinned and put the basket on the counter, next to an overflowing gravy boat. “Miraculously, yes! And the cold probably preserved the ingredients a  little longer.”

    Angie stepped up and kissed him on the cheek with her long beak, leaving behind a small trace of her lipstick. “Look at you, mister hero running out in the storm for little ol’ me. You get an extra helping of whatever you want, Dee. I have everything I need to finish Harmony Day dinner!”

    Dian’s jaw dropped as he looked around the ravaged kitchen. “You did all this by yourself?”

    She smiled. “Well, my Lukey-poo helped, and Celeste watched the stove while I took bathroom breaks.”

    “Still, I feel guilty not helping out,” the Meowscarada said with a slight frown. He turned toward the living room and scanned the space. “What about Tor? Where is he?”

    “Big guy went out to the backyard just before you arrived. He’s getting more coal for the furnace.”

    A loud wooden groan filled the house. Dian turned to see the barn door sliding open. A Garganacl ducked his tall, rocky body under the doorway. He stood up to his full size, towering over everything even from afar. As he lumbered in, a green winter scarf with blue stripes swung lazily from his chest. In his arms was a heaping pile of charcoal.

    “I have returned with the coals,” he stated, as though the others wouldn’t notice, his voice low and matter-of-fact.

    Lucas jumped over the couch and hopped up to the giant. “I wanna light the furnace! I wanna light the furnace!” 

    “You definitely will not!” Angie shouted from the kitchen before rolling her eyes. “Last time you ‘helped,’ your fire nearly burned the barn down.”

    “Aww man,” the boy uttered. 

    Celeste climbed off the couch and walked on all fours toward the Charcadet. She stood up on her hind legs. “Don’t worry Luke, you can help me put out your mama’s food when it’s ready.”

    He smiled at the offer. “Okay!” 

    The Oinkologne returned to all fours as she and the Characadet walked to the kitchen. Meanwhile, Angie removed heaps of berries, peppers, and onions from Dian’s basket and placed them onto cutting boards.

    Finding himself alone with his task accomplished, Tor looked at his coals, then at the Bombirdier. “Would it be frowned upon, as you say, to ingest one now?” 

    Angie craned her neck as she sliced a knife through a Tomato berry. She shrugged. “Fine by me, just don’t spoil your dinner.”

    “Spoil?” the Garganacl repeated. He picked out and inspected a black rock from his pile. “I do not see how consuming this will cause the food to rot, but in any case, I will just take one.” He brought the coal up to his mouth before taking a bite. It broke in half with a satisfying crunch. 

    Dian laughed as he looked toward Angie. “I guess all he can eat is your famous salt and herb clusters anyway.”

    She smirked. “You joke, but my rocks are certified delicious by our Golem friends at Mount Oro.”

    “Fair enough,” the Meowscarada conceded.

    A clockwork timer on the counter emitted a shrill, metallic ring. Angie slipped on two wing-shaped pot holders as she walked to the oven. She opened it, releasing the full, immaculate aroma of the roast inside. Dian’s stomach growled as the scent wafted over him and into his nose. 

    The bombardier pulled it out before lifting it onto the stove with a grunt. She closed the oven and smiled.

    “Phew! That’s everything! Get everyone to the table, Dee, dinner’s in a few!”

    The Meowscarada, Oinkologne, Garganacl, and Charcadet all gathered around the table in the room’s corner. Atop a red and green tablecloth were plates, dinnerware, and the spread of steaming dishes. Celeste looked at the feast with anticipation in her purple eyes. Tor sat idly, chewing away at his coal. Lucas stared in amazement as Dian pulled playing cards out of thin air, performing some magic tricks to keep the boy occupied. 

    Angie walked in, hauling a metal tray before placing it on the table and pushing it to the center. “The Harmony Day roast is here and cooked to perfection!”

    “It all looks so good, girl,” Celeste said as she eyed the centerpiece. “Ugh, looks like I’m going to commit the stereotype of, you know, pigging out.”

    Dian laughed before sneaking some cards back into his sleeve. “It looks amazing, Angie. I can’t wait!”

    “My mama makes the best food in De Pala!” Lucas declared, his eyes glowing a fiery blue as he marveled at the spread. 

    “Though I cannot eat most of this, if the others say it is good, then it must be,” Tor added.

    Angie stood proud with a grin on her beak and her wings on her hips. “Yes, yes, I’m incredible.” She took her seat at the end of the table and next to Lucas’s. “Now, does anyone have something to say before we scarf down my masterpieces?”

