The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Remember the story Gladys told us in general?” Azu asked. “She mentioned three races, but also, three worlds. If the angels are here in Heroica with the Pokémon, and the ocean counts as its own world where the Undine live, then what’s the third world?”

    There was a long pause as everyone thought about it, and then Lucca spoke up. “Silly Azu, it’s no use trying to think about it when we don’t have any more info. They could even be lying to us.”


    If our goal is to coexist, why must we keep our world of Reverie a secret?

    The question wouldn’t leave Mimia’s mind. The others had moved on from the conversation and began to take it easy as they arrived on the cone-shaped island, the Seafoam Lightworks. Until recently, thoughts like this were taboo. Mimia was to remain focused and dedicated to Lucca, the lord he was sworn to serve and protect until death. It wasn’t just royal orders from the king of Reverie, it was the code of his former pack, a law of life.

    “Okay, this is a problem,” Azu said aloud to get everyone’s attention. “There’s no easy way up the island. The Bestia Fountain’s obviously at the top by that building, but it looks like the only way up is to climb.”

    Mimia trotted back to try and get a good view of it all. From here, the best he could see of the structure was a silver wall that rounded the island peak, shrouded by distance, light, and a few clouds. Something was sticking out of it, but he couldn’t tell what. Otherwise, the entire island was a steep climbing frame made out of large, deep green vines and bush. Even with stubby feet like his, climbing would be easy, but long.

    Unless the others need rest, we must get started if we are to reach the peak by the end of the day,” Mimia warned his master, speaking in his usual round of growls and noises.

    “I… I know but…” Lucca made an awkward grin at the vines. “This is worse than stairs.”

    “Last one up’s a rotten banana!” Ruby sung as she charged off.

    “R-Ruby! Wait no, not a rotten banana!” Crystal cried as she gave chase.

    “I don’t know. Rotten bananas aren’t so bad,” Shelly mumbled, playing with his paws.

    “H-huh? Have we given you rotten bananas before?” Elise asked, covering her mouth.

    “N-no, but I did sneak out and take some one time. I think they were bad because they were brown, but they didn’t taste too bad,” he admitted, and scratched the back of his head. His leaf had even turned green for a moment.

    “I knew you eat weirdly, but that’s just unhealthy,” Azu remarked.

    “I feel so bad! If I knew you were that hungry to eat brown bananas, I wish I could have done something,” Elise slumped.

    Those two are getting ahead!” Mimia barked at them, and pointed to the two girls already climbing.

    “I know you’re right, but I still don’t want to… climbing’s hard,” Lucca whined and threw his head up. “Why couldn’t it have just been a big slope or something.”

    My Lord, I can carry you. Please stay latched to me,” Mimia offered himself.

    “I don’t blame you having flippers and all that… okay, just this once. I’ll carry you up there,” Azu replied. Mimia shifted sharply.

    “Wait, really?” Lucca leaned away in surprise. He was blushing a bit, too. “That’s really kind of you.”

    “You saved me against the knights back there, so this is just me repaying a debt. Take it or leave it, and don’t get any ideas,” Azu shut her eyes and offered a hand.

    But I… am I being ignored? Mimia’s eyes twitched as the water type couple got together. Lucca clearly refrained from gushing out of his mind as he got to hug the Azumarill from behind, and she carried him like some kind of seal-shaped backpack. It really was no bother to her though, and they were soon climbing at a good pace. Mimia watched them sternly.

    “Everything okay?” Brine’s soft tone took him back to focus. She was getting started too, so he joined her without a word.

    These vines didn’t feel natural. The way they were tangled across the island was almost like sewn clothing. Tight enough to be sturdier than a pile of rocks and that the island’s surface couldn’t be seen, but like crochet in that there were dark spaces between the vines. It was easy to climb as a result. In fact, for Mimia, it might as well by like walking up a very steep slope. His feet comfortably slotted right between the gaps.

    The trip quickly became quiet. It wasn’t that easy for the others to climb, so they were all concentrating. Mimia remained at the back, and his sight focused mostly on Lucca and Azu. They were mumbling about something to each other, possibly complaining, but he couldn’t tell besides Lucca’s cocky body language.

    He never acts like that with me, Mimia’s eyes squinted at the bothersome display. Am I being ignored because it is against our code?

    His heart began to race. Whatever they were talking about, it made Lucca smile and blush again, and his tail began to wag, too. Azu twisted to tell him off, and even pinched him. They continued to climb in this playful manner. Focused on their immediate task, but also sharing quips back and forth.

