The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    “Rune… wake up, Rune.”

    After a bit of groaning and squirming the Oshawott was awake, half-lidded and angry until he realised that it was Ariala leaning over him. She didn’t seem bothered or embarrassed in the slightest and got off as soon as he was awake.

    “Please follow me. You will need your sword and cape,” she said, as she walked out the door. He tilted his head and yawned. Their quarters were clearly temporary, hardly decorated but still more impressive than anywhere he had ever slept. For the time being, they had separate beds, white walls, and their own personal furniture in a spacious room.

    Quietly gathering his things for a short walk, Rune found Ariala outside of the building they were using. His way out was obstructed with the work everyone had put into preparing yesterday, now evident by organized tables and flashy decorations all over the walls. It was like this all over the building, from the hallways to the grand hall in the centre.

    “Wait, it’s so early! What’re we doing?” he gasped once he stepped outside. The sun hadn’t risen yet, so the Fantasia Port was masked by silhouettes and cold winds. He was already regretting getting out of bed.

    “I’m sorry. But please, walk with me,” Ariala replied. She walked a few steps and then started skipping in order to pick up the pace, concerning Rune further.

    “Is there something you want to show me?” He tucked his hands behind his head. “Your retainers aren’t here, either.”

    “That’s good. They don’t need to be,” she said. He raised an eyebrow. “It’s okay, you know. If you’re concerned about my safety, you needn’t be. They know that I do this all the time.”

    “Okay. And that’s not worrisome at all?” he said.

    “Clefable are good at keeping themselves safe, you know. We have remarkable hearing, so any danger I come across, I can escape from before it becomes real danger.” She smiled at him. “It’s also why I have those breakdowns. I shouldn’t be living in the middle of a city, but I must, so it affects my hearing sometimes.”

    “When things are too loud. I’ll bear it in mind,” Rune yawned again.

    There weren’t even any Pokémon around, minus a few nocturnal Volbeat and Illumise. He could only guess what they were up to, but in an urban area like this, he felt safe even with them around. That was until he realised that Ariala was headed towards the town’s northern exit, a road that led to a field of hills and distant mountains.

    “I apologize for dragging you out this far, but please follow me. We have much to do that I would only feel comfortable with if we were to be alone,” she said. He gave it a little round of thought before reaching for his sword, keeping one hand on the hilt.

    “What’s the purpose of this? Why wait until now to say?”

    “There are several reasons for our departure. One is to make use of a gift,” she replied, revealing something in her hands. It was a small, glowing red orb surrounded by golden strands of light, said strands moving in a symmetrical pattern around the orb. Rune’s jaw hit the floor.

    “That’s a Master Seal!”

    “It is yours. Please use it to evolve into a Dewott.”

    He accepted it, still gawking. “But why?”

    “There is an Evolution Spring near here. If possible, I would like to use that spring as a honeymoon location of sorts, only we’re going there before our actual marriage. If you can evolve there, it will make mating easier.”

    “That makes sense. I know you said you hate parties- wait, what? Did I hear that right?”

    “You heard correctly. If we’re to mate, it will be easier in your evolved form. And between you and me, I… it will be my first time. I would prefer it if no one I knew was nearby,” she said, clutching her chest. Rune’s teeth were grating.

    “Why? Here I thought I was trying to be, you know, respectful and stuff, and then you just go and outright—”

    “You needn’t act a certain way. Please, just be yourself. That’s the Rune I longed to meet again.” She smiled again, beginning their walk out of town. Despite his opposition, Rune followed her, keeping beside her.

    “Okay. So are you like, secretly a pervert a something? That would explain the costume,” he groaned and scratched his head.

    “Not in the slightest! I’ve been worried more about our unison. I do not want to waste time with this marriage, and I have been thinking a lot about our two planets and their current status. I believe that if a child is born of both Eris and Faernia’s blood, they would act as a living symbol of our planets’ coexistence. Beyond that, between you and me, it a great excuse for us to bond and take this very seriously.”

    Rune didn’t reply.

    “Our marriage is for the purpose of uniting our two planets and keeping the universal peace that has kept us together for generations. To that I end, I am prepared to bear a child with you. Of course, that commitment requires both of our approval, so I am not about to pull you into something you are not prepared to do. At the very least, a marriage outside of the eyes of the public is preferable to me,” she said.

