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    Every year, the number of Mystery Dungeons grows. It has become increasingly difficult to travel without having to pass through at least one. As is in the name, what causes these dungeons to form is still a mystery. And because they ignore the natural laws of the world, it makes it hard to research their nature. We could spend days presenting our theories about their nature, about what caused the dungeon’s creation, and for what reason they expand, but that is not what you’re here for.

    If you’ve picked up this book, the odds are that you are a traveler that may have to pass through Mystery Dungeons in your trade. Or else you have some other reason for entering dungeons. Whether you’re a rescuer, an explorer, a harvester, law enforcement, or you have some other reason for entering the dangerous labyrinths, knowledge of dungeon items can save your life. Whatever reason you may have, you must be prepared for the danger that lies inside. Carrying equipment is one of the many parts of preparation.

    But as you know, there are many pieces of equipment that can be found within dungeons. And when you can only carry so much, sometimes you may be forced to choose between picking up different items you find within the dungeon. But how can you choose, if you don’t recognize one of the items?

    I, Alex, Porygon unit #00201304 have compiled a guide in hopes of helping you identify these items, so that you may make better-informed decisions. This guide also includes information on uses both within and outside of dungeons, as well as information on where they can commonly be found. We will go through berries, seeds, food, concoctions, scarves and bands, spectacles, flags, looplets, orbs, wands, and emeras. Items that only affect certain pokemon types, such as defend globes, or only certain families, such as luxray fangs, will not be covered in this book, and instead are covered in their own volume, due to the sheer number of these items, as well as their relative rarity.

    To begin, we will talk about one of the most common types of items: berries.


    Measures – the primary unit of length measurement. Translates roughly to one meter.

    Cutiefly Measures – a smaller measurement of length. Translates roughly to one centimeter.


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