    It’s because I’m a feral, Mimia hung his head. It’s just like Master told. He warned me, and yet I fell into the mistake…

    That memory flashing in his mind made him gasp and freeze. He hadn’t gotten anyone’s attention, but he did fall behind. Here and now, as a Pokémon dedicated to servitude in the spot between a feral and a royal retainer, he had broken the one rule every feral knew and passed down as holy knowledge.

    Never grow attached to your master.

    He stared at Lucca again. The Brionne was happy. There was a sparkle in his eyes as he and Azu chatted, the same gleam that appeared whenever Lucca rambled about his dreams of a journey. Mimia’s chest began to twist and the scenery was darkening, too. Lucca’s look was one of passion, earnest admiration. He was well and truly happy.

    But I’m not a feral anymore! Mimia shook his head and returned to the climb. He had fallen quite far behind. But I’m also a retainer… what is it that Lucca even sees in the Azumarill?

    He was silent for a while. They were high enough that he could feel the temperature drop in the air, but not even halfway up yet. At this rate, they would get there in an hour or so.

    Never grow attached to your master.

    Perhaps this is for the best, Mimia sighed, still watching them. Even after the way they argued back on Van Aken, the way Lucca and Azu conversed was so natural. I am not a feral anymore, but Lord Lucca’s happiness comes before all else. If he should choose Azu, then I must see that through…

    Somewhere in the distance, a sharp screech went off. Mimia didn’t think much of it until its irritating tone grew louder and louder, coupled with the scary sound of crackling and flames.

    Wait, this high in the air?” Mimia barked.

    “What is it?” Lucca wondered, picking up on the noise at the same time as everyone else.

    “It sounded like a firework going off, but it’s awfully close,” Azu replied, ignoring the noise.

    Not long after, a firework did explode, complete with its fiery crackle and sparkly light. Mimia couldn’t help but cringe and whine, however. That crackle hit tones that made his bones shiver for some reason. The noise was so close that it was almost like the soundwaves pierced his body.

    “What’s a firework?” Ruby asked.

    “You don’t know?” Azu was surprised.

    “We never had anything noisy like that back in Lillistep.” Crystal clarified.

    Before Azu could explain, several more fireworks went off, evident only by the screeching noises. The group couldn’t see them at all. It was all loud enough that the group halted in warning. Surely enough, three flares soared from above, spiralling through the sky like wild Ninjask. Trails of embers and smoke followed the fireworks, filling the air with light and heat.

    “Watch out!” Mimia cried. The group heeded his warning thankfully, and braced themselves as the fireworks impacted the vines beside them. Lots of blasts went off, shrouding everyone in embers and dust, enough to set them all off coughing. Mimia felt he might go blind in his other eye too, with all the blinding colours flickering around them.

    “What’s happening?” Ruby managed to cry above it all.

    “I don’t know! Just hold on!” Azu replied.

    The blasts soon stopped, but the group still had to blink back into focus and shake off the lingering ring in their ears. Mimia opened his mouth to speak, only to catch another round of fireworks being fired, and opted to snarl instead.

    We are in danger!” he growled.

    “You’re telling me. We’ve got to shoot those things out of the sky!” Lucca suggested, and hopped off Azu’s back to latch to the vines.

    “But how? We can’t waste all our Pokémon moves now,” Shelly cried.

    “Don’t hafta,” Ruby replied, and twisted herself to try and sit on the island. She slid down a bit, but managed to catch herself with her feet. From here, she was facing the scenery, and could breathe in to shoot flames.

    “I-I’ll try too,” Crystal squeaked, and copied her sister’s pose. She had an easier time grabbing on since her flippers could reach behind her, and quickly readied her bow and arrow.

    “Here they come,” Brine warned, already in the same pose. Her bracelets glowed and water surrounded her fists.

    Several trails of fireworks came from above this time, and each one swirled unpredictably through the sky. Ruby and Brine held back to try and aim, while Crystal fired not long after the fireworks appeared. To everyone’s surprise, her first two arrows hit, causing the fireworks to explode harmlessly in the sky. They were still close enough that the lights were blinding, however.

    “Whoa, nice aim,” Lucca praised.

    “But there’s still more coming. Do your best, you three!” Azu warned with a point.

