The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    When the going gets tough, all sorts of scary, negative feelings take over. That’s how it’s always been for Shelly. His paws would go numb, his teeth would clatter, and in the worst cases, he’d clench his eyes shut. The lightest touch would send him sailing to the other side of the country, and he’d drown out every bit of noise he could. He couldn’t even tell what someone right next to him is saying.

    Now was the opposite. He hadn’t seen it, but he didn’t want to lie to himself in knowing Crystal had just been killed by that monster. One second, she shoved him and Elise aside, the next, she disappeared into the giant Wishiwashi’s mouth.

    Shelly flew to his feet and glared at the monster. As if mocking him, it didn’t turn in his direction once. Ruby and Lucca stood at the front as always, their serious stares showing they weren’t intimidated by it. Azu and Mimia stood close behind, concerned about their frontliners. Lastly was Kusha and a Pikachu he didn’t recognise, but they both looked ready to strike lightning down on anyone who so much as twitched.

    But why can’t I move? Shelly hissed as he dragged himself forward. Elise was latched to his lower half, and her words lost in the tone of her wails. “Ruby told me never to turn away from my enemy, but… Elise!”

    The Steenee continued to cry and wail at him, even going as far as to try and pull him back. He had no idea what she was saying, but he didn’t need to. He growled as he turned his back to her to observe the battle. It hadn’t started yet.

    “This is bad!” Angel’s voice echoed into his head. Shelly held his amulet forward, and his heart jumped as its colour had completely drained. It was a black gem with no markings. “Crystal’s in critical condition. You have to save her, and now!”

    She can still be saved… Shelly realised. He grit his teeth and turned back to Elise. “Elise! Let go of me, now!”

    She stopped wailing, but was hyperventilating so loud he had to shout over her.

    “Let go of me so I can fight!” he demanded. She didn’t let go. She stared at him with the most anxious and pathetic gaze he had ever seen her make. “Elise!”

    “Shelly no!” she cried and shuffled up to grab him even tighter. He attempted to kick and shove her away, which only scared her more.

    I can’t let her stop me. If we don’t destroy this thing now, then everything was for nothing! Shelly told himself. It was a struggle to take out his Treasure Orb, but he managed it, and reached for the one item he always knew how to retrieve from it: a knife, his personal weapon of choice. He pointed the knife at Elise, and she held her breath.

    “Sh-Shelly?” she whispered.

    “I need to fight, so let go of me. Don’t make me have to hurt you!” he threatened. He had no idea how he appeared, but his desperation finally got through to her. She slowly let go of him and sat back, but her gaze never left his once. Her leaf remained a fiery blue however, so he knew how terrified she was. “Just stay out of harm. I’ll make sure you won’t get hurt.”

    “But what about you—” she cut herself off as he ran into the fight.

    The battle had started. Lucca and Mimia latched to the side of the giant Wishiwashi and hacked away at it with their weapons. Ruby held her Parashelter on guard to block the wild sprays of water Wishiwashi blew everywhere, and shot her fire when she had a chance. Azu and Kusha weren’t far behind and swung at loose Wishiwashi swarms that came near them.

    The whole scene was a blur. The giant Wishiwashi roared and shook the room as the beating it received made it smash against the floor and walls. Shelly waited off to the side for the opportune moment to take it down in one shot. Both paws held his knife tightly, and just as that chance showed itself, everything slowed.

    Wishiwashi twisted in front of his view with its mouth wide open and eyes aglow with rage. There was no water gun being charged. It was as free a chance as he was going to get. Gritting his teeth, Shelly threw himself forward faster than he knew he could go, drawing back an arm in the process. He thrust his knife straight through the monstrous fish’s mouth, silencing it in an instant.

    “Shelly?” Lucca gasped as he backed away with everyone else.

    Their surprise didn’t distract the Oshawott, though. His body pinned Wishiwashi’s lower jaw to the floor, while his knife pierced the top jaw from the inside, poking right through the top. There was an earth-shaking roar of agony, but now the monster lay motionless, its body still as a stone. A few seconds later, its whole form dispersed into thousands of tiny Wishiwashi that spread throughout the room. Crystal was left face flat in the centre, her body covered from head to toe in black marks.