    The group looked at each other. A smile crept slowly onto each of their faces. 

    “I can start,” Celeste replied before blushing. “You guys know I come from a large family, five brothers, my parents, tons of cousins. But you guys are as close to me as any of them. I thought my family couldn’t get bigger, but then came Team Granger. Love you guys. And the fact that I can rely on someone other than my brothers for fashion advice.”

    “Anytime,” Dian and Angie said in unison. They looked at each other in surprise before bursting out laughing.

    “I wanna say something!” Lucas called, waving his hand eagerly. 

    Angie nodded. “Go ahead, Lukey.”

    “I just wanna say I have the best family ever!” Lucas announced joyfully. “I got my mama, my Uncle Dian, Uncle Tor, and Aunt Celeste! You’re so much fun! I get to eat yummy food and play games and go on missions! It’s the best!”

    “Well said, my little spark,” Angie said with a chuckle.

    The Bombirdier looked at Tor, who was silently scanning everyone with his square, orange eyes. “Tor, hon, do you have something to say?”

    “If it would be appropriate,” he replied meekly. 

    Celeste nodded. “Go for it, big guy.”

    “Alright,” Tor said in acknowledgment. “You all taught me about friendship. You gave me a purpose and a home. For that, I am grateful. I would have been content living outside of Alvaro Mines. But you convinced me I should leave, and being here… has made me happy.”

    “We’re happy to have you too, Tor!” Celeste replied. The others clapped. 

    Thank you,” the Garganacl said plainly. He fell silent, but there was a glimmer of satisfaction in his eyes.

    Dian turned to his remaining teammates before gesturing across the table. “Angie, I imagine you have something to share?” 

    The Bombirdier nodded. “Oh, you know it. I’m thankful for…”

    She paused, becoming immediately choked up. “I’m thankful for…”

    The others looked at Angie in anticipation. As she studied their faces, she sniffled and began to tear up. “I’m thankful for all of you. This team has made everything worth it. I don’t know… what I’d do without you…”

    “Mama, you okay?” Lucas asked, frowning.

    The Bombirdier wiped a tear before putting a wing on his back. She inhaled to calm herself and smiled. “Never better, sweetheart.” She craned her neck to look at Dian. “Dee, hon, please take over before I melt like a SnowMachoke.”

    He nodded. “After all that, where to start?” A soft smile formed on his lips as he looked at each of his teammates. “Granger is… obviously it’s more than just a team. We’re a family, and that’s something to be truly grateful for. You guys filled a big hole in my heart. Our culture always says everyone should have a greatest treasure, and you are just that, my treasure.” 

    The Meowscarada picked up a glass filled with a pink liquid. He held it high. “I propose a Harmony Day toast! To Team Granger!”

    The other adults raised their glasses too. In imitation, Lucas offered a juice box.

    “To Team Granger!”

    A silence fell between the five, but in the place of sound was a great warmth, an aura of love and companionship. The team exchanged glances, their eyes aglow with joy. 

    Dian sported a proud grin.

    ‘This is what we’ve built. This is more than I ever thought I’d have. It’s more than I could ask for, even on Harmony Day. If I didn’t have them, I don’t know what I’d—’

    The sound of Angie clearing her throat interrupted the daydreaming Meowscarada. He turned his head to see a boastful look on her face.

    “Now, the heartfelt words are great, but they won’t fill our bellies or keep the food warm,” she reminded the group, who once again eyed the feast with expectant smiles. The Bombirdier gestured with a wing to the wondrous meal. “With that out of the way… let’s make a Drilbur and dig in!” 

    “Happy Harmony Day!” Lucas enthused before plucking an apple from the assortment. 

    “Happy Harmony Day!” Team Granger cheered as one. 

    Hey everyone! Wanted to do something a little different for the holiday season, so hope you enjoyed! For context, this is a fic team I’ve been considering for a little while, and the more I think on them and the story they’d play a part in, the more I like it. So while my other story, New Dawn Heirloom, will be my main focus for now, perhaps some time in the future you’ll see the beginning of a full fic with this cast and setting! Hope you love them as much as I do. Details are subject to change, of course, if I do end up going further with them.

    Special thanks go to youngmanymca on FFN and AO3 for beta reading. This was a last minute project so I am thrilled he was able to help me refine the prose for this. :)


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