    This time, a rain of fireworks came from above, so many that there was nothing but an irritating screech in the air. Ruby and Brine didn’t hesitate, they fired their attacks into the air in hopes of hitting any fireworks at random. Flashy explosions filled the sky, as one exploding firework caused another to blow, and a chain reaction a plethora of colours flickered. And yet, more screeches came with it, and more fireworks somehow evaded it all to threaten the party.

    I have to do something, Mimia told himself, and faced the vines. Lucca and company were held on, but also scrunched up tight. Mimia opted to do as he originally planned, and scrambled over to Lucca. He caught the Brionne by surprise as he lifted them onto his back.

    “Whoa, Mimia?” Lucca gasped.

    We have to keep moving,” Mimia growled a warning.

    “Wait no, look!” Azu pointed out into the sky.

    It was difficult to, but Mimia dared to turn around. The group weren’t alone. Not all the fireworks were being aimed at them like they thought. There was a small gathering of large flying type Pokémon, heavily obscured by the fireworks crackling everywhere.

    “Do they need our help?” Shelly asked.

    “We should take advantage and get goin’, right?” Ruby asked.

    “But they’re… can’t you see them?” Crystal was confused. “It’s the grass Pokémon. They look like Van Aken soldiers.”

    “Flying Van Aken soldiers? That can’t be,” Elise replied. She did her best to squint and lean closer to the action. There were a few moments where the fireworks dulled, enabling the flying Pokémon to be more visible. They were in fact Tropius, and each one had either a Decidueye or a Sceptile riding on their back. “It is, it’s the fruit flies!”

    “What’re they doing here? And why are they being fired at?” Ruby questioned.

    “Hey! Over here! Try and land!” Elise called and waved.

    “I don’t think landing’s going to be easy,” Brine raised an eyebrow. “Also, you girls had flying Pokémon this whole time?”

    “It’s complicated,” Elise admitted with a giggle.

    “Your Highness!” a soldier called out. The Tropius swooped close to the island’s surface, and the nearest one shook off a flame and a burn mark on them. They couldn’t land, but they were close enough to properly shield the group. “We’ve been looking everywhere for you.”

    “What happened? Why are you all here?” Elise wondered.

    “Is now really the time for chitchat?” Brine complained.

    “Honestly, it might be,” Lucca said. “We need to get to the top of this island. Think you could lend us a paw one more time?”

    Two of the soldiers exchanged glances, and then one of the Tropius spoke up in a calm, yet oppressing voice. “We are only here to find and rescue you, Queen Elise. Come on, we should return to Van Aken.”

    “But why? I’m not in any… oh right, I sorta left you all with the soldiers to help the warriors, huh,” Elise realised. “Hey! The fireworks stopped.”

    “They were coming from the peak of the island. They appear to not want us to approach by air,” Tropius stated.

    “So it’s either we take their test and fly there, or climb the rest of the way,” Lucca stated. “Either way, they pelt us with fireworks the whole time.”

    “Might as well take the more dangerous one. Me, sis, and Brine can help shoot ‘em outta the sky for you,” Ruby suggested, and gestured to jump on a Tropius.

    “Yeah, if you guys can help everyone get to the peak, I can safely go back. I would rather stay with Shelly, but I kinda have to go back, don’t I?” Elise said.

    “You’re queen now! They need you,” Shelly stated.

    The soldiers exchanged looks again. “If you promise you can protect us from the fireworks, then we can at least try to do this for you.”

    “Alright, we’ve got our plan. There are four Tropius, so it’ll be best if each of you get on one? The rest of us will hang back on the last one,” Lucca suggested. “We’ll stay with Elise too, so we’ll take the heat if anything comes our way.”

    Each Tropius positioned themselves as close to the island as they could, making it easy for everyone to jump off and mount them. Just like was planned, Crystal, Ruby, and Brine were on separate mounts, while the rest of the group scattered amongst them. As the grassy giants took off back into the sky, they promptly made a formation with their three attackers at the front, and Elise behind them.

    Mimia was with Elise, Lucca, and Azu, but it was a surprisingly tight fit. Elise had to sit at the front of course, while Azu sat behind her, and then Lucca hugged her from behind. If Mimia tried to hug him, he would risk pulling Lucca off, so he opted to hug the sauropod’s leg instead. For now, it was actually easy to hold on, even though his body dangled loosely.

    To think that there were grass type Pokémon that could fly using giant leaves as wings, he remarked to himself, now that he had a spare moment. He barked aloud, but the others didn’t seem to hear him. Not surprising with the heavy wind whooshing past to fill his ears. I do wish I could be more comfortable, though.

