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    Stella – Rockruff


    It was another day on the road, and I sighed in defeat as I trudged down the long, winding path. I was all alone, the sun was blinding my eyes, my fur was unbearably scruffy, and I was incredibly hungry. 

    I’d been walking for a good few hours since I left the port, hoping to find a place to stay for the night. Always wanted to visit the Mist… I’m not too big a fan of humid weather, but I hear they’ve got some gorgeous glaciers. But… I didn’t expect it to turn out like this.

    I used to be a part of Wigglytuff’s Guild. Yeah, that Wigglytuff’s Guild—the one in Treasure Town, in the Grass Continent. I was an apprentice there, and I was on a team with two of my friends—Sapphire, a Noibat, and Sol, a Fomantis. The three of us made up Team Triple-S! 

    “Absolute bullshit,” I growled under my breath. “It’s not fair. It’s just not fair! If anything, that greedy Chatot stole from us! He expects us to give him NINETY PERCENT of our hard-earned cash?! Way too high for guild fees… Like, I know it’s for housing and food, but does it really have to be that expensive?” 

    Our team might’ve tried withholding cash from the guild. Didn’t work out in the end.

    I kept my eyes peeled for a rest stop, and eventually, my eyes landed on a sign pointing straight ahead.

    “Post Town – home of the freshest water | 1 km”

    “Oh, thank Jirachi… I’m like, really thirsty right now.” I wagged my tail as I picked up the pace, heading straight for the town.


    I took a second to take a breath of the town’s damp air as I gazed at the pretty waterfall between the Kecleon shop and the local hotel. I like listening to the sound of cascading water—there was this waterfall not too far from the guild that I liked to visit with Sol sometimes. I lapped up a couple of big gulps of water, feeling refreshed. “Whew…”

    A part of me liked the freedom I now had… I just wish I could’ve enjoyed it with them.

    Peeking into my bag, I frowned at my nearly empty wallet. “Why does a Lapras ticket have to cost so much?” I complained to myself. “…better find a job.” If I remember right, the Mist Continent doesn’t have guilds… all the rescuers work under HAPPI. I can find work there, I bet!

    …problem is, where the hell do I find HAPPI. I decided to ask around, spotting an Audino strolling past me.

    “Uh, excuse me!” I called out to… her, I think. “Do you know where HAPPI is?”

    “Hm? Oh, the HAPPI office? It’s at the town hall…” he said. (Turned out to be a guy. Whoops.) The Audino wore a bowtie and looked like he was squinting. He was holding a few papers in his paw. “I was heading there right now, actually… want me to take you there?”

    “Oh, really? That’d be great, yeah.” I nodded as I started following him.


    “Are you a traveler? What’s your name?” Audino asked as we walked down the street.

    My eyes wandered around the village. “…Stella. You?”

    “My name’s Aiden! Nice to meet you.” He smiled. “How long are you staying in town for?”

    What’s with the interrogating? I thought. “…dunno, probably just for the night.” I don’t exactly know where I’m going… “…uh, what about you?”

    “Oh, I live here! My house is… hmm…” He looked around, then pointed at a little hut across the street, behind two other houses. “That one right there!”

    “…ah. Cool.” How am I supposed to respond to that? I huffed, deciding to keep the conversation going. “…what’re you heading to HAPPI for?”

    “Ah, well… bit of a funny story… About a week ago, I asked a friend of mine who happened to be a rescuer for urgent help. He and his team helped me, and I gave them a reward, but when they went to the HAPPI office they had trouble logging it for the points since I never formally sent a request…” he explained. “Turns out there’s a bunch of paperwork you need to fill out whenever you hire a rescue team privately… never realized the legality of it.” He held up his documents. “I just need to drop these off for them, that’s all.”

    “Sheesh. This HAPPI place sure handles rescuer work professionally… I’m in a guild—er, used to be in one. Don’t remember this much paperwork being involved with rescuing ‘mon from dungeons or doing errands for ‘em.” I do remember seeing the guildmaster’s desk having files piling up on it the other day… Probably just never noticed, I thought.

    “Ah, so you must be from… the Grass? Or the Sand?”

    “Grass. Proud member of Wigglytuff’s Guild!” I grinned, then immediately sighed. “…well, ex-member now.”

    The Wigglytuff’s Guild? I’ve heard a lot about them…”

    “Yeah, it’s pretty well-known around the globe.”

    “But… ex-member? Did you leave?”

    “…it’s obvious, isn’t it? I… I quit. Yeah.” I lied—it wouldn’t have made me look good if I said I got kicked out, obviously. Even if this guy was just a stranger that I’d probably never meet again.

    “Really? From a guild as prestigious as Wigglytuff’s? Why?”

    “…guild fees were too high,” I half-truthed. “They take a ninety percent cut outta our pay, can you believe that?”

    “N-ninety?! Wow…” Aiden was astonished. 