    “You’re super weird, you know that? I don’t know if anyone’s ever told you that.” Rune smiled as well now. “But I can tell you’ve thought this through. You’re a smart weird. You don’t actually like me at all, but you’re prepared to do all sorts of stuff to bring about peace.”

    “Well I wouldn’t say I don’t like you. I do, but only what I know of you from ten years ago. It would be best if we got to know each other properly, outside of the eyes and peer pressure of our armies and retainers. Don’t you think that’s a good idea?”

    “If you want my honest opinion, you’re flat out beautiful. I’m lucky you proposed to mate, rather than me having to be brave and do it!” he snickered. She didn’t reply, going flat faced. “Oh come on, don’t be like that. I was trying to jest, like my sister.”

    “I see,” she mumbled.

    “But it was an honest opinion,” he said, making her blush a bit. “Ariala. I can’t help but worry you’re pushing yourself in this ordeal. A child is a huge responsibility, let alone, mating with someone you barely know. Are you absolutely certain you’ve thought this through?”

    “Ever since I learnt about the proposition our parents made, I have been thinking about this. For the sake of our planets and peace, I am prepared to do much more,” she said, and then pointed to the left. “This way. The Evolution Spring is over here, hidden amongst the hills.”

    “You should know then, being around women is my weak point. Gentlemanly behaviour isn’t something I’m used to doing. Eris is a rough planet, and most of our families are forcefully bred. Those that aren’t are usually rearranged on some level. I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’m likely going to hurt you. I’m a fighter, not a lover.”

    “You say you aren’t gentlemanly, yet you’re worried about hurting me. That sounds gentlemanly enough to me.” She smiled.

    Rune froze. “I think you know what I’m trying to get at here, but you’re playing it smart to try and get things in your favour. You’re giving me a really deep proposition here, and having never been in a real relationship before, let alone mated, I’m worried I’ll hurt you if we go into things this quickly,” he said. He could feel himself becoming stiff in his movements, for some reason.

    “Are you saying you don’t want to mate?” she asked.

    “Look- no I- that’s—” he growled, and stopped to sigh. “You one-up me when it comes to this crown royalty business. I spent my years doing nothing but training to become a knight so that I could protect Pokémon in need, namely my sister. Me marrying you should be enough of an icon towards our planets’ coexistence. I could never actually be a worthwhile husband towards you.”

    “I beg to differ.” Ariala came to a stop at the top of a cave. The entrance was small and went straight down into the ground, sloping at such an angle that it looked more like a slide rather than a cave path. “Rune, just this conversation alone has shown me just how much care you have for me and this ordeal. I desperately want this for the sake of our planet’s peace.”

    “You’re really pushing it.” he looked away.

    “You’re correct. I am pushing too hard,” she gasped and slowed down. She went back to clutching her chest. “I won’t make any demands. But will you at least stay with me away from the others for a while?”

    “Why not? And to tell the truth, I’m pretty excited about this Master Seal. Why didn’t I think of a gift for you?” he said.

    “I’m glad you like it! I couldn’t think of anything else, ha ha.” she said.

    She walked slowly now, keeping her arms out beside her to maintain her balance. Rune followed once there was a good few paces between them, attempting to be as careful as her. He wound up immediately sliding down the slope, crying out to give a second of warning before crashing right into her behind. Him shoving her so suddenly made her lose her balance, and the duo went tumbling down the long slope at full speed.

    Rune eventually bounced off her and splashed into shallowed water, surprisingly not in as much pain as he thought he would be. He opened his eyes to find luminous moss squished below him, all of it bathed in a short layer of water.

    “Ow,” Ariala moaned, rubbing her side as she stood up.

    “Sorry about that, I wasn’t expecting it to be slippery!” he cried. She took a moment to collect herself and then faced forward and gasped, drawing his attention to where they were.

    The Evolution Spring was wider and more beautiful than he imagined. The luminous moss covered much of the cave’s flooring, all of it lightly covered by the same shallowed water. It gave the water an ethereal feel, while conveniently brightening the rest of the cave’s numerous paths and walls. It was spacious, clean, quiet, and best of all, cosy.

