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    Crouched down and silent, Rune awaited the ending of the ceremony. A Scizor slowly approached and crouched down with him when he was directly in front, placing a small crown on the Oshawott’s head. Once that was in place and he stood up, Rune stood up as well, generating applause from the Pokémon that watched on.

    “Congratulations, Your Highness. With this, you are now officially a royal knight. Never forget your pledge and work hard to forge a legend of yourself,” Scizor announced, bowing to him. Rune’s face was stern and stiff even when he nodded. He faced the last procedure he had to do for the ceremony while looking just as empty, but deep inside, he was jumping for joy.

    It had taken ten years. Ten years since the unforgettable incident where he thought he had lost his sister’s life. He spent all that time training tirelessly in the castle’s Knight School, and today was the day that he graduated. He was truly a royal knight with the grade that proved he was one of the kingdom’s best fighters- he felt invincible, and nothing was ever going to give him pain like that experience ten years ago ever again.

    Believing that as fact was what made him so happy right now, but he daren’t show it. He knew better than to risk them shoving a sneak attack in his face or something, so he remained focused as he retrieved the plain sword that all warriors got gifted for graduating. He accepted it and raised it high, creating another applause that made his heart flutter.

    “Big brother!” a girly voice interrupted his triumph, stretching out the syllables excessively. Rune nearly sighed as said sister showed up, skipping along the hallway before noticing him in the training hall. She completely ignored the large audience of Pokémon and skipped over. “There you are! You gotta come with. Daddy wants ya.”

    “Sis, can it wait a little bit?” he replied, returning the sword to the cushion it was gifted to him on.

    “Nope. It’s Daddy, and he says it’s exciting,” she smiled, bouncing on her toes.

    Her appearance had changed greatly during these ten years, although to Rune, she had only gotten girlier as the years went by. She wore a bright pink short skirt high up around her waist, slightly covering her scalchop, but due to her tail sticking out from behind, her bottom was in full view. Her head fur had grown greatly as well, so she wore that in a lengthy ponytail and tied it with large sticks to create an ‘X’ shaped hairclip. Her eyes hadn’t changed however, still dark and lost with static, pure white pupils.

    “As you can see, I’m in the middle of a ceremony. Please, I won’t be a few—”

    “And I just said it was important, geez. Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go!” she said, snatching his arm and dragging him away. He allowed her to without any opposition, getting pulled along like a doll.

    Rune’s appearance had grown during that time as well, unlike the castle around him. He had grown the slightest bit taller and dressed up his head fur as well, whilst also choosing to wear a bright red cape to hide his belongings in. He had chosen to keep to himself though, and although the Pokémon of the castle noticed his change of diligence, he never once told anyone exactly why he became so quiet and started taking Knight School seriously. If anyone ever asked, he would just walk away.

    He soon found himself near the throne room rather than Jyararanga’s den, where Diantha finally dropped him with a groan and a pout. “Rune c’mon, get those lazy legs movin’ already! Why have I gotta drag you everywhere?”

    “I was wondering when you were going to let me,” he said, stretching and brushing himself off. He led the remainder of the way as if unbothered by her complaints, immediately locking eyes with Jyararanga when he made it to the throne room. The room was empty besides the old dragon, interestingly enough.

    “Here he is, Daddy! In no time, just like you asked. And with that, I am outta here,” Diantha said, shoving him into the room. She skipped out right away, but hid just outside the entrance.

    “… Father, you called?” Rune began with a sigh.

    “I apologise for taking you out of your graduation ceremony so suddenly, but I fear for the future of Planet Eris should we not act soon,” he sighed as well, getting Rune’s concern. “Let me start by congratulating you on your incredible achievement. I have nothing but praise for knights who make the royal guard. As my son, you’ve made me very proud.”

    “I’m only doing as I must. Did you call me here for an assignment, Father?” Rune replied, kneeling down.

    “Stand up, boy. You are my son and a crown prince. You need only show me respect as your father, not my lineage,” he assured, letting Rune stand up. “This is indeed about an assignment as a royal knight. I have much to tell you, so listen well. This concerns the history of our world, so I hope that you are up to date.”

    Rune folded his arms and shut his eyes. “Our two planets, Eris the Dragon Kingdom and Faernia the Fairy Kingdom, were at war and separated by species. But when the Dragon Weapon was created and threatened to destroy both worlds, a peace treaty was formed that prevented its use,” he said, opening his eyes. “A shadow Pokémon tried to take the weapon from here ten years ago, but since then, we have had peace.”

    “We have had peace, but that peace has been coming to an end during those ten years. Eris is facing more civil conflict than it ever has in the form of natural disasters and a rise of crime across the surface. But at the heart of it, Pokémon are turning to the rumour that Faernia is the cause. I do not know exactly what the real cause is, nor have I seen the magnitude of the problems that plague our planet, but I have heard enough reports to imagine the reality,” Jyararanga explained. “The poorer Pokémon fear that they will be dragged into another war, where they will lose what little they have. With disasters striking and a warrant for war rising within our society, I travelled to Faernia in order to meet with their queen.”

    “You went that far? When?” Rune asked in surprise.

