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    Aiden – Audino


    With the gems in my paws, I jogged down the road as fast as my legs can take me. Which isn’t very fast, mind you, but it’s fast enough to get me back home before sunset. I spent the day trekking through Stony Cave, a dungeon northeast of town, in search of these shiny blue gems. It was so frightening on my own… I got shocked more times than I can count by swarms of Joltiks. Thankfully my healing moves kept me alive.

    I was out of breath, and I stopped once I got to the gate, leaning on one of the poles. “Finally… made it…” I needed to get back as fast as I could—Gurdurr needed these gems, after all! Thing is, I’m not the most athletic ‘mon, so it certainly took longer than I would’ve liked.

    “…maybe I should’ve hired a rescuer to escort me,” I huffed in retrospect. “Oh well.” I shrugged it off—there’s no way anyone would’ve answered on such short notice anyway. 

    Why do I need to give Gurdurr these gems, you may ask? Well, Gurdurr’s a carpenter—I asked him to build me a shed to keep my gardening tools in, and he said he would as long as I brought him a pawful of gems from Stony Cave. He wouldn’t accept Poke—something about trading gems in for the right materials. Honestly, I’ve never heard of such a thing before… must be some new system of sorts!

    I’ve been recently dabbling in gardening. I have a little berry patch growing quite nicely in my backyard! I’m currently only growing basic berries like Tamatos and Rawsts. My first harvest was pretty good—I made some delicious Rawst pie with what I’d grown!

    The only problem is that I’ve been leaving my gardening tools lying around in the corner without a proper place to put them. So that’s why I’ve been meaning to get a shed built. I need extra storage space anyway—my home’s a little cluttered.

    I’ve been hopping back and forth between the things I wanna do. I’m the type to take my life one step at a time, really slowly with not much of an end goal in mind. I try my best to live life fully, so I like trying out a lot of different things. Things I’m comfortable with, at least.


    Taking a deep breath, I looked back at the gems in my paw. I could see my reflection along the side of the cobalt crystal—a disheveled-looking Audino with squinted eyes and a crooked bowtie. The dungeon really ruffled me up, didn’t it…? I shook my head as I got a move on—no time to get worried about things like that. I needed to deliver the gems.

    …at least, I tried to tell myself that. I still took one or two peeks at my reflection, straightening my bow and making sure I looked at least a little presentable when I went back to meet with the carpenter.

    And then, BAM! Right when I wasn’t paying attention to what was ahead, I bumped right into somebody. “O-oh!” I exclaimed, dropping the gems. “Oh, I am so sorry… I-I wasn’t looking where I was going!”

    “Ugh… what the hell, Audino?” the Scraggy grumbled as he stumbled back up from the ground. “Sheesh… watch where you’re going, will ya? I’m walkin’ here!”

    “Sorry,” I apologized again, bowing my head. 

    He looked me in the eyes. “…no wonder. Your eyes look like they’ve been glued shut. Can you even see?” he sneered.

    “I-I can! I was just distracted…” I’ve always been told I squint a lot. I’m like a Cyndaquil or a Skitty—my eyes look like they’re always closed, but I can see perfectly fine. No, I don’t have some sort of eye condition. I just find it… soothing? Even though it’s uncomfortable to squint so much. I’d open them more, but I’ve kept them shut like this for so long that it’s second nature to me. I’ve gotten used to seeing very little of what’s around me. And people have told me I look calm and wise like this—well, most people anyway—so I don’t mind keeping it this way.

    Yes, it’s strange… and yes, it’s stranger that I’m even going on a tangent about it… Oh well.

    “Yeah, yeah, well you’re on the street, bucko! Audino like you tower over most of the ‘mon round here! Pay attention.”

    I said nothing as I continued to hang my head in shame. So rude… Scraggy scowled at me before strutting off.


    I frowned. “Agh, that was so embarrassing,” I mumbled to myself, sighing. “I shouldn’t worry about it… I still need to get to where Gurdurr is!” I speed-walked over to the tavern (my legs were killing me, no way was I running).

    Scanning each table for the trio of Fighting-types, it took a while for me to spot them—I forgot where they were sitting earlier. Eventually I realized their table was hiding in plain sight, right in the middle of the restaurant. I facepalmed myself. I forgot to look there, of all places… 

    “You’re back earlier than I expected,” Gurdurr smirked as he saw me stumble up to him. “Got the goods?”

    “Y-yeah… just need to catch my breath… but, um, I came back as fast as I could to deliver you these!” I held out my empty hand.

    “…you’re joking, right?” Gurdurr narrowed his eyes. “That’s nothing.”

    “…eh?!” I realized that I’d lost the gems. “No, no, no, no, no, where are they??” I opened my bag and dug through it to check if I stuffed them in there. Nothing aside from my copy of the new Harry Piplup novel, a small pouch of Poke, a couple of apples, and a Signal Orb that I thankfully didn’t have to use. “Oh shoot… I-I must’ve dropped them!”

