The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    • Chapter

      Burns Like Beautiful Poison

      Burns Like Beautiful Poison Cover
      by MalwareBirb404 It was a new morning within the Third Layer of Inferno’s maw, or at least that’s what Brine could assume. The Inteleon wasn’t used to spending so much time underground, even if he had only arrived the day before. All times of day looked the same to him as the stagnant purple glow lingered in the air. He didn’t like it. His accommodations however were more tolerable, having slept in worse places than what amounted to an attic. Nearly every surface was covered in dust, and the wooden panels that made…
      Action • Adventure • Crime • Non-Human • Aggron • Arbok • Emboar • Garchomp • Gengar • Grafaiai • Infernape • Inteleon • Mismagius • Salazzle • Toxtricity
    • Story

      Pokemar Book II: Munna’s Retrubution

      Pokemar Book II: Munna’s Retrubution Cover
      by alexrusset With the Bittercold crisis at its end, Munna and her gang must readapt to their old life. However, this is not likely to happen. Not when her past crimes are shaping her future. An Empoleon has emerged, and she wants Munna’s head on a silver platter. She wants her to feel the pain she put her through. Munna must fight her and her own guilt to survive… And perhaps return a forgotten friend… (Book 2/10)
      Story • Action • Adventure • Empoleon • Munna • Pikachu • Purugly • Salamance • Toxicroak