    “Their society is suffering from similar. Strange occurrences such as out of control weather, lack of vegetation, and greatly increased aggression from the locals. Just like how our Pokémon blame our problems on them, they blame their problems on us. But me and the queen managed to come to an agreement for a new peace treaty that will enable our cooperation on the resolution to these matters,” he continued, half ignoring Rune, who was thinking.

    “I see. I’m now guessing that my official agreement to this treaty is required,” he replied. Jyararanga nodded.

    “Both the official agreement, and the binding of the treaty itself. Your choice and actions will affect the legitimacy of this treaty. Because… well… you see… the treaty is… um,” he suddenly mouthed off, scratching the back of his head.

    “What is it, Father? This is a matter of peace and war, I’ll do whatever I must,” Rune said. His father paused before clearing his throat and then facing forward smartly again.

    “The binding contract for this treaty is the joint hands of the prince and princess of our kingdoms. In order for the treaty to become legal, you must marry the princess of Faernia, Princess Ariala,” he announced. There was a long moment of complete silence. “… We came to the conclusion that the weight of such a treaty should be our kingdoms’ most treasured possessions. Thus, we hand each other our children in holy unity.”

    “That… I’m not arguing with that logic, but that wasn’t what I was expecting. I would’ve thought our kingdom’s most treasured possession would be the Sword of Earthly Elements,” Rune said, dumbfounded. “I’ll do it, but well… how well I do in this ordeal is… I ask that you don’t judge me greatly for it.”

    “Why so?”

    “I… it’s marriage, an arranged marriage. I haven’t been thinking about that at all, even though I’m of age and the retainers gossip about it,” he admitted. “And… between you and me Father… I’m not very good around women.”

    The old dragon gave a hearty chuckle, reaching to the side of his throne to retrieve something. “Don’t be modest, my son. The servants gossip about you because you are every woman’s dream! Just behave how you would around your sister and your marriage will go fine. I’m certain the princess will be happy to have you.”

    “No way, big bro’s getting married?” Diantha squealed, rushing into the room. “Ho ho ho, that’s sweet!”

    “Sis! No it’s- it- ugh, what’re you doing here?” Rune coughed. “If I treated a wife how I treat you, our kingdoms would definitely go to war.”

    “Of course they would. But anyway, this means that Rune’s got a pretty exciting journey ahead of him, right? After all, you’ve gotta get to Faernia to marry the princess,” Diantha said with a giggle, leaning forward and winking at him. “If I come with, he’ll be just fine. I’ll teach you all about treating ladies.”

    “We agreed on a meeting point near a Fantasia Port. If you go to the central port and show them proof of your identity, they will allow you to travel to Faernia, where the princess will be waiting. Once you meet her on the Faernian side of the port, the procedures can begin,” Jyararanga said. “Diantha, you will be staying here. Having both royalty leave this castle wouldn’t bode well for our kingdom’s morale.”

    “Aww really? The one chance for something actually exciting to happen and you leave me housekeeping? This stinks,” she said, pouting. “C’mon, big bro needs me! Can’t you make an exception? I’ve been cooped up in this old castle for way too long; I’m gonna grow fat on bread if I don’t get some exercise!”

    “You still have much to learn before you can consider leaving, Diantha,” Jyararanga said, sighing after. He finally revealed what he had reached for earlier, his iconic sword that was mentioned earlier. To Rune’s surprise, the sword had shrunk considerably and was now the perfect size for him. “The time has come for you to wield the Sword of Earthly Elements, Rune.”

    “Wait what? But that’s your sword, and—”

    “This mighty weapon is only useable by those it recognises as crown royalty. As you can see, the blade has resized to your fitting and will no longer function for me. Your time has come,” he explained, handing the golden sword to him. “Use it to aid you in your journey to Faernia. Its slashes are magical and will change type to fit your situation, enabling you to defeat any opponent.”

    “This still seems excessive. I only just graduated; I don’t deserve the kingdom’s treasured weapon!” he said, taking it anyway. It felt as light and smooth as handling a Razor Shell attack, much to his surprise. “Father, seriously… thank you so much. Now I have to accept your assignment.”

    “I dislike these circumstances, but you should depart immediately,” Jyararanga said.

    “What?” both Oshawott gasped.

    Jyararanga went quiet for some reason, making sounds as if he was thinking hard about something. He eventually stood up and started walking, glancing back when he realised that they weren’t following him. He signalled for them to do so, tucking his arms behind his back.

    “Diantha, you may still not be an adult by any means yet, but I do believe it is important that you start learning of this, your duties as royalty. Up until now, you’ve spent your lives in comfort, learning and training for the day that you can protect this kingdom,” he said, walking slowly. “But protecting Eris doesn’t mean simply wielding a sword and throwing attacks at enemies.”

    “Of course. I’m being made to marry a woman I’ve never met,” Rune said, looking away. Jyararanga paused.

    “When you leave this castle, you’re going to see the true state of the world around us. To reiterate, I have only heard reports of the damage and dangers we have been facing – not even I know of the reality that awaits you out there,” he said. “Whatever the troubles, I want you to face them with an open mind and do as you can to resolve them. Your role as prince and princess is to shoulder the burdens of every last Pokémon in the kingdom. If you have to bear the weight of sin to resolve an issue, your views and beliefs matter not. It is your duty to carry that sin in place of another.”