    His Timburr apprentices didn’t say much—they just looked at each other as I panicked. Meanwhile, their boss laughed at my misfortune. “Sure you did… Heh, I bet you never even went to the cave! No gems, no shed. Now you better run along and get them!”

    “But I’m telling the truth! I swear!”

    Gurdurr shook his head. “Well, there’s no use fretting over it now, is there?”

    “…o-okay.” I didn’t want to argue—he was right, after all. I needed to find those gems again!

    I stared down the street after I exited the tavern, on the lookout for the gems. I was almost certain I dropped them after bumping into that rude Scraggy! Oh no… please don’t tell me he took them! I traced my footsteps, ending back near the gate. No gems. No Scraggy. My heart sank. “…No… no, no, no…” I really didn’t want to go back to Stony Cave… It was a miracle that I even got out of there alive, much less with the gems! To do it again… I don’t think I could handle it.

    I sighed. Deep breaths, Aiden… Deep breaths. Keep calm and think this through. 

    If I don’t want to go looking for more gems… then my only option is to get back the ones I had! So… that means I need to look for Scraggy.

    “Erm… has anyone seen a Scraggy around here?!” I called out to the passerby, but no one answered. Of course it wouldn’t be that simple. “…maybe I should just hire a rescue team.” I made a huge mistake, not getting rescuers to escort me through that cavern. Again, it was mainly because of time constraints. But I’m certainly not making that same mistake twice! I need to organize a search party for those gems! I have no idea how, but I’ll try!

    But if I wait… Scraggy will certainly get away… so I can’t just put up a request. I have to ask a team directly. I knew there was a HAPPI office located right in the town hall. I reasoned that there’d probably be at least one or two teams there, so I made my way over there.


    The town hall took a bit of a walk to get to. Since Post Town is mainly a rest stop for travelers heading down the main road, amenities for actual residents are obscured by the commercial district. Living in Post Town could certainly be better… I have to get all my groceries from Kecleon’s, there’s only one restaurant to eat at (which isn’t much of a problem since I love cooking at home), and worst of all, there’s no library! No books to read! Instead I have to order them via mail, which takes forever! 

    It’s not too bad, I guess. I wish we had more stores though—ones that are actually essential, unlike one that sells literal gift boxes for some odd reason (never understood the appeal). I’d rather have this place be more tailored to the people living here rather than the travelers.

    Oh well. I’ve gotten accustomed to it anyway—I’ve figured out ways to get around these limitations. Mainly involving ordering goods via mail service.

    I was still a ways away from the building, but I could hear a group of Pokemon perfectly as they walked out. Being an Audino has its perks sometimes… but most of the time I need to just tune out everything that’s around me. Hearing everything gets irritating. So does seeing everything—there are some things you don’t wanna see.

    An Emolga looked like he was flaunting something shiny in his paw. “…not gonna lie, I wasn’t really sold on the whole rescuer thing, but after seeing one of these snazzy little badges, I’m definitely in.”

    “The Aces…” a teammate of theirs, a Dunsparce, murmured. “…why’d we pick that again?”

    “Sounds like a cool name.” A Riolu shrugged. “Simple as that.”

    “Ehh… seems a little… underwhelming.” Dunsparce lowered his head.

    “Yeah, you know how many teams have a name with ‘Aces’ in it? I don’t know too many teams, but… ‘Aerial Aces’ is one! Or ‘Aces of Spades’!” Emolga shrugged. 

    “Well, why else do so many people pick a name like that? It’s cool!” a Shinx defended the Riolu. “…Though I’m surprised no one actually chose ‘The Aces’. Guess everybody must’ve thought it was already taken, so they came up with different ones.” 

    What incredible timing! I thought. A rescue team, right in front of me! I think they might be brand new, but that doesn’t matter, does it? I almost tripped as I ran up to the quartet. “Erm, excuse me!” I exclaimed.

    “Oh? Aiden?” Dunsparce was surprised to see me—in fact, at a closer glance, he wasn’t just any Dunsparce, but Danny! I know him! “N-nice to see you! What’re you doing here?”

    “I could ask you the same thing! Since when were you a rescuer?”

    “…wait that’s a guy?” I could hear Riolu murmur as he stared at me.

    “You know this Audino?” Emolga raised a brow.

    “W-we’re neighbors,” he said. “And, um, I just became one today, hehe…”

    “Really? That’s great!” I smiled. “Especially since I’m in quite a predicament…” I fiddled with my paws. “I had these blue gems that I went all the way to Stony Cave for, but when I got back to town I dropped them! I hadn’t noticed at first when I bumped into this Scraggy on the street, but… I can’t seem to find them anywhere!”

