The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Vilé was considerably more convoluted than even some mystery dungeons. Streets weaved in between buildings, shops, and other streets, but were only wide enough for a single Snorlax to wade through. Elevators and stairs were required to reach everywhere in the city, and there were so many signs that it was difficult to figure out how to get anywhere. Rather than having a line of shops on a single road, instead the shops were on different levels of the same building, meaning that lifts and stairs were required to access different facilities – each street only had one or two shops. Signs and maps constantly contradicted each other by leading to stairs or pointing to the same buildings.

    Thankfully the city wasn’t busy. There were enough Pokémon to fill the air with the usual hustle and bustle of a busy town, but it was a far cry from Girage Field’s moderated pedestrian traffic. Something about the foggy distance made everything feel cold, but the dark combined with the neon lights and metallic sky to make it all feel alive. This also made it impossible to tell the time – all the group knew was that after their round of stocking up on necessities, they were worn out and ready to turn in.

    Zangoose directed them the whole way with pure patience, finishing at the accommodation he promised earlier. This section of the city was high up, away from the commercial district, and quiet. A single structure was long with two floors, and lined with doors and staircases. Lucca started growling when he saw Zangoose heading straight for it, and grabbed his pigtails. “Hrrg, why does it always have to be stairs?”

    “Lucca, are you okay?” Brine asked.

    “No, I’m not okay. This entire freaking city is just stairs! If I have to climb another one, my flippers are gonna fall off,” he threw himself back to the floor.

    “Geez, get up. You being whiny about stairs isn’t that cute, you know,” Ruby commented.

    “Good. I don’t want to be cute,” he replied.

    “Too bad, you don’t get to decide that. Now get up,” she groaned. He gurgled and waved a flipper up, so she started to drag him along. “You’re gonna hit your head if I drag you up the stairs, you know.”

    “This guy sometimes,” Azu shook her head and palmed her face.

    “These are empty rooms you can use to sleep in. They should have everything you need. There are no plans to use them anytime soon, so feel free to share or keep a room to yourselves, if you’d prefer,” Zangoose informed.

    “Whoa what, we get our own rooms? About time!” Ruby cheered, dropping Lucca’s head on a step.

    “Oh right, for some reason I forgot you used to live alone. I didn’t think you liked it, though,” Crystal cocked her head.

    “Nothin’ against you guys, but sometimes a girl just needs some time to herself, y’know? Have you never felt that?” Ruby said smugly.

    “I don’t feel anything, Ruby,” Crystal replied.

    “You’re annoyed at me there, so clearly, ya do,” Ruby snickered. She skipped up the stairs and picked a door at random. “I call dibs on this one!”

    “Why that one?” Brine giggled as the Cyndaquil ran in and slammed the door shut. She waited for a reply, but none came. “Yeesh, she’s weird. If we’re done here, I’ll hit the hay, too.”

    “Sounds like everyone’s ready to,” Azu said quietly.

    The group spread out into their own individual rooms, but Azu and Mimia waited behind with Lucca. Right when he was about to pick a room that was vacant, she tapped him and gestured to follow her. They went into the leftmost room to check that it was empty, and then made themselves comfortable. All that was in here was a bunkbed, a table, a shelf with some books, an open wardrobe, and a tinted window to look outside.

    “This is about Mother Bun, isn’t it?” Lucca began. Mimia plopped himself on the bottom bunk while Azu waltzed over to the back to scan the shelf.

    “Of course it is. I appreciate you not buttering this up,” she replied without turning around. “Ugh, they’re all children’s books. If these are reserved for special guests, why leave children’s books?”

    “She’s dooming this entire country. Anyone with eyes can see that,” Lucca stated. “It’s seriously a wonder she’s still alive.”

    “It’s true. I’ve never seen a Pokémon in that kind of condition before. But you mustn’t kill her,” Azu turned around. Her face was furious again.

    “Azu…” Lucca muttered.

    “I have to agree this time, Lucca,” Mimia joined in. He was curled up on the bed.

    “Mimia?” Lucca was surprised.

    “Her theory might be flawed, but it is also working. As long as she stays alive, this city won’t sink anytime soon. I don’t think it will, even in its current condition,” Mimia reasoned. “I say we take advantage of that. They will guide us to the trial tomorrow, and then we will have five trials completed.”

    “But then what? This place will still crash. Even if we restore Bestia, Vilé will still fall. This place won’t magically rise out of the gorge,” Lucca argued.

    “We’ll have time to deal with it, though. This is exactly the kind of thing I’m working towards,” Azu replied sharply. Lucca took in a breath. “Listen to me Lucca, and listen to me carefully. I still haven’t forgiven you for all the shit you’ve pulled up until now.”