    “Crystal!” Shelly dropped his weapon and rushed to her. She was surprisingly light, and her body flopped in his paws. “Please, no no no, wake up! Please!”

    She didn’t even twitch. He put her down, shook her, and checked for a heartbeat, but got no response. His breath unsettled at that, and he tensed up. “Elise! Elise, get over here and use Synthesis!”

    Elise gasped and shook her head, hesitant.

    “She’s not dead yet. You can still save her!” Shelly cried desperately. The way he looked seemed to frighten her more. His leaf had turned gold, a colour neither had ever seen their leaves go before.

    “Gods damn it girl, get your shit together! Use that sunlight orb thingy and help us out!” Ruby snapped at her.

    “You need more light, right? Use my Anima Flower,” Lucca added, scrambling to take it out. “Angel, can you give her some Bestia?”

    “It’ll cost you your move for the day,” Angel replied as she obeyed. She positioned herself behind Elise and began to glow blue.

    The others getting together got through to the Steenee. Though Elise still didn’t say anything, she tripped over to Shelly and Crystal, and laid her hands over Crystal’s chest. Her current sunlight orb was still active, so she had no trouble using her move. Her body glowed with a verdant radiance, which spread pulses of green waves across Crystal’s body. She grunted to use the move, sounding as though she might start crying. As she used it, Angel flapped her wings to send blue energy into Elise.

    Everyone waited with baited breath. When Elise stopped glowing, she collapsed back and had to catch her breath. After a few seconds, Shelly felt his amulet begin to warm up a little, and held it forward. The black colour was fading to its usual colour, making his chest heave with angst.

    “Crystal?” he said quietly. Sure enough, the Piplup began to squirm a bit, and he gasped.

    “Crystal!” everyone called out happily.

    “Shelly! Above you!” Kusha shouted.

    Whatever instincts were driving him now, Shelly was glad he had them. He turned the instant he heard Kusha’s call, spotting a serpentine maw heading straight towards him. Without a second thought, he dove straight through Crystal, allowing her to avoid being eaten again by a hair.

    The monster slammed into the floor hard enough that a shockwave knocked everyone away, however. The surprise knocked them all to the ground and scattered them across the room. Shelly struggled to his feet to find the Wishiwashi had taken on a new form.

    That serpentine guess was correct. The creature was long and curled its body so as to avoid stretching from wall to wall. Its head had four odd, horn-like extensions jutting from near its neck, while flat, rectangular wings lined its body at regular intervals. It also had dragon-like claws, but no feet.

    “Wait a minute, isn’t that Rayquaza?” Ruby gasped.

    “Rayquaza? The Sky God spoken of in legends?” Lucca replied, just as surprised. He glanced back and forth between Ruby and the monster. “But it’s just a bunch of Wishiwashi.”

    “This one must be part of your trial. A normal school of Wishiwashi isn’t enough. It has to mimic a mighty legendary, too!” Azu explained. The dragon Wishiwashi roared at her and came charging, but Mimia was quick to barge it aside.

    “But then how do we stop it? Fatally wounding it isn’t going to work,” Brine pointed out as the group repositioned themselves. Mimia wrestled with it but was quickly thrown off back to their side.

    “Just beat it in battle, how else? It might be tryin’ to copy a legendary, but it’s still just a bunch of stupid fish!” Ruby replied, flaring her back.

    She promptly shot fire at it, but it retaliated with a Water Gun of its own. Rather than try to compete, Ruby stopped her attack and rolled to the side, just about dodging the water. The dragon Wishiwashi gave a garbled cry and flew towards her. Everyone else backed off to dodge, only to have it circle Ruby.

    “Ruby!” Elise and Shelly cried, stood guard over a surprised Crystal.

    The Cyndaquil remained focused, however. The monster trapped her with its body and loomed above. It appeared ready to pounce at a moment’s notice, even if it meant tangling itself or slamming into the floor. She held her Parashelter open in its face, and began to blow fire into the canopy.

    The Dragon Wishiwashi roared at her once more, and then dove down after all. With a grunt and a cry, Ruby shoved the Parashelter into its mouth, but was stunned there. It began to drag her around as it attempted to pull itself free, but its jaws were locked around that metallic shield. All the while, Ruby kept shooting more and more fire into the canopy, and soon had enough for a Fire Spin.