    “Your mentor pushed that idea on me for a long time. I am fully prepared,” Rune replied, saluting.

    “Er… if I have to go about killing Pokémon or something just to make others happy, then I’m not happy with it,” Diantha said.

    “No one is, but that’s the point. As the royalty of Eris, we are the ones that take on that kind of burden.  Quite literally, we live like kings, so a little suffering from us is of little consequence,” Rune said. “When the public commit a murder, they are trialled and prosecuted for it. A commoner that kills another lives with the label of their actions for the remainder of their lives, whilst for us, it will be mere guilt. That is our duty.”

    “I still don’t get that, ‘cos were just Pokémon like everybody else, but whatevs. If you say so,” she shrugged. Rune sighed.

    “This is why I’m crown prince and you’re not, sis. Father, you just want me to help others I come across as I can?” he asked.

    “Exactly that. Central Port Fantasia is not far from the castle, so you have a lot of time. Princess Ariala is a Clefable and she is planned to be accompanied by her three retainers. If you arrive before her, then simply wait on the Faernia side of the port,” Jyararanga said.

    “Okay, seriously, hold up a sec. You’re not being serious, are you? You’re actually gonna leave the castle right now, right this minute, today?” Diantha asked, waving her arms about.

    “If my duty requires it, then I must. But if you want to be picky with details, I want to at least pack some belongings,” Rune said, strapping his new sword to his back. It was hidden by his cape perfectly.

    “But what am I gonna do while you’re gone? I’ll be so bored with no one to play with!” she moaned.

    “Sis, you’re sixteen. You don’t ‘play’ with Pokémon that way anymore. And besides, I’ve been busy with Knight School until now. This will be no different than me being away for that, so just do what you normally do to kill time,” he replied, shaking his head. “In fact, do yourself a favour and focus more on your studies. You’ve still got grades to achieve, don’t you?”

    “Oh look at you, studious all of a sudden. Pfft fine, I’ll do what I do, big guy,” she said, winking at him before skipping off in the direction they came from. The duo waited until they were certain she was gone before exchanging unsure looks.

    “I know she’s a bit of a handful now but please, take care of her. She’s still my sister, and precious to me,” Rune said.

    “You know that she’s safe as long as she lives here in this castle. But you mustn’t keep speaking like that. You’re my son and she is my daughter, I would take care of you both until my last breath regardless of who you are,” Jyararanga replied, bowing a little.

    “I’m talking about her… powers. If she were ever to lose control of them or something…” Rune said, looking away. His father responded with a raised hand, answering him without a word.



    It was still early, yet it felt like he had been awake all day. Rune chose his supplies carefully and wound up prepared to travel lightly, carrying nothing more than a messenger bag and the Sword of Earthly Elements. Both fitted underneath his cape so neatly they couldn’t be seen, as well as being light enough for him to walk at full speed.

    Yet the moment dragged on. Even when he knew he was ready, he stared at a family painting hung up on his bedroom wall for a few moments to take a breather. The painting was of his younger self, and staring it at it now filled him with regret.

    What am I really getting myself into?” he sighed in his mind. “I’ve never even dated a woman before. How in the world can I make it my duty to be someone’s husband? How could I have even trained myself for this?

    No one replied, of course. He just stared at the painting and blinked a few times. That past version of himself in the painting would do a lot of things without thinking, simply because he could. Now he had to do the same, simply because he had to. It was the same principle, yet the whole idea of suddenly marrying tore into him like a knife.

    It’s no use thinking about it. The fate of Eris and Faernia rests on my decision right now. I have to do this,” he concluded, turning around so quickly that his cape whipped around. He froze at the sight of his sister in the doorway staring at him. “Sis…”

    “You really are leaving, aren’t you?” she asked quietly. He didn’t reply. “And you’ll be gone a long time, too.”

    “It’s my duty. But taking care of you is my duty as well, so you staying here is doing me a great favour,” he said, nodding to her. “This isn’t goodbye forever, either. I’ll be back someday, and we’ll have lots to catch up on. So promise me you’ll stay safe and look after everyone, okay?”

    “Okay,” she groaned, rolling her eyes. “Pfft, was kinda hoping you’d like, reconsider and bring me with ya.”

    “Urf. Please change for the better,” he said, snickering while shaking his head. “By the way, your fang is showing.”

    “It er, aaah!” she yelped, blushing as she felt her lips and realised that it was. Since that fateful day ten years ago, her right fang occasionally poked through like that, making her look like a baby. “Why do you always have to point it out and laugh about it? It’s not funny!”

    “It is. It’s cute,” he said, snickering even more at how red her face was.

    “Oh so I am cute, huh? Hee hee,” she said, posing for him.

    “I’ll see you again soon, alright? Just behave while I’m away,” He said, rolling his eyes. He left her alone in the room at that. She watched him with a sly smile on her face, giggling to herself once he was gone.

    “Oh I’ll behave alright.”



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