    Her cursing surprised him, so he ensured he had eye contact. She was deadly serious.

    “You behave like everything you’ve done is noble and right, and don’t think of the repercussions. It’s like you’ve never worked with children before. None of them are going to be able to live normal lives because of you, you know.”

    “Wh-what? I’m not their parent, though. I’ve never been their mentor or role model, or anything like that,” he turned away.

    “Is that something a crown prince should really be saying?” Azu challenged. He clenched his flippers and struggled to look at her. “If you really don’t care about that, then care about me. I need this place to stay standing.”

    “Why do you want Mother Bun to stay alive?” Lucca shook his head.

    “Vilé managed to create technology that almost allows them to live like this. Their technology is moving forward with such a slow, gradual decline of the planet. They’re almost there. If I worked here and researched their methods, I may be able to come up with a truly sustainable method to advancing Heroica,” Azu explained desperately. “But I can’t do anything if you go on a murder spree and kill Mother Bun.”

    “Besides, didn’t you say that we were doing this for ourselves, rather than Alver’s orders? We’ve no reason to,” Mimia added.

    He’s got me there. I really did say something like that. And I meant it, too, Lucca realised. He sighed silently, and then shuffled over to the wardrobe. It had various hooks and lines perfect for hanging armour or accessories, and all at different heights. He was able to slot his swords in perfectly. “Fine, I won’t do it.”

    “Were you actually going to do it?” Mimia’s mouth dropped.

    “I was heavily considering it. You heard Angel’s warning. If this place goes down, then it’ll be thousands of years before any future warriors get another chance. That’s assuming Heroica even lives long enough that there can be more Shining Warriors,” he explained. “I just can’t shake the feeling that Mother Bun’s on her last legs. I don’t know why the other Pokémon didn’t seem that bothered by what was going on. Kusha seemed to get it.”

    “Trust me, you’re not alone on that thought. I’m praying that if we can restore Bestia soon, Mother Bun will be able to ease up and take care of herself for a bit. Whatever miracle gives me enough time to research this place,” Azu added.

    “I’ve seen feral elders who look healthier than her. And we ferals forgo anything beyond natural healthcare,” Mimia admitted.

    Someone knocked on the door just then, and the group went quiet. “U-um, hello? It’s me, Shelly.”

    “It’s open,” Lucca called, and glanced at Azu. “Er, this counts as my room, right?”

    The Oshawott took a step in and instantly took to playing with his paws. “Oh, Azu and… A-am I interrupting something?”

    “Nothing at all,” Azu answered before Lucca could say a word. “I really wanted to talk to Lucca about this whole thing and our plans for tomorrow… whenever that is. You can’t see the sun in this place.”

    “I am interrupting… I’ll come back later,” he shook his head.

    “You’re okay, it’s fine! Did you need something? Come in come in, this ain’t our house or anything. No need to be shy,” Azu smiled as she brought him over. Mimia yipped happily with her.

    “We-well um, I wanted t-to talk to Lucca about something, too,” Shelly started twiddling his feet as well.

    “Well go ahead, you don’t have to hold back,” Azu replied with a hand on her hip. He didn’t say anything, however. He just looked up at them expectantly. “Oh, right. I get it. I got what I wanted though, so I’m good.”

    “H-huh?” Lucca cocked his head. Mimia got up and started humming a tune as he trotted out after her. “Azu, Mimia, where are you going?”

    “I get it, it’s fine. We can chat again in the morning or something,” Azu sung. They shut the door behind them, and then silence fell.

    “Geez, everyone’s acting funny. I didn’t think having your own rooms would make everyone lose their minds,” Lucca commented. He threw himself back on the bed and tucked his flippers behind his head. “Well, floor’s all yours, buddy.”

    Shelly continued to ponder his words, and the longer he did, the more nervous he seemed to get. Lucca eventually sat up and snickered at him. “Wa-wah, what’s so funny?”

    “You’re so nervous. I promise you, it’s fine. Whatever you want to ask, I’m listening,” Lucca assured.

    Shelly gulped and still couldn’t look at him. “I… we, um, I wanted to talk about us being brothers.”

    “Oh, that skipped my mind, too. There’s so much going on, I seriously never thought about that fully,” Lucca settled down. He laid on his side and leaned his head on a flipper. “I don’t get the science behind it, either. Me, you, Mother and Father are all completely different species, and yet there’s no doubt about it, right? We share parents.”

    “What’s Papa- erm, Father like? And Mama, too?”

    Lucca’s grin faded. “Father’s strict. Strict, but noble. On the outside, he’s always got this tiny, pleasant smile and gives smart orders without a second of thought. Yet still, I can tell he’s always battling deep thoughts and emotions. But I look up to him. He’s always doing the right thing as a king.”

