The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Ichi – Pikachu


    I strolled around the house as I began to brainstorm while I waited for Rei to come back. Now that we finally have a proper roof over our heads, I can move on to the next step of my business plan!

    The only problem is that I need to figure out what that next step is.

    Our new house was a lot more spacious than I anticipated. Right as you step in, there’s a nice lounging area with a comfy couch on the right and a pretty standard kitchen and table on the left. In the back is a little hallway leading to our bedrooms and a bathroom. There’s just enough space in the middle of it all for me to pace while I try to come up with good ideas. 

    “Is it time to jump into some… business deals? Hehe…” I mumbled to myself as I idled around. “Got a place to sleep, got some funds left over… not much left to do then to finally get to doing what I came here for.” I looked out the window at the empty plot of land surrounding me. “…first step is… uh…” I tapped my foot repeatedly as I tried to think. 

    Look, I might’ve gone into this business thing headfirst without a concrete plan, but it’ll be fine. I’m a pro at improvising. And besides, I got a dream—isn’t that enough?

    I snapped my finger. “I got it! I’ll talk to Mr. Quagsire, he’ll know what to do!” He’s a fellow businessmon, of course he’ll help me out, right? I reckoned. I knew Mr. Quagsire was well-versed in real estate—after all, he sold me the land I was standing on. “I’d also need to hire Mr. Gurdurr…” Mr. Gurdurr was the only carpenter I really knew in Post Town… and the only one that could actually keep his word. Kind of. He built this house, and honestly it’s not too shabby. Free, too! We lucked out.

    “Lastly, I’d need to actually recruit Pokémon who’d be willing to run stores… Pokémon that are interested in running their own business like me…” A shopping district is nothing without shops. But that last part was the one I was most uncertain about.

    “…ehhh, I’ll figure it out when I get there.” I shrugged it off.


    The door creaked open, and my ears shot right up. I looked over and saw Rei trudge inside with a sour expression on his face. “…I’m back.” The Snivy nearly slammed the door shut as he dropped himself onto the couch with a hefty sigh.

    “Uh, hey!” I was put off by his rough entrance, but I still put on a good face for him. “Soooo… how’d it go with Cole?”

    “I don’t wanna talk about it,” he shut me down instantly. “It… it’s just a lot to take in.”

    “…jeez. What in the world did he say to get you so riled up?”

    “Human stuff.” Rei crossed his arms.

    “…’human stuff’?” I tilted my head.

    “Just human stuff. Doesn’t matter.”

    “…if you say so.” I dropped the topic—it didn’t seem like he was going to talk.

    The Snivy stayed silent for a moment, before mumbling, “…Cole gave me this idea.”


    “Ever thought about becoming a rescuer?”

    “Can’t say I have. Done a few odd jobs here and there, but never considered delving into work like that full-time.”

    “Cole told me that I should join a rescue team, to be… useful or whatever,” Rei grumbled. 

    I blinked. “Useful?”

    “Nothing, nothing. It’s stupid, yeah.” Rei sank into his seat, then looked at me. “…could make bank off of mercenary work, though. Probably not even that risky, based on what you’ve told me.”

    Bank. The word echoed in my mind—I was hooked by the prospect of income. “Hm… I’d consider it, yeah. I already have a lot of funds for Paradise… but not much for myself, honestly… Would be nice to have more spending money.”

    “Knew that’d get’cha.” Rei chuckled, before sighing. “Ugh, can’t believe that mutt is actually getting to me… I called it stupid, yet I’m still going through with it. Must be some kinda reverse psychology.”

    “Anyway, the only problem is making a team. We need a team of at least four Pokémon to become rescuers.”

    “…well, you’re in luck that you’re roommates with an artist. A shitty artist, thanks to these leaf hands, but an artist nonetheless. We could make flyers and post ‘em around town to advertise or something.”

    I grinned. “Sounds like a plan.” I reasoned that I could pause on workshopping my business for a little bit. I wanted to bide my time until I could come up with a concrete path to success.