    “I know… Only reason I stayed for so long was for the clout. I was only a bronze-rank over there, but just the fact I was an apprentice at Wigglytuff’s got me some respect.” Another half-truth. I liked the idea of becoming famous… but all that truly mattered to me were my friends. Don’t get me wrong—I always wanted to be a rescuer. Sounded like a good time back then. But I only stayed at Wigglytuff’s ‘cause my friends were there.

    Wigglytuff’s is overrated. Since my friends’re gone too, I didn’t really have much of an excuse to stay. If I didn’t get kicked out, I was planning on leaving anyway. Even though they just threw me under the wagon so easily, I miss ‘em a lot. We all grew up in Treasure Town together—they were like family to me.

    The Audino took me to the town hall, which stood in the middle of all the houses, away from all the shops. “The office is right inside,” he said. We walked down the hall and entered a door with the sign “HAPPI | Post Town branch” hanging over it. Next to the door was a job board, with flyers tacked onto it. Inside, the waiting room was small, with only two chairs next to the door, a slightly withering potted plant in the corner, and a counter with a Liepard working behind it. Behind her was a bunch of file cabinets, and two other doors. Looked absolutely cramped—not at all what I was expecting.

    “You can go first,” the Audino said to me, stepping out of the way. “I’m not in a rush.”

    “You sure? Uh, thanks.” I walked up to the feline behind the desk.

    Liepard had a bored expression on her face, and I thought I smelled the scent of Chestos from her breath. “…welcome to the HAPPI office, how may I help you?”

    “I’m looking for rescuer work ‘round here. Do I just take one of the flyers outside and bring it to you, or…?” I asked.

    “…are you registered under HAPPI?”

    “Well, no, but I am a rescuer!” I flashed my badge, which I clipped onto my bag strap—the Grass’ badges looked like a white circle with a red dot in the center and wings on either side.

    “…that’s not one of our badges,” Liepard said, narrowing her eyes at my badge. “You need to be a registered rescuer to take anything above D-rank.”

    “Wha– but I am registered! This badge is legit! All the way from Wigglytuff’s Guild!” 

    “Not registered under us, unfortunately. Sorry, I don’t make the rules, miss Rockruff.” She just shrugged.

    I huffed. “…okay, how do I register?”

    “Well, you need to form a team first. You need a group of four ‘mon or more to make a team.”

    “Why can’t I just work alone?” I complained. “What if I become a solo, huh? Think I could do that?” 

    “…what rank were you in your guild?” Liepard looked skeptical.

    “W-well… I was only Bronze-rank…” I grinned sheepishly.

    Liepard shook her head, sighing.. “…you’re better off forming a team. You and I both know that.”

    I growled. “You don’t gotta say it like that…” Why’d I bother asking? You gotta have incredible skills to be a solo, I reminded myself. 

    Guilds believe that rescuers have to work together, and it looks to be the same for associations… they say it’s because rescuer work is dangerous, but with half of the jobs I’ve been given involve delivering packages or finding kids who’ve gotten lost in the forest, I really doubt it. Either way, it’s usually a requirement that you join with a few friends. 

    But on the off chance they recognize you as somebody special—whether it be through battling prowess or grand accomplishments or whatever—they’ll grant you permission to work alone as a solo rescuer. 

    Solo rescuers usually get a lot of fame for their deeds—so much fame that they start going by a title given to them by their fans. I’m personally a big fan of the Verdant Sword, Virizion. She used to be a member of the Swords of Justice, a famous team from the Mist! That was another reason I wanted to visit here—I wanted to see if I could meet my idol.


    Hanging my head, I stepped aside to let Aiden head up next. I hopped up on a chair and grumbled, thinking about what to do as I watched the Audino. “Just not fair…” The clout doesn’t carry over, I guess… oh, who am I kiddin’? I was only an apprentice. I can only make it so far all by myself. See, this is why I want Saphi and Sol back!

    “Hi… I’m here about an undocumented request? Here’s the paperwork. It’s for the Aces. Hired them for an emergency last week.”

    “Aces… ah, right, they were here the other day asking about that… Aiden Audino, correct?”

    “Mhm.” the pink rabbit ‘mon nodded.

    “…most bland name I’ve ever heard,” I mumbled. I decided my only option left was to find a new team. I really, really, really just wanted to work alone at this point. But if I wanted to get back on my feet, I’d have to.

    After a moment, Aiden sits down in the chair next to me, with a different piece of paper in his paws. “Got one last form to sign…”

    “…Sounds like a huge hassle. Let me guess, was the job somethin’ easy like delivery work?”

    “…not entirely sure how I’d classify it. To be frank, I mulled over which box to cross on that particular question last night…” He put a paw on his chin. “I thought, ‘Were they escorting me through the dungeon? Taking down an outlaw? Finding a lost item?’ It baffled me that there wasn’t any ‘all of the above’ checkbox.”

    “I think you’re supposed to check off, like, more than one.”

    “…right! Why did I not think of that.” He put a paw on his forehead. “I just marked it as an escort mission…”

    “…anyway, you went into a dungeon?” My ears perked up, intrigued.