    “It’s just like Mama- I mean, Gladys,” Shelly whispered.

    “As for Nebilim, our Mother… I’ll admit, I never knew her,” Lucca turned to him. “When I was old enough to be aware, she was already gone. Father never really spoke about her, and whenever I asked, he’d have the most distant eyes.”

    “So you know as much as I do. Do you want to find her?”

    Lucca paused in surprise. “We kinda have our paws full from the journey, don’t you think? Not that it’s not important or anything…”

    “Don’t you want to find her?” Shelly glanced up at him.

    “We don’t even know if she’s alive.”

    “She has to be alive!” Shelly became serious. Lucca went quiet. “S-sorry… I just don’t know why she left me on the island like that.”

    “We can only theorize, and I don’t think that’s productive. Maybe when this quest is over, we can start investigating?” Lucca suggested. “I wonder how Father would react if he found out who you were?”

    Silence fell thanks to that question, and Shelly went back to playing with his paws. Lucca sighed and laid back on the bed to stare at the ceiling. “Another question we can only theorize, huh?”

    “U-um… Lucca… Is it alright if, I um,” Shelly started to squeak.

    “Hey come on. Look at me,” Lucca got him to face up. “You don’t need to be shy around me, or any of us. I promise.”

    “This is going to sound really weird, though,” he admitted, and started blushing hard. “Is it okay if I sleep here tonight?”

    That made Lucca roll over to face him again.

    “I-I-I don’t mean weirdly or anything like that!” Shelly flailed his arms. “I just thought… I-I never got to have a brother… so I thought… I-I’ll sleep in another bed, of course!”

    “Heh. It’s Mimia you’ll have to ask,” Lucca snickered. Shelly froze in surprise. “You just want to chat and stuff, right? I don’t mind at all. You’re right, we should get to know each other better, like real brothers should. I’m up for it.”

    “Huh? Why Mimia?”

    “Because… we’re really close. He’ll sleep here by default. Not saying you would, but I wouldn’t want him to be disturbed or vice versa, you know?” Lucca smiled.

    “Oh… there are only two beds. I’m sorry I asked,” Shelly hung his head.

    “There’s enough space. Mimia sleeps next to me.”

    That made him flinch back. “He does?”

    “… Is that really such a surprise?”

    “Wa-wait, but if he does… can a boy sleep in the same bed as another boy?”

    Lucca sat up with a sceptical look. “What in the world are you thinking about?”

    The Oshawott was frozen to the spot, and his face was bright red. “U-um… Lucca, the girls on Van Aken told me… n-no, I wasn’t allowed to sleep in the same bed with anyone until I married Elise. Only couples are supposed to sleep together.”

    “Is that how it works?” Lucca cocked his head. Now Shelly was gawking. “We’re not married or anything. That’s just the way things were back home and growing up.”

    “… You’re not awkward at all,” Shelly whispered.

    “Should I be?” Lucca asked. Shelly paused to observe. The Brionne was well and truly perplexed by the question. Not a hint of blush or a shred of stutter in his voice. Lucca eventually sat up and started snickering again. “You’re going on shy again, but I really don’t get it. Haven’t I proved we can talk about anything yet?”

    “Lucca lives in a whole different world to me. I-I think I’m starting to understand that,” Shelly said quietly, and shook his head.

    “Well yeah. It’s nothing like even here in Vilé. There’s no green, the trees are dead, it’s… okay it’s not as hot as the desert, but it’s hot and there’s barely any water. Nature’s just dead,” Lucca explained.

    That isn’t what I meant, but it’s cool to know about Reverie, too, Shelly prodded his paws together.

    “The only Pokémon around are these creatures we call beasts, too. They’re a bit like Pokémon, but they’re way weirder. That Naganadel monster we battled, that’s one of the beasts. Imagine having loads of those just flying around, and they’re all as strong as the one we battled,” Lucca continued.

    “That’s scary? No wonder you’re so strong!” Shelly gasped.

    “Eheh, I wish,” Lucca leaned on a flipper and winked. “I can’t beat any of them on my own, I can only drive them off. Mimia on the other hand, you should see him when he gets going.”

    “When he gets going… you aren’t saying… the lad can beat them, can he?” Shelly trembled at the thought.

    Lucca lifted both flippers and his tail. “Three at once.”

    Three Naganadel at the same time? Shelly’s mouth hit the floor. He couldn’t picture it. If Mimia was really that powerful, then why didn’t he ever show it during this quest? “And he won?”

    “He won,” Lucca nodded. “We have this belief that we learnt growing up… if there’s something you really, really want, and it’s not hurting anyone, then you should do absolutely everything in your power to achieve it.”

    “Everything…” Shelly muttered.

