The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    • Chapter

      ARC 1, CHAPTER 10

      ARC 1, CHAPTER 10 Cover
      by zuperZACH “Hello, Anonami. This is Project Moonlight’s wonderful leader here. I’m here to tell you all that this world is now ours. All of you feeble creatures will now answer to us, your queens, or you will suffer the consequences. As for this world, well, we’ll do whatever we want to it… and for starters, I think it would be fun to shake this place up a bit! Bye bye for now… if you survive!” Laughter could be heard throughout the entire region. From here, the Dreamsavers could see the…
      Action • Psychological • Alolan Vulpix • Arceus • Eevee • Furret • Gallade • Greninja • Hattrem • Jigglypuff • Sylveon
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      ARC 1, CHAPTER 9

      ARC 1, CHAPTER 9 Cover
      by zuperZACH “Alright! We all ready for this?” Lofty adjusted her beret as she turned to everyone. She had waited for everyone else to wake up after getting up at the crack of dawn. She was patient, and went about her morning routine as she waited. Now the sun was high in the sky, and everyone was ready to finish this… hopefully. After getting confirmation from everyone, Lofty led the group off to their destination. That destination wasn’t exactly clear, though. They just had to have faith. “L-Lofty,…
      Action • Aegislash • Alolan Vulpix • Altaria • Arceus • Charizard • Eevee • Frogadier • Furret • Gallade • Greninja • Hattrem • Jigglypuff • Silvally • Sylveon
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      Chapter 13 - MindpitChapter 13 – Mindpit

      Chapter 13 – Mindpit Cover
      by danirbu Dreams are so weird. They're just a projection of one's subconscious, showing thoughts, wishes, goals, or even fears, that sometimes we don't even know they exist. Others think dreams might be a brief connection to another world, a different reality where everything you know is upside down. Is it better than your reality? Is it worse? If that were the case… What if you were stuck in that reality and you could never wake up? Ari had met that terrible outcome, and no one could understand why. Dreams…
      Story • Archen • Riolu • Toxtricity • Zangoose
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      Anthrodynia Cover
      by DoomHuntley It’s a new day. I ran my webbed hands along the smooth wood as I climbed the stairs of the ship. The captain’s quarters were empty; Drake must have gone for one of his swims. My body naturally swayed side to side, compensating for the motion of the waves that never came. We’ll be settin’ off in a few hours, won’t we? I had half a mind to go down to the bulwark and wake the rest of the crew. Some were already shuffling about below-decks, but none of them were entirely awake. Not like…
      Short Story • Mienfoo • Politoed • Quaquaval
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      Chapter 6 - The Best or the WorstChapter 6 – The Best or the Worst

      Chapter 6 – The Best or the Worst Cover
      by danirbu I'm in Ren's room, lying in his bed, lost in thoughts. It's a well illuminated room with a single bed, a desk and a shelf with many books right next to a big window. The white walls with the sea pattern on the bottom makes for a perfect ambience for relaxing after a stressful day. Ren is reading a book in his desk, very focused, so I just stay silent for a longer while. He finally shuts down the book and looks at me. "Hey, are you still thinking about her?" It's kinda concerning, the way he…
      School Life • Ampharos • Archen • Brionne • Cyclizar • Decidueye • Grapploct • Meowstic • Reuniclus • Riolu • Scrafty • Seviper • Toxtricity • Zangoose
    • Story

      PMD: Powered Investigations

      PMD: Powered Investigations Cover
      by danirbu A weird-looking Riolu and an anxious Archen join an investigation academy in an attempt to find their purpose in life. Together, they’ll tackle on the biggest mysteries of an ever-changing world. Little do they know their new role will be key to uncover a world-ending conspiracy.
      Story • Action • Adventure • Detective • Drama • Mystery • Non-Human • Psychological • Archen • Brionne • Cyclizar • Decidueye • Meowstic • Riolu • Scrafty • Toxtricity • Weavile • Zangoose
    • Story

      Pathways to Arcadia

      Pathways to Arcadia Cover
      by inkedust A long, long time ago, the Moon heralded the dawn, the Sun was sealed in a mirror, and a Star fell from the sky. That was the legend that defined all of Kythra. A testament of peace that stood unchallenged by the passage of time. But something is beginning to stir. The peace that Kythra is built upon will be challenged by the winds of change. A new legend is being written.
      Story • Adventure • Isekai • Post Apocalyptic • Cubone • Koraidon • Riolu • Sneasel • Vulpix • Zorua
    • Chapter

      Part Three (Finale)

      Part Three (Finale) Cover
      by canisaries Zapdos let out a screech. A pure, unfiltered, primal screech. As his feathers lit up again, Carrie quickly skittered behind the closest pillar, even if she knew she was no longer the target. Another crack rang out, accompanied by a flash, though both of these were now weaker. Swishing of wings and clacks of talons followed as the birds leapt and glid around the hall in battle - or more of a chase, as Bouquatro only avoided attacks or disrupted them with more leaves. Either way, Zapdos seemed fully…
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      Part Two

      Part Two Cover
      by canisaries The day passed much more quickly than Carrie had anticipated. Time flew when there were so many wonders to behold on Bouquatro's island. The flowers on the bird's chest, resplendent as they were, paled in comparison to what the island's jungle held within. Any kind of flower one could imagine - at least Carrie, with her limited experience - had a match in this paradise. The same went for fruits, trees, bushes, grasses, mosses… and it all added up once Carrie asked a question on her mind and received the…
    • Story


      Bouquatro Cover
      by canisaries A story about a lowly Dwebble and the fourth legendary bird.
      Story • Adventure • Drama • Non-Human • Dwebble • Zapdos