    “Eat this!” Ruby yelled as she yanked back. She managed to pull the fish into a twirl, which released her Fire Spin with both herself and the monster in the centre. A whirlpool of fire spiralled up into the ceiling, setting off the squeaks and squeals of smaller schools of Wishiwashi, all until the full monster separated again.

    “That’s our Ruby! You had me worried for a moment,” Lucca praised, coming to her side.

    “Hmpf,” replied the Cyndaquil, focused on the fish.

    “That’s not going to work. The damage is being spread across the individual Wishiwashi,” Brine said, back-to-back with Azu. Said Wishiwashi covered the ceiling like a swarm of flies, swimming all around with no coherent direction.

    “She’s right. If their schools are taking forms, then they’re just going to become a different Pokémon. We need a way to hit them all at once, every single one that’s in this dungeon,” Azu stated.

    “What? But there’s gotta be a gajillion of these things. There’s no way we can hit ‘em all at the same time,” Ruby cried. The fish started to gather into one spot on the ceiling again, making everyone pay attention. “Tsk, forget it. We’re just beat ‘em bunches at a time. They can copy a hundred Pokémon; I’ll destroy them all!”

    “A way we can hit them all at once?” Shelly mumbled to himself. He tensed up as the Wishiwashi gathered into the shape of a Chandelure, glowing flames and all. Do we have a Pokémon attack like that in our group?

    He snuck a glance at the rest of the team. Any of our water type moves would get swallowed up by the magic water in the area. Ruby’s fire’s not big enough, either. Mister Mimia only has physical attacks, probably.

    Then his eyes locked onto Kusha. She floated off the floor and held her axe across her front. Wait, the lass has… and there’s water physics. If that’s right, then…

    “A-Angel! You can still give our Bestia to other Pokémon, can’t you?” Shelly asked desperately.

    “It’ll cost you your Pokémon attack for the day, mind you. Lucca just used his on that pretty princess’ Synthesis,” Angel replied, popping out beside him.

    “Give my attack to Kusha. Kusha!” Shelly shouted, surprising her. “Use Hyper Voice!”

    “A Pokémon attack?” the Wigglytuff gasped.

    “The Angel’s going to give you Bestia, please just do it!” Shelly cried. Kusha obeyed with a sharp inhale, and her body inflated a lot.

    “Wa-wait a minute, a move like that in a place like this underwa— everybody cover your ears!” Azu squealed and pulled hers down.

    Shelly was already doing that, and scrunched himself up extra tight with Azu’s warning. Even that couldn’t save him from the power of Kusha’s Hyper Voice. She let out a horrible sound that pulsed all around her. Everything fluctuated, and an indescribable noise filled Shelly’s head. He held his breath and writhed in irritation, and even when the noise stopped, a violent shiver travelled up his body and a ringing sound was left behind.

    No one said anything, but the way they moved implied they felt the same pain he just did. The Wishiwashi were the most affected, however. Their Chandelure form vibrated as the fish swarms struggled to stay connected. Suddenly, they all separated at once, squeaking and squealing pathetically. Unlike their previous defeats however, the Wishiwashi swam through the walls and kept going until they out of the distance.

    “They… ran away,” Lucca muttered. He took his flippers off his head for a moment and immediately put them back on as the ringing noise remained. Mimia howled beside him with his head buried in his forelegs. “Mimia, keep it together!”

    Azu was little better. She’d fallen to her side and clutched her ears down her body so tightly it looked like it hurt.

    “Geez, couldn’t you have held back a little bit? This is ridiculous!” Ruby cried.

    “When does the ringing stop?” Elise cried, too.

    “Give it a minute,” Kusha answered. She didn’t seem to be affected by the lingering noise.

    The ringing did stop, and when it did, the blue light on the floor intensified. Streams of light swirled up towards the ceiling with an angelic tone, which vanished into a show of sparkles and waves. It was as if the group had been transported to a world of waves and light.

    “The fountain’s awakening. It’s just like at Fossil Hill,” Ruby remarked, sitting back.

    “Okay. I needed this. I forgot how relaxing this was,” Lucca remarked. Mimia made a content noise beside him.

    “I find it strange how I can feel it, too,” Azu agreed, laying a hand on her chest.