    “Mimia wasn’t actually supposed to stay with me. But I saved his life, and he really wanted to protect me in return. So he stayed during my training, and just, he was wild. He brought out power I never knew Pokémon without Bestia had. So we started training together instead, and he learnt to control his power,” Lucca recalled. “Father wanted me to learn to use a sword, but I just wasn’t getting it. So I picked up dancing and shuangdao instead, and well, here I am. Now, we fight together and Mimia’s my… well, he was my retainer and all that.”

    “You really like Mimia, don’t you?” Shelly asked happily.

    “Ahah, you saw all that at the Lightworks trial. I couldn’t imagine living without him, to be honest,” Lucca finally blushed slightly. “So yeah, it’s pretty fair to say.”

    It’s super weird, but I think Lucca doesn’t realise he’s in love? Or maybe I don’t get it, and it’s okay for Pokémon to be like that with each other, Shelly replied with a sunny smile.

    “What’s with that grin? Now you just look like you’re thinking something cheeky,” Lucca smirked at him.

    “… I’m just happy,” Shelly’s tail wagged to back him up. “I’m happy because you and Mimia are happy, that’s all.”

    “Okay… so what about you? How’re you feeling about the others?” Lucca asked, and leaned on both flippers this time.

    Urk, then he goes and asks that. Maybe he does get it? Shelly flinched, but quickly calmed. “Er, what do you mean?”

    “No one’s really spoken about you leaving Elise since that whole incident. You’ve been fine in battle and stuff, but when I think about it, it’s unfair we’ve sort of left you in the quiet like this,” he explained. He got up to rummage through his belongings and tossed a couple of fresh apples toward him. “Here. Snacks.”

    “H-huh? Didn’t Azu say it’s not good to eat in our tents before bed?” Shelly whispered.

    “Well Azu’s not here. Little secret, I’m always eating in my tent,” Lucca winked at him. “Don’t look at me like that, are you really surprised? I’m always hungry!”

    “… So am I,” he admitted, and took a chomp. Lucca must have gotten these apples in the city, as their freshness gave them a clean flavour. “I’m okay. I’m just doing what I have to do. I’m sorry I messed up in the battle before. I really thought rain would stop the sandstorm. It’s supposed to.”

    “You were on the right track. Magic weather changes by Pokémon attacks and orbs are meant to cancel each other out. But with Bestia not involved, the rules are just wacky,” Lucca explained. “Do you ever wonder why we even know these rules or learn Pokémon attacks, even though we’re several generations deep of not having Bestia?”

    “I have. It’s easy to say it’s just nature, but it doesn’t make sense. I’ve never actually been taught to use Water Gun or Aqua Jet. I just… know how to use them for some reason,” Shelly nodded, and took another bite. Lucca ate two apples whole at once.

    “Pardon me, didn’t mean to chance to subject on you a bit. What I meant was you honestly battled fine out there. And don’t worry about the fight with Feather; we all struggled there,” Lucca replied, eating a third. He let out a light belch, and then reached for two more. “You were really shy around me, so now I’m a little concerned there’s something on your mind.”

    Is it really okay? I don’t know… I could regret this… Shelly pondered. “Will you… keep a secret?”

    “You’re gonna keep mine, right?” Lucca flashed an apple. Shelly nodded shyly, and that apple was tossed at him. “Then don’t hold back. My lips are sealed tight.”

    Shelly took a deep breath. He knew Lucca wasn’t lying. Just this little night had shown how cool and honest the Brionne was, yet he couldn’t calm the angst swelling in his chest. Despite it all, he shuffled through his Treasure Orb for one item he knew for sure how to find. Lucca leaned forward curiously, and then calmed when Shelly revealed a bracelet with a Gospel Vibe attached to it.

    “That’s that leaf that changes based on emotions, right? You and Elise have one,” Lucca pointed out. Shelly nodded.

    “They’re called Gospel Vibes. The royal family of Van Aken wear them to assure trust in their Pokémon that they’re not lying. But the public can get these too, and they’re given to other Pokémon when they make a marriage confession,” Shelly explained. His face went redder at every word until nervous gestures took over.

    “Are you thinking of giving that to Crystal?” Lucca asked. Shelly gulped. “If you want my opinion, I think you’re too young to be thinking about marriage. Marriage is pretty—”

    “It won’t be for marriage!” Shelly cried. “But I believe it’ll show how I truly feel. If they wear this and respond, it’ll show how they truly feel, too.”

    “… And who’s they?” Lucca challenged. Shelly took in a sharp breath. “I promise I’ll keep it secret. I won’t get in the way, either. Last thing we want is another repeat of what Ruby did.”

