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    179 Results in the "Story" fandom

    Comic (9)
    • Chapter

      Chapter 14 - The Aegis and The GrasshopperChapter 14 – The Aegis and The Grasshopper

      Chapter 14 – The Aegis and The Grasshopper Cover
      by Cedsy “Are you sure that you’ll be alright by yourselves?” Eri responds, brushing Rosemary's leaves off her shoulders. “Yes, Rosemary. Positive.” A claw grabs hold of her leaf, drawing her attention to Samuel. “Come on, Rose. Can’t tie them down forever. Now that Bryon is out of the way, we have a lot less to worry about.” “They grow up so fast...” She puts a leaf to her face and pulls herself against Samuel’s shoulder. With an unamused look, Eri walks past her and toward the…
      Story • Altaria • Cinccino • Clefable • Ditto • Gengar • Gliscor • Kleavor • Liepard • Lilligant • Pawmot • Rhydon • Sandslash • Weavile
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      Donny, the Granbull

      Donny, the Granbull Cover
      by JuegAriel “Yo, Rune! Pour me another one, will ya?” “You’ve already drunk three, Donny.” “You want the money or not?” Shaking her head, the Banette grabbed a bottle from behind and reluctantly filled my glass with its contents. “But this is the last one, you got me? Can’t have you pass out in the middle of the bar. Again.” I could tell she was being serious, but all I could do in response was let a hearty chuckle out. It was always a good time to be in here with all my peeps. Well,…
      Story • Garchomp • Gothitelle • Heatmor
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      [A Bleached Sanctuary] (Part 2)

      [A Bleached Sanctuary] (Part 2) Cover
      by acti_nerdington Crick! His eyes dart open. What was that? His slumber hadn't exactly been restful, so it didn't take much for him to wake up. That sound. Was it a twig snapping in the woods? His eyes slowly glance around the village. Everyone is sleeping, dreaming, all nestled in their tents, the ones outside laying on blankets. ...Except Ogerpon, who's laying flat on her back in the middle of the grass. Does she always sleep like that? He keeps his guard up, eyes sweeping the area, making…
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      Chapter 4: Beginning of a JourneyChapter 4: Beginning of a Journey

      Chapter 4: Beginning of a Journey Cover
      by Nameless309 Until late in the evening, Sparx, Yeaf and Ardin helped all the other inhabitants to get Treasure Town back on its feet, at least to a minimum. It was an exhausting day, both for limbs and psyches, marked by much fatigue and deep sadness for all that was lost. If nothing else, there were no further shocks. Chansey and anyone who could did their utmost for the wounded. Not everything could be taken care of instantly, such as Chatot's broken wing, but at least it was possible to provide medical care to…
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      The Siege of Western Grandeport

      The Siege of Western Grandeport Cover
      by youngmanymca Bang bang bang! Andrew looked up from his desk toward his office door. He was clutching a pencil between his fingers, and a piece of paper crudely depicting the forested landscape beyond the walls of the castle rested below him.I wonder who that could be.“Come in~!” he yelled cheerfully. Andrew was in an oddly good mood, in spite of the fact whoever was at the door had demanded his attention only a half hour before lunch. There had been no incidents in the past month of winter. No mass protests,…
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      Journal excerpt #4

      Journal excerpt #4 Cover
      by 1571 A small mention of note before you can delve into this excerpt: from this point onwards, unless explicitly mentioned, I have not read Anna’s journal. These excerpts have been added after the fact with her permission — of course, what kind of historian would I be if I did not include more than one point of view? 05 APRIL 2024 TEAM JOURNAL. SO QUAINT A NAME FOR SO GREAT A PURPOSE. PREPARE FOR THE WORST, THAT YOU MIGHT SUCCEED WHEN THE TIME COMES. I’m just going to ignore that, I…
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      CHAPTER I — New Beginnings

      CHAPTER I — New Beginnings Cover
      by Macabre Majesty A small, blue elephant Pokémon waddles to the entrance of one of many mystery dungeons, the Coconut Hill. She lifts her trunk to adjust the purple and yellow beret on her head, and she puts on a confident smile, studying the hill in front of her. "This is it," she says, talking to herself. "After all your training, now you can prove your worth here. The time has finally come. You're ready now...and hyped! You can do this, Phanpy..." She keeps talking to herself, assuring herself for good luck, until…
      Story • Murkrow • Phanpy • Pidgeotto • Riolu
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      12: Last Chance

      12: Last Chance Cover
      by alexrusset Thunder It has been four days since he was locked away in this tent. Four days without the ability to contact Alex. No way to warn him about what was coming. Every waking moment was spent worrying. Is he alive? Did he miraculously find a way to stop the carnage? Or is his body lying broken, discarded and forgotten on the shore of Cerulean Lake? No... no he must be alive. Being poisoned didn't stop him. Being impaled and nearly bleeding out didn't stop him. Kyurem didn't stop him. Heck, not even a…
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      Chapter 27: Divided We Stand

      Chapter 27: Divided We Stand Cover
      by LukerUpgradez Chapter 27: Divided We Stand Jermy was starting to regret his choice to sleep through most of the day. Now that it was night, he couldn’t drop if he wanted to. The pikachu slumped, shivering a little in the cold night. The five of them were gathered in a circle underneath a tree, dark enough to keep them out of sight. Terrakion had proposed a small fire, but there was no way they could put one together without possibly alerting soldiers to their location. That collapsed base was behind them now. OCEAN…