    “…we literally put up the ads today, how are there already people at our door.” 

    I jumped out of my chair and sped out of my room as soon as I heard Rei. “Applicants?! Already?” 

    “Jeez, you startled me.” The Snivy flinched. “And, uh, yeah. People outside, I heard ‘em knocking. You might wanna get ready.”

    I clapped my paws. “Okay, okay, alright then! Interview time! Should be easy-peasy!” I was tapping my foot anxiously. Excited anxiety! Not nervous anxiety! I swear!

    “…dude it’s just an interview. Why do you look so on-edge right now?” Rei stared at me, unamused. “You’re not even the one being interviewed! If anything, whoever’s outside should be nervous, not you…”

    “Who even are they, anyway?” I peeked through the window out of curiosity and spotted a familiar pair—an Audino with squinty eyes, and a Rockruff wearing sparkly purple bracelets. The Rockruff looked impatient, her tail wagging rhythmically and rapidly. Meanwhile the Audino stared at the door pensively. “Wait a second… didn’t we just meet these guys yesterday?”

    “Uh… yeah, I remember these two.” Rei watched with me, creeping up behind my back. “Aiden and Stella.”

    “Right, I remember talking with the Audino about my business plans… Pretty sure he was interested! That must be why they’re here,” I deduced. 

    The Rock-type’s gaze wandered over to the window, and she looked at us a little funny as we stared back. “Ah crap, fall back!” Rei blurted as he dragged me away from the window, out of their sight. I could hear a bit of a fuss outside in response.

    “…You know what, let’s just open the door for ‘em already.” Rei took another tiny peek through the window.

    “Alright.” I sighed. “At least it’s ‘mon I’ve met before, so I can be a little more casual with ‘em. No need for the businessmon persona today.”

    “Aren’t you… always casual?”


    I opened the door, and I was immediately bombarded by Stella’s interrogations. “Aight, you got a lot of explaining to do, Mr. Pikachu.”

    “Hello there, Mr. Ichi!” Aiden greeted me with a smile as he waved behind the canine Pokémon, starkly contrasting the Rockruff’s irritated tone. “Nice to see you again… so soon too, haha.”

    “Y-yes, hello! Come on in, you two, make yourselves comfortable…” I donned a smile as I held the door open for the two of them. “Let’s get to business, shall we?”

    “What funny business are you even on about?” Stella gave me a look before passing by me. “I’m just here for the team recruitment you advertised.”

    “Oh. Well, in that case—” I was about to switch my focus from business talk to rescuer talk.

    “Erm, it’s just Stella that’s here for that, to clarify… I was actually interested in that ‘business pitch’ of yours from yesterday,” Aiden interrupted.

    “Oh? Really now?” And so I shifted back to focusing on business talk.

    “Yeah, about that… the hell’s up with that? You’re tryin’ to plot some kinda money-making scheme on top of forming a rescue team?”

    “Hey, it’s not a money-making scheme!” My head was turning back and forth between Stella and Aiden as I began to worry I had to juggle conversations in order to please the both of ’em.

    “So… um… is your ‘business plan’ just rescuer work? I could’ve sworn you talked to me about some sort of shopping district…” The Audino tilted his head.

    “I didn’t see any shops ’round here. Just plain dirt.” Stella scoffed.

    “Well, he hasn’t started anything yet. Duh.” Rei chuckled, watching from the sidelines.

    “Look, how about we all sit down so I can actually get to explaining?” 


    I guided them all over to the kitchen table. Much like yesterday, Rei and I sat on one side, and Aiden and Stella sat across from us. “Alright. Let’s get down to business.”

    “You… already said that.” Stella stared at me, deadpan.

    “I know that!” I had to come up with something on the fly, so I immediately went to introductions. “…Anyway! I’m Ichi Pikachu, and this is my business partner Rei Snivy! But I’m sure you already know that. We’re looking for Pokémon to join our rescue team that we totally didn’t just come up with yesterday!”

    Rei hit me by the shoulder as soon as I blurted out my explanation. “Dude! You’re not supposed to say that,” he hissed.