    Shelly took a deep breath, gulped, tensed himself, then turned away again. He couldn’t stop blushing, and his heart had not only fallen into his stomach, but it felt like it was going to come out if he went any further. “U-um, you get along really well with Miss Azu. Do you know how to talk to girls?”

    “Huh?” Lucca’s eyes widened. “What kind of question is that? You’re the one who grew up on an island of only females. I grew up in a kingdom with only males.”

    “B-but you and Azu are super close and stuff, a-a-and you went on a date and stuff,” Shelly whimpered.

    “Didn’t you and Elise?” Lucca raised an eyebrow. Shelly faced the floor. His face couldn’t possibly go redder. “Oh. So it was less honest feelings and more a requirement from you, huh?”

    “Me and Elise have never done anything like that,” he admitted.

    “Well… huh. Oh geez, I guess this is where I’m meant to do proper big brother advice, huh?” Lucca rubbed the back of his head as he pondered a response. He hung his tail off and bed and sat straight. “If there’s one thing I’ve learnt from my travels across Heroica, it’s that there are all kinds of Pokémon out there, Pokémon that live lives unlike anything I could imagine.”

    Shelly kept staring at the floor.

    “Unless they’re of a higher social standing, I just talk to them the same way I’d talk to my friends. It doesn’t matter whether they’re a boy or a girl,” Lucca continued. Shelly looked up at him. “Crystal’s quiet but kind, the careful kid. Ruby’s rowdy and passionate, and knows what she wants. Brine keeps to herself a lot, but she’s got more going for her than she lets on. And Azu, she’s cute, adventurous, and really smart. But when you really think about it, that’s just like me, you, and Mimia, right? And all the other males I knew back home. So just treat ‘em how you’d like to be treated.”

    Shelly opened his mouth to respond, but couldn’t come up with anything against this. For someone who stuffed four apples into their cheeks, Lucca’s logic was sound. The Brionne caught him staring again, and cocked his head with his mouth still full. “What? Did I say something stupid?”

    “N-no, hee hee,” Shelly replied. He glanced at his bracelet again. “I’ll make sure I give this to the Pokémon I like, and when I do, I’ll do it just the way I can! Thank you, Lucca.”

    “You really don’t wanna tell me who it is?” Lucca grinned.

    “I can’t. It’s a secret to everybody,” he smiled gleefully.

    Lucca threw himself back and groaned. “Fiiine, mister no fun. I imagine you already know this, but don’t go trying to confess soon, though. We’ve got a little too much work to do.”

    “Yes of course Lucca! I’m not desperate or anything,” Shelly complained. “I won’t tell anyone about you eating at night, too.”

    “Azu’s the only one who has a problem with it,” Lucca shrugged. “I know she’s right, but she’s also not right. I’m hungry, so I eat when I’m hungry. There’s nothing unhealthy about that.”

    “She does seem conscious about her size… even though I think she looks like what Azumarill are meant to look like,” Shelly commented.

    “I know right? Wait, how do you know what Azumarill are meant to look like?” Lucca sat up.

    “I saw them in a book a long time ago. I read a lot. Well, I used to read a lot of books. Even though they didn’t want me and Elise to go out, they had a lot of books to explain the outside world,” Shelly explained. “It’s embarrassing, but I used to dream about it a lot.”

    “You as well? I researched a lot of stuff about legends before I got to come here. It was all in books Father had for some reason. They didn’t have a lot on Pokémon, but there was a lot about Heroica, camping out in nature, Bestia law… that sort of thing,” Lucca remarked.

    “… Then how didn’t you know how shops work?” Shelly cocked his head.

    “Ack- come on man, that was so long ago. Is no one going to let that go?”

    “I just think it’s funny, to be honest.”

    “As funny as Fire Burps?”

    “That is funny! Don’t you think it’s just silly that Ruby’s strongest move is that?”

    “Ah, I don’t really comment. But I’d take any other attack being her strongest than that.”

    “You should trying burping her, too. Maybe you’ll make her do a stronger one.”

    “If I tried to do something like that to Ruby, she’d burn me to ashes. It’s a miracle she hasn’t done that to you.”

    “You’re scared of Ruby?”

    “I’m not scared of Ruby!”

    “Then you do the Fire Burp next time!”

    “I am not giving her the- alright, you’re more mischievous than I thought, mister. Let’s test your battle knowledge then, shall we?” Lucca grinned as he got up. “You learnt a few tricks training with her, time to trade that knowledge with me.”

    “R-really? You want to train?” Shelly gasped. “I’ll do my best. I won’t let you show me up!”

    Their training session wound up being little more than back and forth fighting talk, mostly from Lucca nerding out about weapons and fighting styles. Shelly learnt a lot in theory that he wanted to try, but it tired him out more than he expected. As if their minds were being read, Mimia returned not long after the duo called it quits, and they all hit the hay at the same time.