    “I don’t know what’s happening but… I… I’m not scared anymore,” Elise remarked, curious about the whole show. The lights gradually died down, and the group were returned to the room. “Oh. It stopped.”

    Although relaxed, Shelly remained concentrated and scanned the room. It was brighter than before, and they could no longer see through the walls. The strange underwater effect was gone, too. As far as he was aware, they were in a run-of-the-mill room inside of a building somewhere. Square, unfurnished, but tiled floor and walls decorated with wallpaper. There was a fireplace at the far end, and the double doors they came through.

    “It’s over, isn’t it? We did the second trial,” Crystal said slowly.

    “Crystal!” Shelly gasped and dove into her again.

    “Whoa, Sh-Shelly?” she gasped.

    “You’re okay, you’re really okay! I’m so glad you’re okay!” He hugged her tightly.

    “You crazy rascal! You had us so worried,” Ruby shoved them.

    “Are you alright? Is anything broken?” Lucca cried.

    “Any pain? We’re right here,” Azu gasped.

    “Arf arf arf!” Mimia barked beside them.

    “You guys… wh-what’s with all this? I’m not dead,” Crystal gasped.

    “Are you kidding? We thought you’d died! That was a crazy move back there,” Brine stated. “We’ve just met, and even I’m surprised. Please don’t tell me you’re that reckless often.”

    “Well no, I…” Crystal replied, going quiet. “U-um, Shelly? You can let go, now.”

    He didn’t let go, however. He could feel what the others couldn’t see, and that brought back all the fright and fear he was used to. He didn’t understand how, and that was what was scariest about this. Right now, with his paws wrapped so tightly around Crystal he could feel their furs tangling, her body was cold.

    Not cold like the area. The cold he expected to feel from a dead body. Not that he knew what a dead body felt like, but he had read it in fantasy books and seen his fair share of withered plant Pokémon. She felt stiff and she had no heartbeat. It was literally like hugging a statue.

    “Okay that’s enough, big guy. I know you were worried, but she’s not yours,” Ruby joked.

    Shelly slowly withdrew, but his arms were frozen in place. “Y-y-your heart, i-i-it still isn’t—”

    “Ack!” Ruby choked. She threw herself into Shelly to knock him to the floor.

    “Ruby?” Lucca said.

    “What the heck was that about?” Brine commented. Crystal was too confused to say anything.

    “R-Ruby,” Shelly muttered. She pinned him down, making sure only he could see her face. And she was fiercer than a Zweilous.

    He could just about make out her grumble. “Don’t. Say. Anything.”

    Shelly gulped. He couldn’t stop his leaf from turning blue, but hopefully the others didn’t know what that meant yet. Is… Crystal still dead? Am I dreaming? What does Ruby even mean?

    “Geez, Shelly was just worried about me. You’re not still on that romance rubbish, are you?” Crystal groaned and scratched the back of her head.

    “Just don’t want him saying anythin’ stupid, that’s all,” Ruby rubbed her face.

    “She almost died, cut him some slack!” Lucca remarked while others turned away in embarrassment.

    “Did our conversation mean nothing in the end?” Azu added.

    “What’s all this about nearly dying? I pushed Shelly outta the way, and then last I remember, I was somewhere dark and in a lot of pain. I’m fine now, though. I think the fountain healed us,” Crystal explained.

    “You got eaten by the Wishiwashi, and our amulets turned black and everything. Angel told us you were in critical condition!” Brine cried.

    “I actually almost died?” Crystal looked down.

    “Are you alright?” Azu asked.

    “I am. I just, it doesn’t feel like I did. I don’t mean that to sound boastful or something,” Crystal admitted, rubbing a flipper. “I just saw Shelly in danger and knew I had to do something. I was the fastest and the closest to help, so I did.”

    “By diving into it instead of hitting it with an attack?” brine continued. Ruby started growling for some reason. “That’s… selfless.”

    “I… I’m starting to realise, I’m a liability if I keep doing stuff like that, aren’t I?” Crystal hung her head.

    “Damn right you are!” Ruby shouted. “You’re gonna start goin’ on about how you should just shut up and stick to the back and stuff now, aren’t ya? Right after you lead the charge, and saved our asses against the Girage police.”

    “Ruby?” Crystal replied. The Cyndaquil sounded exasperated.

