The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Clyde wakes early in the morning. It’s his duty as second-in-command aboard the great pirate Drake’s ship. On most nights, he is alone in the dark. But tonight… something is different.

    It’s a new day.

    I ran my webbed hands along the smooth wood as I climbed the stairs of the ship. The captain’s quarters were empty; Drake must have gone for one of his swims. My body naturally swayed side to side, compensating for the motion of the waves that never came.

    We’ll be settin’ off in a few hours, won’t we? I had half a mind to go down to the bulwark and wake the rest of the crew. Some were already shuffling about below-decks, but none of them were entirely awake. Not like me.

    Well. Except for one.

    I swallowed nervously as I stepped foot on the deck. The darkness of night blanketed the ship, a tarp that lay across the wood like a funeral cloth, putting the crew to sleep. The sand below the beached ship kept things uncomfortably steady, a stillness that I could never quite get used to after so many years on the open sky.

    And… there, leaning against the starboard-side railing… her.

    The Mienfoo’s body was covered in bandages. Gauze oozed from beneath linen wrappings around her cranium, around her arms, her chest, and her legs. I winced at the sight. She never complained of pain, but nobody could deny that she was clearly limping, hurting, in pain. The spring that had always been in her step was gone.

    I sighed, standing still for a second. Hesitation. I was the second-in-command. Hesitating could get me killed. Experience taught me to never think twice. Nature ensured I wouldn’t make the mistake twice.

    This was different though.

    With great trepidation, I began to approach her, not attempting to quiet my steps.

    “Hi Clyde.”

    “Mornin’ Rene. What’s got you up so early?”

    Rene said nothing, and continued to stare out. I joined her at the railing, leaning my elbows on the salt-stained wood. The ocean of clouds was a boiling cauldron just a short distance away, and endless expanse of gray that rolled and tumbled over the horizon. Foggy waves lapped at the hull below, a soundless motion. The moon had long-since retired, and only the clouds hanging above the land and misty sea filled the navy-blue heavens above.

    “…Just… thinking.”

    Her voice was trembling. Those were not good thoughts in her head.

    “‘Bout what?” I pressed gently, staying conversational but not prying.

    “About… that day.”

    “Rather early for that, isn’t it?”

    “It’s hard to think about anything else.”

    “I get that, but what about doin’ other things? Stuff that doesn’t need you to think?”

    “Already tried that. Still ended up thinking about it. Almost took a dip.”


    Fresh air filled my nostrils as I inhaled deeply, a crispness I had come to appreciate over the years, even though it dulled over time. This just wasn’t something you could experience on land. I bowed my head against the railing, the curl atop my head drooping forwards as I closed my eyes.

    “So. You feel alright there?”

    “…Depends on your definition of ‘alright.’”

    “Not dyin’.”

    “Well I ain’t dyin’ anytime soon.”

    “What about mentally?”

    “Do you even have to ask?”

    “No, but I wanna hear it from your mouth and not mine.”


    “‘Cause I care about you.”

    I opened my eyes, and glanced at her from the corner of my eye. She could not look at me.

    “…How am I supposed to believe you?”

    A hurricane of emotions whirled in my belly, my heart freezing for a moment. What a terrible sentence to behold.

    “…Rene–” I began.

    “No. I… Sorry, but I don’t wanna hear it.”


    “I… I don’t know if I can trust any of you. I… I had such good…”

    “It was one time–”


    I flinched away from her, the thick tension in the air silencing the world’s breath. The clouds themselves seemed to shy away from the Mienfoo, who glared at me with all the anger and hatred of Drake’s first ex.


    An explosive crack sliced through the air like a knife. My head shot up to see the Mienfoo’s fist quivering, smoking, between two beams of the railing, her punch having snapped a chunk off and sent it flying onto the beach below.

    “I LOVED HIM!” she cried, her voice cracking as she raised her other fist, slamming it against the fragment of railing on the left, throwing splinters to the air. “I TRUSTED HIM! I–I THOUGHT WE WERE SOMETHING SPECIAL–!”

    I raised a hand, but she did not stop.











    “Huff… Huff… Huff….”

    I stared at her as she lowered her trembling fists. Fresh blood leaked from cuts on her paws’ knuckles, splinters embedded in her fur like knives on wood. The railing was completely destroyed in front of her, shards and pieces of wood lying around her feet and scattered in the sands below. Rene panted where she stood, chest heaving and head hung.

