The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Welcome to the world of Pokemon. Usually, we would give you a quiz but today is your lucky day–you get the option to wake up and live here in the body you want. Now, let’s start thinking about what you are now before you’re brought with wrought.

    Someone’s coming soon–better hurry.

    Were you thinking of Riolu or Shinx? Vulpix?

    Or maybe you’re testing my generosity, asking for something in the likes of Mew and Mewtwo. If you dare challenge me, be prepared to enter the world in a complete, pathetic state.

    Tick-tock. Time’s running out, sign your paper.

    Pokemon Species: ________

    Current Votings: Sobble – 2, Zorua – 2, Charcadet – 1, Archen – 1 [VOTING ENDS AT THE END OF THE DAY. SORRY FOR THE INCONVENIENCE]

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    1. Jan 22, '24 at 12:21 pm