    The Tropius lined themselves up in the middle of the clouds, rendering the island a silhouette. Mimia sniffled and felt himself slip a bit, and his heart began to race. This was going to get hectic, and the chill and wind weren’t helping.

    “We are going to rise above the clouds, and your destination will be within sight. The moment we do, we will be under attack. Please ready yourselves,” Tropius announced without looking back at them. She didn’t wait for them to respond either. With a few hard flaps of her enormous wings, she breached the clouds with so much speed that a wake of fluff followed them. Mimia felt every thrust punch him, yet he held on with merely a grunt at each.

    “Lemme at your head!” Ruby shouted as she scrambled up her Tropius’ neck. They were clearly bothered by her, but allowed her to latch there.

    From here, she had a perfect view of the world ahead: a sea of pure white, fluffy clouds below, followed by a deep blue that went as far as the eye could see. The higher they looked, the darker it got, but the view remained irritatingly saturated by the sunlight. The Seafoam Lightworks was the only thing to peak above the clouds, and it turned out to be no greater than an observatory, giant telescope and all.

    That was at first glance. With all the bright light, everything was blurry. Yet even from his position of gripping a bulky leg, the sight of cannons was unmistakable. Mimia counted eight cannons, all on the front surrounding the telescope. In a single burst, fireworks fired from each, and the tranquil scene became filled with screeches and gas.

    “Here they come!” Azu alerted.

    The Tropius to the left and right of the formation swerved further in those directions, while the one in the centre flattened its wings to speed up. Crystal was on that centre one, and appeared more focused than she had ever been. Nestled between Tropius’ neck and a soldier behind her, all she had to do was draw back an arrow and fire.

    Can she hit in these conditions? Mimia worried.

    His Tropius didn’t slow down, in fact they sped up with tucked in wings and a diving posture. The whooshing noise quaked Mimia’s ears, while a horrid mixture of ice cold wind, heated light, and stale air cooked him all over. He tried to whine about it, by the wind ate every sound he could make.

    He opted to squint and focus his eye instead. Tropius was headed straight for the observatory, while Crystal was taking care of the fireworks before they were any real threat. All four Tropius were speeding, and the front three were throwing out their projectile attacks just as planned. It was finally hard to hold on, and took all his strength, lest he go flying off into freefall.

    Even so, Mimia couldn’t avoid noticing the oddity. The fireworks were all being burst not long before they could threaten the group. Somehow, even though they were moving so fast, even though the group had whatever scientific difficulties came with being this high in the sky, and even though the fireworks were tiny, fast-moving targets, they were being hit. All eight were destroyed in quick succession, one after the other.

    Unfeasibly impressive! Mimia remarked, but another volley of eight fireworks soon came out. He held his breath, grunted, and braced, only for those too to be shot down before they could threaten the party.

    “Alright show off! Leave some for the rest of us,” Ruby commented cheekily.

    “Careful what you wish for, Ruby,” Brine called back.

    Mimia chose not to say anything this time. They were seconds away from diving right into that observatory, and yet another round of fireworks came out. Each shot streamed past the group, but quickly looped around to threaten them from behind, to which Mimia set off barking and flailing. He immediately remembered where he was and gripped hard again.

    He now had the closest view of the fireworks as they screeched and streamed towards him. He hated it, but all he could do was snarl and brace, or let go at the last moment. He locked eyes with one firework that was headed directly toward him, only for it to blow up as an arrow struck it.

    Mimia gasped. He was so surprised that he couldn’t blink away from the sparkly bursts. His earlier observation was correct. Every single one of those fireworks was hit by Crystal’s arrows. One after the other in frighteningly quick succession, her arrows flashed past him and hit each firework directly, piercing them to make them explode early. Not a single one missed. Mimia was speechless as he turned to the front.

    “Impressive… you excel your reputation,” one of the Tropius praised them. “Hold on tight, now.”

    Mimia barked desperately, but still wasn’t heard. The Tropius managed to speed up even more, and now he had to hold on or else. He shut his eyes and scrunched up as he felt his grip slip a little. His chest ached too, a result of him holding his breath more than he thought. The whooshing noise came to a sharp stop, followed by a hard scraping of soil.

    Mimia finally lost his grip as a powerful force flung him forward. He yelped as he went rolling through the air, and crashed into Lucca and the others, which in turn sent them tumbling off the Tropius with cries and coughs of their own. Every instinct flicked Mimia into extreme panic, only for him to hit the ground earlier than expected.