    The real surprise came from the creature levitating in the centre of the shallow lake, however. A watery maiden of a Pokémon watched them calmly, a lady with a dark body protected by two purple shells. Its arms were long and webbed, whilst lengthy, cyan hair strode down its sides. Its shell was covered with markings.

    “Tapu Fini,” Ariala whispered. Rune glanced at her, and then she got a hold of herself enough to bow and pray.

    “That’s Tapu Fini? One of the Goddesses of Faernia?” Rune gasped, glancing back and forth between her and the majestic water type.

    “Please. Calm yourselves,” Tapu Fini responded, laying a hand on its chest. Its voice was aged but powerful, retaining a calm serenity despite being loud. “Come, young couple. Stand before me.”

    “Yes. Rune,” Ariala said.

    He watched her unsurely, more taken by the way she skipped ahead, tapping right off the water. Her gait was fantastical and delicate, each far step leaving the lightest ripple across the water to create a careful pattern of sparkles and light across its surface. Just there and then, he could imagine her dancing across the surface of the spring, looking as beautiful and pure as a fairy in a storybook.

    He got a hold of himself and followed, but he couldn’t get that image out of his mind. Once they were face to face with Tapu Fini, the Tapu laid a hand on both of their heads, giving them a feathery tap. She was far bigger than Rune realised at first glance.

    “You are quite overwhelmed, aren’t you? Do not be alarmed, royal children. I am here as I have foreseen your future.” Tapu Fini gestured a smile at them. Although she had no visible mouth, her mature eyes gave it all away. “I am here to ensure that the future of this world goes as it should. Your actions tonight affect the future for many years to come, so they must not divert.”

    “You see, Tapu Fini can foretell the future. Many Pokémon from Faernia consult her for guidance, whilst she suggests paths for which we can prosper. When it’s really important, it is said that she goes out of her way to secure our future,” Ariala said.

    “I see. As a mythical Pokémon, I trust your abilities,” Rune replied, staring up at her.

    “The Tapu are also the ones to consult when it comes to using a seal. You can use your Master Seal right now if you want,” Ariala said.

    “Can I really? Right now, this very instant?” Rune gasped.

    “If you are qualified and have made this choice, then pray before me. Lay down your weapons and seal your path. If it as the gods will it, then you will evolve via my blessing,” Tapu Fini said.

    “Yes my lord,” Rune nodded.

    Ariala gave him space while he took off his sword and cape, carefully laying both down in front of him. They floated on the water’s surface. He then held the Master Seal with both hands, getting a nod from Tapu Fini on what to do with it. He shut his eyes and cast it up above him, and she snatched it into her shell. With that in place, he knelt down and prayed.

    Please almighty, grant me the strength to become a knight. Give me the power to protect those I hold dear to me. My family, my friends, my wife to be,” he told himself, keeping completely still.

    Tapu Fini began to circle the space above him, gradually releasing a golden glitter, the same gold as the Master Seal she had taken into her shell. The glitter showered directly over Rune, quickly causing his body to glow the same colour.

    “It’s working.” Ariala gawked as Rune’s form grew before her eyes.

    He grew taller and thinner, gained longer arms, and his head fur lost all form of control in its style. With a bright burst of light, Rune’s new body came into focus, revealing the proud, confident figure of a Dewott.

    “Stand,” Tapu Fini said, and Rune stood. He had to flick his head fur out of his face with a hand, eager to examine his new figure. He retrieved his sword and cape, and posed proudly with both.

    “I can already feel much stronger. I promise you that these new powers will not go to waste. This new path will be used to protect the world of Etheria. I swear it,” he said.

    “I do not know what served to change fate, but I should assure you, Ariala’s plans are those that should come to pass,” Tapu Fini continued.

    Rune’s mouth dropped. “Her plans? Wait you don’t mean us having a child?”

    “Yeah um, about that,” Ariala said, rubbing the side of her face. “I erm, initially wanted you to evolve to make that easier, but I see that it hasn’t made much of a difference.”

    “Hm?” Rune turned to face her. He still had to look up at her.

    “You’re not much taller than you were,” she said, blushing brightly.