    “You just… did this on a whim after seein’ the Verdant Sword?” Stella raised an eyebrow.

    “Well, it wasn’t ‘cause of her, it was… never mind, not important.” The Snivy shook his head, shrinking in his seat. “Anyway, yeah it was a little impulsive of us.”

    Impulsive of you , you mean. Despite my thoughts, I just went along with it nonetheless. “Well, a lot of great things start off as whimsical decisions, don’t they?”

    “…Still, y’all really just decided on this so quickly even though Aiden told me you got other plans on top of rescuer work?”

    “I’m still confused about the whole business thing, ehe…” Aiden smiled sheepishly.

    “What the fuck is the ‘business thing’, anyway?” 

    Alright, here we go. “Glad you asked!”

    “Oh no, what have you done.” Rei grimaced.

    “I have this dream of running a bustling shopping district right here on this big plot of land. I’ve dubbed it Pokémon Paradise! It’ll be an oasis of opportunity!” I had a big grin on my face. “…still workshopping that tagline.”

    “…okay?” Stella just squinted. 

    “I’ll be recruiting businesses to set up shop all around this place. Since we’re right along the highway and across from Post Town, we’ll surely have travelers pouring in! I’ve been planning this venture of mine for a long time…”

    “That’s a lotta big words,” she grumbled.

    “Y-yeah.” Aiden nodded. “…I got a little lost too, don’t worry.”

    Rei nodded back. “I’ve had to deal with his rambling for weeks. You better get used to it.”

    I hit Rei back by his leafy arm. “Ow-” he winced.

    “Anyway, enough about that. Let’s get to know each other, shall we?”

    Stella frowned. “Uh, why?” 

    “I wanna get to know my future business partners!”

    “Oi, I never agreed to joinin’ you yet, don’t call me your ‘partner.’”

    “I mean, I’m not opposed to ice-breakers… What did you have in mind?” Aiden asked, and Stella looked at him with a look that screamed, “what the hell, man?”

    “Excellent question!” I beamed. “I know just the game to play~”

    “Oh god, is it what I think it is?” Rei sighed.

    “It’s simple: we take turns asking each other questions!”

    “Oh of course I’m right.” He sank into his chair. “Yeah, I’m sitting out.”

    “…ooookay? What’s so bad about that?” She glanced at Rei.

    “Oh you don’t even know . He’s somehow able to turn this into a competition.”

    Stella slowly turned to me, her eyes narrowed again. “…this sounds so fucking stupid, why ?” 

    “‘Cause it’s fun!” I simply answered. I just wanted to get to know ’em! It worked great with Rei, after all! I know he secretly liked it~

    She made a sour face. “…aight, fine. I’ll go first. Wh—“

    “Nope, you already asked a question. My turn.” I immediately countered.

    Stella was caught off guard! “Wh- what the fuck do you mean? I was- I was being, what’s the word… y’know, when you don’t expect an answer…”

    “Rhetorical?” Aiden answered.

    “Yeah, what he said! That- that cannot count, Ichi.”

    “Hey, just playing by the rules~”


    “I said we’d take turns! You had your turn, now it’s mine. Fair, no?”

    “Well, I… I didn’t anticipate this to be some game! Just…” Stella paused, grumbling a little as she looked like she was weighing options in her head. “…just, aight. Fine. I’ll play by your rules.” She narrowed her eyes at me. First impression: she’s pretty feisty, but I think that’s a good thing.

    “Alright! For starters… I remember you telling my partner and I about how you came all the way from the Grass… What’re you doing here, then?”

    “Looking for work. Had experience as a rescuer back home. Anyway—” She quickly answered so she could ask again, but I had to stop her.

    “Aiden’s turn.” I cut her off.

    “Hm? Me?” Aiden seemed a little zoned out.

    “…fuck. Right.” Stella huffed, before leaning a little closer towards her Audino friend. “Aiden, can you ask somethin’ for me?”

    “Erm… You could also just wait for your turn…”

    “Bruh. You’re kidding me.”