    “…why is everybody looking for gems all of a sudden,” Emolga grumbled.

    “That’s awful!” Dunsparce gasped. 

    “Sooo… he stole the gems?” Shinx asked.

    “…probably. I don’t know where he went, though…” I frowned. “He left town—he passed by me right next to the town gate. He headed down the main road, I’m assuming.”

    “Only been minutes since we became a team, and we’ve already got work.” Riolu crossed his arms. I vaguely remembered seeing Emolga and Shinx around town before… but certainly not a Riolu. Or maybe I just forgot. I dunno. “So you want us to track down this Scraggy?”

    “Please.” I hung my head. “I… really need those gems back.”

    “Why do you even need ‘em in the first place?” The Electric-type feline tilted her head.

    “Don’t tell me you desperately needed to impress some girl like this guy right here…” Emolga snickered.

    “Wha– Morgan!!” Danny was flustered. 

    “Nah, I’m just playing with ya, buddy.” He laughed. “But anyway Audino, what’re the gems for?”

    “This carpenter, Gurdurr, promised to build me a storage shed if I bring him gems… it’s some new kind of business practice, I think.”

    “…I’ve never heard of that in my life,” Riolu said.

    “Me neither,” Emolga agreed. “Why doesn’t he just want Poke?”

    “That’s what I thought too! But apparently he needs them—the only reason he gave is that he purchases building materials with the gems.”

    “…Aiden, I think you were about to get scammed.” Dunsparce quietly informed me.

    “Ehh?!” I exclaimed. “Scammed?! R-really? How?”

    “Uh, wasn’t it obvious from the whole gem thing?” Riolu scoffed. “I really doubt the whole ‘buying materials’ thing. I thought the only currency here was Poke…”

    “…oh.” I stared at the ground. “That’s… not good.” I felt like such a fool. “…so… he isn’t going to build that shed for me?”

    “Nope. He just wants your cash. Or, well, your labor in exchange for gems. At least, that’s what I think.”

    “…I see.” I took another deep, shaky breath. Did I really go through that scary place for nothing? “…I… I still want those gems back. I don’t want my efforts to go to waste…”

    “Well, we can still help you with that! We’ll find Scraggy, and beat him up until he returns ’em to ya!” Shinx smiled. “Right guys? This is like, the perfect first mission for the Aces!”

    “Y-yeah!” Danny exclaimed. “We’re happy to help you, Aiden!”

    “If it weren’t for the lack of a lead, this would probably be a cakewalk for the four of us,” Riolu muttered. 

    “Not gonna lie, I gotta agree with Cole. How are we supposed to know where he could be?” Emolga asked.


    I could hear the pitter-patter of hasty footsteps running closer from behind me. Two pairs of steps specifically. I turned around and spotted Gurdurr’s apprentices, the Timburr duo, glad to have found me. They lugged around their wooden beams on their shoulders as they ran—seemed somewhat uncomfortable if you ask me.

    “Audino!” one of them called out. “You… you’re looking for Scraggy, aren’t ya.”

    “Hm? Um, yes… how did you know?” Talk about convenient timing…

    They seemed to ignore my question. “…Scraggy went to a place called Hazy Pass,” the other said. “…you better go quickly now.” They sounded rather… apologetic?

    Riolu squinted at the twins. “…how do you know that?” he repeated my question.

    “…it… it’s a long story.” After a moment, the first Timburr added, “We’re sorry.”

    “Huh…?” I tilted my head at the duo. “What do you mean?”

    “W-we didn’t mean anything by it, okay?!” the other yelled before they both scampered off.

    “W-wait!” I stuck out my paw as they left, ignoring me again.


    “…who were they?” the Dunsparce asked.

    “They work for Gurdurr,” I answered, scratching my head.

    “…oh, of course. Gurdurr and Timburr. Makes sense.” Riolu commented. “Anyway… I guess that confirms our suspicions, no? How else would they have known?” 

    Shinx agreed. “Right! They’ve gotta be in cahoots with Scraggy then. That makes sense!”

    “…let’s kill two birds with one stone. Take back those gems and take down a con artist.” Riolu smirked. “A good plan, no?”

    “Mhm. Let’s get a move on!” Shinx’s tail wagged. “And you’re coming with us, Audino!”

    “Eh? Oh, um, okay!” As the Dunsparce’s team ran off to head out of town, I lagged behind them at a jogging pace. I hope they really can help me… at the very least, if we have to venture into another dungeon I can rely on them. It’s not like I can give considerable help anyway… I’m not much of a fighter.

    This entire day so far has been quite a rush, I thought. I suppose that’s a good thing—it’s a nice change of pace! It’s a big challenge for a ‘mon like me… but I’ll do my best to help out these Aces!


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