    Shelly was tired, but his mind wasn’t. He lay on the top bunk with a blanket half covering him, staring at the ceiling. This whole evening was surreal. He’d learnt so much about himself and the world around him just by talking to one person. That person was his brother, and that felt amazing.

    Just treat them how you’d like to be treated, he told himself, and held his bracelet up high. The world outside of Van Aken… it’s so different, and it’s full of so many special Pokémon. I really haven’t been paying attention because of the journey… and trying to be stronger… for her…

    He slipped the bracelet back into his belongings, careful as to avoid making too much noise. Then he rolled onto his front and crawled to look over the side of the bed, hoping to see how Lucca and Mimia slept together. The idea they were together was so brave, yet equally beautiful to him.

    Provided that they were there. Mimia snored away on top of the blanket. Lucca who was meant to be cuddled up to him, was gone. The blankets were thrown aside as if he’d gotten out in a hurry. A lump formed in his chest.

    Where? Shelly asked himself as he tried to scan the rest of the room. It was as dark as the night was meant to be, but with so little in their room anyway, it was easy to make things out. Unmistakably, Lucca’s swords were gone. That lump in his chest grew heavier.

    He couldn’t have, he slid his way to the floor, snatched his own bag, and headed out.

    All of the other rooms were shut tight. Most lights were off, and the area was in urban silence. From here, Shelly had a surprisingly pretty view of the city. At this height, it looked like an ocean of lights and glamour. Even though there were no waves or sunlight, the neon streetlights shimmered and flowed below. Everything above or in the distance was painted in a golden glow.

    Crystal’s still asleep, I think, Shelly concluded, glancing back at the rooms again. Wait, she doesn’t sleep… does she pretend to? It doesn’t look like she’s snuck out. Hopefully Lucca’s just gone to get more food.

    That’s what he wanted to think, yet he walked about thinking that. He kept going, all the way down into the city. He was good enough to remember the exact route Zangoose took them. This sort of thing was all he was good for, after all.

    The population had dwindled from earlier, resembling nightlife much more. Volbeat and Illumise courted around, while groups of Sableye and Sneasel gallivanted amongst the closed businesses. The moment Shelly saw all the food joints closed up, that lump in his chest grew so heavy he could’ve thrown up.

    It’s impossible. I’m overthinking, he told himself as he began to follow his memory. He traced Zangoose’s route all the way back to where they came. I’m way in over my head.

    He wasn’t in over his head. He made it to the road where he should have found the authorities guarding the corridors. Instead, he found discarded Solrock and Lunatone automatons. Despite trembling like a Snorunt, he approached one to examine it. A single stab through the centre had destroyed its machinery, but not without various scratches and cuts all over its metal plating. Some of these automatons still crackled with electricity.

    “Oh no, this can’t be happening,” he whispered as he took off down the corridor. The board room had a few more damaged automatons in it, and a glance showed they’d all been taken out the same way.

    “Stop!” Shelly cried as he sprinted down the last corridor. “Don’t do it, don’t hurt her!”

    He almost screamed as he came to a sharp stop inches away from a blade. Everything of the background blurred for moment, and all he could make out was Lucca’s gold sword pointed straight at his forehead, and Lucca positioned as if to stab him. The Brionne withdrew just as suddenly.

    They didn’t say anything. They stared at each other, mouths open, stances stiff. Not a thought. Shelly diverted his eyes to assess the room, and nothing helped that lump in his chest. Mother Bun had her head down and eyes shut tightly. Broken automatons lay discarded around the room. He conjured a thousand things to say, yet instead, it was his emotions that welled up.

    “Why?” he finally asked.

    Lucca slid back and lowered his swords. He had an ashamed look on his face.

    “Why?” Shelly asked again.

    “You’re supposed to be asleep,” Lucca stated. His voice was quiet, low, and cold.


    “I didn’t think you’d wake up.”

    “Don’t treat me like a kid!” Shelly snapped. He tried to blink away tears, but he couldn’t. “W-were you really going to kill her?”

    Lucca hesitated to respond. He didn’t look at Shelly once, but aggression filled his face. “If you figured it out that far, then why drag this out?”

    “I… just say it ain’t so,” Shelly sighed in defeat. “You’re here, you killed her, didn’t you? If you’re here, then was everything else a lie? About Crystal getting Esther and Gladys…”

    “Bun’s not dead yet, but I was about to,” Lucca stated. He sat idle with his two swords still pointed at Shelly.

    “Don’t do it!” Shelly cried and leaned forward. He was trembling a lot, and his eyesight started to blur again. N-no… I can’t be scared. I can’t be scared. We spoke, I learnt, I started to move forward. Just do it Shelly, just do it!