    “Don’t you get it? Those same feelings you just had, those instincts that let you save Shelly and hang in there until we could save you? That’s what makes you a hero. That’s how you fight! So don’t you dare start wallowing in pity like you’re draggin’ us down. You’re my sis, and we’re in this together,” Ruby stated, and turned away. “I’m not sayin’ you have to injure or kill anyone. I’m saying you know how to fight! And you can fight your own way. But when you keep being scared and then blaming yourself for getting us into trouble? That’s not what we’re all here for. You’re not putting us in trouble.”

    “Well yeah. She’s not putting us in trouble, you are,” Lucca snickered.

    “Oh- shut up,” she groaned.

    “Ruby… I think I get it,” Crystal replied and rubbed her head.

    “And you!” Ruby raised her voice as she turned to Shelly. He stood straight and narrow instantly. “What the hell did you think you were doing with all this?”

    Shelly gasped. I forgot I even left everyone alone in the first place!

    “You didn’t seriously think you were gonna become a man by runnin’ off on your own to play hero at a Shining Warrior trial, did you? ‘Cos that’s the total opposite of everythin’ I was tryin’ to teach you!” She shouted.

    The way she moved like she was about to slap him; he was going to thrash at her, but he resisted. His leaf turned red a bit, and he leaned forward. “Then what was it you were trying ta teach me, lass? Ya kept tellin’ me to get stronger and fight on my own, but I was just teaching you moves, wasn’t I?”

    “You do need to get stronger and more heroic. But running off on your own headfirst into danger we know nothing about ain’t heroic!” Ruby cried. To his surprise, she began to turn away as if struggling to keep eye contact, and her tone began to whimper. She wiped her eyes several times, too. “Look, I-we were just as worried about you as we were Crystal, y’know. I said some wrong stuff and I led you into this, thinking like this. I didn’t mean to. You could’ve died, too. If you’d died because of me, that wouldn’t make you heroic or manly in my eyes. It’d just make you stupid.”

    “Ruby?” Shelly replied slowly. She sniffled and rubbed her eyes once more, now able to stare at him. He could see her eyes were wet, however.

    “I said it back when we came up with our stupid little plan. I’m not a man, I can’t teach you how to be one. I could only turn you into someone I wanted you to be, but the truth is, even I don’t know what that is,” she explained. “I didn’t know half of what you were dealing with. I mean the stuff about Elise and the arranged marriage and stuff. I didn’t know you were better with the treasure orb, either. If I’d known, or been smarter myself, this whole mess could’ve been avoided. So I’m sorry, okay? I’m sorry I was such a big jerk and stuff.”

    “I… s-sorry, I-I don’t actually get what you’re talking about now,” Shelly replied, leaning back.

    “Rgh, this is why I don’t do this kinda stuff!” Ruby cried and stomped her feet. “I’m saying the deal’s off! The stupid stuff with Crystal. I was totally wrong, ‘kay? Everything I said and did was wrong. You can forget it all!”

    He didn’t reply, and stared at her. She’s really beating herself up about this. But Ruby taught me a lot about fighting. How can all of it be wrong?

    “There, I said it. You guys can stop drilling me about it now, right?” Ruby turned to the others.

    “You’re unbelievable,” Azu shook her head.

    “We should try and talk about it later. We are still in the Shadow Palace,” Kusha pointed out.

    “Right. And now we have Queen Gladys to deal with,” Azu added.

    “No rest for the best, huh?” Brine shrugged.

    “I don’t really get what’s going on anymore, but I think I can help with that,” Elise replied quietly.

    Outside, Shelly had to stop as bright sunlight blinded him. The others weren’t much better, some even groaning at it. The foggy fields surrounding the palace transformed overnight and now resembled the fields in front of the palace.

    “This area’s totally different. Once we did the trial, the palace transformed,” Lucca remarked, admiring the grass twice his height surrounding the road. He turned to Kusha. “I guess you could say it was cursed after all.”

    “I can’t answer that. This is way more mysterious than I could’ve imagined,” Kusha shook her head. “I’m a bit worried, too. Is the trial really complete? I’m the one who defeated that monster.”

    “Of course it is. Angel said so, right?” Ruby replied.