    “I wanna get to know Mr. Ichi, too!” Aiden looked at me with a bit of resolve in his… well, not his eyes. Couldn’t see them, they looked closed. His face—he had resolve on his face. Yeah. “What inspired you to pursue business?”

    “I get asked that a lot,” I laughed, even though that wasn’t entirely true. In fact, I think Rei was the first one that actually asked why. Wish people asked me that more. “Really, it’s just money. I wanna have a lotta dough! Doesn’t everybody?”

    Stella rolled her eyes. “Well, that’s why I want this job, so… guess you could say that.”

    “Money is important, but I don’t think it’s the most important,” Aiden commented. “I don’t really worry about money all too much.” 

    “…not like you have to…” the canine muttered under her breath, and the Audino giggled sheepishly.

    My turn was next. “Been wondering, Stella… have you two known each other for long? You two’re real chummy with each other.”

    “…only a couple days, really,” she simply answered.

    “…you wanna elaborate?” I asked.

    “It’s my turn now, isn’t it?” Stella had a grin on her face. “Never said I had to give a good answer.”

    Oh, you think you’ve tricked me? “Yeah… and you just wasted your turn.” I winked.

    “What.” Her smile dropped very easily.

    “You just asked if it was your turn~” I snickered.

    Stella was dead silent, eyes wide open as she contemplated her decisions.

    “S-Stella…?” Aiden looked at her in concern.

    “Told you,” Rei said. “Ichi takes this shit to the next level.”

    Stella growled in frustration as she slammed her head down on the table. “I swear to fucking Jirachi…” She huffed, trying to compose herself as she sat back up. “I see how it is. I ain’t giving up here.” The dog glared at me. 

    I smirked, feeling a little giddy from her determination. “Bring it on.”

    “Your move, rat. ” 

    “Erm… Stella… I don’t want to be blunt, but… I don’t think putting up a fight is going to help you land this job… even if this fight is just with questions and answers…” Aiden warned her.

    “Oh don’t worry.” I winked again. “Both of you landed the job already. I like both of you. You’re in.”

    “O-oh, really?” Aiden beamed. “Th-that’s great, thank you, Mr. Ichi!”

    “Hold up, I never got a say in this—” Rei butted in.

    “Hey, I’m the one who’s been carrying this entire interview! You’ve just been sitting around and watching.”

    The Snivy grumbled. “This… ain’t even an interview at this point…”



    “I don’t care anymore whether or not I landed this gig. I wanna kick your ass … at askin’ questions, I mean.” She quickly added that last bit.

    “I like your spirit.” My smirk grew wider as I readied my questions. “Favorite food?!” I shot my question at her like I was flicking coins with Pay Day: rapidly.

    “Anything sweet!” She answered just as quickly. “Why are you so set on making this a competition?!”

    “Because it’s fun! Favorite drink?!”

    “Iced tea!”

    “Ayy, fellow iced tea appreciator—” Rei did finger guns at Stella.

    “Shut up you’re makin’ me lose focus!” Stella yelled at my partner, her eyes staying locked onto me. “How is this shit fun for you?!”

    “It’s a perfect icebreaker! Combines both competition and Q-and-As! Those are the two best ways to get to know ‘mon!” I yelled back, my mouth moving rapidly. “What do you do in your free time?!”

    “Hang out with friends! How the fuck are you talking so fast?!”

    “I’m just really good with words! What do you think of Post Town?!”

    “Kinda boring—no offense! What do you think of Post Town?!”

    “So much wasted business potential, that’s why I’m here! Why do you want this job?!”

    “Because I just left the guild and my old team! How did you make up your mind ‘bout me and Aiden so quick?!”

    “I like Aiden’s friendliness, and I like your determined spirit! I get really cool vibes from you two! Again, why do you want this job?!” I repeated. “Gimme the real reason why!”

    “Because I want new friends!! Fine, I admit it!!” She began to turn a little red once she realized what she blurted out. “F-fuck, uh.. F-favorite color?!” She was so desperate she picked the easiest question of them all. That’s how I knew she started to break.