    “Oh come on. I’m not exactly a midget compared to you now, am I?” he groaned.

    “The act will be performed tonight. Within a few weeks, a royal warrior will be born. It will be a boy of cyan fur, blessed by the constellations and defiant of nature’s laws. A symbol of peace and coexistence, he will lead his Pokémon, both ancestors and a new generation, to a future of prosperity and peace.” Tapu Fini laid a hand on her chest.

    Rune’s eyes widened and his face became stern. Tapu Fini ignored his obvious concern however, continuing to talk. “I will act as your priestess, if you are prepared to unite now.”

    “I see. Not only is the marriage the ideal of the king and queen, but it is as you will it,” Ariala copied Fini’s pose. “Rune, it is our tradition to follow the ideals of the gods who protect us. This is no longer my idea, but a requirement given to me by Tapu Fini herself.”

    “This is all moving pretty fast. I sort of understand what you’re saying, but a requirement? To make such a dedication by the words of a Goddess, don’t you think that’s quite extreme?” Rune said.

    “I can see why you would feel that way. However, consider this: it is this dedication to the guidance of our gods that has enabled Faernia to flourish as far as it has. I am willing to do as they will if it leads us to prosperity,” Ariala replied.

    Rune hesitated. “Don’t you think that’s a bit, I don’t know, sad? Yeah it’s made Faernia into this pretty world, but at the same time, you’re not living freely. You’re just doing what the Tapu tell you to do,” he said, looking down. “I… the idea of marrying someone because someone else told me to do it makes me feel like I’m being used.”

    “Rune!” Ariala cried.

    “That’s not to say I don’t want to. It’s just harder to do it now that a fancy goddess is telling me to. I respect your words and your position in this world. But that’s just how I feel. Back home, I was allowed to do whatever I wanted, and I learnt about life the hard way. That’s why I came to that personal decision of not thinking about a relationship until now. It was something I knew I didn’t need to live.”

    “I admire your honesty,” Ariala sighed and shut her eyes. “But I implore you to think again about the circumstances.”


    “Young prince of Eris, there is a way to assess your dedication, you know,” Tapu Fini spoke up. “Take Ariala’s hands into your own. Look each other in the eyes and embrace one another in tradition. Your planets both share the same tradition when it comes to showing one another’s affection.”

    “To kiss,” Rune whispered as he turned to Ariala. She did the same and then looked away, her cheeks going redder than ever. She couldn’t help but gasp girlishly, and tapped her cheeks in surprise of their sudden warmth.

    “I, I know what I have to do, but all of a sudden, I’m overwhelmed by nervousness?” she squeaked sharply. She gasped at that and put her hands together, unable to look at him. “I’m sorry; I am prepared for this, though!”

    “Wow, all it took was an invite to kiss and you broke?” Rune snickered. “Just hold my hands, then.”

    She went quiet and had to force herself to look at him. His confidence drove her to accept his hands one at a time, where she relaxed right away from how soft his grip was. The duo brought each other closer almost by reflex, so close to one another that their bellies were touching, noses centimetres apart. Now that they were there, Rune couldn’t help but look away himself, and let out a light groan.

    “Oh, you’re nervous now, too!” Ariala giggled.

    “N-no, it’s not that! It’s, well,” he gasped, facing her again. “Your… body is… surprisingly soft. In a good way.”

    Ariala let out the lightest sigh. “Rune.”

    “I’m not thinking dirty thoughts, I swear! I’m just not used to it. I don’t know if it’s a fairy thing or what.”


    “I’ve never known anyone to have such soft fur, not even sis! And she’s crazy about—”

    “Rune!” Ariala raised her voice. He gasped again, silenced by her quickness in leaning forward. She planted a kiss directly on his lips, freezing in place until he responded in kind, wrapping his arms around her and returning the affection.

    “A-Ariala,” he whispered once they broke free, keeping their arms wrapped around each other.

    “Do not think of it as acting against our will. This can work. The two of us wish for our world to prosper in an age of peace. To do that, we can devote ourselves to each other. If you are prepared to go that far, then I have no regret in saying that I love you,” she said, not blushing at all.