    “Yep! You can tell her not to worry about a thing,” Angel answered without appearing.

    “Why wouldn’t it count if you’re the one who defeated it?” Brine wondered.

    “I don’t know. I didn’t actually fight back there because I assumed only the Shining Warriors could harm it,” Kusha explained. “That said, that was a very smart call back there, Shelly.”

    “I hated it, but I have to agree,” Azu admitted. “Some prior warning would be appreciated if we’re Hyper Voicing in the future.”

    “How did that work, anyway? Are sound-based moves really that powerful? ‘Cos if so, I wanna learn ‘em,” Ruby asked.

    “They aren’t normally. Sound is significantly louder underwater. Even though we weren’t actually underwater, that area was like we were, right? So my Hyper Voice came out louder than it was supposed to. The Wishiwashi didn’t stand a chance,” Kusha explained.

    “So it was just a lucky go. That sucks,” Ruby spat.

    “Not necessarily. That was a really clever call from Shelly. Knowing what his team could do and the science of the area. I think it was a good strategy,” Kusha remarked with a smile.

    “I think I learnt that from you, Ruby. You’re the one that told me to keep the arena in mind when fighting,” Shelly admitted, scratching his head. Ruby grumbled and scratched her face, too.

    “Freeze!” a voice shouted.

    In a flash, a squad of Grovyle soldiers jumped out of the grass and surrounded everyone. The group barely had time to reach for their weapons before lances were practically prodding their fur.

    “Wait, wait, wait, stop!” Elise cried, waving her arms.

    “Your Highness! We’re here to—”

    “Oh shut up you dobbers, put your weapons down! I’m not kidnapped or any rubbish,” Elise pouted. The soldiers glanced at the lead Grovyle for direction, who reluctantly obeyed her. “We were going back to see Mama anyway, so you might as well take us now.”

    “Well that’s a switch. You’re not so scared anymore, huh?” Ruby commented.

    “Ruby, please,” Lucca groaned.

    “I don’t really want to talk about that right now,” Elise said quietly, rubbing an arm. The others exchanged awkward glances.

    It didn’t feel like it took long to get back to the Greenhouse Palace. Despite being up all night, Shelly didn’t feel too tired, either. Elise dismissed the soldiers right away, but they all went to the throne room with them anyway. The usual Whimsicott guards were there, and each of them gasped or cheered when they saw the royals unharmed.

    “Elise, Shelly!” Gladys leaned forward in her throne the moment they entered. They couldn’t stop the guards from surrounding them again, so the group were put back on edge. “I’m so relieved to see you both okay. You’re out of your mind you wild bairns, sneaking off into the night like that. And to the Shadow palace, no less!”

    “Mama,” Elise said quietly. Her head was hung. Shelly wanted to say something too, but there was something about the relief in Gladys’ voice that stopped him. The Tsareena’s eyes narrowed, and she calmed down. With a single hand movement, the guards gave the team space.

    “I’m not one to beat around the bush. It seems time and age have crept up on me. I wouldn’t be royalty if I let those things get the better of me. It’s time we had an all-important talk about yourselves as knights and the Shining Warriors, isn’t it?” Gladys stated. Elise gasped and looked up. “If you’re sneaking off with the warriors out of jail, then it’s clear you’re serious about what you want to do with your lives.”

    Shelly expected Elise to beam at that opportunity, but instead, she said nothing. She hung her head again and played with her hands while her leaf turned a bit blue. She must’ve been really scared at the trial battle. This seems like a really bad time to ask for the divorce, but I have to.

    “I tried to decline the Shining Warriors, but you came here anyway. Despite my force, you ventured to the Shadow Palace and completed the trial there. I realise I can’t stop you from doing what you have to do,” Gladys explained. “I want to come to an agreement with you. This is my child you’re dealing with here, my crown princess and her betrothed. I can’t let you go.”

    “What’s there to propose, though? What can we do for you?” Lucca asked.

    “First of all, how did you get here? Every report doesn’t mention a boat or anything docked at our shores. You didn’t get shipwrecked, did you?” Gladys began. She leaned on the side of her throne.

    The group exchanged awkward glances, and then Lucca slid forward. “We walked. Through the ocean.”