    For a moment, she stood still.

    For a moment, I dared not say a word.

    For a moment, the world was quiet.

    …A tear hit the deck.

    I was frozen still as her pants turned to heaving sobs, a pain far worse than the ones plaguing her body wracking her mind and spearing her heart.

    I stepped forwards, raising an arm.

    She flinched away.

    I did not pursue it.

    Unable to do anything, I watched, wringing my wrists and biting my lip, as Rene collapsed to the deck, hugging her knees with her paws and tucking her head into her lap, muffled whimpers filling the air.

    I could only watch.

    “Why… why did…”

    I could only watch.

    “Was it… was it something I did–?”


    “Then why? Wh–why did–”

    “‘Cause he’s a terrible–”

    “Then what about all of you? H–how can I be sure–?”

    I had no response. Rene hid herself away once again.

    “I never should have left Crux.”

    I opened my mouth. I closed it. There was nothing I could say.

    All I could do was watch.

    …Her fading cries were not the only sounds in my ear.

    I turned my head as the ever-familiar sound of footsteps on the creaky boarding plank reached my ear. There was only one person it could be.

    I could not leave Rene’s side, but I could at least greet–

    Why is–


    Even in the dark, I could tell something was off. The Quaquaval’s hair and outfit, normally pristine and well-kempt, were untidy, messy. Feathers stuck out in loose places, and his suit was… the wrong color.

    …Oh no.

    “Drake, what–” I blurted out, rushing forwards, but he held up a wing.

    “I’m fine. Really. No injuries.”

    “Then what–”

    “Not mine.”

    “The hell do you mean ‘not mine,’ you’re drenched from head to toe in–”


    Our heads turned as we saw Rene stand up. Her sniffles faded, though her eyes, even in the dark, were clearly bloodshot. Some of her bandages were loose, no doubt because of her punching fit, and her bloodied knuckles painted a gruesome picture.

    “Why… Why are you covered in blood?”

    Drake looked far worse than her. Without even having to squint through the night, a dark, unsightly brown was smeared across his blue feathers, the white of his shirt muddied by splatters of red. His beak was marked by a streak, and strands of hair dropped down onto his shoulders and in front of his face like wet, oily bangs. Most notably, his feet were almost painted black, with some liquid still dribbling from his poised toes.


    “I’m fine. Not mine.” Drake’s voice lacked its usual elegance. Gone was the eloquence of a dashing captain. Gone was the friend he’d stood by for so long. Standing before him was a different Pokémon entirely.


    “I said, not mine.”

    A thought passed through my head. And, clearly, Rene’s too.

    Then… whose is it?



    “…No… You didn’t…” Rene breathed, her eyes widening.

    “He hurt you.”


    “If not for you, then for me. You’re one of us. I can’t forgive what he did.”

    “How did you even find–”

    “Tracked him. Had some help. Nobody likes a backstabber, and nobody would choose to protect one versus getting a reward.”

    “How much–” I started.

    “Doesn’t matter,” Drake promptly retorted. “She’s more important than any gold.”

    “Is he–” Rene whispered.

    “Don’t know, don’t care. He’s a bloodstain in the forest right now. Whether he’ll recover or die is not my concern. As far as I’m concerned, he’s done for, and even if he ain’t, he ain’t ever gonna show his face again. Not to us. Not to…” he glanced at Rene, who put a paw to her heart, before he closed his eyes.

    We stared at Drake for a long while, the silence of the void deafening.

    Movement in my peripheral. Rene.

    Drake opened his eyes as she pounced, crouching in anticipation. She flew into his arms, nearly knocking him over. But despite the blood staining them both, they embraced tightly, blue-red wings wrapping around a shivering Mienfoo, covering her, protecting her. Keeping her safe.

    A breath I hadn’t known I’d been holding escaped me.

    Drake looked up, and our eyes locked. A nod passed between us. Rene would be okay.

    A grin tugged at the corners of my mouth, and I turned my back on them. To the east, the murky ink of twilight began to fade, a rippling cyan with frills of yellow, orange, and pink washing over the sky above. Light poured over the horizon in the distance, golden warmth that brightened the world and smiled on the floating land and the abyss below.

    It’s a new day.


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