    “Blue and gold! Why do you want new friends?!”

    “I’m not talking about that I said way too much now!!” She yelped. “Fuck it I’m resorting to actual icebreaker questions, where’d you grow up?!”

    “Pokémon Square, Air Continent!” I was trying hard not to press further despite how anxiously curious I was. 



    Our aggressive interrogations went back and forth for about two straight minutes before Stella slumped back in her seat, panting. “Hah… hah… fuck.” Her voice was raspy. “…I yield.”

    “…whose… turn did we even end on…?” I was exhausted too.

    “Dunno.” Rei answered between crunches. I glanced to my right and saw that while we fought, he and Aiden were sharing a bag of popcorn. “Lost track.”

    “Is it over?” Aiden asked. “Who wins?”

    “I… don’t think there’s a winner here.” The Snivy shook his head.

    “…I say… it’s a draw,” I heaved.

    “Nah… I did not just fuckin’ run my throat dry for a tie .” Stella coughed. “Someone has to be the winner.”

    “All of us… are the winners here.” I weakly pumped my fist in the air as I slouched into my chair.

    Rei frowned, and hopped out of his seat. “I’ll get you two some water…” 

    “So… were you serious, Mr. Ichi?” Aiden asked. “About giving us the jobs?”

    “‘Course I was!” I flashed a grin despite how exhausted I was.

    “I mean… I ain’t complainin’ but… how the hell did you make up your mind so quickly…? You… don’t even know if we’re competent rescuers or not.”

    “Yeah this was like the most unorganized interview I’ve ever seen,” Rei added from across the kitchen. “Didn’t even ask things about, like, past experience or skills.”

    “Competent or not, it doesn’t matter to me. Besides, you two are some of the few ‘mon in Post Town that I kinda know, so…”

    “So what, we’re just… friends now? Is that what this is to you?” Stella scoffed.

    “I mean you spilled a fair bit about yourself just now, so I can’t say we’re strangers anymore, at least~”

    She turned her head to the side. “…I was just playing along with your little game, that’s all.”

    “…I’ve heard at least once that it’s bad to hire your friends, Ich’.” Rei commented.

    “Well I hired you.”

    “We became friends because you hired me. Not the other way around.” Rei walked back with a big glass of water in both of his leafy paws. He was struggling to carry it, and it nearly slipped as he carefully set it down in front of me. “…Gimme a sec, I’m grabbin’ the other one.” He began to scurry back.

    “Don’t you have vines?” Stella tilted her head. 

    “…do I?” He stopped halfway back to the kitchen sink.

    “Uh, yeah?? I thought Snivys do?? Unless I’m getting shit mixed up.”

    “…y-yeah, ‘course I do! Just… they kinda hurt today, don’t really wanna use ‘em right now!” Rei stammered as he picked up the pace. 

    I was confused for a moment why he’d come up with a crappy lie like that, but then I remembered what Cole told him and me: would’ve been too much of a hassle to explain the whole human situation.

    …We’ll spill the gummis eventually, I thought. Can’t be that hard to convince them! It took very little to convince me!

    Though that’s mainly because I witnessed the guy fall outta the sky firsthand.

    Stella stared at the Snivy judgingly as he served her another glass of water. “…uh.”


    “You got a bowl?”

    “Why— ohh. Riiight.” Rei quickly realized his mistake and picked up the glass again, hurrying back to the kitchen counter to get the right cup for the canine.

    Hiding my secondhand embarrassment, I chugged down my glass of water, wondering if it was really that important to keep the whole human stuff under wraps. Like, most mon would just brush him off as delusional, but if you think about it, knowing a real live human is pretty cool. Just wish he told me more about his human life… I’m so curious! Why does Rei have to be so secretive about it?

    Once Rei finally set down a nice bowl of water for her, Stella began to lap it up, sighing in relief. “…thanks.” She gave my partner a dirty look, and I felt a little bad for him. It’s not like he knew.