    “I’m willing to try. You’re right. That’s why I travelled all this way. To be with you, and to guide our planets to the future,” he replied, staring back. They faced each other for a few seconds more, not leaving each other’s embrace at all.

    Meanwhile, back at the Fantasia Port…

    “Gods, I can’t believe this. We leave them alone for a couple of hours and they disappear off the face of Faernia!” Ptero shouted, tossing his arms up. “And the worst part is Rune knows how much trouble we went through to get here!”

    “You went through trouble? It can’t be as hard as the prissy princess had it. I’m straight up under treason, here!” Tundra spat.

    “A little treason, huh? At least you’re not being forced to work against your will,” Shota growled.

    “You all, quit arguing and get searching! Her highness could be anywhere in town!” Naomi shouted at them all, stomping a hoof.

    “They’re not here, though. They didn’t leave a letter or anything,” Ptero said, leaning forward to scout out the distance anyway. Nothing but the casual festivity of the Fantasia Port in the morning: few groups of Pokémon taking care of morning chores, others preparing their stores for any morning customers.

    “Her highness normally goes out for walks at night. She’s a Clefable, it can’t be helped. They bathe in the moonlight and such. But even then, she’s normally well rested and back by the morning. I can’t even think where she could have gone this time, or why.” Vincent shook his head.

    “Isn’t that like, oh I don’t know, your freaking job? You’re their personal retainers!” Diantha cried. “And why do I have to search?”

    “Your brother is missing, too. He might even be looking for her. I don’t know how they got out so easily, there were guards around the entrance,” Naomi replied.

    “Actually, there weren’t any guards or patrols,” Nier said. Naomi’s eyes popped out with a scream. “Remember, she can hear far more precisely than we can. Patrols and guards and stuff keep her up at night, so she ordered us not to have them around.”

    “Urf, for real? This is such a bother,” Diantha groaned as she wandered off while the rest of them continued to squabble. She chose to scout a spot where no one else was looking, a road lined with shops and flashy signs. “He’s gotta be in one of these. Probably doing something corny and taking Ariala out for breakfast or something.”

    She glanced back at the others to ensure she wasn’t being followed and then took off with her hands tucked behind her head. With a yawn and a scratch, she lazily scanned her surroundings as she passed them, but didn’t spot anything of interest. Having explored the town yesterday, she had already grown tired of its limited shopping options and educational tourist attractions. That was until a great spot of darkness got her attention, and she shook her head to make sure she wasn’t seeing things.

    Nothing in the alleyway to her right. The street and the buildings by that alley were painted white, too. But that made Mirror’s familiar half black-half white mask stand out greatly, and she froze to the spot, overwhelmed by a horrible chill. She was out here, alone, and he was there, staring directly at her through that static mask of his from the roof of a building. It wasn’t until a full minute had passed without a single twitch from him that she realised what she was doing, and stepped backwards.

    “Come now. I know what you’re thinking, your highness,” Mirror said, calm and collected in tone. His mask was directly next to her, and all she did was blink and step backwards. She could feel his mane brushing her back, tickling that uncomfortable chill that was now burning her chest.

    “G-get away from me!” she coughed. He was gone again. She twisted, gasped, and stumbled, almost fell directly onto one of his paws.

    “You asked me a question the first time we met. I’m willing to answer, now,” he said. Her breathing was heavy, but she stayed quiet and listened. “You and I are closer than you think. We’re both time bombs. Switches of fate. Pokémon that threaten a delicate balance to the world.”

    “What’re you talking about?” She stumbled away. He followed her like a lion sneaking up on its prey.

    “You know exactly what I am talking about, your highness. The powers we have and their imbalance to the hierarchy. The very idea that we’re both alive is a threat to Etheria, and you know it,” he said. Every word was plain and controlled, echoing out from behind his mask with unreal stability. “I’m talking about your darkness, Diantha. It is time for a shift in the puzzle.”

    “You have it as well, don’t you? That’s what you’re trying to tell me. That shadow’s powers,” she replied in a saddened tone.

    “I have something to show you, your highness. Any and all questions will be answered this following day,” he said. “And don’t pretend you have a choice in the matter. A single step out of line, and I will kill you myself. It is every bit important that Rune be tested.”


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