    “M-Mimia!” Lucca shouted.

    The Stufful growled and rolled to his feet, anxiously scouting around. Beside him was Lucca, Azu, and Elise, all in a heap and complaining as they got up. He meant to bark at them, but the new surroundings caught his attention.

    “What the heck was that about?” Lucca cried. “We were safe for a good landing. Why did you—”

    Mimia cut him off with a jab. Now that he wasn’t clung to the leg of their flying transport for dear life, he could truly appreciate the beauty of this realm. The stale air was a problem, but this clear blue world on the border of outer space was the last place he ever imagined he would get to experience. Everything above was so deep and dark in colour that he could actually see every star, bright and twinkling as a children’s rhyme.

    “I can’t tell if it’s day or night! The sun’s up, yet the sky is dark as black,” Brine remarked.

    “That’s because this is the sky. We’re in the middle of it,” Azu gasped. “It’s so high up that it’s tough to breathe. Are you kids handling it alright?”

    “Is it… difficult to breathe here?” Crystal cocked her head.

    “Ya’mean you can’t feel it? Having to breathe through my mouth here. This is nothing like holding my breath underwater,” Ruby replied.

    ”… I guess,” Crystal said.

    “This is your destination, correct? If it is, then your request is fulfilled,” Tropius said.

    “That really it? You girls don’t like sticking around, do ya?” Ruby grumbled.

    “It is,” Lucca nodded to them. Tropius nodded back.

    “Princess,” Tropius continued.

    “Hnng, can’t I stay a little longer? This is so uncool!” Elise slumped.

    “You have duties, now!” Shelly spoke up.

    “I… I know, but—”

    “You’ve got to do your part, and we’ve got to do ours. Everyone is counting on you, now,” he clarified.

    Elise glanced back and forth between him and the Tropius a few times, and then gave up with a sigh. “Ba’ul, look at me that way and it’s like I don’t have a choice. But fine,” she shrugged. “Posia should be waiting for you at the bottom of the island where you left her. She is yours until this quest is over.”

    “Seriously? Alright, we don’t have to walk back through the ocean!” Ruby cheered and punched the air.

    “We are in your debt. I promise we’ll bring back Bestia,” Lucca stood on his tail to bow to her.

    “Shelly,” Elise murmured. “I’m sorry, but I can’t help myself.”

    He was about to say something, but silenced as she dove into him for a hug. It wasn’t like the playful hugs they expected of her either. Her voice became soft, her cheeks were flushed, and Mimia could spot a glint in her eye, too. Shelly returned the affection at least, though he had a worried look on his face.

    “I’m not gonna see you again, for a really long time this time. I don’t want it to be like this,” Elise admitted. She broke away, but held his paws in hers. “You’re gonna take care of yourself, aren’t you lad? Eat well, sleep well, and not be in danger like at the other temple.”

    “I have to do what I have to do, though,” he replied. He seemed to notice her disappointed look, and his own cheeks became red. For a moment, his leaf turned pink, and then became an odd rose colour, a shade of blue and pink. “I-I have everyone else to help, so I’ll be okay. You know how strong they are. Aa-and you have to stay safe for me, too! I-I want to visit when we’re done.”

    “And when you do, I’ll make lots of apple curry for you! More than you can eat,” Elise said. She was smiling at last.

    “Do you promise?” Shelly brightened up.

    “Oooh… maybe if you bring us lots of cool souvenirs,” she twirled with a hand by her mouth.

    “Your Highness!” a soldier complained. Elise just waved playfully at them.

    “That’s a good point. I’ve been so focused on the serious stuff, I’ve not picked up anything special to take home,” Azu mumbled to herself.

    “The apple curry, too,” Lucca said nervously. His stomach growled, and his pigtails drooped. “Is this a good place to camp for food?”

    Despite everything, she is clearly still devoted to Shelly. It does not seem like Shelly is any less attached to her, either, Mimia watched the duo talk intently. It was to be sad farewell, and yet, they devolved into the most familiar casual conversation ever.  They look just like us.

    It made his heart heavy again. Long training sessions with Lucca in the harsh lands of Reverie. Mimia learnt how to camp the hard way, being locked out of the castle with no supplies other than his knife and Lucca’s blades. If he wasn’t acting as Lucca’s pillow, he was salvaging materials from beast habitats to build a tent. The two would usually spend a night hungry enough to eat each other, were they feral. With no entertainment besides themselves, it all led to priceless times just like this. Long, hungry nights where they could talk about whatever together.

