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    Ichi – Pikachu


    “…weird Snivy,” I grumbled to myself as I dashed through Post Town’s gate. That Rei guy shouldn’t be on my mind right now! I’m sure he’ll be fine if I leave him be… he’s not my priority right now, after all! I gotta focus on getting to that Swanna House!

    My gaze darts around the tiny settlement. From what I’ve heard, this place is a rest stop for travelers, so it makes sense that all the businesses are right at the entrance. There was a big hill on my right, water pouring down its side and emptying out into a river. I could spot a Lotad or two napping in it. I kept my eyes peeled for Swanna House.

    Nope. This one’s a Kecleon Shop… one of the most common stores in the universe. That Kecleon looks absolutely exhausted.

    Not this one either… I think this is supposed to be a gift shop? And no, I don’t mean souvenirs, I mean literal gift boxes. I can just see piles of ‘em through the window.

    And this one’s a Box Buster… so many broken crates are in the garbage next to it. You could make an entire family of Trubbish outta those!

    Looking around, I struggled to find the right building. “Where the hell is it—oh.” I facepalmed myself as I immediately spotted the place just by looking straight ahead. Quagsire did say it was hard to miss… I’m guessing this tavern is the town’s main source of income. It encompasses most of the town, after all—there was scaffolding on the side of the hill that linked it with Swanna House. Part of it even looked like it was built into the mound. How did I not notice it?!


    Weaving through the pedestrians, I headed into the inn. It’s pretty crowded in here—figures, considering it’s lunchtime. Pokémon are clustered around tables, merrily chatting with each other as they dine. Behind the counter in the corner was the owner herself, Swanna. She was wiping a mug with a cloth—the classic bartender pose.

    Quagsire wasn’t hard to spot. He’s pretty big, and his bright blue blubber makes him easy to pick out in a crowd. Money in hand, I excitedly hurry over to the table he’s sitting at.

    I take a deep breath as I approach him. I had to make sure I was as professional as I could be—this is a business deal, after all! Gotta play the part of a businessmon!

    Another breath. Just don’t screw this up, Ichi.

    The Water-type glanced at me. “…hmm, can I help you?” 

    “Um- Yeah, uh-” As soon as I opened my mouth, I froze up. “…uh…”


    Crap, crap, crap! Come on, get it together! I was just too anxious—I was so close to reaching the next step of my dream! I was feeling so confident earlier, so how could I start screwing up now , of all times?! How could this be hard, anyway?? I loved to pretend I was making transactions like this as a Pichu… why am I struggling with the real thing?!

    …well, to be fair, back then I was simply roleplaying with myself… ehe…

    “…are you alright?” Quagsire tilted his head as I stood in front of him awkwardly.

    “…y-yeah I am!” I stammered, my ears perking straight up. “Sorry, sorry, I just… erm…”

    “Mmm, it’s quite alright,” he chuckled. “Quite a few have told me that I appear, mmm, quite intimidating to them. Especially to smaller Pokémon like yourself, Pikachu.”

    …wait, wait, this guy’s intimidating to people?? How?? I disregarded that thought and quickly decided to use that as my excuse.

    “Erm… yeah! That’s exactly it, haha…” It baffled me how a big-boned, beady-eyed guy like him could be scary. I mean, yes, I am pretty small, but tall ‘mon don’t scare me that much.

    Quagsire nodded, taking a sip of his drink. Smelled like tea. “…so can I help you?”

    Ah, screw the “professional” facade, I internally groaned. It was dumb anyway. Kinda already messed it up right off the bat. “…um, my name’s Ichi. I’m the one that wants to purchase that plot of land you’re selling?”

    “Ahah, I see! Yes, yes, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” He grinned. “Hmm, would you care to take a seat?”

    “Ah, sure.” I sheepishly nodded as I hopped onto the seat across from him.

    “Would you like a drink? On me, mm-hmm.”

    “…nah, you don’t have to…”

    “Mmm, I insist. Coffee? Or perhaps tea?”

    “…I’ll just have some Pecha juice.” Ugh. Just hearing the word “coffee” leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.

    “So tell me, Mr. Ichi… what does a ‘mon like you wish to do with this plot of land, hmm?” he inquired, taking another gulp of his tea.

    “I wanna start my own business!” I proudly smirked. “It’s a dream I’ve had since I was little…”

    “Is that so?”

    “Mhm! Here’s my plan—with this huge plot of land, I’ll hire someone to construct a bunch of plots, and then people’ll rent them out to set up shop at!”

    “I see, I see.” Quagsire nodded again. “Sounds like quite a tall order, mm-hmm. Are you sure you’ll be able to do this all by yourself?”

