The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    The walk back is rather quiet, Neesha only having to occasionally encourage Goomy to keep going, and that they were almost there. The forest is still just as empty as when Neesha made the trip inside. Not a Pokemon in sight, so what were those “dangerous Pokemon” that Shiloh and Shelmet were talking about? Were they referring to the faceless Pokemon she saw in… Whatever that was?

    Maybe, but they would’ve specified it, right? They didn’t mention anything about some sort of pool tiles, or faceless Piplups and Pidgeots or anything like that.

    Then again, can’t exactly trust a pair of bullies, can you?

    Finally, after what seems like an eternity, they make it back to the entrance, Saline, Shiloh and Shelmet all waiting in anticipation for them, Shiloh’s eyes going wide in surprise, nearly dropping the leaf he always seemed to be chewing on out of his mouth. “N-No way! You actually made it back?!”

    “Barely.” Neesha says flatly, preferring not to think about her little ‘incident’ when trying to find Goomy. “But, yeah, we’re alive. And Goomy has a little something he wants to show you guys, too.

    Goomy nods his head, muffling out an affirming “Mmmmphhmmphh.” As he plops the rolled up piece of paper he was holding in his mouth onto the ground, it unrolling and revealing his rather sloppy handwriting. (Mouthwriting? He doesn’t exactly have hands.)

    “And you brought back the paper?!” Shelmet exclaims in equal surprise, he and Shiloh quickly walking up to the paper to examine it. By that time, Saline has already rushed over to Goomy to comfort him, holding him close to her as the two goobers review the paper.

    They seem satisfied for a few seconds, but then their surprise quickly turns to amusement and laughter, Shiloh snickering. “This is supposed to be your name? It looks so sloppy! I can barely read it!”

    “IT’S NOT SLOPPY” Goomy loudly exclaims as Saline glares at the two, hugging him just a bit closer to herself.

    “It totally is though, heheh!” Shelmet chuckles, leaning closer down to get an even better look at the handwriting. “Can you imagine how scared he must’ve been while he was writing this? I’m surprised there’s no tears or drool stains on it!”

    “Oh this is TOO good!” Shiloh laughs, picking the paper back up off the ground and rolling it up. “We have GOT to go and show this to everyone so they can-” Fwoosh! “Ghhhah?!”

    The rolled up paper suddenly catches on fire, the Pancham quickly dropping it onto the ground in a panic as it quickly burns up until it’s nothing but ashes, his eyes wide and startled, his Shelmet companion also sharing a look of shock as he stares at the burnt up pieces of paper, watching them blow away in the ensuing wind.

    Their eyes turn to Neesha, who… Seems more surprised at herself rather than annoyed at them. The Fennekin stares down her muzzle, rubbing at it with a paw. She didn’t even think about doing that, it just seemed to come naturally. For just becoming a Pokemon not even twenty four hours ago, she used that flamethrower surprisingly seamlessly. She glances back at the bullies, smiling awkwardly as she shrugs. “Oopsie?”

    Shiloh and Shelmet’s expressions turn to that of frustration, Shelmet simply turning around and beginning to hop away from the group. “Uuurrgghh, okay, fine! We get it!” Shiloh groans as he kicks the burnt paper in Neesha’s direction, the Fennekin flinching a bit and turning her muzzle away from the ashes. “We’ll let you off this time, but you won’t get it so easy next time, got that?” He hmmphs and turns around, angrily stomping off out of the forest.

    “Serves you two right!: Saline calls out after them, huffing and shaking her head, taking a few deep breaths to calm herself down. Her gaze returns to Goomy as she finally lets him out of her embrace, sitting down in front of him. “Goomy, you can’t keep listening to those jerks. They’re gonna get you hurt really badly some day! What if there wasn’t anyone around to help you?”

    Goomy lets out a long, exhausted, depressed sigh, eyes closing as his head droops, his little head antannae drooping down with him. “I knoooooowww, I’m sorry, Saline. I couldn’t just let them think I had no guts!”

    “I mean, for what it’s worth, you did pretty well, better than those two probably could’ve.” Neesha tries to be a little more reassuring, giving Goomy a pat on the back with a paw, though it seems she startles him more if anything. “Had to really dig deep to find you, must’ve been…” Her head’s hurting again, vision’s growing a bit fuzzy. Why’s she feeling so weak and woozy all of a sudden?

    “Honestly, we can’t thank you enough. I don’t know what would’ve happened to Goomy if you didn’t come along.” Saline smiles at Neesha, though her face is unfocused, ears starting to ring a little bit, hearing her heart pumping louder. “Thank you so much, uhh… I don’t think I got your name?”

    “N-Neesha, I’m…” She scrunches her eyes shut as another wave of dizziness washes over her, her legs feeling like jelly as they tremble, stumbling forward and almost walking into Saline. “I’myiiiiimmeee, ghhunna… Ghunna head back home, s-see you.” And that’s when Neesha promptly collapses onto her side.

    “Oh my gosh- Are you okay?!” Saline quickly rushes over to her with Goomy by her side, both equally concerned, Saline reaching a hoof out in offer to Neesha. “Here, grab me, lemme help pull you back up, okay?”

    Panting heavily, her whole body aching with a slight burning feeling that felt way more intense in her head, she shakily reaches a paw out and allows Saline to help her up, stumbling a bit again as she struggles to keep herself upright. “Mm’fine, can get back on my own, I-“

    “Do you have any idea how pale you look? No way we’re letting you walk back by yourself.” Saline shakes her head and stares at Neesha with a firm, concerned look in her eyes, the Fennekin looking down at Goomy, who was staring up at her savior worryingly. “Just lean against me, alright?” Saline asks.

    Not like she has a choice, she supposes. Wanted to do this with as little incident as possible, but guess it can’t be helped, huh? She nods weakly, allowing herself to use Saline’s body as a support, some of the dizziness clearing up, but not enough for her to walk on her own. “Just tell us where to go and we’ll be on our way, alright?”

    Neesha pants a little, vision clearing up, but still fuzzy. Body feels heavy and tingly, but she can at least move. Here’s hoping she at least has the strength to make it back before she collapses. “Do either of you guys know Nuzleaf?”


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