    Was that wrong? I was only following orders, and I’m still following orders now, Mimia shuddered. These two are royalty, born and raised, and yet they clearly ignore their duties to stay devoted and talk like ordinary friends.

    He snuck a glance at Lucca and Azu, and was surprised. The rest of the group were comforting the Brionne as he exaggerated his hunger. Lucca’s stomach was noisy, and he was flat on the floor, drooling and mumbling about curry. Even the Tropius seemed to have smiles on their faces.

    Lord Lucca, you always ordered me to treat you as an ordinary Pokémon. Our mission here also requires that I treat you as so, to hide your true identity, Mimia was shuddering, hard. He turned away and stared at the soil below. For somewhere high above the planet, it was surprisingly colourful and rich. But why do we have to stay secret? Why does it hurt so much to follow these orders, now?

    “Mimia!” Lucca’s shout snapped him back to focus. The rest of the group were surprised at him. “You okay, buddy? You look pale.”

    Mimia gasped lightly. It really was hard to breathe here, and his own stomach felt like it might eat itself. He only now realised that he was shivering, and he had both his eyes open. Maybe I am just exhausted. I must pull myself together. I am Lord Lucca’s retainer, and our mission is to save Reverie. Nothing else matters other than to follow orders without question.

    “It has been an incredibly long day. I can’t even tell the time at this height, but I am ready knock out if you guys are,” Azu shrugged.

    “Can’t I stay here one last time?” Elise begged.

    “Your highness!” the Tropius and the guards cried in sync.

    “Fiiiiiine. You’re all stinky dobbers!” Elise cried, and then threw herself on a Tropius’ back. “Well then? Hurry up, if you’re so eager to take me home.”

    The two groups exchanged glances, to which Lucca bowed to them, and then they were off. Crystal and Ruby stood up as the Tropius took off, ready to attack any fireworks that went off, but there were none. They were able to fly until they were silhouettes thanks to the light, where they dove into the clouds and vanished from sight.

    “It really is like a sea, but it’s made of clouds,” Ruby remarked, surprised by it all.

    “It’s really pretty,” Crystal admitted, and lowered her bow. The sound of rustling tools got their attention. “We’re really camping here?”

    “Please! I’m serious. If I don’t eat soon, I’m going to faint,” Lucca threw himself back.

    “Plus, I’m exhausted after that whole ocean trip, followed by climbing… If we tried to do the trial now, I might not make it,” Brine admitted.

    “I was really worried about everyone. It’s been nonstop ever since this morning,” Shelly said, focused on preparing a camp.

    “It’s important to take these breaks when we can, whether we’re high up in the sky or deep in the middle of a dungeon,” Azu added, helping him out. Lucca’s stomach growled again, making him groan and wiggle on the floor. “Hee hee hee, and let’s be real, he’s not gonna stop complaining about it.”

    “… I’m not hungry or tired, though,” Crystal muttered. Mimia gawked at her in surprise, but apparently she was quiet enough that no one heard her.

    There’s that as well. After everything we’re been through today, she isn’t the slightest bit fatigued? I am fairly sure she is younger than I. Flawless marksmonship, and a lack of exhaustion, ever since the evening Lord Lucca initially found her after that murder… she did not even suffer fatal damage when swallowed whole by the Wishiwashi, Mimia couldn’t stop gawking. He shook himself back to focus, and began helping the others set up camp. I should not, but I feel as though I should speak to Lucca about this.

    About an hour later, the sun actually set, to everyone’s surprise. It was as dark as a winter night, but the stars of space were just as visible as earlier, if not more. Oddly, the mismatched temperature didn’t change at all. Mimia still found himself sweating, yet shivering with every ice cold wind that passed. Everyone was wrapped up in their own tents besides him, who was making sure everything was cleared away and safe.

    As far as he was aware, everyone was asleep besides Lucca and Azu. It was his turn to keep watch too, but no one had actually said so, obviously agreeing that there was zero chance of them being attacked. Whoever shot the fireworks at them earlier hadn’t confronted them, so they would likely stay safe all night.

    He stopped to admire the observatory. This tall building was unlike even the urban cityscape of Girage Field. Rounded at its top, but tall and metal all around. Now that he was close and admiring it, it almost resembled a Magnemite, only it had two magnets on each side, and each magnet was a cannon rather than a magnet. The screw was a giant telescope too, tilted at an angle that faced the same direction as the cannons.