    “…I’ve been planning this out all on my own for a good… two years, I’d say? Ever since I left the nest.” I sipped on my Pecha juice. “I think I can do it.”

    “You think you can, hmm? It’s rare to see young kids like you with passion like that, mhm.” He smiled—he almost seemed impressed, in fact! 

    I grinned at his compliment. “Haha, thanks…”

    “Although… I do wonder if you truly know what you’re, mmm, getting into.”

    “Of course I do! I did my research!” I bought one of those books about business, and I think I understood, like, most of it when I skimmed through it! I’ll be fine!

    “…well, do you at least understand the legal formalities of it?”

    “…I think!”

    “…mmm, you think.”

    “I think,” I repeated. 

    “…mm-hmm.” He stared at me as he finished his cup of tea. “Hmm… your little venture intrigues me… Well, from one businessmon to another, I wish you good luck with that.”

    My ears perked up. He called me a businessmon! He actually called me one! I grinned. “Thank you, sir!”


    He nodded. “…now, about your purchase of land…”

    “Ah, right!” I put the sack of money I brought on the table. It jingled as I nudged it over to him. “Here’s the Poké. Counted it already, it should all be in there. But you can count just to be sure if you want.”

    The Water-type opened up the bag and sifted through the heap of hundred-Poké coins inside.

    “…hmm, as a word of advice, please write a check next time…”

    “I like using physical cash.” Growing up with parents who run a bank really influences you.

    He sighed. “If only thousand-Poké coins were minted, mm-hmm.”

    “…I’ll help you out…”

    “Hmm, please do.”

    It only took a few minutes, but those were some loooooong minutes. 

    “497… 498… 499… 500! There we go—500 coins, so 50 thousand Poké.” I gathered it all up and poured it back into the sack. “As I said, it’s all here.”

    “Excellent.” Quagsire brought out a small pile of papers alongside a blue pen. “Now, I just need you to sign these, mm-hmm. To make this official. Just a formality—hmm, I’m sure you understand.

    “…fun.” Legal papers, my sworn enemy. When I was younger, whenever I wandered into my parents’ room, I’d see stacks upon stacks of documents on the ground, towering over me. Always wondered why so much was needed for a single transaction… 

    Must be karma for bringing coins rather than a check, I reasoned. If I waste his time, he wastes mine, haha…


    After all the boring legal mumbo-jumbo, I walked out of that tavern smiling from ear to ear, the deed to the land in my paws.

    “Pleasure doing business with you, Ichi.”

    “You too! Thanks a lot, Mr. Quagsire!”

    Alright. Crossing that off the list. Next up is the construction phase.

    “One step closer,” I said to myself. “One step closer to my dream of Paradise.”

    I march down the street, back towards the town gate so I can head over to my new plot. “I’m actually a landowner now, this is so sick!”

    Across the crossroad was a vast, empty plain. Well, what used to be a plain, at least. It’s more like a desert if anything. Yes, I know it doesn’t look very promising, but it was the cheapest I could go for! Besides, it’ll look much better once I get someone to start construction on this place. 

    I could feel coarse gravel under my feet as I walked around the area. It’s supposed to be pretty big, but there are a bunch of these piles of boulders and dead trees that block the way to most of the place. Super inconvenient. I gotta get that fixed somehow.

    I found a tree that didn’t look as dead as the others and decided to sit by it as I gazed around. “This is my new home…” A gust of dry wind blew past, carrying away some of the dirt. “I can make this work.”


    I gotta make it work, after all. If I want this project to succeed.

    I wanna live a life of success! I’ll do anything to be at the top! I’ve always dreamed of being the proprietor of a big business ever since I was a little kid. Yes, yes, it’s silly—I get that a lot. I was the only kid in my village obsessed with money. From a young age, I was exposed to the idea of commerce. I might not know very much about it, but this is a learning experience, y’know? 

    In a couple months, I’ll turn this place into something I can be proud of. Mom and Dad… my brothers Niko and San… all the other kids from Pokémon Square… they’ll see!


    …my stomach began to growl. Thinking about Paradise can wait, I thought. Maybe I should’ve gotten some food from Swanna House too…

    Getting up, I decided to head back to the tavern to get a quick bite. I pondered whether I should splurge a bit to celebrate or get something on the cheap side—I did just make a big purchase, after all. And I need as much cash as I can to fund this! I set aside a lot of cash in a bank account, but I still think it’s better to save. The more cash, the better!


    “Ichi! ICHI!!” Strolling back to Post Town, I could see a certain green Pokémon dash towards me. “Holy shit, there you are!”

    “Uh… hey there!” What was that Snivy in such a rush for? I thought. I wasn’t… that excited to see him again, but I decided to just hear him out for now.


    “Three words: I want in.” 

    I blinked. “…huh?”


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