    “You walked?” Gladys sat up with eyes wider than ever. “You have no transport. There’s a fire type in your ranks. The sea has spots of black water! You really want me to believe you walked? Kusha didn’t help you at all?”

    Come to think of it, she hasn’t mentioned Kusha before. Does Mama still not know that Kusha’s a spy? Shelly tilted his head.

    “It’s not a good idea to joke in front of royalty at a time like this, you know,” Brine commented.

    “I know. We’re not. We walked through the underwater road from Girage Fields to here. Me and Azu have the power to make bubbles of air, which let the others survive,” Lucca explained.

    “The past two days have had more miracles than I’ve ever seen in my lifetime. I’m inclined to believe you, but I wouldn’t have you return that way when you need to leave,” Gladys went back to leaning on her armrest. “I have a great favour to ask of you, and a promise you must make to me. In exchange, you may use our island’s services as necessary, and Shelly and Elise can be given freedom within your group.”

    “I’m listening,” Lucca replied quietly.

    “Deep underwater, underneath our island, there is a cavern. We need you to mine material there,” Gladys said. “We have methods of underwater travel and to extract the material ourselves, but not being species that can breathe underwater, our methods are inconvenient at best. A group of water types like yourselves would find this task menial, I assume.”

    “Oh really, that’s it?” Lucca replied. “We just go to the cave, get you a bunch of that material, and then we can go?”

    Is she talking about the Derris Ore? Shelly wondered.

    “Get me as much as you can carry. I will provide you with the means to extract it and to travel underwater as well. The other part of this proposition,” Gladys said. Her speech slowed and she leaned forward. “Make sure Shelly and Elise come back to us. Please.”

    “That’s a given, though. The others travelling with us do it of their own free will, not by our order,” Lucca said, glancing at Azu and Kusha.

    “I mean you must promise me, male. If you are to bring Elise and Shelly with you, please promise me that they’ll come home someday. Alive, and while I am alive,” Gladys raised her voice.

    “Mama?” Shelly muttered.

    “I think I understand,” Lucca looked down, then back up her, his face stern. “No matter what, they’ll come home. I swear it.”

    “Thank you. Allow me to apologise for the way we have treated you thus far as well. We of Van Aken are grass type females who populate through growing seeds, you see. We do not breed; nor do we grow male Pokémon. Your kind is not normally accepted here, so we as an army, and our villagers, will not take too kindly to you,” Gladys continued. She leaned on a hand again. “I will give them the alert that you are safe and to aid you, but do not blame them if they are not so courteous to you. We have a history, and they simply don’t want their peace disturbed.”

    “That’s fair. I wouldn’t ask for anything more,” Azu nodded.

    “Now then. You soldiers. Clear out, show the Shining Warriors to empty quarters. They are now our honoured guests,” Gladys ordered. “We’ll prepare that objective for you by tomorrow. We will sort out travel back to mainland Heroica when it’s time for you to leave as well. For now, I want to spend time with my children.”

    “Us?” Elise gasped.

    “Of course! I won’t see you again for much time. Is it wrong to want to make up for that time now?” Gladys said happily.

    There’s a first time for everything, Shelly groaned in his head. The soldiers started shuffling about the room, and soon everyone was guided out besides himself and Elise. It was alarming how quiet and cold the room felt, even with the sun beaming through the glass walls. Or maybe it was the imposing presence of the massive Tsareena. It had been so long since Shelly had seen and looked up to her like this, he’d forgotten that she was multiple times his height, throne included.

    “Good. They truly left us alone, now. Elise, what’s wrong?” Gladys began as she slowly stepped forward.

    “H-huh? Me?” the Steenee shifted back. Gladys sat cross-legged in front of them, prompting Shelly to sit and Elise to kneel.

    “You should be ecstatic that you are able to embark on this quest with your betrothed. Yet, you’ve barely said a word, and your Gospel Vibe shines with sadness. Something’s happened, hasn’t it?” Gladys said in concern. “You don’t need to hold anything back with me.”

    “Mama,” Elise sighed. She couldn’t look at Shelly or Gladys. “I’m sorry. I’m… scared.”

    “You saw them do the trial, didn’t you? Or the monsters that live in the Shadow Palace. The Wishiwashi,” Gladys asked. Elise gasped and glanced up. “I attempted to clear the place out many years before you were born. It was a nightmare back then as it is now. The schools were infinite, and take on many foreign species as forms. It was terrifying.”