    “…well then!” I stood up from my seat. “It’s settled! From here on out, the four of us are officially the Moguls! Pleasure doin’ business with you all, team!” I grinned, pumping my fist in the air.

    “Hooray.” Rei half-enthusiastically mimicked me, putting up his fist.

    “Dude this was your idea, you should be ecstatic.”

    Rei frowned. “Hooray!” This time, he yelled it out. “…there, happy?”


    “Y’all better not let me down,” Stella said. 

    “We still need to register at the HAPPI office, though. Not official just yet,” Aiden corrected me. “After that… then we can celebrate!”

    “Agh, fine.” Man, I hate paperwork. “From here on out, the four of us are unofficially the Moguls… until we quickly get registered!”

    “Hooray.” The Snivy once again had the most monotonous cheer I’ve ever heard, but I let it slide because, again, I hate paperwork.


    The “battle” theme for the “fight” between Ichi and Stella, if you missed it~ Composed by KonKonocturne, author of PMD: Noble Dungeoneers

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    1. Feb 15, '24 at 11:42 am

      Heya, it’s me! Everyone’s favorite Cake slice!

      You may be wondering why this comment takes place a few chapters back. The thing is, I read this last summer, wrote down a whole bunch of notes, and just never bothered to put them into a review.

      Until now. Since the reading here was in the summer, the notes aren’t caught up all the way, and I may misremember some parts. But I am going off of notes I wrote back then, so it should be fine.

      Last part of my preface; I read this offline, which means a couple things.

      If I saw a Pokemon I didn’t know, I could not google it. I could only guess what it was.

      I read it on a PDF. This doesn’t change much, except for the fact that half of every image was missing. This could get pretty funny when what was supposed to be a critical character. Just wasn’t there. This gave me the idea for a meme you saw later.

      Point number 1 instantly reared its head, because I didn’t know what a Quagsire looked like, and point number 2 resulted in him being cut in half. So I autofilled him with Quagmire from family guy. Just imagine that for a few seconds, would you? Just replace the “mmm”s with “giggity”.

      Rei seems like the kind of dude that would have one too many drinks at a party, and give an emotional speech about how he hates himself, everything he stands for, and how he treats his friends. Nobody knows how to respond to this and people gradually leave the room. Rei doesn’t notice until only Stella is there. Luckily Ichi was busy playing Cards against Humanity and didn’t hear anything.

      When Cole showed up, I’ll admit I was a bit skimmy. I loved Rei and Ichi’s dynamic so much that I was Ichiing to get back to it.

      Anyways, when the aura thing showed up, I had a lot of notes for it.

      Cole should have seen Rei naruto running, as is described in chapter 1. This is a terrible missed opportunity, and I will be suing. (not really)
      It gave me the cool idea of a human having “phantom human hands”, as a sort of compromise for losing the human form, they get some ghostly human hands to use instead.
      Cole probably watched as Rei’s aura changed while they were talking. From confusion to sadness to hate.
      POV: You are Cole: [picture of glowing guy at the table]

      When the Gurdurrs were introduced, every time they showed up, I imagined the picture of buff engineer from TF2 and laughed out loud. It took me an embarrasingly long time to realize that the rescue team the Gurdurrs were talking about was Stella, and not some other group that would show up any second now.

      On the thought of TF2, I imagined the town as sort of like the 1930s Dustbowl, with wooden buildings and sandstorms throughout. I know this isn’t what you intended, but I like it. It adds to the feel of Ichi trying to fix a broken down town with a beautiful paradise.

      As I read through the story, I started to ship Ichi and Rei, to the point that I started rooting for them. It was hype as fuck. Shame I didn’t have the side-story downloaded.

      Overall, this story was among my favorites that I saved, and I thought about it a bit more than I’d like to admit. The biggest strength you have in writing by far is your ability to write a lovable dynamic. Particularly, I think you struck gold with having a businessman who can’t do business and a clueless dumblefuck about everything except business.

      I unfortunately am out of notes. I really enjoyed this though. Have a good one!