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    Sobble or Charcadet… both are good for me…

    Zorua… there is no doubt… Definitely Archen…

    Zorua ftw! Preferably Hisuian…


    The people have spoken–your words have been said. You will now wake up.

    “..’ou okay? …Wake u… …please.”

    An eye blinks—then the other as you see someone watching you. They’re lizardlike, blue–pale in color from the belly and facial parts of their body. A fin stands above their head, long tail curled up near to the height.

    The lizard jumps a few steps back. “You’re finally awake!” They continue to stare with sad eyes.

    ‘You were passed out for a long time when I found you here… Nice to meet you-’

    You urffed, gathering your head, feeling the stranger’s eyes on you.

    “…Are you okay?”

    White fur met your touch and vision, the end of your paws dyed dark gray.


    You can see that the blue lizard has backed up a couple more times.

    “You’re kind of weir-”

    “Somebody! Please! Help me!”

    A sudden gust of wind blows as a purple butterfly arrives. The lizard is staring at them now, and you as well–follow to an extent.

    “W-what’s the matter-”

    “My Caterpie!” she shouted. “It’s horrible! He fell into a cavern!”

    ‘A huge fissure opened in the ground and my baby fell in!’

    The butterfly flew towards the lizard and shook them.

    ‘He’s too young to crawl out by himself! When I went to get my baby, Pokemon suddenly attacked me!’


    The rocking stopped in favor of the lizard, yet once they opened their mouth again, the butterfly resumed.

    “The fissures might have outraged them! I’m not strong enough to fend them off! What will become of my baby!?”

    “W-we could-”

    “My-baby-my-baby-my-baby-my-baby!” she continued. “What am I going to do?!”

    This sounds bad. Maybe you should help.


    She froze, you’re awake–sitting, and the lizard is turning red.

    “I-I can… help…” muttered them.

    They didn’t dare look the parent in the eyes and a quick glance to their left resulted in the lizard moving their head to the right. The redness from their head had reached the rest of the lizard’s body now.

    “You can let go now…” Slumping like mush, they slid under the butterfly’s grasp. “I’ll save your child…”

    You aren’t sure of what you’ve seen. Waking up with an ‘urff’ and to a pair of creatures talking about a missing kid and violent Pokemon, it looks like you’re not the only hot topic.

    That lizard ran off and the butterfly’s worrying about her kid again. What to do–what to do?

    Submit command: ________


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    1. Jan 30, '24 at 12:30 pm

      investigate yourself but be quick about it! theres a missing kid!! lets not be too vain.

    2. Jan 30, '24 at 3:56 am

      Invastigate yourself

    3. Jan 28, '24 at 12:18 am

      Investigate yourself first