    “It’s weird, isn’t it?” Brine remarked. Somehow, she’d snuck up on him. “I’ve been around a lot of populated places, but I’ve never seen a building like this. I can’t imagine what anyone does here.”

    The obvious answer is observe outer space, but I am curious as to why they need to be so close to it, too, Mimia thought to himself. He puffed through his nose, but Brine sat down anyway.

    “Don’t mind me, it’s just tough to sleep after today. It’s like I’m so tired I can’t sleep. Might as well lend you a paw for a bit,” she said. They both sat there for a while, staring up at the twinkling stars behind the building. “Angel says that’s a Bestia Fountain, too. I guess it beats an abandoned temple?”

    Yes, both the trials so far have been at abandoned temples. Fossil Hill and the Shadow palace, Mimia realised. He didn’t move from the spot.

    “Pardon me. Out of all the others, you’re the only one I can’t grasp at all. I don’t even know if you can speak properly,” Brine said, and finally looked at him. “I don’t mean I don’t trust you or anything. I’d just like to get to know you and stuff.”

    Mimia gave her his usual round of feral growls and noises. “I doubt you could understand me if you wanted to.

    There was a pause, and Brine cocked her head. “Can you really only talk like that? Like a feral dungeon Pokémon?”

    Thought so,” Mimia yipped.

    “Lucca seems to be able to get you, and you two seem pretty close knit. I feel bad getting him to translate for me, but he’s still awake,” Brine replied, and got up.

    Don’t bother them!” Mimia barked and growled at her. She was even more confused. “It is best we do not interfere with Lord Lucca and Azu.

    “S-sorry, I don’t really get what the deal is,” Brine appeared worried, now. She folded her arms and stared at Mimia, and he stared back. “I really wanna talk to you, but I don’t understand a word. Er, you can understand me, can’t you?”

    Mimia nodded and raised a paw.

    “Clearly. That’s good at least. Maybe there’s some better way to convey what you wanna say… I don’t want to treat you like a feral, either. That just seems rude,” she mused. “I guess I just have to be smart for an evening, huh? You don’t want me bothering Lucca right now?”

    Mimia nodded again.

    “You and him really are close. This group kinda has close knit duos, huh? There’s Crystal and Ruby, Shelly and Elise, you and Lucca…” Brine began to ramble, and sat back down. “Well Elise isn’t a Shining Warrior, but even though they had the marriage stuff going on, you can tell they’ve got that childhood bond thing going on, right? That’s why it’s pretty funny to see you away from Lucca. You two’ve got that whole thing going on, too.”

    Mimia made a sound. He had no response this time.

    “I hope you two didn’t have a falling out or anything,” Brine said. Mimia shivered, but still didn’t say anything, making Brine sigh. “I hope I’m not being rude or intrusive or anything. But I do want to talk to you. No pressure or anything if you can’t, but I’m just throwing out words, here. Any way you could reply, I’ll try and figure it out.”

    Mimia took in a breath. His chest was twisting, and he glanced back at the tent, perking his ears. Lucca and Azu were still chatting away, with Lucca being unusually playful and getting told off again. Considering the weight of what Azu was mad at him for, Lucca is being awfully boastful, and she is remarkably forgiving.

    “Everything okay? Is something wrong back there?” Brine wondered.

    This bitterness in my chest… why am I upset about it? The more the Pokémon like Lord Lucca, the better this mission can go. I am following orders. It is better that Lord Lucca and Azu grow closer, Mimia repeated that last part in his head several times, and then shook himself. He had a glint in his eye, and his chest ached. I am allowed to respond to Miss Brine as well, right? Whatever makes them suspect us less…

    “You look really concerned,” Brine remarked, making him gasp. “Again I’m just throwing out words, here. Feel free to bark at me if I’m wrong.”

    Bark. Just bark. It is better I do not concern her with my issues, Mimia told himself, but he didn’t bark. But it should also be okay. She is offering, and she is a to be friend and an ally. But is it even a problem? It isn’t a problem; everything is going as planned. It’s as Lord Lucca wishes, I—

    “Hello, Pika to Stufful, you there?” Brine waved in his face, and he jittered back this time. However he appeared, she appeared worried now too, drooped ears and all. “I’m sorry if I’m making you nervous, I don’t mean to. I-I should probably just go. I’m sorry about that, Mimia.”