    “Mhm! Hazy Pass, not too far from here. To keep it simple, I, um, got the help of a local team to catch somebody who tricked me into finding gems, promising that they build me a shed if I did.”


    “Ah, um, I was looking to get a storage shed built for my gardening tools… the scammers happened to pose as carpenters.”

    “…huh. Can’t say I’ve heard anything like that before. Pretty cool, though!” My tail wagged. “Always wanted to go on outlaw missions… Chatot never let us ‘cause we were only Bronze.” I rolled my eyes. “…uh, Chatot’s the guild’s vice leader, by the way. He orders teams to do different jobs.”

    “Ah… so you never got to choose?”
    “Sometimes we could, but only from a select pawful of jobs.” I huffed. “I hear association rescuers get a lot more freedom, since they don’t got anybody bossing ‘em around, right?”

    “Mhm, unless there’re emergencies. Then HAPPI might ask a few teams to pitch in.”

    “Good, good… got tired of hearing that bird’s squawking, not gonna lie. He was obnoxious.”

    “…is that why you wanna be a solo rescuer, then? So you don’t have anybody giving you orders?”

    “…huh?” I looked at him. “How’d you—”

    “Ah, sorry… Audino ears. Kinda hard not to eavesdrop…”

    “It’s fine. But… yeah, you’re right about that. I like the thought of freedom… but then again it’s hard to enjoy that freedom all by your lonesome.” I chuckled. A carefree life where I can adventure with my friends… that’s what I always hoped for. And I had it, for a little bit at least. But I guess the friends part’s thrown out the window by now.

    “You heard her, didn’t you?” I asked. “I got no chance at becoming a solo, where I am right now. My only shot is getting a team together so I can make a name for myself in the Mist.”


    “…may I join your team then, Stella?”

    “…h-huh?!” I was surprised. 

    “After venturing into a dungeon with a rescue team, I started wondering what it’d be like to be a rescuer… I’m not much of a fighter, but I’d say I excel at healing, that’s for sure,” he explained. “Haven’t dabbled in rescuer work yet, so why don’t I give it a try?”

    “That’s… I mean, we just met. Hardly know ya.” I looked to the side. I wasn’t used to working with anybody besides my own friends. “Besides… don’t you live here? I was planning on skipping town in a few days. Bet you have some stuff of your own to take care of, no? Thanks for the offer, but don’t just drop all your shit for somebody you just met…”

    “…oh…” Aiden pouted. “…right. That was a little rash of me.”

    “Rescuer work’s serious business, y’know. Even if every other job’s as simple as delivering a box from here to there,” I said. 

    “…good point… I just thought it’d be a nice change of pace.”

    I then added, “If you really wanna join me though, think about it. Alright?” On one paw, he’s a guy I hardly know whose only saving grace is being a cleric, like most Audino. But on the other paw, he’s the only guy I remotely know now in the Mist. Next best thing to a proper friend.

    If I wanna make a name for myself here, I gotta make friends somehow.

    “…I’ll give it some thought,” he mumbled.

    “Make up your mind quick, alright? Probably gonna be here for a night or two… depending on if my wallet allows it. The inn’s that big building with the bar, right? How much are the rooms?”

    “Yes, Swanna House… erm… last time I checked, 500 per night I think?”

    I clicked my tongue. “…is that really the only hotel here?”

    Aiden nodded, and I sighed.

    “…I don’t mind letting you stay at my house… I’m sure I have a spare nest in my closet!”

    I scoffed. “N-now you’re inviting me to your h—” I stopped myself. It’s either this or sleeping outside, Stell. Choose wisely. “…I-I mean… that’d be appreciated.”

    He smiled. “My house is always open for guests! I might prepare a nice Cheri pie tonight…”

    My ears perked up. Cheri pie?! For real?! “…c-cool.” Dammit, he’s goading me with my favorite food… ehh, I guess he’s not so bad of a stranger anyway. Fine.

    “Swanna House might be crowded anyway… I hear a famous rescuer’s coming to town tomorrow. Virizion, I think?”

    “T-the Verdant Sword?! R-really?! Dude why didn’t you say anything earlier?!” I exclaimed.

    He flinched a bit. “I didn’t think it’d be important to mention… are you a fan?”

    “Hell yeah! I remember idolizing her when I was a pup… my gramps gave me a Verdant Sword doll a couple birthdays ago. Left it at home before I left.” Saphi, Sol, and I all adored the Swords of Justice… Saphi’s fave was Cobalion, and Sol’s was Terrakion though. Hah! Imma be the first to meet a Sword of Justice! Suck it!

    I sighed. …If only I could tell ‘em that in person.

    Aiden tilted his head. “…hm? What’s wrong?”

    “…Nothin’. Just… lead the way, why don’t ya?”

    “Alright…” He handed the signed form back to the Liepard receptionist, and the two of us strolled over to his place.


    Maybe getting kicked out wasn’t such a bad thing after all…

    Just wish I could be here with Saphi and Sol, though. Even if we may no longer be friends.


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