    Clenching his eyes shut, Shelly threw himself into a sprint and attempted to tackle Lucca, who easily slid aside to dodge it. Shelly knew he’d missed however, and positioned himself in front of Mother Bun’s apparatus. There, he stuck his arms out to guard it.

    “You’re going to protect her?” Lucca replied. Shelly gulped and glared back. “Don’t be stupid, Shelly. You saw what the rest of us saw. If Bun continues what she’s doing, she’ll destroy this whole place!”

    “Killing her won’t do anything, though. We’re the Shining Warriors! We’re meant to save all the Pokémon, not kill them!” Shelly cried. “We can save Mother Bun. That’s what we’re meant to do.”

    “We’re meant to save this world, that’s what we’re meant to do. That means getting rid of anything and anyone that threatens it,” Lucca argued.

    “… You did kill them, didn’t you?” Shelly shuddered. Lucca visibly tensed. “You lied about Crystal, didn’t you?”

    “I didn’t. You saw Crystal go on a rampage yourself. But that’s not important right now,” Lucca replied. “What matters is we stop Mother Bun and save what’s left of this city!”

    “Then there’s another way besides killing her. There has to be!” Shelly cried.

    “Why am I even arguing with you about this? You don’t seriously think you can stop me, do you?” Lucca raised his voice.

    Shelly’s mouth dropped. “I-I-I’m not weak. I’m good in battle. You said so yourself! D-didn’t tonight mean anything?”

    “It did,” Lucca hung his head and loosened up for a moment. He went into a battle pose, and glared at Shelly. “But it doesn’t matter who they are. If they’re going to stand in the way, then I have to take them out to set things right. That’s what it takes to be a leader, to save this world.”

    “Lucca!” Shelly cried.

    “I tried to leave you out of this. You should have just stayed in bed. And we don’t have time to lose. Make up your mind, Shelly!”

    Is he serious? He’s not, he can’t be serious. He can’t fight me, he’s not going to fight me, the Oshawott repeated similar in his mind, and slowly shook his head side to side.

    “So you really will fight me. You know what? You understand what I told you quite well, about fighting for what you stand for. The thing you’re getting wrong is what you’re fighting for!” Lucca shouted.

    Lucca launched himself at Shelly, who cried out and cowered behind his scalchop. Lucca spun his whole body as he came down towards him, both blades stretched out as far as his flippers would allow them. Shelly blocked the first slash, but the wicked force behind it knocked him to his side. The second slash tore his scalchop out of his paws. Lucca slid across the floor in such a way that his tail whacked Shelly right afterward, sending the Oshawott flying.

    Shelly coughed in winded pain, but landed and skidded across the floor on a paw and a knee. Lucca seemed surprised, but that was all. The Brionne rushed at him again, both swords hung loosely behind him as he swam through the air. Shelly had a mere moment to react.

    We just trained about this! Shelly told himself as he pulled his Treasure Orb front and centre. His other paw pulled out whatever it could grab before Lucca could attack. As Lucca slashed at him, Shelly pulled out a katana twice his height, which although blocked Lucca’s attack, was easily sent flying.

    In that moment, Shelly kept pulling out weapon after weapon from the orb. A knife, nunchaku, even another orb which Lucca shattered before it activated. Shelly just kept stepping back to pull out whatever would block Lucca’s attacks, and it was working. Eventually the Brionne gave up and flipped backward, leaving Shelly with a thorny whip.

    “Geez, of all the times to show you can actually defend yourself,” Lucca growled.

    Is he out of ideas? Do I attack him back now? Shelly glanced at his weapon. He had never used a whip before, so he could only copy the attacks of the guards he knew. He attempted to do that, and cracked the weapon at Lucca. The Brionne crouched briefly and then swung both his swords upward, slicing the whip cleanly, and then threw himself at Shelly again. Backing off revealed the wall right behind him, and he almost choked. “A-Angel, Bestia please!”

    But the Togekiss didn’t show. There was no energy boost, and that Aqua Jet Shelly wanted to use didn’t form. Not so much as a drip of water. Stuck and out of options, Shelly covered his face and cowered against the wall. Lucca eyes widened the instant that happened, and his sword stabbed deeply into the wall beside him.

    The battle paused there. Shelly had never been so sweaty before, and his throat was so dry it hurt to breathe. He was practically pinned against the wall with how close Lucca was to him. He dared to look up, and met terrified eyes. The duo didn’t move from this spot for a while, either.

    Eventually, Shelly sank to the floor. He might as well have been killed right there and then. His head wouldn’t conjure any thoughts and his body felt like jelly. Even though Lucca looked like he had just seen the most terrifying thing in his life, he had no will to continue fighting, or doing anything for that matter.