    “Your story!” Mimia said loudly, and then covered his mouth. He didn’t mean to shout, but it kept her from leaving. “Your story. You have not told us your story.”

    “Your voice… that’s your voice?” Brine gasped.

    Mimia’s chest was already twisted all sorts by whatever these thoughts he had were. That comment just made him clam up and turn away.

    “S-sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude, I was just surprised! I heard it before, but I thought it was Ruby,” brine admitted, shaking her arms. She joined Mimia’s side again, staring out over the cloudsea. “If you want to keep your voice a secret, I will.”

    Mimia didn’t reply. His heart beat so hard it hurt.

    “I guess I can ramble for a while, if you really want to know,” Brine sighed. “I’m just trying to get to the bottom of everything. I never knew either of my parents, or I wasn’t old enough to be aware of them. Now that I know I’m a Watermarked Pikachu, I want to find and meet them, and find out everything I can about myself, my powers, and these creatures.”

    Brine snuck a glance at her, and she seemed to notice. She smiled and winked, though.

    “It’s not some big revenge plot like Ruby or anything. I just want to find out as much as I can about myself and this world. I’ll admit, I haven’t quite figured out what it is I want to do with my life as a whole yet, but if I learn a lot, I’ll discover what it is I really want, right?” Brine explained. “Something made me give a little speech to Manaphy, though. I never even thought about how he said my father had been executed. He was so casual about it; I can’t even tell if it was a taunt or the truth.”

    Someone with no direction or goal in life became a Shining Warrior… Mimia blinked at his thoughts. “Why?”

    “Why?” Brine cocked her head. “Something just made me argue. I do believe that if you really want something and it’s not hurting anyone, you should go for it with all your heart.”

    Mimia’s mouth fell open.

    “Seeing that guy threaten to go to war is something I didn’t want, so I just put the pieces together and convinced him to hold it back,” she explained softly, and clasped her paws by her mouth. “If my parents really aren’t alive, then I’ll just figure something out.”

    “You live by the day,” Mimia stated, and Brine nodded.

    “When you’re hunted just for having special genes, you sorta have to. I don’t think it even matters whether Heroica has Bestia or not; Pokémon want me dead just for being a weird Pokémon, while Undine want me dead just for not being an Undine,” Brine clenched her paws into fists. “So I suppose this is where I am, now. A Shining Warrior, in a position where I can stop this needless hopping from village to village. I’m thankful I can try and make a difference, but a part of me wonders if there’s even a point.”

    Mimia didn’t turn away from her. He did make a face of interest, though, and she sighed.

    “What’s the point of bringing back Bestia if I’m just going to go back to being on the run and living off the map all the time? I can’t get that dark feeling outta my chest,” she continued. She sat down and stared up, and he joined her. “Saving all the Pokémon just to live a crap life later on doesn’t make sense. I wanna be comfortable and live with Pokémon I wanna live with, you know?”

    It makes sense. If you’re prejudiced, you would want your heroism recognised, not to return to prejudice, Mimia agreed.

    “What about you? I know it’s a bit early to think about it, but what do you want to do when this is over?” Brine asked with a smile.

    He gasped yet again. I hadn’t thought about that. Everything I’ve been doing up until then has been in the process of serving Lord Lucca, and in turn the Shining Warrior legend.

    “It’s important to be honest about this stuff, too. I know I’m not the most ideal Pokémon to look up to, but I don’t want to be. I want to make myself happy before anything else. So don’t worry if it’s something totally selfish. I’m not going to judge,” Brine leaned back.

    Mimia glanced back at the tent once more. Until I met Lord Lucca, my life has not had meaning. I was a feral that lived by the day, just like any other. I’m happy serving him. I want to follow him and his endeavours because I’m enjoying this journey.

    He slowly turned back to the coudsea. Is that me saying I don’t want the world to be saved? Is that me being selfish like Miss Brine is suggesting? I don’t know…

    “… We should probably try and get to bed. If we do the temple tomorrow and it’s anywhere as tough as the last one, we’ll want to be well rested,” Brine suggested, and threw herself to her feet.

    If Lucca and Azu get together then what happens to me? Could something happen to me? Mimia thought intently. Brine waved him goodnight, and he stared just as intensely. Get a hold of yourself, Mimia. I am just here to serve Lucca. That’s my reason and what I want. I already said this to myself – if Lord Lucca wishes to be with Azu, then it is best I allow him to.


    Never grow attached to your master.


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