    “Wa-wait Mama, you’ve been there before? But Elise is fifteen,” Shelly said, becoming concerned.

    “Multiple times. Pokémon were lost attempting to make that place safe, so I chose to close the place off entirely. That was why I forbade you going there,” Gladys answered.

    “Well it’s not that, but there was a Shining Warrior trial there,” Shelly muttered. He gulped and looked up at her. “The Shining Warriors are chosen every ten years. If you went there before me and Elise came here, then there has to have been at least one set of Shining Warriors who came here, right? What happened to them?”

    Gladys didn’t answer. In fact, she barely reacted.

    “Why are you so against them?” Elise asked.

    Again, there was barely a reaction. Shelly couldn’t read her at all, and continuing to stare only made his heart race. Something happened here. Now Mama wants Derris Ore from the cave?

    “These are unpleasant memories. I had hoped we could bond properly, since I may not see you again for a long while,” Gladys finally responded. The two kids looked up at her. “Yes, Shining Warriors have come here in the past. In my entire lifetime going beyond fifty years, they only made it to Van Aken once.”

    “Once?” Shelly and Elise gasped.

    “The group that did were despicable. They fit the accursed tropes that we women have been taught to fear. I had to defeat them and have them executed,” Gladys explained. “Unsalvageable venom who cared little besides our beauty and fine drink. They wanted to treat us as though we were their possessions, and that we should kneel before them as heroes. We allowed them free reign still, but it was that day that I truly learnt why we do not trust males.”

    “They tried to take over the island?” Elise gasped.

    “With fire and poison. They were conquerors, not heroes. That is why I feared Shelly becoming a warrior, and you joining them. I don’t know what manner of monstrosities truly exists beyond Van Aken, but I have seen an example with my own eyes. The last thing I would want for you two is to suffer at their hands, or to become one of them,” Gladys stated. “Fate tortures us leaders. It isn’t an easy decision to allow you all to leave. I cannot even take your place – the Pokémon here need me.”

    “But then why take care of Shelly? Shelly’s a male, you made us marry!” Elise cried.

    “Elise?” Gladys replied. The Steenee stood down. “Shelly was brought to this island very young, and we of the royalty have raised him. Though I have you call me Mama, you are not truly my child. It’s through this method that I believe we can change the traditions of van Aken and learn to open up to male Pokémon. Perhaps that’s why fate chose you two to journey.”

    “You think it’s fate, too?” Elise asked.

    “A journey teaches many things. Experiences that will never be forgotten and lessons that cannot be taught through words. If you two were to lead Van Aken like I planned, then perhaps it is best you experience this journey,” Gladys stated. She couldn’t hide a lustful gaze upwards. “But as a mother, a Pokémon who must take care of you two as a couple, I cannot help but zealously worry. I have never seen the Shining Warriors succeed, and now Pokémon are near incapable of using latent abilities or powers. The odds of you succeeding will keep me awake at night.”

    “I didn’t realise it was that hard. I’m sorry Mama, I’m sorry, Shelly. I know all this stuff as a knight and I knew it’d be hard, but I didn’t think it’d be that scary,” Elise confessed. “I got so scared I just wanted to run away, and my body wouldn’t move. Despite all that, Shelly, you told me what to do. You just did what you needed to do. That’s why you’re the Shining Warrior, and not me.”

    Eep, now is DEFINITELY not the time to ask for a divorce. But if not now, then when? It doesn’t sound like we’re going to be on the island for much longer. What do I even say here? Shelly turned away and rubbed an arm. “S-sorry about that.”

    “Sorry? What for, you saved our lives,” Elise replied.

    “But I had to, you know, with the knife and stuff,” he struggled.

    “Oh… well don’t worry about that, I know you did what you had to do. I forgive you already!” Elise said, bouncing happily.

    That should hold off for now… but this is a lot to swallow. Five generations of Shining Warriors failed before us, and only one made it here. Mama executed them because some were male, but then she still took me in and married me to Elise. Now she’s okay with me leaving the island as long as me and the other water types gather Derris Ore for her? Shelly faced the floor. The two girls continued to talk, but he had drowned them out. I don’t understand what’s going on here…


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