    “Why didn’t you let him counterattack?” Lucca shouted and withdrew. Shelly looked up at him blankly. He was shouting into his amulet. “His Aqua Jet would’ve escaped or struck me!”

    “I’m sorry… I know I’m not supposed to influence actions, but two Shining Warriors using Bestia to attack each other is too sad to watch,” Angel whimpered. “But cut that out. Are you really that pathetic and egotistical? You’re going to blame me because you almost killed him?”

    “I-I wasn’t trying to kill him, I just needed to knock him out. I can’t afford to kill Shelly,” Lucca shuddered.

    “Is that the Angel you are speaking to?” Mother Bun spoke up, surprising all three of them. Her head was still hung and her eyes were shut. “Do not be alarmed. I am aware of the Shining Warriors and their features.”

    Lucca glared at her, but he didn’t answer. Shelly stared too, but he was stuck on the floor.

    “If I am piecing your conversation together correctly, it would seem the deaths of the queen of Van Aken, and the other recent murders were not mere rumours after all. They are of relation to you,” Bun continued. “Young masters Lucca and Shelly, may you answer me something honestly?”

    “How do you know about?” Lucca muttered.

    “Kusha is closer to me than the other politicians you argued with earlier. I send her out into the world, and she returns to me with her hearings. It is how I have beared this position for the past many years,” Bun clarified. “Please tell me of the exact situation of the outside world. What is the state of the region surrounding Vilé?”

    “The entire city is sinking,” Lucca calmed down at last. He pondered sheathing his weapons, but opted to hold them loosely instead. “This entire country is inside of a gorge made out of black sand. The sand falls around the city like waterfalls as it gradually descends into the planet. If it goes much further, this entire region will be destroyed.”

    “So those rumours are also true. That is why you have come to assassinate me,” Bun surmised. Lucca returned to his battle pose.

    “And you accept that?” he said.

    Mother bun lifted her head at last, and her eyes opened. They were bloodshot, yet a sense of determination shone across them. “I wished for nothing but the salvation of my Pokémon, that they could live lives in comfort, fully protected from the conflict and struggles of the world around us. I gave my life, my entire being, spirit and body alike, to this cause. In doing so, it appears I have spoiled my Pokémon, and they know little of what is right or wrong anymore. They live in this city, blinded by the pleasure of comfortable lives and ignorant of their oncoming demise. These Pokémon… I apologise for this experience, Shining Warriors. Allow me to do one thing for you.”

    Lucca didn’t reply. He appeared to understand as he calmed down, but he kept his weapons out. Shelly wandered over to him, still silent and drained of presence.

    “I will light the way to the Temple of Heroica for you. Please take Kusha with you, and take care of her. She is my child,” Bun requested. “No matter what happens, please do not fight amongst yourselves as you two have. See this quest through to its end, and save Heroica from its turmoil once and for all. I beseech you.”

    All of a sudden, the wires and metals attached to her body detached all at once, and all with a loud crackle of electricity or a puff of pressured air. The duo gasped and leaned forward as the Meganium hung her head again, and the entire system seemed to shut down. A low humming noise they hadn’t been aware of until now slowed to a stop, and she shut her eyes.

    “You have until morning. The fate of Heroica rests with you,” she said softly.

    And then, silence fell and the room darkened. Lucca slid forward and felt her head, only to retract in shock. He climbed up the machinery to check her neck for a pulse, and his eyes widened.

    “Did… did she just…” Shelly whispered.

    Lucca was gritting his fangs and glanced at him. “It’s what I came here for, and yet I… I’m confused. What was that? What did she mean?”

    Their conversation was cut short as the whole room began to shake heavily. Lucca was thrown to the floor while Shelly cried out and lost his balance. They attempted to wait it out, but the quake didn’t show any signs of weakening.

    “Quickly, outside!” Lucca ordered.

    Magnezone sirens were going off, screams and cries filled the air, and the city had gone completely dark. All the lights, from the neon signs to the warm glow of indoor lighting, had all turned off save for one: an electronic pipe that glowed the exact green of a Meganium’s body. This single line of green snaked its way through the now dark streets, barely illuminating a single path above the city.

    “She powered the entire city?” Shelly gasped. “What’s going on? It sounds like a riot down there.”

    “It’s what I wanted, so why do I have this awful foreboding of urgency? What did she mean by ‘we have until morning’?” Lucca muttered. “I don’t like this one bit. Let’s get the others up.”

    “You’ve really done it this time, Lucca,” Shelly stated.

    “Me? She killed herself!” he argued. Shelly glared at him furiously. “Fine, but can we at least take this seriously? We need to calm those Pokémon down and tell them everything’s alright. We… should get the others first. Azu’s really good at managing stuff like this.”


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